void MultisigInputEntry::on_transactionOutput_currentIndexChanged(int index)

    CTransaction tx;
    uint256 blockHash = 0;
    if(!GetTransaction(txHash, tx, blockHash))
    const CTxOut& txOut = tx.vout[index];
    CScript script = txOut.scriptPubKey;


            // Try to find the redeem script
            CTxDestination dest;
            if(ExtractDestination(script, dest))
                    CScriptID scriptID = boost::get<CScriptID>(dest);
                    CScript redeemScript;
                    if(model->getWallet()->GetCScript(scriptID, redeemScript))
                        ui->redeemScript->setText(HexStr(redeemScript.begin(), redeemScript.end()).c_str());

    emit updateAmount();
Beispiel #2
std::string CSuperblockManager::GetRequiredPaymentsString(int nBlockHeight)
    std::string ret = "Unknown";


    CSuperblock_sptr pSuperblock;
    if (!GetBestSuperblock(pSuperblock, nBlockHeight)) {
        LogPrint("gobject", "CSuperblockManager::GetRequiredPaymentsString -- Can't find superblock for height %d\n", nBlockHeight);
        return "error";


    for (int i = 0; i < pSuperblock->CountPayments(); i++) {
        CGovernancePayment payment;
        if (pSuperblock->GetPayment(i, payment)) {

            CTxDestination address1;
            ExtractDestination(payment.script, address1);
            CBitcoinAddress address2(address1);


            if (ret != "Unknown") {
                ret += ", " + address2.ToString();
            } else {
                ret = address2.ToString();

    return ret;
void MasternodeManager::updateNodeList()
    TRY_LOCK(cs_masternodes, lockMasternodes);

    BOOST_FOREACH(CMasterNode mn, vecMasternodes)
        int mnRow = 0;

 	// populate list
	// Address, Rank, Active, Active Seconds, Last Seen, Pub Key
	QTableWidgetItem *activeItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(mn.IsEnabled()));
	QTableWidgetItem *addressItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromStdString(mn.addr.ToString()));
	QTableWidgetItem *rankItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(GetMasternodeRank(mn.vin, pindexBest->nHeight)));
	QTableWidgetItem *activeSecondsItem = new QTableWidgetItem(seconds_to_DHMS((qint64)(mn.lastTimeSeen - mn.now)));
	QTableWidgetItem *lastSeenItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromStdString(DateTimeStrFormat(mn.lastTimeSeen)));

	CScript pubkey;
        pubkey =GetScriptForDestination(mn.pubkey.GetID());
        CTxDestination address1;
        ExtractDestination(pubkey, address1);
        CBitcoinAddress address2(address1);
	QTableWidgetItem *pubkeyItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromStdString(address2.ToString()));

	ui->tableWidget->setItem(mnRow, 0, addressItem);
	ui->tableWidget->setItem(mnRow, 1, rankItem);
	ui->tableWidget->setItem(mnRow, 2, activeItem);
	ui->tableWidget->setItem(mnRow, 3, activeSecondsItem);
	ui->tableWidget->setItem(mnRow, 4, lastSeenItem);
	ui->tableWidget->setItem(mnRow, 5, pubkeyItem);
Beispiel #4
 * Decompose CWallet transaction to model transaction records.
QList<TransactionRecord> TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(const CWallet *wallet, const CWalletTx &wtx)
    QList<TransactionRecord> parts;
    int64_t nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
    CAmount nCredit = wtx.GetCredit(ISMINE_ALL);
    CAmount nDebit = wtx.GetDebit(ISMINE_ALL);
    CAmount nNet = nCredit - nDebit;
    uint256 hash = wtx.GetHash();
    std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue = wtx.mapValue;

    if (nNet > 0 || wtx.IsCoinBase())
        // Credit
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < wtx.tx->vout.size(); i++)
            const CTxOut& txout = wtx.tx->vout[i];
            isminetype mine = wallet->IsMine(txout);
                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                CTxDestination address;
                sub.idx = i; // vout index
                sub.credit = txout.nValue;
                sub.involvesWatchAddress = mine & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY;
                if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*wallet, address))
                    // Received by Bitcoin Address
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvWithAddress;
                    sub.address = EncodeDestination(address);
                    // Received by IP connection (deprecated features), or a multisignature or other non-simple transaction
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvFromOther;
                    sub.address = mapValue["from"];
                if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
                    // Generated
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;

        bool involvesWatchAddress = false;
        isminetype fAllFromMe = ISMINE_SPENDABLE;
        for (const CTxIn& txin : wtx.tx->vin)
            isminetype mine = wallet->IsMine(txin);
            if(mine & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY) involvesWatchAddress = true;
            if(fAllFromMe > mine) fAllFromMe = mine;

        isminetype fAllToMe = ISMINE_SPENDABLE;
        for (const CTxOut& txout : wtx.tx->vout)
            isminetype mine = wallet->IsMine(txout);
            if(mine & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY) involvesWatchAddress = true;
            if(fAllToMe > mine) fAllToMe = mine;

        if (fAllFromMe && fAllToMe)
            // Payment to self
            CAmount nChange = wtx.GetChange();

            parts.append(TransactionRecord(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::SendToSelf, "",
                            -(nDebit - nChange), nCredit - nChange));
            parts.last().involvesWatchAddress = involvesWatchAddress;   // maybe pass to TransactionRecord as constructor argument
        else if (fAllFromMe)
            // Debit
            CAmount nTxFee = nDebit - wtx.tx->GetValueOut();

            for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.tx->vout.size(); nOut++)
                const CTxOut& txout = wtx.tx->vout[nOut];
                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                sub.idx = nOut;
                sub.involvesWatchAddress = involvesWatchAddress;

                    // Ignore parts sent to self, as this is usually the change
                    // from a transaction sent back to our own address.

                CTxDestination address;
                if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address))
                    // Sent to Bitcoin Address
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::SendToAddress;
                    sub.address = EncodeDestination(address);
                    // Sent to IP, or other non-address transaction like OP_EVAL
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::SendToOther;
                    sub.address = mapValue["to"];

                CAmount nValue = txout.nValue;
                /* Add fee to first output */
                if (nTxFee > 0)
                    nValue += nTxFee;
                    nTxFee = 0;
                sub.debit = -nValue;

            // Mixed debit transaction, can't break down payees
            parts.append(TransactionRecord(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::Other, "", nNet, 0));
            parts.last().involvesWatchAddress = involvesWatchAddress;

    return parts;
Beispiel #5
void CoinControlDialog::updateView()
    if (!model || !model->getOptionsModel() || !model->getAddressTableModel())

    bool treeMode = ui->radioTreeMode->isChecked();

    ui->treeWidget->setEnabled(false); // performance, otherwise updateLabels would be called for every checked checkbox
    QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> flgCheckbox = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable;
    QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> flgTristate = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsTristate;

    int nDisplayUnit = model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit();

    std::map<QString, std::vector<COutput> > mapCoins;

    for (const std::pair<QString, std::vector<COutput>>& coins : mapCoins) {
        CCoinControlWidgetItem *itemWalletAddress = new CCoinControlWidgetItem();
        itemWalletAddress->setCheckState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, Qt::Unchecked);
        QString sWalletAddress = coins.first;
        QString sWalletLabel = model->getAddressTableModel()->labelForAddress(sWalletAddress);
        if (sWalletLabel.isEmpty())
            sWalletLabel = tr("(no label)");

        if (treeMode)
            // wallet address

            itemWalletAddress->setCheckState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, Qt::Unchecked);

            // label
            itemWalletAddress->setText(COLUMN_LABEL, sWalletLabel);

            // address
            itemWalletAddress->setText(COLUMN_ADDRESS, sWalletAddress);

        CAmount nSum = 0;
        int nChildren = 0;
        for (const COutput& out : coins.second) {
            nSum += out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].nValue;

            CCoinControlWidgetItem *itemOutput;
            if (treeMode)    itemOutput = new CCoinControlWidgetItem(itemWalletAddress);
            else             itemOutput = new CCoinControlWidgetItem(ui->treeWidget);

            // address
            CTxDestination outputAddress;
            QString sAddress = "";
            if(ExtractDestination(out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].scriptPubKey, outputAddress))
                sAddress = QString::fromStdString(CWiFicoinAddress(outputAddress).ToString());

                // if listMode or change => show wificoin address. In tree mode, address is not shown again for direct wallet address outputs
                if (!treeMode || (!(sAddress == sWalletAddress)))
                    itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_ADDRESS, sAddress);

            // label
            if (!(sAddress == sWalletAddress)) // change
                // tooltip from where the change comes from
                itemOutput->setToolTip(COLUMN_LABEL, tr("change from %1 (%2)").arg(sWalletLabel).arg(sWalletAddress));
                itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_LABEL, tr("(change)"));
            else if (!treeMode)
                QString sLabel = model->getAddressTableModel()->labelForAddress(sAddress);
                if (sLabel.isEmpty())
                    sLabel = tr("(no label)");
                itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_LABEL, sLabel);

            // amount
            itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_AMOUNT, WiFicoinUnits::format(nDisplayUnit, out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].nValue));
            itemOutput->setData(COLUMN_AMOUNT, Qt::UserRole, QVariant((qlonglong)out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].nValue)); // padding so that sorting works correctly

            // date
            itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_DATE, GUIUtil::dateTimeStr(out.tx->GetTxTime()));
            itemOutput->setData(COLUMN_DATE, Qt::UserRole, QVariant((qlonglong)out.tx->GetTxTime()));

            // confirmations
            itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_CONFIRMATIONS, QString::number(out.nDepth));
            itemOutput->setData(COLUMN_CONFIRMATIONS, Qt::UserRole, QVariant((qlonglong)out.nDepth));

            // transaction hash
            uint256 txhash = out.tx->GetHash();
            itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_TXHASH, QString::fromStdString(txhash.GetHex()));

            // vout index
            itemOutput->setText(COLUMN_VOUT_INDEX, QString::number(out.i));

             // disable locked coins
            if (model->isLockedCoin(txhash, out.i))
                COutPoint outpt(txhash, out.i);
                coinControl->UnSelect(outpt); // just to be sure
                itemOutput->setIcon(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, platformStyle->SingleColorIcon(":/icons/lock_closed"));

            // set checkbox
            if (coinControl->IsSelected(COutPoint(txhash, out.i)))
                itemOutput->setCheckState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, Qt::Checked);

        // amount
        if (treeMode)
            itemWalletAddress->setText(COLUMN_CHECKBOX, "(" + QString::number(nChildren) + ")");
            itemWalletAddress->setText(COLUMN_AMOUNT, WiFicoinUnits::format(nDisplayUnit, nSum));
            itemWalletAddress->setData(COLUMN_AMOUNT, Qt::UserRole, QVariant((qlonglong)nSum));

    // expand all partially selected
    if (treeMode)
        for (int i = 0; i < ui->treeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
            if (ui->treeWidget->topLevelItem(i)->checkState(COLUMN_CHECKBOX) == Qt::PartiallyChecked)

    // sort view
    sortView(sortColumn, sortOrder);
 * Decompose CWallet transaction to model transaction records.
QList<TransactionRecord> TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(const CWallet *wallet, const CWalletTx &wtx)
    QList<TransactionRecord> parts;
    int64_t nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
    int64_t nCredit = wtx.GetCredit(true);
    int64_t nDebit = wtx.GetDebit();
    int64_t nNet = nCredit - nDebit;
    uint256 hash = wtx.GetHash(), hashPrev = 0;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue = wtx.mapValue;

    if (nNet > 0 || wtx.IsCoinBase() || wtx.IsCoinStake())
        // Credit - Calculate Net from CryptoLottery Rob Halford - 4-3-2015-1
        for (auto const& txout : wtx.vout)
                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                CTxDestination address;
                sub.idx = parts.size(); // sequence number
                sub.credit = txout.nValue;
                if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*wallet, address))
                    // Received by Bitcoin Address
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvWithAddress;
                    sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();
                    // Received by IP connection (deprecated features), or a multisignature or other non-simple transaction
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvFromOther;
                    sub.address = mapValue["from"];
                if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
                    // Generated (proof-of-work)
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;
                if (wtx.IsCoinStake())
                    // Generated (proof-of-stake)
			        if (hashPrev == hash)
                        continue; // last coinstake output

					if (wtx.vout.size()==2)
						//Standard POR CoinStake
						sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;
						sub.credit = nNet > 0 ? nNet : wtx.GetValueOut() - nDebit;
						hashPrev = hash;
						//CryptoLottery - CoinStake - 4-3-2015
						sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;
						if (nDebit == 0)
							sub.credit = GetMyValueOut(wallet,wtx);
							sub.RemoteFlag = 1;
							sub.credit = nNet > 0 ? nNet : GetMyValueOut(wallet,wtx) - nDebit;
						hashPrev = hash;

        bool fAllFromMe = true;
        for (auto const& txin : wtx.vin)
            fAllFromMe = fAllFromMe && wallet->IsMine(txin);

        bool fAllToMe = true;
        for (auto const& txout : wtx.vout)
            fAllToMe = fAllToMe && wallet->IsMine(txout);

        if (fAllFromMe && fAllToMe)
            // Payment to self
            int64_t nChange = wtx.GetChange();

            parts.append(TransactionRecord(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::SendToSelf, "",
                            -(nDebit - nChange), nCredit - nChange));
        else if (fAllFromMe)
            // Debit
            int64_t nTxFee = nDebit - wtx.GetValueOut();

            for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.vout.size(); nOut++)
                const CTxOut& txout = wtx.vout[nOut];
                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                sub.idx = parts.size();

                    // Ignore parts sent to self, as this is usually the change
                    // from a transaction sent back to our own address.

