Beispiel #1
static VALUE
iow_internal_object_id(VALUE self)
    VALUE obj = (VALUE)DATA_PTR(self);
    return rb_obj_id(obj);
Beispiel #2
 * USDT::Probe#name
static VALUE probe_name(VALUE self) {
  usdt_probedef_t **p = DATA_PTR(self);
  usdt_probedef_t *probedef = *p;
  return ID2SYM(rb_intern(probedef->name));
Beispiel #3
   *    Solve for the diffusional velocities in the Stefan-Maxwell equations
  void LiquidTransport::stefan_maxwell_solve() {
    int i, j, a;
    doublereal tmp;
    int VIM = m_nDim;
    m_B.resize(m_nsp, VIM);
    //! grab a local copy of the molecular weights
    const vector_fp& M =  m_thermo->molecularWeights();
     * Update the concentrations in the mixture.

    double T = m_thermo->temperature();


     *  Calculate the electrochemical potential gradient. This is the
     *  driving force for relative diffusional transport.
     *  Here we calculate
     *          c_i * (grad (mu_i) + S_i grad T - M_i / dens * grad P
     *   This is  Eqn. 13-1 p. 318 Newman. The original equation is from
     *   Hershfeld, Curtis, and Bird.
     *   S_i is the partial molar entropy of species i. This term will cancel
     *   out a lot of the grad T terms in grad (mu_i), therefore simplifying
     *   the expression.
     *  Ok I think there may be many ways to do this. One way is to do it via basis
     *  functions, at the nodes, as a function of the variables in the problem.
     *  For calculation of molality based thermo systems, we current get
     *  the molar based values. This may change.
     *  Note, we have broken the symmetry of the matrix here, due to 
     *  consideratins involving species concentrations going to zero.
    for (i = 0; i < m_nsp; i++) {
      double xi_denom = m_molefracs_tran[i];
      for (a = 0; a < VIM; a++) {
	m_ck_Grad_mu[a*m_nsp + i] =
	  m_chargeSpecies[i] * concTot_ * Faraday * m_Grad_V[a]
	  + concTot_ * (volume_specPM_[i] - M[i]/dens_) * m_Grad_P[a]
	  + concTot_ * GasConstant * T * m_Grad_lnAC[a*m_nsp+i] / actCoeffMolar_[i]
	  + concTot_ * GasConstant * T * m_Grad_X[a*m_nsp+i] / xi_denom;

    if (m_thermo->activityConvention() == cAC_CONVENTION_MOLALITY) {
      int iSolvent = 0;
      double mwSolvent = m_thermo->molecularWeight(iSolvent);
      double mnaught = mwSolvent/ 1000.;
      double lnmnaught = log(mnaught);
      for (i = 1; i < m_nsp; i++) {
	for (a = 0; a < VIM; a++) {
	  m_ck_Grad_mu[a*m_nsp + i] -=
	    m_concentrations[i] * GasConstant * m_Grad_T[a] * lnmnaught;

     * Just for Note, m_A(i,j) refers to the ith row and jth column.
     * They are still fortran ordered, so that i varies fastest.
    switch (VIM) {
    case 1:  /* 1-D approximation */
      m_B(0,0) = 0.0;
      for (j = 0; j < m_nsp; j++) {
	m_A(0,j) = M[j] * m_concentrations[j];
      for (i = 1; i < m_nsp; i++){
	m_B(i,0) = m_ck_Grad_mu[i] / (GasConstant * T);
	m_A(i,i) = 0.0;
	for (j = 0; j < m_nsp; j++){
	  if (j != i) {
	    tmp = m_concentrations[j] / m_DiffCoeff_StefMax(i,j);
	    m_A(i,i) +=   tmp;
	    m_A(i,j)  = - tmp;

      //! invert and solve the system  Ax = b. Answer is in m_B
      solve(m_A, m_B);
    case 2:  /* 2-D approximation */
      m_B(0,0) = 0.0;
      m_B(0,1) = 0.0;
      for (j = 0; j < m_nsp; j++) {
	m_A(0,j) = M[j] * m_concentrations[j];
      for (i = 1; i < m_nsp; i++){
	m_B(i,0) =  m_ck_Grad_mu[i]         / (GasConstant * T);
	m_B(i,1) =  m_ck_Grad_mu[m_nsp + i] / (GasConstant * T);
	m_A(i,i) = 0.0;
	for (j = 0; j < m_nsp; j++) {
	  if (j != i) {
	    tmp =  m_concentrations[j] / m_DiffCoeff_StefMax(i,j);
	    m_A(i,i) +=   tmp;
	    m_A(i,j)  = - tmp;

