static void
getTargetRect (CompWindow *cw,
               GridType	  where)
    GRID_SCREEN (cw->screen);

    gs->props = gridProps[where];

    DEBUG_PRINT ((gridOut, "\nPressed KP_%i\n", where));

    /* get current available area */
    getWorkareaForOutput (cw->screen, outputDeviceForWindow(cw), &gs->workarea);
    DEBUG_RECT (workarea);

    /* Convention:
     * xxxSlot include decorations (it's the screen area occupied)
     * xxxRect are undecorated (it's the constrained position
    			of the contents)

    /* slice and dice to get desired slot - including decorations */
    gs->desiredSlot.y = gs->workarea.y + gs->props.gravityDown *
                        (gs->workarea.height / gs->props.numCellsY);
    gs->desiredSlot.height = gs->workarea.height / gs->props.numCellsY;
    gs->desiredSlot.x = gs->workarea.x + gs->props.gravityRight *
                        (gs->workarea.width / gs->props.numCellsX);
    gs->desiredSlot.width = gs->workarea.width / gs->props.numCellsX;
    DEBUG_RECT (desiredSlot);

    /* Adjust for constraints and decorations */
    constrainSize (cw, &gs->desiredSlot, &gs->desiredRect);
    DEBUG_RECT (gs->desiredRect);
Beispiel #2
BOOL CALLBACK loginPlatformLeftClickNextStep(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
	TCHAR buff[MAX_PATH] = {0};
	RECT rect = {0};
	GetWindowText(hwnd, buff, MAX_PATH);
	//TRACE("find next step button\n");
	if(_tcsncmp(buff, TEXT("下一步"), lstrlen(TEXT("下一步"))) == 0)
		GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect);
		PostMessage(hwnd, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, 0x100010);
		//PostMessage(hwnd, WM_KEYUP, VK_RETURN, NULL);
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
static void
gridCommonWindow (CompWindow *cw,
                  GridType   where)
    GRID_SCREEN (cw->screen);

    if ((cw) && (where != GridUnknown))
        /* add maximize option */
        if (where == GridMaximize)
            sendMaximizationRequest (cw);
            /* maximizeWindow (cw, MAXIMIZE_STATE); */
            unsigned int valueMask = 0;
            int desiredState = 0;

            getTargetRect (cw, where);

            XWindowChanges xwc;

            /* if keys are pressed again then cycle through 1/3 or 2/3 widths... */

            /* Get current rect not including decorations */
            gs->currentRect.x = cw->serverX;
            gs->currentRect.y = cw->serverY;
            gs->currentRect.width  = cw->serverWidth;
            gs->currentRect.height = cw->serverHeight;
            DEBUG_RECT (currentRect);

            if ((gs->desiredRect.y == gs->currentRect.y &&
                    gs->desiredRect.height == gs->currentRect.height) &&
                int slotWidth33 = gs->workarea.width / 3;
                int slotWidth66 = gs->workarea.width - slotWidth33;

                DEBUG_PRINT ((gridOut, "Multi!\n"));

                if (gs->props.numCellsX == 2) /* keys (1, 4, 7, 3, 6, 9) */
                    if (gs->currentRect.width == gs->desiredRect.width &&
                            gs->currentRect.x == gs->desiredRect.x)
                        gs->desiredSlot.width = slotWidth66;
                        gs->desiredSlot.x = gs->workarea.x +
                                            gs->props.gravityRight * slotWidth33;
                        /* tricky, have to allow for window constraints when
                         * computing what the 33% and 66% offsets would be
                        XRectangle rect33, rect66, slot33, slot66;

                        slot33 = gs->desiredSlot;
                        slot33.x = gs->workarea.x +
                                   gs->props.gravityRight * slotWidth66;
                        slot33.width = slotWidth33;
                        constrainSize (cw, &slot33, &rect33);
                        DEBUG_RECT (slot33);
                        DEBUG_RECT (rect33);

                        slot66 = gs->desiredSlot;
                        slot66.x = gs->workarea.x +
                                   gs->props.gravityRight * slotWidth33;
                        slot66.width = slotWidth66;
                        constrainSize (cw, &slot66, &rect66);
                        DEBUG_RECT (slot66);
                        DEBUG_RECT (rect66);

                        if (gs->currentRect.width == rect66.width &&
                                gs->currentRect.x == rect66.x)
                            gs->desiredSlot.width = slotWidth33;
                            gs->desiredSlot.x = gs->workarea.x +
                                                gs->props.gravityRight * slotWidth66;
                else /* keys (2, 5, 8) */
                    if (gs->currentRect.width == gs->desiredRect.width &&
                            gs->currentRect.x == gs->desiredRect.x)
                        gs->desiredSlot.width = slotWidth33;
                        gs->desiredSlot.x = gs->workarea.x + slotWidth33;
                constrainSize (cw, &gs->desiredSlot, &gs->desiredRect);
                DEBUG_RECT (gs->desiredRect);

            xwc.x = gs->desiredRect.x;
            xwc.y = gs->desiredRect.y;
            xwc.width  = gs->desiredRect.width;
            xwc.height = gs->desiredRect.height;

            if (cw->mapNum)
                sendSyncRequest (cw);

            if (where == GridRight || where == GridLeft)
                desiredState = CompWindowStateMaximizedVertMask;
                valueMask = CWX | CWWidth;
            else if (where == GridTop || where == GridBottom)
                desiredState = CompWindowStateMaximizedHorzMask;
                valueMask = CWY | CWHeight;
                desiredState = 0;
                valueMask = CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight;

            if (cw->state != desiredState)
                maximizeWindow (cw, desiredState);

