Beispiel #1
MStatus TestDeformer::deform(MDataBlock& data,
                          MItGeometry& iter,
                          const MMatrix& localToWorldMatrix,
                          unsigned int mIndex)
    MStatus status;

    // get the current node state
    short initialized_mapping = data.inputValue( initialized_data, &status).asShort();
    __debug("%s(), initialized_mapping=%d, mIndex=%d", __FUNCTION__, initialized_mapping, mIndex);

    if( initialized_mapping == 1 )
        initVertMapping(data, iter, localToWorldMatrix, mIndex);

        // set initialized_data to 2 automatically. User don't have to set it manully.
        MObject tObj  =  thisMObject();
        MPlug setInitMode = MPlug( tObj, initialized_data  );
        setInitMode.setShort( 2 );
        // and sync initialized_mapping from initialized_data
        // so, the code section:
        //     if (initialized_mapping == 2)
        //     {
        //         ...
        //     }
        // will be executed when this deform() function is called next time.
        initialized_mapping = data.inputValue( initialized_data, &status ).asShort();

    if( initialized_mapping == 2 )
        envelope = MPxDeformerNode::envelope;
        MDataHandle envelopeHandle = data.inputValue( envelope, &status );
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        MArrayDataHandle vertMapArrayData  = data.inputArrayValue( vert_map, &status  );
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        MArrayDataHandle meshAttrHandle = data.inputArrayValue( driver_mesh, &status );
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        /// 1. init tempOutputPts to zero points
        MPointArray tempOutputPts;
        while( !iter.isDone(&status) )
            CHECK_MSTATUS(tempOutputPts.append(MPoint(0, 0, 0)));
        assert(tempOutputPts.length() == iter.count());

        /// 2. set tempOutputPts to deform values which comes from each driver mesh

        int numMeshes = meshAttrHandle.elementCount();
        __debug("%s(), numMeshes=%d", __FUNCTION__, numMeshes);

        // for each driver mesh
        for( int count=0; count < numMeshes; ++count )
            __debug("%s(), count=%d", __FUNCTION__, count);

            // for one driver mesh: currentMesh
            MDataHandle currentMesh = meshAttrHandle.inputValue(&status);
            CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
            MObject meshMobj = currentMesh.asMesh();
            __debugMeshInfo(__FUNCTION__, meshMobj);

            // accumulate deform values of currentMesh to tempOutputPts
            _deform_on_one_mesh(data, iter, localToWorldMatrix, mIndex,
                                envelopeHandle, vertMapArrayData, tempOutputPts );

            if( ! )

        }// for each driver mesh

        /// 3. add deform value to this geometry(driven mesh)
        int i = 0;
        while( !iter.isDone(&status) )
            MPoint p = iter.position(MSpace::kObject, &status);

            // add the deform value to this vertex
            CHECK_MSTATUS(iter.setPosition( p + tempOutputPts[i]/numMeshes ));

        assert(tempOutputPts.length() == iter.count());
    }// if

	return( MS::kSuccess );
Beispiel #2
// The initialize routine is called after the node has been created.
// It sets up the input and output attributes and adds them to the
// node. Finally the dependencies are arranged so that when the
// inputs change Maya knowns to call compute to recalculate the output
// value.
MStatus stringFormat::initialize()
	MFnNumericAttribute numAttr;
	MFnTypedAttribute	typedAttr;
	MFnStringData		stringData;
	MStatus				stat;
	MStatus				stat2;

	// Setup the input attributes
	attrFormat = typedAttr.create("format", "f", MFnData::kString, 
								  stringData.create(&stat2), &stat);
	CHECK_MSTATUS( stat2 );
 	CHECK_MSTATUS( typedAttr.setStorable( true ) );
 	CHECK_MSTATUS( typedAttr.setKeyable( true ) );

	attrValues = numAttr.create("values", "v", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 
								0, &stat);
 	CHECK_MSTATUS( numAttr.setArray( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( numAttr.setReadable( false ) );
 	CHECK_MSTATUS( numAttr.setIndexMatters( true ) );
 	CHECK_MSTATUS( numAttr.setStorable( true ) );
 	CHECK_MSTATUS( numAttr.setKeyable( true ) );

	attrOutput = typedAttr.create( "output", "o", MFnData::kString,
								   stringData.create(&stat2), &stat);
	CHECK_MSTATUS( stat2 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( typedAttr.setWritable( false ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( typedAttr.setStorable( false ) );

	// Add the attributes to the node
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( attrFormat ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( attrValues ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( attrOutput ) );

	// Set the attribute dependencies
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( attrFormat, attrOutput ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( attrValues, attrOutput ) );

	return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #3
void LuxRenderer::defineTriangleMesh(mtlu_MayaObject *obj, bool noObjectDef = false)
	MObject meshObject = obj->mobject;
	MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;
	MFnMesh meshFn(meshObject, &stat);
	MItMeshPolygon faceIt(meshObject, &stat);

	MPointArray points;
    MFloatVectorArray normals;
    meshFn.getNormals( normals, MSpace::kWorld );
	MFloatArray uArray, vArray;
	meshFn.getUVs(uArray, vArray);

	logger.debug(MString("Translating mesh object ") +;
	MString meshFullName = obj->fullNiceName;

	MIntArray trianglesPerFace, triVertices;
	meshFn.getTriangles(trianglesPerFace, triVertices);
	int numTriangles = 0;
	for( size_t i = 0; i < trianglesPerFace.length(); i++)
		numTriangles += trianglesPerFace[i];

	// lux render does not have a per vertex per face normal definition, here we can use one normal and uv per vertex only
	// So I create the triangles with unique vertices, normals and uvs. Of course this way vertices etc. cannot be shared.
	int numPTFloats = numTriangles * 3 * 3;
	logger.debug(MString("Num Triangles: ") + numTriangles + " num tri floats " + numPTFloats);

	float *floatPointArray = new float[numPTFloats];
	float *floatNormalArray = new float[numPTFloats];
	float *floatUvArray = new float[numTriangles * 3 * 2];
	logger.debug(MString("Allocated ") + numPTFloats + " floats for point and normals");

	MIntArray triangelVtxIdListA;
	MFloatArray floatPointArrayA;

	MPointArray triPoints;
	MIntArray triVtxIds;
	MIntArray faceVtxIds;
	MIntArray faceNormalIds;
	int *triangelVtxIdList = new int[numTriangles * 3];

	for( uint sgId = 0; sgId < obj->shadingGroups.length(); sgId++)
		MString slotName = MString("slot_") + sgId;
	int triCount = 0;
	int vtxCount = 0;

	for(faceIt.reset(); !faceIt.isDone();
		int faceId = faceIt.index();
		int numTris;

		MIntArray faceUVIndices;

		for( uint vtxId = 0; vtxId < faceVtxIds.length(); vtxId++)
			int uvIndex;
			faceIt.getUVIndex(vtxId, uvIndex);

		int perFaceShadingGroup = 0;
		if( obj->perFaceAssignments.length() > 0)
			perFaceShadingGroup = obj->perFaceAssignments[faceId];
		//"Face ") + faceId + " will receive SG " +  perFaceShadingGroup);

		for( int triId = 0; triId < numTris; triId++)
			int faceRelIds[3];
			faceIt.getTriangle(triId, triPoints, triVtxIds);

			for( uint triVtxId = 0; triVtxId < 3; triVtxId++)
				for(uint faceVtxId = 0; faceVtxId < faceVtxIds.length(); faceVtxId++)
					if( faceVtxIds[faceVtxId] == triVtxIds[triVtxId])
						faceRelIds[triVtxId] = faceVtxId;

			uint vtxId0 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint vtxId1 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint vtxId2 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[2]];
			uint normalId0 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint normalId1 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint normalId2 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[2]];
			uint uvId0 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint uvId1 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint uvId2 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[2]];
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3] = points[vtxId0].x;
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3 + 1] = points[vtxId0].y;
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3 + 2] = points[vtxId0].z;

			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3] = normals[normalId0].x;
			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3 + 1] = normals[normalId0].y;
			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3 + 2] = normals[normalId0].z;

			floatUvArray[vtxCount * 2] = uArray[uvId0];
			floatUvArray[vtxCount * 2 + 1] = vArray[uvId0];


			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3] = points[vtxId1].x;
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3 + 1] = points[vtxId1].y;
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3 + 2] = points[vtxId1].z;

			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3] = normals[normalId1].x;
			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3 + 1] = normals[normalId1].y;
			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3 + 2] = normals[normalId1].z;

			floatUvArray[vtxCount * 2] = uArray[uvId1];
			floatUvArray[vtxCount * 2 + 1] = vArray[uvId1];


			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3] = points[vtxId2].x;
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3 + 1] = points[vtxId2].y;
			floatPointArray[vtxCount * 3 + 2] = points[vtxId2].z;

			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3] = normals[normalId2].x;
			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3 + 1] = normals[normalId2].y;
			floatNormalArray[vtxCount * 3 + 2] = normals[normalId2].z;

			floatUvArray[vtxCount * 2] = uArray[uvId2];
			floatUvArray[vtxCount * 2 + 1] = vArray[uvId2];

			//logger.debug(MString("Vertex count: ") + vtxCount + " maxId " + ((vtxCount - 1) * 3 + 2) + " ptArrayLen " + (numTriangles * 3 * 3));

			triangelVtxIdList[triCount * 3] = triCount * 3;
			triangelVtxIdList[triCount * 3 + 1] = triCount * 3 + 1;
			triangelVtxIdList[triCount * 3 + 2] = triCount * 3 + 2;


//generatetangents 	bool 	Generate tangent space using miktspace, useful if mesh has a normal map that was also baked using miktspace (such as blender or xnormal) 	false
//subdivscheme 	string 	Subdivision algorithm, options are "loop" and "microdisplacement" 	"loop"
//displacementmap 	string 	Name of the texture used for the displacement. Subdivscheme parameter must always be provided, as load-time displacement is handled by the loop-subdivision code. 	none - optional. (loop subdiv can be used without displacement, microdisplacement will not affect the mesh without a displacement map specified)
//dmscale 	float 	Scale of the displacement (for an LDR map, this is the maximum height of the displacement in meter) 	0.1
//dmoffset 	float 	Offset of the displacement. 	0
//dmnormalsmooth 	bool 	Smoothing of the normals of the subdivided faces. Only valid for loop subdivision. 	true
//dmnormalsplit 	bool 	Force the mesh to split along breaks in the normal. If a mesh has no normals (flat-shaded) it will rip open on all edges. Only valid for loop subdivision. 	false
//dmsharpboundary 	bool 	Try to preserve mesh boundaries during subdivision. Only valid for loop subdivision. 	false
//nsubdivlevels 	integer 	Number of subdivision levels. This is only recursive for loop subdivision, microdisplacement will need much larger values (such as 50). 	0

	bool generatetangents = false;
	getBool(MString("mtlu_mesh_generatetangents"), meshFn, generatetangents);
	int subdivscheme = 0;
	const char *subdAlgos[] = {"loop", "microdisplacement"};
	getInt(MString("mtlu_mesh_subAlgo"), meshFn, subdivscheme);
	const char *subdalgo =  subdAlgos[subdivscheme];
	float dmscale;
	getFloat(MString("mtlu_mesh_dmscale"), meshFn, dmscale);
	float dmoffset;
	getFloat(MString("mtlu_mesh_dmoffset"), meshFn, dmoffset);
	MString displacementmap;
	getString(MString("mtlu_mesh_displacementMap"), meshFn, displacementmap);
	const char *displacemap = displacementmap.asChar();
	bool dmnormalsmooth = true;
	getBool(MString("mtlu_mesh_dmnormalsmooth"), meshFn, dmnormalsmooth);
	bool dmnormalsplit = false;
	getBool(MString("mtlu_mesh_dmnormalsplit"), meshFn, dmnormalsplit);
	bool dmsharpboundary = false;
	getBool(MString("mtlu_mesh_dmsharpboundary"), meshFn, dmsharpboundary);
	int nsubdivlevels = 0;
	getInt(MString("mtlu_mesh_subdivlevel"), meshFn, nsubdivlevels);

	// a displacment map needs its own texture defintion
	MString displacementTextureName = "";
	if(displacementmap.length() > 0)
		ParamSet dmParams = CreateParamSet();
		dmParams->AddString("filename", &displacemap);
		displacementTextureName = + "_displacementMap";
		this->lux->texture(displacementTextureName.asChar(), "float", "imagemap", boost::get_pointer(dmParams));

	ParamSet triParams = CreateParamSet();
	int numPointValues = numTriangles * 3;
	int numUvValues = numTriangles * 3 * 2;
	clock_t startTime = clock();"Adding mesh values to params."));
	triParams->AddInt("indices", triangelVtxIdList, numTriangles * 3);
	triParams->AddPoint("P", floatPointArray, numPointValues);
	triParams->AddNormal("N", floatNormalArray, numPointValues);
	triParams->AddFloat("uv",  floatUvArray, numUvValues);
	if( nsubdivlevels > 0)
		triParams->AddInt("nsubdivlevels", &nsubdivlevels, 1);
	triParams->AddBool("generatetangents",  &generatetangents, 1);
	triParams->AddString("subdivscheme", &subdalgo , 1);
	if(displacementmap.length() > 0)
		triParams->AddFloat("dmoffset",  &dmoffset, 1);
		triParams->AddFloat("dmscale",  &dmscale, 1);
		const char *dmft = displacementTextureName.asChar();
		triParams->AddString("displacementmap", &dmft);
	triParams->AddBool("dmnormalsmooth",  &dmnormalsmooth, 1);
	triParams->AddBool("dmnormalsplit",  &dmnormalsplit, 1);
	triParams->AddBool("dmsharpboundary",  &dmsharpboundary, 1);

	clock_t pTime = clock();
	this->lux->shape("trianglemesh", boost::get_pointer(triParams));

	clock_t eTime = clock();"Timing: Parameters: ") + ((pTime - startTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) + " objTime " + ((eTime - pTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) + " all " + ((eTime - startTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC));


Beispiel #4
MStatus Cell3D::initialize()
    MFnMatrixAttribute mAttr;
    MFnNumericAttribute nAttr; 

	// Input attributes

    aColorGain = nAttr.createColor("colorGain", "cg");
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f) );

    aColorOffset = nAttr.createColor("colorOffset", "co");
    aPlaceMat = mAttr.create("placementMatrix", "pm", 

	// Implicit shading network attributes

    aPointWorld = nAttr.createPoint("pointWorld", "pw");
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setHidden(true) );

	// Create output attributes

    aOutF0 = nAttr.create( "F0", "f0", MFnNumericData::kFloat);

    aOutF1 = nAttr.create( "F1", "f1", MFnNumericData::kFloat);

    aOutN0 = nAttr.create( "N0", "n0", MFnNumericData::kFloat);

    aOutBorderDist = nAttr.create("borderDistance", "bd", 
    aOutColor = nAttr.createColor("outColor", "oc");

    aOutAlpha = nAttr.create( "outAlpha", "oa", MFnNumericData::kFloat);

	// Add attributes to the node database.

