Beispiel #1
 * \brief Creates system of linear equations from interpolated points
 * Creates system of linear equations represented by matrix using given
 * points and interpolating function interp()
 * \param params struct interp_params *
 * \param points points for interpolation as struct triple
 * \param n_points number of points
 * \param[out] matrix the matrix
 * \param indx
 * \return -1 on failure, 1 on success
int IL_matrix_create(struct interp_params *params,
		     struct triple *points,	/* points for interpolation */
		     int n_points,	/* number of points */
		     double **matrix,	/* matrix */
		     int *indx)
    double xx, yy;
    double rfsta2, r;
    double d;
    int n1, k1, k2, k, i1, l, m, i, j;
    double fstar2 = params->fi * params->fi / 4.;
    static double *A = NULL;
    double RO, amaxa;
    double rsin = 0, rcos = 0, teta, scale = 0;	/*anisotropy parameters - added by JH 2002 */
    double xxr, yyr;

    if (params->theta) {
	teta = params->theta * (M_PI / 180);	/* deg to rad */
	rsin = sin(teta);
	rcos = cos(teta);
    if (params->scalex)
	scale = params->scalex;

    n1 = n_points + 1;

    if (!A) {
	if (!
	    (A =
	     G_alloc_vector((params->KMAX2 + 2) * (params->KMAX2 + 2) + 1))) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for A\n");
	    return -1;

       C      FIRST COLUMN
    A[1] = 0.;
    for (k = 1; k <= n_points; k++) {
	i1 = k + 1;
	A[i1] = 1.;
       C      OTHER COLUMNS
    RO = -params->rsm;
    /* fprintf (stderr, "sm[%d] = %f,  ro=%f\n", 1, points[1].smooth, RO); */
    for (k = 1; k <= n_points; k++) {
	k1 = k * n1 + 1;
	k2 = k + 1;
	i1 = k1 + k;
	if (params->rsm < 0.) {	/*indicates variable smoothing */
	    A[i1] = -points[k - 1].sm;	/* added by Mitasova nov. 96 */
	    /* G_debug(5, "sm[%d]=%f, a=%f", k, points[k-1].sm, A[i1]); */
	else {
	    A[i1] = RO;		/* constant smoothing */
	/* if (i1 == 100) fprintf (stderr,i "A[%d] = %f\n", i1, A[i1]); */

	/* A[i1] = RO; */
	for (l = k2; l <= n_points; l++) {
	    xx = points[k - 1].x - points[l - 1].x;
	    yy = points[k - 1].y - points[l - 1].y;

	    if ((params->theta) && (params->scalex)) {
		/* re run anisotropy */
		xxr = xx * rcos + yy * rsin;
		yyr = yy * rcos - xx * rsin;
		xx = xxr;
		yy = yyr;
		r = scale * xx * xx + yy * yy;
		rfsta2 = fstar2 * (scale * xx * xx + yy * yy);
	    else {
		r = xx * xx + yy * yy;
		rfsta2 = fstar2 * (xx * xx + yy * yy);

	    if (rfsta2 == 0.) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ident. points in segm.\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "x[%d]=%f, x[%d]=%f, y[%d]=%f, y[%d]=%f\n",
			k - 1, points[k - 1].x, l - 1, points[l - 1].x, k - 1,
			points[k - 1].y, l - 1, points[l - 1].y);
		return -1;
	    i1 = k1 + l;
	    A[i1] = params->interp(r, params->fi);

    /* C       SYMMETRISATION */
    amaxa = 1.;
    for (k = 1; k <= n1; k++) {
	k1 = (k - 1) * n1;
	k2 = k + 1;
	for (l = k2; l <= n1; l++) {
	    m = (l - 1) * n1 + k;
	    A[m] = A[k1 + l];
	    amaxa = amax1(A[m], amaxa);
    m = 0;
    for (i = 0; i <= n_points; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j <= n_points; j++) {
	    matrix[i][j] = A[m];

    G_debug(3, "calling G_ludcmp()  n=%d indx=%d", n_points, *indx);
    if (G_ludcmp(matrix, n_points + 1, indx, &d) <= 0) {
	/* find the inverse of the matrix */
	fprintf(stderr, "G_ludcmp() failed! n=%d  d=%.2f\n", n_points, d);
	return -1;

    /* G_free_vector(A); */
    return 1;
Beispiel #2
void process(void)

    /*                              INITIALISE                                  */


    DCELL *row_in,		/* Buffer large enough to hold `wsize'  */
     *row_out = NULL,		/* raster rows. When GRASS reads in a   */
	/* raster row, each element is of type  */
	/* DCELL        */
	*window_ptr,		/* Stores local terrain window.         */
	centre;			/* Elevation of central cell in window. */

    CELL *featrow_out = NULL;	/* store features in CELL */

    struct Cell_head region;	/* Structure to hold region information */

    int nrows,			/* Will store the current number of     */
      ncols,			/* rows and columns in the raster.      */
      row, col,			/* Counts through each row and column   */
	/* of the input raster.                 */
      wind_row,			/* Counts through each row and column   */
      wind_col,			/* of the local neighbourhood window.   */
     *index_ptr;		/* Row permutation vector for LU decomp. */

    double **normal_ptr,	/* Cross-products matrix.               */
     *obs_ptr,			/* Observed vector.                     */
      temp;			/* Unused */

    double *weight_ptr;		/* Weighting matrix for observed values. */

    /*                     GET RASTER AND WINDOW DETAILS                        */


    G_get_window(&region);	/* Fill out the region structure (the   */
    /* geographical limits etc.)            */

    nrows = Rast_window_rows();	/* Find out the number of rows and      */
    ncols = Rast_window_cols();	/* columns of the raster.               */

    if ((region.ew_res / region.ns_res >= 1.01) ||	/* If EW and NS resolns are    */
	(region.ns_res / region.ew_res >= 1.01)) {	/* >1% different, warn user.      */
	G_warning(_("E-W and N-S grid resolutions are different. Taking average."));
	resoln = (region.ns_res + region.ew_res) / 2;
	resoln = region.ns_res;

