Beispiel #1
static int32_t gausstrig_process_krate(CSOUND* csound, GAUSSTRIG *p)
    MYFLT frq, dev;
    p->frq0 = *p->kfrq;
    frq = (*p->kfrq > FL(0.001) ? *p->kfrq : FL(0.001));
    dev = *p->kdev;
    if (p->first > 0) {
      /* values less than FL(0.0) could be used in later versions
         as an offset in samples */
      int32_t     nextsamps;
      MYFLT   nextcount, r1, r2;
      /* this very line of k-time fix. Changed GetSt to GetKr */
      nextsamps = (int32_t)(csound->GetKr(csound) / frq);
      p->rand = csoundRand31(&p->rand);
      r1 = (MYFLT)p->rand * dv2_31;
      p->rand = csoundRand31(&p->rand);
      r2 = (MYFLT)p->rand * dv2_31;
      nextcount = SQRT(FL(-2.0) * LOG(r1)) * SIN(r2 * TWOPI_F);
      if (nextcount < FL(-1.0)) {
        MYFLT diff = FL(-1.0) - nextcount;
        nextcount  = (FL(1.0) < FL(-1.0) + diff ? FL(1.0) : FL(-1.0) + diff);
      else if (nextcount > FL(1.0)) {
        MYFLT diff = nextcount - FL(1.0);
        nextcount  = (FL(-1.0) > FL(1.0) - diff ? FL(-1.0) : FL(1.0) - diff);
      p->count = (int32_t)(nextsamps + nextcount * dev * nextsamps);
      p->first = 0;
    if (p->count <= 0) {
      int32_t     nextsamps;
      MYFLT   nextcount, r1, r2;
/* this very line of k-time fix. Changed GetSt to GetKr */
      nextsamps = (int32_t)(csound->GetKr(csound) / frq);
      p->rand = csoundRand31(&p->rand);
      r1 = (MYFLT)p->rand * dv2_31;
      p->rand = csoundRand31(&p->rand);
      r2 = (MYFLT)p->rand * dv2_31;
      nextcount = SQRT(FL(-2.0) * LOG(r1)) * SIN(r2 * TWOPI_F);
      if (nextcount < FL(-1.0)) {
        MYFLT diff = FL(-1.0) - nextcount;
        nextcount  = (FL(1.0) < FL(-1.0) + diff ? FL(1.0) : FL(-1.0) + diff);
      else if (nextcount > FL(1.0)) {
        MYFLT diff = nextcount - FL(1.0);
        nextcount  = (FL(-1.0) > FL(1.0) - diff ? FL(-1.0) : FL(1.0) - diff);
      p->count = (int32_t)(nextsamps + nextcount * dev * nextsamps);
      *p->out = *p->kamp;
    else {
      if (p->mmode && *p->kfrq != p->frq0)
        p->count = 0;
      *p->out = FL(0.0);
    return OK;
Beispiel #2
static int psynth_process(CSOUND *csound, _PSYN *p)
    double  ampnext, amp, freq, freqnext, phase, ratio;
    double  a, f, frac, incra, incrph, factor;
    MYFLT   scale = *p->scal, pitch = *p->pitch;
    int     ndx, size = p->func->flen;
    int     i, j, k, m, id;
    int     notcontin = 0;
    int     contin = 0;
    int     tracks = p->tracks, maxtracks = (int) *p->maxtracks;
    MYFLT   *tab = p->func->ftable, *out = p->out;
    float   *fin = (float *) p->fin->frame.auxp;
    uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
    uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
    uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
    int      pos = p->pos;
    double   *amps = (double *) p->amps.auxp, *freqs = (double *) p->freqs.auxp;
    double   *phases = (double *) p->phases.auxp;
    MYFLT    *outsum = (MYFLT *) p->sum.auxp;
    int     *trackID = (int *) p->trackID.auxp;
    int     hopsize = p->hopsize;
    double  min = p->min;
    ratio = size * csound->onedsr;
    factor = p->factor;

    maxtracks = p->numbins > maxtracks ? maxtracks : p->numbins;

    if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(out, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
    if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
      nsmps -= early;
      memset(&out[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
    for (n = offset; n < nsmps; n++) {
      out[n] = outsum[pos];
      if (pos == hopsize) {
        memset(outsum, 0, sizeof(MYFLT) * hopsize);
        /* for each track */
        i = j = k = 0;
        while (i < maxtracks * 4) {

          ampnext = (double) fin[i] * scale;
          freqnext = (double) fin[i + 1] * pitch;
          if ((id = (int) fin[i + 3]) != -1) {
            j = k + notcontin;

            if (k < tracks - notcontin) {
              if (trackID[j] == id) {
                /* if this is a continuing track */
                contin = 1;
                freq = freqs[j];
                phase = phases[j];
                amp = amps[j];

              else {
                /* if this is  a dead track */
                contin = 0;
                freqnext = freq = freqs[j];
                phase = phases[j];
                amp = amps[j];
                ampnext = FL(0.0);
            else {
              /* new track */
              contin = 1;
              freq = freqnext;
              phase = -freq * factor;
              amp = FL(0.0);

            if(amp > min){
            /* interpolation & track synthesis loop */
            a = amp;
            f = freq;
            incra = (ampnext - amp) / hopsize;
            incrph = (freqnext - freq) / hopsize;
            for (m = 0; m < hopsize; m++) {
              /* table lookup oscillator */
              phase += f * ratio;
              while (phase < 0)
                phase += size;
              while (phase >= size)
                phase -= size;
              ndx = (int) phase;
              frac = phase - ndx;
              outsum[m] += a * (tab[ndx] + (tab[ndx + 1] - tab[ndx]) * frac);
              a += incra;
              f += incrph;
            /* keep amp, freq, and phase values for next time */
            if (contin) {

              amps[k] = ampnext;
              freqs[k] = freqnext;
              phases[k] = phase;
              trackID[k] = id;
              i += 4;
        pos = 0;
        p->tracks = k;
    p->pos = pos;
    return OK;
 * The function limSendRemainOnChannelDebugMarkerFrame, prepares Marker frame
 * for Start and End of remain on channel with RemainOnChannelMsg as Vendor
 * Specific information element of the frame.
tSirRetStatus limSendRemainOnChannelDebugMarkerFrame(tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
                                                     tANI_U8 *remainOnChannelMsg)
    tSirMacAddr          magicMacAddr= {0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66};
    tANI_U32             nBytes, nPayload;
    tSirRetStatus        nSirStatus;
    tANI_U8              *pFrame;
    void                 *pPacket;
    eHalStatus           halstatus;
    tANI_U8              txFlag = 0;
    publicVendorSpecific *pPublicVendorSpecific;

    pPublicVendorSpecific = vos_mem_malloc(sizeof(publicVendorSpecific));
    if( pPublicVendorSpecific == NULL )
        limLog( pMac, LOGE,
                FL( "Unable to allocate memory for Vendor specific information"
                    " element" ) );
        return eSIR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED;
    // Assigning Action category code as unknown as this is debug marker frame
    pPublicVendorSpecific->category = REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL_UNKNOWN_ACTION_CATEGORY;
    pPublicVendorSpecific->elementid = VENDOR_SPECIFIC_ELEMENT_ID;
    pPublicVendorSpecific->length = strlen(remainOnChannelMsg);

    nPayload = sizeof(publicVendorSpecific) + pPublicVendorSpecific->length;

    nBytes = nPayload + sizeof( tSirMacMgmtHdr );

    halstatus = palPktAlloc( pMac->hHdd, HAL_TXRX_FRM_802_11_MGMT,
                             ( tANI_U16 )nBytes, ( void** ) &pFrame,
                             ( void** ) &pPacket );
    if ( ! HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS ( halstatus ) )
        limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("Failed to allocate %d bytes for a Remain"
                               " on channel action frame."), nBytes );
        nSirStatus = eSIR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED;
        goto end;
    vos_mem_zero( pFrame, nBytes );

