GLuint MGLTexture::GetTextureType(std::string name) { return m_textures->at(GetTexture(name, GL_TRUE)); }
already_AddRefed<gfx::SourceSurface> D3D11ShareHandleImage::GetAsSourceSurface() { RefPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> texture = GetTexture(); if (!texture) { NS_WARNING("Cannot readback from shared texture because no texture is available."); return nullptr; } RefPtr<ID3D11Device> device; texture->GetDevice(getter_AddRefs(device)); RefPtr<IDXGIKeyedMutex> keyedMutex; if (FAILED(texture->QueryInterface(static_cast<IDXGIKeyedMutex**>(getter_AddRefs(keyedMutex))))) { NS_WARNING("Failed to QueryInterface for IDXGIKeyedMutex, strange."); return nullptr; } if (FAILED(keyedMutex->AcquireSync(0, 0))) { NS_WARNING("Failed to acquire sync for keyedMutex, plugin failed to release?"); return nullptr; } D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc; texture->GetDesc(&desc); CD3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC softDesc(desc.Format, desc.Width, desc.Height); softDesc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ; softDesc.BindFlags = 0; softDesc.MiscFlags = 0; softDesc.MipLevels = 1; softDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING; RefPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> softTexture; HRESULT hr = device->CreateTexture2D(&softDesc, NULL, static_cast<ID3D11Texture2D**>(getter_AddRefs(softTexture))); if (FAILED(hr)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to create 2D staging texture."); keyedMutex->ReleaseSync(0); return nullptr; } RefPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext> context; device->GetImmediateContext(getter_AddRefs(context)); if (!context) { keyedMutex->ReleaseSync(0); return nullptr; } context->CopyResource(softTexture, texture); keyedMutex->ReleaseSync(0); RefPtr<gfx::DataSourceSurface> surface = gfx::Factory::CreateDataSourceSurface(mSize, gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8); if (NS_WARN_IF(!surface)) { return nullptr; } gfx::DataSourceSurface::MappedSurface mappedSurface; if (!surface->Map(gfx::DataSourceSurface::WRITE, &mappedSurface)) { return nullptr; } D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE map; hr = context->Map(softTexture, 0, D3D11_MAP_READ, 0, &map); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { surface->Unmap(); return nullptr; } for (int y = 0; y < mSize.height; y++) { memcpy(mappedSurface.mData + mappedSurface.mStride * y, (unsigned char*)(map.pData) + map.RowPitch * y, mSize.width * 4); } context->Unmap(softTexture, 0); surface->Unmap(); return surface.forget(); }
bool PersistentBufferProviderShared::SetForwarder(KnowsCompositor* aFwd) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFwd); if (!aFwd) { return false; } if (mFwd == aFwd) { // The forwarder should not change most of the time. return true; } if (IsActivityTracked()) { mFwd->GetActiveResourceTracker().RemoveObject(this); } if (mFwd->GetTextureForwarder() != aFwd->GetTextureForwarder() || mFwd->GetCompositorBackendType() != aFwd->GetCompositorBackendType()) { // We are going to be used with an different and/or incompatible forwarder. // This should be extremely rare. We have to copy the front buffer into a // texture that is compatible with the new forwarder. // Grab the current front buffer. RefPtr<TextureClient> prevTexture = GetTexture(mFront); // Get rid of everything else Destroy(); if (prevTexture) { RefPtr<TextureClient> newTexture = TextureClient::CreateForDrawing( aFwd, mFormat, mSize, BackendSelector::Canvas, TextureFlags::DEFAULT, TextureAllocationFlags::ALLOC_DEFAULT ); MOZ_ASSERT(newTexture); if (!newTexture) { return false; } // If we early-return in one of the following branches, we will // leave the buffer provider in an empty state, since we called // Destroy. Not ideal but at least we won't try to use it with a // an incompatible ipc channel. if (!newTexture->Lock(OpenMode::OPEN_WRITE)) { return false; } if (!prevTexture->Lock(OpenMode::OPEN_READ)) { newTexture->Unlock(); return false; } bool success = prevTexture->CopyToTextureClient(newTexture, nullptr, nullptr); prevTexture->Unlock(); newTexture->Unlock(); if (!success) { return false; } if (!mTextures.append(newTexture)) { return false; } mFront = Some<uint32_t>(mTextures.length() - 1); mBack = mFront; } } mFwd = aFwd; return true; }
Player::Player() : texture(GetTexture("man.png")) {}
std::vector<Vertex> ModelLoader::load(int& numTriangles, int& numTextures) { std::ifstream fileCheck(filename); Vertex tempVert; std::vector<Vertex> geometry; std::deque<aiVector3D> texCoord; numTriangles = 0; numTextures = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) tempVert.color[i] = 1.0; if(!fileCheck) { std::cerr << "Error: Unable to open object file" << std::endl; exit(-1); } fileCheck.close(); Assimp::Importer importer; auto scene = importer.ReadFile(filename, aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Fast); if(!scene) { std::cerr << "Error: " << importer.GetErrorString() << std::endl; exit(-1); } std::cout << "Material Count: " << scene->mNumMaterials << std::endl; if(scene->HasMaterials()) { const auto& material = scene->mMaterials[0]; aiColor3D color(0.0f,0.0f,0.0); material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE, color); tempVert.color[0] = color.r; tempVert.color[1] = color.g; tempVert.color[2] = color.b; } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < scene->mNumMeshes; i++) { auto mesh = scene->mMeshes[i]; if(scene->mNumMaterials > i+1) { auto material = scene->mMaterials[i+1]; aiColor3D color(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE, color); tempVert.color[0] = color.r; tempVert.color[1] = color.g; tempVert.color[2] = color.b; if(material->GetTextureCount(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE) > 0) { aiString path; if(material->GetTexture(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0, &path, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == AI_SUCCESS) { std::cout << "Texture Path: " << path.C_Str() << std::endl; numTextures++; loadTexture(path.C_Str()); /* for(unsigned int j = 0; j < mesh->mNumVertices; j++) { const auto textureCoords = mesh->HasTextureCoords(0) ? mesh->mTextureCoords[0][j] : aiVector3D(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); //texCoord.emplace_back(textureCoords); } */ } } } numTriangles += mesh->mNumFaces; for(unsigned int j = 0; j < mesh->mNumFaces; j++) { const auto& face = mesh->mFaces[j]; for(unsigned int k = 0; k < face.mNumIndices; k++) { const auto& vertex = mesh->mVertices[face.mIndices[k]]; tempVert.position[0] = vertex.x; tempVert.position[1] = vertex.y; tempVert.position[2] = vertex.z; const auto& textureVertex = mesh->HasTextureCoords(0) ? mesh->mTextureCoords[0][face.mIndices[k]] : aiVector3D(0,0,0); tempVert.textCoord[0] = textureVertex[0]; tempVert.textCoord[1] = textureVertex[1]; geometry.push_back(tempVert); } } } //loadTexture("checkerboard.jpg"); std::cout << "size: " << geometry.size() << std::endl << "bytes: " << sizeof(tempVert) * geometry.size() << std::endl; return geometry; }
