Beispiel #1
int MakeSizeString(char *buf, _int64 size, int flg)
    if (size >= 1024 * 1024)
        if (flg & MSS_NOPOINT)
            return	wsprintf(buf, "%d%sMB", (int)(size / 1024 / 1024), flg & MSS_SPACE ? " " : "");
            return	wsprintf(buf, "%d.%d%sMB", (int)(size / 1024 / 1024), (int)((size * 10 / 1024 / 1024) % 10), flg & MSS_SPACE ? " " : "");
    else return	wsprintf(buf, "%d%sKB", (int)(ALIGN_BLOCK(size, 1024)), flg & MSS_SPACE ? " " : "");
Beispiel #2
static t_Error DebugMemPut(t_Handle h_Mem, void *p_Block)
    t_MemorySegment *p_Mem = (t_MemorySegment *)h_Mem;
    t_MemDbg        *p_MemDbg = (t_MemDbg *)p_Mem->p_MemDbg;
    uint32_t        blockIndex;
    uint8_t         *p_Temp;

    /* Find block num */
    if (p_Mem->consecutiveMem)
        blockIndex =
            (((uint8_t *)p_Block - (p_Mem->p_Bases[0] + p_Mem->blockOffset)) / p_Mem->blockSize);

        if (blockIndex >= p_Mem->num)
                         ("Freed address (0x%08x) does not belong to this pool", p_Block));
        blockIndex = *(uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_Block - 4);

        if (blockIndex >= p_Mem->num)
                         ("Freed address (0x%08x) does not belong to this pool", p_Block));

        /* Verify that the block matches the corresponding base */
        p_Temp = p_Mem->p_Bases[blockIndex];

        ALIGN_BLOCK(p_Temp, p_Mem->prefixSize, p_Mem->alignment);

        if (p_Temp == p_Mem->p_Bases[blockIndex])
            p_Temp += p_Mem->alignment;

        if (p_Temp != p_Block)
                         ("Freed address (0x%08x) does not belong to this pool", p_Block));

    if (p_MemDbg[blockIndex].ownerAddress == ILLEGAL_BASE)
                     ("Attempt to free unallocated address (0x%08x)", p_Block));

    p_MemDbg[blockIndex].ownerAddress = (uintptr_t)ILLEGAL_BASE;

    return E_OK;
Beispiel #3
void MEM_CheckLeaks(t_Handle h_Mem)
    t_MemorySegment *p_Mem = (t_MemorySegment *)h_Mem;
    t_MemDbg        *p_MemDbg = (t_MemDbg *)p_Mem->p_MemDbg;
    uint8_t         *p_Block;
    int             i;


    if (p_Mem->consecutiveMem)
        for (i=0; i < p_Mem->num; i++)
            if (p_MemDbg[i].ownerAddress != ILLEGAL_BASE)
                /* Find the block address */
                p_Block = ((p_Mem->p_Bases[0] + p_Mem->blockOffset) +
                           (i * p_Mem->blockSize));

                XX_Print("MEM leak: 0x%08x, Caller address: 0x%08x\n",
                         p_Block, p_MemDbg[i].ownerAddress);
        for (i=0; i < p_Mem->num; i++)
            if (p_MemDbg[i].ownerAddress != ILLEGAL_BASE)
                /* Find the block address */
                p_Block = p_Mem->p_Bases[i];

                ALIGN_BLOCK(p_Block, p_Mem->prefixSize, p_Mem->alignment);

                if (p_Block == p_Mem->p_Bases[i])
                    p_Block += p_Mem->alignment;

                XX_Print("MEM leak: 0x%08x, Caller address: 0x%08x\n",
                         p_Block, p_MemDbg[i].ownerAddress);
Beispiel #4
t_Error MEM_InitSmart(char      name[],
                      t_Handle  *p_Handle,
                      uint32_t  num,
                      uint16_t  dataSize,
                      uint16_t  prefixSize,
                      uint16_t  postfixSize,
                      uint16_t  alignment,
                      uint8_t   memPartitionId,
                      bool      consecutiveMem)
    t_MemorySegment *p_Mem;
    uint32_t        i, blockSize;
    uint16_t        alignPad, endPad;

    /* prepare in case of error */
    *p_Handle = NULL;

    /* make sure that size is always a multiple of 4 */
    if (dataSize & 3)
        dataSize &= ~3;
        dataSize += 4;