    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aColorGain) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aColorOffset) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aPointWorld) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aPlaceMat) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aOutAlpha) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aOutColor) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aOutF0) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aOutF1) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aOutN0) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aOutBorderDist) );

    // All input affect the output color and alpha

    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aColorGain, aOutColor) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aColorOffset, aOutColor) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aPlaceMat, aOutColor) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aPointWorld, aOutColor) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aColorGain, aOutAlpha) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aColorOffset, aOutAlpha) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aPlaceMat, aOutAlpha) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aPointWorld, aOutAlpha) );

    // Geometry attribute affect all other outputs.

    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aPlaceMat, aOutF0) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aPointWorld, aOutF0) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aPlaceMat, aOutF1) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aPointWorld, aOutF1) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aPlaceMat, aOutN0) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aPointWorld, aOutN0) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aPlaceMat, aOutBorderDist) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aPointWorld, aOutBorderDist) );

    return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #5
//      Deform computation
MStatus jhMeshBlur::deform( MDataBlock& block,MItGeometry& iter,const MMatrix& m,unsigned int multiIndex)
    MStatus returnStatus;

    // Envelope
    float envData = block.inputValue(envelope, &returnStatus).asFloat();

    if(envData == 0)
		return MS::kFailure;

    //float factor = block.inputValue(aShapeFactor, &returnStatus).asFloat();
    float fStrength = block.inputValue(aStrength, &returnStatus).asFloat();
	if (fStrength == 0)
		return MS::kFailure;
    float fThreshold = block.inputValue(aTreshhold, &returnStatus).asFloat();
    float fW = 0.0f; // weight
    float fDistance;
    fStrength *= envData;

    double dKracht = block.inputValue(aInterpPower, &returnStatus).asDouble();
    double dDotProduct;  // Dotproduct of the point

    bool bTweakblur = block.inputValue(aTweakBlur, &returnStatus).asBool();
    bool bQuad = block.inputValue(aQuadInterp, &returnStatus).asBool();
	MTime inTime = block.inputValue(aTime).asTime();
    int nTijd = (int);

    MFloatVectorArray currentNormals;   // normals of mesh
    MFnPointArrayData fnPoints;         // help converting to MPointArrays
    MFloatVector dirVector;             // direction vector of the point
    MFloatVector normal;                // normal of the point
    MPointArray savedPoints;            // save all point before edited
    MMatrix matInv = m.inverse();       // inversed matrix
    MPoint ptA;                         // current point (iter mesh)
    MPoint ptB;                         // previous point (iter mesh)
    MPoint ptC;                         // mesh before previous point (iter mesh)

    // get node, use node to get inputGeom, use inputGeom to get mesh data, use mesh data to get normal data
    MFnDependencyNode nodeFn(this->thisMObject());

    MPlug inGeomPlug(nodeFn.findPlug(this->inputGeom,true));
    MObject inputObject(inGeomPlug.asMObject());
    MFnMesh inMesh(inputObject);

    inMesh.getVertexNormals(true, currentNormals);

    // get the previous mesh data
    MPlug oldMeshPlug = nodeFn.findPlug(MString("oldMesh"));
    MPlug oldMeshPositionsAPlug = oldMeshPlug.elementByLogicalIndex((multiIndex*4) + 0);
    MPlug oldMeshPositionsBPlug = oldMeshPlug.elementByLogicalIndex((multiIndex*4) + 1);
    MPlug oldMeshPositionsCPlug = oldMeshPlug.elementByLogicalIndex((multiIndex*4) + 2); // cache for tweak mode
    MPlug oldMeshPositionsDPlug = oldMeshPlug.elementByLogicalIndex((multiIndex*4) + 3); // cache for tweak mode

    // convert to MPointArrays
    MObject objOldMeshA;
    MObject objOldMeshB;
    MObject objOldMeshC; // cache
    MObject objOldMeshD; // cache

    oldMeshPositionsCPlug.getValue(objOldMeshC); // cache
    oldMeshPositionsDPlug.getValue(objOldMeshD); // cache

    MPointArray oldMeshPositionsA = fnPoints.array();
    MPointArray oldMeshPositionsB = fnPoints.array();
    MPointArray oldMeshPositionsC = fnPoints.array(); // cache
    MPointArray oldMeshPositionsD = fnPoints.array(); // cache

    // If mesh position variables are empty,fill them with default values
    if(oldMeshPositionsA.length() == 0 || nTijd <= 1){

        for(int i=0; i < oldMeshPositionsA.length(); i++)
            // convert to world
            oldMeshPositionsA[i] = oldMeshPositionsA[i] * m;
        oldMeshPositionsC.copy(oldMeshPositionsA); // cache
        oldMeshPositionsD.copy(oldMeshPositionsA); // cache
	// get back old date again
	if (bTweakblur == true) { // restore cache
    for(int i=0; i < savedPoints.length(); i++)
        // convert points to world points
        savedPoints[i] = savedPoints[i] * m;

    // Actual Iteration through points
    for (; !iter.isDone();{
        // get current position
        ptA = iter.position();
        // get old positions
        ptB = oldMeshPositionsA[iter.index()] * matInv;
        ptC = oldMeshPositionsB[iter.index()] * matInv;

        fDistance = ptA.distanceTo(ptB);
        fW = weightValue(block,multiIndex,iter.index());

        if (fDistance * (fStrength*fW) < fThreshold && fThreshold > 0){
        } else {
            // aim/direction vector to calculate strength
            dirVector = (ptA - ptB); // (per punt)

            normal = currentNormals[iter.index()];

            dDotProduct = normal.x * dirVector.x + normal.y * dirVector.y + normal.z * dirVector.z;

            if(bQuad == true){
                MVector vecA(((ptB - ptC) + (ptA - ptB)) / 2);

                MPoint hiddenPt(ptB + (vecA * fDistance) * dKracht);
                ptA = quadInterpBetween(ptB, hiddenPt, ptA, (1 - fStrength * fW) + (linearInterp(dDotProduct, -1, 1) * (fStrength * fW) ) );
            } else {
                MPoint halfway = (ptA - ptB) * 0.5;
                MPoint offset = halfway * dDotProduct * (fStrength*fW);
                ptA = ptA - ((halfway * (fStrength*fW)) - offset); // + (offset * strength);
            // set new value

    if(bTweakblur == false){

        // Save back to plugs
        objOldMeshA = fnPoints.create(oldMeshPositionsA);
        objOldMeshB = fnPoints.create(oldMeshPositionsB);
        objOldMeshC = fnPoints.create(oldMeshPositionsC);
        objOldMeshD = fnPoints.create(oldMeshPositionsD);
    return returnStatus;
// The initialize routine is called after the node has been created.
// It sets up the input and output attributes and adds them to the node.
// Finally the dependencies are arranged so that when the inputs
// change Maya knowns to call compute to recalculate the output values.
MStatus hwColorPerVertexShader::initialize()
    MFnNumericAttribute nAttr; 
    MFnTypedAttribute tAttr; 
	MStatus status;

    // Create input attributes.
	// All attributes are cached internal
    aColorGain = nAttr.createColor( "colorGain", "cg", &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault(1.f, 1.f, 1.f));
	nAttr.setCached( true );
	nAttr.setInternal( true );

    aTranspGain = nAttr.create("transparencyGain", "tg",
						  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.f, &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault(1.f));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setSoftMin(0.f));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setSoftMax(2.f));
	nAttr.setCached( true );
	nAttr.setInternal( true );

    aColorBias = nAttr.createColor( "colorBias", "cb", &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
	nAttr.setCached( true );
	nAttr.setInternal( true );

    aTranspBias = nAttr.create( "transparencyBias", "tb",
						   MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.f, &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault(0.f));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setSoftMin(-1.f));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setSoftMax(1.f));
	nAttr.setCached( true );
	nAttr.setInternal( true );

	aNormalsPerVertex = nAttr.create("normalsPerVertex", "nv",
		MFnNumericData::kInt, 0, &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable(false));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault(0));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setSoftMin(0));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setSoftMax(3));
	nAttr.setCached( true );
	nAttr.setInternal( true );

	aColorsPerVertex = nAttr.create("colorsPerVertex", "cv",
		MFnNumericData::kInt, 0, &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable(false));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault(0));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setSoftMin(0));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setSoftMax(5));
	nAttr.setCached( true );
	nAttr.setInternal( true );

	aColorSetName = tAttr.create("colorSetName", "cs",
		MFnData::kString, MObject::kNullObj, &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( tAttr.setStorable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( tAttr.setKeyable(false));
	tAttr.setCached( true );
	tAttr.setInternal( true );

    aTexRotateX = nAttr.create( "texRotateX", "tx",
						   MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.f, &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault(0.f));
	nAttr.setCached( true );
	nAttr.setInternal( true );
    aTexRotateY = nAttr.create( "texRotateY", "ty",
						   MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.f, &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault(0.f));
	nAttr.setCached( true );
	nAttr.setInternal( true );

    aTexRotateZ = nAttr.create( "texRotateZ", "tz",
						   MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.f, &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable(true));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault(0.f));
	nAttr.setCached( true );
	nAttr.setInternal( true );

	// create output attributes here
	// outColor is the only output attribute and it is inherited
	// so we do not need to create or add it.

	// Add the attributes here

    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aColorGain));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aTranspGain));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aColorBias));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aTranspBias));
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aNormalsPerVertex));
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aColorsPerVertex));
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aColorSetName));
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aTexRotateX));
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aTexRotateY));
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(aTexRotateZ));

    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aColorGain,  outColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aTranspGain, outColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aColorBias,  outColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aTranspBias, outColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aNormalsPerVertex, outColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aColorsPerVertex, outColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aColorSetName, outColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aTexRotateX, outColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aTexRotateY, outColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects (aTexRotateZ, outColor));

    return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #7
MStatus retargetLocator::initialize()
    MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;
	MFnMatrixAttribute mAttr;
	MFnEnumAttribute eAttr;
	MFnUnitAttribute uAttr;
	MFnCompoundAttribute cAttr;
	MFnTypedAttribute tAttr;
	aOutput = nAttr.create( "output", "output", MFnNumericData::kDouble );
	nAttr.setStorable( false );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aOutput ) );

	aDiscMatrix = mAttr.create( "discMatrix", "discMatrix" );
	mAttr.setStorable( true );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiscMatrix ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiscMatrix, aOutput ) );

	aDiscAxis = eAttr.create( "discAxis", "discAxis", 0 );
	eAttr.addField( "X", 0 );
	eAttr.addField( "Y", 1 );
	eAttr.addField( "Z", 2 );
	eAttr.setStorable( true );
	eAttr.setChannelBox( true );
	eAttr.setReadable( true );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiscAxis ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiscAxis, aOutput ) );

	aDiscDivision = nAttr.create( "discDivision", "discDivision", MFnNumericData::kInt, 32 );
	nAttr.setMin( 1 );
	nAttr.setMax( 32 );
	nAttr.setStorable( true );
	nAttr.setChannelBox( true );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiscDivision ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiscDivision, aOutput ) );

	aDiscAngle = uAttr.create( "discAngle", "discAngle", MFnUnitAttribute::kAngle, 0.0 );
	uAttr.setStorable( true );
	uAttr.setChannelBox( true );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiscAngle ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiscAngle, aOutput ) );

	aDiscOffsetX = nAttr.create( "discOffsetX", "discOffsetX", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0 );
	aDiscOffsetY = nAttr.create( "discOffsetY", "discOffsetY", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0 );
	aDiscOffsetZ = nAttr.create( "discOffsetZ", "discOffsetZ", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0 );
	aDiscOffset  = nAttr.create( "discOffset", "discOffset", aDiscOffsetX, aDiscOffsetY, aDiscOffsetZ );
	uAttr.setStorable( true );
	uAttr.setChannelBox( true );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiscOffset ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiscOffset, aOutput ) );

	aDiscSizeX = nAttr.create( "discSizeX", "discSizeX", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 1.0 );
	aDiscSizeY = nAttr.create( "discSizeY", "discSizeY", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 1.0 );
	aDiscSizeZ = nAttr.create( "discSizeZ", "discSizeZ", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 1.0 );
	aDiscSize  = nAttr.create( "discSize", "discSize", aDiscSizeX, aDiscSizeY, aDiscSizeZ );
	uAttr.setStorable( true );
	uAttr.setChannelBox( true );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiscSize ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiscSize, aOutput ) );

