Beispiel #1
 * @brief Update storage, the market, and the player's credits
 * @note Don't update capacity here because we can sell items directly from aircraft (already removed from storage).
static void BS_ProcessCraftItemSale (const objDef_t* craftitem, const int numItems)
	if (craftitem) {
		BS_AddItemToMarket(craftitem, numItems);
		CP_UpdateCredits(ccs.credits + BS_GetItemSellingPrice(craftitem) * numItems);
Beispiel #2
 * @brief Sells the given UGV with all the equipment.
 * @param robot The employee record of the UGV to sell
 * @return @c true if the ugv could get sold, @c false otherwise
 * @todo Implement this correctly once we have UGV
bool BS_SellUGV (Employee* robot)
	const objDef_t* ugvWeapon;
	const ugv_t* ugv;
	base_t* base;

	if (!robot)
		cgi->Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Selling nullptr UGV!");
	if (!robot->getUGV())
		cgi->Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Selling invalid UGV with UCN: %i", robot->chr.ucn);
	ugv = robot->getUGV();
	base = robot->baseHired;

	/* Check if we have a weapon for this ugv in the market to sell it. */
	ugvWeapon = INVSH_GetItemByID(ugv->weapon);
	if (!ugvWeapon)
		cgi->Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "BS_BuyItem_f: Could not get wepaon '%s' for ugv/tank '%s'.", ugv->weapon, ugv->id);

	if (!robot->unhire()) {
		/** @todo message - Couldn't fire employee. */
		Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_CLIENT, "Couldn't sell/fire robot/ugv.\n");
		return false;

	BS_AddItemToMarket(ugvWeapon, 1);
	CP_UpdateCredits(ccs.credits + ugv->price);
	B_AddToStorage(base, ugvWeapon, -1);

	return true;
 * @brief Sell one item of a given type.
 * @sa BS_BuyItem_f
 * @sa BS_SellAircraft_f
 * @sa BS_BuyAircraft_f
static void BS_SellItem_f (void)
	int num;
	base_t *base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase();

	if (Cmd_Argc() < 2) {
		Com_Printf("Usage: %s <num>\n", Cmd_Argv(0));

	if (!base)

	if (buyCat == FILTER_AIRCRAFT) {
		Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_CLIENT, "BS_SellItem_f: Redirects to BS_SellAircraft_f\n");

	num = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
	if (num < 0 || num >= buyList.length)

	UI_ExecuteConfunc("buy_selectitem %i", num + buyList.scroll);
		const objDef_t *item = BS_GetObjectDefition(&buyList.l[num + buyList.scroll]);
		/* don't sell more items than we have */
		const int numItems = min(B_ItemInBase(item, base), BS_GetBuySellFactor());
		/* Normal item (or equipment for UGVs/Robots if buyCategory==BUY_HEAVY) */
		currentSelectedMenuEntry = item;

		/* don't sell more items than we have */
		if (numItems) {
			/* reinit the menu */
			B_UpdateStorageAndCapacity(base, item, -numItems, qfalse);
			BS_AddItemToMarket(item, numItems);
			CP_UpdateCredits(ccs.credits + BS_GetItemSellingPrice(item) * numItems);
			BS_UpdateItem(base, num);
Beispiel #4
 * @brief Sells items from the market
 * @param[in] od pointer to the item (Object Definition record)
 * @param[out] base Base to sell at
 * @param[in ] count Number of items to sell
 * @return @c true if the ugv could get sold, @c false otherwise
bool BS_SellItem (const objDef_t* od, base_t* base, int count)
	if (!od)
		cgi->Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "BS_SellItem: Called on nullptr objDef!");

	if (count <= 0)
		return false;
	if (!BS_IsOnMarket(od))
		return false;

	if (base) {
		if (B_ItemInBase(od, base) < count)
			return false;
		B_AddToStorage(base, od, -count);