    /* make sure that the alignment is at least 4 and power of 2 */
    if (alignment < 4)
        alignment = 4;
    else if (!POWER_OF_2(alignment))
        RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_INVALID_VALUE, ("Alignment (should be power of 2)"));

    /* first allocate the segment descriptor */
    p_Mem = (t_MemorySegment *)XX_Malloc(sizeof(t_MemorySegment));
    if (!p_Mem)
        RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_NO_MEMORY, ("Memory segment structure"));

    /* allocate the blocks stack */
    p_Mem->p_BlocksStack = (uint8_t **)XX_Malloc(num * sizeof(uint8_t*));
    if (!p_Mem->p_BlocksStack)
        RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_NO_MEMORY, ("Memory segment block pointers stack"));

    /* allocate the blocks bases array */
    p_Mem->p_Bases = (uint8_t **)XX_Malloc((consecutiveMem ? 1 : num) * sizeof(uint8_t*));
    if (!p_Mem->p_Bases)
        RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_NO_MEMORY, ("Memory segment base pointers array"));
    memset(p_Mem->p_Bases, 0, (consecutiveMem ? 1 : num) * sizeof(uint8_t*));

    /* store info about this segment */
    p_Mem->num = num;
    p_Mem->current = 0;
    p_Mem->dataSize = dataSize;
    p_Mem->getFailures = 0;
    p_Mem->allocOwner = e_MEM_ALLOC_OWNER_LOCAL_SMART;
    p_Mem->consecutiveMem = consecutiveMem;
    p_Mem->prefixSize = prefixSize;
    p_Mem->postfixSize = postfixSize;
    p_Mem->alignment = alignment;

    p_Mem->h_Spinlock = XX_InitSpinlock();
    if (!p_Mem->h_Spinlock)
        RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_INVALID_STATE, ("Can't create spinlock!"));

    alignPad = (uint16_t)PAD_ALIGNMENT(4, prefixSize);
    /* Make sure the entire size is a multiple of alignment */
    endPad = (uint16_t)PAD_ALIGNMENT(alignment, alignPad + prefixSize + dataSize + postfixSize);

    /* Calculate blockSize */
    blockSize = (uint32_t)(alignPad + prefixSize + dataSize + postfixSize + endPad);

    /* Now allocate the blocks */
    if (p_Mem->consecutiveMem)
        /* |alignment - 1| bytes at most will be discarded in the beginning of the
           received segment for alignment reasons, therefore the allocation is of:
           (alignment + (num * block size)). */
        uint8_t *p_Blocks = (uint8_t *)
            XX_MallocSmart((uint32_t)((num * blockSize) + alignment), memPartitionId, 1);
        if (!p_Blocks)
            RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_NO_MEMORY, ("Memory segment blocks"));

        /* Store the memory segment address */
        p_Mem->p_Bases[0] = p_Blocks;

        /* The following manipulation places the data of block[0] in an aligned address,
           since block size is aligned the following block datas will all be aligned.*/
        ALIGN_BLOCK(p_Blocks, prefixSize, alignment);

        /* initialize the blocks */
        for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
            p_Mem->p_BlocksStack[i] = p_Blocks;
            p_Blocks += blockSize;

        p_Mem->blockOffset = (uint32_t)(p_Mem->p_BlocksStack[0] - p_Mem->p_Bases[0]);
        p_Mem->blockSize = blockSize;
#endif /* DEBUG_MEM_LEAKS */
        /* |alignment - 1| bytes at most will be discarded in the beginning of the
           received segment for alignment reasons, therefore the allocation is of:
           (alignment + block size). */
        for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
            uint8_t *p_Block = (uint8_t *)
                XX_MallocSmart((uint32_t)(blockSize + alignment), memPartitionId, 1);
            if (!p_Block)
                RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_NO_MEMORY, ("Memory segment blocks"));

            /* Store the memory segment address */
            p_Mem->p_Bases[i] = p_Block;

            /* The following places the data of each block in an aligned address */
            ALIGN_BLOCK(p_Block, prefixSize, alignment);

            /* Need 4 bytes before the meaningful bytes to store the block index.
               We know we have them because alignment is at least 4 bytes. */
            if (p_Block == p_Mem->p_Bases[i])
                p_Block += alignment;

