 * @brief This function Reads bit value at given address
 * @param Address   SRAM or Peripheral Address
 *                  Can choose any address between :
 *                  0x20000000 - 0x2001FFFC             |  for SRAM
 *                  0x40000000 - 0x40007FFC : APB1      |
 *                  0x40010000 - 0x40057fff : APB2      | for Peripheral
 *                  0x40020000 - 0x4007FFFC : AHB1      |
 *                  or Use Register Address: (uint32_t)&(GPIOD->BSRR)
 * @param pin       Pin Value from Word
 * @return  Bit Value
uint32_t Bitband_Getbit(uint32_t Address, uint8_t pin)
    uint32_t test = 0;
    if (Address >= 0x20000000 && Address <= 0x2001FFFC)
        test = BITBAND_SRAM_GetBit(Address, pin);
    else if((Address >= 0x40000000 && Address <= 0x40007FFC) || (Address >= 0x40010000 && Address <= 0x40057fff)
            ||(Address >= 0x40020000 && Address <= 0x4007FFFC))
        test = BITBAND_Peri_GetBit(Address, pin);
    return test;
 * @brief		c_entry: main function
 * @param[in]	none
 * @return 		int
int c_entry(void) { /* Main Program */

	uint32_t temp;

	/* Initialize debug via UART0
	 * – 115200bps
	 * – 8 data bit
	 * – No parity
	 * – 1 stop bit
	 * – No flow control
	//print menu

	/* test Bit-banding SRAM first --------------------------------------------------------- */
	_DBG_("Test bit-band SRAM... ");

	//read variable at VAR_ADDRESS
	temp = (*(volatile uint32_t *)(VAR_ADDRESS));
	//print temp value
	_DBG("The value at address "); _DBH32(VAR_ADDRESS); _DBG(": ");
	_DBH32(temp); _DBG_("");

	/* Use bitband function to read VAR_BIT value */
	_DBG("Use bit-band function to get value at bit 3: ");_DBG_("");
	_DBH32(temp); _DBG_("");

	/* clear bit */
	/* re-read temp value */
	temp = (*(volatile uint32_t *)(VAR_ADDRESS));
	_DBG("Value after clear bit 3 value by using bit-band function: ");_DBG_("");
	_DBH32(temp); _DBG_("");

	/* Set bit */
	/* re-read temp value */
	temp = (*(volatile uint32_t *)(VAR_ADDRESS));
	_DBG("Value after set bit 3 value by using bit-band function: ");_DBG_("");
	_DBH32(temp); _DBG_("");

	/* Then, test Bit-banding PERI --------------------------------------------------------- */
	_DBG_("Test bit-band PERIPHERAL... ");

	LPC_SPI->SPCR =(1<<5)|(1<<3)|(10<<8);

	/* Read the current value of peripheral register */
	temp = (*(volatile uint32_t *)(PERI_ADDRESS));
	_DBG("The value of peripheral register at "); _DBH32(PERI_ADDRESS); _DBG(": ");_DBG_("");
	_DBH32(temp); _DBG_("");

	/* Use bitband function to read VAR_BIT value */
	_DBG("Use bit-band function to get value at bit 5: ");_DBG_(""); _DBH32(temp); _DBG_("");

	/* clear bit */
	/* re-read temp value */
	temp = (*(volatile uint32_t *)(PERI_ADDRESS));
	_DBG("Peripheral register after clear bit 5 value by using bit-band function: ");_DBG_("");
	_DBH32(temp); _DBG_("");

	/* Set bit */
	/* re-read temp value */
	temp = (*(volatile uint32_t *)(PERI_ADDRESS));
	_DBG("Peripheral register after set bit 5 value by using bit-band function: ");_DBG_("");
	_DBH32(temp); _DBG_("");

	while (1);
	return 0;