Beispiel #1
static void Convert(void)
   static char sfl[20], smode[20], snor[20], snoc[20];
   char *c;

   /* Check for new file format
      ------------------------- */

   if ((c = strstr(lbuf,"MeatAxeFileInfo")) != NULL) {
      char *d = lbuf;
      for (c += 15; *c != 0 && *c != '"'; ++c) {
      if (*c != '"') {
         MTX_ERROR1("%s: Bad file format",inpname);
      for (++c; *c != '"' && *c != 0; ++c) {
         *d++ = *c;
      *d = 0;
      GrpLibFormat = 1;

   if (!strncmp(lbuf,"matrix",6)) {
      char *c;
      fl = nor = noc = -1;
      for (c = strtok(lbuf + 6," \t\n"); c != NULL; c = strtok(NULL," \t\n")) {
         if (!strncmp(c,"field=",6)) { fl = atol(c + 6); } else if (!strncmp(c,"nor=",4)) {
            nor = atol(c + 4);
         } else if (!strncmp(c,"rows=",5)) {
            nor = atol(c + 5);
         } else if (!strncmp(c,"noc=",4)) {
            noc = atol(c + 4);
         } else if (!strncmp(c,"cols=",5)) {
            noc = atol(c + 5);
         } else { MTX_ERROR1("%s: Bad file format",inpname); }
      if ((nor == -1) || (noc == -1) || (fl == -1)) { MTX_ERROR1("%s: Bad file format",inpname); }
   if (!strncmp(lbuf,"integer matrix",14)
       || !strncmp(lbuf,"integer-matrix",14)) {
      char *c;
      fl = nor = noc = -1;
      for (c = strtok(lbuf + 14," \t\n"); c != NULL; c = strtok(NULL," \t\n")) {
         if (!strncmp(c,"nor=",4)) { nor = atol(c + 4); } else if (!strncmp(c,"rows=",5)) {
            nor = atol(c + 5);
         } else if (!strncmp(c,"noc=",4)) {
            noc = atol(c + 4);
         } else if (!strncmp(c,"cols=",5)) {
            noc = atol(c + 5);
         } else { MTX_ERROR1("%s: Bad file format",inpname); }
      if ((nor == -1) || (noc == -1)) { MTX_ERROR1("%s: Bad header format",inpname); }
   } else if (!strncmp(lbuf,"permutation",11)) {
      char *c;
      fl = nor = -1;
      noc = 1;
      for (c = strtok(lbuf + 11," \t\n"); c != NULL; c = strtok(NULL," \t\n")) {
         if (!strncmp(c,"degree=",7)) { nor = atol(c + 7); } else if (!strncmp(c,"deg=",4)) {
            nor = atol(c + 4);
         } else { MTX_ERROR1("%s: Bad header format",inpname); }
      if (nor == -1) { MTX_ERROR1("%s: Bad header format",inpname); }
   } else if (!strncmp(lbuf,"polynomial",10)) {
      char *c;
      fl = nor = -1;
      noc = 1;
      for (c = strtok(lbuf + 11," \t\n"); c != NULL; c = strtok(NULL," \t\n")) {
         if (!strncmp(c,"degree=",7)) { nor = atol(c + 7); } else if (!strncmp(c,"deg=",4)) {
            nor = atol(c + 4);
         } else if (!strncmp(c,"field=",6)) {
            fl = atol(c + 6);
         } else { MTX_ERROR1("%s: Bad polynomial header format",inpname); }
      if ((nor < 0) || (fl < 2)) {
         MTX_ERROR3("%s: Bad header: fl=%d, deg=%d",inpname,fl,nor);

