Beispiel #1
/* groups display their internal tree name as label */
void node_group_label(bNodeTree *UNUSED(ntree), bNode *node, char *label, int maxlen)
	BLI_strncpy(label, (node->id) ? node->id->name + 2 : IFACE_("Missing Datablock"), maxlen);
Beispiel #2
int fluidsimBake(bContext *C, ReportList *reports, Object *fsDomain)
	Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C);
	int i;
	FluidsimSettings *domainSettings;

	char debugStrBuffer[256];
	int gridlevels = 0;
	const char *strEnvName = "BLENDER_ELBEEMDEBUG"; // from blendercall.cpp
	const char *suffixConfig = FLUID_SUFFIX_CONFIG;
	const char *suffixSurface = FLUID_SUFFIX_SURFACE;

	char targetDir[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE];  // store & modify output settings
	char targetFile[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; // temp. store filename from targetDir for access
	int  outStringsChanged = 0;             // modified? copy back before baking

	float domainMat[4][4];
	float invDomMat[4][4];

	int noFrames;
	int origFrame = scene->r.cfra;
	FluidAnimChannels *channels = MEM_callocN(sizeof(FluidAnimChannels), "fluid domain animation channels");
	ListBase *fobjects = MEM_callocN(sizeof(ListBase), "fluid objects");
	FluidsimModifierData *fluidmd = NULL;
	Mesh *mesh = NULL;
	wmJob *steve;
	FluidBakeJob *fb;
	elbeemSimulationSettings *fsset= MEM_callocN(sizeof(elbeemSimulationSettings), "Fluid sim settings");
	steve= WM_jobs_get(CTX_wm_manager(C), CTX_wm_window(C), scene, "Fluid Simulation", WM_JOB_PROGRESS);
	fb= MEM_callocN(sizeof(FluidBakeJob), "fluid bake job");
	if(getenv(strEnvName)) {
		int dlevel = atoi(getenv(strEnvName));
		snprintf(debugStrBuffer,256,"fluidsimBake::msg: Debug messages activated due to envvar '%s'\n",strEnvName); 
	/* make sure it corresponds to startFrame setting (old: noFrames = scene->r.efra - scene->r.sfra +1) */;
	noFrames = scene->r.efra - 0;
	if(noFrames<=0) {
		BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "No frames to export - check your animation range settings.");
		fluidbake_free_data(channels, fobjects, fsset, fb);
		return 0;
	/* check scene for sane object/modifier settings */
	if (!fluid_validate_scene(reports, scene, fsDomain)) {
		fluidbake_free_data(channels, fobjects, fsset, fb);
		return 0;
	/* these both have to be valid, otherwise we wouldnt be here */
	fluidmd = (FluidsimModifierData *)modifiers_findByType(fsDomain, eModifierType_Fluidsim);
	domainSettings = fluidmd->fss;
	mesh = fsDomain->data;
	domainSettings->bakeStart = 1;
	domainSettings->bakeEnd = scene->r.efra;
	// calculate bounding box
	fluid_get_bb(mesh->mvert, mesh->totvert, fsDomain->obmat, domainSettings->bbStart, domainSettings->bbSize);
	// reset last valid frame
	domainSettings->lastgoodframe = -1;
	/* rough check of settings... */
	if(domainSettings->previewresxyz > domainSettings->resolutionxyz) {
		snprintf(debugStrBuffer,256,"fluidsimBake::warning - Preview (%d) >= Resolution (%d)... setting equal.\n", domainSettings->previewresxyz ,  domainSettings->resolutionxyz); 
		domainSettings->previewresxyz = domainSettings->resolutionxyz;
	// set adaptive coarsening according to resolutionxyz
	// this should do as an approximation, with in/outflow
	// doing this more accurate would be overkill
	// perhaps add manual setting?
	if(domainSettings->maxRefine <0) {
		if(domainSettings->resolutionxyz>128) {
			gridlevels = 2;
		} else
		if(domainSettings->resolutionxyz>64) {
			gridlevels = 1;
		} else {
			gridlevels = 0;
	} else {
		gridlevels = domainSettings->maxRefine;
	snprintf(debugStrBuffer,256,"fluidsimBake::msg: Baking %s, refine: %d\n", fsDomain-> , gridlevels ); 
	/* ******** prepare output file paths ******** */
	outStringsChanged = fluid_init_filepaths(fsDomain, targetDir, targetFile, debugStrBuffer);
	channels->length = scene->r.efra;
	channels->aniFrameTime = (domainSettings->animEnd - domainSettings->animStart)/(double)noFrames;
	/* ******** initialise and allocate animation channels ******** */
	fluid_init_all_channels(C, fsDomain, domainSettings, channels, fobjects);

	/* reset to original current frame */
	scene->r.cfra = origFrame;
	ED_update_for_newframe(CTX_data_main(C), scene, CTX_wm_screen(C), 1);
	/* ---- XXX: No Time animation curve for now, leaving this code here for reference 
	{ int timeIcu[1] = { FLUIDSIM_TIME };
		float timeDef[1] = { 1. };

		// time channel is a bit special, init by hand...
		timeAtIndex = MEM_callocN( (allchannelSize+1)*1*sizeof(float), "fluidsiminit_timeatindex");
		for(i=0; i<=scene->r.efra; i++) {
			timeAtIndex[i] = (float)(i-startFrame);
		fluidsimInitChannel(scene, &channelDomainTime, allchannelSize, timeAtIndex, timeIcu,timeDef, domainSettings->ipo, CHANNEL_FLOAT ); // NDEB
		// time channel is a multiplicator for 
		if(channelDomainTime) {
			for(i=0; i<allchannelSize; i++) { 
				channelDomainTime[i*2+0] = aniFrameTime * channelDomainTime[i*2+0]; 
				if(channelDomainTime[i*2+0]<0.) channelDomainTime[i*2+0] = 0.;
		timeAtFrame = MEM_callocN( (allchannelSize+1)*1*sizeof(float), "fluidsiminit_timeatframe");
		timeAtFrame[0] = timeAtFrame[1] = domainSettings->animStart; // start at index 1
		if(channelDomainTime) {
			for(i=2; i<=allchannelSize; i++) {
				timeAtFrame[i] = timeAtFrame[i-1]+channelDomainTime[(i-1)*2+0];
		fsset->} else {
			for(i=2; i<=allchannelSize; i++) { timeAtFrame[i] = timeAtFrame[i-1]+aniFrameTime; }

	} // domain channel init
	/* ******** init domain object's matrix ******** */
	copy_m4_m4(domainMat, fsDomain->obmat);
	if(!invert_m4_m4(invDomMat, domainMat)) {
		snprintf(debugStrBuffer,256,"fluidsimBake::error - Invalid obj matrix?\n"); 
		BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Invalid object matrix."); 

		fluidbake_free_data(channels, fobjects, fsset, fb);
		return 0;

	/* ********  start writing / exporting ******** */
	// use .tmp, dont overwrite/delete original file
	BLI_snprintf(targetFile, sizeof(targetFile), "%s%s.tmp", targetDir, suffixConfig);
	// make sure these directories exist as well
	if(outStringsChanged) {

	/* ******** export domain to elbeem ******** */
	fsset->version = 1;

	// setup global settings
	copy_v3_v3(fsset->geoStart, domainSettings->bbStart);
	copy_v3_v3(fsset->geoSize, domainSettings->bbSize);
	// simulate with 50^3
	fsset->resolutionxyz = (int)domainSettings->resolutionxyz;
	fsset->previewresxyz = (int)domainSettings->previewresxyz;

	fsset->realsize = get_fluid_size_m(scene, fsDomain, domainSettings);
	fsset->viscosity = get_fluid_viscosity(domainSettings);
	get_fluid_gravity(fsset->gravity, scene, domainSettings);

	// simulate 5 frames, each 0.03 seconds, output to ./apitest_XXX.bobj.gz
	fsset->animStart = domainSettings->animStart;
	fsset->aniFrameTime = channels->aniFrameTime;
	fsset->noOfFrames = noFrames; // is otherwise subtracted in parser

	BLI_snprintf(targetFile, sizeof(targetFile), "%s%s", targetDir, suffixSurface);

	// defaults for compressibility and adaptive grids
	fsset->gstar = domainSettings->gstar;
	fsset->maxRefine = domainSettings->maxRefine; // check <-> gridlevels
	fsset->generateParticles = domainSettings->generateParticles; 
	fsset->numTracerParticles = domainSettings->generateTracers; 
	fsset->surfaceSmoothing = domainSettings->surfaceSmoothing; 
	fsset->surfaceSubdivs = domainSettings->surfaceSubdivs; 
	fsset->farFieldSize = domainSettings->farFieldSize; 
	BLI_strncpy(fsset->outputPath, targetFile, sizeof(fsset->outputPath));

	// domain channels
	fsset->channelSizeFrameTime = 
	fsset->channelSizeViscosity = 
	fsset->channelSizeGravity = channels->length;
	fsset->channelFrameTime = channels->DomainTime;
	fsset->channelViscosity = channels->DomainViscosity;
	fsset->channelGravity = channels->DomainGravity;
	fsset->runsimCallback = &runSimulationCallback;
	fsset->runsimUserData = fb;

	if (domainSettings->typeFlags & OB_FSBND_NOSLIP)		fsset->domainobsType = FLUIDSIM_OBSTACLE_NOSLIP;
	else if (domainSettings->typeFlags&OB_FSBND_PARTSLIP)	fsset->domainobsType = FLUIDSIM_OBSTACLE_PARTSLIP;
	else if (domainSettings->typeFlags&OB_FSBND_FREESLIP)	fsset->domainobsType = FLUIDSIM_OBSTACLE_FREESLIP;
	fsset->domainobsPartslip = domainSettings->partSlipValue;
	fsset->generateVertexVectors = (domainSettings->domainNovecgen==0);

	// init blender domain transform matrix
	{ int j; 
	for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
		for(j=0; j<4; j++) {
			fsset->surfaceTrafo[i*4+j] = invDomMat[j][i];
	} }

	/* ******** init solver with settings ******** */
	/* ******** export all fluid objects to elbeem ******** */
	export_fluid_objects(fobjects, scene, channels->length);
	/* custom data for fluid bake job */
	fb->settings = fsset;
	/* setup job */
	WM_jobs_customdata(steve, fb, fluidbake_free);
	WM_jobs_timer(steve, 0.1, NC_SCENE|ND_FRAME, NC_SCENE|ND_FRAME);
	WM_jobs_callbacks(steve, fluidbake_startjob, NULL, NULL, fluidbake_endjob);
	WM_jobs_start(CTX_wm_manager(C), steve);

	/* ******** free stored animation data ******** */
	fluidbake_free_data(channels, fobjects, NULL, NULL);

	// elbeemFree();
	return 1;
Beispiel #3
/* call this with NULL to restore assigned ID pointers in preview scene */
static Scene *preview_prepare_scene(Scene *scene, ID *id, int id_type, ShaderPreview *sp)
	Scene *sce;
	Base *base;
	Main *pr_main = sp->pr_main;
	sce = preview_get_scene(pr_main);
	if (sce) {
		/* this flag tells render to not execute depsgraph or ipos etc */
		sce->r.scemode |= R_BUTS_PREVIEW;
		/* set world always back, is used now */
		sce->world = pr_main->world.first;
		/* now: exposure copy */
		if (scene->world) {
			sce->world->exp = scene->world->exp;
			sce->world->range = scene->world->range;
		sce->r.color_mgt_flag = scene->r.color_mgt_flag;
		BKE_color_managed_display_settings_copy(&sce->display_settings, &scene->display_settings);