// // ICWindowTitle::DrawSelf // void ICWindowTitle::DrawSelf(PaintInfo &pi) { DrawCtrlBackground(pi, GetTexture()); DrawCtrlFrame(pi); DrawCtrlText(pi); }
/** * @brief ファイル名からテクスチャを取得 * @param filename [IN] ファイル名 * @return nxTexture */ nxTexture* nxTextureManager::GetTexture(const char *filename) { nxTextureInfo *texInfo; return GetTexture(filename, &texInfo); }
void Player::HandleControls(const jutil::GameTime& timespan) { // Directional movement if (p_Window->GetKey(Mega::Keys::MOVE_LEFT) == JKEY_PRESS) MoveX(-0.05f); if (p_Window->GetKey(Mega::Keys::MOVE_LEFT) == JKEY_HOLD) { GetRigidBody()->ApplyForce(jmath::vec3(-0.5f, 0.f, 0.f)); m_Direction = Mega::Direction::LEFT; } else if (p_Window->GetKey(Mega::Keys::MOVE_LEFT) == JKEY_RELEASE) GetRigidBody()->ClearForce(); if (p_Window->GetKey(Mega::Keys::MOVE_RIGHT) == JKEY_HOLD) { GetRigidBody()->ApplyForce(jmath::vec3(0.5f, 0.f, 0.f)); m_Direction = Mega::Direction::RIGHT; } /// Jumping // If space bar is just released, prevent jumping (to stop double jumping in the air) if (p_Window->GetKey(Mega::Keys::JUMP) == JKEY_RELEASE && m_TimerJump.ElapsedMilliseconds() > 0) m_TimerJump.SetTime(JTime::Milliseconds(JUMP_LIMIT)); // If the player is standing on a block, allow jumping if (m_HasCollidedBelow && m_TimerJump.ElapsedMilliseconds() > 0 && m_TimerJump.ElapsedMilliseconds() >= JUMP_LIMIT && !(p_Window->GetKey(Mega::Keys::JUMP) == JKEY_PRESS || p_Window->GetKey(Mega::Keys::JUMP) == JKEY_HOLD)) m_TimerJump.SetTime(JTime::Milliseconds(0)); // If the player is mid-jump and can still hold the button for a longer jump, apply forces if (m_TimerJump.ElapsedMilliseconds() >= 0 && m_TimerJump.ElapsedMilliseconds() < JUMP_LIMIT && p_Window->GetKey(Mega::Keys::JUMP) == JKEY_HOLD) { m_TimerJump += timespan; if (m_TimerJump.ElapsedMilliseconds() < JUMP_LIMIT) { m_PlayerState = PlayerState::JUMPING; float t = std::max(m_TimerJump.ElapsedMilliseconds(), 250); GetRigidBody()->ApplyForce(jmath::vec3(0, -0.0095f*((t) / 12.f), 0.f)); if (m_TimerJump.ElapsedMilliseconds() == timespan.ElapsedMilliseconds()) GetRigidBody()->ApplyForce(jmath::vec3(0.f, -3.f, 0.f)); if (m_TimerJump.ElapsedMilliseconds() != 0 && m_TimerJump.ElapsedMilliseconds() < 100) { jmath::vec3 v = GetRigidBody()->GetVelocity(); v.x = 0.f; GetRigidBody()->SetVelocity(v); v = m_CollisionY.GetRigidBody()->GetVelocity(); v.x = 0.f; m_CollisionY.GetRigidBody()->SetVelocity(v); } } } // Otherwise, we've ran out of jumping time else if (m_TimerJump.ElapsedMilliseconds() < 0) { m_TimerJump += timespan; if (m_TimerJump.ElapsedMilliseconds() > 0) m_TimerJump.SetTime(0); } // If the jump button has been released since jumping and we're on a tile, change state if (p_Window->GetKey(Mega::Keys::JUMP) != JKEY_HOLD && m_HasCollidedBelow) m_PlayerState = PlayerState::GROUNDED; m_TimerBulletAnimationDelay += timespan; //// Firing if (p_Window->GetKey(Mega::Keys::FIRE) == JKEY_PRESS)// && m_TimerBulletAnimationDelay.ElapsedMilliseconds() > FIRING_DELAY) { m_TimerBulletAnimationDelay.SetTime(0); jmath::vec2 pos = GetPositionXY(); pos.x += static_cast<bool>(m_Direction) ? 12.f : -12.f; pos.y--; m_Bullets.push_back(Bullet(pos, m_Direction)); m_Bullets.back().SetTexture(GetTexture()); m_Bullets.back().SetRectangle(jmath::vec4(104, 72, 8, 8)); } if (p_Window->GetKey(JKEY_KEY_C) == JKEY_PRESS) m_Health = 0; }
void ImageBasedLensFlare::LensBlur(const Ptr<Texture> & setupTex, const Ptr<Texture> & target) { int32_t tileSize = 9; //Extract Sprite Points int32_t extractWidth = (setupTex->GetDesc().width + tileSize - 1) / tileSize; int32_t extractHeight = (setupTex->GetDesc().height + tileSize - 1) / tileSize; RenderBufferDesc spPointsBufDesc; spPointsBufDesc.bindFlag = BUFFER_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE | BUFFER_BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS; spPointsBufDesc.elementSize = sizeof(float2) + sizeof(float3); spPointsBufDesc.numElements = extractWidth * extractHeight; spPointsBufDesc.cpuAccess = 0; spPointsBufDesc.bStructured = true; auto spPointsBufRef = BufferPool::Instance().FindFree(spPointsBufDesc); auto spPointsBuf = spPointsBufRef->Get()->Cast<RenderBuffer>(); { auto ps = Shader::FindOrCreate<ExtractSpritePointsPS>(); ps->SetScalar("spriteThreshold", _spriteThreshold); ps->SetSRV("setupTex", setupTex->GetShaderResourceView()); ps->SetUAV("spPointsBuf", spPointsBuf->GetUnorderedAccessView(0, 0, RENDER_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, BUFFER_UAV_APPEND)); ps->Flush(); DrawQuad({}, 0.0f, 0.0f, (float)extractWidth, (float)extractHeight); } //Render Sprites if (!_indirectAgsBuf) { RenderBufferDesc indirectArgsBufDesc; indirectArgsBufDesc.bindFlag = BUFFER_BIND_INDIRECT_ARGS; indirectArgsBufDesc.elementSize = 16; indirectArgsBufDesc.numElements = 1; indirectArgsBufDesc.cpuAccess = 0; indirectArgsBufDesc.bStructured = false; uint32_t initData[] = { 0, 1, 0, 0 }; _indirectAgsBuf = Global::GetRenderEngine()->GetRenderFactory()->CreateBuffer(); _indirectAgsBuf->SetDesc(indirectArgsBufDesc); _indirectAgsBuf->Init(initData); } spPointsBuf->CopyStructureCountTo(_indirectAgsBuf, 0, 0, spPointsBuf->GetDesc().numElements, RENDER_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, BUFFER_UAV_APPEND); { auto vs = Shader::FindOrCreate<LensBlurVS>(); auto gs = Shader::FindOrCreate<LensBlurGS>(); auto ps = Shader::FindOrCreate<LensBlurPS>(); vs->SetScalar("texSize", target->GetTexSize()); gs->SetScalar("texSize", target->GetTexSize()); gs->SetScalar("flareIntensity", _flareIntensity); vs->SetSRV("spPointsRenderBuf", spPointsBuf->GetShaderResourceView(0, 0, RENDER_FORMAT_UNKNOWN)); auto lensTexAsset = Asset::Find<TextureAsset>("Textures/"); if (!lensTexAsset->IsInit()) lensTexAsset->Init(); auto lensTex = lensTexAsset->GetTexture(); ps->SetSRV("lensTex", lensTex->GetShaderResourceView()); ps->SetSampler("linearSampler", SamplerTemplate<>::Get()); vs->Flush(); gs->Flush(); ps->Flush(); auto rc = Global::GetRenderEngine()->GetRenderContext(); rc->SetVertexBuffer({}); rc->SetIndexBuffer(nullptr); rc->SetPrimitiveTopology(PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_POINTLIST); rc->SetViewport(GetTextureQuadViewport(target)); rc->SetRenderTargets({ target->GetRenderTargetView(0, 0, 1) }); rc->SetDepthStencil(nullptr); rc->SetDepthStencilState(DepthStencilStateTemplate<false>::Get()); rc->SetBlendState(BlendStateTemplate<false, false, true, BLEND_PARAM_SRC_ALPHA, BLEND_PARAM_ONE, BLEND_OP_ADD>::Get()); rc->DrawInstancedIndirect(_indirectAgsBuf, 0); rc->ResetShader(SHADER_GS); rc->SetBlendState(nullptr); } }