      //! invert and solve the system  Ax = b. Answer is in m_B
      solve(m_A, m_B);

    case 3:  /* 3-D approximation */
      m_B(0,0) = 0.0;
      m_B(0,1) = 0.0;
      m_B(0,2) = 0.0;
      for (j = 0; j < m_nsp; j++) {
	m_A(0,j) = M[j] * m_concentrations[j];
      for (i = 1; i < m_nsp; i++){
	m_B(i,0) = m_ck_Grad_mu[i]           / (GasConstant * T);
	m_B(i,1) = m_ck_Grad_mu[m_nsp + i]   / (GasConstant * T);
	m_B(i,2) = m_ck_Grad_mu[2*m_nsp + i] / (GasConstant * T);
	m_A(i,i) = 0.0;
	for (j = 0; j < m_nsp; j++) {
	  if (j != i) {
	    tmp =  m_concentrations[j] / m_DiffCoeff_StefMax(i,j);
	    m_A(i,i) +=   tmp;
	    m_A(i,j)  = - tmp;

      //! invert and solve the system  Ax = b. Answer is in m_B
      solve(m_A, m_B);

      throw CanteraError("routine", "not done");

    for (a = 0; a < VIM; a++) {
      for (j = 0; j < m_nsp; j++) {
	m_flux(j,a) =  M[j] * m_concentrations[j] * m_B(j,a);
Beispiel #4
static VALUE Node_init(int argc, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
    vx_graph graph = 0;
    vx_kernel kernel = 0;
    Check_Type(self, T_DATA);

    if (argc <= 1)
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Not enough arguments");

    graph = (vx_graph)DATA_PTR(args[0]);

    if (argc == 2) // Kernel
        Check_Type(args[1], T_DATA);
        kernel = (vx_kernel)DATA_PTR(args[1]);
        DATA_PTR(self) = (void *)vxCreateGenericNode(graph, kernel);
    else if (argc == 3) // graph, [string|enum], array of hashes
        vx_node node = 0;
        VALUE kern = args[1];
        VALUE array = args[2];
        long param = 0;

        if (TYPE(kern) == T_STRING)
            kernel = vxGetKernelByName(context, RSTRING_PTR(kern));
        else if (TYPE(kern) == T_FIXNUM)
            kernel = vxGetKernelByEnum(context, FIX2INT(kern));
        else if (TYPE(kern) == T_DATA) // a OpenVX::Kernel
            kernel = (vx_kernel)DATA_PTR(kern);
            rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "kernel must be a string, fixnum, or OpenVX::Kernel");

        if (kernel == 0)
            rb_raise(rb_eNameError, "kernel could not be found in OpenVX");

        Check_Type(array, T_ARRAY);

        node = vxCreateGenericNode(graph, kernel);
        if (node == 0)
            rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "node could not be created!");

        REXT_PRINT("Array of parameters has len = %ld\n", RARRAY_LEN(array));
        for (param = 0; param < RARRAY_LEN(array) ; param++)
            VALUE ref,hash;
            vx_reference ref2 = 0;
            vx_status status = 0;
            const char *name = NULL;

            hash = rb_ary_entry(array, param);
            Check_Type(hash, T_HASH);
            ref = rb_hash_aref(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("ref")));
            name = rb_obj_classname(ref);
            REXT_PRINT("ref class = %s\n", name);
            Check_Type(ref, T_DATA);
            ref2 = (vx_reference)DATA_PTR(ref);
            status = vxSetParameterByIndex(node, param, ref2);
            REXT_PRINT("status = %d\n", status);