    // Populate frame with MAC header
    nSirStatus = limPopulateMacHeader( pMac, pFrame, SIR_MAC_MGMT_FRAME,
                                SIR_MAC_MGMT_ACTION, magicMacAddr,
    if ( eSIR_SUCCESS != nSirStatus )
        limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("Failed to populate the buffer descriptor for a"
                               " Action frame for remain on channel.") );
        palPktFree( pMac->hHdd, HAL_TXRX_FRM_802_11_MGMT,
                    ( void* ) pFrame, ( void* ) pPacket );
        goto end;

    // Copy Public Vendor specific fields to frame's information element
    vos_mem_copy( (pFrame + (sizeof( tSirMacMgmtHdr ))),
                   pPublicVendorSpecific, sizeof(publicVendorSpecific) );
    // Copy Remain On channel message to Vendor Specific information field
    vos_mem_copy( (pFrame + (nBytes - pPublicVendorSpecific->length)),
                   remainOnChannelMsg, pPublicVendorSpecific->length );

    halstatus = halTxFrame( pMac, pPacket,
                            ( tANI_U16 ) sizeof(tSirMacMgmtHdr) + nPayload,
                            limTxComplete, pFrame, txFlag );
    if ( ! HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS ( halstatus ) )
        limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("could not send marker frame for"
                               " remain on channel!" ));
        //Pkt will be freed up by the callback
        nSirStatus = eSIR_FAILURE;
        goto end;

    nSirStatus = eSIR_SUCCESS;

    vos_mem_free( pPublicVendorSpecific );
    return nSirStatus;
Beispiel #4
void BiQuad_clear(BiQuad *b)
    b->inputs[0] = FL(0.0);
    b->inputs[1] = FL(0.0);
    b->lastOutput = FL(0.0);
Beispiel #5
/* dotablefilter()
static int32_t dotablefilter (CSOUND *csound, TABFILT *p)
    int32 loopcount;     /* Loop counter. Set by the length of the dest table.*/
    int32 indx = 0;              /* Index to be added to offsets */
    int32 indx2 = 0; /*index into source table*/
    MYFLT *based, *bases;       /* Base addresses of the two tables.*/
    int32 masks;                 /* Binary masks for the source table */
    MYFLT *pdest, *ps;
    MYFLT threshold;
    int32 ftype;
    MYFLT previous = FL(0.0);
    //int32 sourcelength;

    ftype = (int32) *p->ftype;
    threshold = Digest (*p->threshold);
    loopcount = p->funcd->flen;
    //sourcelength = loopcount;

    /* Now get the base addresses and length masks of the tables. */
    based  = p->funcd->ftable;
    bases = p->funcs->ftable;
    masks = p->funcs->lenmask;

    do {
      /* Create source pointers by ANDing index with mask, and adding to base
       * address. This causes source  addresses to wrap around if the
       * destination table is longer.
       * Destination address is simply the index plus the base address since
       * we know we will be writing within the table.          */

      pdest = based  + indx;
      ps    = bases  + (masks & indx2);
      switch (ftype) {
      case 0:
        *pdest = *ps;
        indx++; indx2++;
      case 1:
        { /* filter all above threshold */
          int32_t p, q = 0;
          float2frac (csound, *ps, &p, &q);
          if (Digest (q) > threshold) {
          } else {
            *pdest = *ps;
            indx++; indx2++;
      case 2:
        { /* filter all below threshold */
          int32_t p, q = 0;
          float2frac (csound, *ps, &p, &q);
          if (Digest (q) < threshold) {
          } else {
            *pdest = *ps;
            indx++; indx2++;
      case 3:
        { /* generate IOIs from source and write into destination */
          if (*ps == FL(0.0)) { /* skip zeros in source table */
          *pdest = *ps - previous;
          previous = *ps;
          indx++; indx2++;
    } while (--loopcount);

    *p->result = indx;

    return OK;
Beispiel #6
void make_DCBlock(DCBlock* p)
    p->outputs = FL(0.0);
    p->inputs = FL(0.0);
Beispiel #7
void ADSR_keyOn(ADSR *a)
    a->target = FL(1.0);
    a->rate = a->attackRate;
    a->state = ATTACK;
eHalStatus csrTdlsProcessSendMgmt( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *cmd )
    tTdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo *tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo = &cmd->u.tdlsCmd.u.tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo ;
    tSirTdlsSendMgmtReq *tdlsSendMgmtReq = NULL ;
    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, cmd->sessionId );
    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;

    if (NULL == pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("BSS Description is not present") );
        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;

    tdlsSendMgmtReq = vos_mem_malloc(
                      sizeof(tSirTdlsSendMgmtReq) + tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->len);
    if ( NULL == tdlsSendMgmtReq )
       status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
       status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;

    if (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("alloc failed") );
        VOS_ASSERT(0) ;
        return status ;
    tdlsSendMgmtReq->sessionId = cmd->sessionId;
    //Using dialog as transactionId. This can be used to match response with request
    tdlsSendMgmtReq->transactionId = tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->dialog;  
    tdlsSendMgmtReq->reqType =  tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->frameType ;
    tdlsSendMgmtReq->dialog =  tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->dialog ;
    tdlsSendMgmtReq->statusCode =  tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->statusCode ;
    tdlsSendMgmtReq->responder =  tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->responder;

                  pSession->pConnectBssDesc->bssId, sizeof (tSirMacAddr));

            tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->peerMac, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)) ;

    if(tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->len && tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->buf)
        vos_mem_copy(tdlsSendMgmtReq->addIe, tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->buf,

    // Send the request to PE.
    smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "sending TDLS Mgmt Frame req to PE " );
    status = tdlsSendMessage(pMac, eWNI_SME_TDLS_SEND_MGMT_REQ, 
            (void *)tdlsSendMgmtReq , sizeof(tSirTdlsSendMgmtReq)+tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->len) ;
    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("Failed to send request to MAC"));
    if(tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->len && tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->buf)
        //Done with the buf. Free it.
        vos_mem_free( tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->buf );
        tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->buf = NULL;
        tdlsSendMgmtCmdInfo->len = 0;

    return status;
eHalStatus csrTdlsProcessAddSta( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *cmd )
    tTdlsAddStaCmdInfo *tdlsAddStaCmdInfo = &cmd->u.tdlsCmd.u.tdlsAddStaCmdInfo ;
    tSirTdlsAddStaReq *tdlsAddStaReq = NULL ;
    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, cmd->sessionId );
    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;

    if (NULL == pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("BSS description is not present") );
        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;

    tdlsAddStaReq = vos_mem_malloc(sizeof(tSirTdlsAddStaReq));
    if ( NULL == tdlsAddStaReq )
        status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
        status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;

    if (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("alloc failed") );
        VOS_ASSERT(0) ;
        return status ;
    tdlsAddStaReq->sessionId = cmd->sessionId;
    tdlsAddStaReq->tdlsAddOper = tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->tdlsAddOper;
    //Using dialog as transactionId. This can be used to match response with request
    tdlsAddStaReq->transactionId = 0;

    vos_mem_copy( tdlsAddStaReq->bssid,
                  pSession->pConnectBssDesc->bssId, sizeof (tSirMacAddr));

    vos_mem_copy( tdlsAddStaReq->peerMac,
            tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->peerMac, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)) ;

    tdlsAddStaReq->capability = tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->capability;
    tdlsAddStaReq->uapsd_queues = tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->uapsdQueues;
    tdlsAddStaReq->max_sp = tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->maxSp;

    vos_mem_copy( tdlsAddStaReq->extn_capability,
    tdlsAddStaReq->htcap_present = tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->htcap_present;
    vos_mem_copy( &tdlsAddStaReq->htCap,
                  &tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->HTCap, sizeof(tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->HTCap));
    tdlsAddStaReq->vhtcap_present = tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->vhtcap_present;
    vos_mem_copy( &tdlsAddStaReq->vhtCap,
                  &tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->VHTCap, sizeof(tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->VHTCap));
    tdlsAddStaReq->supported_rates_length = tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->supportedRatesLen;
    vos_mem_copy( &tdlsAddStaReq->supported_rates,
                  tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->supportedRates, tdlsAddStaCmdInfo->supportedRatesLen);