		BKE_color_managed_view_settings_copy(&sce->view_settings, &scene->view_settings);
		/* prevent overhead for small renders and icons (32) */
		if (id && sp->sizex < 40) {
			sce->r.tilex = sce->r.tiley = 64;
		else {
			sce->r.tilex = sce->r.xsch / 4;
			sce->r.tiley = sce->r.ysch / 4;
		if ((id && sp->pr_method == PR_ICON_RENDER) && id_type != ID_WO)
			sce->r.alphamode = R_ALPHAPREMUL;
			sce->r.alphamode = R_ADDSKY;

		sce->r.cfra = scene->r.cfra;

		if (id_type == ID_TE && !check_engine_supports_textures(scene)) {
			/* Force blender internal for texture icons and nodes render,
			 * seems commonly used render engines does not support
			 * such kind of rendering.
			BLI_strncpy(sce->r.engine, "BLENDER_RENDER", sizeof(sce->r.engine));
		else {
			BLI_strncpy(sce->r.engine, scene->r.engine, sizeof(sce->r.engine));
		if (id_type == ID_MA) {
			Material *mat = NULL, *origmat = (Material *)id;
			if (origmat) {
				/* work on a copy */
				mat = localize_material(origmat);
				sp->matcopy = mat;
				BLI_addtail(&pr_main->mat, mat);
				if (!BKE_scene_use_new_shading_nodes(scene)) {
					init_render_material(mat, 0, NULL);     /* call that retrieves mode_l */
					/* un-useful option */
					if (sp->pr_method == PR_ICON_RENDER)
						mat->shade_flag &= ~MA_OBCOLOR;

					/* turn on raytracing if needed */
					if (mat->mode_l & MA_RAYMIRROR)
						sce->r.mode |= R_RAYTRACE;
					if (mat->material_type == MA_TYPE_VOLUME)
						sce->r.mode |= R_RAYTRACE;
					if ((mat->mode_l & MA_RAYTRANSP) && (mat->mode_l & MA_TRANSP))
						sce->r.mode |= R_RAYTRACE;
					if (preview_mat_has_sss(mat, NULL))
						sce->r.mode |= R_SSS;
					/* turn off fake shadows if needed */
					/* this only works in a specific case where the preview.blend contains
					 * an object starting with 'c' which has a material linked to it (not the obdata)
					 * and that material has a fake shadow texture in the active texture slot */
					for (base = sce->base.first; base; base = base->next) {
						if (base->object->[2] == 'c') {
							Material *shadmat = give_current_material(base->object, base->object->actcol);
							if (shadmat) {
								if (mat->mode2 & MA_CASTSHADOW) shadmat->septex = 0;
								else shadmat->septex |= 1;
					/* turn off bounce lights for volume, 
					 * doesn't make much visual difference and slows it down too */
					for (base = sce->base.first; base; base = base->next) {
						if (base->object->type == OB_LAMP) {
							/* if doesn't match 'Lamp.002' --> main key light */
							if (strcmp(base->object-> + 2, "Lamp.002") != 0) {
								if (mat->material_type == MA_TYPE_VOLUME)
									base->object->restrictflag |= OB_RESTRICT_RENDER;
									base->object->restrictflag &= ~OB_RESTRICT_RENDER;
				else {
					/* use current scene world to light sphere */
					if (mat->pr_type == MA_SPHERE_A)
						sce->world = scene->world;
				if (sp->pr_method == PR_ICON_RENDER) {
					if (mat->material_type == MA_TYPE_HALO) {
						sce->lay = 1 << MA_FLAT;
					else {
						sce->lay = 1 << MA_SPHERE_A;

						/* same as above, use current scene world to light sphere */
						if (BKE_scene_use_new_shading_nodes(scene))
							sce->world = scene->world;
				else {
					sce->lay = 1 << mat->pr_type;
					if (mat->nodetree && sp->pr_method == PR_NODE_RENDER) {
						/* two previews, they get copied by wmJob */
						BKE_node_preview_init_tree(mat->nodetree, sp->sizex, sp->sizey, true);
						BKE_node_preview_init_tree(origmat->nodetree, sp->sizex, sp->sizey, true);
			else {
				sce->r.mode &= ~(R_OSA | R_RAYTRACE | R_SSS);
			for (base = sce->base.first; base; base = base->next) {
				if (base->object->[2] == 'p') {
					/* copy over object color, in case material uses it */
					copy_v4_v4(base->object->col, sp->col);
					if (OB_TYPE_SUPPORT_MATERIAL(base->object->type)) {
						/* don't use assign_material, it changed mat->, which shows in the UI */
						Material ***matar = give_matarar(base->object);
						int actcol = max_ii(base->object->actcol - 1, 0);

						if (matar && actcol < base->object->totcol)
							(*matar)[actcol] = mat;
					else if (base->object->type == OB_LAMP) {
						base->object->restrictflag &= ~OB_RESTRICT_RENDER;
		else if (id_type == ID_TE) {
			Tex *tex = NULL, *origtex = (Tex *)id;
			if (origtex) {
				tex = localize_texture(origtex);
				sp->texcopy = tex;
				BLI_addtail(&pr_main->tex, tex);
			sce->lay = 1 << MA_TEXTURE;
			for (base = sce->base.first; base; base = base->next) {
				if (base->object->[2] == 't') {
					Material *mat = give_current_material(base->object, base->object->actcol);
					if (mat && mat->mtex[0]) {
						mat->mtex[0]->tex = tex;
						if (tex && sp->slot)
							mat->mtex[0]->which_output = sp->slot->which_output;

						mat->mtex[0]->mapto &= ~MAP_ALPHA;
						mat->alpha = 1.0f;

						/* show alpha in this case */
						if (tex == NULL || (tex->flag & TEX_PRV_ALPHA)) {
							if (!(tex && tex->type == TEX_IMAGE && (tex->imaflag & (TEX_USEALPHA | TEX_CALCALPHA)) == 0)) {
								mat->mtex[0]->mapto |= MAP_ALPHA;
								mat->alpha = 0.0f;

			if (tex && tex->nodetree && sp->pr_method == PR_NODE_RENDER) {
				/* two previews, they get copied by wmJob */
				BKE_node_preview_init_tree(origtex->nodetree, sp->sizex, sp->sizey, true);
				BKE_node_preview_init_tree(tex->nodetree, sp->sizex, sp->sizey, true);
		else if (id_type == ID_LA) {
			Lamp *la = NULL, *origla = (Lamp *)id;

			/* work on a copy */
			if (origla) {
				la = localize_lamp(origla);
				sp->lampcopy = la;
				BLI_addtail(&pr_main->lamp, la);

			sce->lay = 1 << MA_LAMP;

			if (!BKE_scene_use_new_shading_nodes(scene)) {
				if (la && la->type == LA_SUN && (la->sun_effect_type & LA_SUN_EFFECT_SKY)) {
					sce->lay = 1 << MA_ATMOS;
					sce->world = scene->world;
					sce->camera = (Object *)BLI_findstring(&pr_main->object, "CameraAtmo", offsetof(ID, name) + 2);
				else {
					sce->world = NULL;
					sce->camera = (Object *)BLI_findstring(&pr_main->object, "Camera", offsetof(ID, name) + 2);
			for (base = sce->base.first; base; base = base->next) {
				if (base->object->[2] == 'p') {
					if (base->object->type == OB_LAMP)
						base->object->data = la;

			if (la && la->nodetree && sp->pr_method == PR_NODE_RENDER) {
				/* two previews, they get copied by wmJob */
				BKE_node_preview_init_tree(origla->nodetree, sp->sizex, sp->sizey, true);
				BKE_node_preview_init_tree(la->nodetree, sp->sizex, sp->sizey, true);
		else if (id_type == ID_WO) {
			World *wrld = NULL, *origwrld = (World *)id;

			if (origwrld) {
				wrld = localize_world(origwrld);
				sp->worldcopy = wrld;
				BLI_addtail(&pr_main->world, wrld);

			sce->lay = 1 << MA_SKY;
			sce->world = wrld;

			if (wrld && wrld->nodetree && sp->pr_method == PR_NODE_RENDER) {
				/* two previews, they get copied by wmJob */
				BKE_node_preview_init_tree(wrld->nodetree, sp->sizex, sp->sizey, true);
				BKE_node_preview_init_tree(origwrld->nodetree, sp->sizex, sp->sizey, true);
		return sce;
	return NULL;
Beispiel #4
void BKE_color_managed_colorspace_settings_copy(ColorManagedColorspaceSettings *colorspace_settings,
                                                const ColorManagedColorspaceSettings *settings)
	BLI_strncpy(colorspace_settings->name, settings->name, sizeof(colorspace_settings->name));
Beispiel #5
/* Applies new_w weights to org_w ones, using either a texture, vgroup or constant value as factor.
 * Return values are in org_w.
 * If indices is not NULL, it must be a table of same length as org_w and new_w, mapping to the real
 * vertex index (in case the weight tables do not cover the whole vertices...).
 * XXX The standard "factor" value is assumed in [0.0, 1.0] range. Else, weird results might appear.
void weightvg_do_mask(int num, const int *indices, float *org_w, const float *new_w,
                      Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm, float fact, const char defgrp_name[MAX_VGROUP_NAME],
                      Scene *scene, Tex *texture, int tex_use_channel, int tex_mapping,
                      Object *tex_map_object, const char *tex_uvlayer_name)
	int ref_didx;
	int i;

	/* If influence factor is null, nothing to do! */
	if (fact == 0.0f) return;

	/* If we want to mask vgroup weights from a texture. */
	if (texture) {
		/* The texture coordinates. */
		float (*tex_co)[3];
		/* See mapping note below... */
		MappingInfoModifierData t_map;
		float (*v_co)[3];

		/* Use new generic get_texture_coords, but do not modify our DNA struct for it...
		 * XXX Why use a ModifierData stuff here ? Why not a simple, generic struct for parameters ?
		 *     What e.g. if a modifier wants to use several textures ?
		 *     Why use only v_co, and not MVert (or both) ?
		t_map.texture = texture;
		t_map.map_object = tex_map_object;
		BLI_strncpy(t_map.uvlayer_name, tex_uvlayer_name, sizeof(t_map.uvlayer_name));
		t_map.texmapping = tex_mapping;
		v_co = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*v_co) * num, "WeightVG Modifier, TEX mode, v_co");
		dm->getVertCos(dm, v_co);
		tex_co = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*tex_co) * num, "WeightVG Modifier, TEX mode, tex_co");
		get_texture_coords(&t_map, ob, dm, v_co, tex_co, num);

		modifier_init_texture(scene, texture);

		/* For each weight (vertex), make the mix between org and new weights. */
		for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
			int idx = indices ? indices[i] : i;
			TexResult texres;
			float hsv[3]; /* For HSV color space. */
			bool do_color_manage;

			do_color_manage = tex_use_channel != MOD_WVG_MASK_TEX_USE_INT;

			texres.nor = NULL;
			get_texture_value(scene, texture, tex_co[idx], &texres, do_color_manage);
			/* Get the good channel value... */
			switch (tex_use_channel) {
					org_w[i] = (new_w[i] * texres.tin * fact) + (org_w[i] * (1.0f - (texres.tin * fact)));
					org_w[i] = (new_w[i] * * fact) + (org_w[i] * (1.0f - ( * fact)));
					org_w[i] = (new_w[i] * * fact) + (org_w[i] * (1.0f - ( * fact)));
					org_w[i] = (new_w[i] * texres.tb * fact) + (org_w[i] * (1.0f - (texres.tb * fact)));
					rgb_to_hsv_v(&, hsv);
					org_w[i] = (new_w[i] * hsv[0] * fact) + (org_w[i] * (1.0f - (hsv[0] * fact)));
					rgb_to_hsv_v(&, hsv);
					org_w[i] = (new_w[i] * hsv[1] * fact) + (org_w[i] * (1.0f - (hsv[1] * fact)));
					rgb_to_hsv_v(&, hsv);
					org_w[i] = (new_w[i] * hsv[2] * fact) + (org_w[i] * (1.0f - (hsv[2] * fact)));
					org_w[i] = (new_w[i] * texres.ta * fact) + (org_w[i] * (1.0f - (texres.ta * fact)));
					org_w[i] = (new_w[i] * texres.tin * fact) + (org_w[i] * (1.0f - (texres.tin * fact)));

	else if ((ref_didx = defgroup_name_index(ob, defgrp_name)) != -1) {
		MDeformVert *dvert = NULL;

		/* Check whether we want to set vgroup weights from a constant weight factor or a vertex
		 * group.
		/* Get vgroup idx from its name. */

		/* Proceed only if vgroup is valid, else use constant factor. */
		/* Get actual dverts (ie vertex group data). */
		dvert = dm->getVertDataArray(dm, CD_MDEFORMVERT);
		/* Proceed only if vgroup is valid, else assume factor = O. */
		if (dvert == NULL) return;