	BS_AddItemToMarket(od, count);
	CP_UpdateCredits(ccs.credits + BS_GetItemSellingPrice(od) * count);

	return true;
Beispiel #5
 * @brief make number of items change every day.
 * @sa CP_CampaignRun
 * @sa daily called
 * @note This function makes items number on market slowly reach the asymptotic number of items defined in equipment.ufo
 * If an item has just been researched, it's not available on market until RESEARCH_LIMIT_DELAY days is reached.
void CP_CampaignRunMarket (campaign_t* campaign)
	int i;
	const float TYPICAL_TIME = 10.f;			/**< Number of days to reach the asymptotic number of items */
	const int RESEARCH_LIMIT_DELAY = 30;		/**< Numbers of days after end of research to wait in order to have
												 * items added on market */
	market_t* market = BS_GetMarket();


	for (i = 0; i < cgi->csi->numODs; i++) {
		const objDef_t* od = INVSH_GetItemByIDX(i);
		const technology_t* tech = RS_GetTechForItem(od);
		int asymptoticNumber;

		if (RS_IsResearched_ptr(tech) && (campaign->marketDef->numItems[i] != 0 || > tech-> + RESEARCH_LIMIT_DELAY)) {
			/* if items are researched for more than RESEARCH_LIMIT_DELAY or was on the initial market,
			 * there number tend to the value defined in equipment.ufo.
			 * This value is the asymptotic value if it is not 0, or initial value else */
			asymptoticNumber = campaign->asymptoticMarketDef->numItems[i] ? campaign->asymptoticMarketDef->numItems[i] : campaign->marketDef->numItems[i];
		} else {
			/* items that have just been researched don't appear on market, but they can disappear */
			asymptoticNumber = 0;

		/* Store the evolution of the market in currentEvolution */
		market->currentEvolutionItems[i] += (asymptoticNumber - market->numItems[i]) / TYPICAL_TIME;

		/* Check if new items appeared or disappeared on market */
		if (fabs(market->currentEvolutionItems[i]) >= 1.0f) {
			const int num = (int)(market->currentEvolutionItems[i]);
			if (num >= 0)
				BS_AddItemToMarket(od, num);
				BS_RemoveItemFromMarket(od, -num);
			market->currentEvolutionItems[i] -= num;

	for (i = 0; i < AIRCRAFTTYPE_MAX; i++) {
		const humanAircraftType_t type = (humanAircraftType_t)i;
		const char* aircraftID = cgi->Com_DropShipTypeToShortName(type);
		const aircraft_t* aircraft = AIR_GetAircraft(aircraftID);
		const technology_t* tech = aircraft->tech;
		int asymptoticNumber;

		if (RS_IsResearched_ptr(tech) && (campaign->marketDef->numAircraft[i] != 0 || > tech-> + RESEARCH_LIMIT_DELAY)) {
			/* if aircraft is researched for more than RESEARCH_LIMIT_DELAY or was on the initial market,
			 * there number tend to the value defined in equipment.ufo.
			 * This value is the asymptotic value if it is not 0, or initial value else */
			asymptoticNumber = campaign->asymptoticMarketDef->numAircraft[i] ? campaign->asymptoticMarketDef->numAircraft[i] : campaign->marketDef->numAircraft[i];
		} else {
			/* items that have just been researched don't appear on market, but they can disappear */
			asymptoticNumber = 0;
		/* Store the evolution of the market in currentEvolution */
		market->currentEvolutionAircraft[i] += (asymptoticNumber - market->numAircraft[i]) / TYPICAL_TIME;

		/* Check if new items appeared or disappeared on market */
		if (fabs(market->currentEvolutionAircraft[i]) >= 1.0f) {
			const int num = (int)(market->currentEvolutionAircraft[i]);
			if (num >= 0)
				BS_AddAircraftToMarket(aircraft, num);
				BS_RemoveAircraftFromMarket(aircraft, -num);
			market->currentEvolutionAircraft[i] -= num;