BOOL Material::LoadFromFile(CTSTR lpFile) { traceIn(Material::LoadFromFile); String path; ConfigFile materialFile; if(!materialFile.Open(lpFile)) { AppWarning(TEXT("Couldn't load material file '%s'"), lpFile); return FALSE; } effect = ::GetEffect(materialFile.GetString(TEXT("Material"), TEXT("Effect"))); if(!effect) { AppWarning(TEXT("Invalid effect in material file '%s'"), lpFile); return FALSE; } String soundName = materialFile.GetString(TEXT("Material"), TEXT("SoftSound")); if(soundName.IsValid()) SetSoftHitSound(soundName); soundName = materialFile.GetString(TEXT("Material"), TEXT("HardSound")); if(soundName.IsValid()) SetHardHitSound(soundName); restitution = materialFile.GetFloat(TEXT("Material"), TEXT("Restitution")); friction = materialFile.GetFloat(TEXT("Material"), TEXT("Friction"), 0.5f); DWORD curParamID = 0; HANDLE hCurParam; while(hCurParam = effect->GetParameter(curParamID++)) { EffectParameterInfo paramInfo; effect->GetEffectParameterInfo(hCurParam, paramInfo); if(paramInfo.propertyType != EffectProperty_None) { if(paramInfo.propertyType == EffectProperty_Texture) { MaterialParameter *param = Params.CreateNew(); param->type = Parameter_Texture; param->handle = hCurParam; *(BaseTexture**)param->data = GetTexture(materialFile.GetString(TEXT("Parameters"),; } else if(paramInfo.propertyType == EffectProperty_Color) { MaterialParameter *param = Params.CreateNew(); param->type = Parameter_Vector3; param->handle = hCurParam; Vect chi = materialFile.GetColor3(TEXT("Parameters"),; mcpy(param->data, &chi, sizeof(Vect)); } else if(paramInfo.propertyType == EffectProperty_Float) { MaterialParameter *param = Params.CreateNew(); param->type = Parameter_Float; param->handle = hCurParam; *(float*)param->data = materialFile.GetFloat(TEXT("Parameters"),*paramInfo.fMul; } } } return TRUE; traceOut; }
Menu::Menu(unique_ptr<Game> & game) : mGame(game), mCameraChangeTime(30 * 60), mDistBetweenButtons(68), mVisible(true), mPage(Page::Main), mLoadSaveGameName("") { // Load config mConfig.Load("config.cfg"); mLocalization.Load(mGame->GetLocalizationPath() + "menu.loc"); // load background scene mScene = mGame->GetEngine()->GetSceneFactory()->LoadScene("data/maps/menu.scene"); // create gui scene mGUIScene = mGame->GetEngine()->CreateGUIScene(); // create camera mpCamera = make_unique<GameCamera>(mGUIScene); mCameraPos1 = mScene->FindChild("Camera"); mCameraPos2 = mScene->FindChild("Camera2"); mpCamera->mCamera->Attach(mCameraPos1); mCameraFadeActionDone = false; mCameraInitialPosition = Vector3(0, 0, 0); mCameraAnimationNewOffset = Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); auto soundSystem = mGame->GetEngine()->GetSoundSystem(); mPickSound = soundSystem->LoadSound2D("data/sounds/menupick.ogg"); mMusic = soundSystem->LoadMusic3D("data/music/menu.ogg"); mMusic->SetPosition(mScene->FindChild("Radio")->GetPosition()); mMusic->SetRolloffFactor(0.1); mMusic->SetRoomRolloffFactor(0.1); const float buttonHeight = 30; const float buttonWidth = 128; const float buttonXOffset = 10; auto renderer = mGame->GetEngine()->GetRenderer(); // load textures auto texTab = renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/tab.tga"); auto texButton = renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/button.tga"); auto texSmallButton = renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/button.tga"); // Setup mCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr); { // Main mGUIMainButtonsCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(20, ruVirtualScreenHeight - 4.0 * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth + 2 * buttonXOffset, buttonHeight * 8.5, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mGUIMainButtonsCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); { mContinueGameButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("continueButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mContinueGameButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mContinueGameButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { OnContinueGameClick(); }); mStartButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5 + 0.5f * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("startButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mStartButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mStartButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { OnStartNewGameClick(); }); mSaveGameButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5 + 1.0f * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("saveButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mSaveGameButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mSaveGameButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::SaveGame); FillListOfSaveFiles(); }); mLoadGameButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5 + 1.5f * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("loadButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mLoadGameButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mLoadGameButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::LoadGame); FillListOfSaveFiles(); }); mOptionsButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5 + 2.0f * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("optionsButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mOptionsButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mOptionsButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::Options); }); mAuthorsButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5 + 2.5f * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("authorsButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mAuthorsButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mAuthorsButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::Authors); }); mExitButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5 + 3.0f * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("exitButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mExitButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mExitButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { OnExitGameClick(); }); } const int aTabX = 200; const int aTabY = ruVirtualScreenHeight - 4.0 * mDistBetweenButtons; const int aTabWidth = buttonWidth * 4; const int aTabHeight = buttonHeight * 8.5; // Modal window mModalWindow = make_unique<ModalWindow>(mGUIScene, aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, texButton, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mModalWindow->AttachTo(mCanvas); // Page title mWindowText = mGUIScene->CreateText(" ", aTabX, aTabY - 21, aTabWidth, 32, pGUIProp->mFont, Vector3(255, 255, 255), TextAlignment::Left); mWindowText->Attach(mCanvas); // Product name mCaption = mGUIScene->CreateText("The Mine", 20, aTabY - 21, aTabWidth * 1.5f, 32, pGUIProp->mFont, Vector3(255, 255, 255), TextAlignment::Left); mCaption->Attach(mCanvas); // Options mGUIOptionsCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mGUIOptionsCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); { const int yOffset = (aTabHeight - 2 * mDistBetweenButtons) / 2; mGUIOptionsCommonButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton((aTabWidth - buttonWidth) / 2, yOffset, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("commonSettings"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mGUIOptionsCommonButton->Attach(mGUIOptionsCanvas); mGUIOptionsCommonButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::OptionsCommon); }); mGUIOptionsControlsButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton((aTabWidth - buttonWidth) / 2, yOffset + 0.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("controls"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mGUIOptionsControlsButton->Attach(mGUIOptionsCanvas); mGUIOptionsControlsButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::OptionsKeys); }); mGUIOptionsGraphicsButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton((aTabWidth - buttonWidth) / 2, yOffset + mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("graphics"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mGUIOptionsGraphicsButton->Attach(mGUIOptionsCanvas); mGUIOptionsGraphicsButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::OptionsGraphics); }); } // Options: Keys mOptionsKeysCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mGUIOptionsCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); mOptionsKeysCanvas->SetVisible(false); { // First column float x = 40, y = 10; mMoveForwardKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("forward")); mMoveForwardKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mMoveBackwardKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("backward")); mMoveBackwardKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mStrafeLeftKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("strafeLeft")); mStrafeLeftKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mStrafeRightKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("strafeRight")); mStrafeRightKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mJumpKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("jump")); mJumpKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mFlashLightKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("flashLight")); mFlashLightKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mRunKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("run")); mRunKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); // Second column x += 150; y = 10; mInventoryKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("inventory")); mInventoryKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mUseKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("use")); mUseKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mQuickLoadKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("quickLoad")); mQuickLoadKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mQuickSaveKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("quickSave")); mQuickSaveKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mStealthKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("stealth")); mStealthKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mLookLeftKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("lookLeft")); mLookLeftKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mLookRightKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("lookRight")); mLookRightKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); } // Options: Graphics mOptionsGraphicsCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, buttonWidth * 5.5, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mOptionsGraphicsCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); mOptionsGraphicsCanvas->SetVisible(false); { float x = 30, y = 10; mFXAAButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("fxaa")); mFXAAButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mFPSButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 0.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("showFPS")); mFPSButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mSpotShadowsButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("spotLightShadows")); mSpotShadowsButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mPointShadowsButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 1.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("pointLightShadows")); mPointShadowsButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mHDRButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 2.0 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("hdr")); mHDRButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mParallaxButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 2.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("parallax")); mParallaxButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mVolumetricFogButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 3.0 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("volumetricFog")); mVolumetricFogButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); // next column x += 170; mDynamicDirectionalLightShadows = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("dynamicDirectionalLightShadows")); mDynamicDirectionalLightShadows->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mBloom = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 0.