int comsumerth(void){
    int i=0;
    char result;
    int angle=10;
    int initialp=90;
    int m=90;
    float SM_1_duty ;	/* Servomotor 1 , connect to ePWM0A */
    //dequeue the data from buffer for 3000 times.
    SM_1_duty = 100.0 - ((SRV_0/PER) + (initialp/180.0) * ((SRV_180-SRV_0)/PER))*100.0;
    printf("Angle : %d , duty : %f\n" ,initialp ,SM_1_duty);
    BBBIO_PWMSS_Setting(BBBIO_PWMSS0 , FRQ, SM_1_duty , SM_1_duty); /* Set up PWM */
    BBBIO_ehrPWM_Enable(BBBIO_PWMSS0); /* Enable PWM, generate waveform */
	sleep(2); /* Allow time for servo to settle and for humans to see something. */
    for (i=0;i<20;i++)
        printf("instruction dequeue: %c\n",result);
        if (result=='L')
    	    /* Calculate duty cycle */
    		/* Note: the 100-X duty cyle is to account for the level shifter that inverts */
    		SM_1_duty = 100.0 - ((SRV_0/PER) + (m/180.0) * ((SRV_180-SRV_0)/PER))*100.0;
    		printf("Angle : %d , duty : %f\n" ,m ,SM_1_duty);
    	    BBBIO_PWMSS_Setting(BBBIO_PWMSS0 , FRQ, SM_1_duty , SM_1_duty); /* Set up PWM */
    		BBBIO_ehrPWM_Enable(BBBIO_PWMSS0); /* Enable PWM, generate waveform */
    		sleep(2); /* Allow time for servo to settle and for humans to see something. */
        else if (result=='R')
    	    /* Calculate duty cycle */
    		/* Note: the 100-X duty cyle is to account for the level shifter that inverts */
    		SM_1_duty = 100.0 - ((SRV_0/PER) + (m/180.0) * ((SRV_180-SRV_0)/PER))*100.0;
    		printf("Angle : %d , duty : %f\n" ,m ,SM_1_duty);
    	    BBBIO_PWMSS_Setting(BBBIO_PWMSS0 , FRQ, SM_1_duty , SM_1_duty); /* Set up PWM */
    		BBBIO_ehrPWM_Enable(BBBIO_PWMSS0); /* Enable PWM, generate waveform */
    		sleep(2); /* Allow time for servo to settle and for humans to see something. */
    return 0;
 * Class:     io_silverspoon_bulldog_beagleboneblack_jni_NativePwm
 * Method:    enable
 * Signature: (I)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_io_silverspoon_bulldog_beagleboneblack_jni_NativePwm_enable
  (JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz, jint pwmId) {