Beispiel #1
bool beathead_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_t &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	UINT8 *videoram = reinterpret_cast<UINT8 *>(m_videoram);
	int x, y;

	/* generate the final screen */
	for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
		pen_t pen_base = (*m_palette_select & 0x7f) * 256;
		UINT16 scanline[336];

		/* blanking */
		if (m_finescroll & 8)
			for (x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++)
				scanline[x] = pen_base;

		/* non-blanking */
			offs_t scanline_offset = m_vram_latch_offset + (m_finescroll & 3);
			offs_t src = scanline_offset + cliprect.min_x;

			/* unswizzle the scanline first */
			for (x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++)
				scanline[x] = pen_base | videoram[BYTE4_XOR_LE(src++)];

		/* then draw it */
		draw_scanline16(&bitmap, cliprect.min_x, y, cliprect.max_x - cliprect.min_x + 1, &scanline[cliprect.min_x], NULL);
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
Datei: v60.cpp Projekt: Fulg/mame
v60_device::v60_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source)
	: cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source)
	, m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32, 0)
	, m_io_config("io", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 16, 24, 0)
	, m_fetch_xor(BYTE4_XOR_LE(0))
	, m_start_pc(0xfffffff0)
	// Set m_PIR (Processor ID) for NEC v70. LSB is reserved to NEC,
	// so I don't know what it contains.
	m_reg[45] = 0x00007000;
Beispiel #3
static OPBASE_HANDLER( psx_setopbase )
	if( address == 0x80030000 )
		UINT8 *p_ram;
		UINT8 *p_psxexe;
		UINT32 n_stack;
		UINT32 n_ram;
		UINT32 n_left;
		UINT32 n_address;

		logerror( "psx_exe_load: pc  %08x\n", m_psxexe_header.pc0 );
		logerror( "psx_exe_load: org %08x\n", m_psxexe_header.t_addr );
		logerror( "psx_exe_load: len %08x\n", m_psxexe_header.t_size );
		logerror( "psx_exe_load: sp  %08x\n", m_psxexe_header.s_addr );
		logerror( "psx_exe_load: len %08x\n", m_psxexe_header.s_size );

		p_ram = (UINT8 *)g_p_n_psxram;
		n_ram = g_n_psxramsize;

		p_psxexe = m_p_psxexe;

		n_address = m_psxexe_header.t_addr;
		n_left = m_psxexe_header.t_size;
		while( n_left != 0 )
			p_ram[ BYTE4_XOR_LE( n_address ) % n_ram ] = *( p_psxexe );

		free( m_p_psxexe );

		activecpu_set_reg( MIPS_PC, m_psxexe_header.pc0 );
		activecpu_set_reg( MIPS_R28, m_psxexe_header.gp0 );
		n_stack = m_psxexe_header.s_addr + m_psxexe_header.s_size;
		if( n_stack != 0 )
			activecpu_set_reg( MIPS_R29, n_stack );
			activecpu_set_reg( MIPS_R30, n_stack );

		memory_set_opbase_handler( 0, NULL );
		return ~0;
	return address;
Beispiel #4
static int load_psxexe( device_t *cpu, unsigned char *p_n_file, int n_len )
	psx_state *state = cpu->machine().driver_data<psx_state>();
		UINT8 id[ 8 ];
		UINT32 text;	/* SCE only */
		UINT32 data;	/* SCE only */
		UINT32 pc0;
		UINT32 gp0;		/* SCE only */
		UINT32 t_addr;
		UINT32 t_size;
		UINT32 d_addr;	/* SCE only */
		UINT32 d_size;	/* SCE only */
		UINT32 b_addr;	/* SCE only */
		UINT32 b_size;	/* SCE only */
		UINT32 s_addr;
		UINT32 s_size;
		UINT32 SavedSP;
		UINT32 SavedFP;
		UINT32 SavedGP;
		UINT32 SavedRA;
		UINT32 SavedS0;
		UINT8 dummy[ 0x800 - 76 ];

	struct PSXEXE_HEADER *psxexe_header = (struct PSXEXE_HEADER *)p_n_file;

	if( n_len >= sizeof( struct PSXEXE_HEADER ) &&
		memcmp( psxexe_header->id, "PS-X EXE", 8 ) == 0 )
		UINT8 *p_ram;
		UINT8 *p_psxexe;
		UINT32 n_stack;
		UINT32 n_ram;
		UINT32 n_address;
		UINT32 n_size;