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("bloom")); mBloom->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mSoftParticles = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 1.0 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("softParticles")); mSoftParticles->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mVSync = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 1.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("vsync")); mVSync->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); // mVSync->OnChange += [this] { mSettingsApplied->SetText(mLocalization.GetString("settingsNotApplied")); mSettingsApplied->SetColor(Vector3(255, 0, 0)); }; // next column x += 170; mResolutionList = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, x, y, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("resolution")); mResolutionList->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); auto videoModes = mGame->GetEngine()->GetRenderer()->GetVideoModeList(); for(auto videoMode : videoModes) { mResolutionList->AddValue(StringBuilder() << videoMode.mWidth << "x" << videoMode.mHeight << "@" << videoMode.mRefreshRate); } mResolutionList->OnChange += [this] { mSettingsApplied->SetText(mLocalization.GetString("settingsNotApplied")); mSettingsApplied->SetColor(Vector3(255, 0, 0)); }; mWindowMode = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, x, y + 0.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("windowMode")); mWindowMode->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mWindowMode->AddValue(mLocalization.GetString("windowed")); mWindowMode->AddValue(mLocalization.GetString("fullscreen")); mWindowMode->AddValue(mLocalization.GetString("borderless")); mWindowMode->OnChange += [this] { mSettingsApplied->SetText(mLocalization.GetString("settingsNotApplied")); mSettingsApplied->SetColor(Vector3(255, 0, 0)); }; mTextureFiltering = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, x, y + 1.0 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("filtering")); mTextureFiltering->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mTextureFiltering->AddValue(mLocalization.GetString("trilinear")); for(int i = 1; i <= mGame->GetEngine()->GetRenderer()->GetMaxIsotropyDegree(); ++i) { mTextureFiltering->AddValue(StringBuilder() << mLocalization.GetString("anisotropic") << " x" << i); } mSpotLightShadowMapSize = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, x, y + 1.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("spotLightShadowMap")); mSpotLightShadowMapSize->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); for(int i = 256; i <= 2048; i *= 2) { mSpotLightShadowMapSize->AddValue(StringBuilder() << i << " x " << i); } mPointLightShadowMapSize = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, x, y + 2.0 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("pointLightShadowMap")); mPointLightShadowMapSize->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); for(int i = 128; i <= 1024; i *= 2) { mPointLightShadowMapSize->AddValue(StringBuilder() << i << " x " << i); } mDirectionalLightShadowMapSize = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, x, y + 2.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("directionalLightShadowMap")); mDirectionalLightShadowMapSize->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); for(int i = 1024; i <= 4096; i *= 2) { mDirectionalLightShadowMapSize->AddValue(StringBuilder() << i << " x " << i); } mSettingsApplied = mGUIScene->CreateText(mLocalization.GetString("settingsApplied"), x, y + 3.1 * mDistBetweenButtons, aTabWidth - 30, aTabHeight - 30, pGUIProp->mFont, Vector3(0, 255, 0), TextAlignment::Left); mSettingsApplied->Attach(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); } // Authors mAuthorsBackground = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mAuthorsBackground->Attach(mCanvas); { mGUIAuthorsText = mGUIScene->CreateText(mLocalization.GetString("authorsText"), 15, 15, aTabWidth - 30, aTabHeight - 30, pGUIProp->mFont, Vector3(255, 255, 255), TextAlignment::Left); mGUIAuthorsText->Attach(mAuthorsBackground); } // Save Game mSaveGameCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mSaveGameCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); { float y = 10; for(int i = 0; i < mSaveLoadSlotCount; i++) { mSaveGameSlot[i] = mGUIScene->CreateButton(20, y, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, "Empty slot", pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mSaveGameSlot[i]->Attach(mSaveGameCanvas); mSaveGameSlot[i]->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { OnCreateSaveClick(); }); mSaveGameFileTime[i] = mGUIScene->CreateText(" ", buttonWidth + 30, y, 160, buttonHeight, pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Left); mSaveGameFileTime[i]->Attach(mSaveGameCanvas); y += 1.1f * buttonHeight; } } // Load Game mLoadGameCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mLoadGameCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); { float y = 10; for(int i = 0; i < mSaveLoadSlotCount; i++) { mLoadGameSlot[i] = mGUIScene->CreateButton(20, y, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, "Empty slot", pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mLoadGameSlot[i]->Attach(mLoadGameCanvas); mLoadGameSlot[i]->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { OnLoadSaveClick(); }); mLoadGameFileTime[i] = mGUIScene->CreateText(" ", buttonWidth + 30, y, 160, buttonHeight, pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Left); mLoadGameFileTime[i]->Attach(mLoadGameCanvas); y += 1.1f * buttonHeight; } } // Options: Common mOptionsCommonCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mOptionsCommonCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); mOptionsCommonCanvas->SetVisible(false); { const int yOffset = (aTabHeight - 1.5 * mDistBetweenButtons) / 2; int xOffset = 20; mFOVSlider = make_unique<Slider>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset - 0.5f * mDistBetweenButtons, 55, 90, 1.0f, renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/smallbutton.tga"), mLocalization.GetString("fov")); mFOVSlider->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); mMasterVolume = make_unique<Slider>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset, 0, 100, 2.5f, renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/smallbutton.tga"), mLocalization.GetString("masterVolume")); mMasterVolume->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); mMasterVolume->SetChangeAction([this] { mGame->GetEngine()->GetSoundSystem()->SetMasterVolume(mMasterVolume->GetValue() / 100.0f); }); mMusicVolume = make_unique<Slider>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset + 0.5f * mDistBetweenButtons, 0, 100, 2.5f, renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/smallbutton.tga"), mLocalization.GetString("musicVolume")); mMusicVolume->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); mMusicVolume->SetChangeAction([this] { OnMusicVolumeChange(); }); mMouseSensivity = make_unique<Slider>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset + 1.0f * mDistBetweenButtons, 0, 100, 2.5f, renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/smallbutton.tga"), mLocalization.GetString("mouseSens")); mMouseSensivity->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); mMouseSensivity->SetChangeAction([this] { mGame->SetMouseSensitivity(mMouseSensivity->GetValue() / 100.0f); }); mLanguage = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset + 1.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("language")); mLanguage->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); mLanguage->OnChange += [this] { mConfig.SetString("languagePath", StringBuilder("data/lang/") << mLanguage->GetValueString(mLanguage->GetCurrentValue()) << "/"); }; mLangSettingsApplied = mGUIScene->CreateText(mLocalization.GetString("langChange"), 20, 3.3 * mDistBetweenButtons, aTabWidth - 30, aTabHeight - 30, pGUIProp->mFont, Vector3(255, 0, 0), TextAlignment::Left); mLangSettingsApplied->Attach(mOptionsCommonCanvas); xOffset += 300; mMouseInversionX = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset - 0.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("mouseInvX")); mMouseInversionX->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); mMouseInversionY = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("mouseInvY")); mMouseInversionY->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); int current = 0, i = 0; WIN32_FIND_DATAA fi; HANDLE h = FindFirstFileExA("data/lang/*.*", FindExInfoStandard, &fi, FindExSearchLimitToDirectories, NULL, 0); if(h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if(fi.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { string v = fi.cFileName; if(v != "." && v != "..") { mLanguage->AddValue(v); if(mConfig.GetString("languagePath").rfind(v) != string::npos) { current = i; } ++i; } } } while(FindNextFileA(h, &fi)); FindClose(h); } mLanguage->SetCurrentValue(current); } } mGame->GetEngine()->GetSoundSystem()->SetReverbPreset(ReverbPreset::Auditorium); SetAuthorsPageVisible(false); SetPage(Page::Main); ReadConfig(); }
// // ICTicker::DrawSelf // // Draw the control // void ICTicker::DrawSelf(PaintInfo &pi) { // Draw background DrawCtrlBackground(pi, GetTexture()); // Draw frame DrawCtrlFrame(pi); // If there is a font then draw the control's text if (pi.font) { // Is there any text to be drawn if (currentMessage) { Color c = pi.colors->fg[ColorIndex()]; c.a = U8(alpha); // Display the text pi.font->Draw ( pi.client.p0.x + offsetX, pi.client.p0.y + offsetY, currentMessage->text, currentMessage->length, c, &pi.client ); // Calcalate the width of the text //int width = pi.font->Width(currentMessage->text, currentMessage->length); switch (currentMessage->direction) { /* case DIR_LEFT: // Pause in the middle if (counter && offsetX <= ((pi.client.Width() - width) / 2)) { counter--; break; } offsetX -= speed; if (offsetX < -width) { NextMessage(); } break; case DIR_RIGHT: // Pause in the middle if (counter && offsetX >= ((pi.client.Width() - width) / 2)) { counter--; break; } offsetX += speed; if (offsetX > pi.client.Width()) { NextMessage(); } break; case DIR_UP: // Pause in the middle if (counter && offsetY <= ((pi.client.Height() - S32(pi.font->Height())) / 2)) { counter--; break; } offsetY -= speed; if (offsetY < -pi.font->Height()) { NextMessage(); } break; case DIR_DOWN: // Pause in the middle if (counter && offsetY >= ((pi.client.Height() - S32(pi.font->Height())) / 2)) { counter--; break; } offsetY += speed; if (offsetY > pi.client.Height()) { NextMessage(); } break; */ case DIR_ALPHA: default: { // Pause in the middle if (counter && alpha >= 255) { counter--; alphaDir = -S32(speed); break; } alpha += alphaDir; if (alpha > 255) { alpha = 255; } if (alpha <= 0) { NextMessage(); } break; } } } } }
void Alien::set_texture() { std::string a = "alien7.tga"; malien = GetTexture(a); }
bool Sphere::Hit(Ray ray, real_t t0, real_t t1, HitRecord &rec) { Vector3 localPos; Matrix4 inverseMatrix, transMatrix; Matrix3 temp, normalMatrix; Ray localRay; // calculate transform/ transform inverse/ normal matrix make_transformation_matrix(&transMatrix, position, orientation, scale); make_inverse_transformation_matrix(&inverseMatrix, position, orientation, scale); make_normal_matrix(&normalMatrix, transMatrix); // get the local ray localRay.origin = inverseMatrix.transform_point(ray.origin); localRay.dir = inverseMatrix.transform_vector(ray.dir); // do the intersection calculation real_t result, x1, x2, oriDotOri , dirDotDir, oriDotDir; oriDotDir = dot(localRay.dir , localRay.origin); dirDotDir = dot(localRay.dir , localRay.dir); oriDotOri = dot(localRay.origin , localRay.origin); result = oriDotDir*oriDotDir-dirDotDir*(oriDotOri-radius*radius); // no intersection if(result < 0) return false; else { x1=(-oriDotDir - sqrt(result)) / dirDotDir; x2=(-oriDotDir + sqrt(result)) / dirDotDir; // x1 is the place is the intersection if(x1>t0 && x1<t1) { localPos = localRay.origin + x1*localRay.dir; // set material SetMaterialColors(rec.ambientColor, rec.diffuseColor,rec.specularColor); rec.refractiveIdx = material->refractive_index; // set normal rec.normal=(localPos)/radius; rec.normal=normalize(normalMatrix*rec.normal); // set texture color rec.textureColor = GetTexture(localPos); // set position rec.position = transMatrix.transform_point(localPos); // set t rec.t = x1; return true; } else { // x2 is the place is the intersection if(x2>t0 && x2<t1) { localPos = localRay.origin + x2*localRay.dir; //set material SetMaterialColors(rec.ambientColor, rec.diffuseColor,rec.specularColor); rec.refractiveIdx = material->refractive_index; // set normal rec.normal=(localPos)/radius; rec.normal=normalize(normalMatrix*rec.normal); // set texture rec.textureColor = GetTexture(localPos); // set position rec.position = transMatrix.transform_point(localPos); // set t rec.t = x2; return true; } return false; } } }
