Beispiel #1
CV_IMPL void
cvGetRectSubPix( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr, CvPoint2D32f center )
    static CvFuncTable gr_tab[2];
    static int inittab = 0;

    CvMat srcstub, *src = (CvMat*)srcarr;
    CvMat dststub, *dst = (CvMat*)dstarr;
    CvSize src_size, dst_size;
    CvGetRectSubPixFunc func;
    int cn, src_step, dst_step;

    if( !inittab )
        icvInitGetRectSubPixC1RTable( gr_tab + 0 );
        icvInitGetRectSubPixC3RTable( gr_tab + 1 );
        inittab = 1;

    if( !CV_IS_MAT(src))
        src = cvGetMat( src, &srcstub );

    if( !CV_IS_MAT(dst))
        dst = cvGetMat( dst, &dststub );

    cn = CV_MAT_CN( src->type );

    if( (cn != 1 && cn != 3) || !CV_ARE_CNS_EQ( src, dst ))
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

    src_size = cvGetMatSize( src );
    dst_size = cvGetMatSize( dst );
    src_step = src->step ? src->step : CV_STUB_STEP;
    dst_step = dst->step ? dst->step : CV_STUB_STEP;

    //if( dst_size.width > src_size.width || dst_size.height > src_size.height )
    //    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize, "destination ROI must be smaller than source ROI" );

    if( CV_ARE_DEPTHS_EQ( src, dst ))
        func = (CvGetRectSubPixFunc)(gr_tab[cn != 1].fn_2d[CV_MAT_DEPTH(src->type)]);
        if( CV_MAT_DEPTH( src->type ) != CV_8U || CV_MAT_DEPTH( dst->type ) != CV_32F )
            CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

        func = (CvGetRectSubPixFunc)(gr_tab[cn != 1].fn_2d[1]);

    if( !func )
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

    IPPI_CALL( func( src->data.ptr, src_step, src_size,
                     dst->data.ptr, dst_step, dst_size, center ));
CV_IMPL void
cvGetQuadrangleSubPix( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr, const CvMat* mat )
    static  CvFuncTable  gq_tab[2];
    static  int inittab = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvGetQuadrangleSubPix" );


    CvMat srcstub, *src = (CvMat*)srcarr;
    CvMat dststub, *dst = (CvMat*)dstarr;
    CvSize src_size, dst_size;
    CvGetQuadrangleSubPixFunc func;
    float m[6];
    int k, cn;

    if( !inittab )
        icvInitGetQuadrangleSubPixC1RTable( gq_tab + 0 );
        icvInitGetQuadrangleSubPixC3RTable( gq_tab + 1 );
        inittab = 1;

    if( !CV_IS_MAT(src))
        CV_CALL( src = cvGetMat( src, &srcstub ));

    if( !CV_IS_MAT(dst))
        CV_CALL( dst = cvGetMat( dst, &dststub ));

    if( !CV_IS_MAT(mat))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "map matrix is not valid" );

    cn = CV_MAT_CN( src->type );

    if( (cn != 1 && cn != 3) || !CV_ARE_CNS_EQ( src, dst ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

    src_size = cvGetMatSize( src );
    dst_size = cvGetMatSize( dst );

    /*if( dst_size.width > src_size.width || dst_size.height > src_size.height )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize, "destination ROI must not be larger than source ROI" );*/

    if( mat->rows != 2 || mat->cols != 3 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg,
        "Transformation matrix must be 2x3" );

    if( CV_MAT_TYPE( mat->type ) == CV_32FC1 )
        for( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
            m[k] = mat->data.fl[k];
            m[3 + k] = ((float*)(mat->data.ptr + mat->step))[k];
    else if( CV_MAT_TYPE( mat->type ) == CV_64FC1 )
        for( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
            m[k] = (float)mat->data.db[k];
            m[3 + k] = (float)((double*)(mat->data.ptr + mat->step))[k];
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat,
            "The transformation matrix should have 32fC1 or 64fC1 type" );

    if( CV_ARE_DEPTHS_EQ( src, dst ))
        func = (CvGetQuadrangleSubPixFunc)(gq_tab[cn != 1].fn_2d[CV_MAT_DEPTH(src->type)]);
        if( CV_MAT_DEPTH( src->type ) != CV_8U || CV_MAT_DEPTH( dst->type ) != CV_32F )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