		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->text );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->data );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->pc0 );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->gp0 );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->t_addr );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->t_size );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->d_addr );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->d_size );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->b_addr );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->b_size );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->s_addr );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->s_size );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->SavedSP );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->SavedFP );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->SavedGP );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->SavedRA );
		psxexe_conv32( &psxexe_header->SavedS0 );

		/* todo: check size.. */

		logerror( "psx_exe_load: pc    %08x\n", psxexe_header->pc0 );
		logerror( "psx_exe_load: org   %08x\n", psxexe_header->t_addr );
		logerror( "psx_exe_load: len   %08x\n", psxexe_header->t_size );
		logerror( "psx_exe_load: sp    %08x\n", psxexe_header->s_addr );
		logerror( "psx_exe_load: len   %08x\n", psxexe_header->s_size );

		p_ram = (UINT8 *)state->m_p_n_psxram;
		n_ram = state->m_n_psxramsize;

		p_psxexe = p_n_file + sizeof( struct PSXEXE_HEADER );

		n_address = psxexe_header->t_addr;
		n_size = psxexe_header->t_size;
		while( n_size != 0 )
			p_ram[ BYTE4_XOR_LE( n_address ) % n_ram ] = *( p_psxexe );

		cpu_set_reg( cpu, PSXCPU_PC, psxexe_header->pc0 );
		cpu_set_reg( cpu, PSXCPU_R28, psxexe_header->gp0 );
		n_stack = psxexe_header->s_addr + psxexe_header->s_size;
		if( n_stack != 0 )
			cpu_set_reg( cpu, PSXCPU_R29, n_stack );
			cpu_set_reg( cpu, PSXCPU_R30, n_stack );

		return 1;
	return 0;
Beispiel #5
static int load_cpe( device_t *cpu, unsigned char *p_n_file, int n_len )
	psx_state *state = cpu->machine().driver_data<psx_state>();
	if( n_len >= 4 &&
		memcmp( p_n_file, "CPE\001", 4 ) == 0 )
		int n_offset = 4;

		for( ;; )
			if( n_offset >= n_len || p_n_file[ n_offset ] > 8 )

			switch( p_n_file[ n_offset++ ] )
			case 0:
				/* end of file */
				return 1;
			case 1:
				/* read bytes */
					int n_address = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 0 ] << 0 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 1 ] << 8 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 2 ] << 16 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 3 ] << 24 );
					int n_size = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 4 ] << 0 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 5 ] << 8 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 6 ] << 16 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 7 ] << 24 );

					UINT8 *p_ram = (UINT8 *)state->m_p_n_psxram;
					UINT32 n_ram = state->m_n_psxramsize;

					n_offset += 8;

					logerror( "psx_exe_load: org   %08x\n", n_address );
					logerror( "psx_exe_load: len   %08x\n", n_size );

					while( n_size > 0 )
						p_ram[ BYTE4_XOR_LE( n_address ) % n_ram ] = p_n_file[ n_offset++ ];
			case 2:
				/* run address: not tested */
					int n_value = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 2 ] << 0 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 3 ] << 8 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 4 ] << 16 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 5 ] << 24 );

					n_offset += 4;

					cpe_set_register( cpu, 0x90, n_value );
			case 3:
				/* set reg to longword */
					int n_reg = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 0 ] << 0 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 1 ] << 8 );
					int n_value = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 2 ] << 0 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 3 ] << 8 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 4 ] << 16 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 5 ] << 24 );

					n_offset += 6;

					cpe_set_register( cpu, n_reg, n_value );
			case 4:
				/* set reg to word: not tested */
					int n_reg = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 0 ] << 0 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 1 ] << 8 );
					int n_value = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 2 ] << 0 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 3 ] << 8 );

					n_offset += 4;

					cpe_set_register( cpu, n_reg, n_value );
			case 5:
				/* set reg to byte: not tested */
					int n_reg = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 0 ] << 0 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 1 ] << 8 );
					int n_value = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 2 ] << 0 );

					n_offset += 3;

					cpe_set_register( cpu, n_reg, n_value );
			case 6:
				/* set reg to 3-byte: not tested */
					int n_reg = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 0 ] << 0 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 1 ] << 8 );
					int n_value = ( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 2 ] << 0 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 3 ] << 8 ) |
						( (int)p_n_file[ n_offset + 4 ] << 16 );

					n_offset += 5;

					cpe_set_register( cpu, n_reg, n_value );
			case 7:
				/* workspace: not tested */
				n_offset += 4;
			case 8:
				/* unit */
					int n_unit = p_n_file[ n_offset + 0 ];


					logerror( "psx_exe_load: unit  %08x\n", n_unit );
	return 0;
Beispiel #6
void memory_array::write8_to_32le(int index, UINT32 data) { reinterpret_cast<UINT8 *>(m_base)[BYTE4_XOR_LE(index)] = data; }
Beispiel #7
UINT32 memory_array::read8_from_32le(int index) const { return reinterpret_cast<UINT8 *>(m_base)[BYTE4_XOR_LE(index)]; }
offs_t activecpu_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc)