   /* Use old file format
      ------------------- */
   smode[2] = 0;
   strncpy(sfl,lbuf + 2,6);
   sfl[6] = 0;
   strncpy(snor,lbuf + 8,6);
   snor[6] = 0;
   strncpy(snoc,lbuf + 14,6);
   snoc[6] = 0;
   if (sscanf(lbuf,"%d%d%d%d",&mod,&fl,&nor,&noc) != 4) {

   if (mod != 1) { readline(); }
   switch (mod) {
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 3:
      case 4:
      case 5:
      case 6:
      case 12:
      case 13:
         MTX_ERROR2("%s: Unknown mode %d",inpname,mod);
void CScriptedShapeTranslator::RunScripts(AtNode *atNode, unsigned int step, bool update)
   std::map<std::string, CScriptedTranslator>::iterator translatorIt;
   MFnDependencyNode fnNode(GetMayaObject());
   translatorIt = gTranslators.find(fnNode.typeName().asChar());
   if (translatorIt == gTranslators.end())
      AiMsgError("[mtoa.scriptedTranslators] No command to export node \"%s\" of type %s.",, fnNode.typeName().asChar());
   MString exportCmd = translatorIt->second.exportCmd;
   MString cleanupCmd = translatorIt->second.cleanupCmd;
   MFnDagNode node(m_dagPath.node());
   bool isMasterDag = false;
   bool transformBlur = IsMotionBlurEnabled(MTOA_MBLUR_OBJECT) && IsLocalMotionBlurEnabled();
   bool deformBlur = IsMotionBlurEnabled(MTOA_MBLUR_DEFORM) && IsLocalMotionBlurEnabled();
   char buffer[64];
   MString command = exportCmd;
   command += "(";
   sprintf(buffer, "%f", GetExportFrame());
   command += buffer;
   command += ", ";
   sprintf(buffer, "%d", step);
   command += buffer;
   command += ", ";
   // current sample frame
   sprintf(buffer, "%f", GetSampleFrame(m_session, step));
   command += buffer;
   command += ", ";
   // List of arnold attributes the custom shape export command has overriden
   MStringArray attrs;
   if (!m_masterNode)
      command += "(\"" + m_dagPath.partialPathName() + "\", \"";
      command += AiNodeGetName(atNode);
      command += "\"), None)";
      isMasterDag = true;
      command += "(\"" + m_dagPath.partialPathName() + "\", \"";
      command += AiNodeGetName(atNode);
      command += "\"), (\"" + GetMasterInstance().partialPathName() + "\", \"";
      command += AiNodeGetName(m_masterNode);
      command += "\"))";
   MStatus status = MGlobal::executePythonCommand(command, attrs);
   if (!status)
      AiMsgError("[mtoa.scriptedTranslators] Failed to export node \"%s\".",;
   // Build set of attributes already processed
   std::set<std::string> attrsSet;
   for (unsigned int i=0; i<attrs.length(); ++i)
   std::set<std::string>::iterator attrsEnd = attrsSet.end();
   // Should be getting displacement shader from master instance only
   //   as arnold do not support displacement shader overrides for ginstance
   MFnDependencyNode masterShadingEngine;
   MFnDependencyNode shadingEngine;
   float dispPadding = -AI_BIG;
   float dispHeight = 1.0f;
   float dispZeroValue = 0.0f;
   bool dispAutobump = false;
   bool outputDispPadding = false;
   bool outputDispHeight = false;
   bool outputDispZeroValue = false;
   bool outputDispAutobump = false;
   const AtNodeEntry *anodeEntry = AiNodeGetNodeEntry(atNode);
   GetShapeInstanceShader(m_dagPath, shadingEngine);
   if (!IsMasterInstance())
      GetShapeInstanceShader(GetMasterInstance(), masterShadingEngine);
   AtMatrix matrix;
   MMatrix mmatrix = m_dagPath.inclusiveMatrix();
   ConvertMatrix(matrix, mmatrix);
   // Set transformation matrix
   if (attrsSet.find("matrix") == attrsEnd)
      if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "matrix"))
         if (transformBlur)
            if (step == 0)
               AtArray* matrices = AiArrayAllocate(1, GetNumMotionSteps(), AI_TYPE_MATRIX);
               AiArraySetMtx(matrices, step, matrix);
               AiNodeSetArray(atNode, "matrix", matrices);
               AtArray* matrices = AiNodeGetArray(atNode, "matrix");
               AiArraySetMtx(matrices, step, matrix);
            AiNodeSetMatrix(atNode, "matrix", matrix);
   // Set bounding box
   if (attrsSet.find("min") == attrsEnd && attrsSet.find("max") == attrsEnd)
      // Now check if min and max parameters are valid parameter names on arnold node
      if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "min") != 0 && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "max") != 0)
         if (step == 0)
            MBoundingBox bbox = node.boundingBox();
            MPoint bmin = bbox.min();
            MPoint bmax = bbox.max();
            AiNodeSetPnt(atNode, "min", static_cast<float>(bmin.x), static_cast<float>(bmin.y), static_cast<float>(bmin.z));
            AiNodeSetPnt(atNode, "max", static_cast<float>(bmax.x), static_cast<float>(bmax.y), static_cast<float>(bmax.z));
            if (transformBlur || deformBlur)
               AtPoint cmin = AiNodeGetPnt(atNode, "min");
               AtPoint cmax = AiNodeGetPnt(atNode, "max");
               MBoundingBox bbox = node.boundingBox();
               MPoint bmin = bbox.min();
               MPoint bmax = bbox.max();
               if (bmin.x < cmin.x)
                  cmin.x = static_cast<float>(bmin.x);
               if (bmin.y < cmin.y)
                  cmin.y = static_cast<float>(bmin.y);
               if (bmin.z < cmin.z)
                  cmin.z = static_cast<float>(bmin.z);
               if (bmax.x > cmax.x)
                  cmax.x = static_cast<float>(bmax.x);
