int Epetra_SerialSpdDenseSolver::Factor(void) {
  if (Factored()) return(0); // Already factored
  if (Inverted()) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-100); // Cannot factor inverted matrix
  int ierr = 0;

  ANORM_ = SymMatrix_->OneNorm();

  // If we want to refine the solution, then the factor must
  // be stored separatedly from the original matrix

  if (A_ == AF_)
    if (RefineSolution_ ) {
      SymFactor_ = new Epetra_SerialSymDenseMatrix(*SymMatrix_);
      Factor_ = SymFactor_;
      AF_ = SymFactor_->A();
      LDAF_ = SymFactor_->LDA();
  if (Equilibrate_) ierr = EquilibrateMatrix();

  if (ierr!=0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(ierr-2);
  POTRF (SymMatrix_->UPLO(), N_, AF_, LDAF_, &INFO_);
  Factored_ = true;
  double DN = N_;


int Ifpack2_OverlapFactor::InitValues(const Tpetra_RowMatrix * UserMatrix) {

  if (OverlapGraph_!=0) {

    Tpetra_CrsMatrix * CrsMatrix = dynamic_cast<Tpetra_CrsMatrix *>(UserMatrix);
    if (CrsMatrix!=0) 
  if (!Allocated()) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1); //Must be allocated
  if (ValuesInitialized()) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(1); // Values already init'ed, warn caller
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(DerivedFactor()); // Call Derived class factorization
int Ifpack2_OverlapFactor::Factor() {
  if (!ValuesInitialized()) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1); // Values must be initialized
  if (Factored()) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(1); // Return with a warning that factor already done
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(DerivedFactor()); // Call Derived class factorization
int Epetra_SerialDenseSVD::Invert( double rthresh, double athresh )
  if (!Factored()) Factor(); // Need matrix factored.

  //apply threshold
  double thresh = S_[0]*rthresh + athresh;
  int num_replaced = 0;
  for( int i = 0; i < M_; ++i )
    if( S_[i] < thresh )
//cout <<  num_replaced << thresh << " " << S_[0] << " " << S_[i] << std::endl;
//      S_[i] = thresh;
      S_[i] = 0.0;

  //scale cols of U_ with reciprocal singular values
  double *p = U_;
  for( int i = 0; i < N_; ++i )
    double scale = 0.0;
    if( S_[i] ) scale = 1./S_[i];
    for( int j = 0; j < M_; ++j ) *p++ *= scale;

  //create new Inverse_ if necessary
  if( Inverse_ == 0 )
    Inverse_ = new Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix();
    Inverse_->Shape( N_, M_ );
    AI_ = Inverse_->A();
    LDAI_ = Inverse_->LDA();
  else //zero it out
    for( int i = 0; i < Inverse_->M(); ++i )
      for( int j = 0; j < Inverse_->N(); ++j )
        (*Inverse_)(i,j) = 0.0;

  GEMM( 'T', 'T', M_, M_, M_, 1.0, Vt_, M_, U_, M_, 0.0, AI_, M_ );

  double DN = N_;
  Inverted_ = true;
  Factored_ = false;

int Epetra_SerialSpdDenseSolver::Invert(void)
  if (!Factored()) Factor(); // Need matrix factored.
  POTRI ( SymMatrix_->UPLO(), N_, AF_, LDAF_, &INFO_);
  // Copy lower/upper triangle to upper/lower triangle: make full inverse
  SymMatrix_->CopyUPLOMat(SymMatrix_->Upper(), AF_, LDAF_, N_);
  double DN = N_;
  Inverted_ = true;
  Factored_ = false;
int Epetra_SerialSpdDenseSolver::ReciprocalConditionEstimate(double & Value)
  int ierr = 0;
  if (ReciprocalConditionEstimated()) {
    Value = RCOND_;
    return(0); // Already computed, just return it.

  if (ANORM_<0.0) ANORM_ = SymMatrix_->OneNorm();
  if (ierr!=0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(ierr-1);
  if (!Factored()) ierr = Factor(); // Need matrix factored.
  if (ierr!=0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(ierr-2);

  POCON( SymMatrix_->UPLO(), N_, AF_, LDAF_, ANORM_, &RCOND_, WORK_, IWORK_, &INFO_);
  ReciprocalConditionEstimated_ = true;
  Value = RCOND_;
  UpdateFlops(2*N_*N_); // Not sure of count
Beispiel #6
int Ifpack_CrsIct::Factor() {

  // if (!Allocated()) return(-1); // This test is not needed at this time.  All constructors allocate.
  if (!ValuesInitialized_) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-2); // Must have values initialized.
  if (Factored()) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-3); // Can't have already computed factors.