                CTxDestination address;
                if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address))
                    // Sent to Bitcoin Address
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::SendToAddress;
                    sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();
                    // Sent to IP, or other non-address transaction like OP_EVAL
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::SendToOther;
                    sub.address = mapValue["to"];

                int64_t nValue = txout.nValue;
                /* Add fee to first output */
                if (nTxFee > 0)
                    nValue += nTxFee;
                    nTxFee = 0;
                sub.debit = -nValue;

            // Mixed debit transaction, can't break down payees
            parts.append(TransactionRecord(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::Other, "", nNet, 0));

    return parts;
 * Decompose CWallet transaction to model transaction records.
QList<TransactionRecord> TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(const CWallet *wallet, const CWalletTx &wtx)
    QList<TransactionRecord> parts;
    int64_t nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
    int64_t nCredit = wtx.GetCredit(true);
    int64_t nDebit = wtx.GetDebit();
    int64_t nNet = nCredit - nDebit;
    uint256 hash = wtx.GetHash(), hashPrev = 0;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue = wtx.mapValue;
	char cbuf[256];

    if (nNet > 0 || wtx.IsCoinBase() || wtx.IsCoinStake())
        // Credit
        for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.vout.size(); nOut++)
            const CTxOut& txout = wtx.vout[nOut];
                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                CTxDestination address;
                sub.idx = parts.size(); // sequence number
                sub.credit = txout.nValue;
                if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*wallet, address))
                    // Received by CannabisDarkcoin Address
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvWithAddress;
                    sub.address = CCannabisDarkcoinAddress(address).ToString();
                    // Received by IP connection (deprecated features), or a multisignature or other non-simple transaction
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvFromOther;
                    sub.address = mapValue["from"];
                snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "n_%u", nOut);
                mapValue_t::const_iterator mi = wtx.mapValue.find(cbuf);
                if (mi != wtx.mapValue.end() && !mi->second.empty())
                    sub.narration = mi->second;
				if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
                    // Generated (proof-of-work)
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;
                if (wtx.IsCoinStake())
                    // Generated (proof-of-stake)

                    if (hashPrev == hash)
                        continue; // last coinstake output

                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;
                    sub.credit = nNet > 0 ? nNet : wtx.GetValueOut() - nDebit;
                    hashPrev = hash;

        bool fAllFromMe = true;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, wtx.vin)
            fAllFromMe = fAllFromMe && wallet->IsMine(txin);

        bool fAllToMe = true;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
            fAllToMe = fAllToMe && wallet->IsMine(txout);

        if (fAllFromMe && fAllToMe)
            // Payment to self
            int64_t nChange = wtx.GetChange();

            std::string narration("");
            mapValue_t::const_iterator mi;
            for (mi = wtx.mapValue.begin(); mi != wtx.mapValue.end(); ++mi)
                if (mi->first.compare(0, 2, "n_") != 0)
                narration = mi->second;
            parts.append(TransactionRecord(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::SendToSelf, "", narration,
                            -(nDebit - nChange), nCredit - nChange));
        else if (fAllFromMe)
            // Debit
            int64_t nTxFee = nDebit - wtx.GetValueOut();

            for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.vout.size(); nOut++)
                const CTxOut& txout = wtx.vout[nOut];
                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                sub.idx = parts.size();

                    // Ignore parts sent to self, as this is usually the change
                    // from a transaction sent back to our own address.

                CTxDestination address;
                if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address))
                    // Sent to CannabisDarkcoin Address
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::SendToAddress;
                    sub.address = CCannabisDarkcoinAddress(address).ToString();
                    // Sent to IP, or other non-address transaction like OP_EVAL
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::SendToOther;
                    sub.address = mapValue["to"];
				snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "n_%u", nOut);
                mapValue_t::const_iterator mi = wtx.mapValue.find(cbuf);
                if (mi != wtx.mapValue.end() && !mi->second.empty())
                    sub.narration = mi->second;
                int64_t nValue = txout.nValue;
                /* Add fee to first output */
                if (nTxFee > 0)
                    nValue += nTxFee;
                    nTxFee = 0;
                sub.debit = -nValue;

            // Mixed debit transaction, can't break down payees
            parts.append(TransactionRecord(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::Other, "", "", nNet, 0));

    return parts;
void MultisigDialog::on_transaction_textChanged()

        delete ui->inputs->takeAt(0)->widget();
        delete ui->outputs->takeAt(0)->widget();

    if(ui->transaction->text().size() > 0)

    // Decode the raw transaction
    std::vector<unsigned char> txData(ParseHex(ui->transaction->text().toStdString()));
    CDataStream ss(txData, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
    CTransaction tx;
        ss >> tx;
    catch(std::exception &e)

    // Fill input list
    int index = -1;
    BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, tx.vin)
        uint256 prevoutHash = txin.prevout.hash;
        MultisigInputEntry *entry = qobject_cast<MultisigInputEntry *>(ui->inputs->itemAt(index)->widget());

    // Fill output list
    index = -1;
    BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, tx.vout)
        CScript scriptPubKey = txout.scriptPubKey;
        CTxDestination addr;
        ExtractDestination(scriptPubKey, addr);
        CBitcoinAddress address(addr);
        SendCoinsRecipient recipient;
        recipient.address = QString(address.ToString().c_str());
        recipient.amount = txout.nValue;
        SendCoinsEntry *entry = qobject_cast<SendCoinsEntry *>(ui->outputs->itemAt(index)->widget());


    // Check the fee
    int64_t transactionSize = ui->transaction->text().size() / 2;
    if(transactionSize == 0)
    transactionSize += ui->inputs->count() * 73; // Future ECDSA signatures in DER format
    int64_t fee = (int64_t ) (ui->fee->text().toDouble() * COIN);
    int64_t minFee = MIN_TX_FEE * (1 + (int64_t) transactionSize / 1000);
    if(fee < minFee)
        ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("The transaction fee might be too small."));
    else if(fee > minFee)
        ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("The transaction fee might be too big. Don't forget to add an output for the change address."));
Beispiel #9
void ProcessMessageMasternodePayments(CNode* pfrom, std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv)
    if(IsInitialBlockDownload()) return;

    if (strCommand == "mnget") { //Masternode Payments Request Sync
        if(fLiteMode) return; //disable all Darksend/Masternode related functionality

        if(pfrom->HasFulfilledRequest("mnget")) {
            LogPrintf("mnget - peer already asked me for the list\n");
            Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 20);

        LogPrintf("mnget - Sent Masternode winners to %s\n", pfrom->addr.ToString().c_str());
    else if (strCommand == "mnw") { //Masternode Payments Declare Winner


        //this is required in litemode
        CMasternodePaymentWinner winner;
        vRecv >> winner;

        if(chainActive.Tip() == NULL) return;

        CTxDestination address1;
        ExtractDestination(winner.payee, address1);
        CBitcoinAddress address2(address1);

        uint256 hash = winner.GetHash();
        if(mapSeenMasternodeVotes.count(hash)) {
            if(fDebug) LogPrintf("mnw - seen vote %s Addr %s Height %d bestHeight %d\n", hash.ToString().c_str(), address2.ToString().c_str(), winner.nBlockHeight, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight);

        if(winner.nBlockHeight < chainActive.Tip()->nHeight - 10 || winner.nBlockHeight > chainActive.Tip()->nHeight+20){
            LogPrintf("mnw - winner out of range %s Addr %s Height %d bestHeight %d\n", winner.vin.ToString().c_str(), address2.ToString().c_str(), winner.nBlockHeight, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight);

        if(winner.vin.nSequence != std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()){
            LogPrintf("mnw - invalid nSequence\n");
            Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100);

        LogPrintf("mnw - winning vote - Vin %s Addr %s Height %d bestHeight %d\n", winner.vin.ToString().c_str(), address2.ToString().c_str(), winner.nBlockHeight, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight);

            LogPrintf("mnw - invalid signature\n");
            Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100);

        mapSeenMasternodeVotes.insert(make_pair(hash, winner));

Beispiel #10
bool MultisigDialog::createMultisigTransaction(vector<CTxIn> vUserIn, vector<CTxOut> vUserOut, string& feeStringRet, string& errorRet)
        //attempt to access the given inputs
        CCoinsViewCache view = getInputsCoinsViewCache(vUserIn);

        //retrieve total input val and change dest
        CAmount totalIn = 0;
        vector<CAmount> vInputVals;
        CScript changePubKey;
        bool fFirst = true;

        for(CTxIn in : vUserIn){
            const CCoins* coins = view.AccessCoins(in.prevout.hash);
            if(!coins->IsAvailable(in.prevout.n) || coins == NULL){
            CTxOut prevout = coins->vout[in.prevout.n];
            CScript privKey = prevout.scriptPubKey;

            totalIn += prevout.nValue;

                if(privKey != changePubKey){
                    throw runtime_error("Address mismatch! Inputs must originate from the same multisignature address.");
                fFirst = false;
                changePubKey = privKey;

        CAmount totalOut = 0;

        //retrieve total output val
        for(CTxOut out : vUserOut){
            totalOut += out.nValue;

        if(totalIn < totalOut){
            throw runtime_error("Not enough PIV provided as input to complete transaction (including fee).");

        //calculate change amount
        CAmount changeAmount = totalIn - totalOut;
        CTxOut change(changeAmount, changePubKey);

        //generate random position for change
        unsigned int changeIndex = rand() % (vUserOut.size() + 1);

        //insert change into random position
        if(changeIndex < vUserOut.size()){
            vUserOut.insert(vUserOut.begin() + changeIndex, change);

        //populate tx
        CMutableTransaction tx;
        tx.vin = vUserIn;
        tx.vout = vUserOut;

        const CCoins* coins = view.AccessCoins(tx.vin[0].prevout.hash);

        if(coins == NULL || !coins->IsAvailable(tx.vin[0].prevout.n)){
            throw runtime_error("Coins unavailable (unconfirmed/spent)");

        CScript prevPubKey = coins->vout[tx.vin[0].prevout.n].scriptPubKey;

        //get payment destination
        CTxDestination address;
        if(!ExtractDestination(prevPubKey, address)){
            throw runtime_error("Could not find address for destination.");

        CScriptID hash = boost::get<CScriptID>(address);
        CScript redeemScript;

        if (!pwalletMain->GetCScript(hash, redeemScript)){
            throw runtime_error("could not redeem");
        txnouttype type;
        vector<CTxDestination> addresses;
        int nReq;
        if(!ExtractDestinations(redeemScript, type, addresses, nReq)){
            throw runtime_error("Could not extract destinations from redeem script.");

        for(CTxIn& in : tx.vin){
            //scale estimate to account for multisig scriptSig
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 50*(nReq+addresses.size()); i++){
                in.scriptSig << INT64_MAX;

        //calculate fee
        unsigned int nBytes = tx.GetSerializeSize(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
        CAmount fee = ::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nBytes);

        if(tx.vout.at(changeIndex).nValue > fee){
           tx.vout.at(changeIndex).nValue -= fee;
           feeStringRet = strprintf("%d",((double)fee)/COIN).c_str();
            throw runtime_error("Not enough PIV provided to cover fee");

        //clear junk from script sigs
        for(CTxIn& in : tx.vin){
        multisigTx = tx;
    }catch(const runtime_error& e){
        errorRet = e.what();
        return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #11
bool PaymentServer::processPaymentRequest(const PaymentRequestPlus& request, SendCoinsRecipient& recipient)
    if (!optionsModel)
        return false;

    if (request.IsInitialized()) {
        // Payment request network matches client network?
        if (!verifyNetwork(request.getDetails())) {
            Q_EMIT message(tr("Payment request rejected"), tr("Payment request network doesn't match client network."),

            return false;

        // Make sure any payment requests involved are still valid.
        // This is re-checked just before sending coins in WalletModel::sendCoins().
        if (verifyExpired(request.getDetails())) {
            Q_EMIT message(tr("Payment request rejected"), tr("Payment request expired."),

            return false;
    } else {
        Q_EMIT message(tr("Payment request error"), tr("Payment request is not initialized."),

        return false;

    recipient.paymentRequest = request;
    recipient.message = GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(request.getDetails().memo());

    request.getMerchant(certStore.get(), recipient.authenticatedMerchant);

    QList<std::pair<CScript, CAmount> > sendingTos = request.getPayTo();
    QStringList addresses;

    for (const std::pair<CScript, CAmount>& sendingTo : sendingTos) {
        // Extract and check destination addresses
        CTxDestination dest;
        if (ExtractDestination(sendingTo.first, dest)) {
            // Append destination address
        else if (!recipient.authenticatedMerchant.isEmpty()) {
            // Unauthenticated payment requests to custom bitcoin addresses are not supported
            // (there is no good way to tell the user where they are paying in a way they'd
            // have a chance of understanding).
            Q_EMIT message(tr("Payment request rejected"),
                tr("Unverified payment requests to custom payment scripts are unsupported."),
            return false;

        // Bitcoin amounts are stored as (optional) uint64 in the protobuf messages (see paymentrequest.proto),
        // but CAmount is defined as int64_t. Because of that we need to verify that amounts are in a valid range
        // and no overflow has happened.
        if (!verifyAmount(sendingTo.second)) {
            Q_EMIT message(tr("Payment request rejected"), tr("Invalid payment request."), CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR);
            return false;

        // Extract and check amounts
        CTxOut txOut(sendingTo.second, sendingTo.first);
        if (IsDust(txOut, ::dustRelayFee)) {
            Q_EMIT message(tr("Payment request error"), tr("Requested payment amount of %1 is too small (considered dust).")
                .arg(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(optionsModel->getDisplayUnit(), sendingTo.second)),

            return false;

        recipient.amount += sendingTo.second;
        // Also verify that the final amount is still in a valid range after adding additional amounts.
        if (!verifyAmount(recipient.amount)) {
            Q_EMIT message(tr("Payment request rejected"), tr("Invalid payment request."), CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR);
            return false;
    // Store addresses and format them to fit nicely into the GUI
    recipient.address = addresses.join("<br />");

    if (!recipient.authenticatedMerchant.isEmpty()) {
        qDebug() << "PaymentServer::processPaymentRequest: Secure payment request from " << recipient.authenticatedMerchant;
    else {
        qDebug() << "PaymentServer::processPaymentRequest: Insecure payment request to " << addresses.join(", ");

    return true;
Beispiel #12
void MultisigDialog::on_transaction_textChanged()
        delete ui->inputs->takeAt(0)->widget();
        delete ui->outputs->takeAt(0)->widget();

    if(ui->transaction->text().size() > 0)

    // Decode the raw transaction
    std::vector<unsigned char> txData(ParseHex(ui->transaction->text().toStdString()));
    CDataStream ss(txData, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
    CTransaction tx;
        ss >> tx;
    catch(std::exception &e)