		/* For each weight (vertex), make the mix between org and new weights. */
		for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
			int idx = indices ? indices[i] : i;
			const float f = defvert_find_weight(&dvert[idx], ref_didx) * fact;
			org_w[i] = (new_w[i] * f) + (org_w[i] * (1.0f - f));
			/* If that vertex is not in ref vgroup, assume null factor, and hence do nothing! */
	else {
		/* Default "influence" behavior. */
		/* For each weight (vertex), make the mix between org and new weights. */
		const float ifact = 1.0f - fact;
		for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
			org_w[i] = (new_w[i] * fact) + (org_w[i] * ifact);
Beispiel #6
static int load_file(int UNUSED(argc), const char **argv, void *data)
	bContext *C = data;

	/* Make the path absolute because its needed for relative linked blends to be found */
	char filename[FILE_MAX];

	/* note, we could skip these, but so far we always tried to load these files */
	if (argv[0][0] == '-') {
		fprintf(stderr, "unknown argument, loading as file: %s\n", argv[0]);

	BLI_strncpy(filename, argv[0], sizeof(filename));

	if (G.background) {
		int retval = BKE_read_file(C, filename, NULL);

		/* we successfully loaded a blend file, get sure that
		 * pointcache works */
		if (retval != BKE_READ_FILE_FAIL) {
			wmWindowManager *wm = CTX_wm_manager(C);

			/* special case, 2.4x files */
			if (wm == NULL && CTX_data_main(C)->wm.first == NULL) {
				extern void wm_add_default(bContext *C);

				/* wm_add_default() needs the screen to be set. */
				CTX_wm_screen_set(C, CTX_data_main(C)->screen.first);

			CTX_wm_manager_set(C, NULL); /* remove wm to force check */
			G.relbase_valid = 1;
			if (CTX_wm_manager(C) == NULL) CTX_wm_manager_set(C, wm);  /* reset wm */

			DAG_on_visible_update(CTX_data_main(C), TRUE);
		else {
			/* failed to load file, stop processing arguments */
			return -1;

		/* WM_file_read() runs normally but since we're in background mode do here */
		/* run any texts that were loaded in and flagged as modules */

		/* happens for the UI on file reading too (huh? (ton))*/
		// XXX		BKE_reset_undo();
		//			BKE_write_undo("original");	/* save current state */
	else {
		/* we are not running in background mode here, but start blender in UI mode with
		 * a file - this should do everything a 'load file' does */
		ReportList reports;
		BKE_reports_init(&reports, RPT_PRINT);
		WM_file_read(C, filename, &reports);

	G.file_loaded = 1;

	return 0;
Beispiel #7
void BKE_color_managed_display_settings_copy(ColorManagedDisplaySettings *new_settings,
                                             const ColorManagedDisplaySettings *settings)
	BLI_strncpy(new_settings->display_device, settings->display_device, sizeof(new_settings->display_device));
extern "C" void StartKetsjiShell(struct bContext *C, struct ARegion *ar, rcti *cam_frame, int always_use_expand_framing)
	/* context values */
	struct wmWindowManager *wm= CTX_wm_manager(C);
	struct wmWindow *win= CTX_wm_window(C);
	struct Scene *startscene= CTX_data_scene(C);
	struct Main* maggie1= CTX_data_main(C);

	RAS_Rect area_rect;

	int exitrequested = KX_EXIT_REQUEST_NO_REQUEST;
	Main* blenderdata = maggie1;

	char* startscenename = startscene->;
	STR_String exitstring = "";
	BlendFileData *bfd= NULL;

	BLI_strncpy(pathname, blenderdata->name, sizeof(pathname));
	BLI_strncpy(oldsce, G.main->name, sizeof(oldsce));
	resetGamePythonPath(); // need this so running a second time wont use an old blendfiles path

	// Acquire Python's GIL (global interpreter lock)
	// so we can safely run Python code and API calls
	PyGILState_STATE gilstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
	PyObject *pyGlobalDict = PyDict_New(); /* python utility storage, spans blend file loading */

	// VBO code for derived mesh is not compatible with BGE (couldn't find why), so disable
	int disableVBO = (U.gameflags & USER_DISABLE_VBO);
	U.gameflags |= USER_DISABLE_VBO;

	// Globals to be carried on over blender files
	GlobalSettings gs;
	gs.matmode= startscene->gm.matmode;
	gs.glslflag= startscene->gm.flag;

		View3D *v3d= CTX_wm_view3d(C);
		RegionView3D *rv3d= CTX_wm_region_view3d(C);

		// get some preferences
		SYS_SystemHandle syshandle = SYS_GetSystem();
		bool properties	= (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "show_properties", 0) != 0);
		bool usefixed = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "fixedtime", 0) != 0);
		bool profile = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "show_profile", 0) != 0);
		bool frameRate = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "show_framerate", 0) != 0);
		bool animation_record = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "animation_record", 0) != 0);
		bool displaylists = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "displaylists", 0) != 0);
		bool nodepwarnings = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "ignore_deprecation_warnings", 0) != 0);
		// bool novertexarrays = (SYS_GetCommandLineInt(syshandle, "novertexarrays", 0) != 0);
		bool mouse_state = startscene->gm.flag & GAME_SHOW_MOUSE;
		bool restrictAnimFPS = startscene->gm.flag & GAME_RESTRICT_ANIM_UPDATES;

		if (animation_record) usefixed= false; /* override since you don't want to run full-speed for sim recording */

		// create the canvas, rasterizer and rendertools
		RAS_ICanvas* canvas = new KX_BlenderCanvas(wm, win, area_rect, ar);
		// default mouse state set on render panel
		if (mouse_state)
		RAS_IRenderTools* rendertools = new KX_BlenderRenderTools();
		RAS_IRasterizer* rasterizer = NULL;
		//Don't use displaylists with VBOs
		//If auto starts using VBOs, make sure to check for that here
		if (displaylists && startscene->gm.raster_storage != RAS_STORE_VBO)
			rasterizer = new RAS_ListRasterizer(canvas, true, startscene->gm.raster_storage);
			rasterizer = new RAS_OpenGLRasterizer(canvas, startscene->gm.raster_storage);

		RAS_IRasterizer::MipmapOption mipmapval = rasterizer->GetMipmapping();

		// create the inputdevices
		KX_BlenderKeyboardDevice* keyboarddevice = new KX_BlenderKeyboardDevice();
		KX_BlenderMouseDevice* mousedevice = new KX_BlenderMouseDevice();
		// create a networkdevice
		NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* networkdevice = new

		// create a ketsji/blendersystem (only needed for timing and stuff)
		KX_BlenderSystem* kxsystem = new KX_BlenderSystem();
		// create the ketsjiengine
		KX_KetsjiEngine* ketsjiengine = new KX_KetsjiEngine(kxsystem);
		// set the devices
		ketsjiengine->SetTimingDisplay(frameRate, profile, properties);

		//set the global settings (carried over if restart/load new files)


		//lock frame and camera enabled - storing global values
		int tmp_lay= startscene->lay;
		Object *tmp_camera = startscene->camera;

		if (v3d->scenelock==0) {
			startscene->lay= v3d->lay;
			startscene->camera= v3d->camera;

		// some blender stuff
		float camzoom;
		int draw_letterbox = 0;
		if (rv3d->persp==RV3D_CAMOB) {
			if (startscene->gm.framing.type == SCE_GAMEFRAMING_BARS) { /* Letterbox */
				camzoom = 1.0f;
				draw_letterbox = 1;
			else {
				camzoom = 1.0f / BKE_screen_view3d_zoom_to_fac(rv3d->camzoom);
		else {
			camzoom = 2.0;

		// if we got an exitcode 3 (KX_EXIT_REQUEST_START_OTHER_GAME) load a different file
		if (exitrequested == KX_EXIT_REQUEST_START_OTHER_GAME || exitrequested == KX_EXIT_REQUEST_RESTART_GAME)
			exitrequested = KX_EXIT_REQUEST_NO_REQUEST;
			if (bfd) BLO_blendfiledata_free(bfd);
			char basedpath[FILE_MAX];
			// base the actuator filename with respect
			// to the original file working directory

			if (exitstring != "")
				strcpy(basedpath, exitstring.Ptr());

			// load relative to the last loaded file, this used to be relative
			// to the first file but that makes no sense, relative paths in
			// blend files should be relative to that file, not some other file
			// that happened to be loaded first
			BLI_path_abs(basedpath, pathname);
			bfd = load_game_data(basedpath);
			// if it wasn't loaded, try it forced relative
			if (!bfd)
				// just add "//" in front of it
				char temppath[242];
				strcpy(temppath, "//");
				strcat(temppath, basedpath);
				BLI_path_abs(temppath, pathname);
				bfd = load_game_data(temppath);
			// if we got a loaded blendfile, proceed
			if (bfd)
				blenderdata = bfd->main;
				startscenename = bfd->curscene-> + 2;

				if (blenderdata) {
					BLI_strncpy(G.main->name, blenderdata->name, sizeof(G.main->name));
					BLI_strncpy(pathname, blenderdata->name, sizeof(pathname));
			// else forget it, we can't find it
				exitrequested = KX_EXIT_REQUEST_QUIT_GAME;

		Scene *scene= bfd ? bfd->curscene : (Scene *)BLI_findstring(&blenderdata->scene, startscenename, offsetof(ID, name) + 2);

		if (scene)
			int startFrame = scene->r.cfra;
			ketsjiengine->SetAnimRecordMode(animation_record, startFrame);
			// Quad buffered needs a special window.
			if (scene->gm.stereoflag == STEREO_ENABLED) {
				if (scene->gm.stereomode != RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_STEREO_QUADBUFFERED)
					rasterizer->SetStereoMode((RAS_IRasterizer::StereoMode) scene->gm.stereomode);


			rasterizer->SetBackColor(scene->gm.framing.col[0], scene->gm.framing.col[1], scene->gm.framing.col[2], 0.0f);
		if (exitrequested != KX_EXIT_REQUEST_QUIT_GAME)
			if (rv3d->persp != RV3D_CAMOB)
				ketsjiengine->SetCameraOverrideUseOrtho((rv3d->persp == RV3D_ORTHO));
				if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_ORTHO)
					ketsjiengine->SetCameraOverrideClipping(v3d->near, v3d->far);
					ketsjiengine->SetCameraOverrideClipping(v3d->near, v3d->far);
			// create a scene converter, create and convert the startingscene
			KX_ISceneConverter* sceneconverter = new KX_BlenderSceneConverter(blenderdata, ketsjiengine);
			if (always_use_expand_framing)

			bool usemat = false, useglslmat = false;

			if (GLEW_ARB_multitexture && GLEW_VERSION_1_1)
				usemat = true;

			if (GPU_glsl_support())
				useglslmat = true;
			else if (gs.matmode == GAME_MAT_GLSL)
				usemat = false;

			if (usemat && (gs.matmode != GAME_MAT_TEXFACE))
			if (useglslmat && (gs.matmode == GAME_MAT_GLSL))
			if (scene->gm.flag & GAME_NO_MATERIAL_CACHING)
			KX_Scene* startscene = new KX_Scene(keyboarddevice,

			// some python things
			PyObject *gameLogic, *gameLogic_keys;
			setupGamePython(ketsjiengine, startscene, blenderdata, pyGlobalDict, &gameLogic, &gameLogic_keys, 0, NULL);
#endif // WITH_PYTHON

			//initialize Dome Settings
			if (scene->gm.stereoflag == STEREO_DOME)
				ketsjiengine->InitDome(scene->gm.dome.res, scene->gm.dome.mode, scene->gm.dome.angle, scene->gm.dome.resbuf, scene->gm.dome.tilt, scene->gm.dome.warptext);

			// initialize 3D Audio Settings
			AUD_I3DDevice* dev = AUD_get3DDevice();
			if (dev)

			// from see blender.c:
			// FIXME: this version patching should really be part of the file-reading code,
			// but we still get too many unrelated data-corruption crashes otherwise...
			if (blenderdata->versionfile < 250)

			if (sceneconverter)
				// convert and add scene
				// init the rasterizer
				// start the engine

				// Set the animation playback rate for ipo's and actions
				// the framerate below should patch with FPS macro defined in blendef.h
				// Could be in StartEngine set the framerate, we need the scene to do this
				char *python_main = NULL;
				pynextframestate.state = NULL;
				pynextframestate.func = NULL;
				python_main = KX_GetPythonMain(scene);