        DATA_PTR(self) = (void *)node;
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "incorrect number of arguments");
    return Qnil;
Beispiel #5
/* 1 - success, 0 - error */
static int set_oci_number_from_num(OCINumber *result, VALUE num, int force, OCIError *errhp)
    signed long sl;
    double dbl;

    if (!RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(num, rb_cNumeric)))
        rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "expect Numeric but %s", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(num)));
    if (rb_respond_to(num, id_finite_p) && !RTEST(rb_funcall(num, id_finite_p, 0))) {
        rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "cannot accept number which isn't finite.");
    switch (rb_type(num)) {
    case T_FIXNUM:
        /* set from long. */
        sl = NUM2LONG(num);
        oci_lc(OCINumberFromInt(errhp, &sl, sizeof(sl), OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, result));
        return 1;
    case T_FLOAT:
        /* set from double. */
        dbl = NUM2DBL(num);
        oci_lc(OCINumberFromReal(errhp, &dbl, sizeof(dbl), result));
        return 1;
    case T_BIGNUM:
        /* change via string. */
        num = rb_big2str(num, 10);
        set_oci_number_from_str(result, num, Qnil, Qnil, errhp);
        return 1;
    if (RTEST(rb_obj_is_instance_of(num, cOCINumber))) {
        /* OCI::Number */
        oci_lc(OCINumberAssign(errhp, DATA_PTR(num), result));
        return 1;
    if (rb_respond_to(num, id_split)) {
        /* BigDecimal */
        VALUE split = rb_funcall(num, id_split, 0);

        if (TYPE(split) == T_ARRAY && RARRAY_LEN(split) == 4) {
             * sign, significant_digits, base, exponent = num.split
             * onum = sign * "0.#{significant_digits}".to_f * (base ** exponent)
            VALUE *ary = RARRAY_PTR(split);
            int sign;
            OCINumber digits;
            int exponent;
            int digits_len;
            OCINumber work;

            /* check sign */
            if (TYPE(ary[0]) != T_FIXNUM) {
                goto is_not_big_decimal;
            sign = FIX2INT(ary[0]);
            /* check digits */
            digits_len = RSTRING_LEN(ary[1]);
            set_oci_number_from_str(&digits, ary[1], Qnil, Qnil, errhp);
            /* check base */
            if (TYPE(ary[2]) != T_FIXNUM || FIX2LONG(ary[2]) != 10) {
                goto is_not_big_decimal;
            /* check exponent */
            if (TYPE(ary[3]) != T_FIXNUM) {
                goto is_not_big_decimal;
            exponent = FIX2INT(ary[3]);

            if (have_OCINumberShift) {
                /* Oracle 8.1 or upper */
                oci_lc(OCINumberShift(errhp, &digits, exponent - digits_len, &work));
            } else {
                /* Oracle 8.0 */
                int n = 10;
                OCINumber base;
                OCINumber exp;

                oci_lc(OCINumberFromInt(errhp, &n, sizeof(n), OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, &base));
                oci_lc(OCINumberIntPower(errhp, &base, exponent - digits_len, &exp));
                oci_lc(OCINumberMul(errhp, &digits, &exp, &work));
            if (sign >= 0) {
                oci_lc(OCINumberAssign(errhp, &work, result));
            } else {
                oci_lc(OCINumberNeg(errhp, &work, result));
            return 1;
    if (rb_respond_to(num, id_numerator) && rb_respond_to(num, id_denominator)) {
        /* Rational */
        OCINumber numerator;
        OCINumber denominator;