  int i;

  int m, n, nz, Nrhs, ldrhs, ldlhs;
  int * ptr=0, * ind;
  double * val, * rhs, * lhs;

  int ierr = Epetra_Util_ExtractHbData(U_.get(), 0, 0, m, n, nz, ptr, ind,
			    val, Nrhs, rhs, ldrhs, lhs, ldlhs);
  if (ierr<0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(ierr);

  Matrix * Aict;
  if (Aict_==0) {
    Aict = new Matrix;
    Aict_ = (void *) Aict;
  else Aict = (Matrix *) Aict_;
  Matrix * Lict;
  if (Lict_==0) {
    Lict = new Matrix;
    Lict_ = (void *) Lict;
  else Lict = (Matrix *) Lict_;
  Aict->val = val;
  Aict->col = ind;
  Aict->ptr = ptr;
  double *DV;
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(D_->ExtractView(&DV)); // Get view of diagonal
  crout_ict(m, Aict, DV, Droptol_, Lfil_, Lict, &Ldiag_);

  // Get rid of unnecessary data
  delete [] ptr;

  // Create Epetra View of L from crout_ict

  if (LevelOverlap_==0) {
    U_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_CrsMatrix(View, A_.RowMatrixRowMap(), A_.RowMatrixRowMap(),0) );
    D_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Vector(View, A_.RowMatrixRowMap(), Ldiag_) );
  else {
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1); // LevelOverlap > 0 not implemented yet
    //    U_ = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, OverlapRowMap());
    //    D_ = new Epetra_Vector(OverlapRowMap());

  ptr = Lict->ptr;
  ind = Lict->col;
  val = Lict->val;
  for (i=0; i< m; i++) {
    int NumEntries = ptr[i+1]-ptr[i];
    int * Indices = ind+ptr[i];
    double * Values = val+ptr[i];
    U_->InsertMyValues(i, NumEntries, Values, Indices);

  U_->FillComplete(A_.OperatorDomainMap(), A_.OperatorRangeMap());
  D_->Reciprocal(*D_); // Put reciprocal of diagonal in this vector
  // Add up flops
  double current_flops = 2 * nz; // Just an estimate
  double total_flops = 0;
  A_.Comm().SumAll(&current_flops, &total_flops, 1); // Get total madds across all PEs

  // Now count the rest
  total_flops += (double) U_->NumGlobalNonzeros(); // Accounts for multiplier above
  total_flops += (double) D_->GlobalLength(); // Accounts for reciprocal of diagonal

  UpdateFlops(total_flops); // Update flop count



int Ifpack_CrsRiluk::Factor() {

  // if (!Allocated()) return(-1); // This test is not needed at this time.  All constructors allocate.
  if (!ValuesInitialized()) return(-2); // Must have values initialized.
  if (Factored()) return(-3); // Can't have already computed factors.


  // MinMachNum should be officially defined, for now pick something a little 
  // bigger than IEEE underflow value

  double MinDiagonalValue = Epetra_MinDouble;
  double MaxDiagonalValue = 1.0/MinDiagonalValue;

  int ierr = 0;
  int i, j, k;
  int * LI=0, * UI = 0;
  double * LV=0, * UV = 0;
  int NumIn, NumL, NumU;

  // Get Maximun Row length
  int MaxNumEntries = L_->MaxNumEntries() + U_->MaxNumEntries() + 1;

  vector<int> InI(MaxNumEntries); // Allocate temp space
  vector<double> InV(MaxNumEntries);
  vector<int> colflag(NumMyCols());

  double *DV;
  ierr = D_->ExtractView(&DV); // Get view of diagonal

  int current_madds = 0; // We will count multiply-add as they happen

  // Now start the factorization.

  // Need some integer workspace and pointers
  int NumUU; 
  int * UUI;
  double * UUV;
  for (j=0; j<NumMyCols(); j++) colflag[j] = - 1;

  for(i=0; i<NumMyRows(); i++) {

 // Fill InV, InI with current row of L, D and U combined

    NumIn = MaxNumEntries;
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR(L_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, NumIn, NumL, &InV[0], &InI[0]));
    LV = &InV[0];
    LI = &InI[0];

    InV[NumL] = DV[i]; // Put in diagonal
    InI[NumL] = i;
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR(U_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, NumIn-NumL-1, NumU, &InV[NumL+1], &InI[NumL+1]));
    NumIn = NumL+NumU+1;
    UV = &InV[NumL+1];
    UI = &InI[NumL+1];