    // Fill input list
    int index = -1;
    BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, tx.vin)
        uint256 prevoutHash = txin.prevout.hash;
        MultisigInputEntry *entry = qobject_cast<MultisigInputEntry *>(ui->inputs->itemAt(index)->widget());

    // Fill output list
    index = -1;
    BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, tx.vout)
        CScript scriptPubKey = txout.scriptPubKey;
        CTxDestination addr;
        ExtractDestination(scriptPubKey, addr);
        CBitcoinAddress address(addr);
        SendCoinsRecipient recipient;
        recipient.address = QString(address.ToString().c_str());
        recipient.amount = txout.nValue;
        SendCoinsEntry *entry = qobject_cast<SendCoinsEntry *>(ui->outputs->itemAt(index)->widget());

Beispiel #13
UniValue getblocktemplate(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "getblocktemplate ( TemplateRequest )\n"
            "\nIf the request parameters include a 'mode' key, that is used to explicitly select between the default 'template' request or a 'proposal'.\n"
            "It returns data needed to construct a block to work on.\n"
            "For full specification, see BIPs 22, 23, and 9:\n"
            "    https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0022.mediawiki\n"
            "    https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0023.mediawiki\n"
            "    https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0009.mediawiki#getblocktemplate_changes\n"

            "1. template_request         (json object, optional) A json object in the following spec\n"
            "     {\n"
            "       \"mode\":\"template\"    (string, optional) This must be set to \"template\", \"proposal\" (see BIP 23), or omitted\n"
            "       \"capabilities\":[     (array, optional) A list of strings\n"
            "           \"support\"          (string) client side supported feature, 'longpoll', 'coinbasetxn', 'coinbasevalue', 'proposal', 'serverlist', 'workid'\n"
            "           ,...\n"
            "       ],\n"
            "       \"rules\":[            (array, optional) A list of strings\n"
            "           \"support\"          (string) client side supported softfork deployment\n"
            "           ,...\n"
            "       ]\n"
            "     }\n"

            "  \"capabilities\" : [ \"capability\", ... ],    (array of strings) specific client side supported features\n"
            "  \"version\" : n,                    (numeric) The preferred block version\n"
            "  \"rules\" : [ \"rulename\", ... ],    (array of strings) specific block rules that are to be enforced\n"
            "  \"vbavailable\" : {                 (json object) set of pending, supported versionbit (BIP 9) softfork deployments\n"
            "      \"rulename\" : bitnumber          (numeric) identifies the bit number as indicating acceptance and readiness for the named softfork rule\n"
            "      ,...\n"
            "  },\n"
            "  \"vbrequired\" : n,                 (numeric) bit mask of versionbits the server requires set in submissions\n"
            "  \"previousblockhash\" : \"xxxx\",     (string) The hash of current highest block\n"
            "  \"transactions\" : [                (array) contents of non-coinbase transactions that should be included in the next block\n"
            "      {\n"
            "         \"data\" : \"xxxx\",             (string) transaction data encoded in hexadecimal (byte-for-byte)\n"
            "         \"hash\" : \"xxxx\",             (string) hash/id encoded in little-endian hexadecimal\n"
            "         \"depends\" : [                (array) array of numbers \n"
            "             n                          (numeric) transactions before this one (by 1-based index in 'transactions' list) that must be present in the final block if this one is\n"
            "             ,...\n"
            "         ],\n"
            "         \"fee\": n,                    (numeric) difference in value between transaction inputs and outputs (in duffs); for coinbase transactions, this is a negative Number of the total collected block fees (ie, not including the block subsidy); if key is not present, fee is unknown and clients MUST NOT assume there isn't one\n"
            "         \"sigops\" : n,                (numeric) total number of SigOps, as counted for purposes of block limits; if key is not present, sigop count is unknown and clients MUST NOT assume there aren't any\n"
            "         \"required\" : true|false      (boolean) if provided and true, this transaction must be in the final block\n"
            "      }\n"
            "      ,...\n"
            "  ],\n"
            "  \"coinbaseaux\" : {                 (json object) data that should be included in the coinbase's scriptSig content\n"
            "      \"flags\" : \"xx\"                  (string) key name is to be ignored, and value included in scriptSig\n"
            "  },\n"
            "  \"coinbasevalue\" : n,              (numeric) maximum allowable input to coinbase transaction, including the generation award and transaction fees (in duffs)\n"
            "  \"coinbasetxn\" : { ... },          (json object) information for coinbase transaction\n"
            "  \"target\" : \"xxxx\",                (string) The hash target\n"
            "  \"mintime\" : xxx,                  (numeric) The minimum timestamp appropriate for next block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
            "  \"mutable\" : [                     (array of string) list of ways the block template may be changed \n"
            "     \"value\"                          (string) A way the block template may be changed, e.g. 'time', 'transactions', 'prevblock'\n"
            "     ,...\n"
            "  ],\n"
            "  \"noncerange\" : \"00000000ffffffff\",(string) A range of valid nonces\n"
            "  \"sigoplimit\" : n,                 (numeric) limit of sigops in blocks\n"
            "  \"sizelimit\" : n,                  (numeric) limit of block size\n"
            "  \"curtime\" : ttt,                  (numeric) current timestamp in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
            "  \"bits\" : \"xxxxxxxx\",              (string) compressed target of next block\n"
            "  \"previousbits\" : \"xxxxxxxx\",      (string) compressed target of current highest block\n"
            "  \"height\" : n                      (numeric) The height of the next block\n"
            "  \"masternode\" : [                  (array) required masternode payments that must be included in the next block\n"
            "      {\n"
            "         \"payee\" : \"xxxx\",          (string) payee address\n"
            "         \"script\" : \"xxxx\",         (string) payee scriptPubKey\n"
            "         \"amount\": n                (numeric) required amount to pay\n"
            "      }\n"
            "  },\n"
            "  \"masternode_payments_started\" :  true|false, (boolean) true, if masternode payments started\n"
            "  \"masternode_payments_enforced\" : true|false, (boolean) true, if masternode payments are enforced\n"
            "  \"superblock\" : [                  (array) required superblock payees that must be included in the next block\n"
            "      {\n"
            "         \"payee\" : \"xxxx\",          (string) payee address\n"
            "         \"script\" : \"xxxx\",         (string) payee scriptPubKey\n"
            "         \"amount\": n                (numeric) required amount to pay\n"
            "      }\n"
            "      ,...\n"
            "  ],\n"
            "  \"superblocks_started\" : true|false, (boolean) true, if superblock payments started\n"
            "  \"superblocks_enabled\" : true|false, (boolean) true, if superblock payments are enabled\n"
            "  \"coinbase_payload\" : \"xxxxxxxx\"    (string) coinbase transaction payload data encoded in hexadecimal\n"

            + HelpExampleCli("getblocktemplate", "")
            + HelpExampleRpc("getblocktemplate", "")


    std::string strMode = "template";
    UniValue lpval = NullUniValue;
    std::set<std::string> setClientRules;
    int64_t nMaxVersionPreVB = -1;
    if (request.params.size() > 0)
        const UniValue& oparam = request.params[0].get_obj();
        const UniValue& modeval = find_value(oparam, "mode");
        if (modeval.isStr())
            strMode = modeval.get_str();
        else if (modeval.isNull())
            /* Do nothing */
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid mode");
        lpval = find_value(oparam, "longpollid");

        if (strMode == "proposal")
            const UniValue& dataval = find_value(oparam, "data");
            if (!dataval.isStr())
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Missing data String key for proposal");

            CBlock block;
            if (!DecodeHexBlk(block, dataval.get_str()))
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "Block decode failed");

            uint256 hash = block.GetHash();
            BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hash);
            if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end()) {
                CBlockIndex *pindex = mi->second;
                if (pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS))
                    return "duplicate";
                if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK)
                    return "duplicate-invalid";
                return "duplicate-inconclusive";

            CBlockIndex* const pindexPrev = chainActive.Tip();
            // TestBlockValidity only supports blocks built on the current Tip
            if (block.hashPrevBlock != pindexPrev->GetBlockHash())
                return "inconclusive-not-best-prevblk";
            CValidationState state;
            TestBlockValidity(state, Params(), block, pindexPrev, false, true);
            return BIP22ValidationResult(state);

        const UniValue& aClientRules = find_value(oparam, "rules");
        if (aClientRules.isArray()) {
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < aClientRules.size(); ++i) {
                const UniValue& v = aClientRules[i];
        } else {
            // NOTE: It is important that this NOT be read if versionbits is supported
            const UniValue& uvMaxVersion = find_value(oparam, "maxversion");
            if (uvMaxVersion.isNum()) {
                nMaxVersionPreVB = uvMaxVersion.get_int64();

    if (strMode != "template")
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid mode");

        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_P2P_DISABLED, "Error: Peer-to-peer functionality missing or disabled");

    if (Params().MiningRequiresPeers()) {
        if (g_connman->GetNodeCount(CConnman::CONNECTIONS_ALL) == 0)
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED, "Dash Core is not connected!");

        if (IsInitialBlockDownload())
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD, "Dash Core is downloading blocks...");

    // when enforcement is on we need information about a masternode payee or otherwise our block is going to be orphaned by the network
    std::vector<CTxOut> voutMasternodePayments;
    if (sporkManager.IsSporkActive(SPORK_8_MASTERNODE_PAYMENT_ENFORCEMENT)
        && !masternodeSync.IsWinnersListSynced()
        && !mnpayments.GetBlockTxOuts(chainActive.Height() + 1, 0, voutMasternodePayments))
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD, "Dash Core is downloading masternode winners...");

    // next bock is a superblock and we need governance info to correctly construct it
    if (sporkManager.IsSporkActive(SPORK_9_SUPERBLOCKS_ENABLED)
        && !masternodeSync.IsSynced()
        && CSuperblock::IsValidBlockHeight(chainActive.Height() + 1))
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD, "Dash Core is syncing with network...");

    static unsigned int nTransactionsUpdatedLast;

    if (!lpval.isNull())
        // Wait to respond until either the best block changes, OR a minute has passed and there are more transactions
        uint256 hashWatchedChain;
        boost::system_time checktxtime;
        unsigned int nTransactionsUpdatedLastLP;

        if (lpval.isStr())
            // Format: <hashBestChain><nTransactionsUpdatedLast>
            std::string lpstr = lpval.get_str();

            hashWatchedChain.SetHex(lpstr.substr(0, 64));
            nTransactionsUpdatedLastLP = atoi64(lpstr.substr(64));
            // NOTE: Spec does not specify behaviour for non-string longpollid, but this makes testing easier
            hashWatchedChain = chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash();
            nTransactionsUpdatedLastLP = nTransactionsUpdatedLast;

        // Release the wallet and main lock while waiting
            checktxtime = boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::minutes(1);

            boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(csBestBlock);
            while (chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash() == hashWatchedChain && IsRPCRunning())
                if (!cvBlockChange.timed_wait(lock, checktxtime))
                    // Timeout: Check transactions for update
                    if (mempool.GetTransactionsUpdated() != nTransactionsUpdatedLastLP)
                    checktxtime += boost::posix_time::seconds(10);

        if (!IsRPCRunning())
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED, "Shutting down");
        // TODO: Maybe recheck connections/IBD and (if something wrong) send an expires-immediately template to stop miners?

    // Update block
    static CBlockIndex* pindexPrev;
    static int64_t nStart;
    static std::unique_ptr<CBlockTemplate> pblocktemplate;
    if (pindexPrev != chainActive.Tip() ||
        (mempool.GetTransactionsUpdated() != nTransactionsUpdatedLast && GetTime() - nStart > 5))
        // Clear pindexPrev so future calls make a new block, despite any failures from here on
        pindexPrev = nullptr;

        // Store the chainActive.Tip() used before CreateNewBlock, to avoid races
        nTransactionsUpdatedLast = mempool.GetTransactionsUpdated();
        CBlockIndex* pindexPrevNew = chainActive.Tip();
        nStart = GetTime();

        // Create new block
        CScript scriptDummy = CScript() << OP_TRUE;
        pblocktemplate = BlockAssembler(Params()).CreateNewBlock(scriptDummy);
        if (!pblocktemplate)
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Out of memory");

        // Need to update only after we know CreateNewBlock succeeded
        pindexPrev = pindexPrevNew;
    CBlock* pblock = &pblocktemplate->block; // pointer for convenience
    const Consensus::Params& consensusParams = Params().GetConsensus();

    // Update nTime
    UpdateTime(pblock, consensusParams, pindexPrev);
    pblock->nNonce = 0;

    UniValue aCaps(UniValue::VARR); aCaps.push_back("proposal");

    UniValue transactions(UniValue::VARR);
    std::map<uint256, int64_t> setTxIndex;
    int i = 0;
    for (const auto& it : pblock->vtx) {
        const CTransaction& tx = *it;
        uint256 txHash = tx.GetHash();
        setTxIndex[txHash] = i++;

        if (tx.IsCoinBase())

        UniValue entry(UniValue::VOBJ);

        entry.push_back(Pair("data", EncodeHexTx(tx)));

        entry.push_back(Pair("hash", txHash.GetHex()));

        UniValue deps(UniValue::VARR);
        BOOST_FOREACH (const CTxIn &in, tx.vin)
            if (setTxIndex.count(in.prevout.hash))
        entry.push_back(Pair("depends", deps));

        int index_in_template = i - 1;
        entry.push_back(Pair("fee", pblocktemplate->vTxFees[index_in_template]));
        entry.push_back(Pair("sigops", pblocktemplate->vTxSigOps[index_in_template]));


    UniValue aux(UniValue::VOBJ);
    aux.push_back(Pair("flags", HexStr(COINBASE_FLAGS.begin(), COINBASE_FLAGS.end())));

    arith_uint256 hashTarget = arith_uint256().SetCompact(pblock->nBits);

    UniValue aMutable(UniValue::VARR);

    UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
    result.push_back(Pair("capabilities", aCaps));

