Beispiel #1
void Pet::UpdateDamagePhysical(WeaponAttackType attType)
    UnitMods unitMod;

    if (attType == BASE_ATTACK)
        unitMod  = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND;
    else if (attType == RANGED_ATTACK)
       unitMod  = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_RANGED;

    float att_speed = float(GetAttackTime(attType))/1000.0f;

    float base_value  = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) + GetTotalAttackPowerValue(attType)/ 14.0f * att_speed;
    float base_pct    = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT);
    float total_value = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE);
    float total_pct   = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_PCT);

    float weapon_mindamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(attType, MINDAMAGE);
    float weapon_maxdamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(attType, MAXDAMAGE);

    float mindamage = ((base_value + weapon_mindamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;
    float maxdamage = ((base_value + weapon_maxdamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;

    if (attType == BASE_ATTACK)
        SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINDAMAGE, mindamage);
        SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXDAMAGE, maxdamage);
    else if (attType == RANGED_ATTACK)
        SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINRANGEDDAMAGE, mindamage);
        SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXRANGEDDAMAGE, maxdamage);
Beispiel #2
void Creature::UpdateDamagePhysical(WeaponAttackType attType)
    if(attType > BASE_ATTACK)

    UnitMods unitMod = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND;

    float att_speed = float(GetAttackTime(BASE_ATTACK))/1000.0f;

    float base_value  = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) + GetTotalAttackPowerValue(attType)/ 14.0f * att_speed;
    float base_pct    = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT);
    float total_value = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE);
    float total_pct   = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_PCT);

    float weapon_mindamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE);
    float weapon_maxdamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE);

    int32 ModSpeed = GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACKSPEED);
    base_pct = base_pct * 100.0f/(100.0f+float(ModSpeed));

    float mindamage = ((base_value + weapon_mindamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct ;
    float maxdamage = ((base_value + weapon_maxdamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct ;

    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINDAMAGE, mindamage);
    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXDAMAGE, maxdamage);
Beispiel #3
void Guardian::UpdateDamagePhysical(WeaponAttackType attType)
    if (attType > BASE_ATTACK)

    float bonusDamage = 0.0f;
    if (m_owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER)
        //force of nature
        if (GetEntry() == ENTRY_TREANT)
            int32 spellDmg = int32(m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_POS + SPELL_SCHOOL_NATURE)) + m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_NEG + SPELL_SCHOOL_NATURE);
            if (spellDmg > 0)
                bonusDamage = spellDmg * 0.09f;
        //greater fire elemental
        else if (GetEntry() == ENTRY_FIRE_ELEMENTAL)
            int32 spellDmg = int32(m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_POS + SPELL_SCHOOL_FIRE)) + m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_NEG + SPELL_SCHOOL_FIRE);
            if (spellDmg > 0)
                bonusDamage = spellDmg * 0.4f;

    UnitMods unitMod = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND;

    float att_speed = float(GetAttackTime(BASE_ATTACK))/1000.0f;

    float base_value  = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) + GetTotalAttackPowerValue(attType)/ 14.0f * att_speed  + bonusDamage;
    float base_pct    = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT);
    float total_value = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE);
    float total_pct   = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_PCT);

    float weapon_mindamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE);
    float weapon_maxdamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE);

    float mindamage = ((base_value + weapon_mindamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;
    float maxdamage = ((base_value + weapon_maxdamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;

    /// @todo: remove this
    Unit::AuraEffectList const& mDummy = GetAuraEffectsByType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACKSPEED);
    for (Unit::AuraEffectList::const_iterator itr = mDummy.begin(); itr != mDummy.end(); ++itr)
        switch ((*itr)->GetSpellInfo()->Id)
        case 61682:
        case 61683:
            AddPct(mindamage, -(*itr)->GetAmount());
            AddPct(maxdamage, -(*itr)->GetAmount());

    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINDAMAGE, mindamage);
    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXDAMAGE, maxdamage);
Beispiel #4
void Guardian::UpdateDamagePhysical(WeaponAttackType attType)
    if (attType > BASE_ATTACK)

    UnitMods unitMod = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND;

    float att_speed = float(GetAttackTime(BASE_ATTACK))/1000.0f;

    float base_value  = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) + GetTotalAttackPowerValue(attType)/ 14.0f * att_speed;
    float base_pct    = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT);
    float total_value = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE);
    float total_pct   = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_PCT);

    float weapon_mindamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE);
    float weapon_maxdamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE);

    float mindamage = ((base_value + weapon_mindamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;
    float maxdamage = ((base_value + weapon_maxdamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;

	if (mindamage < 0.0f || mindamage > 10000000.0f)
		mindamage = BASE_MINDAMAGE;
	if (maxdamage < 0.0f || maxdamage > 10000000.0f)
		maxdamage = BASE_MAXDAMAGE;
	if (mindamage > maxdamage)
		mindamage = maxdamage;