    // Set column flags
    for (j=0; j<NumIn; j++) colflag[InI[j]] = j;

    double diagmod = 0.0; // Off-diagonal accumulator

    for (int jj=0; jj<NumL; jj++) {
      j = InI[jj];
      double multiplier = InV[jj]; // current_mults++;

      InV[jj] *= DV[j];
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(U_->ExtractMyRowView(j, NumUU, UUV, UUI)); // View of row above

      if (RelaxValue_==0.0) {
	for (k=0; k<NumUU; k++) {
	  int kk = colflag[UUI[k]];
	  if (kk>-1) {
	    InV[kk] -= multiplier*UUV[k];
      else {
	for (k=0; k<NumUU; k++) {
	  int kk = colflag[UUI[k]];
	  if (kk>-1) InV[kk] -= multiplier*UUV[k];
	  else diagmod -= multiplier*UUV[k];
    if (NumL) {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(L_->ReplaceMyValues(i, NumL, LV, LI));  // Replace current row of L

    DV[i] = InV[NumL]; // Extract Diagonal value

    if (RelaxValue_!=0.0) {
      DV[i] += RelaxValue_*diagmod; // Add off diagonal modifications
      // current_madds++;

    if (fabs(DV[i]) > MaxDiagonalValue) {
      if (DV[i] < 0) DV[i] = - MinDiagonalValue;
      else DV[i] = MinDiagonalValue;
      DV[i] = 1.0/DV[i]; // Invert diagonal value

    for (j=0; j<NumU; j++) UV[j] *= DV[i]; // Scale U by inverse of diagonal

    if (NumU) {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(U_->ReplaceMyValues(i, NumU, UV, UI));  // Replace current row of L and U

    // Reset column flags
    for (j=0; j<NumIn; j++) colflag[InI[j]] = -1;

  // Validate that the L and U factors are actually lower and upper triangular

  if( !L_->LowerTriangular() ) 
  if( !U_->UpperTriangular() ) 
  // Add up flops
  double current_flops = 2 * current_madds;
  double total_flops = 0;
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(Graph_.L_Graph().RowMap().Comm().SumAll(&current_flops, &total_flops, 1)); // Get total madds across all PEs

  // Now count the rest
  total_flops += (double) L_->NumGlobalNonzeros(); // Accounts for multiplier above
  total_flops += (double) D_->GlobalLength(); // Accounts for reciprocal of diagonal
  if (RelaxValue_!=0.0) total_flops += 2 * (double)D_->GlobalLength(); // Accounts for relax update of diag

  UpdateFlops(total_flops); // Update flop count



int Epetra_SerialSpdDenseSolver::Solve(void) {
  int ierr = 0;

  // We will call one of four routines depending on what services the user wants and 
  // whether or not the matrix has been inverted or factored already.
  // If the matrix has been inverted, use DGEMM to compute solution.
  // Otherwise, if the user want the matrix to be equilibrated or wants a refined solution, we will
  // call the X interface.
  // Otherwise, if the matrix is already factored we will call the TRS interface.
  // Otherwise, if the matrix is unfactored we will call the SV interface.

  if (Equilibrate_) {
    ierr = Epetra_SerialDenseSolver::EquilibrateRHS();
    B_Equilibrated_ = true;
  if (A_Equilibrated_ && !B_Equilibrated_) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1); // Matrix and vectors must be similarly scaled
  if (!A_Equilibrated_ && B_Equilibrated_) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-2);
  if (B_==0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-3); // No B
  if (X_==0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-4); // No B

  if (ShouldEquilibrate() && !A_Equilibrated_) ierr = 1; // Warn that the system should be equilibrated.

  double DN = N_;
  double DNRHS = NRHS_;
  if (Inverted()) {

    if (B_==X_) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-100); // B and X must be different for this case
    GEMM('N', 'N', N_, NRHS_, N_, 1.0, AF_, LDAF_,
		B_, LDB_, 0.0, X_, LDX_);
    if (INFO_!=0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(INFO_);
    Solved_ = true;
  else {

    if (!Factored()) Factor(); // Matrix must be factored
    if (B_!=X_) {
       *LHS_ = *RHS_; // Copy B to X if needed 
       X_ = LHS_->A(); LDX_ = LHS_->LDA();
    POTRS(SymMatrix_->UPLO(), N_, NRHS_, AF_, LDAF_, X_, LDX_, &INFO_);
    if (INFO_!=0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(INFO_);
    Solved_ = true;

  int ierr1=0;
  if (RefineSolution_) ierr1 = ApplyRefinement();
  if (ierr1!=0) {
  else {
  if (Equilibrate_) ierr1 = Epetra_SerialDenseSolver::UnequilibrateLHS();