    UniValue aRules(UniValue::VARR);
    UniValue vbavailable(UniValue::VOBJ);
    for (int j = 0; j < (int)Consensus::MAX_VERSION_BITS_DEPLOYMENTS; ++j) {
        Consensus::DeploymentPos pos = Consensus::DeploymentPos(j);
        ThresholdState state = VersionBitsState(pindexPrev, consensusParams, pos, versionbitscache);
        switch (state) {
            case THRESHOLD_DEFINED:
            case THRESHOLD_FAILED:
                // Not exposed to GBT at all
            case THRESHOLD_LOCKED_IN:
                // Ensure bit is set in block version
                pblock->nVersion |= VersionBitsMask(consensusParams, pos);
                // FALL THROUGH to get vbavailable set...
            case THRESHOLD_STARTED:
                const struct BIP9DeploymentInfo& vbinfo = VersionBitsDeploymentInfo[pos];
                vbavailable.push_back(Pair(gbt_vb_name(pos), consensusParams.vDeployments[pos].bit));
                if (setClientRules.find(vbinfo.name) == setClientRules.end()) {
                    if (!vbinfo.gbt_force) {
                        // If the client doesn't support this, don't indicate it in the [default] version
                        pblock->nVersion &= ~VersionBitsMask(consensusParams, pos);
            case THRESHOLD_ACTIVE:
                // Add to rules only
                const struct BIP9DeploymentInfo& vbinfo = VersionBitsDeploymentInfo[pos];
                if (setClientRules.find(vbinfo.name) == setClientRules.end()) {
                    // Not supported by the client; make sure it's safe to proceed
                    if (!vbinfo.gbt_force) {
                        // If we do anything other than throw an exception here, be sure version/force isn't sent to old clients
                        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Support for '%s' rule requires explicit client support", vbinfo.name));
    result.push_back(Pair("version", pblock->nVersion));
    result.push_back(Pair("rules", aRules));
    result.push_back(Pair("vbavailable", vbavailable));
    result.push_back(Pair("vbrequired", int(0)));

    if (nMaxVersionPreVB >= 2) {
        // If VB is supported by the client, nMaxVersionPreVB is -1, so we won't get here
        // Because BIP 34 changed how the generation transaction is serialized, we can only use version/force back to v2 blocks
        // This is safe to do [otherwise-]unconditionally only because we are throwing an exception above if a non-force deployment gets activated
        // Note that this can probably also be removed entirely after the first BIP9 non-force deployment (ie, probably segwit) gets activated

    result.push_back(Pair("previousblockhash", pblock->hashPrevBlock.GetHex()));
    result.push_back(Pair("transactions", transactions));
    result.push_back(Pair("coinbaseaux", aux));
    result.push_back(Pair("coinbasevalue", (int64_t)pblock->vtx[0]->GetValueOut()));
    result.push_back(Pair("longpollid", chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash().GetHex() + i64tostr(nTransactionsUpdatedLast)));
    result.push_back(Pair("target", hashTarget.GetHex()));
    result.push_back(Pair("mintime", (int64_t)pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()+1));
    result.push_back(Pair("mutable", aMutable));
    result.push_back(Pair("noncerange", "00000000ffffffff"));
    result.push_back(Pair("sigoplimit", (int64_t)MaxBlockSigOps(fDIP0001ActiveAtTip)));
    result.push_back(Pair("sizelimit", (int64_t)MaxBlockSize(fDIP0001ActiveAtTip)));
    result.push_back(Pair("curtime", pblock->GetBlockTime()));
    result.push_back(Pair("bits", strprintf("%08x", pblock->nBits)));
    result.push_back(Pair("previousbits", strprintf("%08x", pblocktemplate->nPrevBits)));
    result.push_back(Pair("height", (int64_t)(pindexPrev->nHeight+1)));

    UniValue masternodeObj(UniValue::VARR);
    for (const auto& txout : pblocktemplate->voutMasternodePayments) {
        CTxDestination address1;
        ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address1);
        CBitcoinAddress address2(address1);

        UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
        obj.push_back(Pair("payee", address2.ToString().c_str()));
        obj.push_back(Pair("script", HexStr(txout.scriptPubKey)));
        obj.push_back(Pair("amount", txout.nValue));

    result.push_back(Pair("masternode", masternodeObj));
    result.push_back(Pair("masternode_payments_started", pindexPrev->nHeight + 1 > consensusParams.nMasternodePaymentsStartBlock));
    result.push_back(Pair("masternode_payments_enforced", deterministicMNManager->IsDeterministicMNsSporkActive() || sporkManager.IsSporkActive(SPORK_8_MASTERNODE_PAYMENT_ENFORCEMENT)));

    UniValue superblockObjArray(UniValue::VARR);
    if(pblocktemplate->voutSuperblockPayments.size()) {
        for (const auto& txout : pblocktemplate->voutSuperblockPayments) {
            UniValue entry(UniValue::VOBJ);
            CTxDestination address1;
            ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address1);
            CBitcoinAddress address2(address1);
            entry.push_back(Pair("payee", address2.ToString().c_str()));
            entry.push_back(Pair("script", HexStr(txout.scriptPubKey)));
            entry.push_back(Pair("amount", txout.nValue));
    result.push_back(Pair("superblock", superblockObjArray));
    result.push_back(Pair("superblocks_started", pindexPrev->nHeight + 1 > consensusParams.nSuperblockStartBlock));
    result.push_back(Pair("superblocks_enabled", sporkManager.IsSporkActive(SPORK_9_SUPERBLOCKS_ENABLED)));

    result.push_back(Pair("coinbase_payload", HexStr(pblock->vtx[0]->vExtraPayload)));

    return result;
void ProcessMessageAlphanodePayments(CNode* pfrom, std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv)
    if(!darkSendPool.IsBlockchainSynced()) return;

    if (strCommand == "mnget") { //Alpha Node Payments Request Sync

        if(pfrom->HasFulfilledRequest("mnget")) {
            LogPrintf("mnget - peer already asked me for the list\n");
            Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 20);

        LogPrintf("mnget - Sent Alpha Node winners to %s\n", pfrom->addr.ToString().c_str());
    else if (strCommand == "mnw") { //Alpha Node Payments Declare Winner


        //this is required in litemode
        CAlphanodePaymentWinner winner;
        vRecv >> winner;

        if(pindexBest == NULL) return;

        CTxDestination address1;
        ExtractDestination(winner.payee, address1);
        CTaoAddress address2(address1);

        uint256 hash = winner.GetHash();
        if(mapSeenAlphanodeVotes.count(hash)) {
            if(fDebug) LogPrintf("mnw - seen vote %s Addr %s Height %d bestHeight %d\n", hash.ToString().c_str(), address2.ToString().c_str(), winner.nBlockHeight, pindexBest->nHeight);

        if(winner.nBlockHeight < pindexBest->nHeight - 10 || winner.nBlockHeight > pindexBest->nHeight+20){
            LogPrintf("mnw - winner out of range %s Addr %s Height %d bestHeight %d\n", winner.vin.ToString().c_str(), address2.ToString().c_str(), winner.nBlockHeight, pindexBest->nHeight);

        if(winner.vin.nSequence != std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()){
            LogPrintf("mnw - invalid nSequence\n");
            Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100);

        LogPrintf("mnw - winning vote - Vin %s Addr %s Height %d bestHeight %d\n", winner.vin.ToString().c_str(), address2.ToString().c_str(), winner.nBlockHeight, pindexBest->nHeight);

            LogPrintf("mnw - invalid signature\n");
            Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100);

        mapSeenAlphanodeVotes.insert(make_pair(hash, winner));

Beispiel #15
 * Decompose CWallet transaction to model transaction records.
QList<TransactionRecord> TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(const CWallet* wallet, const CWalletTx& wtx)
    QList<TransactionRecord> parts;
    int64_t nTime = wtx.GetComputedTxTime();
    CAmount nCredit = wtx.GetCredit(ISMINE_ALL);
    CAmount nDebit = wtx.GetDebit(ISMINE_ALL);
    CAmount nNet = nCredit - nDebit;
    uint256 hash = wtx.GetHash();
    std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue = wtx.mapValue;

    if (wtx.IsCoinStake()) {
        TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
        CTxDestination address;
        if (!ExtractDestination(wtx.vout[1].scriptPubKey, address))
            return parts;

        if (!IsMine(*wallet, address)) {
            //if the address is not yours then it means you have a tx sent to you in someone elses coinstake tx
            for (unsigned int i = 1; i < wtx.vout.size(); i++) {
                CTxDestination outAddress;
                if (ExtractDestination(wtx.vout[i].scriptPubKey, outAddress)) {
                    if (IsMine(*wallet, outAddress)) {
                        isminetype mine = wallet->IsMine(wtx.vout[i]);
                        sub.involvesWatchAddress = mine & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY;
                        sub.type = TransactionRecord::MNReward;
                        sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(outAddress).ToString();
                        sub.credit = wtx.vout[i].nValue;
        } else {
            //stake reward
            isminetype mine = wallet->IsMine(wtx.vout[1]);
            sub.involvesWatchAddress = mine & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY;
            sub.type = TransactionRecord::StakeMint;
            sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();
            sub.credit = nNet;
    } else if (wtx.IsZerocoinSpend()) {
        // a zerocoin spend that was created by this wallet
        libzerocoin::CoinSpend zcspend = TxInToZerocoinSpend(wtx.vin[0]);
        bool fSpendFromMe = wallet->IsMyZerocoinSpend(zcspend.getCoinSerialNumber());

        //zerocoin spend outputs
        bool fFeeAssigned = false;
        for (const CTxOut txout : wtx.vout) {
            // change that was reminted as zerocoins
            if (txout.IsZerocoinMint()) {
                // do not display record if this isn't from our wallet
                if (!fSpendFromMe)

                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                sub.type = TransactionRecord::ZerocoinSpend_Change_zPiv;
                sub.address = mapValue["zerocoinmint"];
                sub.debit = -txout.nValue;
                if (!fFeeAssigned) {
                    sub.debit -= (wtx.GetZerocoinSpent() - wtx.GetValueOut());
                    fFeeAssigned = true;
                sub.idx = parts.size();

            string strAddress = "";
            CTxDestination address;
            if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address))
                strAddress = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();

            // a zerocoinspend that was sent to an address held by this wallet
            isminetype mine = wallet->IsMine(txout);
            if (mine) {
                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                sub.type = (fSpendFromMe ? TransactionRecord::ZerocoinSpend_FromMe : TransactionRecord::RecvFromZerocoinSpend);
                sub.debit = txout.nValue;
                sub.address = mapValue["recvzerocoinspend"];
                if (strAddress != "")
                    sub.address = strAddress;
                sub.idx = parts.size();

            // spend is not from us, so do not display the spend side of the record
            if (!fSpendFromMe)

            // zerocoin spend that was sent to someone else
            TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
            sub.debit = -txout.nValue;
            sub.type = TransactionRecord::ZerocoinSpend;
            sub.address = mapValue["zerocoinspend"];
            if (strAddress != "")
                sub.address = strAddress;
            sub.idx = parts.size();
    } else if (nNet > 0 || wtx.IsCoinBase()) {
        // Credit
        BOOST_FOREACH (const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout) {
            isminetype mine = wallet->IsMine(txout);
            if (mine) {
                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                CTxDestination address;
                sub.idx = parts.size(); // sequence number
                sub.credit = txout.nValue;
                sub.involvesWatchAddress = mine & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY;
                if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*wallet, address)) {
                    // Received by PIVX Address
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvWithAddress;
                    sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();
                } else {
                    // Received by IP connection (deprecated features), or a multisignature or other non-simple transaction
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvFromOther;
                    sub.address = mapValue["from"];
                if (wtx.IsCoinBase()) {
                    // Generated
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;

    } else {
 * Decompose CWallet transaction to model transaction records.
QList<Credits_TransactionRecord> Credits_TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(const Credits_CWallet *keyholder_wallet, const Credits_CWalletTx &wtx)
    //The decomposed transactions should not be affected by prepared deposits. Passing in empty list.
    map<uint256, set<int> > mapPreparedDepositTxInPoints;

    QList<Credits_TransactionRecord> parts;
    int64_t nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
    int64_t nCredit = wtx.GetCredit(mapPreparedDepositTxInPoints, keyholder_wallet);
    int64_t nDebit = wtx.GetDebit(keyholder_wallet);
    int64_t nNet = nCredit - nDebit;
    uint256 hash = wtx.GetHash();
    std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue = wtx.mapValue;

    if (nNet > 0 || wtx.IsCoinBase())
        // Credit
		for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.vout.size(); nOut++)
			const CTxOut& txout = wtx.vout[nOut];

                Credits_TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                CTxDestination address;
                sub.idx = parts.size(); // sequence number
                sub.credit = txout.nValue;
                if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*keyholder_wallet, address))
                    // Received by Credits Address
                    sub.type = Credits_TransactionRecord::RecvWithAddress;
                    sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();
                    // Received by IP connection (deprecated features), or a multisignature or other non-simple transaction
                    sub.type = Credits_TransactionRecord::RecvFromOther;
                    sub.address = mapValue["from"];
                if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
                    // Generated
                    sub.type = Credits_TransactionRecord::Generated;
                else if (wtx.IsDeposit())
                	if(nOut == 0) {
                		sub.type = Credits_TransactionRecord::Deposit;
                	} else {
                		sub.type = Credits_TransactionRecord::DepositChange;
        bool fAllFromMe = true;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const Credits_CTxIn& txin, wtx.vin)
            fAllFromMe = fAllFromMe && keyholder_wallet->IsMine(txin);

        bool fAllToMe = true;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
            fAllToMe = fAllToMe && keyholder_wallet->IsMine(txout);

        if (fAllFromMe && fAllToMe)
            // Payment to self
            int64_t nChange = wtx.GetChange(keyholder_wallet);
            Credits_TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime, Credits_TransactionRecord::SendToSelf, "", -(nDebit - nChange), nCredit - nChange);
            SetupAllFromMeAllToMeDepositSub(wtx, 0, sub);

            if(wtx.IsDeposit() && wtx.vout.size() == 2) {
                Credits_TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime, Credits_TransactionRecord::SendToSelf, "", -(nDebit - nChange), nCredit - nChange);
                SetupAllFromMeAllToMeDepositSub(wtx, 1, sub);

        else if (fAllFromMe)
            // Debit
            int64_t nTxFee = nDebit - wtx.GetValueOut();

            for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.vout.size(); nOut++)
                const CTxOut& txout = wtx.vout[nOut];
                Credits_TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                sub.idx = parts.size();

                if(!wtx.IsDeposit()) {
						// Ignore parts sent to self, as this is usually the change
						// from a transaction sent back to our own address.