        func = (CvGetQuadrangleSubPixFunc)(gq_tab[cn != 1].fn_2d[1]);

    if( !func )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

    IPPI_CALL( func( src->data.ptr, src->step, src_size,
                     dst->data.ptr, dst->step, dst_size, m ));

icvCrossCorr( const CvArr* _img, const CvArr* _templ, CvArr* _corr,
              CvPoint anchor, double delta, int borderType )
    // disable OpenMP in the case of Visual Studio,
    // otherwise the performance drops significantly
#if !defined _MSC_VER || defined CV_ICC
    #define USE_OPENMP 1

    const double block_scale = 4.5;
    const int min_block_size = 256;
    cv::Ptr<CvMat> dft_img[CV_MAX_THREADS];
    cv::Ptr<CvMat> dft_templ;
    std::vector<uchar> buf[CV_MAX_THREADS];
    int k, num_threads = 0;
    CvMat istub, *img = (CvMat*)_img;
    CvMat tstub, *templ = (CvMat*)_templ;
    CvMat cstub, *corr = (CvMat*)_corr;
    CvSize dftsize, blocksize;
    int depth, templ_depth, corr_depth, max_depth = CV_32F,
        cn, templ_cn, corr_cn, buf_size = 0,
        tile_count_x, tile_count_y, tile_count;

    img = cvGetMat( img, &istub );
    templ = cvGetMat( templ, &tstub );
    corr = cvGetMat( corr, &cstub );

    if( CV_MAT_DEPTH( img->type ) != CV_8U &&
        CV_MAT_DEPTH( img->type ) != CV_16U &&
        CV_MAT_DEPTH( img->type ) != CV_32F &&
        CV_MAT_DEPTH( img->type ) != CV_64F )
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat,
        "The function supports only 8u, 16u and 32f data types" );

    if( !CV_ARE_DEPTHS_EQ( img, templ ) && CV_MAT_DEPTH( templ->type ) != CV_32F )
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat,
        "Template (kernel) must be of the same depth as the input image, or be 32f" );
    if( !CV_ARE_DEPTHS_EQ( img, corr ) && CV_MAT_DEPTH( corr->type ) != CV_32F &&
        CV_MAT_DEPTH( corr->type ) != CV_64F )
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat,
        "The output image must have the same depth as the input image, or be 32f/64f" );

    if( (!CV_ARE_CNS_EQ( img, corr ) || CV_MAT_CN(templ->type) > 1) &&
        (CV_MAT_CN( corr->type ) > 1 || !CV_ARE_CNS_EQ( img, templ)) )
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat,
        "The output must have the same number of channels as the input (when the template has 1 channel), "
        "or the output must have 1 channel when the input and the template have the same number of channels" );

    depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(img->type);
    cn = CV_MAT_CN(img->type);
    templ_depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(templ->type);
    templ_cn = CV_MAT_CN(templ->type);
    corr_depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(corr->type);
    corr_cn = CV_MAT_CN(corr->type);

    CV_Assert( corr_cn == 1 || delta == 0 );

    max_depth = MAX( max_depth, templ_depth );
    max_depth = MAX( max_depth, depth );
    max_depth = MAX( max_depth, corr_depth );
    if( depth > CV_8U )
        max_depth = CV_64F;

    /*if( img->cols < templ->cols || img->rows < templ->rows )
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes,
        "Such a combination of image and template/filter size is not supported" );*/

    if( corr->rows > img->rows + templ->rows - 1 ||
        corr->cols > img->cols + templ->cols - 1 )
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes,
        "output image should not be greater than (W + w - 1)x(H + h - 1)" );

    blocksize.width = cvRound(templ->cols*block_scale);
    blocksize.width = MAX( blocksize.width, min_block_size - templ->cols + 1 );
    blocksize.width = MIN( blocksize.width, corr->cols );
    blocksize.height = cvRound(templ->rows*block_scale);
    blocksize.height = MAX( blocksize.height, min_block_size - templ->rows + 1 );
    blocksize.height = MIN( blocksize.height, corr->rows );

    dftsize.width = cvGetOptimalDFTSize(blocksize.width + templ->cols - 1);
    if( dftsize.width == 1 )
        dftsize.width = 2;
    dftsize.height = cvGetOptimalDFTSize(blocksize.height + templ->rows - 1);
    if( dftsize.width <= 0 || dftsize.height <= 0 )
        CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "the input arrays are too big" );

