Beispiel #1
static GtkCssValue *
gtk_css_shorthand_property_parse_value (GtkStyleProperty *property,
                                        GtkCssParser     *parser,
                                        GFile            *base)
  GtkCssShorthandProperty *shorthand = GTK_CSS_SHORTHAND_PROPERTY (property);
  GtkCssValue **data;
  GtkCssValue *result;
  guint i;

  data = g_new0 (GtkCssValue *, shorthand->subproperties->len);

  if (_gtk_css_parser_try (parser, "initial", TRUE))
      /* the initial value can be explicitly specified with the
       * ‘initial’ keyword which all properties accept.
      for (i = 0; i < shorthand->subproperties->len; i++)
          data[i] = _gtk_css_initial_value_new ();
  else if (_gtk_css_parser_try (parser, "inherit", TRUE))
      /* All properties accept the ‘inherit’ value which
       * explicitly specifies that the value will be determined
       * by inheritance. The ‘inherit’ value can be used to
       * strengthen inherited values in the cascade, and it can
       * also be used on properties that are not normally inherited.
      for (i = 0; i < shorthand->subproperties->len; i++)
          data[i] = _gtk_css_inherit_value_new ();
  else if (!shorthand->parse (shorthand, data, parser, base))
      for (i = 0; i < shorthand->subproperties->len; i++)
          if (data[i] != NULL)
            _gtk_css_value_unref (data[i]);
      g_free (data);
      return NULL;

  /* All values that aren't set by the parse func are set to their
   * default values here.
   * XXX: Is the default always initial or can it be inherit? */
  for (i = 0; i < shorthand->subproperties->len; i++)
      if (data[i] == NULL)
        data[i] = _gtk_css_initial_value_new ();

  result = _gtk_css_array_value_new_from_array (data, shorthand->subproperties->len);
  g_free (data);
  return result;
Beispiel #2
static void
gtk_css_shorthand_property_set_property (GObject      *object,
                                         guint         prop_id,
                                         const GValue *value,
                                         GParamSpec   *pspec)
  GtkCssShorthandProperty *property = GTK_CSS_SHORTHAND_PROPERTY (object);
  const char **subproperties;
  guint i;

  switch (prop_id)
      subproperties = g_value_get_boxed (value);
      g_assert (subproperties);
      for (i = 0; subproperties[i] != NULL; i++)
          GtkStyleProperty *subproperty = _gtk_style_property_lookup (subproperties[i]);
          g_assert (GTK_IS_CSS_STYLE_PROPERTY (subproperty));
          g_ptr_array_add (property->subproperties, subproperty);
      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
Beispiel #3
static void
_gtk_css_shorthand_property_query (GtkStyleProperty   *property,
                                   GValue             *value,
                                   GtkStyleQueryFunc   query_func,
                                   gpointer            query_data)
  GtkCssShorthandProperty *shorthand = GTK_CSS_SHORTHAND_PROPERTY (property);

  return shorthand->query (shorthand, value, query_func, query_data);
Beispiel #4
static void
_gtk_css_shorthand_property_assign (GtkStyleProperty   *property,
                                    GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                    GtkStateFlags       state,
                                    const GValue       *value)
  GtkCssShorthandProperty *shorthand = GTK_CSS_SHORTHAND_PROPERTY (property);

  shorthand->assign (shorthand, props, state, value);
Beispiel #5
static void
transition_info_add (TransitionInfo    infos[GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_N_PROPERTIES],
                     GtkStyleProperty *property,
                     guint             index)
    if (property == NULL)
        guint i;

        for (i = 0; i < _gtk_css_style_property_get_n_properties (); i++)
            GtkCssStyleProperty *prop = _gtk_css_style_property_lookup_by_id (i);

            transition_info_add (infos, GTK_STYLE_PROPERTY (prop), index);
    else if (GTK_IS_CSS_SHORTHAND_PROPERTY (property))
        GtkCssShorthandProperty *shorthand = GTK_CSS_SHORTHAND_PROPERTY (property);
        guint i;

        for (i = 0; i < _gtk_css_shorthand_property_get_n_subproperties (shorthand); i++)
            GtkCssStyleProperty *prop = _gtk_css_shorthand_property_get_subproperty (shorthand, i);

            transition_info_add (infos, GTK_STYLE_PROPERTY (prop), index);
    else if (GTK_IS_CSS_STYLE_PROPERTY (property))
        guint id;

        if (!_gtk_css_style_property_is_animated (GTK_CSS_STYLE_PROPERTY (property)))

        id = _gtk_css_style_property_get_id (GTK_CSS_STYLE_PROPERTY (property));
        g_assert (id < GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_N_PROPERTIES);
        infos[id].index = index;
        infos[id].pending = TRUE;
        g_assert_not_reached ();