                CTxDestination address;
                if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address))
                    // Sent to Credits Address
                    sub.type = Credits_TransactionRecord::SendToAddress;
                    sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();
                    // Sent to IP, or other non-address transaction like OP_EVAL
                    sub.type = Credits_TransactionRecord::SendToOther;
                    sub.address = mapValue["to"];

                int64_t nValue = txout.nValue;
                /* Add fee to first output */
                if (nTxFee > 0)
                    nValue += nTxFee;
                    nTxFee = 0;
                sub.debit = -nValue;

                SetupAllFromMeDepositSub(wtx, nOut, sub, keyholder_wallet);

            // Mixed debit transaction, can't break down payees
        	if(wtx.IsDeposit()) {
					Credits_TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime, Credits_TransactionRecord::Other, "", nNet, 0);
					SetupNoneFromMeDepositSub(wtx, 0, sub, keyholder_wallet);
				if(wtx.vout.size() == 2) {
						Credits_TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime, Credits_TransactionRecord::Other, "", nNet, 0);
						SetupNoneFromMeDepositSub(wtx, 1, sub, keyholder_wallet);
        	} else {
				Credits_TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime, Credits_TransactionRecord::Other, "", nNet, 0);


    return parts;
Beispiel #17
QString TransactionDesc::toHTML(CWallet *wallet, CWalletTx &wtx, int vout, int unit)
    QString strHTML;

    LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet);
    strHTML += "<html><font face='verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif'>";

    int64_t nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
    int64_t nCredit = wtx.GetCredit();
    int64_t nDebit = wtx.GetDebit();
    int64_t nNet = nCredit - nDebit;

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Status") + ":</b> " + FormatTxStatus(wtx);
    int nRequests = wtx.GetRequestCount();
    if (nRequests != -1)
        if (nRequests == 0)
            strHTML += tr(", has not been successfully broadcast yet");
        else if (nRequests > 0)
            strHTML += tr(", broadcast through %n node(s)", "", nRequests);
    strHTML += "<br>";

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Date") + ":</b> " + (nTime ? GUIUtil::dateTimeStr(nTime) : "") + "<br>";

    // From
    if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Source") + ":</b> " + tr("Generated") + "<br>";
    else if (wtx.mapValue.count("from") && !wtx.mapValue["from"].empty())
        // Online transaction
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.mapValue["from"]) + "<br>";
        // Offline transaction
        if (nNet > 0)
            // Credit
            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
                if (wallet->IsMine(txout))
                    CTxDestination address;
                    if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*wallet, address))
                        if (wallet->mapAddressBook.count(address))
                            strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + tr("unknown") + "<br>";
                            strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
                            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(CAricoinAddress(address).ToString());
                            if (!wallet->mapAddressBook[address].name.empty())
                                strHTML += " (" + tr("own address") + ", " + tr("label") + ": " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[address].name) + ")";
                                strHTML += " (" + tr("own address") + ")";
                            strHTML += "<br>";
Beispiel #18
bool CheckProRegTx(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, CValidationState& state)
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-type");

    CProRegTx ptx;
    if (!GetTxPayload(tx, ptx)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payload");

    if (ptx.nVersion == 0 || ptx.nVersion > CProRegTx::CURRENT_VERSION) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-version");
    if (ptx.nType != 0) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-type");
    if (ptx.nMode != 0) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-mode");

    if (ptx.keyIDOwner.IsNull() || !ptx.pubKeyOperator.IsValid() || ptx.keyIDVoting.IsNull()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-key-null");
    if (!ptx.scriptPayout.IsPayToPublicKeyHash() && !ptx.scriptPayout.IsPayToScriptHash()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee");

    CTxDestination payoutDest;
    if (!ExtractDestination(ptx.scriptPayout, payoutDest)) {
        // should not happen as we checked script types before
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee-dest");
    // don't allow reuse of payout key for other keys (don't allow people to put the payee key onto an online server)
    if (payoutDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDOwner) || payoutDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDVoting)) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee-reuse");

    // It's allowed to set addr to 0, which will put the MN into PoSe-banned state and require a ProUpServTx to be issues later
    // If any of both is set, it must be valid however
    if (ptx.addr != CService() && !CheckService(tx.GetHash(), ptx, state)) {
        return false;

    if (ptx.nOperatorReward > 10000) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-operator-reward");

    CTxDestination collateralTxDest;
    CKeyID keyForPayloadSig;
    COutPoint collateralOutpoint;

    if (!ptx.collateralOutpoint.hash.IsNull()) {
        Coin coin;
        if (!GetUTXOCoin(ptx.collateralOutpoint, coin) || coin.out.nValue != 1000 * COIN) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral");

        if (!ExtractDestination(coin.out.scriptPubKey, collateralTxDest)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-dest");

        // Extract key from collateral. This only works for P2PK and P2PKH collaterals and will fail for P2SH.
        // Issuer of this ProRegTx must prove ownership with this key by signing the ProRegTx
        if (!CBitcoinAddress(collateralTxDest).GetKeyID(keyForPayloadSig)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-pkh");

        collateralOutpoint = ptx.collateralOutpoint;
    } else {
        if (ptx.collateralOutpoint.n >= tx.vout.size()) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-index");
        if (tx.vout[ptx.collateralOutpoint.n].nValue != 1000 * COIN) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral");

        if (!ExtractDestination(tx.vout[ptx.collateralOutpoint.n].scriptPubKey, collateralTxDest)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-dest");

        collateralOutpoint = COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), ptx.collateralOutpoint.n);

    // don't allow reuse of collateral key for other keys (don't allow people to put the collateral key onto an online server)
    // this check applies to internal and external collateral, but internal collaterals are not necessarely a P2PKH
    if (collateralTxDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDOwner) || collateralTxDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDVoting)) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-reuse");

    if (pindexPrev) {
        auto mnList = deterministicMNManager->GetListForBlock(pindexPrev->GetBlockHash());

        // only allow reusing of addresses when it's for the same collateral (which replaces the old MN)
        if (mnList.HasUniqueProperty(ptx.addr) && mnList.GetUniquePropertyMN(ptx.addr)->collateralOutpoint != collateralOutpoint) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_DUPLICATE, "bad-protx-dup-addr");

        // never allow duplicate keys, even if this ProTx would replace an existing MN
        if (mnList.HasUniqueProperty(ptx.keyIDOwner) || mnList.HasUniqueProperty(ptx.pubKeyOperator)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_DUPLICATE, "bad-protx-dup-key");

        if (!deterministicMNManager->IsDIP3Enforced(pindexPrev->nHeight)) {
            if (ptx.keyIDOwner != ptx.keyIDVoting) {
                return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-key-not-same");

    if (!CheckInputsHash(tx, ptx, state)) {
        return false;

    if (!keyForPayloadSig.IsNull()) {
        // collateral is not part of this ProRegTx, so we must verify ownership of the collateral
        if (!CheckStringSig(ptx, keyForPayloadSig, state)) {
            return false;
    } else {
        // collateral is part of this ProRegTx, so we know the collateral is owned by the issuer
        if (!ptx.vchSig.empty()) {
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-sig");

    return true;
Beispiel #19
bool MultisigDialog::signMultisigTx(CMutableTransaction& tx, string& errorOut, QVBoxLayout* keyList)
    //will be set false if all inputs are not fully signed(valid)
    bool fComplete = true;

    //if keyslist is not default value AND has items in list then true
    bool fGivenKeys = (keyList != nullptr) && (keyList->count() > 0);


        //copy of vin for reference before vin is mutated
        vector<CTxIn> oldVin(tx.vin);
        CBasicKeyStore privKeystore;

        //if keys were given, attempt to collect redeem and scriptpubkey
            for(int i = 0; i < keyList->count(); i++){
                QWidget* keyFrame = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(keyList->itemAt(i)->widget());
                QLineEdit* key = keyFrame->findChild<QLineEdit*>("key");
                CBitcoinSecret vchSecret;
                if (!vchSecret.SetString(key->text().toStdString()))
                    throw runtime_error("Invalid private key");
                CKey cKey = vchSecret.GetKey();
                if (!cKey.IsValid())
                    throw runtime_error("Private key outside allowed range");

            for(CTxIn& txin : tx.vin){
                //get inputs
                CTransaction txVin;
                uint256 hashBlock;
                if (!GetTransaction(txin.prevout.hash, txVin, hashBlock, true))
                    throw runtime_error("txin could not be found");

                if (hashBlock == 0)
                    throw runtime_error("txin is unconfirmed");

                //get pubkey from input
                CScript prevPubKey = txVin.vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey;

                //get payment destination
                CTxDestination address;
                if(!ExtractDestination(prevPubKey, address)){
                    throw runtime_error("Could not find address for destination.");

                //get redeem script related to destination
                CScriptID hash = boost::get<CScriptID>(address);
                CScript redeemScript;

                if (!pwalletMain->GetCScript(hash, redeemScript)){
                    errorOut = "could not redeem";
            if (model->getEncryptionStatus() == model->Locked) {
                if (!model->requestUnlock(true).isValid()) {
                    // Unlock wallet was cancelled
                    throw runtime_error("Error: Your wallet is locked. Please enter the wallet passphrase first.");

        //choose between local wallet and provided
        const CKeyStore& keystore = fGivenKeys ? privKeystore : *pwalletMain;

        //attempt to sign each input from local wallet
        int nIn = 0;
        for(CTxIn& txin : tx.vin){
            //get inputs
            CTransaction txVin;
            uint256 hashBlock;
            if (!GetTransaction(txin.prevout.hash, txVin, hashBlock, true))
                throw runtime_error("txin could not be found");

            if (hashBlock == 0)
                throw runtime_error("txin is unconfirmed");

            CScript prevPubKey = txVin.vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey;

            //sign what we can
            SignSignature(keystore, prevPubKey, tx, nIn);

            //merge in any previous signatures
            txin.scriptSig = CombineSignatures(prevPubKey, tx, nIn, txin.scriptSig, oldVin[nIn].scriptSig);

            if (!VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, prevPubKey, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, MutableTransactionSignatureChecker(&tx, nIn))){
                fComplete = false;

        ui->signButtonStatus->setText(buildMultisigTxStatusString(fComplete, tx));

    }catch(const runtime_error& e){
        errorOut = string(e.what());
        fComplete = false;
    return fComplete;
QString TransactionDesc::toHTML(CWallet *wallet, CWalletTx &wtx)
    // individual tx do not affect any representation
    static const bool fMultiSig = true;

    QString strHTML;

    LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet);
    strHTML += "<html><font face='verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif'>";

    int64_t nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();

    std::map<int, int64_t> mapDebit, mapCredit, mapChange, mapNet;
    // debits
    wallet->FillDebits(wtx, mapDebit, fMultiSig);
    // credits (mature)
    wallet->FillMatures(wtx, mapCredit, fMultiSig);

    // nets (mature - debits)
    FillNets(mapDebit, mapCredit, mapNet);

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Status") + ":</b> " + FormatTxStatus(wtx);
    int nRequests = wtx.GetRequestCount();
    if (nRequests != -1)
        if (nRequests == 0)
            strHTML += tr(", has not been successfully broadcast yet");
        else if (nRequests > 0)
            strHTML += tr(", broadcast through %n node(s)", "", nRequests);
    strHTML += "<br>";

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Date") + ":</b> " + (nTime ? GUIUtil::dateTimeStr(nTime) : "") + "<br>";

    // From
    if (wtx.IsCoinBase() || wtx.IsCoinStake())
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Source") + ":</b> " + tr("Generated") + "<br>";
    else if (wtx.mapValue.count("from") && !wtx.mapValue["from"].empty())
        // Online transaction
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.mapValue["from"]) + "<br>";

        // Offline transaction
        if (ValueMapAllPositive(mapNet))
            // Credit
            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
                if (wallet->IsMine(txout, fMultiSig) & ISMINE_ALL)
                    CTxDestination address;
                    if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) &&
                        (IsMine(*wallet, address, fMultiSig) & ISMINE_ALL))
                        if (wallet->mapAddressBook.count(address))
                            strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + tr("unknown") + "<br>";
                            strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
                            CBitcoinAddress addr(address, txout.nColor);
                            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(addr.ToString());
                            // indicate distinction between own address and watch address
                            if (IsMine(*wallet, address, fMultiSig) & ISMINE_SPENDABLE)
                                if (!wallet->mapAddressBook[address].empty())
                                    strHTML += " (" + tr("own address") + ", " + tr("label") + ": " +
                                                   GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[address]) + ")";
                                    strHTML += " (" + tr("own address") + ")";
                                if (!wallet->mapAddressBook[address].empty())
                                    strHTML += " (" + tr("watch address") + ", " + tr("label") + ": " +
                                                   GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[address]) + ")";
                                    strHTML += " (" + tr("watch address") + ")";
                            strHTML += "<br>";

    // To
    if (wtx.mapValue.count("to") && !wtx.mapValue["to"].empty())
        // Online transaction
        std::string strAddress = wtx.mapValue["to"];
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
        CTxDestination dest = CBitcoinAddress(strAddress).Get();
        if (wallet->mapAddressBook.count(dest) && !wallet->mapAddressBook[dest].empty())
            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[dest]) + " ";
        strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(strAddress) + "<br>";