    // recompute block size
    blocksize.width = dftsize.width - templ->cols + 1;
    blocksize.width = MIN( blocksize.width, corr->cols );
    blocksize.height = dftsize.height - templ->rows + 1;
    blocksize.height = MIN( blocksize.height, corr->rows );

    dft_templ = cvCreateMat( dftsize.height*templ_cn, dftsize.width, max_depth );

    num_threads = cvGetNumThreads();
    num_threads = 1;

    for( k = 0; k < num_threads; k++ )
        dft_img[k] = cvCreateMat( dftsize.height, dftsize.width, max_depth );

    if( templ_cn > 1 && templ_depth != max_depth )
        buf_size = templ->cols*templ->rows*CV_ELEM_SIZE(templ_depth);

    if( cn > 1 && depth != max_depth )
        buf_size = MAX( buf_size, (blocksize.width + templ->cols - 1)*
            (blocksize.height + templ->rows - 1)*CV_ELEM_SIZE(depth));

    if( (corr_cn > 1 || cn > 1) && corr_depth != max_depth )
        buf_size = MAX( buf_size, blocksize.width*blocksize.height*CV_ELEM_SIZE(corr_depth));

    if( buf_size > 0 )
        for( k = 0; k < num_threads; k++ )

    // compute DFT of each template plane
    for( k = 0; k < templ_cn; k++ )
        CvMat dstub, *src, *dst, temp;
        CvMat* planes[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        int yofs = k*dftsize.height;

        src = templ;
        dst = cvGetSubRect( dft_templ, &dstub, cvRect(0,yofs,templ->cols,templ->rows));
        if( templ_cn > 1 )
            planes[k] = templ_depth == max_depth ? dst :
                cvInitMatHeader( &temp, templ->rows, templ->cols, templ_depth, &buf[0][0] );
            cvSplit( templ, planes[0], planes[1], planes[2], planes[3] );
            src = planes[k];
            planes[k] = 0;

        if( dst != src )
            cvConvert( src, dst );

        if( dft_templ->cols > templ->cols )
            cvGetSubRect( dft_templ, dst, cvRect(templ->cols, yofs,
                          dft_templ->cols - templ->cols, templ->rows) );
            cvZero( dst );
        cvGetSubRect( dft_templ, dst, cvRect(0,yofs,dftsize.width,dftsize.height) );
        cvDFT( dst, dst, CV_DXT_FORWARD + CV_DXT_SCALE, templ->rows );

    tile_count_x = (corr->cols + blocksize.width - 1)/blocksize.width;
    tile_count_y = (corr->rows + blocksize.height - 1)/blocksize.height;
    tile_count = tile_count_x*tile_count_y;

#if defined _OPENMP && defined USE_OPENMP
    #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(num_threads) schedule(dynamic)
    // calculate correlation by blocks
    for( k = 0; k < tile_count; k++ )
        int thread_idx = cvGetThreadNum();
        int thread_idx = 0;
        int x = (k%tile_count_x)*blocksize.width;
        int y = (k/tile_count_x)*blocksize.height;
        int i, yofs;
        CvMat sstub, dstub, *src, *dst, temp;
        CvMat* planes[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        CvMat* _dft_img = dft_img[thread_idx];
        uchar* _buf = buf_size > 0 ? &buf[thread_idx][0] : 0;
        CvSize csz = { blocksize.width, blocksize.height }, isz;
        int x0 = x - anchor.x, y0 = y - anchor.y;
        int x1 = MAX( 0, x0 ), y1 = MAX( 0, y0 ), x2, y2;
        csz.width = MIN( csz.width, corr->cols - x );
        csz.height = MIN( csz.height, corr->rows - y );
        isz.width = csz.width + templ->cols - 1;
        isz.height = csz.height + templ->rows - 1;
        x2 = MIN( img->cols, x0 + isz.width );
        y2 = MIN( img->rows, y0 + isz.height );
        for( i = 0; i < cn; i++ )
            CvMat dstub1, *dst1;
            yofs = i*dftsize.height;