	aDiscActiveColor = nAttr.createColor( "discActiveColor", "discActiveColor" );
	nAttr.setStorable( true );
	nAttr.setDefault(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiscActiveColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiscActiveColor, aOutput ) );

	aDiscLeadColor = nAttr.createColor( "discLeadColor", "discLeadColor" );
	nAttr.setStorable( true );
	nAttr.setDefault(.263f, 1.0f, .639f);
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiscLeadColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiscLeadColor, aOutput ) );

	aDiscDefaultColor = nAttr.createColor( "discDefaultColor", "discDefaultColor" );
	nAttr.setStorable( true );
	nAttr.setDefault(.0f, .016f, .376f);
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiscDefaultColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiscDefaultColor, aOutput ) );

	aDiscFillAlpha = nAttr.create( "discFillAlpha", "discFillAlpha", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.1f );
	nAttr.setStorable( true );
	nAttr.setMin( 0.0f );
	nAttr.setMax( 1.0f );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiscFillAlpha ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiscFillAlpha, aOutput ) );

	aDiscLineAlpha = nAttr.create( "discLineAlpha", "discLineAlpha", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0f );
	nAttr.setStorable( true );
	nAttr.setMin( 0.0f );
	nAttr.setMax( 1.0f );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiscLineAlpha ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiscLineAlpha, aOutput ) );

	aArrow = cAttr.create( "arrow", "arrow" );

	aInheritMatrix = nAttr.create( "inheritMatrix", "inheritMatrix", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false );

	aInputMesh = tAttr.create( "inputMesh", "inputMesh", MFnData::kMesh );

	aAimMatrix = mAttr.create( "aimMatrix", "aimMatrix" );

	aStartSize = nAttr.create( "startSize", "startSize", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.5f );

	aSize = nAttr.create( "size", "size", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0f );

	aActiveColor = nAttr.createColor( "activeColor", "activeColor" );
	nAttr.setDefault(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	aLeadColor = nAttr.createColor( "leadColor", "leadColor" );
	nAttr.setDefault(.263f, 1.0f, .639f);
	aDefaultColor = nAttr.createColor( "defaultColor", "defaultColor" );
	nAttr.setDefault(.0f, .016f, .376f);

	aFillAlpha = nAttr.create( "fillAlpha", "fillAlpha", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.1f );
	aLineAlpha = nAttr.create( "lineAlpha", "lineAlpha", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0f );

	aOffsetX = nAttr.create( "offsetX", "offsetX", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0 );
	aOffsetY = nAttr.create( "offsetY", "offsetY", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0 );
	aOffsetZ = nAttr.create( "offsetZ", "offsetZ", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0 );
	aOffset = nAttr.create( "offset", "offset", aOffsetX, aOffsetY, aOffsetZ );

	cAttr.addChild( aInheritMatrix );
	cAttr.addChild( aAimMatrix );
	cAttr.addChild( aInputMesh );
	cAttr.addChild( aStartSize );
	cAttr.addChild( aSize );
	cAttr.addChild( aActiveColor );
	cAttr.addChild( aLeadColor );
	cAttr.addChild( aDefaultColor );
	cAttr.addChild( aFillAlpha );
	cAttr.addChild( aLineAlpha );
	cAttr.addChild( aOffset );
	cAttr.setArray( true );
	cAttr.setStorable( true );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aArrow ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aArrow, aOutput ) );

	return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #8
void MayaObject::getMeshData(MPointArray& points, MFloatVectorArray& normals, MFloatArray& uArray, MFloatArray& vArray, MIntArray& triPointIndices, MIntArray& triNormalIndices, MIntArray& triUvIndices, MIntArray& triMatIndices)

	MStatus stat;
	MObject meshObject = this->mobject;
	MMeshSmoothOptions options;
	MFnMesh tmpMesh(this->mobject, &stat);

	MFnMeshData meshData;
	MObject dataObject;
	MObject smoothedObj;

	// create smooth mesh if needed
	if (tmpMesh.findPlug("displaySmoothMesh").asBool())
		stat = tmpMesh.getSmoothMeshDisplayOptions(options);
		if (stat)
			if (!tmpMesh.findPlug("useSmoothPreviewForRender", false, &stat).asBool())
				//Logging::debug(MString("useSmoothPreviewForRender turned off"));
				int smoothLevel = tmpMesh.findPlug("renderSmoothLevel", false, &stat).asInt();
			if (options.divisions() > 0)
				dataObject = meshData.create();
				smoothedObj = tmpMesh.generateSmoothMesh(dataObject, &options, &stat);
				if (stat)
					meshObject = smoothedObj;

	MFnMesh meshFn(meshObject, &stat);
	MItMeshPolygon faceIt(meshObject, &stat);

	meshFn.getNormals(normals, MSpace::kObject);
	meshFn.getUVs(uArray, vArray);

	uint numVertices = points.length();
	uint numNormals = normals.length();
	uint numUvs = uArray.length();

	//Logging::debug(MString("numVertices ") + numVertices);
	//Logging::debug(MString("numNormals ") + numNormals);
	//Logging::debug(MString("numUvs ") + numUvs);

	// some meshes may have no uv's
	// to avoid problems I add a default uv coordinate
	if (numUvs == 0)
		Logging::warning(MString("Object has no uv's: ") + this->shortName);
	for (uint nid = 0; nid < numNormals; nid++)
		if (normals[nid].length() < 0.1f)
			Logging::warning(MString("Malformed normal in ") + this->shortName);
	MPointArray triPoints;
	MIntArray triVtxIds;
	MIntArray faceVtxIds;
	MIntArray faceNormalIds;

	for (faceIt.reset(); !faceIt.isDone();
		int faceId = faceIt.index();
		int numTris;

		int perFaceShadingGroup = 0;
		if (this->perFaceAssignments.length() > 0)
			perFaceShadingGroup = this->perFaceAssignments[faceId];
		MIntArray faceUVIndices;
		for (uint vtxId = 0; vtxId < faceVtxIds.length(); vtxId++)
			int uvIndex;
			if (numUvs == 0)
				faceIt.getUVIndex(vtxId, uvIndex);
				//if (uvIndex > uArray.length())
				//	Logging::info(MString("-----------------> UV Problem!!! uvIndex ") + uvIndex + " > uvArray in object " + this->shortName);

		for (int triId = 0; triId < numTris; triId++)
			int faceRelIds[3];
			faceIt.getTriangle(triId, triPoints, triVtxIds);

			for (uint triVtxId = 0; triVtxId < 3; triVtxId++)
				for (uint faceVtxId = 0; faceVtxId < faceVtxIds.length(); faceVtxId++)
					if (faceVtxIds[faceVtxId] == triVtxIds[triVtxId])
						faceRelIds[triVtxId] = faceVtxId;

			uint vtxId0 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint vtxId1 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint vtxId2 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[2]];
			uint normalId0 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint normalId1 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint normalId2 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[2]];
			uint uvId0 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint uvId1 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint uvId2 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[2]];





			//Logging::debug(MString("vtxIds ") + vtxId0 + " " + vtxId1 + " " + vtxId2);
			//Logging::debug(MString("nIds ") + normalId0 + " " + normalId1 + " " + normalId2);
			//Logging::debug(MString("uvIds ") + uvId0 + " " + uvId1 + " " + uvId2);

Beispiel #9
MStatus PhongNode::initialize()
    MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;
    MFnLightDataAttribute lAttr;

    aTranslucenceCoeff = nAttr.create("translucenceCoeff", "tc",

    aDiffuseReflectivity = nAttr.create("diffuseReflectivity", "drfl",
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(0.8f) );

    aColor = nAttr.createColor( "color", "c" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(0.0f, 0.58824f, 0.644f) );

    aIncandescence = nAttr.createColor( "incandescence", "ic" );

    aOutColor = nAttr.createColor( "outColor", "oc" );

    aPointCamera = nAttr.createPoint( "pointCamera", "pc" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );

    aPower = nAttr.create( "power", "pow", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setMin(0.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setMax(200.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(10.0f) );

    aSpecularity = nAttr.create( "specularity", "spc", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setMin(0.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setMax(1.0f) ) ;
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(0.5f) );

    aReflectGain = nAttr.create( "reflectionGain", "rg", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setMin(0.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setMax(1.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(0.5f) );

    aNormalCamera = nAttr.createPoint( "normalCamera", "n" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );

    aTriangleNormalCamera = nAttr.createPoint( "triangleNormalCamera", "tn" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true));

    aLightDirection = nAttr.createPoint( "lightDirection", "ld" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) );

    aLightIntensity = nAttr.createColor( "lightIntensity", "li" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) );

    aLightAmbient = nAttr.create( "lightAmbient", "la",
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );

    aLightDiffuse = nAttr.create( "lightDiffuse", "ldf",
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );

    aLightSpecular = nAttr.create( "lightSpecular", "ls",
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );

    aLightShadowFraction = nAttr.create("lightShadowFraction", "lsf",
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );

    aPreShadowIntensity = nAttr.create("preShadowIntensity", "psi",
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );

    aLightBlindData = nAttr.createAddr("lightBlindData", "lbld");
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );

    aLightData = lAttr.create( "lightDataArray", "ltd",
                               aLightDirection, aLightIntensity, aLightAmbient,
                               aLightDiffuse, aLightSpecular,
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( lAttr.setArray(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( lAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( lAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( lAttr.setDefault(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, true, true,
					 false, 0.0f, 1.0f, NULL) );

	// rayOrigin
	MObject RayX = nAttr.create( "rayOx", "rxo", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0 );
	MObject RayY = nAttr.create( "rayOy", "ryo", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0 );
	MObject RayZ = nAttr.create( "rayOz", "rzo", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0 );
	aRayOrigin = nAttr.create( "rayOrigin", "rog", RayX, RayY, RayZ );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(false) );

	// rayDirection
	RayX = nAttr.create( "rayDirectionX", "rdx", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0 );
	RayY = nAttr.create( "rayDirectionY", "rdy", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0 );
	RayZ = nAttr.create( "rayDirectionZ", "rdz", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0 );
	aRayDirection = nAttr.create( "rayDirection", "rad", RayX, RayY, RayZ );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(false) );

	// objectId
	aObjectId = nAttr.createAddr( "objectId", "oi" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(false) );

	// raySampler
	aRaySampler = nAttr.createAddr("raySampler", "rtr");
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(false) );

	// rayDepth
	aRayDepth = nAttr.create( "rayDepth", "rd", MFnNumericData::kShort, 0.0 );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS  (nAttr.setHidden(true) ) ;
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(false) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aTranslucenceCoeff) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aDiffuseReflectivity) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aColor) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aIncandescence) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aPointCamera) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aNormalCamera) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aTriangleNormalCamera) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aLightData) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aPower) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aSpecularity) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aOutColor) );

	CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aRayOrigin) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aRayDirection) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aObjectId) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aRaySampler) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aRayDepth) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aReflectGain) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aTranslucenceCoeff, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aDiffuseReflectivity, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightIntensity, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aIncandescence, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aPointCamera, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aNormalCamera, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aTriangleNormalCamera, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightData, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightAmbient, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightSpecular, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightDiffuse, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightDirection, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightShadowFraction, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aPreShadowIntensity, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightBlindData, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aPower, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aSpecularity, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aColor, aOutColor));

	CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aRayOrigin,aOutColor));
	CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aRayDirection,aOutColor));
	CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aObjectId,aOutColor));
	CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aRaySampler,aOutColor));
	CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aRayDepth,aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aReflectGain,aOutColor) );

    return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #10
MStatus CheckerNode::initialize()
    MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;

    // Input attributes

	aColor1 = nAttr.createColor("color1", "c1");
    CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setDefault(0., .58824, .644) );		// Light blue

	aColor2 = nAttr.createColor("color2", "c2");
    CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setDefault(1., 1., 1.) );			// White

    aBias = nAttr.create( "bias", "b", MFnNumericData::k2Float);
    CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setMin(0.0f, 0.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setMax(1.0f, 1.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setDefault(0.5f, 0.5f) );

	// Implicit shading network attributes

    MObject child1 = nAttr.create( "uCoord", "u", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    MObject child2 = nAttr.create( "vCoord", "v", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    aUVCoord = nAttr.create( "uvCoord","uv", child1, child2);
    CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setHidden(true) );

	// Output attributes

    aOutColor = nAttr.createColor("outColor", "oc");

    aOutAlpha = nAttr.create( "outAlpha", "oa", MFnNumericData::kFloat);

	// Add attributes to the node database.



