Beispiel #1
const char *				/* O - Option value or @code NULL@ */
cupsGetOption(const char    *name,	/* I - Name of option */
              int           num_options,/* I - Number of options */
              cups_option_t *options)	/* I - Options */
  int	diff,				/* Result of comparison */
	match;				/* Matching index */

  DEBUG_printf(("2cupsGetOption(name=\"%s\", num_options=%d, options=%p)", name, num_options, (void *)options));

  if (!name || num_options <= 0 || !options)
    DEBUG_puts("3cupsGetOption: Returning NULL");
    return (NULL);

  match = cups_find_option(name, num_options, options, -1, &diff);

  if (!diff)
    DEBUG_printf(("3cupsGetOption: Returning \"%s\"", options[match].value));
    return (options[match].value);

  DEBUG_puts("3cupsGetOption: Returning NULL");
  return (NULL);
Beispiel #2
ipp_status_t				/* O - Status of document submission */
    http_t       *http,			/* I - Connection to destination */
    cups_dest_t  *dest,			/* I - Destination */
    cups_dinfo_t *info) 		/* I - Destination information */
  DEBUG_printf(("cupsFinishDestDocument(http=%p, dest=%p(%s/%s), info=%p)",
                http, dest, dest ? dest->name : NULL,
                dest ? dest->instance : NULL, info));

  * Range check input...

  if (!http || !dest || !info)
    _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(EINVAL), 0);
    DEBUG_puts("1cupsFinishDestDocument: Bad arguments.");

  * Get the response at the end of the document and return it...

  ippDelete(cupsGetResponse(http, info->resource));

  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsFinishDestDocument: %s (%s)",
                ippErrorString(cupsLastError()), cupsLastErrorString()));

  return (cupsLastError());
Beispiel #3
int					/* O - Number of jobs */
cupsGetJobs(cups_job_t **jobs,		/* O - Job data */
            const char *mydest,		/* I - NULL = all destinations,       *
	                                 *     otherwise show jobs for mydest */
            int        myjobs,		/* I - 0 = all users, 1 = mine */
            int        completed)	/* I - -1 = show all, 0 = active, *
	                                 *     1 = completed jobs         */
    _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals();	/* Pointer to library globals */

     * Try to connect to the server...

    if (!cups_connect("default", NULL, NULL))
        DEBUG_puts("Unable to connect to server!");

        return (-1);

     * Return the jobs...

    return (cupsGetJobs2(cg->http, jobs, mydest, myjobs, completed));
Beispiel #4
mime_type_t *				/* O - Matching file type definition */
mimeType(mime_t     *mime,		/* I - MIME database */
         const char *super,		/* I - Super-type name */
	 const char *type)		/* I - Type name */
  mime_type_t	key,			/* MIME type search key */
		*mt;			/* Matching type */

  DEBUG_printf(("mimeType(mime=%p, super=\"%s\", type=\"%s\")", mime, super,

  * Range check input...

  if (!mime || !super || !type)
    DEBUG_puts("1mimeType: Returning NULL.");
    return (NULL);

  * Lookup the type in the array...

  strlcpy(key.super, super, sizeof(key.super));
  strlcpy(key.type, type, sizeof(key.type));

  mt = (mime_type_t *)cupsArrayFind(mime->types, &key);
  DEBUG_printf(("1mimeType: Returning %p.", mt));
  return (mt);
Beispiel #5
int					/* O  - New number of options */
    const char    *name,		/* I  - Option name */
    int           num_options,		/* I  - Current number of options */
    cups_option_t **options)		/* IO - Options */
  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  cups_option_t	*option;		/* Current option */

  DEBUG_printf(("2cupsRemoveOption(name=\"%s\", num_options=%d, options=%p)",
                name, num_options, options));

  * Range check input...

  if (!name || num_options < 1 || !options)
    DEBUG_printf(("3cupsRemoveOption: Returning %d", num_options));
    return (num_options);

  * Loop for the option...

  for (i = num_options, option = *options; i > 0; i --, option ++)
    if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, option->name))

  if (i)
    * Remove this option from the array...

    DEBUG_puts("4cupsRemoveOption: Found option, removing it...");

    num_options --;
    i --;


    if (i > 0)
      memmove(option, option + 1, (size_t)i * sizeof(cups_option_t));

  * Return the new number of options...