            /* TODO: animate move+resize */
            configureXWindow (cw, valueMask, &xwc);

static Bool
gridCommon (CompDisplay     *d,
	    CompAction      *action,
	    CompActionState state,
	    CompOption      *option,
	    int             nOption,
	    GridType        where)
    Window     xid;
    CompWindow *cw;

    xid = getIntOptionNamed (option, nOption, "window", 0);
    cw  = findWindowAtDisplay (d, xid);
    if (cw)
	XRectangle     workarea;
	XRectangle     desiredSlot;
	XRectangle     desiredRect;
	XRectangle     currentRect;
	GridProps      props = gridProps[where];
	XWindowChanges xwc;

	DEBUG_PRINT ((gridOut, "\nPressed KP_%i\n", where));

	/* get current available area */
	getWorkareaForOutput (cw->screen, outputDeviceForWindow(cw), &workarea);
	DEBUG_RECT (workarea);

	/* Convention:
	 * xxxSlot include decorations (it's the screen area occupied)
	 * xxxRect are undecorated (it's the constrained position
	                            of the contents)

	/* slice and dice to get desired slot - including decorations */
	desiredSlot.y =  workarea.y + props.gravityDown *
	                 (workarea.height / props.numCellsY);
	desiredSlot.height = workarea.height / props.numCellsY;
	desiredSlot.x =  workarea.x + props.gravityRight *
	                 (workarea.width / props.numCellsX);
	desiredSlot.width = workarea.width / props.numCellsX;
	DEBUG_RECT (desiredSlot);

	/* Adjust for constraints and decorations */
	constrainSize (cw, &desiredSlot, &desiredRect);
	DEBUG_RECT (desiredRect);

	/* Get current rect not including decorations */
	currentRect.x = cw->serverX;
	currentRect.y = cw->serverY;
	currentRect.width  = cw->serverWidth;
	currentRect.height = cw->serverHeight;
	DEBUG_RECT (currentRect);

	if (desiredRect.y == currentRect.y &&
	    desiredRect.height == currentRect.height)
	    int slotWidth33  = workarea.width / 3;
	    int slotWidth66  = workarea.width - slotWidth33;

	    DEBUG_PRINT ((gridOut, "Multi!\n"));

	    if (props.numCellsX == 2) /* keys (1, 4, 7, 3, 6, 9) */
		if (currentRect.width == desiredRect.width &&
		    currentRect.x == desiredRect.x)
		    desiredSlot.width = slotWidth66;
		    desiredSlot.x = workarea.x +
			            props.gravityRight * slotWidth33;
		    /* tricky, have to allow for window constraints when
		     * computing what the 33% and 66% offsets would be
		    XRectangle rect33, rect66, slot33, slot66;

		    slot33 = desiredSlot;
		    slot33.x = workarea.x + props.gravityRight * slotWidth66;
		    slot33.width = slotWidth33;
		    constrainSize (cw, &slot33, &rect33);
		    DEBUG_RECT (slot33);
		    DEBUG_RECT (rect33);

		    slot66 = desiredSlot;
		    slot66.x = workarea.x + props.gravityRight * slotWidth33;
		    slot66.width = slotWidth66;
		    constrainSize (cw, &slot66, &rect66);
		    DEBUG_RECT (slot66);
		    DEBUG_RECT (rect66);

		    if (currentRect.width == rect66.width &&
			currentRect.x == rect66.x)
			desiredSlot.width = slotWidth33;
			desiredSlot.x = workarea.x +
			                props.gravityRight * slotWidth66;
	    else /* keys (2, 5, 8) */
		if (currentRect.width == desiredRect.width &&
		    currentRect.x == desiredRect.x)
		    desiredSlot.width = slotWidth33;
		    desiredSlot.x = workarea.x + slotWidth33;
	    constrainSize (cw, &desiredSlot, &desiredRect);
	    DEBUG_RECT (desiredRect);

	xwc.x = desiredRect.x;
	xwc.y = desiredRect.y;
	xwc.width  = desiredRect.width;
	xwc.height = desiredRect.height;

	if (cw->mapNum)
	    sendSyncRequest (cw);

	if (cw->state & MAXIMIZE_STATE)
	    /* maximized state interferes with us, clear it */
	    maximizeWindow (cw, 0);

	/* TODO: animate move+resize */
	configureXWindow (cw, CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight, &xwc);

    return TRUE;