    // All input affect the output color and alpha
    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects (aColor1,  aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aColor1, aOutAlpha));

    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects (aColor2,  aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aColor2, aOutAlpha));

    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aBias, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aBias, aOutAlpha));

    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects (aUVCoord, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aUVCoord, aOutAlpha));

    return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #11
MStatus initializePlugin(
    MObject obj) {

    MStatus status;
    MFnPlugin plugin(obj, "Pixar", "1.0", "Any");

    // we use lambdas to pass in MCreatorFunctions into the various Maya registration
    // functions so that we can specify the static data that the registered
    // shape/data/node should be using.

    status = plugin.registerData(
            []() { 
                return UsdMayaStageData::creator(_data.stageData);

    status = plugin.registerShape(
            []() {
                return UsdMayaProxyShape::creator(_data.proxyShape);  
            []() {
                return UsdMayaProxyShape::initialize(


    status = plugin.registerNode(
            []() {
                return UsdMayaReferenceAssembly::creator(
            []() {
                return UsdMayaReferenceAssembly::initialize(

    status =

    status = MGlobal::sourceFile("usdMaya.mel");

    // Set the label for the assembly node type so that it appears correctly
    // in the 'Create -> Scene Assembly' menu.
    const MString assemblyTypeLabel("UsdReferenceAssembly");
    MString setLabelCmd;
    status = setLabelCmd.format("assembly -e -type ^1s -label ^2s",
    status = MGlobal::executeCommand(setLabelCmd);

    // Procs stored in usdMaya.mel
    // Add assembly callbacks for accessing data without creating an MPxAssembly instance
    status = MGlobal::executeCommand("assembly -e -repTypeLabelProc usdMaya_UsdMayaReferenceAssembly_repTypeLabel -type " + _data.referenceAssembly.typeName);
    status = MGlobal::executeCommand("assembly -e -listRepTypesProc usdMaya_UsdMayaReferenceAssembly_listRepTypes -type " + _data.referenceAssembly.typeName);

    // Attribute Editor Templates
    // XXX: The try/except here is temporary until we change the Pixar-internal
    // package name to match the external package name.
    MString attribEditorCmd(
        "    from pxr.UsdMaya import AEpxrUsdReferenceAssemblyTemplate\n"
        "except ImportError:\n"
        "    from pixar.UsdMaya import AEpxrUsdReferenceAssemblyTemplate\n"
    status = MGlobal::executePythonCommand(attribEditorCmd);

    status = plugin.registerCommand("usdExport", 
            usdExport::createSyntax );
    if (!status) {
        status.perror("registerCommand usdExport");

    status = plugin.registerCommand("usdImport",
            []() { 
                return usdImport::creator(_data.referenceAssembly.typeName.asChar(),
            usdImport::createSyntax );

    if (!status) {
        status.perror("registerCommand usdImport");

    status = plugin.registerCommand("usdListShadingModes",

    if (!status) {
        status.perror("registerCommand usdListShadingModes");
    status = plugin.registerFileTranslator("pxrUsdImport", 
                                    []() { 
                                        return usdTranslatorImport::creator(
                                    "usdTranslatorImport", // options script name

    if (!status) {
        status.perror("pxrUsd: unable to register USD Import translator.");
    status = plugin.registerFileTranslator("pxrUsdExport", 
                                    "usdTranslatorExport", // options script name

    if (!status) {
        status.perror("pxrUsd: unable to register USD Export translator.");

    return status;
Beispiel #12
MStatus TestDeformer::initialize()
	MFnNumericAttribute numericAttr;
	MFnTypedAttribute polyMeshAttr;
	MFnEnumAttribute enumAttr;

	MStatus status; // Status will be used to hold the MStatus value

	// vertSnapInput
	driver_mesh = polyMeshAttr.create( "vertSnapInput", "vsnpin", MFnData::kMesh, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( polyMeshAttr.setStorable( false ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( polyMeshAttr.setArray(true) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( polyMeshAttr.setConnectable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute(driver_mesh) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects(driver_mesh, outputGeom) );

	// initialize is used to mark this node's state
	initialized_data = enumAttr.create( "initialize", "inl", 0/*default*/, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( enumAttr.addField(	"Off", 0) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( enumAttr.addField(	"Re-Set Bind", 1) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( enumAttr.addField(	"Bound", 2) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( enumAttr.setKeyable(true) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( enumAttr.setStorable(true) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( enumAttr.setReadable(true) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( enumAttr.setWritable(true) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( enumAttr.setDefault(0) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( initialized_data ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( initialized_data, outputGeom ) );

    // hold the vertex index mapping
	vert_map = numericAttr.create( "vtxIndexMap", "vtximp", MFnNumericData::kLong, 0/*default*/, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( numericAttr.setKeyable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( numericAttr.setArray(true) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( numericAttr.setStorable(true) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( numericAttr.setReadable(true) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( numericAttr.setWritable(true) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( vert_map ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( vert_map, outputGeom ) );

	CHECK_MSTATUS( MGlobal::executePythonCommand("import maya.cmds; maya.cmds.makePaintable('"+TestDeformer::cTypeName()+"', 'weights', attrType='multiFloat')") );

	return( MS::kSuccess );
Beispiel #13
void TestDeformer::_deform_on_one_mesh(MDataBlock& data,
                                      MItGeometry& iter,
                                      const MMatrix& localToWorldMatrix,
                                      unsigned int mIndex,
                                      MObject &driver_mesh,
                                      const MDataHandle &envelopeHandle, MArrayDataHandle &vertMapArrayData, MPointArray &tempOutputPts)
    MStatus status;

    float env = envelopeHandle.asFloat();

    // use driver_meshVertIter to walk through the vertex of the current driver mesh
    MItMeshVertex driver_meshVertIter( driver_mesh, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

    int i = 0;
    while( !iter.isDone(&status) )
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        // get the weight
        float weight = weightValue( data, mIndex, iter.index() ); //painted weight
        float ww = weight * env;

        if ( fabs(ww) > FLT_EPSILON )//if ( ww != 0 )
            __debug("%s(), vertMapArrayData.elementCount()=%d, iter.index()=%d",
                    __FUNCTION__, vertMapArrayData.elementCount(), iter.index());

            // get index_mapped to which the currrent vertex vI is mapped
            int index_mapped = vertMapArrayData.inputValue(&status).asInt();
            CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

            if( index_mapped >= 0 )
                __debug("index_mapped=%d", index_mapped);

                int prevInt;
                CHECK_MSTATUS( driver_meshVertIter.setIndex(index_mapped, prevInt) );

                // vertex wrold position on driver mesh
                MPoint mappedPt = driver_meshVertIter.position( MSpace::kWorld, &status );
                CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
                // vertex wrold position on driven mesh
                MPoint iterPt = iter.position(MSpace::kObject, &status) * localToWorldMatrix;
                CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

                // use ww to interpolate between mappedPt and iterPt
                MPoint pt = iterPt + ((mappedPt - iterPt) * ww );
                pt = pt * localToWorldMatrix.inverse();

                /// put the deform points to tempOutputPts
                tempOutputPts[i] += pt;
Beispiel #14
void TestDeformer::initVertMapping(MDataBlock& data,
                          MItGeometry& iter,
                          const MMatrix& localToWorldMatrix,
                          unsigned int mIndex)
    MStatus status;

    MArrayDataHandle vertMapOutArrayData = data.outputArrayValue( vert_map, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

    // use vertMapOutArrayBuilder to modify vertMapOutArrayData
    int count = iter.count();
    MArrayDataBuilder vertMapOutArrayBuilder( vert_map, count, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

    MPointArray allPts;// world vertex position of the driven mesh

    // walk through the driven mesh
    /// copy MItGeometry's vertex to vertMapOutArrayData
    int i = 0;
    while( !iter.isDone(&status) )
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        MDataHandle initIndexDataHnd = vertMapOutArrayBuilder.addElement( i, &status );
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        int negIndex = -1;

        initIndexDataHnd.setInt( negIndex );

        // append a vertex position(world coordination) to allPts
        CHECK_MSTATUS(allPts.append( iter.position() * localToWorldMatrix ));
        i = i+1;;
    CHECK_MSTATUS(vertMapOutArrayData.set( vertMapOutArrayBuilder ));

    /// Append more vertex from each driver mesh to vertMapOutArrayData
    MArrayDataHandle meshAttrHandle = data.inputArrayValue( driver_mesh, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

    int numMeshes = meshAttrHandle.elementCount();
    __debug("%s(), numMeshes=%d", __FUNCTION__, numMeshes);

    for( int meshIndex=0; meshIndex < numMeshes; ++meshIndex )
        __debug("%s(), meshIndex=%d", __FUNCTION__, meshIndex);

        MDataHandle currentMesh = meshAttrHandle.inputValue(&status);

        MObject meshMobj = currentMesh.asMesh();
        __debug("%s(), meshMobj.apiTypeStr()=%s", __FUNCTION__, meshMobj.apiTypeStr());

        __debugMeshInfo(__FUNCTION__, meshMobj);
            _initVertMapping_on_one_mesh(meshMobj, vertMapOutArrayBuilder, allPts);// Note: vertMapOutArrayBuilder is updated in this function!
            //CHECK_MSTATUS(vertMapOutArrayData.set( vertMapOutArrayBuilder ));

        if( ! )
    }// for (mesh
    CHECK_MSTATUS(vertMapOutArrayData.set( vertMapOutArrayBuilder ));

MStatus	MayaToIndigoGlobals::initialize()

	MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;
	MFnTypedAttribute tAttr;
	MFnGenericAttribute gAttr;
	MFnEnumAttribute eAttr;
	MFnMessageAttribute mAttr;

	MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;

//	------------- automatically created attributes start ----------- // 

	white_point = eAttr.create("white_point", "white_point", 4, &stat);
	stat = eAttr.addField( "User", 0 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "A", 1 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "B", 2 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "C", 3 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "D50", 4 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "D55", 5 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "D65", 6 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "D75", 7 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "E", 8 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "F1", 9 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "F2", 10 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "F3", 11 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "F4", 12 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "F5", 13 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "F6", 14 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "F7", 15 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "F8", 16 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "F9", 17 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "F10", 18 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "F11", 19 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "F12", 20 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( white_point ));

	white_pointX = nAttr.create("white_pointX", "white_pointX",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( white_pointX ));

	white_pointY = nAttr.create("white_pointY", "white_pointY",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( white_pointY ));

	bih_tri_threshold = nAttr.create("bih_tri_threshold", "bih_tri_threshold",  MFnNumericData::kInt, 1100000);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( bih_tri_threshold ));

	metropolis = nAttr.create("metropolis", "metropolis",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( metropolis ));

	large_mutation_prob = nAttr.create("large_mutation_prob", "large_mutation_prob",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.1);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( large_mutation_prob ));

	max_change = nAttr.create("max_change", "max_change",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, .01);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( max_change ));

	max_num_consec_rejections = nAttr.create("max_num_consec_rejections", "max_num_consec_rejections",  MFnNumericData::kInt, 1000);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( max_num_consec_rejections ));

	logging = nAttr.create("logging", "logging",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( logging ));

	path_tracing = eAttr.create("path_tracing", "path_tracing", 0, &stat);
	stat = eAttr.addField( "bidirectional", 0 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "backwards", 1 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( path_tracing ));

	tone_mapper = eAttr.create("tone_mapper", "tone_mapper", 1, &stat);
	stat = eAttr.addField( "linear", 0 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "reinhard", 1 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "camera", 2 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( tone_mapper ));

	tone_linearScale = nAttr.create("tone_linearScale", "tone_linearScale",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( tone_linearScale ));

	tone_reinhardPreScale = nAttr.create("tone_reinhardPreScale", "tone_reinhardPreScale",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( tone_reinhardPreScale ));

	tone_reinhardPostScale = nAttr.create("tone_reinhardPostScale", "tone_reinhardPostScale",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( tone_reinhardPostScale ));

	tone_reinhardBurn = nAttr.create("tone_reinhardBurn", "tone_reinhardBurn",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 10.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( tone_reinhardBurn ));

	tone_cameraResponse_function_path = tAttr.create("tone_cameraResponse_function_path", "tone_cameraResponse_function_path",  MFnNumericData::kString);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( tone_cameraResponse_function_path ));

	tone_cameraEv_adjust = nAttr.create("tone_cameraEv_adjust", "tone_cameraEv_adjust",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( tone_cameraEv_adjust ));

	tone_cameraFilm_iso = nAttr.create("tone_cameraFilm_iso", "tone_cameraFilm_iso",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 200.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( tone_cameraFilm_iso ));

	save_untonemapped_exr = nAttr.create("save_untonemapped_exr", "save_untonemapped_exr",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( save_untonemapped_exr ));

	save_tonemapped_exr = nAttr.create("save_tonemapped_exr", "save_tonemapped_exr",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( save_tonemapped_exr ));

	save_igi = nAttr.create("save_igi", "save_igi",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( save_igi ));

	image_save_period = nAttr.create("image_save_period", "image_save_period",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 60);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( image_save_period ));

	halt_time = nAttr.create("halt_time", "halt_time",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, -1);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( halt_time ));

	halt_samples_per_pixel = nAttr.create("halt_samples_per_pixel", "halt_samples_per_pixel",  MFnNumericData::kInt, -1);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( halt_samples_per_pixel ));

	hybrid = nAttr.create("hybrid", "hybrid",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( hybrid ));

	auto_choose_num_threads = nAttr.create("auto_choose_num_threads", "auto_choose_num_threads",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( auto_choose_num_threads ));

	num_threads = nAttr.create("num_threads", "num_threads",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, 1);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( num_threads ));

	super_sample_factor = nAttr.create("super_sample_factor", "super_sample_factor",  MFnNumericData::kInt, 2);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( super_sample_factor ));

	watermark = nAttr.create("watermark", "watermark",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( watermark ));

	info_overlay = nAttr.create("info_overlay", "info_overlay",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( info_overlay ));

	cache_trees = nAttr.create("cache_trees", "cache_trees",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( cache_trees ));

	aperture_diffraction = nAttr.create("aperture_diffraction", "aperture_diffraction",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( aperture_diffraction ));

	post_process_diffraction = nAttr.create("post_process_diffraction", "post_process_diffraction",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( post_process_diffraction ));

	render_foreground_alpha = nAttr.create("render_foreground_alpha", "render_foreground_alpha",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( render_foreground_alpha ));

	splat_filter = eAttr.create("splat_filter", "splat_filter", 0, &stat);
	stat = eAttr.addField( "fastbox", 0 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "radial", 1 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "mn_cubic", 2 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( splat_filter ));

	splat_filter_cubic_b = nAttr.create("splat_filter_cubic_b", "splat_filter_cubic_b",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.6);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( splat_filter_cubic_b ));

	splat_filter_cubic_ring = nAttr.create("splat_filter_cubic_ring", "splat_filter_cubic_ring",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.2);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( splat_filter_cubic_ring ));