  DEBUG_printf(("3cupsRemoveOption: Returning %d", num_options));
  return (num_options);
int					/* O - 1 if prefixed, 0 if not prefixed */
    cups_snmp_t *packet,		/* I - Response packet */
    const int   *prefix)		/* I - OID prefix */
  int	i;				/* Looping var */

  * Range check input...

  DEBUG_printf(("4_cupsSNMPIsOIDPrefixed(packet=%p, prefix=%p)", packet,

  if (!packet || !prefix)
    DEBUG_puts("5_cupsSNMPIsOIDPrefixed: Returning 0");

    return (0);

  * Compare OIDs...

  for (i = 0;
       i < CUPS_SNMP_MAX_OID && prefix[i] >= 0 && packet->object_name[i] >= 0;
       i ++)
    if (prefix[i] != packet->object_name[i])
      DEBUG_puts("5_cupsSNMPIsOIDPrefixed: Returning 0");

      return (0);

  DEBUG_printf(("5_cupsSNMPIsOIDPrefixed: Returning %d",
                i < CUPS_SNMP_MAX_OID));

  return (i < CUPS_SNMP_MAX_OID);
Beispiel #7
void init_uart()
     /* Start the MCBSP and Sample Rate Generator */
     MCBSP_start(C55XX_UART_hMcbsp, MCBSP_SRGR_START, 0xFFFF);
     /* Take MCBSP receive and transmit out of reset */
     MCBSP_write32(C55XX_UART_hMcbsp, 0xffffffff); /* kickstart the serial port */

Beispiel #8
_cups_raster_error_t *			/* O - Pointer to error buffer */
  _cups_raster_error_t *buf;		/* Pointer to error buffer */

  * Initialize the global data exactly once...


  pthread_once(&raster_key_once, raster_init);

  * See if we have allocated the data yet...

  if ((buf = (_cups_raster_error_t *)pthread_getspecific(raster_key))
          == NULL)
    DEBUG_puts("4get_error_buffer: allocating memory for thread.");

    * No, allocate memory as set the pointer for the key...

    buf = calloc(1, sizeof(_cups_raster_error_t));
    pthread_setspecific(raster_key, buf);

    DEBUG_printf(("4get_error_buffer: buf=%p", (void *)buf));

  * Return the pointer to the data...

  return (buf);
int					/* O - 1 if equal, 0 if not equal */
_cupsSNMPIsOID(cups_snmp_t *packet,	/* I - Response packet */
               const int   *oid)	/* I - OID */
  int	i;				/* Looping var */

  * Range check input...

  DEBUG_printf(("4_cupsSNMPIsOID(packet=%p, oid=%p)", packet, oid));

  if (!packet || !oid)
    DEBUG_puts("5_cupsSNMPIsOID: Returning 0");

    return (0);

  * Compare OIDs...

  for (i = 0;
       i < CUPS_SNMP_MAX_OID && oid[i] >= 0 && packet->object_name[i] >= 0;
       i ++)
    if (oid[i] != packet->object_name[i])
      DEBUG_puts("5_cupsSNMPIsOID: Returning 0");

      return (0);

  DEBUG_printf(("5_cupsSNMPIsOID: Returning %d",
                i < CUPS_SNMP_MAX_OID && oid[i] == packet->object_name[i]));

  return (i < CUPS_SNMP_MAX_OID && oid[i] == packet->object_name[i]);
Beispiel #10
cupsImageClose(cups_image_t *img)	/* I - Image to close */
  cups_ic_t	*current,		/* Current cached tile */
		*next;			/* Next cached tile */

  * Wipe the tile cache file (if any)...

  if (img->cachefile >= 0)
    DEBUG_printf(("Closing/removing swap file \"%s\"...\n", img->cachename));


  * Free the image cache...

  DEBUG_puts("Freeing memory...");

  for (current = img->first, next = NULL; current != NULL; current = next)
    DEBUG_printf(("Freeing cache (%p, next = %p)...\n", current, next));

    next = current->next;

  * Free the rest of memory...

  if (img->tiles != NULL)
    DEBUG_printf(("Freeing tiles (%p)...\n", img->tiles[0]));


    DEBUG_printf(("Freeing tile pointers (%p)...\n", img->tiles));


Beispiel #11
static cups_lang_t *			/* O - Language data or NULL */
    const char      *name,		/* I - Name of locale */
    cups_encoding_t encoding)		/* I - Encoding of locale */
  cups_lang_t	*lang;			/* Current language */

  DEBUG_printf(("7cups_cache_lookup(name=\"%s\", encoding=%d(%s))", name,
                encoding, encoding == CUPS_AUTO_ENCODING ? "auto" :