	/* allow overrides */
	if (cpu_dasm_override)
		offs_t result = cpu_dasm_override(activecpu, buffer, pc);
		if (result)
			return result;

	/* if there's no old-style assembler, do some work to make this call work with the new one */
	if (!cpu[activecpu].intf.disassemble)
		int dbwidth = activecpu_databus_width(ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM);
		int maxbytes = activecpu_max_instruction_bytes();
		int endianness = activecpu_endianness();
		UINT8 opbuf[64], argbuf[64];
		int xorval = 0;
		int numbytes;

		/* determine the XOR to get the bytes in order */
		switch (dbwidth)
			case 8:		xorval = 0;																break;
			case 16:	xorval = (endianness == CPU_IS_LE) ? BYTE_XOR_LE(0) : BYTE_XOR_BE(0);	break;
			case 32:	xorval = (endianness == CPU_IS_LE) ? BYTE4_XOR_LE(0) : BYTE4_XOR_BE(0);	break;
			case 64:	xorval = (endianness == CPU_IS_LE) ? BYTE8_XOR_LE(0) : BYTE8_XOR_BE(0);	break;

		/* fetch the bytes up to the maximum */
		memset(opbuf, 0xff, sizeof(opbuf));
		memset(argbuf, 0xff, sizeof(argbuf));
		for (numbytes = 0; numbytes < maxbytes; numbytes++)
			offs_t physpc = pc + numbytes;
			const UINT8 *ptr;

			/* translate the address, set the opcode base, and apply the byte xor */
			if (!cpu[activecpu].intf.translate || (*cpu[activecpu].intf.translate)(ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, &physpc))
				physpc ^= xorval;

				/* get pointer to data */
				ptr = memory_get_op_ptr(cpu_getactivecpu(), physpc, 0);
				if (ptr)
					opbuf[numbytes] = *ptr;
					ptr = memory_get_op_ptr(cpu_getactivecpu(), physpc, 1);
					if (ptr)
						argbuf[numbytes] = *ptr;
						argbuf[numbytes] = opbuf[numbytes];

		return activecpu_dasm_new(buffer, pc, opbuf, argbuf, maxbytes);
	return (*cpu[activecpu].intf.disassemble)(buffer, pc);
Beispiel #9
static void
handle_mcu( void )
	UINT8 *IORAM = (UINT8 *)namcofl_mcuram;
	static int toggle;
	int new_coin_state = readinputport(3)&0x30;
	unsigned p1 = readinputport(0);
	unsigned p2 = readinputport(2);
	unsigned p3 = readinputport(1);
	unsigned p4 = readinputport(3);

	IORAM[BYTE4_XOR_LE(0x6000)] = p1;
	IORAM[BYTE4_XOR_LE(0x6003)] = p2;
	IORAM[BYTE4_XOR_LE(0x6005)] = p3;
	IORAM[BYTE4_XOR_LE(0x60b8)] = p4;

	IORAM[BYTE4_XOR_LE(0x6014)] = readinputport(6)-1;	/* handle */
	IORAM[BYTE4_XOR_LE(0x6016)] = readinputport(5);	/* brake */
	IORAM[BYTE4_XOR_LE(0x6018)] = readinputport(4);	/* accelerator */

	if (!(new_coin_state & 0x20) && (old_coin_state & 0x20))

	if (!(new_coin_state & 0x10) && (old_coin_state & 0x10))

	old_coin_state = new_coin_state;
	IORAM[BYTE4_XOR_LE(0x601e)] = credits1;
	IORAM[BYTE4_XOR_LE(0x6020)] = credits2;

	IORAM[BYTE4_XOR_LE(0x6009)] = 0;

	toggle ^= 1;
	if (toggle)
	{	/* final lap */
	{	/* speed racer */
} /* handle_mcu */