FbxModelData* FBXLoader::loadModel( const char* aFile ) { FBX_LOG("FBXLoader Creating ModelData..."); myLoadingModel = new FbxModelData; FBX_LOG("Success!"); FBX_LOG("FBXLoader Creating TextureData..."); myLoadingModel->myTextureData = new TextureData(); FBX_LOG("Success!"); FBX_LOG("FBXLoader Loading Scene..."); auto scene = LoadScene(aFile); FBX_LOG("Successfully loaded scene!"); FBX_LOG("FBXLoader Loading Textures..."); //TextureData const int lTextureCount = scene->GetTextureCount(); for (int lTextureIndex = 0; lTextureIndex < lTextureCount; ++lTextureIndex) { FbxTexture * lTexture = scene->GetTexture(lTextureIndex); FbxFileTexture * lFileTexture = reinterpret_cast<FbxFileTexture*>(lTexture); if (lFileTexture && !lFileTexture->GetUserDataPtr()) { const FbxString lFileName = lFileTexture->GetFileName(); unsigned int lTextureObject = 0; lTextureObject; bool lStatus = false; lStatus; const FbxString lAbsFbxFileName = FbxPathUtils::Resolve(aFile); const FbxString lAbsFolderName = FbxPathUtils::GetFolderName(lAbsFbxFileName); const FbxString lTextureFileName = lAbsFolderName + "\\" + lFileTexture->GetRelativeFileName();// FbxPathUtils::GetFileName(lFileName); const FbxString lResolvedFileName = lAbsFolderName + "\\" + FbxPathUtils::GetFileName(lFileName);// lFileTexture->GetRelativeFileName();;// FbxPathUtils::Bind(lAbsFolderName, lTextureFileName); TextureInfo info; info.myFileName = lResolvedFileName; //info.myFileName += "\\"; info.myFileName = lFileTexture->GetRelativeFileName(); myLoadingModel->myTextureData->myTextures.push_back(info); lFileTexture->SetFileName(lResolvedFileName); } } FBX_LOG("Success!"); FBX_LOG("FBXLoader Loading Animations..."); FbxArray<FbxString*> animationNames; FbxArray<FbxPose*> poses; scene->FillAnimStackNameArray(animationNames); scene->FillPoseArray(poses); FbxAnimStack * lCurrentAnimationStack = nullptr; FbxAnimLayer* lCurrentAnimLayer = nullptr; if(animationNames.GetCount() > 0) { lCurrentAnimationStack = scene->FindMember<FbxAnimStack>(animationNames[0]->Buffer()); if (lCurrentAnimationStack != NULL) { lCurrentAnimLayer = lCurrentAnimationStack->GetMember<FbxAnimLayer>(); } } //lCurrentAnimLayer->IsR myLoadingModel->myAnimation = new AnimationData(); FbxPose* pose = nullptr; if(poses.GetCount() > 0) { pose = poses[0]; } LoadAnimation(*myLoadingModel->myAnimation,scene->GetRootNode(),FbxAMatrix(),pose, lCurrentAnimLayer,-1); LoadNodeRecursive(myLoadingModel, *myLoadingModel->myAnimation, scene->GetRootNode(), FbxAMatrix(), pose, lCurrentAnimLayer, -1); FBX_LOG("Success!"); return myLoadingModel; }
u32 getTexture() const { return GetTexture(); }
void CEditPoly::SetTextureSpace(uint32 nTex, const LTVector& newO, const LTVector& newP, const LTVector& newQ) { GetTexture(nTex).SetTextureSpace(GetTextureNormal(), newO, newP, newQ); }
void ShaderParamTextureCubeMap::LoadImage() { if( GetTextureSourceType() == ShaderParamTexture::TextureSourceType::CUBEMAP_IMAGE_POSITIVE_X || GetTextureSourceType() == ShaderParamTexture::TextureSourceType::CUBEMAP_IMAGE_NEGATIVE_X || GetTextureSourceType() == ShaderParamTexture::TextureSourceType::CUBEMAP_IMAGE_POSITIVE_Y || GetTextureSourceType() == ShaderParamTexture::TextureSourceType::CUBEMAP_IMAGE_NEGATIVE_Y || GetTextureSourceType() == ShaderParamTexture::TextureSourceType::CUBEMAP_IMAGE_POSITIVE_Z || GetTextureSourceType() == ShaderParamTexture::TextureSourceType::CUBEMAP_IMAGE_NEGATIVE_Z ) { //Timer statsTickClock; //Timer_t frameTickStart = statsTickClock.Tick(); RefPtr<osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options> options = new osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options; options->setObjectCacheHint(osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options::CACHE_ALL); std::string filePath = dtCore::FindFileInPathList(GetTexture()); osg::Image *image = osgDB::readImageFile(filePath, options.get()); if (image == NULL) { // we don't want to crash just because a shader couldnt find an image, but we need to let // the user know. image = new osg::Image(); // gotta have some sort of image placeholder LOG_ALWAYS("Could not find image for shader parameter [" + GetName() + "] at location [" + GetTexture() + "]."); //throw dtUtil::Exception(ShaderParameterException::INVALID_ATTRIBUTE,"Could not find image for texture at location: " + GetTexture()); } osg::TextureCubeMap *texCube = static_cast<osg::TextureCubeMap*>(GetTextureObject()); if(GetTextureSourceType() == ShaderParamTexture::TextureSourceType::CUBEMAP_IMAGE_POSITIVE_X) { texCube->setImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::POSITIVE_X, image); } else if(GetTextureSourceType() == ShaderParamTexture::TextureSourceType::CUBEMAP_IMAGE_NEGATIVE_X) { texCube->setImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::NEGATIVE_X, image); } else if(GetTextureSourceType() == ShaderParamTexture::TextureSourceType::CUBEMAP_IMAGE_POSITIVE_Y) { texCube->setImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::POSITIVE_Y, image); } else if(GetTextureSourceType() == ShaderParamTexture::TextureSourceType::CUBEMAP_IMAGE_NEGATIVE_Y) { texCube->setImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::NEGATIVE_Y, image); } else if(GetTextureSourceType() == ShaderParamTexture::TextureSourceType::CUBEMAP_IMAGE_POSITIVE_Z) { texCube->setImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::POSITIVE_Z, image); } else if(GetTextureSourceType() == ShaderParamTexture::TextureSourceType::CUBEMAP_IMAGE_NEGATIVE_Z) { texCube->setImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::NEGATIVE_Z, image); } // we aren't dirty anymore //Timer_t frameTickStop = statsTickClock.Tick(); //double processTime = statsTickClock.DeltaSec(frameTickStart, frameTickStop); //printf("Load Image time [%f]", processTime); } SetImageSourceDirty(false); }