               if (bmax.y > cmax.y)
                  cmax.y = static_cast<float>(bmax.y);
               if (bmax.z > cmax.z)
                  cmax.z = static_cast<float>(bmax.z);
               AiNodeSetPnt(atNode, "min", cmin.x, cmin.y, cmin.z);
               AiNodeSetPnt(atNode, "max", cmax.x, cmax.y, cmax.z);
   if (step == 0)
      // Set common attributes
      MPlug plug;
      if (AiNodeIs(atNode, "procedural"))
         // Note: it is up to the procedural to properly forward (or not) those parameters to the node
         //       it creates
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_type") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("subdiv_type");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivType");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_type", atNode, "constant INT"))
               AiNodeSetInt(atNode, "subdiv_type", plug.asInt());
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_iterations") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("subdiv_iterations");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivIterations");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_iterations", atNode, "constant BYTE"))
               AiNodeSetByte(atNode, "subdiv_iterations", plug.asInt());
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_adaptive_metric") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("subdiv_adaptive_metric");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivAdaptiveMetric");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_adaptive_metric", atNode, "constant INT"))
               AiNodeSetInt(atNode, "subdiv_adaptive_metric", plug.asInt());
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_pixel_error") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("subdiv_pixel_error");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivPixelError");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_pixel_error", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
               AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "subdiv_pixel_error", plug.asFloat());
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_dicing_camera") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("subdiv_dicing_camera");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivDicingCamera");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_dicing_camera", atNode, "constant NODE"))
               AtNode *cameraNode = NULL;
               MPlugArray plugs;
               plug.connectedTo(plugs, true, false);
               if (plugs.length() == 1)
                  MFnDagNode camDag(plugs[0].node());
                  MDagPath camPath;
                  if (camDag.getPath(camPath) == MS::kSuccess)
                     cameraNode = ExportDagPath(camPath);
               AiNodeSetPtr(atNode, "subdiv_dicing_camera", cameraNode);
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_uv_smoothing") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("subdiv_uv_smoothing");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivUvSmoothing");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_uv_smoothing", atNode, "constant INT"))
               AiNodeSetInt(atNode, "subdiv_uv_smoothing", plug.asInt());
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_smooth_derivs") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivSmoothDerivs");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_smooth_derivs", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
               AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "subdiv_smooth_derivs", plug.asBool());
         if (attrsSet.find("smoothing") == attrsEnd)
            // Use maya shape built-in attribute
            plug = FindMayaPlug("smoothShading");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "smoothing", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
               AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "smoothing", plug.asBool());
         if (attrsSet.find("disp_height") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiDispHeight");
            if (!plug.isNull())
               outputDispHeight = true;
               dispHeight = plug.asFloat();
         if (attrsSet.find("disp_zero_value") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiDispZeroValue");
            if (!plug.isNull())
               outputDispZeroValue = true;
               dispZeroValue = plug.asFloat();
         if (attrsSet.find("disp_autobump") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiDispAutobump");
            if (!plug.isNull())
               outputDispAutobump = true;
               dispAutobump = plug.asBool();
         if (attrsSet.find("disp_padding") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiDispPadding");
            if (!plug.isNull())
               outputDispPadding = true;
               dispPadding = MAX(dispPadding, plug.asFloat());
         // Set diplacement shader
         if (attrsSet.find("disp_map") == attrsEnd)
            if (masterShadingEngine.object() != MObject::kNullObj)
               MPlugArray shaderConns;
               MPlug shaderPlug = masterShadingEngine.findPlug("displacementShader");
               shaderPlug.connectedTo(shaderConns, true, false);
               if (shaderConns.length() > 0)
