Beispiel #1
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_aio4c_buffer_Buffer_limit__I(JNIEnv* jvm, jobject buffer, jint limit) {
    Buffer* _buffer = _GetBuffer(jvm, buffer);

    if (BufferLimit(_buffer, limit) == NULL) {
        (*jvm)->ThrowNew(jvm, (*jvm)->FindClass(jvm, "Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;"), "invalid limit");
Beispiel #2
void BufferReassignSeg(Buffer buffer, Seg seg)
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVERT(Seg, seg);
  AVER(BufferBase(buffer) >= SegBase(seg));
  AVER(BufferLimit(buffer) <= SegLimit(seg));
  AVER(BufferPool(buffer) == SegPool(seg));
  Method(Buffer, buffer, reassignSeg)(buffer, seg);
Beispiel #3
/* AMSTStressBufferedSeg -- Stress test for a buffered seg
 * Test splitting or merging a buffered seg.
 * .bmerge: A merge is performed when the segment had previously
 * been split and the segment above meets the constraints (i.e. empty,
 * not already attached to a buffer and similar colour)
 * .bsplit: Whether or not a merge happpened, a split is performed if
 * the limit of the buffered region is also the limit of an arena
 * grain, and yet does not correspond to the segment limit, provided
 * that the part of the segment above the buffer is all free.
static void AMSTStressBufferedSeg(Seg seg, Buffer buffer)
  AMSTSeg amstseg;
  AMST amst;
  Arena arena;
  Addr limit;
  Buffer segBuf;

  AVERT(Seg, seg);
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVER(SegBuffer(&segBuf, seg) && segBuf == buffer);
  amstseg = Seg2AMSTSeg(seg);
  AVERT(AMSTSeg, amstseg);
  limit = BufferLimit(buffer);
  arena = PoolArena(SegPool(seg));
  amst = PoolAMST(SegPool(seg));
  AVERT(AMST, amst);

  if (amstseg->next != NULL) {
    Seg segHi = AMSTSeg2Seg(amstseg->next);
    if (AMSSegIsFree(segHi) && SegGrey(segHi) == SegGrey(seg)) {
      /* .bmerge */
      Seg mergedSeg;
      Res res;
      res = SegMerge(&mergedSeg, seg, segHi);
      if (ResOK == res) {
      } else {
        /* deliberate fails only */

  if (SegLimit(seg) != limit &&
      AddrIsArenaGrain(limit, arena) &&
      AMSSegRegionIsFree(seg, limit, SegLimit(seg))) {
    /* .bsplit */
    Seg segLo, segHi;
    Res res;
    res = SegSplit(&segLo, &segHi, seg, limit);
    if (ResOK == res) {
    } else {
      /* deliberate fails only */
Beispiel #4
void BufferDetach(Buffer buffer, Pool pool)
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);

  if (!BufferIsReset(buffer)) {
    Addr init, limit;
    Size spare;

    buffer->mode |= BufferModeTRANSITION;

    /* Ask the owning pool to do whatever it needs to before the */
    /* buffer is detached (e.g. copy buffer state into pool state). */
    Method(Pool, pool, bufferEmpty)(pool, buffer);

    /* run any class-specific detachment method */
    Method(Buffer, buffer, detach)(buffer);

    init = BufferGetInit(buffer);
    limit = BufferLimit(buffer);
    spare = AddrOffset(init, limit);
    buffer->emptySize += spare;
    if (buffer->isMutator) {
      ArenaGlobals(buffer->arena)->emptyMutatorSize += spare;
      ArenaGlobals(buffer->arena)->allocMutatorSize +=
        AddrOffset(buffer->base, init);
    } else {
      ArenaGlobals(buffer->arena)->emptyInternalSize += spare;

    /* Reset the buffer. */
    buffer->base = (Addr)0;
    buffer->initAtFlip = (Addr)0;
    buffer->ap_s.init = (mps_addr_t)0;
    buffer->ap_s.alloc = (mps_addr_t)0;
    buffer->ap_s.limit = (mps_addr_t)0;
    buffer->poolLimit = (Addr)0;
    buffer->mode &=