    // Amount
    // Coinbase was not mature
    if (wtx.IsCoinBase() && ValueMapAllZero(mapCredit))
        // Coinbase
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> ";
        if (wtx.IsInMainChain())
            std::map<int, int64_t> mapUnmatured;
            wallet->FillCredits(wtx, mapUnmatured, fMultiSig);
            strHTML += ValueMapToHTML(mapUnmatured);
            strHTML += " (" + tr("matures in %n more block(s)", "", wtx.GetBlocksToMaturity()) + ")";
            strHTML += "(" + tr("not accepted") + ")";
        strHTML += "<br>";
    else if (ValueMapAllPositive(mapNet))
        // Credit
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + ValueMapToHTML(mapNet) + "<br>";
        bool fAllFromMe = true;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, wtx.vin)
            fAllFromMe = fAllFromMe && (wallet->IsMine(txin, fMultiSig) & ISMINE_SPENDABLE);
            if (!fAllFromMe)

        bool fAllToMe = true;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
            fAllToMe = fAllToMe && (wallet->IsMine(txout, fMultiSig) & ISMINE_SPENDABLE);
            if (!fAllToMe)

        if (fAllFromMe)
            // Debit
            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
                if (wallet->IsMine(txout, fMultiSig) & ISMINE_SPENDABLE)

                if (!wtx.mapValue.count("to") || wtx.mapValue["to"].empty())
                    // Offline transaction
                    CTxDestination address;
                    if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address))
                        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
                        if (wallet->mapAddressBook.count(address) && !wallet->mapAddressBook[address].empty())
                            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[address]) + " ";
                        strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(CBitcoinAddress(address, txout.nColor).ToString());
                        strHTML += "<br>";

                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " +
                           BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(BitcoinUnits::BTC, -txout.nValue, txout.nColor) + "<br>";

             std::map<int, int64_t> mapFee, mapDebit, mapValuesOut;

            if (fAllToMe)
                // Payment to self
                std::map<int, int64_t> mapChange, mapValue;
                wallet->FillChange(wtx, mapChange);
                FillNets(mapChange, mapCredit, mapValue);
                FillNets(mapCredit, mapChange, mapDebit);
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + ValueMapToHTML(mapDebit) + "<br>";
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + ValueMapToHTML(mapValue) + "<br>";

            wallet->FillDebits(wtx, mapDebit, fMultiSig);
            FillNets(mapValuesOut, mapDebit, mapFee);
            if (ValueMapAllPositive(mapFee))
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction fee") + ":</b> " + ValueMapToHTML(mapFee) + "<br>";
            // Mixed debit transaction
            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, wtx.vin)
                strHTML += TxInToHTML(txin, wallet);
            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
                strHTML += TxOutToHTML(txout, wallet);
Beispiel #21
bool CheckProUpRegTx(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, CValidationState& state)
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-type");

    CProUpRegTx ptx;
    if (!GetTxPayload(tx, ptx)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payload");

    if (ptx.nVersion == 0 || ptx.nVersion > CProRegTx::CURRENT_VERSION) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-version");
    if (ptx.nMode != 0) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-mode");

    if (!ptx.pubKeyOperator.IsValid() || ptx.keyIDVoting.IsNull()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-key-null");
    if (!ptx.scriptPayout.IsPayToPublicKeyHash() && !ptx.scriptPayout.IsPayToScriptHash()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee");

    CTxDestination payoutDest;
    if (!ExtractDestination(ptx.scriptPayout, payoutDest)) {
        // should not happen as we checked script types before
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee-dest");

    if (pindexPrev) {
        auto mnList = deterministicMNManager->GetListForBlock(pindexPrev->GetBlockHash());
        auto dmn = mnList.GetMN(ptx.proTxHash);
        if (!dmn) {
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-hash");

        // don't allow reuse of payee key for other keys (don't allow people to put the payee key onto an online server)
        if (payoutDest == CTxDestination(dmn->pdmnState->keyIDOwner) || payoutDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDVoting)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee-reuse");

        Coin coin;
        if (!GetUTXOCoin(dmn->collateralOutpoint, coin)) {
            // this should never happen (there would be no dmn otherwise)
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral");

        // don't allow reuse of collateral key for other keys (don't allow people to put the collateral key onto an online server)
        CTxDestination collateralTxDest;
        if (!ExtractDestination(coin.out.scriptPubKey, collateralTxDest)) {
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-dest");
        if (collateralTxDest == CTxDestination(dmn->pdmnState->keyIDOwner) || collateralTxDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDVoting)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-reuse");

        if (mnList.HasUniqueProperty(ptx.pubKeyOperator)) {
            auto otherDmn = mnList.GetUniquePropertyMN(ptx.pubKeyOperator);
            if (ptx.proTxHash != otherDmn->proTxHash) {
                return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_DUPLICATE, "bad-protx-dup-key");

        if (!deterministicMNManager->IsDIP3Enforced(pindexPrev->nHeight)) {
            if (dmn->pdmnState->keyIDOwner != ptx.keyIDVoting) {
                return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-key-not-same");

        if (!CheckInputsHash(tx, ptx, state)) {
            return false;
        if (!CheckHashSig(ptx, dmn->pdmnState->keyIDOwner, state)) {
            return false;

    return true;
 * Decompose CWallet transaction to model transaction records.
QList<TransactionRecord> TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(const CWallet *wallet, const CWalletTx &wtx)
    QList<TransactionRecord> parts;
    int64 nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
    int64 nCredit = wtx.GetCredit(true);
    int64 nDebit = wtx.GetDebit();
    int64 nNet = nCredit - nDebit;
    uint256 hash = wtx.GetHash();
    std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue = wtx.mapValue;
    const bool combineOutputs = (wtx.cUnit == 'S');

    if (wtx.IsCoinStake()) // ppcoin: coinstake transaction
        parts.append(TransactionRecord(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::StakeMint, "", -nDebit, wtx.GetValueOut()));
    else if (nNet > 0 || wtx.IsCoinBase())
        // Credit
        QMap<CScript, TransactionRecord*> outputParts;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                CTxDestination address;
                sub.idx = parts.size(); // sequence number
                sub.credit = txout.nValue;
                if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*wallet, address))
                    if (wtx.IsUnpark())
                        sub.type = TransactionRecord::Unpark;
                    else // Received by Bitcoin Address
                        sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvWithAddress;
                    sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(address, wtx.cUnit).ToString();
                    // Received by IP connection (deprecated features), or a multisignature or other non-simple transaction
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvFromOther;
                    sub.address = mapValue["from"];
                if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
                    // Generated
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;

                if (combineOutputs)
                    QMap<CScript, TransactionRecord*>::const_iterator it = outputParts.find(txout.scriptPubKey);
                    if (it != outputParts.end())
                        TransactionRecord& previous = *it.value();
                        previous.credit += sub.credit;


                if (combineOutputs)
                    outputParts[txout.scriptPubKey] = &parts.back();
 * Decompose CWallet transaction to model transaction records.
QList<TransactionRecord> TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(const CWallet *wallet, const CWalletTx &wtx)
    QList<TransactionRecord> parts;
    int64 nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
    int64 nCredit = wtx.GetCredit(true);
    int64 nDebit = wtx.GetDebit();
    int64 nNet = nCredit - nDebit;
    uint256 hash = wtx.GetHash();
    std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue = wtx.mapValue;

    if (showTransaction(wtx))
        if (wtx.IsCoinStake()) // ppcoin: coinstake transaction
            TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::StakeMint, "", -nDebit, wtx.GetValueOut());
            CTxDestination address;
            CTxOut txout = wtx.vout[1];

            if(ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*wallet, address))
                sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();

        else if (nNet > 0 || wtx.IsCoinBase())
            // Credit
            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
                    TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                    CTxDestination address;
                    sub.idx = parts.size(); // sequence number
                    sub.credit = txout.nValue;

                    if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*wallet, address))
                        // Received by Bitcoin Address
                        sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvWithAddress;
                        sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();
                        // Received by IP connection (deprecated features), or a multisignature or other non-simple transaction
                        sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvFromOther;
                        sub.address = mapValue["from"];
                    if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
                        // Generated
                        sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;

Beispiel #24
 * Decompose CWallet transaction to model transaction records.
QList<TransactionRecord> TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(const CWallet *wallet, const CWalletTx &wtx)
    QList<TransactionRecord> parts;
    int64_t nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();

    int64_t nCredMOIN, nCredMoinX;
    wtx.GetCredit(nCredMOIN, nCredMoinX, true);
    int64_t nCredit = nCredMOIN + nCredMoinX;
    int64_t nDebit = wtx.GetDebit();
    int64_t nNet = nCredit - nDebit;
    uint256 hash = wtx.GetHash(), hashPrev = 0;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue = wtx.mapValue;

    char cbuf[256];

    if (wtx.nVersion == ANON_TXN_VERSION)
        if (nNet > 0 && nCredMoinX > 0)
            // -- credit
            TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::RecvMoinX, "", "", nNet, 0);

            for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.vout.size(); nOut++)
                // display 1st transaction
                snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "n_%u", nOut);
                mapValue_t::const_iterator mi = wtx.mapValue.find(cbuf);
                if (mi != wtx.mapValue.end() && !mi->second.empty())
                    sub.narration = mi->second;

            return parts;
        } else
        if (nNet <= 0)
            // -- debit
            TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::SendMoinX, "", "", nNet, 0);

            for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.vout.size(); nOut++)
                // display 1st transaction
                snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "n_%u", nOut);
                mapValue_t::const_iterator mi = wtx.mapValue.find(cbuf);
                if (mi != wtx.mapValue.end() && !mi->second.empty())
                    sub.narration = mi->second;

            return parts;

        // continue on

    if (nNet > 0 || wtx.IsCoinBase() || wtx.IsCoinStake())
        // Credit

        for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.vout.size(); nOut++)
            const CTxOut& txout = wtx.vout[nOut];

            if (wtx.nVersion == ANON_TXN_VERSION
                && txout.IsAnonOutput())
                const CScript &s = txout.scriptPubKey;
                CKeyID ckidD = CPubKey(&s[2+1], 33).GetID();

                if (wallet->HaveKey(ckidD))
                    TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                    sub.idx = parts.size(); // sequence number

                    sub.credit = txout.nValue;

                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvMoinX;
                    sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(ckidD).ToString();
                    //sub.address = wallet->mapAddressBook[ckidD]

                    snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "n_%u", nOut);
                    mapValue_t::const_iterator mi = wtx.mapValue.find(cbuf);
                    if (mi != wtx.mapValue.end() && !mi->second.empty())
                        sub.narration = mi->second;


            if (wallet->IsMine(txout))
                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                sub.idx = parts.size(); // sequence number

                CTxDestination address;

                sub.credit = txout.nValue;
                if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsDestMine(*wallet, address))
                    // Received by Bitcoin Address
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvWithAddress;
                    sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();
                } else
                    // Received by IP connection (deprecated features), or a multisignature or other non-simple transaction
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvFromOther;
                    sub.address = mapValue["from"];

                snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "n_%u", nOut);
                mapValue_t::const_iterator mi = wtx.mapValue.find(cbuf);
                if (mi != wtx.mapValue.end() && !mi->second.empty())
                    sub.narration = mi->second;

                if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
                    // Generated (proof-of-work)
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;

                if (wtx.IsCoinStake())
                    // Generated (proof-of-stake)

                    if (hashPrev == hash)
                        continue; // last coinstake output

                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;
                    sub.credit = nNet > 0 ? nNet : wtx.GetValueOut() - nDebit;
                    hashPrev = hash;

    } else
        bool fAllFromMe = true;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, wtx.vin)
            if (wtx.nVersion == ANON_TXN_VERSION
                && txin.IsAnonInput())
                std::vector<uint8_t> vchImage;

                CWalletDB walletdb(wallet->strWalletFile, "r");
                COwnedAnonOutput oao;
                if (!walletdb.ReadOwnedAnonOutput(vchImage, oao))
                    fAllFromMe = false;
                    break; // display as send/recv moinx

            if (wallet->IsMine(txin))
            fAllFromMe = false;

        bool fAllToMe = true;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
            if (wtx.nVersion == ANON_TXN_VERSION
                && txout.IsAnonOutput())
                fAllToMe = false;
                break; // display as send/recv moinx
            opcodetype firstOpCode;
            CScript::const_iterator pc = txout.scriptPubKey.begin();
            if (txout.scriptPubKey.GetOp(pc, firstOpCode)
                && firstOpCode == OP_RETURN)
            if (wallet->IsMine(txout))

            fAllToMe = false;

        if (fAllFromMe && fAllToMe)
            // Payment to self
            int64_t nChange = wtx.GetChange();

            std::string narration("");
            mapValue_t::const_iterator mi;
            for (mi = wtx.mapValue.begin(); mi != wtx.mapValue.end(); ++mi)
                if (mi->first.compare(0, 2, "n_") != 0)
                narration = mi->second;

            parts.append(TransactionRecord(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::SendToSelf, "", narration,
                            -(nDebit - nChange), nCredit - nChange));
        } else
        if (fAllFromMe)
            // Debit
            int64_t nTxFee = nDebit - wtx.GetValueOut();

            for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.vout.size(); nOut++)
                const CTxOut& txout = wtx.vout[nOut];

                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                sub.idx = parts.size();

                if (wtx.nVersion == ANON_TXN_VERSION
                    && txout.IsAnonOutput())
                    const CScript &s = txout.scriptPubKey;
                    CKeyID ckidD = CPubKey(&s[2+1], 33).GetID();

                    CTxDestination address;
                    sub.idx = parts.size(); // sequence number
                    sub.credit = txout.nValue;

                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::SendMoinX;
                    sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(ckidD).ToString();

                } else
                    opcodetype firstOpCode;
                    CScript::const_iterator pc = txout.scriptPubKey.begin();
                    if (txout.scriptPubKey.GetOp(pc, firstOpCode)
                        && firstOpCode == OP_RETURN)

                    if (wallet->IsMine(txout))
                        // Ignore parts sent to self, as this is usually the change
                        // from a transaction sent back to our own address.