    // Send the request to PE.
    smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "sending TDLS Add Sta req to PE " );
    status = tdlsSendMessage(pMac, eWNI_SME_TDLS_ADD_STA_REQ, 
            (void *)tdlsAddStaReq , sizeof(tSirTdlsAddStaReq)) ;
    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("Failed to send request to MAC"));
    return status;
Beispiel #10
int32_t call_system_set(CSOUND *csound, SYSTEM *p)
    p->prv_ktrig = FL(0.0);
    return OK;
 * limIsAuthAlgoSupported()
 * This function is called in various places within LIM code
 * to determine whether passed authentication algorithm is enabled
 * or not
 * NA
 * NA
 * @param authType Indicates MAC based authentication type
 *                 (eSIR_OPEN_SYSTEM or eSIR_SHARED_KEY)
 *                 If Shared Key authentication to be used,
 *                 'Privacy Option Implemented' flag is also
 *                 checked.
 * @return true if passed authType is enabled else false
limIsAuthAlgoSupported(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tAniAuthType authType, tpPESession psessionEntry)
    tANI_U32 algoEnable, privacyOptImp;

    if (authType == eSIR_OPEN_SYSTEM)

        if(psessionEntry->limSystemRole == eLIM_AP_ROLE)
           if((psessionEntry->authType == eSIR_OPEN_SYSTEM) || (psessionEntry->authType == eSIR_AUTO_SWITCH))
              return true;
              return false; 

        if (wlan_cfgGetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_OPEN_SYSTEM_AUTH_ENABLE,
                      &algoEnable) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
             * Could not get AuthAlgo1 Enable value
             * from CFG. Log error.
            limLog(pMac, LOGE,
                   FL("could not retrieve AuthAlgo1 Enable value"));

            return false;
            return ( (algoEnable > 0 ? true : false) );

        if(psessionEntry->limSystemRole == eLIM_AP_ROLE)
            if((psessionEntry->authType == eSIR_SHARED_KEY) || (psessionEntry->authType == eSIR_AUTO_SWITCH))
                algoEnable = true;
                algoEnable = false;

        if (wlan_cfgGetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_SHARED_KEY_AUTH_ENABLE,
                      &algoEnable) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
             * Could not get AuthAlgo2 Enable value
             * from CFG. Log error.
            limLog(pMac, LOGE,
                   FL("could not retrieve AuthAlgo2 Enable value"));

            return false;

        if(psessionEntry->limSystemRole == eLIM_AP_ROLE)
            privacyOptImp = psessionEntry->privacy;

        if (wlan_cfgGetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_PRIVACY_ENABLED,
                      &privacyOptImp) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
             * Could not get PrivacyOptionImplemented value
             * from CFG. Log error.
            limLog(pMac, LOGE,
               FL("could not retrieve PrivacyOptImplemented value"));

            return false;
            return (algoEnable && privacyOptImp);
} /****** end limIsAuthAlgoSupported() ******/
Beispiel #12
eHalStatus sme_FTUpdateKey(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 sessionId,
                           tCsrRoamSetKey * pFTKeyInfo )
   tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
   tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;

   if (!pSession)
      smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("pSession is NULL"));
      return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;

   if (pFTKeyInfo == NULL)
      smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "%s: pFTKeyInfo is NULL", __func__);
      return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;

   status = sme_AcquireGlobalLock( &pMac->sme );
   if (!( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status )))
      return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;

   smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "sme_FTUpdateKey is received in state %d",

   // Global Station FT State
      case eFT_SET_KEY_WAIT:
         if (sme_GetFTPreAuthState(hHal, sessionId) == TRUE)
            status = sme_FTSendUpdateKeyInd(pMac, sessionId, pFTKeyInfo);
            if (status != 0 )
               smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "%s: Key set failure %d", __func__,
               pSession->ftSmeContext.setFTPTKState = FALSE;
               status = eHAL_STATUS_FT_PREAUTH_KEY_FAILED;
               pSession->ftSmeContext.setFTPTKState = TRUE;
               status = eHAL_STATUS_FT_PREAUTH_KEY_SUCCESS;
               smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "%s: Key set success", __func__);
            sme_SetFTPreAuthState(hHal, sessionId, FALSE);

         pSession->ftSmeContext.FTState = eFT_START_READY;
         smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "%s: state changed to %d status %d", __func__,
               pSession->ftSmeContext.FTState, status);

         smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "%s: Unhandled state=%d", __func__,
         status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
   sme_ReleaseGlobalLock( &pMac->sme );

   return status;
tSirRetStatus schAppendAddnIE(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tpPESession psessionEntry,
                                     tANI_U8 *pFrame, tANI_U32 maxBeaconSize,
                                     tANI_U32 *nBytes)
    tSirRetStatus status = eSIR_FAILURE;
    tANI_U32 present, len;
     if((status = wlan_cfgGetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_PROBE_RSP_BCN_ADDNIE_FLAG,
                                 &present)) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
        schLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("Unable to get WNI_CFG_PROBE_RSP_BCN_ADDNIE_FLAG"));
        return status;

        if((status = wlan_cfgGetStrLen(pMac, WNI_CFG_PROBE_RSP_BCN_ADDNIE_DATA,
                                       &len)) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
            schLog(pMac, LOGP,
                FL("Unable to get WNI_CFG_PROBE_RSP_BCN_ADDNIE_DATA length"));
            return status;

        if(len <= WNI_CFG_PROBE_RSP_BCN_ADDNIE_DATA_LEN && len && 
          ((len + *nBytes) <= maxBeaconSize))
            if((status = wlan_cfgGetStr(pMac, 
                          WNI_CFG_PROBE_RSP_BCN_ADDNIE_DATA, &addIE[0], &len))
                          == eSIR_SUCCESS)
                tANI_U8* pP2pIe = limGetP2pIEPtr(pMac, &addIE[0], len);
                if(pP2pIe != NULL)
                    tANI_U8 noaLen = 0;
                    tANI_U8 noaStream[SIR_MAX_NOA_ATTR_LEN + SIR_P2P_IE_HEADER_LEN];
                    noaLen = limGetNoaAttrStream(pMac, noaStream, psessionEntry);
                        if(noaLen + len <= WNI_CFG_PROBE_RSP_BCN_ADDNIE_DATA_LEN)
                            vos_mem_copy(&addIE[len], noaStream, noaLen);
                            len += noaLen;
                            pP2pIe[1] += noaLen;
                            schLog(pMac, LOGE,
                               FL("Not able to insert NoA because of length constraint"));
                vos_mem_copy(pFrame, &addIE[0], len);
                *nBytes = *nBytes + len;