				// the mainloop
				printf("\nBlender Game Engine Started\n");
				if (python_main) {
					char *python_code = KX_GetPythonCode(blenderdata, python_main);
					if (python_code) {
						ketsjinextframestate.ketsjiengine = ketsjiengine;
						ketsjinextframestate.C = C; = win;
						ketsjinextframestate.scene = scene; = ar;
						ketsjinextframestate.keyboarddevice = keyboarddevice;
						ketsjinextframestate.mousedevice = mousedevice;
						ketsjinextframestate.draw_letterbox = draw_letterbox;
						pynextframestate.state = &ketsjinextframestate;
						pynextframestate.func = &BL_KetsjiPyNextFrame;
						printf("Yielding control to Python script '%s'...\n", python_main);
						printf("Exit Python script '%s'\n", python_main);
#endif  /* WITH_PYTHON */
					while (!exitrequested)
						exitrequested = BL_KetsjiNextFrame(ketsjiengine, C, win, scene, ar, keyboarddevice, mousedevice, draw_letterbox);
				printf("Blender Game Engine Finished\n");
				exitstring = ketsjiengine->GetExitString();
				if (python_main) MEM_freeN(python_main);
#endif  /* WITH_PYTHON */

				gs = *(ketsjiengine->GetGlobalSettings());

				// when exiting the mainloop
				// Clears the dictionary by hand:
				// This prevents, extra references to global variables
				// inside the GameLogic dictionary when the python interpreter is finalized.
				// which allows the scene to safely delete them :)
				// see: (space.c)->start_game
				// Keep original items, means python plugins will autocomplete members
				PyObject *gameLogic_keys_new = PyDict_Keys(PyModule_GetDict(gameLogic));
				const Py_ssize_t numitems= PyList_GET_SIZE(gameLogic_keys_new);
				Py_ssize_t listIndex;
				for (listIndex=0; listIndex < numitems; listIndex++) {
					PyObject *item = PyList_GET_ITEM(gameLogic_keys_new, listIndex);
					if (!PySequence_Contains(gameLogic_keys, item)) {
						PyDict_DelItem(	PyModule_GetDict(gameLogic), item);
				gameLogic_keys_new = NULL;
			if (sceneconverter)
				delete sceneconverter;
				sceneconverter = NULL;

			gameLogic_keys = NULL;
		//lock frame and camera enabled - restoring global values
		if (v3d->scenelock==0) {
			startscene->lay= tmp_lay;
			startscene->camera= tmp_camera;

		if (exitrequested != KX_EXIT_REQUEST_OUTSIDE)
			// set the cursor back to normal

			// set mipmap setting back to its original value
		// clean up some stuff
		if (ketsjiengine)
			delete ketsjiengine;
			ketsjiengine = NULL;
		if (kxsystem)
			delete kxsystem;
			kxsystem = NULL;
		if (networkdevice)
			delete networkdevice;
			networkdevice = NULL;
		if (keyboarddevice)
			delete keyboarddevice;
			keyboarddevice = NULL;
		if (mousedevice)
			delete mousedevice;
			mousedevice = NULL;
		if (rasterizer)
			delete rasterizer;
			rasterizer = NULL;
		if (rendertools)
			delete rendertools;
			rendertools = NULL;
		if (canvas)
			delete canvas;
			canvas = NULL;

		// stop all remaining playing sounds
	} while (exitrequested == KX_EXIT_REQUEST_RESTART_GAME || exitrequested == KX_EXIT_REQUEST_START_OTHER_GAME);
	if (!disableVBO)
		U.gameflags &= ~USER_DISABLE_VBO;

	if (bfd) BLO_blendfiledata_free(bfd);

	BLI_strncpy(G.main->name, oldsce, sizeof(G.main->name));


	// Release Python's GIL

Beispiel #9
static void file_panel_category(const bContext *C, Panel *pa, FSMenuCategory category, short *nr, int icon, int allow_delete, int reverse)
	SpaceFile *sfile= CTX_wm_space_file(C);
	uiBlock *block;
	uiBut *but;
	uiLayout *box, *col;
	struct FSMenu* fsmenu = fsmenu_get();
	int i, i_iter, nentries = fsmenu_get_nentries(fsmenu, category);

	/* reset each time */
	*nr= -1;

	/* hide if no entries */
	if(nentries == 0)

	/* layout */
	uiLayoutSetAlignment(pa->layout, UI_LAYOUT_ALIGN_LEFT);
	block= uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout);
	box= uiLayoutBox(pa->layout);
	col= uiLayoutColumn(box, 1);

	for (i_iter=0; i_iter< nentries;++i_iter) {
		char dir[FILE_MAX];
		char temp[FILE_MAX];
		uiLayout* layout = uiLayoutRow(col, 0);
		char *entry;

		i= reverse ? nentries-(i_iter+1) : i_iter;
		entry = fsmenu_get_entry(fsmenu, category, i);
		/* set this list item as active if we have a match */
		if(sfile->params) {
			if(BLI_path_cmp(sfile->params->dir, entry) == 0) {
				*nr= i;

		/* create nice bookmark name, shows last directory in the full path currently */
		BLI_strncpy(temp, entry, FILE_MAX);
		BLI_getlastdir(temp, dir, FILE_MAX);

		if(dir[0] == 0)
			BLI_strncpy(dir, entry, FILE_MAX);

		/* create list item */
		but= uiDefIconTextButS(block, LISTROW, 0, icon, dir, 0,0,UI_UNIT_X*10,UI_UNIT_Y, nr, 0, i, 0, 0, entry);
		uiButSetFunc(but, file_panel_cb, entry, NULL);
		uiButSetFlag(but, UI_ICON_LEFT|UI_TEXT_LEFT);

		/* create delete button */
		if(allow_delete && fsmenu_can_save(fsmenu, category, i)) {
			uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSSN);
			uiItemIntO(layout, "", ICON_X, "FILE_OT_delete_bookmark", "index", i);
			uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSS);
Beispiel #10
 * \see #wm_homefile_write_exec wraps #BLO_write_file in a similar way.
int wm_file_write(bContext *C, const char *filepath, int fileflags, ReportList *reports)
	Library *li;
	int len;
	int ret = -1;
	BlendThumbnail *thumb, *main_thumb;
	ImBuf *ibuf_thumb = NULL;

	len = strlen(filepath);
	if (len == 0) {
		BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Path is empty, cannot save");
		return ret;

	if (len >= FILE_MAX) {
		BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Path too long, cannot save");
		return ret;
	/* Check if file write permission is ok */
	if (BLI_exists(filepath) && !BLI_file_is_writable(filepath)) {
		BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot save blend file, path '%s' is not writable", filepath);
		return ret;
	/* note: used to replace the file extension (to ensure '.blend'),
	 * no need to now because the operator ensures,
	 * its handy for scripts to save to a predefined name without blender editing it */
	/* send the OnSave event */
	for (li = G.main->library.first; li; li = li-> {
		if (BLI_path_cmp(li->filepath, filepath) == 0) {
			BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot overwrite used library '%.240s'", filepath);
			return ret;

	/* Call pre-save callbacks befores writing preview, that way you can generate custom file thumbnail... */
	BLI_callback_exec(G.main, NULL, BLI_CB_EVT_SAVE_PRE);

	/* blend file thumbnail */
	/* save before exit_editmode, otherwise derivedmeshes for shared data corrupt #27765) */
	/* Main now can store a .blend thumbnail, usefull for background mode or thumbnail customization. */
	main_thumb = thumb = CTX_data_main(C)->blen_thumb;
	if ((U.flag & USER_SAVE_PREVIEWS) && BLI_thread_is_main()) {
		ibuf_thumb = blend_file_thumb(CTX_data_scene(C), CTX_wm_screen(C), &thumb);

	/* operator now handles overwrite checks */

	if (G.fileflags & G_AUTOPACK) {
		packAll(G.main, reports, false);

	/* don't forget not to return without! */
	ED_editors_flush_edits(C, false);

	fileflags |= G_FILE_HISTORY; /* write file history */

	/* first time saving */
	/* XXX temp solution to solve bug, real fix coming (ton) */
	if ((G.main->name[0] == '\0') && !(fileflags & G_FILE_SAVE_COPY)) {
		BLI_strncpy(G.main->name, filepath, sizeof(G.main->name));

	/* XXX temp solution to solve bug, real fix coming (ton) */
	G.main->recovered = 0;
	if (BLO_write_file(CTX_data_main(C), filepath, fileflags, reports, thumb)) {
		if (!(fileflags & G_FILE_SAVE_COPY)) {
			G.relbase_valid = 1;
			BLI_strncpy(G.main->name, filepath, sizeof(G.main->name));  /* is guaranteed current file */
			G.save_over = 1; /* disable untitled.blend convention */


		/* prevent background mode scripts from clobbering history */
		if (!G.background) {

		BLI_callback_exec(G.main, NULL, BLI_CB_EVT_SAVE_POST);

		/* run this function after because the file cant be written before the blend is */
		if (ibuf_thumb) {
			IMB_thumb_delete(filepath, THB_FAIL); /* without this a failed thumb overrides */
			ibuf_thumb = IMB_thumb_create(filepath, THB_LARGE, THB_SOURCE_BLEND, ibuf_thumb);

		ret = 0;  /* Success. */

	if (ibuf_thumb) {
	if (thumb && thumb != main_thumb) {


	return ret;
Beispiel #11
static void gpu_node_input_link(GPUNode *node, GPUNodeLink *link, int type)
	GPUInput *input;
	GPUNode *outnode;
	const char *name;

	if(link->output) {
		outnode = link->output->node;
		name = outnode->name;

		if(strcmp(name, "set_value")==0 || strcmp(name, "set_rgb")==0) {
			input = MEM_dupallocN(outnode->inputs.first);
			input->type = type;
			BLI_addtail(&node->inputs, input);
	input = MEM_callocN(sizeof(GPUInput), "GPUInput");
	input->node = node;

	if(link->builtin) {
		/* builtin uniform */
		input->type = type;
		input->source = GPU_SOURCE_BUILTIN;
		input->builtin = link->builtin;

	else if(link->output) {
		/* link to a node output */
		input->type = type;
		input->source = GPU_SOURCE_TEX_PIXEL;
		input->link = link;
	else if(link->dynamictex) {
		/* dynamic texture, GPUTexture is updated/deleted externally */
		input->type = type;
		input->source = GPU_SOURCE_TEX;

		input->tex = link->dynamictex;
		input->textarget = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
		input->textype = type;
		input->dynamictex = 1;
		input->dynamicdata = link->ptr2;
	else if(link->texture) {
		/* small texture created on the fly, like for colorbands */
		input->type = GPU_VEC4;
		input->source = GPU_SOURCE_TEX;
		input->textype = type;

		//input->tex = GPU_texture_create_2D(link->texturesize, link->texturesize, link->ptr2, NULL);
		input->tex = GPU_texture_create_2D(link->texturesize, 1, link->ptr1, NULL);
		input->textarget = GL_TEXTURE_2D;

	else if(link->image) {
		/* blender image */
		input->type = GPU_VEC4;
		input->source = GPU_SOURCE_TEX;

		input->ima = link->ptr1;
		input->iuser = link->ptr2;
		input->textarget = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
		input->textype = GPU_TEX2D;
	else if(link->attribtype) {
		/* vertex attribute */
		input->type = type;
		input->source = GPU_SOURCE_ATTRIB;

		input->attribtype = link->attribtype;
		BLI_strncpy(input->attribname, link->attribname, sizeof(input->attribname));
	else {
		/* uniform vector */
		input->type = type;
		input->source = GPU_SOURCE_VEC_UNIFORM;

		memcpy(input->vec, link->ptr1, type*sizeof(float));
		if(link->dynamic) {
			input->dynamicvec= link->ptr1;
			input->dynamictype= link->dynamictype;
			input->dynamicdata= link->ptr2;

	BLI_addtail(&node->inputs, input);
Beispiel #12
 * called on startup,  (context entirely filled with NULLs)
 * or called for 'New File'
 * both startup.blend and userpref.blend are checked
 * the optional parameter custom_file points to an alternative startup page
 * custom_file can be NULL
int wm_homefile_read(bContext *C, ReportList *reports, bool from_memory, const char *custom_file)
	ListBase wmbase;
	char startstr[FILE_MAX];
	char prefstr[FILE_MAX];
	int success = 0;