	downsize_filter = eAttr.create("downsize_filter", "downsize_filter", 0, &stat);
	stat = eAttr.addField( "mn_cubic", 0 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "gauss", 1 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "sharp", 2 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( downsize_filter ));

	downsize_filter_cubic_radius = nAttr.create("downsize_filter_cubic_radius", "downsize_filter_cubic_radius",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 2);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( downsize_filter_cubic_radius ));

	vignetting = nAttr.create("vignetting", "vignetting",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( vignetting ));

	gpu = nAttr.create("gpu", "gpu",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( gpu ));

	selected_gpu_device = eAttr.create("selected_gpu_device", "selected_gpu_device", 0, &stat);
	stat = eAttr.addField( "CUDA", 0 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "OPEN_CL", 1 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( selected_gpu_device ));

	glass_acceleration = nAttr.create("glass_acceleration", "glass_acceleration",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( glass_acceleration ));

	environmentType = eAttr.create("environmentType", "environmentType", 1, &stat);
	stat = eAttr.addField( "Off", 0 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "Color/Map", 1 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "Sun", 2 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( environmentType ));

	environmentColor = nAttr.createColor("environmentColor", "environmentColor");
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( environmentColor ));

	environmentSun = mAttr.create("environmentSun", "environmentSun");
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( environmentSun ));

	turbidity = nAttr.create("turbidity", "turbidity",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 2.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( turbidity ));

	extra_atmospheric = nAttr.create("extra_atmospheric", "extra_atmospheric",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( extra_atmospheric ));

	sun_layer = nAttr.create("sun_layer", "sun_layer",  MFnNumericData::kInt, 0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( sun_layer ));

	sky_layer = nAttr.create("sky_layer", "sky_layer",  MFnNumericData::kInt, 0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( sky_layer ));

	sky_model = eAttr.create("sky_model", "sky_model", 0, &stat);
	stat = eAttr.addField( "original", 0 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "captured-simulation", 1 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( sky_model ));

	environmentMapType = eAttr.create("environmentMapType", "environmentMapType", 0, &stat);
	stat = eAttr.addField( "Spherical", 0 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "Lat-Long", 1 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( environmentMapType ));

	environmentMapMultiplier = nAttr.create("environmentMapMultiplier", "environmentMapMultiplier",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( environmentMapMultiplier ));

	MFnStringData	fnStringData;
	MObject	defaultString;

	defaultString = fnStringData.create( "notepad.exe" );
	preferredTextEditor = tAttr.create("preferredTextEditor", "preferredTextEditor",  MFnNumericData::kString, defaultString);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( preferredTextEditor ));

//	------------- automatically created attributes end ----------- // 

	return stat;

Beispiel #16
MStatus PhongNode::compute(
const MPlug&      plug,
      MDataBlock& block )
    if ((plug != aOutColor) && (plug.parent() != aOutColor))
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

    MFloatVector resultColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);

    // get sample surface shading parameters
    MFloatVector& surfaceNormal = block.inputValue( aNormalCamera ).asFloatVector();
    MFloatVector& cameraPosition = block.inputValue( aPointCamera ).asFloatVector();

	// use for raytracing api enhancement below
	MFloatVector point = cameraPosition;
	MFloatVector normal = surfaceNormal;

    MFloatVector& surfaceColor  = block.inputValue( aColor ).asFloatVector();
    MFloatVector& incandescence = block.inputValue( aIncandescence ).asFloatVector();
    float diffuseReflectivity = block.inputValue( aDiffuseReflectivity ).asFloat();
    // float translucenceCoeff   = block.inputValue( aTranslucenceCoeff ).asFloat();
	// User-defined Reflection Color Gain
	float reflectGain = block.inputValue( aReflectGain ).asFloat();

    // Phong shading attributes
    float power = block.inputValue( aPower ).asFloat();
    float spec = block.inputValue( aSpecularity ).asFloat();

    float specularR, specularG, specularB;
    float diffuseR, diffuseG, diffuseB;
    diffuseR = diffuseG = diffuseB = specularR = specularG = specularB = 0.0;

    // get light list
    MArrayDataHandle lightData = block.inputArrayValue( aLightData );
    int numLights = lightData.elementCount();

    // iterate through light list and get ambient/diffuse values
    for( int count=1; count <= numLights; count++ )
        MDataHandle currentLight = lightData.inputValue();
        MFloatVector& lightIntensity = currentLight.child(aLightIntensity).asFloatVector();

        // Find the blind data
        void*& blindData = currentLight.child( aLightBlindData ).asAddr();

        // find ambient component
        if( currentLight.child(aLightAmbient).asBool() ) {
            diffuseR += lightIntensity[0];
            diffuseG += lightIntensity[1];
            diffuseB += lightIntensity[2];

        MFloatVector& lightDirection = currentLight.child(aLightDirection).asFloatVector();

        if ( blindData == NULL )
			// find diffuse and specular component
			if( currentLight.child(aLightDiffuse).asBool() )
			    float cosln = lightDirection * surfaceNormal;;
			    if( cosln > 0.0f )  // calculate only if facing light
			         diffuseR += lightIntensity[0] * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );
			         diffuseG += lightIntensity[1] * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );
			         diffuseB += lightIntensity[2] * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );

			    CHECK_MSTATUS( cameraPosition.normalize() );

				if( cosln > 0.0f ) // calculate only if facing light
				    float RV = ( ( (2*surfaceNormal) * cosln ) - lightDirection ) * cameraPosition;
				    if( RV > 0.0 ) RV = 0.0;
				    if( RV < 0.0 ) RV = -RV;

				    if ( power < 0 ) power = -power;

				    float s = spec * powf( RV, power );

				    specularR += lightIntensity[0] * s;
				    specularG += lightIntensity[1] * s;
				    specularB += lightIntensity[2] * s;
			float cosln = MRenderUtil::diffuseReflectance( blindData, lightDirection, point, surfaceNormal, true );
			if( cosln > 0.0f )  // calculate only if facing light
			     diffuseR += lightIntensity[0] * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );
			     diffuseG += lightIntensity[1] * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );
			     diffuseB += lightIntensity[2] * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );

			CHECK_MSTATUS ( cameraPosition.normalize() );

			if ( currentLight.child(aLightSpecular).asBool() )
				MFloatVector specLightDirection = lightDirection;
				MDataHandle directionH = block.inputValue( aRayDirection );
				MFloatVector direction = directionH.asFloatVector();
				float lightAttenuation = 1.0;

				specLightDirection = MRenderUtil::maximumSpecularReflection( blindData,
										lightDirection, point, surfaceNormal, direction );
				lightAttenuation = MRenderUtil::lightAttenuation( blindData, point, surfaceNormal, false );

				// Are we facing the light
				if ( specLightDirection * surfaceNormal > 0.0f )
					float power2 = block.inputValue( aPower ).asFloat();
					MFloatVector rv = 2 * surfaceNormal * ( surfaceNormal * direction ) - direction;
					float s = spec * powf( rv * specLightDirection, power2 );

					specularR += lightIntensity[0] * s * lightAttenuation;
					specularG += lightIntensity[1] * s * lightAttenuation;
					specularB += lightIntensity[2] * s * lightAttenuation;
       if( ! ) break;

    // factor incident light with surface color and add incandescence
    resultColor[0] = ( diffuseR * surfaceColor[0] ) + specularR + incandescence[0];
    resultColor[1] = ( diffuseG * surfaceColor[1] ) + specularG + incandescence[1];
    resultColor[2] = ( diffuseB * surfaceColor[2] ) + specularB + incandescence[2];

	// add the reflection color
	if (reflectGain > 0.0) {

		MStatus status;

		// required attributes for using raytracer
		// origin, direction, sampler, depth, and object id.
		MDataHandle originH = block.inputValue( aRayOrigin, &status);
		MFloatVector origin = originH.asFloatVector();

		MDataHandle directionH = block.inputValue( aRayDirection, &status);
		MFloatVector direction = directionH.asFloatVector();

		MDataHandle samplerH = block.inputValue( aRaySampler, &status);
		void*& samplerPtr = samplerH.asAddr();

		MDataHandle depthH = block.inputValue( aRayDepth, &status);
		short depth = depthH.asShort();

		MDataHandle objH = block.inputValue( aObjectId, &status);
		void*& objId = objH.asAddr();

		MFloatVector reflectColor;
		MFloatVector reflectTransparency;

		MFloatVector& triangleNormal = block.inputValue( aTriangleNormalCamera ).asFloatVector();

		// compute reflected ray
		MFloatVector l = -direction;
		float dot = l * normal;
		if( dot < 0.0 ) dot = -dot;
		MFloatVector refVector = 2 * normal * dot - l; 	// reflection ray
		float dotRef = refVector * triangleNormal;
		if( dotRef < 0.0 ) {
		    const float s = 0.01f;
			MFloatVector mVec = refVector - dotRef * triangleNormal;
			refVector = mVec + s * triangleNormal;
		CHECK_MSTATUS ( refVector.normalize() );

		status = MRenderUtil::raytrace(
				point,    	//  origin
				refVector,  //  direction
				objId,		//  object id
				samplerPtr, //  sampler info
				depth,		//  ray depth
				reflectColor,	// output color and transp

		// add in the reflection color
		resultColor[0] += reflectGain * (reflectColor[0]);
		resultColor[1] += reflectGain * (reflectColor[1]);
		resultColor[2] += reflectGain * (reflectColor[2]);


    // set ouput color attribute
    MDataHandle outColorHandle = block.outputValue( aOutColor );
    MFloatVector& outColor = outColorHandle.asFloatVector();
    outColor = resultColor;

    return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus progressWindowPlugin::doIt(const MArgList &args)
    MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
    MString title = "Doing Nothing";
    MString sleeping = "Sleeping: ";

    int amount = 0;
    int maxProgress = 10;

    // First reserve the progress window.  If a progress window is already
    // active (eg. through the mel "progressWindow" command), this command
    // fails.
    if (!MProgressWindow::reserve())
        MGlobal::displayError("Progress window already in use.");
        stat = MS::kFailure;
        return stat;

    // Set up and print progress window state

    CHECK_MSTATUS(MProgressWindow::setProgressRange(amount, maxProgress));

    MString progressWindowState = MString("Progress Window Info:") +
                                  MString("\nMin: ") + MProgressWindow::progressMin() +
                                  MString("\nMax: ") + MProgressWindow::progressMax() +
                                  MString("\nTitle: ") + MProgressWindow::title() +
                                  MString("\nInterruptible: ") + MProgressWindow::isInterruptable();



    // Count 10 seconds
    for (int i = amount; i < maxProgress; i++)
        if (i != 0 && MProgressWindow::isCancelled()) {
            MGlobal::displayInfo("Progress interrupted!");

        MString statusStr = sleeping;
        statusStr += i;

        MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Current progress: ") + MProgressWindow::progress());

        MGlobal::executeCommand("pause -sec 1", false, false);

    // End the progress, unreserving the progress window so it can be used
    // elsewhere.

    return stat;
Beispiel #18
// The initialize routine is called after the node has been created.
// It sets up the input and output attributes and adds them to the node.
// Finally the dependencies are arranged so that when the inputs
// change Maya knowns to call compute to recalculate the output values.
// The inputs are: input, scale, frames
// The outputs are: sineOutput, cosineOutput
MStatus circle::initialize()
	MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;
	MStatus				stat;

	// Setup the input attributes
	input = nAttr.create( "input", "in", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0,
			&stat );
 	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );

	scale = nAttr.create( "scale", "sc", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 10.0,
			&stat );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );

	frames = nAttr.create( "frames", "fr", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 48.0,
			&stat );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );

	// Setup the output attributes
	sOutput = nAttr.create( "sineOutput", "so", MFnNumericData::kFloat,
			0.0, &stat );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setWritable( false ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( false ) );

	cOutput = nAttr.create( "cosineOutput", "co", MFnNumericData::kFloat,
			0.0, &stat );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setWritable( false ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( false ) );

	// Add the attributes to the node
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( input ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( scale ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( frames ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( sOutput ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( cOutput ) );

	// Set the attribute dependencies
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( input, sOutput ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( input, cOutput ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( scale, sOutput ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( scale, cOutput ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( frames, sOutput ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( frames, cOutput ) );

	return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #19
MStatus brick::initialize()
	MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;
	MFnTypedAttribute tAttr;
	MFnGenericAttribute gAttr;
	MFnEnumAttribute eAttr;
	MFnMessageAttribute mAttr;

	MStatus status;

	outColor = nAttr.createColor("outColor", "outColor");
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( outColor ));

//---------------------------- automatically created attributes start ------------------------------------
	MObject scaleX = nAttr.create("scaleX", "scalex", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject scaleY = nAttr.create("scaleY", "scaley", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject scaleZ = nAttr.create("scaleZ", "scalez", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	scale = nAttr.create("scale", "scale", scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( scale ));

	brickbevel = nAttr.create("brickbevel", "brickbevel",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( brickbevel ));

	brickbond = eAttr.create("brickbond", "brickbond", 0, &status);
	status = eAttr.addField( "stacked", 0 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "flemish", 1 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "english", 2 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "herringbone", 3 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "basket", 4 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "chain link", 5 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( brickbond ));

	mortarsize = nAttr.create("mortarsize", "mortarsize",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.01);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( mortarsize ));

	brickwidth = nAttr.create("brickwidth", "brickwidth",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.3);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( brickwidth ));

	bricktex = nAttr.createColor("bricktex", "bricktex");
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( bricktex ));

	brickdepth = nAttr.create("brickdepth", "brickdepth",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.15);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( brickdepth ));

	coordinates = eAttr.create("coordinates", "coordinates", 0, &status);
	status = eAttr.addField( "global", 0 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "local", 1 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "global normal", 2 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "localnormal", 3 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "uv", 4 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( coordinates ));

	brickmodtex = nAttr.create("brickmodtex", "brickmodtex",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( brickmodtex ));