    return status;
Beispiel #14
static int32_t gausstrig_process_arate(CSOUND* csound, GAUSSTRIG *p)
    uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
    uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
    uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
    MYFLT   *out = p->out;
    MYFLT frq, dev;
    p->frq0 = *p->kfrq;
    frq = (p->frq0 > FL(0.001) ? p->frq0 : FL(0.001));
    dev = *p->kdev;
    if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(p->out, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
    if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
      nsmps -= early;
      memset(&p->out[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
    //memset(out, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
    if (p->first > FL(0.0)) {
      /* values less than FL(0.0) could be used in later versions
         as an offset in samples */
      int32_t     nextsamps;
      MYFLT   nextcount, dev, r1, r2;
      //p->frq0 = *p->kfrq;
      //frq = (p->frq0 > FL(0.001) ? p->frq0 : FL(0.001));
      dev = *p->kdev;
      nextsamps = (int32_t)(csound->GetSr(csound) / frq);
      p->rand = csoundRand31(&p->rand);
      r1 = (MYFLT)p->rand * dv2_31;
      p->rand = csoundRand31(&p->rand);
      r2 = (MYFLT)p->rand * dv2_31;
      nextcount = SQRT(FL(-2.0) * LOG(r1)) * SIN(r2 * TWOPI_F);
      if (nextcount < FL(-1.0)) {
        MYFLT diff = FL(-1.0) - nextcount;
        nextcount  = (FL(1.0) < FL(-1.0) + diff ? FL(1.0) : FL(-1.0) + diff);
      else if (nextcount > FL(1.0)) {
        MYFLT diff = nextcount - FL(1.0);
        nextcount  = (FL(-1.0) > FL(1.0) - diff ? FL(-1.0) : FL(1.0) - diff);
      p->count = (int32_t)(nextsamps + nextcount * dev * nextsamps);
      p->first = 0;             /* Only once called */
    for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
      if (p->count <= 0) {
        int32_t     nextsamps;
        MYFLT   nextcount, r1, r2;
        nextsamps = (int32_t)(csound->GetSr(csound) / frq);
        p->rand = csoundRand31(&p->rand);
        r1 = (MYFLT)p->rand * dv2_31;
        p->rand = csoundRand31(&p->rand);
        r2 = (MYFLT)p->rand * dv2_31;
        nextcount = SQRT(FL(-2.0) * LOG(r1)) * SIN(r2 * TWOPI_F);
        if (nextcount < FL(-1.0)) {
          MYFLT diff = FL(-1.0) - nextcount;
          nextcount  = (FL(1.0) < FL(-1.0) + diff ? FL(1.0) : FL(-1.0) + diff);
        else if (nextcount > FL(1.0)) {
          MYFLT diff = nextcount - FL(1.0);
          nextcount  = (FL(-1.0) > FL(1.0) - diff ? FL(-1.0) : FL(1.0) - diff);
        p->count = (int32_t)(nextsamps + nextcount * dev * nextsamps);
        out[n] = *p->kamp;
      else {
        if (p->mmode && *p->kfrq != p->frq0)
          p->count = 0;
        out[n] = FL(0.0);
    return OK;
tSirRetStatus uMacPostCtrlMsg(void* pSirGlobal, tSirMbMsg* pMb)
    tSirMsgQ msg;
    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = (tpAniSirGlobal)pSirGlobal;

    tSirMbMsg* pMbLocal;
    msg.type = pMb->type;
    msg.bodyval = 0;

    WDALOG3(wdaLog(pMac, LOG3, FL("msgType %d, msgLen %d\n" ),
                   pMb->type, pMb->msgLen));

    // copy the message from host buffer to firmware buffer
    // this will make sure that firmware allocates, uses and frees
    // it's own buffers for mailbox message instead of working on
    // host buffer

    // second parameter, 'wait option', to palAllocateMemory is ignored on Windows
    if( eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMbLocal, pMb->msgLen))
        WDALOGE( wdaLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Buffer Allocation failed!\n")));
        return eSIR_FAILURE;

    palCopyMemory(pMac, (void *)pMbLocal, (void *)pMb, pMb->msgLen);
    msg.bodyptr = pMbLocal;

    switch (msg.type & HAL_MMH_MB_MSG_TYPE_MASK)
    case WDA_MSG_TYPES_BEGIN:    // Posts a message to the HAL MsgQ
        wdaPostCtrlMsg(pMac, &msg);

    case SIR_LIM_MSG_TYPES_BEGIN:    // Posts a message to the LIM MsgQ
        limPostMsgApi(pMac, &msg);

    case SIR_CFG_MSG_TYPES_BEGIN:    // Posts a message to the CFG MsgQ
        wdaPostCfgMsg(pMac, &msg);

    case SIR_PMM_MSG_TYPES_BEGIN:    // Posts a message to the PMM MsgQ
        pmmPostMessage(pMac, &msg);

        WDALOGW( wdaLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("%s:%d: message type = 0x%X"),
                        __func__, __LINE__, msg.type));

        WDALOGW( wdaLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("Unknown message type = "

        // Release the memory.
        if (palFreeMemory( pMac->hHdd, (void*)(msg.bodyptr))
                != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
            WDALOGE( wdaLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Buffer Allocation failed!\n")));
            return eSIR_FAILURE;

    return eSIR_SUCCESS;

} // uMacPostCtrlMsg()
Beispiel #16
static void sndfilein_noscale(CSOUND *csound)
    sndfilein_(csound, FL(1.0));
Beispiel #17
void Envelope_keyOff(Envelope *e)
    e->target = FL(0.0);
    if (e->value != e->target) e->state = 1;
Beispiel #18
void hdd_sendMgmtFrameOverMonitorIface( hdd_adapter_t *pMonAdapter,
                                        tANI_U32 nFrameLength, tANI_U8* pbFrames,
                                        tANI_U8 frameType )  
    //Indicate a Frame over Monitor Intf.
    int rxstat;
    struct sk_buff *skb = NULL;
    int needed_headroom = 0;
    hdd_context_t* pHddCtx = (hdd_context_t*)(pMonAdapter->pHddCtx);
    hddLog( LOG1, FL("Indicate Frame over Monitor Intf"));

    VOS_ASSERT( (pbFrames != NULL) );

    /* room for the radiotap header based on driver features
     * 1 Byte for RADIO TAP Flag, 1 Byte padding and 2 Byte for
     * RX flags.
     * */
     needed_headroom = sizeof(struct ieee80211_radiotap_header) + 4;

     //alloc skb  here
     skb = alloc_skb(VPKT_SIZE_BUFFER, GFP_ATOMIC);
     if (unlikely(NULL == skb))
         hddLog( LOGW, FL("Unable to allocate skb"));
     skb_reserve(skb, VPKT_SIZE_BUFFER);
     if (unlikely(skb_headroom(skb) < nFrameLength))
                   "HDD [%d]: Insufficient headroom, "
                   "head[%p], data[%p], req[%d]",
                   __LINE__, skb->head, skb->data, nFrameLength);
         return ;
     // actually push the data
     memcpy(skb_push(skb, nFrameLength), pbFrames, nFrameLength);
     /* prepend radiotap information */
     if( 0 != hdd_wlan_add_rx_radiotap_hdr( skb, needed_headroom, flag ) )
         hddLog( LOGE, FL("Not Able Add Radio Tap"));
         //free skb
         return ;

     skb_reset_mac_header( skb );
     skb->dev = pMonAdapter->dev;
     skb->protocol = eth_type_trans( skb, skb->dev );
     skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
     wake_lock_timeout(&pHddCtx->rx_wake_lock, HDD_WAKE_LOCK_DURATION);
     rxstat = netif_rx_ni(skb);
     if( NET_RX_SUCCESS == rxstat )
         hddLog( LOG1, FL("Success"));
         hddLog( LOGE, FL("Failed %d"), rxstat);                   

     return ;
Beispiel #19
MYFLT DCBlock_tick(DCBlock* p, MYFLT sample)
    p->outputs = sample - p->inputs + FL(0.99) * p->outputs;
    p->inputs = sample;
    return p->outputs;
Beispiel #20
void hdd_indicateMgmtFrame( hdd_adapter_t *pAdapter,
                            tANI_U32 nFrameLength, 
                            tANI_U8* pbFrames,
                            tANI_U8 frameType,
                            tANI_U32 rxChan )
    tANI_U16 freq;
    tANI_U8 type = 0;
    tANI_U8 subType = 0; 
    tActionFrmType actionFrmType;
    hdd_cfg80211_state_t *cfgState = NULL;

    hddLog(VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, "%s: Frame Type = %d Frame Length = %d\n",
            __func__, frameType, nFrameLength);

    if (NULL == pAdapter)
        hddLog( LOGE, FL("pAdapter is NULL"));

    if (NULL == pAdapter->dev)
        hddLog( LOGE, FL("pAdapter->dev is NULL"));

    if (WLAN_HDD_ADAPTER_MAGIC != pAdapter->magic)
        hddLog( LOGE, FL("pAdapter has invalid magic"));

    if( !nFrameLength )
        hddLog( LOGE, FL("Frame Length is Invalid ZERO"));

    if (NULL == pbFrames) {
        hddLog( LOGE, FL("pbFrames is NULL"));

    if( ( WLAN_HDD_SOFTAP == pAdapter->device_mode ) 
            || ( WLAN_HDD_P2P_GO == pAdapter->device_mode )
        hdd_adapter_t *pMonAdapter =
            hdd_get_mon_adapter( WLAN_HDD_GET_CTX(pAdapter) );

        if( NULL != pMonAdapter )
            hddLog( LOG1, FL("Indicate Frame over Monitor Interface"));
            hdd_sendMgmtFrameOverMonitorIface( pMonAdapter, nFrameLength,
                    pbFrames, frameType);

