Beispiel #1
void ceDeviceGL20::checkCapabilities ()
  unsigned version = get_opengl_major_version ();
  _capable = version >= OPENGL_VERSION(2,1);

  DebugStats ();

  unsigned glslMajor, glslMinor;
  sscanf((const char*)glGetString (GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION), "%d.%d", &glslMajor, &glslMinor);
  _glslVersion = glslMajor * 100 + glslMinor;
  if (glDrawElementsInstanced)
      ceDrawElementsInstanced = glDrawElementsInstanced;
      ceDrawElementsInstanced = glDrawElementsInstancedARB;
  _caps.HardwareInstancing = ceDrawElementsInstanced != 0;

Beispiel #2
void hleEnterVblank(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) {
	int vbCount = userdata;

	DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "Enter VBlank %i", vbCount);

	isVblank = 1;

	// Fire the vblank listeners before we wake threads.

	// Wake up threads waiting for VBlank
	for (size_t i = 0; i < vblankWaitingThreads.size(); i++) {
		if (--vblankWaitingThreads[i].vcountUnblock == 0) {
			__KernelResumeThreadFromWait(vblankWaitingThreads[i].threadID, 0);
			vblankWaitingThreads.erase(vblankWaitingThreads.begin() + i--);

	// Trigger VBlank interrupt handlers.

	CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(msToCycles(vblankMs) - cyclesLate, leaveVblankEvent, vbCount + 1);

	// TODO: Should this be done here or in hleLeaveVblank?
	if (framebufIsLatched) {
		DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "Setting latched framebuffer %08x (prev: %08x)", latchedFramebuf.topaddr, framebuf.topaddr);
		framebuf = latchedFramebuf;
		framebufIsLatched = false;
		gpu->SetDisplayFramebuffer(framebuf.topaddr, framebuf.pspFramebufLinesize, framebuf.pspFramebufFormat);


	// Now we can subvert the Ge engine in order to draw custom overlays like stat counters etc.
	if (g_Config.bShowDebugStats && gpuStats.numDrawCalls) {

	if (g_Config.bShowFPSCounter) {
		char stats[50];

		sprintf(stats, "%0.1f", calculateFPS());

		#ifdef USING_GLES2
			float zoom = 0.7f; /// g_Config.iWindowZoom;
			float soff = 0.7f;
			float zoom = 0.5f; /// g_Config.iWindowZoom;
			float soff = 0.5f;
		PPGeDrawText(stats, 476 + soff, 4 + soff, PPGE_ALIGN_RIGHT, zoom, 0xCC000000);
		PPGeDrawText(stats, 476 + -soff, 4 -soff, PPGE_ALIGN_RIGHT, zoom, 0xCC000000);
		PPGeDrawText(stats, 476, 4, PPGE_ALIGN_RIGHT, zoom, 0xFF30FF30);

	// Draw screen overlays before blitting. Saves and restores the Ge context.
	// Yeah, this has to be the right moment to end the frame. Give the graphics backend opportunity
	// to blit the framebuffer, in order to support half-framerate games that otherwise wouldn't have
	// anything to draw here.
	gstate_c.skipDrawReason &= ~SKIPDRAW_SKIPFRAME;

	bool throttle, skipFrame, skipFlip;
	DoFrameTiming(throttle, skipFrame, skipFlip);

	// Setting CORE_NEXTFRAME causes a swap.
	if (skipFrame) {
		gstate_c.skipDrawReason |= SKIPDRAW_SKIPFRAME;
	} else {
		numSkippedFrames = 0;

	if (!skipFlip) {
		// Might've just quit / been paused.
		if (coreState == CORE_RUNNING) {
			coreState = CORE_NEXTFRAME;
		CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(0 - cyclesLate, afterFlipEvent, 0);


	// Returning here with coreState == CORE_NEXTFRAME causes a buffer flip to happen (next frame).
	// Right after, we regain control for a little bit in hleAfterFlip. I think that's a great
	// place to do housekeeping.