	/* Indicates whether user preferences were really load from memory.
	 * This is used for versioning code, and for this we can not rely on from_memory
	 * passed via argument. This is because there might be configuration folder
	 * exists but it might not have userpref.blend and in this case we fallback to
	 * reading home file from memory.
	 * And in this case versioning code is to be run.
	bool read_userdef_from_memory = true;

	/* options exclude eachother */
	BLI_assert((from_memory && custom_file) == 0);

	if ((G.f & G_SCRIPT_OVERRIDE_PREF) == 0) {

	BLI_callback_exec(CTX_data_main(C), NULL, BLI_CB_EVT_LOAD_PRE);


	G.relbase_valid = 0;
	if (!from_memory) {
		const char * const cfgdir = BKE_appdir_folder_id(BLENDER_USER_CONFIG, NULL);
		if (custom_file) {
			BLI_strncpy(startstr, custom_file, FILE_MAX);

			if (cfgdir) {
				BLI_make_file_string(G.main->name, prefstr, cfgdir, BLENDER_USERPREF_FILE);
			else {
				prefstr[0] = '\0';
		else if (cfgdir) {
			BLI_make_file_string(G.main->name, startstr, cfgdir, BLENDER_STARTUP_FILE);
			BLI_make_file_string(G.main->name, prefstr, cfgdir, BLENDER_USERPREF_FILE);
		else {
			startstr[0] = '\0';
			prefstr[0] = '\0';
			from_memory = 1;
	/* put aside screens to match with persistent windows later */
	wm_window_match_init(C, &wmbase);
	if (!from_memory) {
		if (BLI_access(startstr, R_OK) == 0) {
			success = (BKE_read_file(C, startstr, NULL) != BKE_READ_FILE_FAIL);
		if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&U.themes)) {
			if (G.debug & G_DEBUG)
				printf("\nNote: No (valid) '%s' found, fall back to built-in default.\n\n", startstr);
			success = 0;

	if (success == 0 && custom_file && reports) {
		BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Could not read '%s'", custom_file);
		/*We can not return from here because wm is already reset*/

	if (success == 0) {
		success = BKE_read_file_from_memory(C, datatoc_startup_blend, datatoc_startup_blend_size, NULL, true);
		if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&wmbase)) {

		/* use alternative setting for security nuts
		 * otherwise we'd need to patch the binary blob - startup.blend.c */
	/* check new prefs only after startup.blend was finished */
	if (!from_memory && BLI_exists(prefstr)) {
		int done = BKE_read_file_userdef(prefstr, NULL);
		if (done != BKE_READ_FILE_FAIL) {
			read_userdef_from_memory = false;
			printf("Read new prefs: %s\n", prefstr);
	/* prevent buggy files that had G_FILE_RELATIVE_REMAP written out by mistake. Screws up autosaves otherwise
	 * can remove this eventually, only in a 2.53 and older, now its not written */
	G.fileflags &= ~G_FILE_RELATIVE_REMAP;
	/* check userdef before open window, keymaps etc */
	wm_init_userdef(C, read_userdef_from_memory);
	/* match the read WM with current WM */
	wm_window_match_do(C, &wmbase); 
	WM_check(C); /* opens window(s), checks keymaps */

	G.main->name[0] = '\0';

	/* When loading factory settings, the reset solid OpenGL lights need to be applied. */
	if (!G.background) GPU_default_lights();
	/* XXX */
	G.save_over = 0;    // start with save preference untitled.blend
	G.fileflags &= ~G_FILE_AUTOPLAY;    /*  disable autoplay in startup.blend... */

//	refresh_interface_font();
//	undo_editmode_clear();
	BKE_undo_write(C, "original");  /* save current state */

	CTX_wm_window_set(C, CTX_wm_manager(C)->windows.first);

	DAG_on_visible_update(CTX_data_main(C), true);

	if (CTX_py_init_get(C)) {
		/* sync addons, these may have changed from the defaults */
		BPY_string_exec(C, "__import__('addon_utils').reset_all()");



	/* important to do before NULL'ing the context */
	BLI_callback_exec(CTX_data_main(C), NULL, BLI_CB_EVT_VERSION_UPDATE);
	BLI_callback_exec(CTX_data_main(C), NULL, BLI_CB_EVT_LOAD_POST);

	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_WM | ND_FILEREAD, NULL);

	/* in background mode the scene will stay NULL */
	if (!G.background) {
		CTX_wm_window_set(C, NULL); /* exits queues */

	return true;
Beispiel #13
static void wm_window_match_do(bContext *C, ListBase *oldwmlist)
	wmWindowManager *oldwm, *wm;
	wmWindow *oldwin, *win;
	/* cases 1 and 2 */
	if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(oldwmlist)) {
		if (G.main->wm.first) {
			/* nothing todo */
		else {
	else {
		/* cases 3 and 4 */
		/* we've read file without wm..., keep current one entirely alive */
		if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&G.main->wm)) {
			bScreen *screen = NULL;

			/* when loading without UI, no matching needed */
			if (!(G.fileflags & G_FILE_NO_UI) && (screen = CTX_wm_screen(C))) {

				/* match oldwm to new dbase, only old files */
				for (wm = oldwmlist->first; wm; wm = wm-> {
					for (win = wm->windows.first; win; win = win->next) {
						/* all windows get active screen from file */
						if (screen->winid == 0)
							win->screen = screen;
							win->screen = ED_screen_duplicate(win, screen);
						BLI_strncpy(win->screenname, win->screen-> + 2, sizeof(win->screenname));
						win->screen->winid = win->winid;
			G.main->wm = *oldwmlist;
			/* screens were read from file! */
		else {
			bool has_match = false;

			/* what if old was 3, and loaded 1? */
			/* this code could move to setup_appdata */
			oldwm = oldwmlist->first;
			wm = G.main->wm.first;

			/* preserve key configurations in new wm, to preserve their keymaps */
			wm->keyconfigs = oldwm->keyconfigs;
			wm->addonconf = oldwm->addonconf;
			wm->defaultconf = oldwm->defaultconf;
			wm->userconf = oldwm->userconf;

			oldwm->addonconf = NULL;
			oldwm->defaultconf = NULL;
			oldwm->userconf = NULL;

			/* ensure making new keymaps and set space types */
			wm->initialized = 0;
			wm->winactive = NULL;

			/* only first wm in list has ghostwins */
			for (win = wm->windows.first; win; win = win->next) {
				for (oldwin = oldwm->windows.first; oldwin; oldwin = oldwin->next) {

					if (oldwin->winid == win->winid) {
						has_match = true;

						wm_window_substitute_old(wm, oldwin, win);

			/* make sure at least one window is kept open so we don't lose the context, check T42303 */
			if (!has_match) {
				oldwin = oldwm->windows.first;
				win = wm->windows.first;

				wm_window_substitute_old(wm, oldwin, win);

			wm_close_and_free_all(C, oldwmlist);
Beispiel #14
void IMB_suffix_anim(struct anim *anim, const char *suffix)
	BLI_strncpy(anim->suffix, suffix, sizeof(anim->suffix));
Beispiel #15
 * \brief get the ID from the screen.
static void depthdropper_depth_sample_pt(bContext *C, DepthDropper *ddr, int mx, int my, float *r_depth)

	/* we could use some clever */
	wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C);
	ScrArea *sa = BKE_screen_find_area_xy(win->screen, SPACE_TYPE_ANY, mx, my);
	Scene *scene = win->screen->scene;
	UnitSettings *unit = &scene->unit;
	const bool do_split = (unit->flag & USER_UNIT_OPT_SPLIT) != 0;

	ScrArea *area_prev = CTX_wm_area(C);
	ARegion *ar_prev = CTX_wm_region(C);

	ddr->name[0] = '\0';

	if (sa) {
		if (sa->spacetype == SPACE_VIEW3D) {
			ARegion *ar = BKE_area_find_region_xy(sa, RGN_TYPE_WINDOW, mx, my);
			if (ar) {
				View3D *v3d = sa->spacedata.first;
				RegionView3D *rv3d = ar->regiondata;
				/* weak, we could pass in some reference point */
				const float *view_co = v3d->camera ? v3d->camera->obmat[3] : rv3d->viewinv[3];
				const int mval[2] = {
				    mx - ar->winrct.xmin,
				    my - ar->winrct.ymin};
				float co[3];

				CTX_wm_area_set(C, sa);
				CTX_wm_region_set(C, ar);

				/* grr, always draw else we leave stale text */


				if (ED_view3d_autodist(scene, ar, v3d, mval, co, true, NULL)) {
					const float mval_center_fl[2] = {
					    (float)ar->winx / 2,
					    (float)ar->winy / 2};
					float co_align[3];

					/* quick way to get view-center aligned point */
					ED_view3d_win_to_3d(ar, co, mval_center_fl, co_align);

					*r_depth = len_v3v3(view_co, co_align);

					bUnit_AsString(ddr->name, sizeof(ddr->name),
					               4, unit->system, B_UNIT_LENGTH, do_split, false);
				else {
					BLI_strncpy(ddr->name, "Nothing under cursor", sizeof(ddr->name));

	CTX_wm_area_set(C, area_prev);
	CTX_wm_region_set(C, ar_prev);
Beispiel #16
 * \note RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex is used here because we want
 *       the previously used settings to be used here rather then overriding them */
short ED_fileselect_set_params(SpaceFile *sfile)
	FileSelectParams *params;
	wmOperator *op = sfile->op;

	/* create new parameters if necessary */
	if (!sfile->params) {
		sfile->params = MEM_callocN(sizeof(FileSelectParams), "fileselparams");
		/* set path to most recently opened .blend */
		BLI_split_dirfile(G.main->name, sfile->params->dir, sfile->params->file, sizeof(sfile->params->dir), sizeof(sfile->params->file));
		sfile->params->filter_glob[0] = '\0';

	params = sfile->params;

	/* set the parameters from the operator, if it exists */
	if (op) {
		PropertyRNA *prop;
		const bool is_files = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "files") != NULL);
		const bool is_filepath = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filepath") != NULL);
		const bool is_filename = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filename") != NULL);
		const bool is_directory = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "directory") != NULL);
		const bool is_relative_path = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "relative_path") != NULL);

		BLI_strncpy_utf8(params->title, RNA_struct_ui_name(op->type->srna), sizeof(params->title));

		if (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filemode"))
			params->type = RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "filemode");
			params->type = FILE_SPECIAL;

		if (is_filepath && RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex(op->ptr, "filepath", false)) {
			char name[FILE_MAX];
			RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "filepath", name);
			if (params->type == FILE_LOADLIB) {
				BLI_strncpy(params->dir, name, sizeof(params->dir));
				sfile->params->file[0] = '\0';
			else {
				BLI_split_dirfile(name, sfile->params->dir, sfile->params->file, sizeof(sfile->params->dir), sizeof(sfile->params->file));
		else {
			if (is_directory && RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex(op->ptr, "directory", false)) {
				RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "directory", params->dir);
				sfile->params->file[0] = '\0';

			if (is_filename && RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex(op->ptr, "filename", false)) {
				RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "filename", params->file);

		if (params->dir[0]) {
			BLI_cleanup_dir(G.main->name, params->dir);
			BLI_path_abs(params->dir, G.main->name);

		if (is_directory == true && is_filename == false && is_filepath == false && is_files == false) {
			params->flag |= FILE_DIRSEL_ONLY;
		else {
			params->flag &= ~FILE_DIRSEL_ONLY;

		params->filter = 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_blender")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? BLENDERFILE : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_backup")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? BLENDERFILE_BACKUP : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_image")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? IMAGEFILE : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_movie")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? MOVIEFILE : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_python")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? PYSCRIPTFILE : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_font")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FTFONTFILE : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_sound")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? SOUNDFILE : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_text")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? TEXTFILE : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_folder")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FOLDERFILE : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_btx")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? BTXFILE : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_collada")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? COLLADAFILE : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_glob"))) {
			RNA_property_string_get(op->ptr, prop, params->filter_glob);
			params->filter |= (OPERATORFILE | FOLDERFILE);
		else {
			params->filter_glob[0] = '\0';

		if (params->filter != 0) {
			if (U.uiflag & USER_FILTERFILEEXTS) {
				params->flag |= FILE_FILTER;
			else {
				params->flag &= ~FILE_FILTER;

		if (U.uiflag & USER_HIDE_DOT) {
			params->flag |= FILE_HIDE_DOT;
		else {
			params->flag &= ~FILE_HIDE_DOT;

		if (params->type == FILE_LOADLIB) {
			params->flag |= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "link") ? FILE_LINK : 0;
			params->flag |= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "autoselect") ? FILE_AUTOSELECT : 0;
			params->flag |= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "active_layer") ? FILE_ACTIVELAY : 0;

		if (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "display_type"))
			params->display = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "display_type");

		if (params->display == FILE_DEFAULTDISPLAY) {
			if (U.uiflag & USER_SHOW_THUMBNAILS) {
				if (params->filter & (IMAGEFILE | MOVIEFILE))
					params->display = FILE_IMGDISPLAY;
					params->display = FILE_SHORTDISPLAY;
			else {
				params->display = FILE_SHORTDISPLAY;

		if (is_relative_path) {
			if (!RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex(op->ptr, "relative_path", false)) {
				RNA_boolean_set(op->ptr, "relative_path", U.flag & USER_RELPATHS);
	else {
		/* default values, if no operator */
		params->type = FILE_UNIX;
		params->flag |= FILE_HIDE_DOT;
		params->flag &= ~FILE_DIRSEL_ONLY;
		params->display = FILE_SHORTDISPLAY;
		params->filter = 0;
		params->filter_glob[0] = '\0';