    //  Pet's base damage changes depending on happiness
    if (IsHunterPet() && attType == BASE_ATTACK)
        switch (ToPet()->GetHappinessState())
            case HAPPY:
                // 125% of normal damage
                mindamage = mindamage * 1.25f;
                maxdamage = maxdamage * 1.25f;
            case CONTENT:
                // 100% of normal damage, nothing to modify
            case UNHAPPY:
                // 75% of normal damage
                mindamage = mindamage * 0.75f;
                maxdamage = maxdamage * 0.75f;

    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINDAMAGE, mindamage);
    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXDAMAGE, maxdamage);
Beispiel #5
void Guardian::UpdateDamagePhysical(WeaponAttackType attType)
    if (attType > BASE_ATTACK)

    float bonusDamage = 0.0f;
    if (m_owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER)
        switch (GetEntry())
            //force of nature
            case ENTRY_TREANT:
                int32 spellDmg = int32(m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_POS + SPELL_SCHOOL_NATURE))
                    - m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_NEG + SPELL_SCHOOL_NATURE);
                if (spellDmg > 0)
                    bonusDamage = spellDmg * 0.09f;
            //greater fire elemental
            case ENTRY_FIRE_ELEMENTAL:
                int32 spellDmg = int32(m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_POS + SPELL_SCHOOL_FIRE))
                    - m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_NEG + SPELL_SCHOOL_FIRE);
                if (spellDmg > 0)
                    bonusDamage = spellDmg * 0.4f;
            default :

    UnitMods unitMod = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND;

    float att_speed = float(GetAttackTime(BASE_ATTACK))/1000.0f;

    float base_value  = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) + GetTotalAttackPowerValue(attType)/ 14.0f * att_speed  + bonusDamage;
    float base_pct    = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT);
    float total_value = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE);
    float total_pct   = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_PCT);
    float weapon_mindamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE);
    float weapon_maxdamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE);

    float mindamage = ((base_value + weapon_mindamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;
    float maxdamage = ((base_value + weapon_maxdamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;

    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINDAMAGE, mindamage);
    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXDAMAGE, maxdamage);
Beispiel #6
void Pet::UpdateDamagePhysical(WeaponAttackType attType)
    if (attType > BASE_ATTACK)

    UnitMods unitMod = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND;

    float att_speed = float(GetAttackTime(BASE_ATTACK))/1000.0f;

    float base_value  = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) + GetTotalAttackPowerValue(attType)/ 14.0f * att_speed;
    float base_pct    = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT);
    float total_value = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE);
    float total_pct   = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_PCT);

    float weapon_mindamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE);
    float weapon_maxdamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE);

    //  Pet's base damage changes depending on happiness
    if (getPetType() == HUNTER_PET && attType == BASE_ATTACK)
            case HAPPY:
                // 125% of normal damage
                total_pct *= 1.25f;
            case CONTENT:
                // 100% of normal damage, nothing to modify
            case UNHAPPY:
                // 75% of normal damage
                total_pct *= 0.75f;
    else if (getPetType() == SUMMON_PET)
        Unit* owner = GetOwner();
        if (owner && owner->getClass() == CLASS_PRIEST)
            total_value += 0.3f * owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_POS + SPELL_SCHOOL_SHADOW);

    float mindamage = ((base_value + weapon_mindamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;
    float maxdamage = ((base_value + weapon_maxdamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;

    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINDAMAGE, mindamage);
    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXDAMAGE, maxdamage);
Beispiel #7
void Pet::UpdateDamagePhysical(WeaponAttackType attType)
    if(attType > BASE_ATTACK)

    UnitMods unitMod = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND;

    float att_speed = float(GetAttackTime(BASE_ATTACK))/1000.0f;

    float base_value  = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) + GetTotalAttackPowerValue(attType)/ 14.0f * att_speed;
    float base_pct    = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT);
    float total_value = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE);
    float total_pct   = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_PCT);

    float weapon_mindamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE);
    float weapon_maxdamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE);

    int32 ModSpeed = GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACKSPEED);
    base_pct = base_pct * 100.0f/(100.0f+float(ModSpeed));

    float mindamage = ((base_value + weapon_mindamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;
    float maxdamage = ((base_value + weapon_maxdamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;

    //  Pet's base damage changes depending on happiness
    if (getPetType() == HUNTER_PET && attType == BASE_ATTACK)
            case HAPPY:
                // 125% of normal damage
                mindamage = mindamage * 1.25;
                maxdamage = maxdamage * 1.25;
            case CONTENT:
                // 100% of normal damage, nothing to modify
            case UNHAPPY:
                // 75% of normal damage
                mindamage = mindamage * 0.75;
                maxdamage = maxdamage * 0.75;