        if (set_oci_number_from_num(&numerator, rb_funcall(num, id_numerator, 0), 0, errhp) &&
            set_oci_number_from_num(&denominator, rb_funcall(num, id_denominator, 0), 0, errhp)) {
            oci_lc(OCINumberDiv(errhp, &numerator, &denominator, result));
            return 1;
    if (force) {
        /* change via string as a last resort. */
        /* TODO: if error, raise TypeError instead of OCI::Error */
        set_oci_number_from_str(result, num, Qnil, Qnil, errhp);
        return 1;
    return 0;
Beispiel #6
static VALUE
gdkpango_attr_emboss_color_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE color)
    DATA_PTR(self) = gdk_pango_attr_emboss_color_new(RVAL2GDKCOLOR(color));
    return Qnil;
Beispiel #7
static VALUE
gdkpango_attr_stipple_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE stipple)
    DATA_PTR(self) = gdk_pango_attr_stipple_new(GDK_BITMAP(RVAL2GOBJ(stipple)));
    return Qnil;
Beispiel #8
static mrb_value
mrb_ipvs_service_get_proto(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self){
  struct mrb_ipvs_entry *ie;
  ie = DATA_PTR(self);
  return mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, ie->svc.protocol == IPPROTO_TCP ? "TCP" : "UDP");
Beispiel #9
static mrb_value
mrb_ipvs_service_get_sched_name(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self){
  struct mrb_ipvs_entry *ie;
  ie = DATA_PTR(self);
  return mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, ie->svc.sched_name);
Beispiel #10
static mrb_value
mrb_ipvs_dest_get_weight(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self){
  struct mrb_ipvs_entry *ie;
  ie = DATA_PTR(self);
  return mrb_fixnum_value(ie->dest.weight);
Beispiel #11
static mrb_value
mrb_ipvs_service_get_port(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self){
  struct mrb_ipvs_entry *ie;
  ie = DATA_PTR(self);
  return mrb_fixnum_value(ntohs(ie->svc.port));
Beispiel #12
VALUE rb_data_typed_object_zalloc(VALUE ruby_class, size_t size, const rb_data_type_t *data_type) {
  VALUE obj = rb_data_typed_object_wrap(ruby_class, 0, data_type);
  DATA_PTR(obj) = calloc(1, size);
  return obj;
mrb_value mrb_servo_initialize(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self){
  Servo *newServo = new Servo();
  DATA_PTR(self) = newServo;  
  DATA_TYPE(self) = &mrb_servo_type;  
  return self;
Beispiel #14
 * call-seq:
 *"DTD string") -> dtd
 *"public", "system") -> dtd
 *"name", "public", "system", document) -> external subset dtd
 *"name", "public", "system", document, false) -> internal subset dtd
 *"name", "public", "system", document, true) -> internal subset dtd
 * Create a new Dtd from the specified public and system
 * identifiers.
static VALUE rxml_dtd_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
  VALUE external, system, dtd_string;
  xmlParserInputBufferPtr buffer;
  xmlCharEncoding enc = XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE;
  xmlChar *new_string;
  xmlDtdPtr xdtd;

  // 1 argument -- string                            --> parsujeme jako dtd
  // 2 arguments -- public, system                   --> bude se hledat
  // 3 arguments -- public, system, name             --> creates an external subset (any parameter may be nil)
  // 4 arguments -- public, system, name, doc        --> creates an external subset (any parameter may be nil)
  // 5 arguments -- public, system, name, doc, true  --> creates an internal subset (all but last parameter may be nil)
  switch (argc)
  case 3:
  case 4:
  case 5: {
      VALUE name, doc, internal;
      const xmlChar *xname = NULL, *xpublic = NULL, *xsystem = NULL;
      xmlDocPtr xdoc = NULL;

      rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "32", &external, &system, &name, &doc, &internal);

      if (external != Qnil) {
        Check_Type(external, T_STRING);
        xpublic = (const xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(external);
      if (system != Qnil) {
        Check_Type(system, T_STRING);
        xsystem = (const xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(system);
      if (name != Qnil) {
        Check_Type(name, T_STRING);
        xname = (const xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(name);
      if (doc != Qnil) {
        if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(doc, cXMLDocument) == Qfalse)
          rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Must pass an XML::Document object");
        Data_Get_Struct(doc, xmlDoc, xdoc);

      if (internal == Qnil || internal == Qfalse)
        xdtd = xmlNewDtd(xdoc, xname, xpublic, xsystem);
        xdtd = xmlCreateIntSubset(xdoc, xname, xpublic, xsystem);

      if (xdtd == NULL)

      /* Document will free this dtd now. */
      RDATA(self)->dfree = NULL;
      DATA_PTR(self) = xdtd;

      xmlSetTreeDoc((xmlNodePtr) xdtd, xdoc);

  case 2:
    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "20", &external, &system);

    Check_Type(external, T_STRING);
    Check_Type(system, T_STRING);

    xdtd = xmlParseDTD((xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(external),
        (xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(system));

    if (xdtd == NULL)

    DATA_PTR(self) = xdtd;

    xmlSetTreeDoc((xmlNodePtr) xdtd, NULL);

  case 1:
    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "10", &dtd_string);
    Check_Type(dtd_string, T_STRING);