    //Channel indicated may be wrong. TODO
    //Indicate an action frame.
    if( rxChan <= MAX_NO_OF_2_4_CHANNELS )
        freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency( rxChan,
        freq = ieee80211_channel_to_frequency( rxChan,

    type = WLAN_HDD_GET_TYPE_FRM_FC(pbFrames[0]);
    subType = WLAN_HDD_GET_SUBTYPE_FRM_FC(pbFrames[0]);
    cfgState = WLAN_HDD_GET_CFG_STATE_PTR( pAdapter );
    if ((type == SIR_MAC_MGMT_FRAME) && 
            (subType == SIR_MAC_MGMT_ACTION) &&
        actionFrmType = pbFrames[WLAN_HDD_PUBLIC_ACTION_FRAME_TYPE_OFFSET];
        hddLog(LOG1, "Rx Action Frame %u \n", actionFrmType);
        if(actionFrmType > MAX_P2P_ACTION_FRAME_TYPE)
            hddLog(VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR,"[P2P] unknown[%d] <--- OTA",
            hddLog(VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR,"[P2P] %s <--- OTA",
            if( (actionFrmType == WLAN_HDD_PROV_DIS_REQ) &&
                (globalP2PConnectionStatus == P2P_NOT_ACTIVE) )
                 globalP2PConnectionStatus = P2P_GO_NEG_PROCESS;
                 hddLog(LOGE,"[P2P State]Inactive state to "
                           "GO negotation progress state");
            else if( (actionFrmType == WLAN_HDD_GO_NEG_CNF) &&
                (globalP2PConnectionStatus == P2P_GO_NEG_PROCESS) )
                 globalP2PConnectionStatus = P2P_GO_NEG_COMPLETED;
                 hddLog(LOGE,"[P2P State]GO nego progress to GO nego"
                             " completed state");
            else if( (actionFrmType == WLAN_HDD_INVITATION_REQ) &&
                (globalP2PConnectionStatus == P2P_NOT_ACTIVE) )
                 globalP2PConnectionStatus = P2P_GO_NEG_COMPLETED;
                 hddLog(LOGE,"[P2P State]Inactive state to GO nego"
                             " completed state Autonomus GO fromation");

        if (((actionFrmType == WLAN_HDD_PROV_DIS_RESP) &&
                    (cfgState->actionFrmState == HDD_PD_REQ_ACK_PENDING)) ||
                ((actionFrmType == WLAN_HDD_GO_NEG_RESP) &&
                 (cfgState->actionFrmState == HDD_GO_NEG_REQ_ACK_PENDING)))
            hddLog(LOG1, "%s: ACK_PENDING and But received RESP for Action frame ", 
            hdd_sendActionCnf(pAdapter, TRUE);

    //Indicate Frame Over Normal Interface
    hddLog( LOG1, FL("Indicate Frame over NL80211 Interface"));

    cfg80211_rx_mgmt( pAdapter->dev, freq, 0,
                      pbFrames, nFrameLength,
                      GFP_ATOMIC );
    cfg80211_rx_mgmt( pAdapter->dev, freq,
                      pbFrames, nFrameLength,
                      GFP_ATOMIC );
Beispiel #21
void ADSR_keyOff(ADSR *a)
    a->target = FL(0.0);
    a->rate = a->releaseRate;
    a->state = RELEASE;
Beispiel #22
static void hdd_wlan_tx_complete( hdd_adapter_t* pAdapter,
                                  hdd_cfg80211_state_t* cfgState,
                                  tANI_BOOLEAN actionSendSuccess )
    struct ieee80211_radiotap_header *rthdr;
    unsigned char *pos;
    struct sk_buff *skb = cfgState->skb;
    hdd_context_t *pHddCtx = (hdd_context_t*)(pAdapter->pHddCtx);

    /* 2 Byte for TX flags and 1 Byte for Retry count */
    u32 rtHdrLen = sizeof(*rthdr) + 3;

    u8 *data;

    /* We have to return skb with Data starting with MAC header. We have
     * copied SKB data starting with MAC header to cfgState->buf. We will pull
     * entire skb->len from skb and then we will push cfgState->buf to skb
     * */
    if( NULL == skb_pull(skb, skb->len) )
        hddLog( LOGE, FL("Not Able to Pull %d byte from skb"), skb->len);

    data = skb_push( skb, cfgState->len );

    if (data == NULL)
        hddLog( LOGE, FL("Not Able to Push %d byte to skb"), cfgState->len);
        kfree_skb( cfgState->skb );

    memcpy( data, cfgState->buf, cfgState->len );

    /* send frame to monitor interfaces now */
    if( skb_headroom(skb) < rtHdrLen )
        hddLog( LOGE, FL("No headroom for rtap header"));

    rthdr = (struct ieee80211_radiotap_header*) skb_push( skb, rtHdrLen );

    memset( rthdr, 0, rtHdrLen );
    rthdr->it_len = cpu_to_le16( rtHdrLen );
    rthdr->it_present = cpu_to_le32((1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_TX_FLAGS) |
                                    (1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_DATA_RETRIES)

    pos = (unsigned char *)( rthdr+1 );

    // Fill TX flags
    *pos = actionSendSuccess;
    pos += 2;

    // Fill retry count
    *pos = 0;

    skb_set_mac_header( skb, 0 );
    skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
    skb->pkt_type  = PACKET_OTHERHOST;
    skb->protocol  = htons(ETH_P_802_2);
    memset( skb->cb, 0, sizeof( skb->cb ) );
    wake_lock_timeout(&pHddCtx->rx_wake_lock, HDD_WAKE_LOCK_DURATION);
    if (in_interrupt())
        netif_rx( skb );
        netif_rx_ni( skb );

    /* Enable Queues which we have disabled earlier */
    netif_tx_start_all_queues( pAdapter->dev ); 

 * @function : limUpdateAssocStaDatas
 * @brief :  This function is called to Update the Station Descriptor (dph) Details from
 *                  Association / ReAssociation Response Frame
 * @param  pMac    - Pointer to Global MAC structure
 * @param  pStaDs   - Station Descriptor in DPH
 * @param  pAssocRsp    - Pointer to Association Response Structure
 * @return None
void limUpdateAssocStaDatas(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tpDphHashNode pStaDs, tpSirAssocRsp pAssocRsp,tpPESession psessionEntry)
    tANI_U32        prop;
    tANI_U32        phyMode;
    tANI_U32        val;
    //tpSirBoardCapabilities pBoardCaps;
    tANI_BOOLEAN    qosMode; 
    tANI_U16        rxHighestRate = 0;

    limGetPhyMode(pMac, &phyMode, psessionEntry);

    pStaDs->staType= STA_ENTRY_SELF;

    limGetQosMode(psessionEntry, &qosMode);    
    // set the ani peer bit, if self mode is one of the proprietary modes
       wlan_cfgGetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_PROPRIETARY_ANI_FEATURES_ENABLED, &prop);