            *(uint32_t *)(p_Block - 4) = i;
#endif /* DEBUG_MEM_LEAKS */

            p_Mem->p_BlocksStack[i] = p_Block;

    /* store name */
    strncpy(p_Mem->name, name, MEM_MAX_NAME_LENGTH-1);

    /* return handle to caller */
    *p_Handle = (t_Handle)p_Mem;

        t_Error errCode = InitMemDebugDatabase(p_Mem);

        if (errCode != E_OK)
            RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, errCode, NO_MSG);
#endif /* DEBUG_MEM_LEAKS */

    return E_OK;
Beispiel #5
t_Error MEM_InitByAddress(char      name[],
                          t_Handle  *p_Handle,
                          uint32_t  num,
                          uint16_t  dataSize,
                          uint16_t  prefixSize,
                          uint16_t  postfixSize,
                          uint16_t  alignment,
                          uint8_t   *p_Memory)
    t_MemorySegment *p_Mem;
    uint32_t        i, blockSize;
    uint16_t        alignPad, endPad;
    uint8_t         *p_Blocks;

     /* prepare in case of error */
    *p_Handle = NULL;

    if (!p_Memory)
        RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_NULL_POINTER, ("Memory blocks"));

    p_Blocks = p_Memory;

    /* make sure that the alignment is at least 4 and power of 2 */
    if (alignment < 4)
        alignment = 4;
    else if (!POWER_OF_2(alignment))
        RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_INVALID_VALUE, ("Alignment (should be power of 2)"));

    /* first allocate the segment descriptor */
    p_Mem = (t_MemorySegment *)XX_Malloc(sizeof(t_MemorySegment));
    if (!p_Mem)
        RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_NO_MEMORY, ("Memory segment structure"));

    /* allocate the blocks stack */
    p_Mem->p_BlocksStack = (uint8_t **)XX_Malloc(num * sizeof(uint8_t*));
    if (!p_Mem->p_BlocksStack)
        RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_NO_MEMORY, ("Memory segment block pointers stack"));

    /* allocate the blocks bases array */
    p_Mem->p_Bases = (uint8_t **)XX_Malloc(sizeof(uint8_t*));
    if (!p_Mem->p_Bases)
        RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_NO_MEMORY, ("Memory segment base pointers array"));
    memset(p_Mem->p_Bases, 0, sizeof(uint8_t*));

    /* store info about this segment */
    p_Mem->num = num;
    p_Mem->current = 0;
    p_Mem->dataSize = dataSize;
    p_Mem->p_Bases[0] = p_Blocks;
    p_Mem->getFailures = 0;
    p_Mem->allocOwner = e_MEM_ALLOC_OWNER_EXTERNAL;
    p_Mem->consecutiveMem = TRUE;
    p_Mem->prefixSize = prefixSize;
    p_Mem->postfixSize = postfixSize;
    p_Mem->alignment = alignment;
    /* store name */
    strncpy(p_Mem->name, name, MEM_MAX_NAME_LENGTH-1);

    p_Mem->h_Spinlock = XX_InitSpinlock();
    if (!p_Mem->h_Spinlock)
        RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, E_INVALID_STATE, ("Can't create spinlock!"));

    alignPad = (uint16_t)PAD_ALIGNMENT(4, prefixSize);
    /* Make sure the entire size is a multiple of alignment */
    endPad = (uint16_t)PAD_ALIGNMENT(alignment, (alignPad + prefixSize + dataSize + postfixSize));

    /* The following manipulation places the data of block[0] in an aligned address,
       since block size is aligned the following block datas will all be aligned */
    ALIGN_BLOCK(p_Blocks, prefixSize, alignment);

    blockSize = (uint32_t)(alignPad + prefixSize + dataSize + postfixSize + endPad);

    /* initialize the blocks */
    for (i=0; i < num; i++)
        p_Mem->p_BlocksStack[i] = p_Blocks;
        p_Blocks += blockSize;

    /* return handle to caller */
    *p_Handle = (t_Handle)p_Mem;

        t_Error errCode = InitMemDebugDatabase(p_Mem);

        if (errCode != E_OK)
            RETURN_ERROR(MAJOR, errCode, NO_MSG);

        p_Mem->blockOffset = (uint32_t)(p_Mem->p_BlocksStack[0] - p_Mem->p_Bases[0]);
        p_Mem->blockSize = blockSize;
#endif /* DEBUG_MEM_LEAKS */

    return E_OK;