	/* operator has no setting for this */
	params->sort = FILE_SORT_ALPHA;

	/* initialize the list with previous folders */
	if (!sfile->folders_prev)
		sfile->folders_prev = folderlist_new();

	if (!sfile->params->dir[0]) {
		if (G.main->name[0]) {
			BLI_split_dir_part(G.main->name, sfile->params->dir, sizeof(sfile->params->dir));
		else {
			const char *doc_path = BLI_getDefaultDocumentFolder();
			if (doc_path) {
				BLI_strncpy(sfile->params->dir, doc_path, sizeof(sfile->params->dir));

	folderlist_pushdir(sfile->folders_prev, sfile->params->dir);

	/* switching thumbnails needs to recalc layout [#28809] */
	if (sfile->layout) {
		sfile->layout->dirty = true;

	return 1;
KX_LibLoadStatus *KX_BlenderSceneConverter::LinkBlendFile(BlendHandle *bpy_openlib, const char *path, char *group, KX_Scene *scene_merge, char **err_str, short options)
	Main *main_newlib; /* stored as a dynamic 'main' until we free it */
	const int idcode = BKE_idcode_from_name(group);
	ReportList reports;
	static char err_local[255];

//	TIMEIT_START(bge_link_blend_file);

	KX_LibLoadStatus *status;

	/* only scene and mesh supported right now */
	if (idcode != ID_SCE && idcode != ID_ME && idcode != ID_AC) {
		snprintf(err_local, sizeof(err_local), "invalid ID type given \"%s\"\n", group);
		*err_str = err_local;
		return NULL;
	if (GetMainDynamicPath(path)) {
		snprintf(err_local, sizeof(err_local), "blend file already open \"%s\"\n", path);
		*err_str = err_local;
		return NULL;

	if (bpy_openlib == NULL) {
		snprintf(err_local, sizeof(err_local), "could not open blendfile \"%s\"\n", path);
		*err_str = err_local;
		return NULL;

	main_newlib = BKE_main_new();
	BKE_reports_init(&reports, RPT_STORE);

	short flag = 0; /* don't need any special options */
	/* created only for linking, then freed */
	Main *main_tmp = BLO_library_append_begin(main_newlib, &bpy_openlib, (char *)path);

	load_datablocks(main_tmp, bpy_openlib, path, idcode);

	if (idcode == ID_SCE && options & LIB_LOAD_LOAD_SCRIPTS) {
		load_datablocks(main_tmp, bpy_openlib, path, ID_TXT);

	/* now do another round of linking for Scenes so all actions are properly loaded */
	if (idcode == ID_SCE && options & LIB_LOAD_LOAD_ACTIONS) {
		load_datablocks(main_tmp, bpy_openlib, path, ID_AC);

	BLO_library_append_end(NULL, main_tmp, &bpy_openlib, idcode, flag);


	/* done linking */
	/* needed for lookups*/
	BLI_strncpy(main_newlib->name, path, sizeof(main_newlib->name));
	status = new KX_LibLoadStatus(this, m_ketsjiEngine, scene_merge, path);

	if (idcode == ID_ME) {
		/* Convert all new meshes into BGE meshes */
		ID *mesh;
		for (mesh = (ID *)main_newlib->mesh.first; mesh; mesh = (ID *)mesh->next ) {
			if (options & LIB_LOAD_VERBOSE)
				printf("MeshName: %s\n", mesh->name + 2);
			RAS_MeshObject *meshobj = BL_ConvertMesh((Mesh *)mesh, NULL, scene_merge, this, false); // For now only use the libloading option for scenes, which need to handle materials/shaders
			scene_merge->GetLogicManager()->RegisterMeshName(meshobj->GetName(), meshobj);
	else if (idcode == ID_AC) {
		/* Convert all actions */
		ID *action;

		for (action= (ID *)main_newlib->action.first; action; action = (ID *)action->next) {
			if (options & LIB_LOAD_VERBOSE)
				printf("ActionName: %s\n", action->name + 2);
			scene_merge->GetLogicManager()->RegisterActionName(action->name + 2, action);
	else if (idcode == ID_SCE) {
		/* Merge all new linked in scene into the existing one */
		ID *scene;
		// scenes gets deleted by the thread when it's done using it (look in async_convert())
		vector<Scene *> *scenes = (options & LIB_LOAD_ASYNC) ? new vector<Scene *>() : NULL;

		for (scene = (ID *)main_newlib->scene.first; scene; scene = (ID *)scene->next ) {
			if (options & LIB_LOAD_VERBOSE)
				printf("SceneName: %s\n", scene->name + 2);
			if (options & LIB_LOAD_ASYNC) {
				scenes->push_back((Scene *)scene);
			else {
				/* merge into the base  scene */
				KX_Scene* other = m_ketsjiEngine->CreateScene((Scene *)scene, true);
				// RemoveScene(other); // Don't run this, it frees the entire scene converter data, just delete the scene
				delete other;

		if (options & LIB_LOAD_ASYNC) {
			pthread_t id;
			pthread_create(&id, NULL, &async_convert, (void *)status);

		/* Handle any text datablocks */
		if (options & LIB_LOAD_LOAD_SCRIPTS)

		/* Now handle all the actions */
		if (options & LIB_LOAD_LOAD_ACTIONS) {
			ID *action;

			for (action = (ID *)main_newlib->action.first; action; action = (ID *)action->next) {
				if (options & LIB_LOAD_VERBOSE)
					printf("ActionName: %s\n", action->name + 2);
				scene_merge->GetLogicManager()->RegisterActionName(action->name + 2, action);

	if (!(options & LIB_LOAD_ASYNC))

//	TIMEIT_END(bge_link_blend_file);

	m_status_map[main_newlib->name] = status;
	return status;
Beispiel #18
/* only called once, for startup */
void WM_init(bContext *C, int argc, const char **argv)
	if (!G.background) {
		wm_ghost_init(C);	/* note: it assigns C to ghost! */

	set_free_windowmanager_cb(wm_close_and_free);	/* library.c */
	set_blender_test_break_cb(wm_window_testbreak); /* blender.c */
	DAG_editors_update_cb(ED_render_id_flush_update); /* depsgraph.c */
	ED_spacetypes_init();	/* editors/space_api/spacetype.c */
	ED_file_init();			/* for fsmenu */
	BLF_init(11, U.dpi); /* Please update source/gamengine/GamePlayer/GPG_ghost.cpp if you change this */
	/* get the default database, plus a wm */
	WM_read_homefile(C, NULL, G.factory_startup);


	/* note: there is a bug where python needs initializing before loading the
	 * startup.blend because it may contain PyDrivers. It also needs to be after
	 * initializing space types and other internal data.
	 * However cant redo this at the moment. Solution is to load python
	 * before WM_read_homefile() or make py-drivers check if python is running.
	 * Will try fix when the crash can be repeated. - campbell. */

	BPY_context_set(C); /* necessary evil */
	BPY_python_start(argc, argv);

	BPY_app_handlers_reset(); /* causes addon callbacks to be freed [#28068],
	                           * but this is actually what we want. */
	(void)argc; /* unused */
	(void)argv; /* unused */

	if (!G.background && !wm_start_with_console)

	wm_init_reports(C); /* reports cant be initialized before the wm */

	if (!G.background) {
		GPU_set_mipmap(!(U.gameflags & USER_DISABLE_MIPMAP));


	/* allow a path of "", this is what happens when making a new file */
	if(G.main->name[0] == 0)
		BLI_make_file_string("/", G.main->name, BLI_getDefaultDocumentFolder(), "untitled.blend");

	BLI_strncpy(G.lib, G.main->name, FILE_MAX);
Beispiel #19
void BKE_color_managed_display_settings_init(ColorManagedDisplaySettings *settings)
	const char *display_name = IMB_colormanagement_display_get_default_name();

	BLI_strncpy(settings->display_device, display_name, sizeof(settings->display_device));
Beispiel #20
 * Do actual bake operation. Loop through to-be-baked frames.
 * Returns 0 on failure.
static int dynamicPaint_bakeImageSequence(bContext *C, DynamicPaintSurface *surface, Object *cObject)
	DynamicPaintCanvasSettings *canvas = surface->canvas;
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C);
	int frame = 1;
	int frames;

	frames = surface->end_frame - surface->start_frame + 1;
	if (frames <= 0) {
		BLI_strncpy(canvas->error, N_("No frames to bake"), sizeof(canvas->error));
		return 0;

	/* Set frame to start point (also inits modifier data) */
	frame = surface->start_frame;
	scene->r.cfra = (int)frame;
	ED_update_for_newframe(CTX_data_main(C), scene, 1);

	/* Init surface	*/
	if (!dynamicPaint_createUVSurface(scene, surface)) return 0;

	/* Loop through selected frames */
	for (frame = surface->start_frame; frame <= surface->end_frame; frame++) {
		float progress = (frame - surface->start_frame) / (float)frames * 100;
		surface->current_frame = frame;

		/* If user requested stop (esc), quit baking	*/
		if (blender_test_break()) return 0;

		/* Update progress bar cursor */
		if (!G.background) {
			WM_cursor_time(win, (int)progress);

		/* calculate a frame */
		scene->r.cfra = (int)frame;
		ED_update_for_newframe(CTX_data_main(C), scene, 1);
		if (!dynamicPaint_calculateFrame(surface, scene, cObject, frame)) return 0;

		 * Save output images
			char filename[FILE_MAX];

			/* primary output layer */
			if (surface->flags & MOD_DPAINT_OUT1) {
				/* set filepath */
				BLI_join_dirfile(filename, sizeof(filename), surface->image_output_path, surface->output_name);
				BLI_path_frame(filename, frame, 4);

				/* save image */
				dynamicPaint_outputSurfaceImage(surface, filename, 0);
			/* secondary output */
			if (surface->flags & MOD_DPAINT_OUT2 && surface->type == MOD_DPAINT_SURFACE_T_PAINT) {
				/* set filepath */
				BLI_join_dirfile(filename, sizeof(filename), surface->image_output_path, surface->output_name2);
				BLI_path_frame(filename, frame, 4);