            src = cvGetSubRect( img, &sstub, cvRect(x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1) );
            dst = cvGetSubRect( _dft_img, &dstub,
                cvRect(0,0,isz.width,isz.height) );
            dst1 = dst;
            if( x2 - x1 < isz.width || y2 - y1 < isz.height )
                dst1 = cvGetSubRect( _dft_img, &dstub1,
                    cvRect( x1 - x0, y1 - y0, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 ));

            if( cn > 1 )
                planes[i] = dst1;
                if( depth != max_depth )
                    planes[i] = cvInitMatHeader( &temp, y2 - y1, x2 - x1, depth, _buf );
                cvSplit( src, planes[0], planes[1], planes[2], planes[3] );
                src = planes[i];
                planes[i] = 0;

            if( dst1 != src )
                cvConvert( src, dst1 );

            if( dst != dst1 )
                cvCopyMakeBorder( dst1, dst, cvPoint(x1 - x0, y1 - y0), borderType );

            if( dftsize.width > isz.width )
                cvGetSubRect( _dft_img, dst, cvRect(isz.width, 0,
                      dftsize.width - isz.width,dftsize.height) );
                cvZero( dst );

            cvDFT( _dft_img, _dft_img, CV_DXT_FORWARD, isz.height );
            cvGetSubRect( dft_templ, dst,
                cvRect(0,(templ_cn>1?yofs:0),dftsize.width,dftsize.height) );

            cvMulSpectrums( _dft_img, dst, _dft_img, CV_DXT_MUL_CONJ );
            cvDFT( _dft_img, _dft_img, CV_DXT_INVERSE, csz.height );

            src = cvGetSubRect( _dft_img, &sstub, cvRect(0,0,csz.width,csz.height) );
            dst = cvGetSubRect( corr, &dstub, cvRect(x,y,csz.width,csz.height) );

            if( corr_cn > 1 )
                planes[i] = src;
                if( corr_depth != max_depth )
                    planes[i] = cvInitMatHeader( &temp, csz.height, csz.width,
                                                 corr_depth, _buf );
                    cvConvertScale( src, planes[i], 1, delta );
                cvMerge( planes[0], planes[1], planes[2], planes[3], dst );
                planes[i] = 0;                    
                if( i == 0 )
                    cvConvertScale( src, dst, 1, delta );
                    if( max_depth > corr_depth )
                        cvInitMatHeader( &temp, csz.height, csz.width,
                                         corr_depth, _buf );
                        cvConvert( src, &temp );
                        src = &temp;
                    cvAcc( src, dst );
CV_IMPL  void
cvLUT( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr, const void* lutarr )
    static CvFuncTable lut_c1_tab, lut_cn_tab;
    static CvLUT_TransformFunc lut_8u_tab[4];
    static int inittab = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvLUT" );


    int  coi1 = 0, coi2 = 0;
    int  depth, cn, lut_cn;
    CvMat  srcstub, *src = (CvMat*)srcarr;
    CvMat  dststub, *dst = (CvMat*)dstarr;
    CvMat  lutstub, *lut = (CvMat*)lutarr;
    uchar* lut_data;
    uchar* shuffled_lut = 0;
    CvSize size;

    if( !inittab )
        icvInitLUT_Transform8uC1RTable( &lut_c1_tab );
        icvInitLUT_Transform8uCnRTable( &lut_cn_tab );
        lut_8u_tab[0] = (CvLUT_TransformFunc)icvLUT_Transform8u_8u_C1R;
        lut_8u_tab[1] = (CvLUT_TransformFunc)icvLUT_Transform8u_8u_C2R;
        lut_8u_tab[2] = (CvLUT_TransformFunc)icvLUT_Transform8u_8u_C3R;
        lut_8u_tab[3] = (CvLUT_TransformFunc)icvLUT_Transform8u_8u_C4R;
        inittab = 1;

    if( !CV_IS_MAT(src) )
        CV_CALL( src = cvGetMat( src, &srcstub, &coi1 ));

    if( !CV_IS_MAT(dst) )
        CV_CALL( dst = cvGetMat( dst, &dststub, &coi2 ));

    if( !CV_IS_MAT(lut) )
        CV_CALL( lut = cvGetMat( lut, &lutstub ));