    /* Note that buffer is freed by xmlParserInputBufferPush*/
    buffer = xmlAllocParserInputBuffer(enc);
    new_string = xmlStrdup((xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(dtd_string));
    xmlParserInputBufferPush(buffer, xmlStrlen(new_string),
        (const char*) new_string);

    xdtd = xmlIOParseDTD(NULL, buffer, enc);

    if (xdtd == NULL)


    DATA_PTR(self) = xdtd;

    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments");

  return self;
mrb_value ofRuby3DPrimitive::getZ(mrb_state* mrb, mrb_value self) {
    Primitive* primivite;
    primivite = (Primitive*) DATA_PTR(self);
    return mrb_float_value(mrb, primivite->instance->getZ());
Beispiel #16
static mrb_value
mrb_ipvs_service_del(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self){
  return mrb_nil_value();
Beispiel #17
VALUE sws_typed_get_struct_data_ptr(VALUE self, VALUE obj) {
  struct sample_typed_wrapped_struct* bar;
  bar = (struct sample_typed_wrapped_struct*) DATA_PTR(obj);
  return INT2FIX(bar->foo);
Beispiel #18
static VALUE
rb_mod_define_method(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE mod)
    ID id;
    VALUE body;
    NODE *node;
    int noex = NOEX_PUBLIC;

    if (argc == 1) {
	id = rb_to_id(argv[0]);
	body = rb_block_lambda();
    else if (argc == 2) {
	id = rb_to_id(argv[0]);
	body = argv[1];
	if (!rb_obj_is_method(body) && !rb_obj_is_proc(body)) {
		     "wrong argument type %s (expected Proc/Method)",
    else {
	rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 1)", argc);

    if (RDATA(body)->dmark == (RUBY_DATA_FUNC) bm_mark) {
	struct METHOD *method = (struct METHOD *)DATA_PTR(body);
	VALUE rclass = method->rclass;
	if (rclass != mod) {
	    if (RCLASS_SINGLETON(rclass)) {
			 "can't bind singleton method to a different class");
	    if (!RTEST(rb_class_inherited_p(mod, rclass))) {
			 "bind argument must be a subclass of %s",
	node = method->body;
    else if (rb_obj_is_proc(body)) {
	rb_proc_t *proc;
	body = proc_dup(body);
	GetProcPtr(body, proc);
	if (BUILTIN_TYPE(proc->block.iseq) != T_NODE) {
	    proc->block.iseq->defined_method_id = id;
	    proc->block.iseq->klass = mod;
	    proc->is_lambda = Qtrue;
	    proc->is_from_method = Qtrue;
	node = NEW_BMETHOD(body);
    else {
	/* type error */
	rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type (expected Proc/Method)");

    /* TODO: visibility */

    rb_add_method(mod, id, node, noex);
    return body;
Beispiel #19
static VALUE
gdkpango_attr_embossed_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE embossed)
    DATA_PTR(self) = gdk_pango_attr_embossed_new(RVAL2CBOOL(embossed));
    return Qnil;
Beispiel #20
VALUE rb_mpg123_tellframe(VALUE self)
  return INT2FIX(mpg123_tellframe(DATA_PTR(self)));
Beispiel #21
static VALUE Graph_init(VALUE self)
    Check_Type(self, T_DATA);
    DATA_PTR(self) = (void *)vxCreateGraph(context);
    return Qnil;
Beispiel #22
VALUE rb_mpg123_seek_frame(VALUE self, VALUE offset)
  return INT2FIX(mpg123_seek_frame(DATA_PTR(self), FIX2INT(offset), SEEK_SET));
Beispiel #23
static VALUE Target_init(VALUE self, VALUE index)
    vx_target target = vxGetTargetByIndex(context, FIX2UINT(index));
    DATA_PTR(self) = (void *)target;
    return Qnil;
Beispiel #24
VALUE rb_mpg123_timeframe(VALUE self, VALUE seconds)
  return INT2FIX(mpg123_timeframe(DATA_PTR(self), NUM2DBL(seconds)));
Beispiel #25
 * USDT::Probe#function
static VALUE probe_function(VALUE self) {
  usdt_probedef_t **p = DATA_PTR(self);
  usdt_probedef_t *probedef = *p;
  return ID2SYM(rb_intern(probedef->function));
Beispiel #26
VALUE rb_mpg123_close(VALUE self)
  return self;
Beispiel #27
/* :nodoc: */
static VALUE reparent_node_with(VALUE pivot_obj, VALUE reparentee_obj, pivot_reparentee_func prf)
  VALUE reparented_obj ;
  xmlNodePtr reparentee, pivot, reparented, next_text, new_next_text ;