                  MFnDependencyNode dispNode(shaderConns[0].node());
                  plug = dispNode.findPlug("aiDisplacementPadding");
                  if (!plug.isNull())
                     outputDispPadding = true;
                     dispPadding = MAX(dispPadding, plug.asFloat());
                  plug = dispNode.findPlug("aiDisplacementAutoBump");
                  if (!plug.isNull())
                     outputDispAutobump = true;
                     dispAutobump = dispAutobump || plug.asBool();
                  if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "disp_map", atNode, "constant ARRAY NODE"))
                     AtNode *dispImage = ExportNode(shaderConns[0]);
                     AiNodeSetArray(atNode, "disp_map", AiArrayConvert(1, 1, AI_TYPE_NODE, &dispImage));
         if (outputDispHeight && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "disp_height", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
            AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "disp_height", dispHeight);
         if (outputDispZeroValue && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "disp_zero_value", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
            AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "disp_zero_value", dispZeroValue);
         if (outputDispPadding && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "disp_padding", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
            AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "disp_padding", dispPadding);
         if (outputDispAutobump && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "disp_autobump", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
            AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "disp_autobump", dispAutobump);
         // Old point based SSS parameter
         if (attrsSet.find("sss_sample_distribution") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("sss_sample_distribution");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSssSampleDistribution");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "sss_sample_distribution", atNode, "constant INT"))
               AiNodeSetInt(atNode, "sss_sample_distribution", plug.asInt());
         // Old point based SSS parameter
         if (attrsSet.find("sss_sample_spacing") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("sss_sample_spacing");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSssSampleSpacing");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "sss_sample_spacing", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
               AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "sss_sample_spacing", plug.asFloat());
         if (attrsSet.find("min_pixel_width") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiMinPixelWidth");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "min_pixel_width", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
               AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "min_pixel_width", plug.asFloat());
         if (attrsSet.find("mode") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiMode");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "mode", atNode, "constant INT"))
               AiNodeSetInt(atNode, "mode", plug.asShort());
         if (attrsSet.find("basis") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiBasis");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "basis", atNode, "constant INT"))
               AiNodeSetInt(atNode, "basis", plug.asShort());
      if (AiNodeIs(atNode, "ginstance"))
         if (attrsSet.find("node") == attrsEnd)
            AiNodeSetPtr(atNode, "node", m_masterNode);
         if (attrsSet.find("inherit_xform") == attrsEnd)
            AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "inherit_xform", false);
         // box or procedural
         if (attrsSet.find("step_size") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("step_size");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiStepSize");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "step_size", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
               AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "step_size", plug.asFloat());
      if (attrsSet.find("sidedness") == attrsEnd)
         // Use maya shape built-in attribute
         plug = FindMayaPlug("doubleSided");
         if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "sidedness", atNode, "constant BYTE"))
            AiNodeSetByte(atNode, "sidedness", plug.asBool() ? AI_RAY_ALL : 0);
            // Only set invert_normals if doubleSided attribute could be found
            if (!plug.asBool() && attrsSet.find("invert_normals") == attrsEnd)
               // Use maya shape built-in attribute
               plug = FindMayaPlug("opposite");
               if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "invert_normals", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
                  AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "invert_normals", plug.asBool());
      if (attrsSet.find("receive_shadows") == attrsEnd)
         // Use maya shape built-in attribute
         plug = FindMayaPlug("receiveShadows");
         if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "receive_shadows", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
            AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "receive_shadows", plug.asBool());
      if (attrsSet.find("self_shadows") == attrsEnd)
         plug = FindMayaPlug("self_shadows");
         if (plug.isNull())
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSelfShadows");
         if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "self_shadows", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
            AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "self_shadows", plug.asBool());
      if (attrsSet.find("opaque") == attrsEnd)
         plug = FindMayaPlug("opaque");
         if (plug.isNull())
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiOpaque");
         if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "opaque", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
            AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "opaque", plug.asBool());
      if (attrsSet.find("visibility") == attrsEnd)
         if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "visibility", atNode, "constant BYTE"))
            int visibility = AI_RAY_ALL;
            // Use maya shape built-in attribute
            plug = FindMayaPlug("castsShadows");
            if (!plug.isNull() && !plug.asBool())
               visibility &= ~AI_RAY_SHADOW;
            // Use maya shape built-in attribute
            plug = FindMayaPlug("primaryVisibility");
            if (!plug.isNull() && !plug.asBool())
               visibility &= ~AI_RAY_CAMERA;
            // Use maya shape built-in attribute
            plug = FindMayaPlug("visibleInReflections");
            if (!plug.isNull() && !plug.asBool())
               visibility &= ~AI_RAY_REFLECTED;
            // Use maya shape built-in attribute
            plug = FindMayaPlug("visibleInRefractions");
            if (!plug.isNull() && !plug.asBool())
               visibility &= ~AI_RAY_REFRACTED;
            plug = FindMayaPlug("diffuse_visibility");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiVisibleInDiffuse");
            if (!plug.isNull() && !plug.asBool())
               visibility &= ~AI_RAY_DIFFUSE;
            plug = FindMayaPlug("glossy_visibility");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiVisibleInGlossy");
            if (!plug.isNull() && !plug.asBool())
               visibility &= ~AI_RAY_GLOSSY;
            AiNodeSetByte(atNode, "visibility", visibility & 0xFF);
      if (attrsSet.find("sss_setname") == attrsEnd)
         plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSssSetname");
         if (!plug.isNull() && plug.asString().length() > 0)
            if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "sss_setname", atNode, "constant STRING"))
               AiNodeSetStr(atNode, "sss_setname", plug.asString().asChar());
      // Set surface shader
      if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "shader", atNode, "constant NODE"))
         if (attrsSet.find("shader") == attrsEnd)
            if (shadingEngine.object() != MObject::kNullObj)
               AtNode *shader = ExportNode(shadingEngine.findPlug("message"));
               if (shader != NULL)
                  const AtNodeEntry *entry = AiNodeGetNodeEntry(shader);
                  if (AiNodeEntryGetType(entry) != AI_NODE_SHADER)
                     MGlobal::displayWarning("[mtoaScriptedTranslators] Node generated from \"" + +
                                             "\" of type " + shadingEngine.typeName() + " for shader is not a shader but a " +
                     AiNodeSetPtr(atNode, "shader", shader);
                     if (AiNodeLookUpUserParameter(atNode, "mtoa_shading_groups") == 0)
                        AiNodeDeclare(atNode, "mtoa_shading_groups", "constant ARRAY NODE");
                        AiNodeSetArray(atNode, "mtoa_shading_groups", AiArrayConvert(1, 1, AI_TYPE_NODE, &shader));
   MPlug plug = FindMayaPlug("aiTraceSets");
   if (!plug.isNull())
      ExportTraceSets(atNode, plug);
   // Call cleanup command on last export step
   if (!IsMotionBlurEnabled() || !IsLocalMotionBlurEnabled() || int(step) >= (int(GetNumMotionSteps()) - 1))
      if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "disp_padding", atNode))
         float padding = AiNodeGetFlt(atNode, "disp_padding");
         AtPoint cmin = AiNodeGetPnt(atNode, "min");
         AtPoint cmax = AiNodeGetPnt(atNode, "max");
         cmin.x -= padding;
         cmin.y -= padding;
         cmin.z -= padding;
         cmax.x += padding;
         cmax.y += padding;
         cmax.z += padding;
         AiNodeSetPnt(atNode, "min", cmin.x, cmin.y, cmin.z);
         AiNodeSetPnt(atNode, "max", cmax.x, cmax.y, cmax.z);
      if (cleanupCmd != "")
         command = cleanupCmd += "((\"" + m_dagPath.partialPathName() + "\", \"";
         command += AiNodeGetName(atNode);
         command += "\"), ";
         if (!m_masterNode)
            command += "None)";
            command += "(\"" + GetMasterInstance().partialPathName() + "\", \"";
            command += AiNodeGetName(m_masterNode);
            command += "\"))";
         status = MGlobal::executePythonCommand(command);
         if (!status)
            AiMsgError("[mtoa.scriptedTranslators] Failed to cleanup node \"%s\".",;
bool App::GetSpherePosition(const int x, const int y){