    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINDAMAGE, mindamage);
    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXDAMAGE, maxdamage);
Beispiel #8
void Guardian::UpdateDamagePhysical(WeaponAttackType attType)
    if (attType > BASE_ATTACK)

    float bonusDamage = 0.0f;
    if (Unit* owner = GetOwner())
        //force of nature
        if (GetEntry() == 1964)
            int32 spellDmg = int32(owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_POS + SPELL_SCHOOL_NATURE)) - owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_NEG + SPELL_SCHOOL_NATURE);
            if (spellDmg > 0)
                bonusDamage = spellDmg * 0.09f;
        //greater fire elemental
        else if (GetEntry() == 15438)
            if (Unit* shaman = owner->GetOwner())
                int32 spellDmg = int32(shaman->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_POS + SPELL_SCHOOL_FIRE)) - shaman->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_NEG + SPELL_SCHOOL_FIRE);
                if (spellDmg > 0)
                    bonusDamage = spellDmg * 0.4f;
        // shadowfiend 65.7% per 10 hits so 6.57 per hit
        else if (GetEntry() == 19668)
            if (Unit* owner = GetOwner())
                int32 spellDmg = int32(owner->SpellBaseDamageBonus(SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_SHADOW));
                if (spellDmg > 0)
                    bonusDamage = spellDmg * 0.0657f;

    UnitMods unitMod = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND;

    float att_speed = float(GetAttackTime(BASE_ATTACK))/1000.0f;

    float base_value  = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) + GetTotalAttackPowerValue(attType)/ 14.0f * att_speed  + bonusDamage;
    float base_pct    = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT);
    float total_value = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE);
    float total_pct   = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_PCT);

    float weapon_mindamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE);
    float weapon_maxdamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE);

    int32 speed_mod = GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACKSPEED);
    base_pct *= 100.0f/(100.0f+float(speed_mod/2));

    float mindamage = ((base_value + weapon_mindamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;
    float maxdamage = ((base_value + weapon_maxdamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;

    //  Pet's base damage changes depending on happiness
    if (isHunterPet() && attType == BASE_ATTACK)
        switch (ToPet()->GetHappinessState())
            case HAPPY:
                // 125% of normal damage
                mindamage = mindamage * 1.25f;
                maxdamage = maxdamage * 1.25f;
            case CONTENT:
                // 100% of normal damage, nothing to modify
            case UNHAPPY:
                // 75% of normal damage
                mindamage = mindamage * 0.75f;
                maxdamage = maxdamage * 0.75f;

    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINDAMAGE, mindamage);
    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXDAMAGE, maxdamage);
Beispiel #9
void Player::CalculateMinMaxDamage(WeaponAttackType attType, bool normalized, float& min_damage, float& max_damage)
    UnitMods unitMod;
    UnitMods attPower;

    switch (attType)
        case BASE_ATTACK:
            unitMod = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND;
            attPower = UNIT_MOD_ATTACK_POWER;
        case OFF_ATTACK:
            unitMod = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_OFFHAND;
            attPower = UNIT_MOD_ATTACK_POWER;
        case RANGED_ATTACK:
            unitMod = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_RANGED;
            attPower = UNIT_MOD_ATTACK_POWER_RANGED;

    float att_speed = GetAPMultiplier(attType, normalized);

    float base_value  = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) + GetTotalAttackPowerValue(attType) / 14.0f * att_speed;
    float base_pct    = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT);
    float total_value = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE);
    float total_pct   = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_PCT);

    float weapon_mindamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(attType, MINDAMAGE);
    float weapon_maxdamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(attType, MAXDAMAGE);

    if (IsInFeralForm())                                    // check if player is druid and in cat or bear forms, non main hand attacks not allowed for this mode so not check attack type
        float weaponSpeed = GetAttackTime(attType) / 1000.0f;

        switch (GetShapeshiftForm())
            case FORM_CAT:
                weapon_mindamage = weapon_mindamage / weaponSpeed;
                weapon_maxdamage = weapon_maxdamage / weaponSpeed;
            case FORM_BEAR:
                weapon_mindamage = weapon_mindamage / weaponSpeed + weapon_mindamage / 2.5f;
                weapon_maxdamage = weapon_maxdamage / weaponSpeed + weapon_maxdamage / 2.5f;
    else if (!CanUseEquippedWeapon(attType))                // check if player not in form but still can't use weapon (broken/etc)
        weapon_mindamage = BASE_MINDAMAGE;
        weapon_maxdamage = BASE_MAXDAMAGE;
    else if (attType == RANGED_ATTACK)                      // add ammo DPS to ranged damage
        weapon_mindamage += GetAmmoDPS() * att_speed;
        weapon_maxdamage += GetAmmoDPS() * att_speed;