    /*              RESERVE MEMORY TO HOLD Z VALUES AND MATRICES                */


    row_in = (DCELL *) G_malloc(ncols * sizeof(DCELL) * wsize);
    /* Reserve `wsize' rows of memory.      */

    if (mparam != FEATURE)
	row_out = Rast_allocate_buf(DCELL_TYPE);	/* Initialise output row buffer.     */
	featrow_out = Rast_allocate_buf(CELL_TYPE);	/* Initialise output row buffer.  */

    window_ptr = (DCELL *) G_malloc(SQR(wsize) * sizeof(DCELL));
    /* Reserve enough memory for local wind. */

    weight_ptr = (double *)G_malloc(SQR(wsize) * sizeof(double));
    /* Reserve enough memory weights matrix. */

    normal_ptr = dmatrix(0, 5, 0, 5);	/* Allocate memory for 6*6 matrix       */
    index_ptr = ivector(0, 5);	/* and for 1D vector holding indices    */
    obs_ptr = dvector(0, 5);	/* and for 1D vector holding observed z */

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* -            CALCULATE LEAST SQUARES COEFFICIENTS              - */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /*--- Calculate weighting matrix. ---*/


    /* Initial coefficients need only be found once since they are 
       constant for any given window size. The only element that 
       changes is the observed vector (RHS of normal equations). */

    /*--- Find normal equations in matrix form. ---*/

    find_normal(normal_ptr, weight_ptr);

    /*--- Apply LU decomposition to normal equations. ---*/

    if (constrained) {
	G_ludcmp(normal_ptr, 5, index_ptr, &temp);
	/* To constrain the quadtratic 
	   through the central cell, ignore 
	   the calculations involving the
	   coefficient f. Since these are 
	   all in the last row and column of
	   the matrix, simply redimension.   */
	/* disp_matrix(normal_ptr,obs_ptr,obs_ptr,5);

    else {
	G_ludcmp(normal_ptr, 6, index_ptr, &temp);
	/* disp_matrix(normal_ptr,obs_ptr,obs_ptr,6);



    if (mparam != FEATURE)
	for (wind_row = 0; wind_row < EDGE; wind_row++)
	    Rast_put_row(fd_out, row_out, DCELL_TYPE);	/* Write out the edge cells as NULL.    */
	for (wind_row = 0; wind_row < EDGE; wind_row++)
	    Rast_put_row(fd_out, featrow_out, CELL_TYPE);	/* Write out the edge cells as NULL.    */

    for (wind_row = 0; wind_row < wsize - 1; wind_row++)
	Rast_get_row(fd_in, row_in + (wind_row * ncols), wind_row,
    /* Read in enough of the first rows to  */
    /* allow window to be examined.         */

    for (row = EDGE; row < (nrows - EDGE); row++) {
	G_percent(row + 1, nrows - EDGE, 2);

	Rast_get_row(fd_in, row_in + ((wsize - 1) * ncols), row + EDGE,

	for (col = EDGE; col < (ncols - EDGE); col++) {
	    /* Find central z value */
	    centre = *(row_in + EDGE * ncols + col);

	    for (wind_row = 0; wind_row < wsize; wind_row++)
		for (wind_col = 0; wind_col < wsize; wind_col++)

		    /* Express all window values relative   */
		    /* to the central elevation.            */
		    *(window_ptr + (wind_row * wsize) + wind_col) =
			*(row_in + (wind_row * ncols) + col + wind_col -
			  EDGE) - centre;

	    /*--- Use LU back substitution to solve normal equations. ---*/
	    find_obs(window_ptr, obs_ptr, weight_ptr);

	    /*      disp_wind(window_ptr); 

	    if (constrained) {
		G_lubksb(normal_ptr, 5, index_ptr, obs_ptr);

	    else {
		G_lubksb(normal_ptr, 6, index_ptr, obs_ptr);


	    /*--- Calculate terrain parameter based on quad. coefficients. ---*/
	    if (mparam == FEATURE)
		*(featrow_out + col) = (CELL) feature(obs_ptr);
		*(row_out + col) = param(mparam, obs_ptr);

	    if (mparam == ELEV)
		*(row_out + col) += centre;	/* Add central elevation back */

	if (mparam != FEATURE)
	    Rast_put_row(fd_out, row_out, DCELL_TYPE);	/* Write the row buffer to the output   */
	/* raster.                              */
	else			/* write FEATURE to CELL */
	    Rast_put_row(fd_out, featrow_out, CELL_TYPE);	/* Write the row buffer to the output       */
	/* raster.                              */

	/* 'Shuffle' rows down one, and read in */
	/*  one new row.                        */
	for (wind_row = 0; wind_row < wsize - 1; wind_row++)
	    for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
		*(row_in + (wind_row * ncols) + col) =
		    *(row_in + ((wind_row + 1) * ncols) + col);

    for (wind_row = 0; wind_row < EDGE; wind_row++) {
	if (mparam != FEATURE)
	    Rast_put_row(fd_out, row_out, DCELL_TYPE);	/* Write out the edge cells as NULL. */
	    Rast_put_row(fd_out, featrow_out, CELL_TYPE);	/* Write out the edge cells as NULL. */



    if (mparam != FEATURE)

    free_dmatrix(normal_ptr, 0, 5, 0, 5);
    free_dvector(obs_ptr, 0, 5);
    free_ivector(index_ptr, 0, 5);