    EVENT2(BufferEmpty, buffer, spare);
Beispiel #5
Connection* NewConnection(BufferPool* pool, Address* address, bool freeAddress) {
    Connection* connection = NULL;

    if ((connection = aio4c_malloc(sizeof(Connection))) == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    connection->readBuffer = AllocateBuffer(pool);
    connection->writeBuffer = AllocateBuffer(pool);
    BufferLimit(connection->writeBuffer, 0);
    connection->dataBuffer = NULL;
    connection->socket = -1;
    connection->state = AIO4C_CONNECTION_STATE_NONE;
    connection->stateLock = NewLock();
    connection->systemHandlers = NewEventQueue();
    connection->userHandlers = NewEventQueue();
    connection->address = address;
    connection->closedForError = false;
    connection->string = AddressGetString(address);
    connection->stringAllocated = false;
    memset(connection->closedBy, 0, AIO4C_CONNECTION_OWNER_MAX * sizeof(bool));
    connection->closedBy[AIO4C_CONNECTION_OWNER_ACCEPTOR] = true;
    connection->closedByLock = NewLock();
    memset(connection->managedBy, 0, AIO4C_CONNECTION_OWNER_MAX * sizeof(bool));
    connection->managedBy[AIO4C_CONNECTION_OWNER_ACCEPTOR] = true;
    connection->managedBy[AIO4C_CONNECTION_OWNER_CLIENT] = true;
    connection->managedByLock = NewLock();
    connection->readKey = NULL;
    connection->writeKey = NULL;
    connection->pool = NULL;
    connection->freeAddress = freeAddress;
    connection->dataFactory = NULL;
    connection->dataFactoryArg = NULL;
    connection->canRead = false;
    connection->canWrite = false;
    connection->isFactory = false;

    return connection;
Beispiel #6
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    Buffer* a = NULL;
    aio4c_byte_t* data = NULL;
    aio4c_byte_t b = 0;
    char* s = NULL;
    int i = 0;
    int d = 12345;
    size_t len = 0;
    Aio4cInit(argc, argv, NULL, NULL);

    s = aio4c_malloc(strlen(TEST_STRING) + 1);
    assert(s != NULL);
    memcpy(s, TEST_STRING, strlen(TEST_STRING) + 1);

    a = NewBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE);
    assert(a != NULL);
    assert(BufferGetCapacity(a) == BUFFER_SIZE);
    assert(BufferGetLimit(a) == BUFFER_SIZE);
    assert(BufferGetPosition(a) == 0);
    assert(BufferHasRemaining(a) == true);
    assert(BufferRemaining(a) == BUFFER_SIZE);
    assert((data = BufferGetBytes(a)) != NULL);
    for(i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
        assert(data[i] == 0);
    assert(BufferPutInt(a, &d) == true);
    assert(BufferGetPosition(a) == sizeof(int));
    assert(BufferFlip(a) == a);
    assert(BufferGetPosition(a) == 0);
    assert(BufferGetLimit(a) == sizeof(int));
    d = 0;
    assert(BufferGetInt(a, &d) == true);
    assert(d == 12345);
    d = 45678;
    assert(BufferGetInt(a, &d) == false);
    assert(d == 45678);
    assert(BufferPutInt(a, &d) == false);
    assert(BufferReset(a) == a);
    assert(BufferPutString(a, s) == true);
    assert(BufferGetPosition(a) == (int)(strlen(s) + 1));
    assert(BufferFlip(a) == a);
    assert(BufferGetPosition(a) == 0);
    assert(BufferGetLimit(a) == (int)(strlen(s) + 1));
    for(i = 0; i < (int)(strlen(s) + 1); i++) {
        assert(BufferGetByte(a, &b) == true);
        assert(b == s[i]);
        assert(BufferGetPosition(a) == (i + 1));
    assert(BufferGetByte(a, &b) == false);
    assert(BufferHasRemaining(a) == false);
    assert(BufferReset(a) == a);
    assert(BufferGetCapacity(a) == BUFFER_SIZE);
    assert(BufferGetLimit(a) == BUFFER_SIZE);
    assert(BufferGetPosition(a) == 0);
    assert(BufferHasRemaining(a) == true);
    assert((data = BufferGetBytes(a)) != NULL);
    assert(BufferLimit(a, strlen(s) + 1) == a);
    assert(BufferGetLimit(a) == (int)(strlen(s) + 1));
    len = strlen(s);
    s[len] = '0';
    for(i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
        assert(data[i] == 0);
    assert(BufferPutString(a, s) == false);
    for(i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
        assert(data[i] == 0);
    s[len] = '\0';
    assert(BufferPutString(a, s) == true);
    assert(BufferFlip(a) == a);
    for(i = 0; i < (int)(strlen(s) + 1); i++) {
        assert(BufferGetByte(a, &b) == true);
        assert(b == s[i]);
        assert(BufferGetPosition(a) == (i + 1));
    assert(BufferHasRemaining(a) == false);
    return 0;