Beispiel #1
static HRESULT DeleteEmptyDirectories(
    __in LEGACY_SYNC_PRODUCT_SESSION *pSyncProductSession
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    const LEGACY_FILE *rgFiles = pSyncProductSession->product.rgFiles;
    const DWORD cFiles = pSyncProductSession->product.cFiles;
    LPWSTR sczVirtualStorePath = NULL;

    for (DWORD i = 0; i < cFiles; ++i)
        if (NULL == rgFiles[i].sczExpandedPath)

        hr = DeleteEmptyDirectory(rgFiles[i].legacyFileType, rgFiles[i].sczExpandedPath);
        ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to scan for and delete empty directories for %ls", rgFiles[i].sczExpandedPath);

        // Delete the virtual store file as well
        hr = UtilConvertToVirtualStorePath(rgFiles[i].sczExpandedPath, &sczVirtualStorePath);
        ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to convert to virtualstore path: %ls", rgFiles[i].sczExpandedPath);

        hr = DeleteEmptyDirectory(rgFiles[i].legacyFileType, sczVirtualStorePath);
        ExitOnFailure(hr, "Falied to delete scan for and delete empty virtual store directories for %ls", sczVirtualStorePath);


    return hr;
Beispiel #2
	bool File::directoryDelete( Path const & p_path )
		struct FileFunction
			void operator()( Path const & p_path )
				File::deleteFile( p_path );

		struct DirectoryFunction
			bool operator()( Path const & p_path )
				bool result = TraverseDirectory( p_path, DirectoryFunction(), FileFunction() );

				if ( result )
					result = DeleteEmptyDirectory( p_path );

				return result;

		bool result = TraverseDirectory( p_path, DirectoryFunction(), FileFunction() );

		if ( result )
			result = DeleteEmptyDirectory( p_path );

		return result;
Beispiel #3
vsFile::DeleteDirectory( const vsString &filename )
	if ( DirectoryExists(filename) )
		vsArray<vsString> files;
        DirectoryContents(&files, filename);
		for ( int i = 0; i < files.ItemCount(); i++ )
			vsString ff = vsFormatString("%s/%s", filename.c_str(), files[i].c_str());
			if ( vsFile::DirectoryExists( ff ) )
				// it's a directory;  remove it!
				DeleteDirectory( ff );
				// it's a file, delete it.
				Delete( ff );

		// I should now be empty, so delete me.
		return DeleteEmptyDirectory( filename );
	return false;
Beispiel #4
			bool operator()( Path const & p_path )
				bool result = TraverseDirectory( p_path, DirectoryFunction(), FileFunction() );

				if ( result )
					result = DeleteEmptyDirectory( p_path );

				return result;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    HousekeepStoreAccount::DeleteEmptyDirectories()
//		Purpose: Remove any empty directories which are also marked as deleted in their containing directory,
//				 returning true if the opertaion was interrupted
//		Created: 15/12/03
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool HousekeepStoreAccount::DeleteEmptyDirectories(BackupStoreInfo& rBackupStoreInfo)
	while(mEmptyDirectories.size() > 0)
		std::vector<int64_t> toExamine;

		// Go through list
		for(std::vector<int64_t>::const_iterator i(mEmptyDirectories.begin()); i != mEmptyDirectories.end(); ++i)
#ifndef WIN32
			if((--mCountUntilNextInterprocessMsgCheck) <= 0)
				mCountUntilNextInterprocessMsgCheck = POLL_INTERPROCESS_MSG_CHECK_FREQUENCY;
				// Check for having to stop
				if(mpHousekeepingCallback && mpHousekeepingCallback->CheckForInterProcessMsg(mAccountID))	// include account ID here as the specified account is now locked
					// Need to abort now
					return true;

			// Do not delete the root directory

			DeleteEmptyDirectory(*i, toExamine, rBackupStoreInfo);

		// Remove contents of empty directories
		// Swap in new, so it's examined next time round

	// Not interrupted
	return false;