                    CTxDestination address;
                    if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address))
                        // Sent to Bitcoin Address
                        sub.type = TransactionRecord::SendToAddress;
                        sub.address = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();
                    } else
                        // Sent to IP, or other non-address transaction like OP_EVAL
                        sub.type = TransactionRecord::SendToOther;
                        sub.address = mapValue["to"];

                snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "n_%u", nOut);
                mapValue_t::const_iterator mi = wtx.mapValue.find(cbuf);
                if (mi != wtx.mapValue.end() && !mi->second.empty())
                    sub.narration = mi->second;

                int64_t nValue = txout.nValue;
                /* Add fee to first output */
                if (nTxFee > 0)
                    nValue += nTxFee;
                    nTxFee = 0;
                sub.debit = -nValue;

        } else
            // Mixed debit transaction, can't break down payees
            TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::Other, "", "", nNet, 0);
            for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.vout.size(); nOut++)
                // display 1st transaction
                snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "n_%u", nOut);
                mapValue_t::const_iterator mi = wtx.mapValue.find(cbuf);
                if (mi != wtx.mapValue.end() && !mi->second.empty())
                    sub.narration = mi->second;

    return parts;
Beispiel #25
QString TransactionDesc::toHTML(interfaces::Node& node, interfaces::Wallet& wallet, TransactionRecord *rec, int unit)
    int numBlocks;
    int64_t adjustedTime;
    interfaces::WalletTxStatus status;
    interfaces::WalletOrderForm orderForm;
    bool inMempool;
    interfaces::WalletTx wtx = wallet.getWalletTxDetails(rec->hash, status, orderForm, inMempool, numBlocks, adjustedTime);

    QString strHTML;

    strHTML += "<html><font face='verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif'>";

    int64_t nTime = wtx.time;
    CAmount nCredit = wtx.credit;
    CAmount nDebit = wtx.debit;
    CAmount nNet = nCredit - nDebit;

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Status") + ":</b> " + FormatTxStatus(wtx, status, inMempool, numBlocks, adjustedTime);
    strHTML += "<br>";

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Date") + ":</b> " + (nTime ? GUIUtil::dateTimeStr(nTime) : "") + "<br>";

    // From
    if (wtx.is_coinbase)
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Source") + ":</b> " + tr("Generated") + "<br>";
    else if (wtx.value_map.count("from") && !wtx.value_map["from"].empty())
        // Online transaction
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.value_map["from"]) + "<br>";
        // Offline transaction
        if (nNet > 0)
            // Credit
            CTxDestination address = DecodeDestination(rec->address);
            if (IsValidDestination(address)) {
                std::string name;
                isminetype ismine;
                if (wallet.getAddress(address, &name, &ismine, /* purpose= */ nullptr))
                    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + tr("unknown") + "<br>";
                    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
                    strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(rec->address);
                    QString addressOwned = ismine == ISMINE_SPENDABLE ? tr("own address") : tr("watch-only");
                    if (!name.empty())
                        strHTML += " (" + addressOwned + ", " + tr("label") + ": " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(name) + ")";
                        strHTML += " (" + addressOwned + ")";
                    strHTML += "<br>";

    // To
    if (wtx.value_map.count("to") && !wtx.value_map["to"].empty())
        // Online transaction
        std::string strAddress = wtx.value_map["to"];
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
        CTxDestination dest = DecodeDestination(strAddress);
        std::string name;
        if (wallet.getAddress(
                dest, &name, /* is_mine= */ nullptr, /* purpose= */ nullptr) && !name.empty())
            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(name) + " ";
        strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(strAddress) + "<br>";

    // Amount
    if (wtx.is_coinbase && nCredit == 0)
        // Coinbase
        CAmount nUnmatured = 0;
        for (const CTxOut& txout : wtx.tx->vout)
            nUnmatured += wallet.getCredit(txout, ISMINE_ALL);
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> ";
        if (status.is_in_main_chain)
            strHTML += BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nUnmatured)+ " (" + tr("matures in %n more block(s)", "", status.blocks_to_maturity) + ")";
            strHTML += "(" + tr("not accepted") + ")";
        strHTML += "<br>";
    else if (nNet > 0)
        // Credit
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nNet) + "<br>";
        isminetype fAllFromMe = ISMINE_SPENDABLE;
        for (isminetype mine : wtx.txin_is_mine)
            if(fAllFromMe > mine) fAllFromMe = mine;

        isminetype fAllToMe = ISMINE_SPENDABLE;
        for (isminetype mine : wtx.txout_is_mine)
            if(fAllToMe > mine) fAllToMe = mine;

        if (fAllFromMe)
            if(fAllFromMe & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY)
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + tr("watch-only") + "<br>";

            // Debit
            auto mine = wtx.txout_is_mine.begin();
            for (const CTxOut& txout : wtx.tx->vout)
                // Ignore change
                isminetype toSelf = *(mine++);
                if ((toSelf == ISMINE_SPENDABLE) && (fAllFromMe == ISMINE_SPENDABLE))

                if (!wtx.value_map.count("to") || wtx.value_map["to"].empty())
                    // Offline transaction
                    CTxDestination address;
                    if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address))
                        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
                        std::string name;
                        if (wallet.getAddress(
                                address, &name, /* is_mine= */ nullptr, /* purpose= */ nullptr) && !name.empty())
                            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(name) + " ";
                        strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(EncodeDestination(address));
                        if(toSelf == ISMINE_SPENDABLE)
                            strHTML += " (own address)";
                        else if(toSelf & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY)
                            strHTML += " (watch-only)";
                        strHTML += "<br>";

                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -txout.nValue) + "<br>";
                    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, txout.nValue) + "<br>";

            if (fAllToMe)
                // Payment to self
                CAmount nChange = wtx.change;
                CAmount nValue = nCredit - nChange;
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Total debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -nValue) + "<br>";
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Total credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nValue) + "<br>";

            CAmount nTxFee = nDebit - wtx.tx->GetValueOut();
            if (nTxFee > 0)
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction fee") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -nTxFee) + "<br>";
            // Mixed debit transaction
            auto mine = wtx.txin_is_mine.begin();
            for (const CTxIn& txin : wtx.tx->vin) {
                if (*(mine++)) {
                    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -wallet.getDebit(txin, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";
            mine = wtx.txout_is_mine.begin();
            for (const CTxOut& txout : wtx.tx->vout) {
                if (*(mine++)) {
                    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, wallet.getCredit(txout, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Net amount") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nNet, true) + "<br>";

    // Message
    if (wtx.value_map.count("message") && !wtx.value_map["message"].empty())
        strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Message") + ":</b><br>" + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.value_map["message"], true) + "<br>";
    if (wtx.value_map.count("comment") && !wtx.value_map["comment"].empty())
        strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Comment") + ":</b><br>" + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.value_map["comment"], true) + "<br>";

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction ID") + ":</b> " + rec->getTxHash() + "<br>";
    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction total size") + ":</b> " + QString::number(wtx.tx->GetTotalSize()) + " bytes<br>";
    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction virtual size") + ":</b> " + QString::number(GetVirtualTransactionSize(*wtx.tx)) + " bytes<br>";
    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Output index") + ":</b> " + QString::number(rec->getOutputIndex()) + "<br>";

    // Message from normal bitcoin:URI (bitcoin:123...?message=example)
    for (const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& r : orderForm)
        if (r.first == "Message")
            strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Message") + ":</b><br>" + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(r.second, true) + "<br>";

    // PaymentRequest info:
    for (const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& r : orderForm)
        if (r.first == "PaymentRequest")
            PaymentRequestPlus req;
            req.parse(QByteArray::fromRawData(r.second.data(), r.second.size()));
            QString merchant;
            if (req.getMerchant(PaymentServer::getCertStore(), merchant))
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Merchant") + ":</b> " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(merchant) + "<br>";

    if (wtx.is_coinbase)
        quint32 numBlocksToMaturity = COINBASE_MATURITY +  1;
        strHTML += "<br>" + tr("Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to \"not accepted\" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.").arg(QString::number(numBlocksToMaturity)) + "<br>";

    // Debug view
    if (node.getLogCategories() != BCLog::NONE)
        strHTML += "<hr><br>" + tr("Debug information") + "<br><br>";
        for (const CTxIn& txin : wtx.tx->vin)
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -wallet.getDebit(txin, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";
        for (const CTxOut& txout : wtx.tx->vout)
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, wallet.getCredit(txout, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";

        strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Transaction") + ":</b><br>";
        strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.tx->ToString(), true);

        strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Inputs") + ":</b>";
        strHTML += "<ul>";

        for (const CTxIn& txin : wtx.tx->vin)
            COutPoint prevout = txin.prevout;

            Coin prev;
            if(node.getUnspentOutput(prevout, prev))
                    strHTML += "<li>";
                    const CTxOut &vout = prev.out;
                    CTxDestination address;
                    if (ExtractDestination(vout.scriptPubKey, address))
                        std::string name;
                        if (wallet.getAddress(address, &name, /* is_mine= */ nullptr, /* purpose= */ nullptr) && !name.empty())
                            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(name) + " ";
                        strHTML += QString::fromStdString(EncodeDestination(address));
                    strHTML = strHTML + " " + tr("Amount") + "=" + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, vout.nValue);
                    strHTML = strHTML + " IsMine=" + (wallet.txoutIsMine(vout) & ISMINE_SPENDABLE ? tr("true") : tr("false")) + "</li>";
                    strHTML = strHTML + " IsWatchOnly=" + (wallet.txoutIsMine(vout) & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY ? tr("true") : tr("false")) + "</li>";

        strHTML += "</ul>";

    strHTML += "</font></html>";
    return strHTML;
 * Decompose CWallet transaction to model transaction records.
QList<TransactionRecord> TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(const CWallet *wallet, const CWalletTx &wtx)
    QList<TransactionRecord> parts;
    int64_t nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
    CAmount nCredit = wtx.GetCredit(ISMINE_ALL);
    CAmount nDebit = wtx.GetDebit(ISMINE_ALL);
    CAmount nNet = nCredit - nDebit;
    uint256 hash = wtx.GetHash(), hashPrev = 0;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue = wtx.mapValue;

    if (nNet > 0 || wtx.IsCoinBase() || wtx.IsCoinStake())
        // Credit
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
            isminetype mine = wallet->IsMine(txout);
                TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                CTxDestination address;
                sub.idx = parts.size(); // sequence number
                sub.credit = txout.nValue;
                sub.involvesWatchAddress = mine == ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY;
                if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*wallet, address))
                    // Received by Bitcoin Address
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvWithAddress;
                    sub.address = CTurbogoldAddress(address).ToString();
                    // Received by IP connection (deprecated features), or a multisignature or other non-simple transaction
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvFromOther;
                    sub.address = mapValue["from"];

                if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
                    // Generated (proof-of-work)
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;
                if (wtx.IsCoinStake())
                    // Generated (proof-of-stake)

                    if (hashPrev == hash)
                        continue; // last coinstake output
                    CAmount nValueOut = 0;
                    BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
                        if (IsMine(*wallet,txout.scriptPubKey))
                            nValueOut += txout.nValue;
                        if (!MoneyRange(txout.nValue) || !MoneyRange(nValueOut))
                            throw std::runtime_error("CTransaction::GetValueOut() : value out of range");
                    sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;
                    sub.credit = nNet > 0 ? nNet : nValueOut - nDebit;
                    hashPrev = hash;

Beispiel #27
void PaymentServerTests::paymentServerTests()
    OptionsModel optionsModel;
    PaymentServer* server = new PaymentServer(nullptr, false);
    X509_STORE* caStore = X509_STORE_new();
    X509_STORE_add_cert(caStore, parse_b64der_cert(caCert1_BASE64));

    std::vector<unsigned char> data;
    SendCoinsRecipient r;
    QString merchant;

    // Now feed PaymentRequests to server, and observe signals it produces

    // This payment request validates directly against the
    // caCert1 certificate authority:
    data = DecodeBase64(paymentrequest1_cert1_BASE64);
    r = handleRequest(server, data);
    r.paymentRequest.getMerchant(caStore, merchant);
    QCOMPARE(merchant, QString("testmerchant.org"));

    // Signed, but expired, merchant cert in the request:
    data = DecodeBase64(paymentrequest2_cert1_BASE64);
    r = handleRequest(server, data);
    r.paymentRequest.getMerchant(caStore, merchant);
    QCOMPARE(merchant, QString(""));

    // 10-long certificate chain, all intermediates valid:
    data = DecodeBase64(paymentrequest3_cert1_BASE64);
    r = handleRequest(server, data);
    r.paymentRequest.getMerchant(caStore, merchant);
    QCOMPARE(merchant, QString("testmerchant8.org"));

    // Long certificate chain, with an expired certificate in the middle:
    data = DecodeBase64(paymentrequest4_cert1_BASE64);
    r = handleRequest(server, data);
    r.paymentRequest.getMerchant(caStore, merchant);
    QCOMPARE(merchant, QString(""));

    // Validly signed, but by a CA not in our root CA list:
    data = DecodeBase64(paymentrequest5_cert1_BASE64);
    r = handleRequest(server, data);
    r.paymentRequest.getMerchant(caStore, merchant);
    QCOMPARE(merchant, QString(""));

    // Try again with no root CA's, verifiedMerchant should be empty:
    caStore = X509_STORE_new();
    data = DecodeBase64(paymentrequest1_cert1_BASE64);
    r = handleRequest(server, data);
    r.paymentRequest.getMerchant(caStore, merchant);
    QCOMPARE(merchant, QString(""));

    // Load second root certificate
    caStore = X509_STORE_new();
    X509_STORE_add_cert(caStore, parse_b64der_cert(caCert2_BASE64));

    QByteArray byteArray;

    // For the tests below we just need the payment request data from
    // paymentrequestdata.h parsed + stored in r.paymentRequest.
    // These tests require us to bypass the following normal client execution flow
    // shown below to be able to explicitly just trigger a certain condition!
    // handleRequest()
    // -> PaymentServer::eventFilter()
    //   -> PaymentServer::handleURIOrFile()
    //     -> PaymentServer::readPaymentRequestFromFile()
    //       -> PaymentServer::processPaymentRequest()

    // Contains a testnet paytoaddress, so payment request network doesn't match client network:
    data = DecodeBase64(paymentrequest1_cert2_BASE64);
    byteArray = QByteArray((const char*)data.data(), data.size());
    // Ensure the request is initialized, because network "main" is default, even for
    // uninitialized payment requests and that will fail our test here.
    QCOMPARE(PaymentServer::verifyNetwork(r.paymentRequest.getDetails()), false);

    // Expired payment request (expires is set to 1 = 1970-01-01 00:00:01):
    data = DecodeBase64(paymentrequest2_cert2_BASE64);
    byteArray = QByteArray((const char*)data.data(), data.size());
    // Ensure the request is initialized
    // compares 1 < GetTime() == false (treated as expired payment request)
    QCOMPARE(PaymentServer::verifyExpired(r.paymentRequest.getDetails()), true);