    if( coi1 != 0 || coi2 != 0 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadCOI, "" );

    if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( src, dst ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

    if( !CV_ARE_CNS_EQ( src, dst ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "" );

    if( CV_MAT_DEPTH( src->type ) > CV_8S )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

    depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH( dst->type );
    cn = CV_MAT_CN( dst->type );
    lut_cn = CV_MAT_CN( lut->type );

    if( !CV_IS_MAT_CONT(lut->type) || (lut_cn != 1 && lut_cn != cn) ||
        !CV_ARE_DEPTHS_EQ( dst, lut ) || lut->width*lut->height != 256 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "The LUT must be continuous array \n"
                                "with 256 elements of the same type as destination" );

    size = cvGetMatSize( src );
    if( lut_cn == 1 )
        size.width *= cn;
        cn = 1;

    if( CV_IS_MAT_CONT( src->type & dst->type ))
        size.width *= size.height;
        size.height = 1;

    lut_data = lut->data.ptr;

    if( CV_MAT_DEPTH( src->type ) == CV_8S )
        int half_size = CV_ELEM_SIZE1(depth)*cn*128;
        shuffled_lut = (uchar*)cvStackAlloc(half_size*2);
       shuffled_lut = (uchar*)cvAlloc(half_size*2);

        // shuffle lut
        memcpy( shuffled_lut, lut_data + half_size, half_size );
        memcpy( shuffled_lut + half_size, lut_data, half_size );

        lut_data = shuffled_lut;

    if( lut_cn == 1 || lut_cn <= 4 && depth == CV_8U )
        CvLUT_TransformFunc func = depth == CV_8U ? lut_8u_tab[cn-1] :

        if( !func )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

        IPPI_CALL( func( src->data.ptr, src->step, dst->data.ptr,
                         dst->step, size, lut_data ));
        CvLUT_TransformCnFunc func =

        if( !func )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

        IPPI_CALL( func( src->data.ptr, src->step, dst->data.ptr,
                         dst->step, size, lut_data, cn ));
CV_IMPL double
cvThreshold( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr, double thresh, double maxval, int type )
    CvHistogram* hist = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvThreshold" );


    CvSize roi;
    int src_step, dst_step;
    CvMat src_stub, *src = (CvMat*)srcarr;
    CvMat dst_stub, *dst = (CvMat*)dstarr;
    CvMat src0, dst0;
    int coi1 = 0, coi2 = 0;
    int ithresh, imaxval, cn;
    bool use_otsu;

    CV_CALL( src = cvGetMat( src, &src_stub, &coi1 ));
    CV_CALL( dst = cvGetMat( dst, &dst_stub, &coi2 ));

    if( coi1 + coi2 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadCOI, "COI is not supported by the function" );

    if( !CV_ARE_CNS_EQ( src, dst ) )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "Both arrays must have equal number of channels" );

    cn = CV_MAT_CN(src->type);
    if( cn > 1 )
        src = cvReshape( src, &src0, 1 );
        dst = cvReshape( dst, &dst0, 1 );

    use_otsu = (type & ~CV_THRESH_MASK) == CV_THRESH_OTSU;
    type &= CV_THRESH_MASK;

    if( use_otsu )
        float _ranges[] = { 0, 256 };
        float* ranges = _ranges;
        int hist_size = 256;
        void* srcarr0 = src;

        if( CV_MAT_TYPE(src->type) != CV_8UC1 )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsNotImplemented, "Otsu method can only be used with 8uC1 images" );

        CV_CALL( hist = cvCreateHist( 1, &hist_size, CV_HIST_ARRAY, &ranges ));
        cvCalcArrHist( &srcarr0, hist );
        thresh = cvFloor(icvGetThreshVal_Otsu( hist ));

    if( !CV_ARE_DEPTHS_EQ( src, dst ) )
        if( CV_MAT_TYPE(dst->type) != CV_8UC1 )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "In case of different types destination should be 8uC1" );

        if( type != CV_THRESH_BINARY && type != CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg,
            "In case of different types only CV_THRESH_BINARY "
            "and CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV thresholding types are supported" );