  * Loop through the cache and return a match if found...

  for (lang = lang_cache; lang != NULL; lang = lang->next)
    DEBUG_printf(("9cups_cache_lookup: lang=%p, language=\"%s\", "
		  "encoding=%d(%s)", lang, lang->language, lang->encoding,

    if (!strcmp(lang->language, name) &&
        (encoding == CUPS_AUTO_ENCODING || encoding == lang->encoding))
      lang->used ++;

      DEBUG_puts("8cups_cache_lookup: returning match!");

      return (lang);

  DEBUG_puts("8cups_cache_lookup: returning NULL!");

  return (NULL);
mimeDeleteFilter(mime_t        *mime,	/* I - MIME database */
		 mime_filter_t *filter)	/* I - Filter */
  DEBUG_printf(("mimeDeleteFilter(mime=%p, filter=%p(%s/%s->%s/%s, cost=%d, "
                "maxsize=" CUPS_LLFMT "))", mime, filter,
		filter ? filter->src->super : "???",
		filter ? filter->src->type : "???",
		filter ? filter->dst->super : "???",
		filter ? filter->dst->super : "???",
		filter ? filter->cost : -1,
		filter ? CUPS_LLCAST filter->maxsize : CUPS_LLCAST -1));

  if (!mime || !filter)

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (!cupsArrayFind(mime->filters, filter))
    DEBUG_puts("1mimeDeleteFilter: Filter not in MIME database.");
#endif /* DEBUG */

  cupsArrayRemove(mime->filters, filter);

  * Deleting a filter invalidates the source lookup cache used by
  * mimeFilter()...

  if (mime->srcs)
    DEBUG_puts("1mimeDeleteFilter: Deleting source lookup cache.");
    mime->srcs = NULL;
int					/* O - Port number */
    _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals();	/* Pointer to library globals */


    if (!cg->ipp_port)

    DEBUG_printf(("1ippPort: Returning %d...", cg->ipp_port));

    return (cg->ipp_port);
Beispiel #14
int					/* O - Character or -1 on end of file */
cupsFileGetChar(cups_file_t *fp)	/* I - CUPS file */
  * Range check input...

  if (!fp || (fp->mode != 'r' && fp->mode != 's'))
    DEBUG_puts("3cupsFileGetChar: Bad arguments!");
    return (-1);

  * If the input buffer is empty, try to read more data...

  if (fp->ptr >= fp->end)
    if (cups_fill(fp) < 0)
      DEBUG_puts("3cupsFileGetChar: Unable to fill buffer!");
      return (-1);

  * Return the next character in the buffer...

  DEBUG_printf(("3cupsFileGetChar: Returning %d...", *(fp->ptr) & 255));

  fp->pos ++;

  DEBUG_printf(("4cupsFileGetChar: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT, CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));

  return (*(fp->ptr)++ & 255);
Beispiel #15
static void
#ifdef DEBUG
  int	i;

  DEBUG_puts("cgi_sort_variables: Sorting variables...");
#endif /* DEBUG */

  if (form_count < 2)

  qsort(form_vars, (size_t)form_count, sizeof(_cgi_var_t),
        (int (*)(const void *, const void *))cgi_compare_variables);

#ifdef DEBUG
  DEBUG_puts("cgi_sort_variables: Sorted variable list is:");
  for (i = 0; i < form_count; i ++)
    DEBUG_printf(("cgi_sort_variables: %d: %s (%d) = \"%s\" ...\n", i,
                  form_vars[i].name, form_vars[i].nvalues,
#endif /* DEBUG */
mimeNumTypes(mime_t *mime)		/* I - MIME database */
  DEBUG_printf(("mimeNumTypes(mime=%p)", mime));

  if (!mime)
    DEBUG_puts("1mimeNumTypes: Returning 0.");
    return (0);
    DEBUG_printf(("1mimeNumTypes: Returning %d.",
    return (cupsArrayCount(mime->types));
mime_type_t *				/* O - Type or NULL */
mimeFirstType(mime_t *mime)		/* I - MIME database */
  DEBUG_printf(("6mimeFirstType(mime=%p)", mime));

  if (!mime)
    DEBUG_puts("7mimeFirstType: Returning NULL.");
    return (NULL);
    mime_type_t *first = (mime_type_t *)cupsArrayFirst(mime->types);
					/* First type */