  if(!rb_obj_is_kind_of(reparentee_obj, cNokogiriXmlNode))
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "node must be a Nokogiri::XML::Node");
  if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(reparentee_obj, cNokogiriXmlDocument))
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "node must be a Nokogiri::XML::Node");

  Data_Get_Struct(reparentee_obj, xmlNode, reparentee);
  Data_Get_Struct(pivot_obj, xmlNode, pivot);

  if(XML_DOCUMENT_NODE == reparentee->type || XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE == reparentee->type)
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "cannot reparent a document node");


  if (reparentee->doc != pivot->doc || reparentee->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
     *  if the reparentee is a text node, there's a very good chance it will be
     *  merged with an adjacent text node after being reparented, and in that case
     *  libxml will free the underlying C struct.
     *  since we clearly have a ruby object which references the underlying
     *  memory, we can't let the C struct get freed. let's pickle the original
     *  reparentee by rooting it; and then we'll reparent a duplicate of the
     *  node that we don't care about preserving.
     *  alternatively, if the reparentee is from a different document than the
     *  pivot node, libxml2 is going to get confused about which document's
     *  "dictionary" the node's strings belong to (this is an otherwise
     *  uninteresting libxml2 implementation detail). as a result, we cannot
     *  reparent the actual reparentee, so we reparent a duplicate.
    if (!(reparentee = xmlDocCopyNode(reparentee, pivot->doc, 1))) {
      rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Could not reparent node (xmlDocCopyNode)");

  if (reparentee->type == XML_TEXT_NODE && pivot->next && pivot->next->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
     *  libxml merges text nodes in a right-to-left fashion, meaning that if
     *  there are two text nodes who would be adjacent, the right (or following,
     *  or next) node will be merged into the left (or preceding, or previous)
     *  node.
     *  and by "merged" I mean the string contents will be concatenated onto the
     *  left node's contents, and then the node will be freed.
     *  which means that if we have a ruby object wrapped around the right node,
     *  its memory would be freed out from under it.
     *  so, we detect this edge case and unlink-and-root the text node before it gets
     *  merged. then we dup the node and insert that duplicate back into the
     *  document where the real node was.
     *  yes, this is totally lame.
    next_text     = pivot->next ;
    new_next_text = xmlDocCopyNode(next_text, pivot->doc, 1) ;


    xmlAddNextSibling(pivot, new_next_text);

  /* TODO: I really want to remove this.  We shouldn't support 2.6.16 anymore */
  if ( reparentee->type == XML_TEXT_NODE && pivot->type == XML_TEXT_NODE && is_2_6_16() ) {
    /* work around a string-handling bug in libxml 2.6.16. we'd rather leak than segfault. */
    pivot->content = xmlStrdup(pivot->content);

  if(!(reparented = (*prf)(pivot, reparentee))) {
    rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Could not reparent node");

   *  make sure the ruby object is pointed at the just-reparented node, which
   *  might be a duplicate (see above) or might be the result of merging
   *  adjacent text nodes.
  DATA_PTR(reparentee_obj) = reparented ;


  reparented_obj = Nokogiri_wrap_xml_node(Qnil, reparented);

  rb_funcall(reparented_obj, decorate_bang, 0);

  return reparented_obj ;
Beispiel #28
VALUE rb_mpg123_spf(VALUE self)
  return rb_float_new(mpg123_spf(DATA_PTR(self)));
Beispiel #29
 static void construct(Object self, Arg1_T arg1, Arg2_T arg2, Arg3_T arg3, Arg4_T arg4, Arg5_T arg5, Arg6_T arg6, Arg7_T arg7, Arg8_T arg8)
   DATA_PTR(self.value()) = new T(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8);
Beispiel #30
static VALUE
iow_type(VALUE self)
    VALUE obj = (VALUE)DATA_PTR(self);
    return type2sym(BUILTIN_TYPE(obj));