       if (prop) 
           pStaDs->aniPeer = eHAL_SET;
           pStaDs->propCapability = pAssocRsp->propIEinfo.capability;
       //pMac->lim.gLimMlmState         = eLIM_MLM_LINK_ESTABLISHED_STATE;
       pStaDs->mlmStaContext.authType = psessionEntry->limCurrentAuthType;
       // Add capabilities information, rates and AID
       pStaDs->mlmStaContext.capabilityInfo = pAssocRsp->capabilityInfo;
       pStaDs->shortPreambleEnabled= (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->capabilityInfo.shortPreamble;
       //Update HT Capabilites only when the self mode supports HT
       if(IS_DOT11_MODE_HT(psessionEntry->dot11mode)) {
           pStaDs->mlmStaContext.htCapability = pAssocRsp->HTCaps.present;
           if ( pAssocRsp->HTCaps.present ) {
               pStaDs->htGreenfield = ( tANI_U8 ) pAssocRsp->HTCaps.greenField;
               if (psessionEntry->htSupportedChannelWidthSet)
                   pStaDs->htSupportedChannelWidthSet = ( tANI_U8 ) (pAssocRsp->HTCaps.supportedChannelWidthSet ?
                                                                               pAssocRsp->HTInfo.recommendedTxWidthSet : 
                                                                               pAssocRsp->HTCaps.supportedChannelWidthSet );
                   pStaDs->htSupportedChannelWidthSet = eHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20MHZ;
                   pStaDs->htLsigTXOPProtection = ( tANI_U8 ) pAssocRsp->HTCaps.lsigTXOPProtection;
                   pStaDs->htMIMOPSState =  (tSirMacHTMIMOPowerSaveState)pAssocRsp->HTCaps.mimoPowerSave;
                   pStaDs->htMaxAmsduLength = ( tANI_U8 ) pAssocRsp->HTCaps.maximalAMSDUsize;
                   pStaDs->htAMpduDensity =             pAssocRsp->HTCaps.mpduDensity;
                   pStaDs->htDsssCckRate40MHzSupport = (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->HTCaps.dsssCckMode40MHz;
                   pStaDs->htShortGI20Mhz = (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->HTCaps.shortGI20MHz;
                   pStaDs->htShortGI40Mhz = (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->HTCaps.shortGI40MHz;
                   pStaDs->htMaxRxAMpduFactor = pAssocRsp->HTCaps.maxRxAMPDUFactor;
                   limFillRxHighestSupportedRate(pMac, &rxHighestRate, pAssocRsp->HTCaps.supportedMCSSet);
                   pStaDs->supportedRates.rxHighestDataRate = rxHighestRate;
                   /* This is for AP as peer STA and we are INFRA STA. We will put APs offset in dph node which is peer STA */
                   pStaDs->htSecondaryChannelOffset = (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->HTInfo.secondaryChannelOffset;

                   // In the future, may need to check for "assoc.HTCaps.delayedBA"
                   // For now, it is IMMEDIATE BA only on ALL TID's
                   pStaDs->baPolicyFlag = 0xFF;

           pStaDs->mlmStaContext.vhtCapability = pAssocRsp->VHTCaps.present;
           if (pAssocRsp->VHTCaps.present && psessionEntry->htSupportedChannelWidthSet)
               pStaDs->vhtSupportedChannelWidthSet = pAssocRsp->VHTOperation.chanWidth;
       if (limPopulatePeerRateSet(pMac, &pStaDs->supportedRates,
                                false,psessionEntry , &pAssocRsp->VHTCaps) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
       if (limPopulatePeerRateSet(pMac, &pStaDs->supportedRates, pAssocRsp->HTCaps.supportedMCSSet, false,psessionEntry) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
           limLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("could not get rateset and extended rate set"));
       //If one of the rates is 11g rates, set the ERP mode.
       if ((phyMode == WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11G) && sirIsArate(pStaDs->supportedRates.llaRates[0] & 0x7f))
           pStaDs->erpEnabled = eHAL_SET;
                     (tANI_U8 *) &pStaDs->mlmStaContext.propRateSet.propRate,
                     &val) != eSIR_SUCCESS) {
           /// Could not get prop rateset from CFG. Log error.
           limLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("could not retrieve prop rateset"));
       pStaDs->mlmStaContext.propRateSet.numPropRates = (tANI_U8) val;
       pStaDs->qosMode    = 0;
       pStaDs->lleEnabled = 0;
       // update TSID to UP mapping
       //if (pMac->lim.gLimQosEnabled)
       if (qosMode) {
           if (pAssocRsp->edcaPresent) {
               tSirRetStatus status;
               status = schBeaconEdcaProcess(pMac,&pAssocRsp->edca, psessionEntry);
              PELOG2(limLog(pMac, LOG2, "Edca set update based on AssocRsp: status %d",
               if (status != eSIR_SUCCESS) {
                   PELOGE(limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Edca error in AssocResp "));)
               } else { // update default tidmap based on ACM
Beispiel #24
static int pvsband(CSOUND *csound, PVSBAND *p)
    int     i, N = p->fin->N;
    MYFLT   lowcut = *p->klowcut;
    MYFLT   lowbnd = *p->klowbnd;
    MYFLT   higbnd = *p->khigbnd;
    MYFLT   higcut = *p->khigcut;
    float   *fin = (float *) p->fin->frame.auxp;
    float   *fout = (float *) p->fout->frame.auxp;
    MYFLT   fade = *p->fade;
    MYFLT   opef = FL(1.0) - EXP(fade);

    if (UNLIKELY(fout == NULL)) goto err1;

    if (lowcut<FL(0.0)) lowcut = FL(0.0);
    if (lowbnd<lowcut) lowbnd = lowcut;
    if (higbnd<lowbnd) higbnd = lowbnd;
    if (higcut<higbnd) higcut = higbnd;
    if (p->fin->sliding) {
      uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
      uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
      uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
      int NB  = p->fout->NB;

      if (UNLIKELY(early)) nsmps -= early;
      for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
        int change = 0;
        CMPLX *fin = (CMPLX *) p->fin->frame.auxp + n*NB;
        CMPLX *fout = (CMPLX *) p->fout->frame.auxp + n*NB;
        if (XINARG2) lowcut = p->klowcut[n], change = 1;
        if (XINARG3) lowbnd = p->klowbnd[n], change = 1;
        if (XINARG4) higbnd = p->khigbnd[n], change = 1;
        if (XINARG5) higcut = p->khigcut[n], change = 1;
        if (change) {
          if (lowcut<FL(0.0)) lowcut = FL(0.0);
          if (lowbnd<lowcut) lowbnd = lowcut;
          if (higbnd<lowbnd) higbnd = lowbnd;
          if (higcut<higbnd) higcut = higbnd;
        for (i = 0; i < NB-1; i++) {
          MYFLT frq = fin[i].im;
          MYFLT afrq = (frq<FL(0.0)? -frq : frq);
          if (afrq < lowcut || afrq>higcut) { /* outside band */
            fout[i].re = FL(0.0);
            fout[i].im = -FL(1.0);
          else if (afrq > lowbnd && afrq<higbnd) { /* inside nand */
            fout[i] = fin[i];
          else if (afrq > lowcut && afrq < lowbnd) { /* ramp up */
            if (fade != FL(0.0)) {
              fout[i].re = fin[i].re *
                (FL(1.0) - EXP(fade*(afrq-lowcut)/(lowbnd-lowcut)))/opef;
              fout[i].re = fin[i].re * (afrq - lowcut)/(lowbnd - lowcut);
            fout[i].im = frq;
          else {                /* ramp down */
            if (fade != FL(0.0)) {
              fout[i].re = fin[i].re *
                (FL(1.0) - EXP(fade*(higcut-afrq)/(higcut-higbnd)))/opef;
              fout[i].re = fin[i].re * (higcut - afrq)/(higcut - higbnd);
            fout[i].im = frq;
      return OK;
    if (p->lastframe < p->fin->framecount) {
      for (i = 0; i < N; i += 2) {
        MYFLT frq = fin[i+1];
        MYFLT afrq = (frq<FL(0.0)? -frq : frq);
        if (afrq < lowcut || afrq>higcut) {
            fout[i] = FL(0.0);
            fout[i+1] = -FL(1.0);
          else if (afrq > lowbnd && afrq<higbnd) {
            fout[i] = fin[i];
            fout[i+1] = fin[i+1];
          else if (afrq > lowcut && afrq < lowbnd) {
            if (fade != FL(0.0))
              fout[i] = fin[i] *
                (1.0f - expf(fade*(afrq-lowcut)/(lowbnd-lowcut)))/opef;
              fout[i] = fin[i] * (frq - lowcut)/(lowbnd - lowcut);
            fout[i+1] = frq;
          else {
            if (fade != FL(0.0))
              fout[i] = fin[i] *
                (1.0f - expf(fade*(higcut-afrq)/(higcut-higbnd)))/opef;
              fout[i] = fin[i] * (higcut - frq)/(higcut - higbnd);
            fout[i+1] = frq;
      p->fout->framecount = p->lastframe = p->fin->framecount;
    return OK;
    return csound->PerfError(csound, p->h.insdshead,
                             Str("pvsband: not initialised"));
Beispiel #25
static int trcross_process(CSOUND *csound, _PSCROSS *p)
    MYFLT   interval = *p->kpar1, bal = *p->kpar2;
    int     mode = p->kpar3 != NULL ? (int) *p->kpar3 : 0;
    float   *framein2 = (float *) p->fsig3->frame.auxp;
    float   *frameout = (float *) p->fsig1->frame.auxp;
    float   *framein1 = (float *) p->fsig2->frame.auxp;
    int     i = 0, j = 0, nomatch = 1, id, end = p->numbins * 4;
    float   max = 0;
    MYFLT   boundup, boundown;
    int     maxj = -1;