    DEBUG_printf(("7mimeFirstType: Returning %p.", first));
    return (first);
mime_type_t *				/* O - Type or NULL */
mimeNextType(mime_t *mime)		/* I - MIME database */
  DEBUG_printf(("6mimeNextType(mime=%p)", mime));

  if (!mime)
    DEBUG_puts("7mimeNextType: Returning NULL.");
    return (NULL);
    mime_type_t *next = (mime_type_t *)cupsArrayNext(mime->types);
					/* Next type */

    DEBUG_printf(("7mimeNextType: Returning %p.", next));
    return (next);
mime_filter_t *				/* O - Filter or NULL */
mimeNextFilter(mime_t *mime)		/* I - MIME database */
  DEBUG_printf(("6mimeNextFilter(mime=%p)", mime));

  if (!mime)
    DEBUG_puts("7mimeNextFilter: Returning NULL.");
    return (NULL);
    mime_filter_t *next = (mime_filter_t *)cupsArrayNext(mime->filters);
					/* Next filter */

    DEBUG_printf(("7mimeNextFilter: Returning %p.", next));
    return (next);
mimeDeleteType(mime_t      *mime,	/* I - MIME database */
	       mime_type_t *mt)		/* I - Type */
  DEBUG_printf(("mimeDeleteType(mime=%p, mt=%p(%s/%s))", mime, mt,
                mt ? mt->super : "???", mt ? mt->type : "???"));

  if (!mime || !mt)

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (!cupsArrayFind(mime->types, mt))
    DEBUG_puts("1mimeDeleteFilter: Type not in MIME database.");
#endif /* DEBUG */

  cupsArrayRemove(mime->types, mt);

Beispiel #21
int					/* O - 0 on success, -1 on error */
cupsFileFlush(cups_file_t *fp)		/* I - CUPS file */
  ssize_t	bytes;			/* Bytes to write */

  DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileFlush(fp=%p)", fp));

  * Range check input...

  if (!fp || fp->mode != 'w')
    DEBUG_puts("1cupsFileFlush: Attempt to flush a read-only file...");
    return (-1);

  bytes = (ssize_t)(fp->ptr - fp->buf);

  DEBUG_printf(("2cupsFileFlush: Flushing " CUPS_LLFMT " bytes...",
                CUPS_LLCAST bytes));

  if (bytes > 0)
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
    if (fp->compressed)
      bytes = cups_compress(fp, fp->buf, bytes);
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
      bytes = cups_write(fp, fp->buf, bytes);

    if (bytes < 0)
      return (-1);

    fp->ptr = fp->buf;
  return (0);
Beispiel #22
const char *				/* O - Filename for PPD file */
cupsGetPPD(const char *name)		/* I - Printer name */
    _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals();	/* Pointer to library globals */

     * See if we can connect to the server...

    if (!cups_connect(name, NULL, NULL))
        DEBUG_puts("Unable to connect to server!");

        return (NULL);

     * Return the PPD file...

    return (cupsGetPPD2(cg->http, name));
Beispiel #23
static int				/* O - 1 if form data read */
  char	*data;				/* Pointer to form data string */

  DEBUG_puts("cgi_initialize_get: Initializing variables using GET method...");

  * Check to see if there is anything for us to read...

  data = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
  if (data == NULL || strlen(data) == 0)
    return (0);

  * Parse it out and return...

  return (cgi_initialize_string(data));
Beispiel #24
int					/* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */
cupsArrayAdd(cups_array_t *a,		/* I - Array */
             void         *e)		/* I - Element */
  DEBUG_printf(("2cupsArrayAdd(a=%p, e=%p)", a, e));

  * Range check input...

  if (!a || !e)
    DEBUG_puts("3cupsArrayAdd: returning 0");
    return (0);

  * Append the element...

  return (cups_array_add(a, e, 0));
Beispiel #25
int					/* O - 0 on failure, 1 on success */
cupsArrayInsert(cups_array_t *a,	/* I - Array */
		void         *e)	/* I - Element */
  DEBUG_printf(("2cupsArrayInsert(a=%p, e=%p)", a, e));

  * Range check input...

  if (!a || !e)
    DEBUG_puts("3cupsArrayInsert: returning 0");
    return (0);

  * Insert the element...

  return (cups_array_add(a, e, 1));
Beispiel #26
ppd_choice_t *				/* O - Pointer to choice or @code NULL@ */
ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd_file_t *ppd,	/* I - PPD file */
                    const char *option)	/* I - Keyword/option name */
  ppd_choice_t	key,			/* Search key for choice */
		*marked;		/* Marked choice */