  vec3 newPos;
  vec3 targetPos;

  // Calculate the screen target position
    GLdouble modelview[16];
    GLdouble projection[16];
    GLint viewport[4] ={0 , 0, width, height};

    GLdouble posX, posY, posZ;

    ConvertMatrix(projectionMatrix, projection);
    ConvertMatrix(modelviewMatrix, modelview);

    float srcZ = 1.0f;
	  glReadPixels( x, height - y, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &srcZ );

    gluUnProject((GLdouble)x, (GLdouble)height - (GLdouble)y, srcZ, //1.0,
         modelview, projection,
	       &posX, &posY, &posZ);

    targetPos = vec3((float)posX, (float)posY, (float)posZ);

  // Get the new position as slightly offset from the surface intersection
  newPos = targetPos - (normalize(targetPos - camPos) * editorData.lightSize * 0.3f);

  // Check for a collision between the last and new position
  vec3 colPoint;
  const BTri *colTriangle;
  if(bsp.intersects(camPos, targetPos, &colPoint, &colTriangle)){

    // Don't land exactly on the plane, 
    newPos = colPoint + 10.0f * colTriangle->;
    return false;

  // If no allowing overlapping spheres

    vec3 dirVector = normalize(newPos - camPos);
    float newPosDist = dot(newPos - camPos, dirVector);

    // Get the collision against all the current spheres (except the current light index)
    for(uint i=0; i<MAX_LIGHT_TOTAL; i++){

      if(i != editorData.lightIndex){

        // This is a lazy approximation of sphere line intersection
        float projDist = dot(lightDataArray[i].position - camPos, dirVector);
        if(length((dirVector * projDist) - (lightDataArray[i].position - camPos)) < lightDataArray[i].size){

          newPosDist = min(projDist - lightDataArray[i].size - editorData.lightSize, newPosDist);

    // If the sphere cannot be placed, return false
    if(newPosDist < 0.0f){
      return false;

    // Assign the new position
    newPos = (dirVector * newPosDist) + camPos;

  // Assign the editor data new position
  editorData.lightPosition = newPos;

  return true;