    // Unexpired payment request (expires is set to 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF = max. int64_t):
    // 9223372036854775807 (uint64), 9223372036854775807 (int64_t) and -1 (int32_t)
    // -1 is 1969-12-31 23:59:59 (for a 32 bit time values)
    data = DecodeBase64(paymentrequest3_cert2_BASE64);
    byteArray = QByteArray((const char*)data.data(), data.size());
    // Ensure the request is initialized
    // compares 9223372036854775807 < GetTime() == false (treated as unexpired payment request)
    QCOMPARE(PaymentServer::verifyExpired(r.paymentRequest.getDetails()), false);

    // Unexpired payment request (expires is set to 0x8000000000000000 > max. int64_t, allowed uint64):
    // 9223372036854775808 (uint64), -9223372036854775808 (int64_t) and 0 (int32_t)
    // 0 is 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (for a 32 bit time values)
    data = DecodeBase64(paymentrequest4_cert2_BASE64);
    byteArray = QByteArray((const char*)data.data(), data.size());
    // Ensure the request is initialized
    // compares -9223372036854775808 < GetTime() == true (treated as expired payment request)
    QCOMPARE(PaymentServer::verifyExpired(r.paymentRequest.getDetails()), true);

    // Test BIP70 DoS protection:
    unsigned char randData[BIP70_MAX_PAYMENTREQUEST_SIZE + 1];
    GetRandBytes(randData, sizeof(randData));
    // Write data to a temp file:
    QTemporaryFile tempFile;
    tempFile.write((const char*)randData, sizeof(randData));
    // compares 50001 <= BIP70_MAX_PAYMENTREQUEST_SIZE == false
    QCOMPARE(PaymentServer::verifySize(tempFile.size()), false);

    // Payment request with amount overflow (amount is set to 21000001 BTC):
    data = DecodeBase64(paymentrequest5_cert2_BASE64);
    byteArray = QByteArray((const char*)data.data(), data.size());
    // Ensure the request is initialized
    // Extract address and amount from the request
    QList<std::pair<CScript, CAmount> > sendingTos = r.paymentRequest.getPayTo();
    for (const std::pair<CScript, CAmount>& sendingTo : sendingTos) {
        CTxDestination dest;
        if (ExtractDestination(sendingTo.first, dest))
            QCOMPARE(PaymentServer::verifyAmount(sendingTo.second), false);

    delete server;
QString TransactionDesc::toHTML(CWallet *wallet, CWalletTx &wtx)
    QString strHTML;
    QString explorer(fTestNet ? "http://explorer.butterflycoin.info/" : "http://explorer.butterflycoin.info/");

    LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet);
    strHTML += "<html><font face='verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif'>";

    int64_t nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
    int64_t nCredit = wtx.GetCredit();
    int64_t nDebit = wtx.GetDebit();
    int64_t nNet = nCredit - nDebit;

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Status") + ":</b> " + FormatTxStatus(wtx);
    int nRequests = wtx.GetRequestCount();
    if (nRequests != -1)
        if (nRequests == 0)
            strHTML += tr(", has not been successfully broadcast yet");
        else if (nRequests > 0)
            strHTML += tr(", broadcast through %n node(s)", "", nRequests);

    strHTML += "<br>";

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Date") + ":</b> " + (nTime ? GUIUtil::dateTimeStr(nTime) : "") + "<br>";

    // From
    if (wtx.IsCoinBase() || wtx.IsCoinStake())
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Source") + ":</b> " + tr("Generated") + "<br>";
    } else
    if (wtx.mapValue.count("from") && !wtx.mapValue["from"].empty())
        // Online transaction
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.mapValue["from"]) + "<br>";
    } else
        // Offline transaction
        if (nNet > 0)
            // Credit
            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
                if (wtx.nVersion == ANON_TXN_VERSION
                    && txout.IsAnonOutput())
                    const CScript &s = txout.scriptPubKey;
                    CKeyID ckidD = CPubKey(&s[2+1], 33).GetID();
                    std::string sAnonPrefix("ao ");
                    if (wallet->HaveKey(ckidD) && (wallet->mapAddressBook[ckidD].empty() || !wallet->mapAddressBook[ckidD].compare(0, sAnonPrefix.length(), sAnonPrefix) == 0))
                        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + tr("unknown") + "<br>";
                        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> <a href='"+explorer+"address.asp?address=";
                        strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(CBitcoinAddress(ckidD).ToString())+"' target='_blank'>";
                        strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(CBitcoinAddress(ckidD).ToString());
                        if (!wallet->mapAddressBook[ckidD].empty())
                            strHTML += " (" + tr("own address") + ", " + tr("label") + ": " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[ckidD]) + ")";
                            strHTML += " (" + tr("own address") + ")";
                        strHTML += "</a><br>";

                if (wallet->IsMine(txout))
                    CTxDestination address;
                    if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*wallet, address))
                        if (wallet->mapAddressBook.count(address))
                            strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + tr("unknown") + "<br>";
                            strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> <a href='"+explorer+"address.asp?address=";
                            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString())+"' target='_blank'>";
                            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString());
                            if (!wallet->mapAddressBook[address].empty())
                                strHTML += " (" + tr("own address") + ", " + tr("label") + ": " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[address]) + ")";
                                strHTML += " (" + tr("own address") + ")";
                            strHTML += "</a><br>";
QString TransactionDesc::toHTML(CWallet *wallet, CWalletTx &wtx)
    QString strHTML;

        strHTML += "<html><font face='verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif'>";

        int64 nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
        int64 nCredit = wtx.GetCredit();
        int64 nDebit = wtx.GetDebit();
        int64 nNet = nCredit - nDebit;

        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Status") + ":</b> " + FormatTxStatus(wtx);
        int nRequests = wtx.GetRequestCount();
        if (nRequests != -1)
            if (nRequests == 0)
                strHTML += tr(", has not been successfully broadcast yet");
            else if (nRequests > 0)
                strHTML += tr(", broadcast through %n node(s)", "", nRequests);
        strHTML += "<br>";

        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Date") + ":</b> " + (nTime ? GUIUtil::dateTimeStr(nTime) : "") + "<br>";

        // From
        if (wtx.IsCoinBase() || wtx.IsCoinStake())
            strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Source") + ":</b> " + tr("Generated") + "<br>";
        else if (wtx.mapValue.count("from") && !wtx.mapValue["from"].empty())
            // Online transaction
            strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.mapValue["from"]) + "<br>";
            // Offline transaction
            if (nNet > 0)
                // Credit
                BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
                    if (wallet->IsMine(txout))
                        CTxDestination address;
                        if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*wallet, address))
                            if (wallet->mapAddressBook.count(address))
                                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + tr("unknown") + "<br>";
                                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
                                strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString());
                                if (!wallet->mapAddressBook[address].empty())
                                    strHTML += " (" + tr("own address") + ", " + tr("label") + ": " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[address]) + ")";
                                    strHTML += " (" + tr("own address") + ")";
                                strHTML += "<br>";

        // To
        if (wtx.mapValue.count("to") && !wtx.mapValue["to"].empty())
            // Online transaction
            std::string strAddress = wtx.mapValue["to"];
            strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
            CTxDestination dest = CBitcoinAddress(strAddress).Get();
            if (wallet->mapAddressBook.count(dest) && !wallet->mapAddressBook[dest].empty())
                strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[dest]) + " ";
            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(strAddress) + "<br>";

        // Amount
        if (wtx.IsCoinBase() && nCredit == 0)
            // Coinbase
            int64 nUnmatured = 0;
            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
                nUnmatured += wallet->GetCredit(txout);
            strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> ";
            if (wtx.IsInMainChain())
                strHTML += BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(BitcoinUnits::BTC, nUnmatured)+ " (" + tr("matures in %n more block(s)", "", wtx.GetBlocksToMaturity()) + ")";
                strHTML += "(" + tr("not accepted") + ")";
            strHTML += "<br>";
Beispiel #30
void CoinControlDialog::updateLabels(WalletModel *model, QDialog* dialog)
    if (!model)

    // nPayAmount
    CAmount nPayAmount = 0;
    bool fDust = false;
    CMutableTransaction txDummy;
    for (const CAmount &amount : CoinControlDialog::payAmounts)
        nPayAmount += amount;

        if (amount > 0)
            CTxOut txout(amount, (CScript)std::vector<unsigned char>(24, 0));
            fDust |= IsDust(txout, ::dustRelayFee);

    CAmount nAmount             = 0;
    CAmount nPayFee             = 0;
    CAmount nAfterFee           = 0;
    CAmount nChange             = 0;
    unsigned int nBytes         = 0;
    unsigned int nBytesInputs   = 0;
    unsigned int nQuantity      = 0;
    bool fWitness               = false;

    std::vector<COutPoint> vCoinControl;
    std::vector<COutput>   vOutputs;
    model->getOutputs(vCoinControl, vOutputs);

    for (const COutput& out : vOutputs) {
        // unselect already spent, very unlikely scenario, this could happen
        // when selected are spent elsewhere, like rpc or another computer
        uint256 txhash = out.tx->GetHash();
        COutPoint outpt(txhash, out.i);
        if (model->isSpent(outpt))

        // Quantity

        // Amount
        nAmount += out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].nValue;

        // Bytes
        CTxDestination address;
        int witnessversion = 0;
        std::vector<unsigned char> witnessprogram;
        if (out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].scriptPubKey.IsWitnessProgram(witnessversion, witnessprogram))
            nBytesInputs += (32 + 4 + 1 + (107 / WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR) + 4);
            fWitness = true;
        else if(ExtractDestination(out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].scriptPubKey, address))
            CPubKey pubkey;
            CKeyID *keyid = boost::get<CKeyID>(&address);
            if (keyid && model->getPubKey(*keyid, pubkey))
                nBytesInputs += (pubkey.IsCompressed() ? 148 : 180);
                nBytesInputs += 148; // in all error cases, simply assume 148 here
        else nBytesInputs += 148;

    // calculation
    if (nQuantity > 0)
        // Bytes
        nBytes = nBytesInputs + ((CoinControlDialog::payAmounts.size() > 0 ? CoinControlDialog::payAmounts.size() + 1 : 2) * 34) + 10; // always assume +1 output for change here
        if (fWitness)
            // there is some fudging in these numbers related to the actual virtual transaction size calculation that will keep this estimate from being exact.
            // usually, the result will be an overestimate within a couple of satoshis so that the confirmation dialog ends up displaying a slightly smaller fee.
            // also, the witness stack size value is a variable sized integer. usually, the number of stack items will be well under the single byte var int limit.
            nBytes += 2; // account for the serialized marker and flag bytes
            nBytes += nQuantity; // account for the witness byte that holds the number of stack items for each input.

        // in the subtract fee from amount case, we can tell if zero change already and subtract the bytes, so that fee calculation afterwards is accurate
        if (CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount)
            if (nAmount - nPayAmount == 0)
                nBytes -= 34;

        // Fee
        nPayFee = CWallet::GetMinimumFee(nBytes, *coinControl, ::mempool, ::feeEstimator, nullptr /* FeeCalculation */);

        if (nPayAmount > 0)
            nChange = nAmount - nPayAmount;
            if (!CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount)
                nChange -= nPayFee;

            // Never create dust outputs; if we would, just add the dust to the fee.
            if (nChange > 0 && nChange < MIN_CHANGE)
                CTxOut txout(nChange, (CScript)std::vector<unsigned char>(24, 0));
                if (IsDust(txout, ::dustRelayFee))
                    nPayFee += nChange;
                    nChange = 0;
                    if (CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount)
                        nBytes -= 34; // we didn't detect lack of change above

            if (nChange == 0 && !CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount)
                nBytes -= 34;

        // after fee
        nAfterFee = std::max<CAmount>(nAmount - nPayFee, 0);

    // actually update labels
    int nDisplayUnit = WiFicoinUnits::WFC;
    if (model && model->getOptionsModel())
        nDisplayUnit = model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit();

    QLabel *l1 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlQuantity");
    QLabel *l2 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlAmount");
    QLabel *l3 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlFee");
    QLabel *l4 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlAfterFee");
    QLabel *l5 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlBytes");
    QLabel *l7 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlLowOutput");
    QLabel *l8 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlChange");

    // enable/disable "dust" and "change"
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlLowOutputText")->setEnabled(nPayAmount > 0);
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlLowOutput")    ->setEnabled(nPayAmount > 0);
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlChangeText")   ->setEnabled(nPayAmount > 0);
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlChange")       ->setEnabled(nPayAmount > 0);

    // stats
    l1->setText(QString::number(nQuantity));                                 // Quantity
    l2->setText(WiFicoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nAmount));        // Amount
    l3->setText(WiFicoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nPayFee));        // Fee
    l4->setText(WiFicoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nAfterFee));      // After Fee
    l5->setText(((nBytes > 0) ? ASYMP_UTF8 : "") + QString::number(nBytes));        // Bytes
    l7->setText(fDust ? tr("yes") : tr("no"));                               // Dust
    l8->setText(WiFicoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nChange));        // Change
    if (nPayFee > 0)
        l3->setText(ASYMP_UTF8 + l3->text());
        l4->setText(ASYMP_UTF8 + l4->text());
        if (nChange > 0 && !CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount)
            l8->setText(ASYMP_UTF8 + l8->text());

    // turn label red when dust
    l7->setStyleSheet((fDust) ? "color:red;" : "");

    // tool tips
    QString toolTipDust = tr("This label turns red if any recipient receives an amount smaller than the current dust threshold.");

    // how many satoshis the estimated fee can vary per byte we guess wrong
    double dFeeVary = (double)nPayFee / nBytes;

    QString toolTip4 = tr("Can vary +/- %1 satoshi(s) per input.").arg(dFeeVary);

    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlFeeText")      ->setToolTip(l3->toolTip());
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlAfterFeeText") ->setToolTip(l4->toolTip());
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlBytesText")    ->setToolTip(l5->toolTip());
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlLowOutputText")->setToolTip(l7->toolTip());
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlChangeText")   ->setToolTip(l8->toolTip());

    // Insufficient funds
    QLabel *label = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlInsuffFunds");
    if (label)
        label->setVisible(nChange < 0);