    min_damage = ((base_value + weapon_mindamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;
    max_damage = ((base_value + weapon_maxdamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;
Beispiel #10
void Guardian::UpdateDamagePhysical(WeaponAttackType attType)
    if(attType > BASE_ATTACK)

    float bonusDamage = 0.0f;
    if(m_owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER)
        //force of nature
        if(GetEntry() == ENTRY_TREANT)
            int32 spellDmg = int32(m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_POS + SPELL_SCHOOL_NATURE)) - m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_NEG + SPELL_SCHOOL_NATURE);
            if(spellDmg > 0)
                bonusDamage = spellDmg * 0.09f;
        //greater fire elemental
        else if(GetEntry() == ENTRY_FIRE_ELEMENTAL)
            int32 spellDmg = int32(m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_POS + SPELL_SCHOOL_FIRE)) - m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_NEG + SPELL_SCHOOL_FIRE);
            if(spellDmg > 0)
                bonusDamage = spellDmg * 0.4f;

    UnitMods unitMod = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND;

    float att_speed = float(GetAttackTime(BASE_ATTACK))/1000.0f;

    float base_value  = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) + GetTotalAttackPowerValue(attType)/ 14.0f * att_speed  + bonusDamage;
    float base_pct    = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT);
    float total_value = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE);
    float total_pct   = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_PCT);

    float weapon_mindamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE);
    float weapon_maxdamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE);

    float mindamage = ((base_value + weapon_mindamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;
    float maxdamage = ((base_value + weapon_maxdamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;

    //  Pet's base damage changes depending on happiness
    if (isHunterPet() && attType == BASE_ATTACK)
            case HAPPY:
                // 125% of normal damage
                mindamage = mindamage * 1.25;
                maxdamage = maxdamage * 1.25;
            case CONTENT:
                // 100% of normal damage, nothing to modify
            case UNHAPPY:
                // 75% of normal damage
                mindamage = mindamage * 0.75;
                maxdamage = maxdamage * 0.75;

    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINDAMAGE, mindamage);
    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXDAMAGE, maxdamage);
Beispiel #11
void Guardian::UpdateDamagePhysical(WeaponAttackType attType)
    if (attType > BASE_ATTACK)

    float bonusDamage = 0.0f;
    if (m_owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER)
        //force of nature
        if (GetEntry() == ENTRY_TREANT)
            int32 spellDmg = int32(m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_POS + SPELL_SCHOOL_NATURE)) - m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_NEG + SPELL_SCHOOL_NATURE);
            if (spellDmg > 0)
                bonusDamage = spellDmg * 0.09f;
        //greater fire elemental
        else if (GetEntry() == ENTRY_FIRE_ELEMENTAL)
            int32 spellDmg = int32(m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_POS + SPELL_SCHOOL_FIRE)) - m_owner->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_NEG + SPELL_SCHOOL_FIRE);
            if (spellDmg > 0)
                bonusDamage = spellDmg * 0.4f;

    UnitMods unitMod = UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND;

    float att_speed = float(GetAttackTime(BASE_ATTACK))/1000.0f;

    float base_value  = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) + GetTotalAttackPowerValue(attType)/ 14.0f * att_speed  + bonusDamage;
    float base_pct    = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT);
    float total_value = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE);
    float total_pct   = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_PCT);

    float weapon_mindamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE);
    float weapon_maxdamage = GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE);

    float mindamage = ((base_value + weapon_mindamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;
    float maxdamage = ((base_value + weapon_maxdamage) * base_pct + total_value) * total_pct;

    //  Pet's base damage changes depending on happiness
    if (isHunterPet() && attType == BASE_ATTACK)
            case HAPPY:
                // 125% of normal damage
                mindamage = mindamage * 1.25f;
                maxdamage = maxdamage * 1.25f;
            case CONTENT:
                // 100% of normal damage, nothing to modify
            case UNHAPPY:
                // 75% of normal damage
                mindamage = mindamage * 0.75f;
                maxdamage = maxdamage * 0.75f;

    Unit::AuraEffectList const& mDummy = GetAuraEffectsByType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACKSPEED);
    for (Unit::AuraEffectList::const_iterator itr = mDummy.begin(); itr != mDummy.end(); ++itr)
        switch ((*itr)->GetSpellProto()->Id)
            case 61682:
            case 61683:
                AddPctN(mindamage, -(*itr)->GetAmount());
                AddPctN(maxdamage, -(*itr)->GetAmount());

    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MINDAMAGE, mindamage);
    SetStatFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_MAXDAMAGE, maxdamage);