    id = (int) framein1[3];

    if (p->lastframe < p->fsig2->framecount) {
      if (bal > 1)
        bal = FL(1.0);
      if (bal < 0)
        bal = FL(0.0);
      if (mode < 1)
        for (i = 0; framein2[i + 3] != -1 && i < end; i += 4)
          max = framein2[i] > max ? framein2[i] : max;

      for (i = 0; id != -1 && i < end; i += 4, id = (int) framein1[i + 3]) {

        boundup = framein1[i + 1] * interval;
        boundown = framein1[i + 1] * (FL(1.0) / interval);
        for (j = 0; j < end && framein2[j + 3] != -1; j += 4) {
          if ((framein2[j + 1] > boundown) && (framein2[j + 1] <= boundup)) {
            if (maxj != -1)
              maxj = framein2[j] > framein2[maxj] ? j : maxj;
              maxj = j;
            nomatch = 0;
        if (!nomatch) {
          if (mode < 1)
            frameout[i] =
                (float) ((framein1[i] * (max ? framein2[maxj] / max : 1.0f)) *
                         bal + framein1[i] * (FL(1.0) - bal));
            frameout[i] =
                (float) (framein2[maxj] * bal + framein1[i] * (FL(1.0) - bal));
          frameout[i + 1] = framein1[i + 1];
          frameout[i + 2] = framein1[i + 2];
          frameout[i + 3] = (float) id;
        else {
          frameout[i] = (float) (framein1[i] * (FL(1.0) - bal));
          frameout[i + 1] = framein1[i + 1];
          frameout[i + 2] = framein1[i + 2];
          frameout[i + 3] = (float) id;
        nomatch = 1;
        maxj = -1;

      if (i + 3 < p->numbins * 4)
        frameout[i + 3] = -1.0f;
      p->fsig1->framecount = p->lastframe = p->fsig2->framecount;

/*csound->Message(csound, "mix %d : %d\n", k/4, j/4);*/

    return OK;
  Each time the supplicant sends down the FT IEs to the driver.
  This function is called in SME. This fucntion packages and sends
  the FT IEs to PE.
void sme_SetFTIEs( tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, const tANI_U8 *ft_ies,
        tANI_U16 ft_ies_length )
    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;

    status = sme_AcquireGlobalLock( &pMac->sme );
    if (!( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ))) return;

    if (ft_ies == NULL) 
        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" ft ies is NULL"));
        sme_ReleaseGlobalLock( &pMac->sme );

    smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "FT IEs Req is received in state %d",

    // Global Station FT State
        case eFT_START_READY:
        case eFT_AUTH_REQ_READY:
            if ((pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.auth_ft_ies) && 
                // Free the one we received last from the supplicant
                pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.auth_ft_ies_length = 0; 

            // Save the FT IEs
            pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.auth_ft_ies = vos_mem_malloc(ft_ies_length);
            if ( NULL == pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.auth_ft_ies )
               smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("Memory allocation failed for "
               sme_ReleaseGlobalLock( &pMac->sme );
            pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.auth_ft_ies_length = ft_ies_length;
            vos_mem_copy((tANI_U8 *)pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.auth_ft_ies,
            pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.FTState = eFT_AUTH_REQ_READY;

            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "ft_ies_length=%d", ft_ies_length);

        case eFT_AUTH_COMPLETE:
            // We will need to re-start preauth. If we received FT IEs in
            // eFT_PRE_AUTH_DONE state, it implies there was a rekey in 
            // our pre-auth state. Hence this implies we need Pre-auth again.

            // OK now inform SME we have no pre-auth list.
            // Delete the pre-auth node locally. Set your self back to restart pre-auth
            // TBD
            smsLog( pMac, LOGE,
                "Pre-auth done and now receiving---> AUTH REQ <---- in state %d",
            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "Unhandled reception of FT IES in state %d",

        case eFT_REASSOC_REQ_WAIT:
            // We are done with pre-auth, hence now waiting for
            // reassoc req. This is the new FT Roaming in place

            // At this juncture we are ready to start sending Re-Assoc Req.
            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "New Reassoc Req=%p in state %d",
                ft_ies, pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.FTState);
            if ((pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.reassoc_ft_ies) && 
                // Free the one we received last from the supplicant
                pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.reassoc_ft_ies_length = 0; 

            // Save the FT IEs
            pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.reassoc_ft_ies = vos_mem_malloc(ft_ies_length);
            if ( NULL == pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.reassoc_ft_ies )
               smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("Memory allocation failed for "
               sme_ReleaseGlobalLock( &pMac->sme );
            pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.reassoc_ft_ies_length = ft_ies_length;
            vos_mem_copy((tANI_U8 *)pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.reassoc_ft_ies, ft_ies,
            pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.FTState = eFT_SET_KEY_WAIT;
            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "ft_ies_length=%d state=%d", ft_ies_length,

            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Unhandled state=%d"),
    sme_ReleaseGlobalLock( &pMac->sme );
Beispiel #27
static int psynth3_process(CSOUND *csound, _PSYN *p)
    double   ampnext, amp, freq, freqnext, phase, phasenext;
    double  a2, a3, cph;
    double   phasediff, facsqr, ph;
    double   a, frac, incra, incrph, factor, lotwopi, cnt;
    MYFLT   scale = *p->scal, pitch = *p->pitch;
    int     ndx, size = p->func->flen;
    int     i, j, k, m, id;
    int     notcontin = 0;
    int     contin = 0;
    int     tracks = p->tracks, maxtracks = (int) *p->maxtracks;
    MYFLT   *tab = p->func->ftable, *out = p->out;
    float   *fin = (float *) p->fin->frame.auxp;
    uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
    uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
    uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
    int      pos = p->pos;
    double   *amps = (double *) p->amps.auxp, *freqs = (double *) p->freqs.auxp;
    double   *phases = (double *) p->phases.auxp;
    MYFLT    *outsum = (MYFLT *) p->sum.auxp;
    int     *trackID = (int *) p->trackID.auxp;
    int     hopsize = p->hopsize;
    double  min = p->min;

    incrph = csound->onedsr;
    lotwopi = (double) (size) / TWOPI_F;
    factor = p->factor;
    facsqr = p->facsqr;
    maxtracks = p->numbins > maxtracks ? maxtracks : p->numbins;

    if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(out, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
    if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
      nsmps -= early;
      memset(&out[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
    for (n = offset; n < nsmps; n++) {
      out[n] = outsum[pos];
      if (pos == hopsize) {
        memset(outsum, 0, sizeof(MYFLT) * hopsize);
        /* for each track */
        i = j = k = 0;
        while (i < maxtracks * 4) {
          ampnext = (double) fin[i] * scale;
          freqnext = (double) fin[i + 1] * TWOPI_F * pitch;
          phasenext = (double) fin[i + 2];
          if ((id = (int) fin[i + 3]) != -1) {
            j = k + notcontin;

            if (k < tracks - notcontin) {
              if (trackID[j] == id) {
                /* if this is a continuing track */
                contin = 1;
                freq = freqs[j];
                phase = phases[j];
                amp = amps[j];
              else {
                /* if this is  a dead track */
                contin = 0;
                freqnext = freq = freqs[j];
                phase = phases[j];
                phasenext = phase + freq * factor;
                amp = amps[j];
                ampnext = FL(0.0);
            else {
              /* new track */
              contin = 1;
              freq = freqnext;
              phase = phasenext - freq * factor;
              amp = FL(0.0);
            if(amp > min){
            /* phasediff */
            phasediff = phasenext - phase;
            while (phasediff >= PI_F)
              phasediff -= TWOPI_F;
            while (phasediff < -PI_F)
              phasediff += TWOPI_F;