	MObject rotateX = nAttr.create("rotateX", "rotatex", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject rotateY = nAttr.create("rotateY", "rotatey", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject rotateZ = nAttr.create("rotateZ", "rotatez", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	rotate = nAttr.create("rotate", "rotate", rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( rotate ));

	motartex = nAttr.createColor("motartex", "motartex");
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( motartex ));

	brickrun = nAttr.create("brickrun", "brickrun",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.75);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( brickrun ));

	MObject translateX = nAttr.create("translateX", "translatex", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject translateY = nAttr.create("translateY", "translatey", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject translateZ = nAttr.create("translateZ", "translatez", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	translate = nAttr.create("translate", "translate", translateX, translateY, translateZ);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( translate ));

	brickheight = nAttr.create("brickheight", "brickheight",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.1);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( brickheight ));

	luxOutFloat = nAttr.create("luxOutFloat", "luxOutFloat",  MFnNumericData::kFloat);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( luxOutFloat ));

	luxOutColor = nAttr.createColor("luxOutColor", "luxOutColor");
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( luxOutColor ));

	CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects( scale, luxOutFloat));
	CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects( scale, luxOutColor));
	CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects( scale, outColor));
//---------------------------- automatically created attributes end ------------------------------------

    return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #20
MStatus CoatingBSDF::initialize()
	MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;
	MFnLightDataAttribute lAttr;
	MFnTypedAttribute tAttr;
	MFnGenericAttribute gAttr;
	MFnEnumAttribute eAttr;
	MFnMessageAttribute mAttr;

    MStatus status; // Status will be used to hold the MStatus value
                    // returned by each api function call. It is important
                    // to check the status returned by a call to aid in
                    // debugging. Failed API calls can result in subtle
                    // errors that can be difficult to track down, you may
                    // wish to use the CHECK_MSTATUS macro for any API
                    // call where you do not need to provide your own
                    // error handling.

//---------------------------- automatically created attributes start ------------------------------------
	normalMapping = nAttr.create("normalMapping", "normalMapping",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( normalMapping ));

	kappa = nAttr.create("kappa", "kappa",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( kappa ));

	bump = nAttr.create("bump", "bump",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( bump ));

	anisotropy = nAttr.create("anisotropy", "anisotropy",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( anisotropy ));

	reflectanceColor = nAttr.createColor("reflectanceColor", "reflectanceColor");
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( reflectanceColor ));

	ior = nAttr.create("ior", "ior",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.5);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( ior ));

	roughness = nAttr.create("roughness", "roughness",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.1);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( roughness ));

	microRoughnessHeight = nAttr.create("microRoughnessHeight", "microRoughnessHeight",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.25);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( microRoughnessHeight ));

	coatingAbsorption = nAttr.create("coatingAbsorption", "coatingAbsorption",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( coatingAbsorption ));

	microRoughness = nAttr.create("microRoughness", "microRoughness",  MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( microRoughness ));

	rotation = nAttr.create("rotation", "rotation",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( rotation ));

	thickness = nAttr.create("thickness", "thickness",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 100.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( thickness ));

	microRoughnessWidth = nAttr.create("microRoughnessWidth", "microRoughnessWidth",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 10.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( microRoughnessWidth ));

//---------------------------- automatically created attributes end ------------------------------------

    // Input Attributes
    aTranslucenceCoeff = nAttr.create( "translucenceCoeff", "tc",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.0f ) );

    aDiffuseReflectivity = nAttr.create( "diffuseReflectivity", "drfl",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.8f ) );

    aColor = nAttr.createColor( "color", "c", &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.0f, 0.58824f, 0.644f ) );

    aIncandescence = nAttr.createColor( "incandescence", "ic", &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );

    aInTransparency = nAttr.createColor( "transparency", "it", &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );

    // Color Output
    aOutColor = nAttr.createColor( "outColor", "oc", &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setHidden( false ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setReadable( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setWritable( false ) );

    aOutTransparency = nAttr.createColor( "outTransparency", "ot", &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setHidden( false ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setReadable( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setWritable( false ) );

    // Camera Normals
    aNormalCameraX = nAttr.create( "normalCameraX", "nx",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( false ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

    aNormalCameraY = nAttr.create( "normalCameraY", "ny",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( false ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

    aNormalCameraZ = nAttr.create( "normalCameraZ", "nz",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( false ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

    aNormalCamera = nAttr.create( "normalCamera","n", aNormalCameraX,
            aNormalCameraY, aNormalCameraZ, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( false ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setHidden( true ) );

    // Light Direction
    aLightDirectionX = nAttr.create( "lightDirectionX", "ldx",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

    aLightDirectionY = nAttr.create( "lightDirectionY", "ldy",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

    aLightDirectionZ = nAttr.create( "lightDirectionZ", "ldz",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

    aLightDirection = nAttr.create( "lightDirection", "ld",
            aLightDirectionX, aLightDirectionY, aLightDirectionZ,
            &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );

    // Light Intensity
    aLightIntensityR = nAttr.create( "lightIntensityR", "lir",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

    aLightIntensityG = nAttr.create( "lightIntensityG", "lig",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

    aLightIntensityB = nAttr.create( "lightIntensityB", "lib",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

    aLightIntensity = nAttr.create( "lightIntensity", "li",
            aLightIntensityR, aLightIntensityG, aLightIntensityB,
            &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );

    // Light
    aLightAmbient = nAttr.create( "lightAmbient", "la",
            MFnNumericData::kBoolean, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( true ) );

    aLightDiffuse = nAttr.create( "lightDiffuse", "ldf",
            MFnNumericData::kBoolean, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( true ) );

    aLightSpecular = nAttr.create( "lightSpecular", "ls",
            MFnNumericData::kBoolean, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( false ) );

    aLightShadowFraction = nAttr.create( "lightShadowFraction", "lsf",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

    aPreShadowIntensity = nAttr.create( "preShadowIntensity", "psi",
            MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

    aLightBlindData = nAttr.createAddr( "lightBlindData", "lbld",
            &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );

    aLightData = lAttr.create( "lightDataArray", "ltd", aLightDirection,
            aLightIntensity, aLightAmbient, aLightDiffuse, aLightSpecular,
            aLightShadowFraction, aPreShadowIntensity, aLightBlindData,
            &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( lAttr.setArray( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( lAttr.setStorable( false ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( lAttr.setHidden( true ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( lAttr.setDefault( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
            true, true, false, 1.0f, 1.0f, NULL ) );

    // Next we will add the attributes we have defined to the node
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aTranslucenceCoeff ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiffuseReflectivity ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aIncandescence ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aInTransparency ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aOutTransparency ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aNormalCamera ) );

    // Only add the parent of the compound
    CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aLightData ) );

    // The attributeAffects() method is used to indicate when the input
    // attribute affects the output attribute. This knowledge allows Maya
    // to optimize dependencies in the graph in more complex nodes where
    // there may be several inputs and outputs, but not all the inputs
    // affect all the outputs.
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aTranslucenceCoeff, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiffuseReflectivity, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aColor, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aInTransparency, aOutTransparency ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aInTransparency, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aIncandescence, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightIntensityR, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightIntensityB, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightIntensityG, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightIntensity, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aNormalCameraX, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aNormalCameraY, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aNormalCameraZ, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aNormalCamera, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightDirectionX, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightDirectionY, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightDirectionZ, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightDirection, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightAmbient, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightSpecular, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightDiffuse, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightShadowFraction, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aPreShadowIntensity, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightBlindData, aOutColor ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightData, aOutColor ) );

    return( MS::kSuccess );
Beispiel #21
MStatus clearcoat::initialize()
    MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;
    MFnCompoundAttribute   cAttr;

    aIndex = nAttr.create( "index", "ix", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.8f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setSoftMin(1.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setSoftMax(5.0f) );

    aScale = nAttr.create( "scale", "s", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.55f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setSoftMin(0.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setSoftMax(5.0f) );

    aBias = nAttr.create( "bias", "b", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(-0.1f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setSoftMin(-1.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setSoftMax( 1.0f) );

    aNormalCameraX = nAttr.create( "normalCameraX", "nx", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f) );

    aNormalCameraY = nAttr.create( "normalCameraY", "ny", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f) );

    aNormalCameraZ = nAttr.create( "normalCameraZ", "nz", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f) );

    aNormalCamera = nAttr.create( "normalCamera","n",
                                  aNormalCameraX, aNormalCameraY, aNormalCameraZ);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );

    aRayDirectionX = nAttr.create( "rayDirectionX", "rx", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f) );

    aRayDirectionY = nAttr.create( "rayDirectionY", "ry", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f));

    aRayDirectionZ = nAttr.create( "rayDirectionZ", "rz", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f) );

    aRayDirection = nAttr.create( "rayDirection","r",
                                  aRayDirectionX, aRayDirectionY, aRayDirectionZ);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );

// Outputs

    aOutValue = nAttr.create( "outValue", "ov", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aIndex));
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aScale) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aBias) );

	// compound attribute - only need to add parent
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aNormalCamera) );

	// compound attribute - only need to add parent
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aRayDirection) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aOutValue) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aIndex, aOutValue) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aScale, aOutValue) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aBias, aOutValue) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aNormalCameraX, aOutValue) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aNormalCameraY, aOutValue) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aNormalCameraZ, aOutValue) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aNormalCamera, aOutValue) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aRayDirectionX, aOutValue) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aRayDirectionY, aOutValue) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aRayDirectionZ, aOutValue) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aRayDirection, aOutValue) );

    return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #22
// Compute takes two parameters: plug and data.
// - Plug is the the data value that needs to be recomputed
// - Data provides handles to all of the nodes attributes, only these
//   handles should be used when performing computations.
MStatus CoatingBSDF::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block )
    // The plug parameter will allow us to determine which output attribute
    // needs to be calculated.
	if( plug == aOutColor || plug == aOutTransparency || plug.parent() == aOutColor || plug.parent() == aOutTransparency  )
        MStatus status;
        MFloatVector resultColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );

        // Get surface shading parameters from input block
        MFloatVector& surfaceNormal = block.inputValue( aNormalCamera, &status ).asFloatVector();
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        MFloatVector& surfaceColor = block.inputValue( aColor, &status ).asFloatVector();
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        MFloatVector& incandescence = block.inputValue( aIncandescence,  &status ).asFloatVector();
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        float diffuseReflectivity = block.inputValue( aDiffuseReflectivity, &status ).asFloat();
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

//      float translucenceCoeff = block.inputValue( aTranslucenceCoeff,
//              &status ).asFloat();
//      CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        // Get light list
        MArrayDataHandle lightData = block.inputArrayValue( aLightData, &status );
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        int numLights = lightData.elementCount( &status );
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        // Calculate the effect of the lights in the scene on the color

        // Iterate through light list and get ambient/diffuse values
        for( int count=1; count <= numLights; count++ )
            // Get the current light out of the array
            MDataHandle currentLight = lightData.inputValue( &status );
            CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

            // Get the intensity of that light
            MFloatVector& lightIntensity = currentLight.child( aLightIntensity ).asFloatVector();

            // Find ambient component
            if ( currentLight.child( aLightAmbient ).asBool() )
                resultColor += lightIntensity;

            // Find diffuse component
            if ( currentLight.child( aLightDiffuse ).asBool() )
                MFloatVector& lightDirection = currentLight.child( aLightDirection ).asFloatVector();
                float cosln = lightDirection * surfaceNormal;

               if ( cosln > 0.0f ) 
                    resultColor += lightIntensity * ( cosln * diffuseReflectivity );

            // Advance to the next light.
            if ( count < numLights ) {
                status =;
                CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        // Factor incident light with surface color and add incandescence
        resultColor[0] = resultColor[0] * surfaceColor[0] + incandescence[0];
        resultColor[1] = resultColor[1] * surfaceColor[1] + incandescence[1];
        resultColor[2] = resultColor[2] * surfaceColor[2] + incandescence[2];

        // Set ouput color attribute
		if ( plug == aOutColor || plug.parent() == aOutColor )
            // Get the handle to the attribute
            MDataHandle outColorHandle = block.outputValue( aOutColor, &status );
            CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
            MFloatVector& outColor = outColorHandle.asFloatVector();

            outColor = resultColor;     // Set the output value
            outColorHandle.setClean(); // Mark the output value as clean

        // Set ouput transparency
		if ( plug == aOutTransparency || plug.parent() == aOutTransparency )
            MFloatVector& transparency = block.inputValue( aInTransparency, &status ).asFloatVector();
            CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

            // Get the handle to the attribute
            MDataHandle outTransHandle = block.outputValue( aOutTransparency, &status );
            CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
            MFloatVector& outTrans = outTransHandle.asFloatVector();

            outTrans = transparency;   // Set the output value
            outTransHandle.setClean(); // Mark the output value as clean
        return( MS::kUnknownParameter ); // We got an unexpected plug

    return( MS::kSuccess );
Beispiel #23
MStatus depthShader::initialize()
    MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;

    // Create input attributes

	aColorNear = nAttr.createColor("color", "c");
    CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setDefault(0., 1., 0.));			// Green

	aColorFar = nAttr.createColor("colorFar", "cf");
    CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setDefault(0., 0., 1.));			// Blue

    aNear = nAttr.create("near", "n", MFnNumericData::kFloat);

    aFar = nAttr.create("far", "f", MFnNumericData::kFloat);

    aPointCamera = nAttr.createPoint("pointCamera", "p");

	// Create output attributes
    aOutColor = nAttr.createColor("outColor", "oc");

    CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute(aNear) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aColorNear, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aColorFar, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aNear, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aFar, aOutColor));
    CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aPointCamera, aOutColor));

    return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #24
MStatus marble::initialize()
	MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;
	MFnTypedAttribute tAttr;
	MFnGenericAttribute gAttr;
	MFnEnumAttribute eAttr;
	MFnMessageAttribute mAttr;

	MStatus status;

	outColor = nAttr.createColor("outColor", "outColor");
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( outColor ));

//---------------------------- automatically created attributes start ------------------------------------
	scale = nAttr.create("scale", "scale",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( scale ));

	octaves = nAttr.create("octaves", "octaves",  MFnNumericData::kInt, 8);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( octaves ));

	coordinates = eAttr.create("coordinates", "coordinates", 0, &status);
	status = eAttr.addField( "global", 0 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "local", 1 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "global normal", 2 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "localnormal", 3 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "uv", 4 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( coordinates ));

	roughness = nAttr.create("roughness", "roughness",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.5);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( roughness ));

	MObject rotateX = nAttr.create("rotateX", "rotatex", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject rotateY = nAttr.create("rotateY", "rotatey", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject rotateZ = nAttr.create("rotateZ", "rotatez", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	rotate = nAttr.create("rotate", "rotate", rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( rotate ));

	variation = nAttr.create("variation", "variation",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.2);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( variation ));

	MObject translateX = nAttr.create("translateX", "translatex", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject translateY = nAttr.create("translateY", "translatey", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject translateZ = nAttr.create("translateZ", "translatez", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	translate = nAttr.create("translate", "translate", translateX, translateY, translateZ);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( translate ));

	luxOutColor = nAttr.createColor("luxOutColor", "luxOutColor");
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( luxOutColor ));

	CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects( scale, luxOutColor));
	CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects( scale, outColor));
//---------------------------- automatically created attributes end ------------------------------------

    return MS::kSuccess;
btCompoundShape* convex_decomposition_hacd::ConvexDecomp(int numVertices, float* vertices, int numIndices,const unsigned int* indices)
	// HACD

	std::vector< HACD::Vec3<HACD::Real> > points;
	std::vector< HACD::Vec3<long> > triangles;

	for(int i=0; i<numVertices; i++ ) 
		int index = i*3;
		HACD::Vec3<HACD::Real> vertex(vertices[index], vertices[index+1],vertices[index+2]);

	for(int i=0;i<numIndices/3;i++)
		int index = i*3;
		HACD::Vec3<long> triangle(indices[index], indices[index+1], indices[index+2]);


	// HACD parameters
	// Recommended parameters: 2 100 0 0 0 0
	size_t nClusters = 2;
	double concavity = 10;
	bool invert = false;
	bool addExtraDistPoints = true;//false;
	bool addNeighboursDistPoints = true;//false;
	bool addFacesPoints = false;       

	myHACD.SetNClusters(nClusters);                     // minimum number of clusters
	myHACD.SetNVerticesPerCH(256);                      // max of 100 vertices per convex-hull
	myHACD.SetConcavity(concavity);                     // maximum concavity


        MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
        MString title = "Esc to stop";
        MString sleeping = "Esc to stop";
        int amount = 0;
        int maxProgress = 1000;
        // First reserve the progress window.  If a progress window is already
        // active (eg. through the mel "progressWindow" command), this command
        // fails.
        if (!MProgressWindow::reserve())
                MGlobal::displayError("Progress window already in use.");
                stat = MS::kFailure;

        // Set up and print progress window state

        CHECK_MSTATUS(MProgressWindow::setProgressRange(amount, maxProgress));

        MString progressWindowState = MString("Progress Window Info:") +
                MString("\nMin: ") + MProgressWindow::progressMin() +
                MString("\nMax: ") + MProgressWindow::progressMax() + 
                MString("\nTitle: ") + MProgressWindow::title() + 
                MString("\nInterruptible: ") + MProgressWindow::isInterruptable();

		int i=1;
		MString statusStr = sleeping;
        statusStr += i;

		   MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Current progress: ") + MProgressWindow::progress());
		   MGlobal::executeCommand("pause -sec 1", false,false);
        // Count 10 seconds
/*        for (int i = amount; i < maxProgress; i++)
                if (i != 0 && MProgressWindow::isCancelled()) {
                        MGlobal::displayInfo("Progress interrupted!");

                MString statusStr = sleeping;
                statusStr += i;

                MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Current progress: ") + MProgressWindow::progress());

                MGlobal::executeCommand("pause -sec 1", false, false);

        // End the progress, unreserving the progress window so it can be used
        // elsewhere.

	bool result = myHACD.Compute();
	if (!result)
		nClusters = 0;
	} else
		nClusters = myHACD.GetNClusters();


//	myHACD.Save("output.wrl", false);

	btCompoundShape* compound = new btCompoundShape();
//   mMergedTriangleMesh = new btTriangleMesh();

   //now create some bodies
	if (1)
		btTransform trans;

		for (int c=0;c<nClusters;c++)
			//generate convex result
			size_t nPoints = myHACD.GetNPointsCH(c);
			size_t nTriangles = myHACD.GetNTrianglesCH(c);

			float* vertices = new float[nPoints*3];
			unsigned int* triangles = new unsigned int[nTriangles*3];
			HACD::Vec3<HACD::Real> * pointsCH = new HACD::Vec3<HACD::Real>[nPoints];
			HACD::Vec3<long> * trianglesCH = new HACD::Vec3<long>[nTriangles];
			myHACD.GetCH(c, pointsCH, trianglesCH);

			// points
			for(size_t v = 0; v < nPoints; v++)
				vertices[3*v] = pointsCH[v].X();
				vertices[3*v+1] = pointsCH[v].Y();
				vertices[3*v+2] = pointsCH[v].Z();
			// triangles
			for(size_t f = 0; f < nTriangles; f++)
				triangles[3*f] = trianglesCH[f].X();
				triangles[3*f+1] = trianglesCH[f].Y();
				triangles[3*f+2] = trianglesCH[f].Z();

			delete [] pointsCH;
			delete [] trianglesCH;

			ConvexDecompResult(nPoints, vertices, nTriangles, triangles);

		for (int i=0;i<m_convexShapes.size();i++)
			btVector3 centroid = m_convexCentroids[i];
			btConvexHullShape* convexShape = m_convexShapes[i];

/*   mMergedTriangleVertices = new float[mNumMergedTriangleVertices*3];
   mMergedTriangleIndices = new int[mNumMergedTriangleIndices];
   for(int i=0; i<m_trimeshes.size(); i++)
      mMergedTriangleVertices[i] = 

   return compound;
MStatus blender_marble::initialize()
	MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;
	MFnTypedAttribute tAttr;
	MFnGenericAttribute gAttr;
	MFnEnumAttribute eAttr;
	MFnMessageAttribute mAttr;

	MStatus status;

	outColor = nAttr.createColor("outColor", "outColor");
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( outColor ));

//---------------------------- automatically created attributes start ------------------------------------
	noisesize = nAttr.create("noisesize", "noisesize",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.25);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( noisesize ));

	noisebasis2 = eAttr.create("noisebasis2", "noisebasis2", 0, &status);
	status = eAttr.addField( "blender_original", 0 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "original_perlin", 1 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "improved_perlin", 2 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "voronoi_f1", 3 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "voronoi_f2", 4 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "voronoi_f3", 5 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "voronoi_f4", 6 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "voronoi_f2f1", 7 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "voronoi_crackle", 8 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "cell_noise", 9 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( noisebasis2 ));

	noisebasis = eAttr.create("noisebasis", "noisebasis", 0, &status);
	status = eAttr.addField( "sin", 0 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "saw", 1 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "tri", 2 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( noisebasis ));

	MObject scaleX = nAttr.create("scaleX", "scalex", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject scaleY = nAttr.create("scaleY", "scaley", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject scaleZ = nAttr.create("scaleZ", "scalez", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	scale = nAttr.create("scale", "scale", scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( scale ));

	noisedepth = nAttr.create("noisedepth", "noisedepth",  MFnNumericData::kInt, 2);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( noisedepth ));

	turbulance = nAttr.create("turbulance", "turbulance",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 5.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( turbulance ));

	coordinates = eAttr.create("coordinates", "coordinates", 0, &status);
	status = eAttr.addField( "global", 0 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "local", 1 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "global normal", 2 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "localnormal", 3 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "uv", 4 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( coordinates ));

	bright = nAttr.create("bright", "bright",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( bright ));

	MObject rotateX = nAttr.create("rotateX", "rotatex", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject rotateY = nAttr.create("rotateY", "rotatey", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject rotateZ = nAttr.create("rotateZ", "rotatez", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	rotate = nAttr.create("rotate", "rotate", rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( rotate ));

	noisetype = eAttr.create("noisetype", "noisetype", 1, &status);
	status = eAttr.addField( "soft_noise", 0 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "hard_noise", 1 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( noisetype ));

	MObject translateX = nAttr.create("translateX", "translatex", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject translateY = nAttr.create("translateY", "translatey", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	MObject translateZ = nAttr.create("translateZ", "translatez", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
	translate = nAttr.create("translate", "translate", translateX, translateY, translateZ);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( translate ));

	type = eAttr.create("type", "type", 0, &status);
	status = eAttr.addField( "soft", 0 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "sharp", 1 );
	status = eAttr.addField( "sharper", 2 );
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( type ));

	contrast = nAttr.create("contrast", "contrast",  MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( contrast ));

	luxOutFloat = nAttr.create("luxOutFloat", "luxOutFloat",  MFnNumericData::kFloat);
	CHECK_MSTATUS(addAttribute( luxOutFloat ));

	CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects( noisesize, luxOutFloat));
	CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects( noisesize, outColor));
//---------------------------- automatically created attributes end ------------------------------------

    return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #27
MStatus stringFormat::compute (const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
	MStatus status;
	// Check that the requested recompute is one of the output values
	if (plug == attrOutput) {
		// Read the input values
		MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue (attrFormat, &status);
		CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
		MString format = inputData.asString();

        // Get input data handle, use outputArrayValue since we do not
        // want to evaluate all inputs, only the ones related to the
        // requested multiIndex. This is for efficiency reasons.
		MArrayDataHandle vals = data.outputArrayValue(attrValues, &status);
		CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

		int indx = 0;
		int param;
		char letter;
		while ((indx = findNextMatch(format, indx, param, letter)) > 0) {
			double val = 0.;
			status = vals.jumpToElement(param);
			if (status == MStatus::kSuccess) {
				MDataHandle thisVal = vals.inputValue( &status );
				if (status == MStatus::kSuccess) {
					val = thisVal.asDouble();
			MString replace;
			bool valid = false;
			switch (letter) {
				case 'd':					// Integer
				val = floor(val+.5);
				// No break here

				case 'f':					// Float
				valid = true;

				case 't':					// Timecode
					const char * sign = "";
					if (val<0) {
						sign = "-";
						val = -val;
					int valInt = (int)(val+.5);
					int sec = valInt / 24;
					int frame = valInt - sec * 24;
					int min = sec / 60;
					sec -= min * 60;
					int hour = min / 60;
					min -= hour * 60;
					char buffer[90];
					if (hour>0)
						sprintf(buffer, "%s%d:%02d:%02d.%02d", 
								sign, hour, min, sec, frame);
						sprintf(buffer, "%s%02d:%02d.%02d", 
								sign, min, sec, frame);
					replace = buffer;
				valid = true;

			if (valid) {
				format = format.substring(0, indx-2) + 
					replace + format.substring(indx+2, format.length()-1);
				indx += replace.length() - 3;

		// Store the result
		MDataHandle output = data.outputValue(attrOutput, &status );
		CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
		output.set( format );

	} else {
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #28
MStatus mtmEnvLight::initialize()
    MFnTypedAttribute tAttr; 
    MFnNumericAttribute nAttr; 
    MFnLightDataAttribute lAttr;
	MFnEnumAttribute eAttr;
	MFnMessageAttribute mAttr;
	MStatus stat;