				/* save image */
				dynamicPaint_outputSurfaceImage(surface, filename, 1);
	return 1;
Beispiel #21
void BKE_color_managed_colorspace_settings_init(ColorManagedColorspaceSettings *colorspace_settings)
	BLI_strncpy(colorspace_settings->name, "", sizeof(colorspace_settings->name));
Beispiel #22
/* name functions that ignore the first two ID characters */
void rna_ID_name_get(PointerRNA *ptr, char *value)
	ID *id = (ID *)ptr->data;
	BLI_strncpy(value, id->name + 2, sizeof(id->name) - 2);
void OutputOpenExrMultiLayerOperation::deinitExecution()
	unsigned int width = this->getWidth();
	unsigned int height = this->getHeight();
	if (width != 0 && height != 0) {
		Main *bmain = G.main; /* TODO, have this passed along */
		char filename[FILE_MAX];
		void *exrhandle = IMB_exr_get_handle();
		BKE_makepicstring_from_type(filename, this->m_path, bmain->name, this->m_rd->cfra, R_IMF_IMTYPE_MULTILAYER,
		                  (this->m_rd->scemode & R_EXTENSION), true);
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->m_layers.size(); ++i) {
			char channelname[EXR_TOT_MAXNAME];
			BLI_strncpy(channelname, this->m_layers[i].name, sizeof(channelname) - 2);
			char *channelname_ext = channelname + strlen(channelname);
			float *buf = this->m_layers[i].outputBuffer;
			/* create channels */
			switch (this->m_layers[i].datatype) {
				case COM_DT_VALUE:
					strcpy(channelname_ext, ".V");
					IMB_exr_add_channel(exrhandle, 0, channelname, 1, width, buf);
				case COM_DT_VECTOR:
					strcpy(channelname_ext, ".X");
					IMB_exr_add_channel(exrhandle, 0, channelname, 3, 3 * width, buf);
					strcpy(channelname_ext, ".Y");
					IMB_exr_add_channel(exrhandle, 0, channelname, 3, 3 * width, buf + 1);
					strcpy(channelname_ext, ".Z");
					IMB_exr_add_channel(exrhandle, 0, channelname, 3, 3 * width, buf + 2);
				case COM_DT_COLOR:
					strcpy(channelname_ext, ".R");
					IMB_exr_add_channel(exrhandle, 0, channelname, 4, 4 * width, buf);
					strcpy(channelname_ext, ".G");
					IMB_exr_add_channel(exrhandle, 0, channelname, 4, 4 * width, buf + 1);
					strcpy(channelname_ext, ".B");
					IMB_exr_add_channel(exrhandle, 0, channelname, 4, 4 * width, buf + 2);
					strcpy(channelname_ext, ".A");
					IMB_exr_add_channel(exrhandle, 0, channelname, 4, 4 * width, buf + 3);
		/* when the filename has no permissions, this can fail */
		if (IMB_exr_begin_write(exrhandle, filename, width, height, this->m_exr_codec)) {
		else {
			/* TODO, get the error from openexr's exception */
			/* XXX nice way to do report? */
			printf("Error Writing Render Result, see console\n");
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->m_layers.size(); ++i) {
			if (this->m_layers[i].outputBuffer) {
				this->m_layers[i].outputBuffer = NULL;
			this->m_layers[i].imageInput = NULL;
Beispiel #24
bool RE_bake_engine(
        Render *re, Object *object,
        const int object_id, const BakePixel pixel_array[],
        const size_t num_pixels, const int depth,
        const ScenePassType pass_type, float result[])
	RenderEngineType *type = RE_engines_find(re->r.engine);
	RenderEngine *engine;
	bool persistent_data = (re->r.mode & R_PERSISTENT_DATA) != 0;

	/* set render info */
	re->i.cfra = re->scene->r.cfra;
	BLI_strncpy(re->i.scene_name, re->scene-> + 2, sizeof(re->i.scene_name) - 2);
	re->i.totface = re->i.totvert = re->i.totstrand = re->i.totlamp = re->i.tothalo = 0;

	/* render */
	engine = re->engine;

	if (!engine) {
		engine = RE_engine_create(type);
		re->engine = engine;

	engine->flag |= RE_ENGINE_RENDERING;

	/* TODO: actually link to a parent which shouldn't happen */
	engine->re = re;

	engine->resolution_x = re->winx;
	engine->resolution_y = re->winy;

	RE_parts_init(re, false);
	engine->tile_x = re->r.tilex;
	engine->tile_y = re->r.tiley;

	/* update is only called so we create the engine.session */
	if (type->update)
		type->update(engine, re->main, re->scene);

	if (type->bake)
		type->bake(engine, re->scene, object, pass_type, object_id, pixel_array, num_pixels, depth, result);

	engine->tile_x = 0;
	engine->tile_y = 0;
	engine->flag &= ~RE_ENGINE_RENDERING;

	BLI_rw_mutex_lock(&re->partsmutex, THREAD_LOCK_WRITE);


	/* re->engine becomes zero if user changed active render engine during render */
	if (!persistent_data || !re->engine) {
		re->engine = NULL;


	if (BKE_reports_contain(re->reports, RPT_ERROR))
		G.is_break = true;

	return true;
Beispiel #25
static int fluid_init_filepaths(Object *fsDomain, char *targetDir, char *targetFile, char *debugStrBuffer)
	FluidsimModifierData *fluidmd = (FluidsimModifierData *)modifiers_findByType(fsDomain, eModifierType_Fluidsim);
	FluidsimSettings *domainSettings= fluidmd->fss;	
	FILE *fileCfg;
	int dirExist = 0;
	char newSurfdataPath[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; // modified output settings
	const char *suffixConfig = FLUID_SUFFIX_CONFIG;
	int outStringsChanged = 0;
	// prepare names...
	strncpy(targetDir, domainSettings->surfdataPath, FILE_MAXDIR);
	strncpy(newSurfdataPath, domainSettings->surfdataPath, FILE_MAXDIR);
	BLI_path_abs(targetDir, G.main->name); // fixed #frame-no 

	// .tmp: dont overwrite/delete original file
	BLI_snprintf(targetFile, sizeof(targetFile), "%s%s.tmp", targetDir, suffixConfig);

	// make sure all directories exist
	// as the bobjs use the same dir, this only needs to be checked
	// for the cfg output
	// check selected directory
	// simply try to open cfg file for writing to test validity of settings
	fileCfg = fopen(targetFile, "w");
	if(fileCfg) { 
		dirExist = 1; fclose(fileCfg); 
		// remove cfg dummy from  directory test
		BLI_delete(targetFile, 0,0);
	if((strlen(targetDir)<1) || (!dirExist)) {
		// invalid dir, reset to current/previous
		BLI_strncpy(blendDir, G.main->name, sizeof(blendDir));
		BLI_splitdirstring(blendDir, blendFile);
		BLI_replace_extension(blendFile, sizeof(blendFile), ""); /* strip .blend */

		BLI_snprintf(newSurfdataPath, sizeof(newSurfdataPath) ,"//fluidsimdata/%s_%s_", blendFile, fsDomain->;
		BLI_snprintf(debugStrBuffer, sizeof(debugStrBuffer), "fluidsimBake::error - warning resetting output dir to '%s'\n", newSurfdataPath);
	// check if modified output dir is ok
#if 0
	if(outStringsChanged) {
		char dispmsg[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE+256];
		int  selection=0;
		BLI_strncpy(dispmsg,"Output settings set to: '", sizeof(dispmsg));
		strcat(dispmsg, newSurfdataPath);
		strcat(dispmsg, "'%t|Continue with changed settings%x1|Discard and abort%x0");
		// ask user if thats what he/she wants...
		selection = pupmenu(dispmsg);
		if(selection<1) return 0; // 0 from menu, or -1 aborted
		BLI_strncpy(targetDir, newSurfdataPath, sizeof(targetDir));
		strncpy(domainSettings->surfdataPath, newSurfdataPath, FILE_MAXDIR);
		BLI_path_abs(targetDir, G.main->name); // fixed #frame-no 
	return outStringsChanged;
Beispiel #26
int RE_engine_render(Render *re, int do_all)
	RenderEngineType *type = RE_engines_find(re->r.engine);
	RenderEngine *engine;
	bool persistent_data = (re->r.mode & R_PERSISTENT_DATA) != 0;

	/* verify if we can render */
	if (!type->render)
		return 0;
	if ((re->r.scemode & R_BUTS_PREVIEW) && !(type->flag & RE_USE_PREVIEW))
		return 0;
	if (do_all && !(type->flag & RE_USE_POSTPROCESS))
		return 0;
	if (!do_all && (type->flag & RE_USE_POSTPROCESS))
		return 0;

	/* Lock drawing in UI during data phase. */
	if (re->draw_lock) {
		re->draw_lock(re->dlh, 1);

	/* update animation here so any render layer animation is applied before
	 * creating the render result */
	if ((re->r.scemode & (R_NO_FRAME_UPDATE | R_BUTS_PREVIEW)) == 0) {
		unsigned int lay = re->lay;

		/* don't update layers excluded on all render layers */
		if (type->flag & RE_USE_EXCLUDE_LAYERS) {
			SceneRenderLayer *srl;
			unsigned int non_excluded_lay = 0;

			if (re->r.scemode & R_SINGLE_LAYER) {
				srl = BLI_findlink(&re->r.layers, re->r.actlay);
				if (srl) {
					non_excluded_lay |= ~srl->lay_exclude;

					/* in this case we must update all because animation for
					 * the scene has not been updated yet, and so may not be
					 * up to date until after BKE_scene_update_for_newframe */
					if (render_layer_exclude_animated(re->scene, srl))
						non_excluded_lay |= ~0;
			else {
				for (srl = re->r.layers.first; srl; srl = srl->next) {
					if (!(srl->layflag & SCE_LAY_DISABLE)) {
						non_excluded_lay |= ~srl->lay_exclude;

						if (render_layer_exclude_animated(re->scene, srl))
							non_excluded_lay |= ~0;

			lay &= non_excluded_lay;

		BKE_scene_update_for_newframe_ex(re->eval_ctx, re->main, re->scene, lay, true);
		render_update_anim_renderdata(re, &re->scene->r);

	/* create render result */
	BLI_rw_mutex_lock(&re->resultmutex, THREAD_LOCK_WRITE);
	if (re->result == NULL || !(re->r.scemode & R_BUTS_PREVIEW)) {
		int savebuffers = RR_USE_MEM;

		if (re->result)

		if ((type->flag & RE_USE_SAVE_BUFFERS) && (re->r.scemode & R_EXR_TILE_FILE))
			savebuffers = RR_USE_EXR;
		re->result = render_result_new(re, &re->disprect, 0, savebuffers, RR_ALL_LAYERS, RR_ALL_VIEWS);

	if (re->result == NULL) {
		/* Clear UI drawing locks. */
		if (re->draw_lock) {
			re->draw_lock(re->dlh, 0);
		return 1;

	/* set render info */
	re->i.cfra = re->scene->r.cfra;
	BLI_strncpy(re->i.scene_name, re->scene-> + 2, sizeof(re->i.scene_name));
	re->i.totface = re->i.totvert = re->i.totstrand = re->i.totlamp = re->i.tothalo = 0;

	/* render */
	engine = re->engine;

	if (!engine) {
		engine = RE_engine_create(type);
		re->engine = engine;

	engine->flag |= RE_ENGINE_RENDERING;

	/* TODO: actually link to a parent which shouldn't happen */
	engine->re = re;

	if (re->flag & R_ANIMATION)
		engine->flag |= RE_ENGINE_ANIMATION;
	if (re->r.scemode & R_BUTS_PREVIEW)
		engine->flag |= RE_ENGINE_PREVIEW;
	engine->camera_override = re->camera_override;
	engine->layer_override = re->layer_override;

	engine->resolution_x = re->winx;
	engine->resolution_y = re->winy;

	RE_parts_init(re, false);
	engine->tile_x = re->partx;
	engine->tile_y = re->party;

	if (re->result->do_exr_tile)

	if (type->update)
		type->update(engine, re->main, re->scene);

	/* Clear UI drawing locks. */
	if (re->draw_lock) {
		re->draw_lock(re->dlh, 0);

	if (type->render)
		type->render(engine, re->scene);

	engine->tile_x = 0;
	engine->tile_y = 0;
	engine->flag &= ~RE_ENGINE_RENDERING;

	render_result_free_list(&engine->fullresult, engine->fullresult.first);

	BLI_rw_mutex_lock(&re->partsmutex, THREAD_LOCK_WRITE);

	/* re->engine becomes zero if user changed active render engine during render */
	if (!persistent_data || !re->engine) {
		re->engine = NULL;

	if (re->result->do_exr_tile) {
		BLI_rw_mutex_lock(&re->resultmutex, THREAD_LOCK_WRITE);

	if (re->r.scemode & R_EXR_CACHE_FILE) {
		BLI_rw_mutex_lock(&re->resultmutex, THREAD_LOCK_WRITE);


	if (BKE_reports_contain(re->reports, RPT_ERROR))
		G.is_break = true;
	if (re->r.mode & R_EDGE_FRS)

	return 1;
Beispiel #27
static void blender_crash_handler(int signum)