            /* update phasediff to match the freq */
            cph = ((freq + freqnext) * factor *0.5 - phasediff) / TWOPI;
            phasediff += TWOPI_F * cph;
            /* interpolation coefs */
            a2 = 3.0 / facsqr * (phasediff -
                                factor / 3.0 * (2.0 * freq + freqnext));
            a3 = 1.0 / (3.0 * facsqr) * (freqnext - freq - 2.0 * a2 * factor);
            /* interpolation & track synthesis loop */
            a = amp;
            ph = phase;
            cnt = 0;
            incra = (ampnext - amp) / hopsize;
            for (m = 0; m < hopsize; m++) {
              /* table lookup oscillator */
              ph *= lotwopi;
              while (ph < 0)
                ph += size;
              while (ph >= size)
                ph -= size;
              ndx = (int) ph;
              frac = ph - ndx;
              outsum[m] += a * (tab[ndx] + (tab[ndx + 1] - tab[ndx]) * frac);
              a += incra;
              cnt += incrph;
              ph = phase + cnt * (freq + cnt * (a2 + a3 * cnt));
            /* keep amp, freq, and phase values for next time */
            if (contin) {
              amps[k] = ampnext;
              freqs[k] = freqnext;
              phasenext += (cph - (int) cph) * TWOPI;
              while (phasenext < 0)
                phasenext += TWOPI_F;
              while (phasenext >= TWOPI_F)
                phasenext -= TWOPI_F;
              phases[k] = phasenext;
              trackID[k] = id;
              i += 4;
        pos = 0;
        p->tracks = k;

    p->pos = pos;
    return OK;
eHalStatus sme_FTSendUpdateKeyInd(tHalHandle hHal, tCsrRoamSetKey * pFTKeyInfo)
    tSirFTUpdateKeyInfo *pMsg;
    tANI_U16 msgLen;
    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
    tAniEdType tmpEdType;
    tSirKeyMaterial *keymaterial = NULL;
    tAniEdType edType;
    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
    int i = 0;

    smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("keyLength %d"), pFTKeyInfo->keyLength);

    for (i=0; i<pFTKeyInfo->keyLength; i++)
      smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("%02x"), pFTKeyInfo->Key[i]);

    msgLen  = sizeof( tANI_U16) + sizeof( tANI_U16 ) + 
       sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.length ) + sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.edType ) + 
       sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.numKeys ) + sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.key );
    pMsg = vos_mem_malloc(msgLen);
    if ( NULL == pMsg )
       return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;

    vos_mem_set(pMsg, msgLen, 0);
    pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_FT_UPDATE_KEY);
    pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);

    keymaterial = &pMsg->keyMaterial;

    keymaterial->length = pFTKeyInfo->keyLength;

    edType = csrTranslateEncryptTypeToEdType( pFTKeyInfo->encType );
    tmpEdType = pal_cpu_to_be32(edType);
    keymaterial->edType = tmpEdType;

    // Set the pMsg->keyMaterial.length field (this length is defined as all
    // data that follows the edType field
    // in the tSirKeyMaterial keyMaterial; field).
    // !!NOTE:  This keyMaterial.length contains the length of a MAX size key,
    // though the keyLength can be
    // shorter than this max size.  Is LIM interpreting this ok ?
    keymaterial->numKeys = 1;
    keymaterial->key[ 0 ].keyId = pFTKeyInfo->keyId;
    keymaterial->key[ 0 ].unicast = (tANI_U8)eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
    keymaterial->key[ 0 ].keyDirection = pFTKeyInfo->keyDirection;

    vos_mem_copy(&keymaterial->key[ 0 ].keyRsc, pFTKeyInfo->keyRsc, CSR_MAX_RSC_LEN);
    keymaterial->key[ 0 ].paeRole = pFTKeyInfo->paeRole;

    keymaterial->key[ 0 ].keyLength = pFTKeyInfo->keyLength;

    if ( pFTKeyInfo->keyLength && pFTKeyInfo->Key )
        vos_mem_copy(&keymaterial->key[ 0 ].key, pFTKeyInfo->Key, pFTKeyInfo->keyLength);
        if(pFTKeyInfo->keyLength == 16)
          smsLog(pMac, LOG1, "SME Set Update Ind keyIdx (%d) encType(%d) key = "
          pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].keyId, (tAniEdType)pMsg->keyMaterial.edType,
          pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[0], pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[1],
          pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[2], pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[3],
          pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[4], pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[5],
          pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[6], pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[7],
          pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[8], pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[9],
          pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[10], pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[11],
          pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[12], pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[13],
          pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[14], pMsg->keyMaterial.key[0].key[15]);

    vos_mem_copy( &pMsg->bssId[ 0 ],
                  &pFTKeyInfo->peerMac[ 0 ],
                  sizeof(tCsrBssid) );

    smsLog(pMac, LOG1, "BSSID = "MAC_ADDRESS_STR,

    status = palSendMBMessage(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);

    return( status );
Beispiel #29
void dumpSchedule(tANI_U8 index)
  tpSchSchedule s = &schedule[index];

  PELOG2(schLog(pMac, LOG2, FL("============== SCHEDULE %d ===============\n"), index);)
Beispiel #30
/* a separate k-time init for proper work of gausstrig */
static int32_t gausstrig_initk(CSOUND* csound, GAUSSTRIG *p)
    p->rand  = csoundRand31(&csound->randSeed1);
    p->first = *p->ifrst1;
#if 0
    if (*p->ifrst1 > FL(0.0)) {
      /* values less than FL(0.0) could be used in later versions
         as an offset in samples */
      int32_t     nextsamps;
      MYFLT   nextcount, frq, dev, r1, r2;
      p->frq0 = *p->kfrq;
      frq = (*p->kfrq > FL(0.001) ? *p->kfrq : FL(0.001));
      dev = *p->kdev;
      /* this very line of k-time fix. Changed GetSt to GetKr */
      nextsamps = (int32_t)(csound->GetKr(csound) / frq);
      p->rand = csoundRand31(&p->rand);
      r1 = (MYFLT)p->rand * dv2_31;
      p->rand = csoundRand31(&p->rand);
      r2 = (MYFLT)p->rand * dv2_31;
      nextcount = SQRT(FL(-2.0) * LOG(r1)) * SIN(r2 * TWOPI_F);
      if (nextcount < FL(-1.0)) {
        MYFLT diff = FL(-1.0) - nextcount;
        nextcount  = (FL(1.0) < FL(-1.0) + diff ? FL(1.0) : FL(-1.0) + diff);
      else if (nextcount > FL(1.0)) {
        MYFLT diff = nextcount - FL(1.0);
        nextcount  = (FL(-1.0) > FL(1.0) - diff ? FL(-1.0) : FL(1.0) - diff);
      p->count = (int32_t)(nextsamps + nextcount * dev * nextsamps);
    //else {
      /* GaussTrig UGen behavior */
      p->count = 0;
    p->mmode = (*p->imode <= FL(0.0) ? 0 : 1);
    return OK;