    //aColor = nAttr.createColor( "color", "c" );
    //CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setKeyable(true) );
    //CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(true) );
    //CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(0.0f, 0.58824f, 0.644f) );

    aLightColor = nAttr.createColor( "lightColor", "lightColor" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setKeyable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(true) );
    nAttr.setDefault(0.7f, 0.58824f, 0.344f);

	aShadowColor = nAttr.createColor( "shadowColor", "sc" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setKeyable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) );

    aPosition = nAttr.createPoint( "position", "pos" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setKeyable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(true) );

    aInputDirection = nAttr.createPoint( "inputDirection", "id" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setKeyable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) );

    aInputAmbient = nAttr.create( "ambientOn", "an", MFnNumericData::kBoolean);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setKeyable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(true) );

    aInputDiffuse = nAttr.create( "emitDiffuse", "dn", MFnNumericData::kBoolean);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setKeyable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(true) );

    aInputSpecular = nAttr.create( "emitSpecular", "sn", MFnNumericData::kBoolean);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setKeyable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(true) );

    aIntensity = nAttr.create( "intensity", "i", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setKeyable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f) );

	samplingquality = nAttr.create( "samplingquality", "samplingquality", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0);
	envmap = tAttr.create( "envmap", "envmap", MFnNumericData::kString);
	areamap = tAttr.create( "areamap", "areamap", MFnNumericData::kString);
	areafullsphere = nAttr.create( "areafullsphere", "areafullsphere", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
	envintensity = nAttr.createColor( "envintensity", "envintensity" );
	nAttr.setDefault(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	raybackground = nAttr.create( "raybackground", "raybackground", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	castshadow = nAttr.create( "castshadow", "castshadow", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
	envtype = eAttr.create( "envtype", "envtype", 0, &stat);
	stat = eAttr.addField( "Direct Lighting", 0 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "Ambient Occlusion", 1 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "Full Irradiance", 2 );
	stat = eAttr.addField( "Raytrace Background", 3 );
	doraysamples = nAttr.create( "doraysamples", "doraysamples", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	doadaptive = nAttr.create( "doadaptive", "doadaptive", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	domaxdist = nAttr.create( "domaxdist", "domaxdist", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	maxdist = nAttr.create( "maxdist", "maxdist", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 10.0);
	coneangle = nAttr.create( "coneangle", "coneangle", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 45.0);
	envtint = nAttr.createColor( "envtint", "envtint" );
	nAttr.setDefault(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	shadowI = nAttr.create( "shadowI", "shadowI", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0);
	samples = nAttr.create( "samples", "samples", MFnNumericData::kInt, 32);
	MFnStringData fnStringData;
	MObject defaultObjectMask;
	defaultObjectMask = fnStringData.create( "*" );
	objectmask = tAttr.create( "objectmask", "objectmask", MFnNumericData::kString, defaultObjectMask);
	usePortalGeometry = nAttr.create( "usePortalGeometry", "usePortalGeometry", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
	portalGeometry = mAttr.create( "portalGeometry", "portalGeometry");
// Outputs

    aLightDirection = nAttr.createPoint( "lightDirection", "ld" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) );

    aLightIntensity = nAttr.createColor( "lightIntensity", "li" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.2f) );

    aLightAmbient = nAttr.create( "lightAmbient", "la", 
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );

    aLightDiffuse = nAttr.create( "lightDiffuse", "ldf",
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(true) );

    aLightSpecular = nAttr.create( "lightSpecular", "ls", 
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(true) );

    aLightShadowFraction = nAttr.create("lightShadowFraction","lsf",
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(0.0f) );

    aPreShadowIntensity = nAttr.create("preShadowIntensity","psi",
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault(0.0f) );

    aLightBlindData = nAttr.createAddr("lightBlindData","lbld");
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );

    aLightData = lAttr.create( "lightData", "ltd", 
                               aLightDirection, aLightIntensity, 
                               aLightDiffuse, aLightSpecular, 
                               aPreShadowIntensity, aLightBlindData);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( lAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( lAttr.setHidden(true) );
    lAttr.setDefault(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.2f, true, true,
					 true, 0.0f, 1.0f, NULL);

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(coneangle) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(samples) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(objectmask) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(shadowI) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(envtint) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(maxdist) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(domaxdist) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(doadaptive) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(doraysamples) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(envtype) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(castshadow) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(raybackground) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(envintensity) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(areafullsphere) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(areamap) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(envmap) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(samplingquality) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(usePortalGeometry) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(portalGeometry) );

    //CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aColor) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aLightColor) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aShadowColor) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aPosition) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aInputDirection) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aInputAmbient) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aInputDiffuse) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aInputSpecular) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aIntensity) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aLightData) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightIntensity, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightDirection, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightAmbient, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightDiffuse, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightSpecular, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightShadowFraction, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aPreShadowIntensity, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightBlindData, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aLightData, aLightData) );

    //CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aColor, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aPosition, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aInputDirection, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aInputAmbient, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aInputDiffuse, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aInputSpecular, aLightData) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects (aIntensity, aLightData) );

    return MS::kSuccess;
Beispiel #29
MStatus lambert::initialize()
	MFnNumericAttribute nAttr; 
	MFnLightDataAttribute lAttr;

	MStatus status; // Status will be used to hold the MStatus value
					// returned by each api function call. It is important
					// to check the status returned by a call to aid in
					// debugging. Failed API calls can result in subtle 
					// errors that can be difficult to track down, you may
					// wish to use the CHECK_MSTATUS macro for any API
					// call where you do not need to provide your own
					// error handling.

	// Attribute Initialization:
	// create      - The create function creates a new attribute for the
	//				 node, it takes a long name for the attribute, a short
	//				 name for the attribute, the type of the attribute,
	//				 and a status object to determine if the api call was
	//				 successful.
	// setKeyable  - Sets whether this attribute should accept keyframe
	//				 data, Attributes are not keyable by default.
	// setStorable - Sets whether this attribute should be storable. If an
	//				 attribute is storable, then it will be writen out
	//				 when the node is stored to a file. Attributes are 
	//               storable by default.
	// setDefault  - Sets the default value for this attribute.
	// setUsedAsColor - Sets whether this attribute should be presented as
	//				 a color in the UI.
	// setHidden   - Sets whether this attribute should be hidden from the
	//				 UI. This is useful if the attribute is being used for
	//				 blind data, or if it is being used as scratch space
	//				 for a geometry calculation (should also be marked
	//				 non-connectable in that case). Attributes are not
	//				 hidden by default.
	// setReadable - Sets whether this attribute should be readable. If an
	//				 attribute is readable, then it can be used as the
	//				 source in a dependency graph connection. Attributes
	//				 are readable by default.
	// setWritable - Sets whether this attribute should be readable. If an
	//				 attribute is writable, then it can be used as the
	//				 destination in a dependency graph connection. If an
	//			     attribute is not writable then setAttr commands will
	//				 fail to change the attribute. If both keyable and
	//				 writable for an attribute are set to true it will be
	//				 displayed in the channel box when the node is
	//				 selected. Attributes are writable by default.
	// setArray    - Sets whether this attribute should have an array of
	//				 data. This should be set to true if the attribute
	//				 needs to accept multiple incoming connections.
	//				 Attributes are single elements by default.

	// Input Attributes
	aTranslucenceCoeff = nAttr.create( "translucenceCoeff", "tc",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );	
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.0f ) );

	aDiffuseReflectivity = nAttr.create( "diffuseReflectivity", "drfl",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.8f ) );

	aColorR = nAttr.create( "colorR", "cr",MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0,
			&status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.0f ) );

	aColorG = nAttr.create( "colorG", "cg", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0,
			&status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.58824f ) );

	aColorB = nAttr.create( "colorB", "cb",MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0,
			&status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.644f ) );

	aColor = nAttr.create( "color", "c", aColorR, aColorG, aColorB,
			&status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.0f, 0.58824f, 0.644f ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setUsedAsColor( true ) );

	aIncandescenceR = nAttr.create( "incandescenceR", "ir",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.0f ) );

	aIncandescenceG = nAttr.create( "incandescenceG", "ig",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.0f ) );

	aIncandescenceB = nAttr.create( "incandescenceB", "ib",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status);
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.0f ) );

	aIncandescence = nAttr.create( "incandescence", "ic", aIncandescenceR,
			aIncandescenceG, aIncandescenceB, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setUsedAsColor( true ) );

	aInTransR = nAttr.create( "transparencyR", "itr",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );

	aInTransG = nAttr.create( "transparencyG", "itg",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );

	aInTransB = nAttr.create( "transparencyB", "itb",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status);
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );

	aInTransparency = nAttr.create( "transparency", "it", aInTransR,
			aInTransG, aInTransB, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setKeyable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setUsedAsColor( true ) );

	// Output Attributes

	// Color Output
	aOutColorR = nAttr.create( "outColorR", "ocr", MFnNumericData::kFloat,
			0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	aOutColorG = nAttr.create( "outColorG", "ocg", MFnNumericData::kFloat,
			0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	aOutColorB = nAttr.create( "outColorB", "ocb", MFnNumericData::kFloat,
			0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	aOutColor = nAttr.create( "outColor", "oc", aOutColorR, aOutColorG,
			aOutColorB, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setHidden( false ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setReadable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setWritable( false ) );

	// Transparency Output
	aOutTransR = nAttr.create( "outTransparencyR", "otr",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

	aOutTransG = nAttr.create( "outTransparencyG", "otg",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

	aOutTransB = nAttr.create( "outTransparencyB", "otb",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

	aOutTransparency = nAttr.create( "outTransparency", "ot",
			aOutTransR,aOutTransG,aOutTransB, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setHidden( false ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setReadable( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setWritable( false ) );

	// Camera Normals
	aNormalCameraX = nAttr.create( "normalCameraX", "nx",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( false ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

	aNormalCameraY = nAttr.create( "normalCameraY", "ny",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( false ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

	aNormalCameraZ = nAttr.create( "normalCameraZ", "nz",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( false ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

	aNormalCamera = nAttr.create( "normalCamera","n", aNormalCameraX,
			aNormalCameraY, aNormalCameraZ, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setStorable( false ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setHidden( true ) );

	// Light Direction
	aLightDirectionX = nAttr.create( "lightDirectionX", "ldx",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

	aLightDirectionY = nAttr.create( "lightDirectionY", "ldy",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

	aLightDirectionZ = nAttr.create( "lightDirectionZ", "ldz",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

	aLightDirection = nAttr.create( "lightDirection", "ld",
			aLightDirectionX, aLightDirectionY, aLightDirectionZ,
			&status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );

	// Light Intensity
	aLightIntensityR = nAttr.create( "lightIntensityR", "lir",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

	aLightIntensityG = nAttr.create( "lightIntensityG", "lig",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

	aLightIntensityB = nAttr.create( "lightIntensityB", "lib",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

	aLightIntensity = nAttr.create( "lightIntensity", "li", 
			aLightIntensityR, aLightIntensityG, aLightIntensityB,
			&status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );

	// Light
	aLightAmbient = nAttr.create( "lightAmbient", "la",
			MFnNumericData::kBoolean, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( true ) );

	aLightDiffuse = nAttr.create( "lightDiffuse", "ldf",
			MFnNumericData::kBoolean, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( true ) );

	aLightSpecular = nAttr.create( "lightSpecular", "ls",
			MFnNumericData::kBoolean, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( false ) );

	aLightShadowFraction = nAttr.create( "lightShadowFraction", "lsf",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

	aPreShadowIntensity = nAttr.create( "preShadowIntensity", "psi",
			MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0, &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( nAttr.setDefault( 1.0f ) );

	aLightBlindData = nAttr.createAddr( "lightBlindData", "lbld",
            &status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );

	aLightData = lAttr.create( "lightDataArray", "ltd", aLightDirection,
			aLightIntensity, aLightAmbient, aLightDiffuse, aLightSpecular, 
			aLightShadowFraction, aPreShadowIntensity, aLightBlindData,
			&status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( lAttr.setArray( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( lAttr.setStorable( false ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( lAttr.setHidden( true ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( lAttr.setDefault( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
			true, true, false, 1.0f, 1.0f, NULL ) );

	// Next we will add the attributes we have defined to the node
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aTranslucenceCoeff ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aDiffuseReflectivity ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aIncandescence ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aInTransparency ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aOutTransparency ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aNormalCamera ) );

	// Only add the parent of the compound
	CHECK_MSTATUS( addAttribute( aLightData ) );

	// The attributeAffects() method is used to indicate when the input
	// attribute affects the output attribute. This knowledge allows Maya
	// to optimize dependencies in the graph in more complex nodes where
	// there may be several inputs and outputs, but not all the inputs
	// affect all the outputs.
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aTranslucenceCoeff, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aDiffuseReflectivity, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aColorR, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aColorG, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aColorB, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aColor, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aInTransR, aOutTransparency ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aInTransG, aOutTransparency ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aInTransB, aOutTransparency ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aInTransparency, aOutTransparency ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aInTransparency, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aIncandescenceR, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aIncandescenceG, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aIncandescenceB, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aIncandescence, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightIntensityR, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightIntensityB, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightIntensityG, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightIntensity, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aNormalCameraX, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aNormalCameraY, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aNormalCameraZ, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aNormalCamera, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightDirectionX, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightDirectionY, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightDirectionZ, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightDirection, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightAmbient, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightSpecular, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightDiffuse, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightShadowFraction, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aPreShadowIntensity, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightBlindData, aOutColor ) );
	CHECK_MSTATUS( attributeAffects( aLightData, aOutColor ) );

	return( MS::kSuccess );
// Attributes initialisation
MStatus DA_GridGenerator::initialize()
    MStatus stat;
    MFnCompoundAttribute cAttr;
    MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;
    MFnEnumAttribute eAttr;
    MFnTypedAttribute tAttr;

    // Controls
    aWidth = nAttr.create("width", "w", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 1.0);
    stat = addAttribute(aWidth);

    aHeight = nAttr.create("height", "h", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 1.0);
    stat = addAttribute(aHeight);

    aResolutionX = nAttr.create("resolutionX", "resx", MFnNumericData::kInt, 10);
    aResolutionY = nAttr.create("resolutionY", "resy", MFnNumericData::kInt, 10);
    aResolution = cAttr.create("resolution", "res");

    stat = cAttr.addChild(aResolutionX);
    stat = cAttr.addChild(aResolutionY);
    stat = addAttribute(aResolution);

    aPattern = eAttr.create("pattern","pat",0);
    eAttr.addField(DA_GridGeneratorPatterns::NONE, 0);
    eAttr.addField(DA_GridGeneratorPatterns::BRICK_U, 1);
    eAttr.addField(DA_GridGeneratorPatterns::BRICK_V, 2);

    stat = addAttribute(aPattern);

    // Outputs

    aOutDynamicArray = tAttr.create("outDynamicArray", "oda", MFnData::kDynArrayAttrs);
    tAttr.setWritable(false); // Just output
    stat = addAttribute(aOutDynamicArray);

    // Attributes affects

    attributeAffects(aWidth, aOutDynamicArray);
    attributeAffects(aHeight, aOutDynamicArray);

    attributeAffects(aResolutionX, aOutDynamicArray);
    attributeAffects(aResolutionY, aOutDynamicArray);

    attributeAffects(aPattern, aOutDynamicArray);

    // Done
    return stat;