        if( maxval < 0 )
            CV_CALL( cvSetZero( dst ));
            CV_CALL( cvCmpS( src, thresh, dst, type == CV_THRESH_BINARY ? CV_CMP_GT : CV_CMP_LE ));
            if( maxval < 255 )
                CV_CALL( cvAndS( dst, cvScalarAll( maxval ), dst ));

    if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( src, dst ) )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

    roi = cvGetMatSize( src );
    if( CV_IS_MAT_CONT( src->type & dst->type ))
        roi.width *= roi.height;
        roi.height = 1;
        src_step = dst_step = CV_STUB_STEP;
        src_step = src->step;
        dst_step = dst->step;

    switch( CV_MAT_DEPTH(src->type) )
    case CV_8U:
        ithresh = cvFloor(thresh);
        imaxval = cvRound(maxval);
        if( type == CV_THRESH_TRUNC )
            imaxval = ithresh;
        imaxval = CV_CAST_8U(imaxval);

        if( ithresh < 0 || ithresh >= 255 )
            if( type == CV_THRESH_BINARY || type == CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV ||
                ((type == CV_THRESH_TRUNC || type == CV_THRESH_TOZERO_INV) && ithresh < 0) ||
                (type == CV_THRESH_TOZERO && ithresh >= 255) )
                int v = type == CV_THRESH_BINARY ? (ithresh >= 255 ? 0 : imaxval) :
                        type == CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV ? (ithresh >= 255 ? imaxval : 0) :
                        type == CV_THRESH_TRUNC ? imaxval : 0;

                cvSet( dst, cvScalarAll(v) );
                cvCopy( src, dst );

        if( type == CV_THRESH_BINARY || type == CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV )
            if( icvCompareC_8u_C1R_cv_p && icvAndC_8u_C1R_p )
                IPPI_CALL( icvCompareC_8u_C1R_cv_p( src->data.ptr, src_step,
                    (uchar)ithresh, dst->data.ptr, dst_step, roi,
                    type == CV_THRESH_BINARY ? cvCmpGreater : cvCmpLessEq ));

                if( imaxval < 255 )
                    IPPI_CALL( icvAndC_8u_C1R_p( dst->data.ptr, dst_step,
                    (uchar)imaxval, dst->data.ptr, dst_step, roi ));
        else if( type == CV_THRESH_TRUNC || type == CV_THRESH_TOZERO_INV )
            if( icvThreshold_GTVal_8u_C1R_p )
                IPPI_CALL( icvThreshold_GTVal_8u_C1R_p( src->data.ptr, src_step,
                    dst->data.ptr, dst_step, roi, (uchar)ithresh,
                    (uchar)(type == CV_THRESH_TRUNC ? ithresh : 0) ));
            assert( type == CV_THRESH_TOZERO );
            if( icvThreshold_LTVal_8u_C1R_p )
                ithresh = cvFloor(thresh+1.);
                ithresh = CV_CAST_8U(ithresh);
                IPPI_CALL( icvThreshold_LTVal_8u_C1R_p( src->data.ptr, src_step,
                    dst->data.ptr, dst_step, roi, (uchar)ithresh, 0 ));

        icvThresh_8u_C1R( src->data.ptr, src_step,
                          dst->data.ptr, dst_step, roi,
                          (uchar)ithresh, (uchar)imaxval, type );
    case CV_32F:

        if( type == CV_THRESH_TRUNC || type == CV_THRESH_TOZERO_INV )
            if( icvThreshold_GTVal_32f_C1R_p )
                IPPI_CALL( icvThreshold_GTVal_32f_C1R_p( src->data.fl, src_step,
                    dst->data.fl, dst_step, roi, (float)thresh,
                    type == CV_THRESH_TRUNC ? (float)thresh : 0 ));
        else if( type == CV_THRESH_TOZERO )
            if( icvThreshold_LTVal_32f_C1R_p )
                IPPI_CALL( icvThreshold_LTVal_32f_C1R_p( src->data.fl, src_step,
                    dst->data.fl, dst_step, roi, (float)(thresh*(1 + FLT_EPSILON)), 0 ));

        icvThresh_32f_C1R( src->data.fl, src_step, dst->data.fl, dst_step, roi,
                           (float)thresh, (float)maxval, type );
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, cvUnsupportedFormat );


    if( hist )
        cvReleaseHist( &hist );

    return thresh;