  DEBUG_printf(("2ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd=%p, option=\"%s\")", ppd, option));

  if ((key.option = ppdFindOption(ppd, option)) == NULL)
    DEBUG_puts("3ppdFindMarkedChoice: Option not found, returning NULL");
    return (NULL);

  marked = (ppd_choice_t *)cupsArrayFind(ppd->marked, &key);

  DEBUG_printf(("3ppdFindMarkedChoice: Returning %p(%s)...", marked,
                marked ? marked->choice : "NULL"));

  return (marked);
static const char *			/* O - Full path to filter or NULL */
    cups_array_t *filtercache,		/* I - Filter cache */
    const char   *name,			/* I - Filter name */
    const char   *filterpath)		/* I - Filter path */
  _mime_fcache_t	key,		/* Search key */
			*temp;		/* New filter cache */
  char			path[1024];	/* Full path to filter */

  DEBUG_printf(("2mime_add_fcache(filtercache=%p, name=\"%s\", "
                "filterpath=\"%s\")", filtercache, name, filterpath)); = (char *)name;
  if ((temp = (_mime_fcache_t *)cupsArrayFind(filtercache, &key)) != NULL)
    DEBUG_printf(("3mime_add_fcache: Returning \"%s\".", temp->path));
    return (temp->path);

  if ((temp = calloc(1, sizeof(_mime_fcache_t))) == NULL)
    DEBUG_puts("3mime_add_fcache: Returning NULL.");
    return (NULL);

  temp->name = strdup(name);

  if (cupsFileFind(name, filterpath, 1, path, sizeof(path)))
    temp->path = strdup(path);

  cupsArrayAdd(filtercache, temp);

  DEBUG_printf(("3mime_add_fcache: Returning \"%s\".", temp->path));
  return (temp->path);
Beispiel #28
int					/* O - Job ID */
cupsPrintFiles(const char    *name,	/* I - Printer or class name */
               int           num_files,	/* I - Number of files */
               const char    **files,	/* I - File(s) to print */
               const char    *title,	/* I - Title of job */
               int           num_options,
               /* I - Number of options */
               cups_option_t *options)	/* I - Options */
    _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals();	/* Pointer to library globals */

    DEBUG_printf(("cupsPrintFiles(name=\"%s\", num_files=%d, "
                  "files=%p, title=\"%s\", num_options=%d, options=%p)\n",
                  name, num_files, files, title, num_options, options));

     * Setup a connection and request data...

    if (!cups_connect(name, NULL, NULL))
        DEBUG_printf(("cupsPrintFiles: Unable to open connection - %s.\n",
        DEBUG_puts("Unable to connect to server!");

        return (0);

     * Print the file(s)...

    return (cupsPrintFiles2(cg->http, name, num_files, files, title,
                            num_options, options));
Beispiel #29
const char *				/* O - Default printer or NULL */
    const char	*var;			/* Environment variable */
    _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals();	/* Pointer to library globals */

     * First see if the LPDEST or PRINTER environment variables are
     * set...  However, if PRINTER is set to "lp", ignore it to work
     * around a "feature" in most Linux distributions - the default
     * user login scripts set PRINTER to "lp"...

    if ((var = getenv("LPDEST")) != NULL)
        return (var);
    else if ((var = getenv("PRINTER")) != NULL && strcmp(var, "lp") != 0)
        return (var);

     * Try to connect to the server...

    if (!cups_connect("default", NULL, NULL))
        DEBUG_puts("Unable to connect to server!");

        return (NULL);

     * Return the default printer...

    return (cupsGetDefault2(cg->http));
const char *				/* O - Default community name */
  cups_file_t	*fp;			/* snmp.conf file */
  char		line[1024],		/* Line from file */
		*value;			/* Value from file */
  int		linenum;		/* Line number in file */
  _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals();	/* Global data */


  if (!cg->snmp_community[0])
    strlcpy(cg->snmp_community, "public", sizeof(cg->snmp_community));

    snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s/snmp.conf", cg->cups_serverroot);
    if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(line, "r")) != NULL)
      linenum = 0;
      while (cupsFileGetConf(fp, line, sizeof(line), &value, &linenum))
	if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Community") && value)
	  strlcpy(cg->snmp_community, value, sizeof(cg->snmp_community));


  DEBUG_printf(("5_cupsSNMPDefaultCommunity: Returning \"%s\"",

  return (cg->snmp_community);