#if 0
		char fname[FILE_MAX];

		if (!G.main->name[0]) {
			BLI_make_file_string("/", fname, BLI_temporary_dir(), "crash.blend");
		else {
			BLI_strncpy(fname, G.main->name, sizeof(fname));
			BLI_replace_extension(fname, sizeof(fname), ".crash.blend");

		printf("Writing: %s\n", fname);


	FILE *fp;
	char header[512];
	wmWindowManager *wm = G.main->wm.first;

	char fname[FILE_MAX];

	if (!G.main->name[0]) {
		BLI_make_file_string("/", fname, BLI_temporary_dir(), "blender.crash.txt");
	else {
		BLI_strncpy(fname, G.main->name, sizeof(fname));
		BLI_replace_extension(fname, sizeof(fname), ".crash.txt");

	printf("Writing: %s\n", fname);

	BLI_snprintf(header, sizeof(header), "# " BLEND_VERSION_FMT ", Revision: %s\n", BLEND_VERSION_ARG,

	/* open the crash log */
	errno = 0;
	fp = BLI_fopen(fname, "wb");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to save '%s': %s\n",
		        fname, errno ? strerror(errno) : "Unknown error opening file");
	else {
		if (wm) {
			BKE_report_write_file_fp(fp, &wm->reports, header);



	/* really crash */
	signal(signum, SIG_DFL);
#ifndef WIN32
	kill(getpid(), signum);
	TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), signum);
Beispiel #28
/* Main Driver Management API calls:
 * 	Add a new driver for the specified property on the given ID block
short ANIM_add_driver (ReportList *reports, ID *id, const char rna_path[], int array_index, short flag, int type)
	PointerRNA id_ptr, ptr;
	PropertyRNA *prop;
	FCurve *fcu;
	int array_index_max;
	int done = 0;
	/* validate pointer first - exit if failure */
	RNA_id_pointer_create(id, &id_ptr);
	if ((RNA_path_resolve(&id_ptr, rna_path, &ptr, &prop) == 0) || (prop == NULL)) {
		BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, 
			"Could not add Driver, as RNA Path is invalid for the given ID (ID = %s, Path = %s)", 
			id->name, rna_path);
		return 0;
	/* key entire array convenience method */
	if (array_index == -1) {
		array_index_max= RNA_property_array_length(&ptr, prop);
		array_index= 0;
		array_index_max= array_index;
	/* maximum index should be greater than the start index */
	if (array_index == array_index_max)
		array_index_max += 1;
	/* will only loop once unless the array index was -1 */
	for (; array_index < array_index_max; array_index++) {
		/* create F-Curve with Driver */
		fcu= verify_driver_fcurve(id, rna_path, array_index, 1);
		if (fcu && fcu->driver) {
			ChannelDriver *driver= fcu->driver;
			/* set the type of the driver */
			driver->type= type;
			/* creating drivers for buttons will create the driver(s) with type 
			 * "scripted expression" so that their values won't be lost immediately,
			 * so here we copy those values over to the driver's expression
			if (type == DRIVER_TYPE_PYTHON) {
				PropertyType proptype= RNA_property_type(prop);
				int array= RNA_property_array_length(&ptr, prop);
				char *expression= driver->expression;
				int val, maxlen= sizeof(driver->expression);
				float fval;
				if (proptype == PROP_BOOLEAN) {
					if (!array) val= RNA_property_boolean_get(&ptr, prop);
					else val= RNA_property_boolean_get_index(&ptr, prop, array_index);
					BLI_strncpy(expression, (val)? "True": "False", maxlen);
				else if (proptype == PROP_INT) {
					if (!array) val= RNA_property_int_get(&ptr, prop);
					else val= RNA_property_int_get_index(&ptr, prop, array_index);
					BLI_snprintf(expression, maxlen, "%d", val);
				else if (proptype == PROP_FLOAT) {
					if (!array) fval= RNA_property_float_get(&ptr, prop);
					else fval= RNA_property_float_get_index(&ptr, prop, array_index);
					BLI_snprintf(expression, maxlen, "%.3f", fval);
			/* for easier setup of drivers from UI, a driver variable should be 
			 * added if flag is set (UI calls only)
				/* assume that users will mostly want this to be of type "Transform Channel" too,
				 * since this allows the easiest setting up of common rig components
				DriverVar *dvar = driver_add_new_variable(driver);
				driver_change_variable_type(dvar, DVAR_TYPE_TRANSFORM_CHAN);
		/* set the done status */
		done += (fcu != NULL);
	/* done */
	return done;
/* name can be a dynamic string */
void undo_editmode_push(bContext *C, const char *name, 
                        void * (*getdata)(bContext * C),
                        void (*freedata)(void *),
                        void (*to_editmode)(void *, void *, void *),
                        void *(*from_editmode)(void *, void *),
                        int (*validate_undo)(void *, void *))
	UndoElem *uel;
	Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C);
	void *editdata;
	int nr;
	uintptr_t memused, totmem, maxmem;

	/* at first here was code to prevent an "original" key to be inserted twice
	 * this was giving conflicts for example when mesh changed due to keys or apply */
	/* remove all undos after (also when curundo == NULL) */
	while (undobase.last != curundo) {
		uel = undobase.last;
		BLI_freelinkN(&undobase, uel);
	/* make new */
	curundo = uel = MEM_callocN(sizeof(UndoElem), "undo editmode");
	BLI_strncpy(uel->name, name, sizeof(uel->name));
	BLI_addtail(&undobase, uel);
	uel->getdata = getdata;
	uel->freedata = freedata;
	uel->to_editmode = to_editmode;
	uel->from_editmode = from_editmode;
	uel->validate_undo = validate_undo;
	/* limit amount to the maximum amount*/
	nr = 0;
	uel = undobase.last;
	while (uel) {
		if (nr == U.undosteps) break;
		uel = uel->prev;
	if (uel) {
		while (undobase.first != uel) {
			UndoElem *first = undobase.first;
			BLI_freelinkN(&undobase, first);

	/* copy  */
	memused = MEM_get_memory_in_use();
	editdata = getdata(C);
	curundo->undodata = curundo->from_editmode(editdata, obedit->data);
	curundo->undosize = MEM_get_memory_in_use() - memused;
	curundo->ob = obedit;
	curundo->id = obedit->id;
	curundo->type = obedit->type;

	if (U.undomemory != 0) {
		/* limit to maximum memory (afterwards, we can't know in advance) */
		totmem = 0;
		maxmem = ((uintptr_t)U.undomemory) * 1024 * 1024;

		uel = undobase.last;
		while (uel && uel->prev) {
			totmem += uel->undosize;
			if (totmem > maxmem) break;
			uel = uel->prev;

		if (uel) {
			if (uel->prev && uel->prev->prev)
				uel = uel->prev;

			while (undobase.first != uel) {
				UndoElem *first = undobase.first;
				BLI_freelinkN(&undobase, first);
Beispiel #30
/* draw settings for generator modifier */
static void draw_modifier__generator(uiLayout *layout, ID *id, FModifier *fcm, short width)
	FMod_Generator *data = (FMod_Generator *)fcm->data;
	uiLayout /* *col, */ /* UNUSED */ *row;
	uiBlock *block;
	uiBut *but;
	PointerRNA ptr;
	short bwidth = width - 30; /* max button width */
	/* init the RNA-pointer */
	RNA_pointer_create(id, &RNA_FModifierFunctionGenerator, fcm, &ptr);
	/* basic settings (backdrop + mode selector + some padding) */
	/* col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, TRUE); */ /* UNUSED */
	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout);
	but = uiDefButR(block, MENU, B_FMODIFIER_REDRAW, NULL, 0, 0, bwidth, UI_UNIT_Y, &ptr, "mode", -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, NULL);
	uiButSetFunc(but, validate_fmodifier_cb, fcm, NULL);
	uiDefButR(block, TOG, B_FMODIFIER_REDRAW, NULL, 0, 0, bwidth, UI_UNIT_Y, &ptr, "use_additive", -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, NULL);
	/* now add settings for individual modes */
	switch (data->mode) {
		case FCM_GENERATOR_POLYNOMIAL: /* polynomial expression */
			float *cp = NULL;
			char xval[32];
			unsigned int i;
			int maxXWidth;
			/* draw polynomial order selector */
			row = uiLayoutRow(layout, FALSE);
			block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
			but = uiDefButI(block, NUM, B_FMODIFIER_REDRAW, IFACE_("Poly Order:"), 10, 0, bwidth, 20,
			                &data->poly_order, 1, 100, 0, 0,
			                TIP_("'Order' of the Polynomial (for a polynomial with n terms, 'order' is n-1)"));
			uiButSetFunc(but, validate_fmodifier_cb, fcm, NULL);
			/* calculate maximum width of label for "x^n" labels */
			if (data->arraysize > 2) {
				BLI_snprintf(xval, sizeof(xval), "x^%u", data->arraysize);
				maxXWidth = UI_GetStringWidth(xval) + 10; /* XXX: UI_GetStringWidth is not accurate */
			else {
				/* basic size (just "x") */
				maxXWidth = UI_GetStringWidth("x") + 10; 
			/* draw controls for each coefficient and a + sign at end of row */
			row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE);
			block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
			cp = data->coefficients;
			for (i = 0; (i < data->arraysize) && (cp); i++, cp++) {
				/* To align with first line... */
				if (i)
					uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, "   ", 0, 0, 40, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
					uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, "y =", 0, 0, 40, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
				/* coefficient */
				uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_FMODIFIER_REDRAW, "", 0, 0, bwidth / 2, 20, cp, -UI_FLT_MAX, UI_FLT_MAX,
				          10, 3, TIP_("Coefficient for polynomial"));
				/* 'x' param (and '+' if necessary) */
				if (i == 0)
					BLI_strncpy(xval, "", sizeof(xval));
				else if (i == 1)
					BLI_strncpy(xval, "x", sizeof(xval));
					BLI_snprintf(xval, sizeof(xval), "x^%u", i);
				uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, xval, 0, 0, maxXWidth, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Power of x"));
				if ( (i != (data->arraysize - 1)) || ((i == 0) && data->arraysize == 2) ) {
					uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, "+", 0, 0, 20, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
					/* next coefficient on a new row */
					row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE);
					block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
				else {
					/* For alignment in UI! */
					uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, " ", 0, 0, 20, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
		case FCM_GENERATOR_POLYNOMIAL_FACTORISED: /* Factorized polynomial expression */
			float *cp = NULL;
			unsigned int i;
			/* draw polynomial order selector */
			row = uiLayoutRow(layout, FALSE);
			block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
			but = uiDefButI(block, NUM, B_FMODIFIER_REDRAW, IFACE_("Poly Order:"), 0, 0, width - 30, 19,
			                &data->poly_order, 1, 100, 0, 0,
			                TIP_("'Order' of the Polynomial (for a polynomial with n terms, 'order' is n-1)"));
			uiButSetFunc(but, validate_fmodifier_cb, fcm, NULL);
			/* draw controls for each pair of coefficients */
			row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE);
			block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
			cp = data->coefficients;
			for (i = 0; (i < data->poly_order) && (cp); i++, cp += 2) {
				/* To align with first line */
				if (i)
					uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, "   ", 0, 0, 50, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
					uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, "y =", 0, 0, 50, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
				/* opening bracket */
				uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, "(", 0, 0, 20, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
				/* coefficients */
				uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_FMODIFIER_REDRAW, "", 0, 0, 100, 20, cp, -UI_FLT_MAX, UI_FLT_MAX,
				          10, 3, TIP_("Coefficient of x"));
				uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, "x +", 0, 0, 40, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
				uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_FMODIFIER_REDRAW, "", 0, 0, 100, 20, cp + 1, -UI_FLT_MAX, UI_FLT_MAX,
				          10, 3, TIP_("Second coefficient"));
				/* closing bracket and multiplication sign */
				if ( (i != (data->poly_order - 1)) || ((i == 0) && data->poly_order == 2) ) {
					uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, ") ×", 0, 0, 40, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
					/* set up new row for the next pair of coefficients */
					row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE);
					block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
					uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, ")  ", 0, 0, 40, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");