Model* MeshManager::load_model(const std::string& name, Owner loc, Shader& shader) { static const std::string middle_path = "Resources/Models/"; const std::string& obj_path = BASE_PATHS[loc] + middle_path + name + ".obj"; const std::string& mtl_path = BASE_PATHS[loc] + middle_path; std::string err; Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile(obj_path, aiProcess_Triangulate | aiProcess_FlipUVs); if (!err.empty()) { std::cerr << err << std::endl; exit(1); } Model* model = new Model(); //std::cout << "Meshes: " << scene->mNumMeshes << std::endl; //std::cout << "Meshes: " << scene->mNumMaterials << std::endl; TextureManager* text_man = TextureManager::get_instance(); for (int i = 0; i < scene->mNumMeshes; i++) { auto* assimp_mesh = scene->mMeshes[i]; auto mat = scene->mMaterials[assimp_mesh->mMaterialIndex]; //Aboid rendering of invisible objects float transp; mat->Get(AI_MATKEY_OPACITY, transp); if (transp < .9f) continue; aiColor3D diffuse; mat->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE, diffuse); aiColor3D specular; mat->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR, specular); F32 shininess; mat->Get(AI_MATKEY_SHININESS, shininess); ColorRGBA diffuse_final(diffuse.r*255, diffuse.g*255, diffuse.b*255,0); ColorRGBA specular_final(specular.r*255, specular.g*255, specular.b*255,shininess*255); SubModel& sm = model->add_sub_model(); sm.cast_shadows = true; sm.material.set_shader(&shader); //Set colors sm.material.set_attribute("diffuse_color", diffuse_final); sm.material.set_attribute("specular_color", specular_final); //Set textures aiString tex_name; aiReturn r = mat->GetTexture(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0, &tex_name); sm.material.set_uniform("diffuse_texture", r == aiReturn_SUCCESS ? text_man->load_png(name + "/" + tex_name.C_Str(), GAME).id : -1); r = mat->GetTexture(aiTextureType_SPECULAR, 0, &tex_name); sm.material.set_uniform("specular_texture", r == aiReturn_SUCCESS ? text_man->load_png(name + "/" + tex_name.C_Str(), GAME).id : -1); r = mat->GetTexture(aiTextureType_NORMALS, 0, &tex_name); sm.material.set_uniform("normal_texture", r == aiReturn_SUCCESS ? text_man->load_png(name + "/" + tex_name.C_Str(), GAME).id : -1); Mesh* mesh = new Mesh(); //Set vertices for (U32 i = 0; i < assimp_mesh->mNumVertices; i++) { Vertex3D v; v.position = glm::vec3(assimp_mesh->mVertices[i].x, assimp_mesh->mVertices[i].y, assimp_mesh->mVertices[i].z); if (assimp_mesh->mNormals) v.normal = glm::vec3(assimp_mesh->mNormals[i].x, assimp_mesh->mNormals[i].y, assimp_mesh->mNormals[i].z); if (assimp_mesh->mTangents) v.tangent = glm::vec3(assimp_mesh->mTangents[i].x, assimp_mesh->mTangents[i].y, assimp_mesh->mTangents[i].z); if (assimp_mesh->mTextureCoords[0]) // Does the mesh contain texture coordinates? { v.uv.x = assimp_mesh->mTextureCoords[0][i].x; v.uv.y = assimp_mesh->mTextureCoords[0][i].y; } else { v.uv.x = 0; v.uv.y = 0; } mesh->vertices.push_back(v); } //Set indices for (GLuint i = 0; i < assimp_mesh->mNumFaces; i++) { aiFace face = assimp_mesh->mFaces[i]; for (GLuint j = 0; j < face.mNumIndices; j++) mesh->indices.push_back(face.mIndices[j]); } mesh->indices_number = assimp_mesh->mNumFaces*3; mesh->vertices_number = assimp_mesh->mNumVertices; if (!assimp_mesh->mNormals) { MeshBuilder::calculate_normals(mesh); } if (!assimp_mesh->mTangents) { MeshBuilder::calculate_tangents(mesh); } if (loc == Owner::ENGINE) lifetime_meshes.push_back(mesh); else temporary_meshes.push_back(mesh); if (loc == Owner::ENGINE) sm.mesh = ++last_lifetime_mesh; else sm.mesh = ++last_temporary_mesh; } return model; }
int plLayerMovie::GetHeight() const { plMipmap *mip = plMipmap::ConvertNoRef( GetTexture() ); return mip ? mip->GetHeight() : 0; }
// Called on a decorator to generate any required per-element data for a newly decorated element. DecoratorDataHandle DecoratorTiledImage::GenerateElementData(Element* element) { // Calculate the tile's dimensions for this element. tile.CalculateDimensions(element, *GetTexture(tile.texture_index)); Geometry* data = new Geometry(element); data->SetTexture(GetTexture()); Vector2f dest = element->GetBox().GetSize(Box::PADDING); Vector2f source = tile.GetDimensions(element); // Generate the geometry for the tile. switch(tile.scaling_mode) { case IGNORE /* default */: tile.GenerateGeometry(data->GetVertices(), data->GetIndices(), element, Vector2f(0, 0), dest, source, color_multiplier); break; case FILL: case FIT: { Vector2f offset(0, 0); float f; switch(tile.scaling_mode) { case FILL: { RenderInterface* render_interface = element->GetRenderInterface(); Vector2i texture_dimensions = GetTexture(tile.texture_index)->GetDimensions(render_interface); f = max(dest.y / source.y, dest.x / source.x); }; break; case FIT: f = min(dest.y / source.y, dest.x / source.x); source *= f; offset.x = (dest.x - source.x)/2; offset.y = (dest.y - source.y)/2; dest = source; break; } tile.GenerateGeometry(data->GetVertices(), data->GetIndices(), element, offset, dest, source, color_multiplier); }; break; case CENTER: Vector2f offset(0, 0); Vector2i texture_dimension; if (!tile.texcoords_absolute[0][0] || !tile.texcoords_absolute[1][0] || !tile.texcoords_absolute[0][1] || !tile.texcoords_absolute[1][1]) { RenderInterface* render_interface = element->GetRenderInterface(); texture_dimension = GetTexture(tile.texture_index)->GetDimensions(render_interface); } if (source.x > dest.x) { // crop width of image float diff_begin = (source.x - dest.x)/2, diff_end = diff_begin; if (!tile.texcoords_absolute[0][0] || !tile.texcoords_absolute[1][0]) { if (!tile.texcoords_absolute[0][0]) diff_begin /= texture_dimension.x; if (!tile.texcoords_absolute[1][0]) diff_end /= texture_dimension.x; } tile.texcoords[0].x += diff_begin; // -s-begin tile.texcoords[1].x -= diff_end; // -s-end source.x = dest.x; } else { // center image offset.x = (dest.x - source.x)/2; dest.x = source.x; } if (source.y > dest.y) { // crop height of image float diff_begin = (source.y - dest.y)/2, diff_end = diff_begin; if (!tile.texcoords_absolute[0][1] || !tile.texcoords_absolute[1][1]) { if (!tile.texcoords_absolute[0][1]) diff_begin /= texture_dimension.y; if (!tile.texcoords_absolute[1][1]) diff_end /= texture_dimension.y; } tile.texcoords[0].y += diff_begin; // -s-begin tile.texcoords[1].y -= diff_end; // -s-end source.y = dest.y; } else { // center image offset.y = (dest.y - source.y)/2; dest.y = source.y; } tile.GenerateGeometry(data->GetVertices(), data->GetIndices(), element, offset, dest, source, color_multiplier); break; } return reinterpret_cast<DecoratorDataHandle>(data); }
Texture* TextureContainer::GetDiffuse( std::string aFilename ) { return GetTexture(aFilename, true); }
// // Draw this control // void Power::DrawSelf(PaintInfo &pi) { DrawCtrlBackground(pi, GetTexture()); DrawCtrlFrame(pi); // Get the display team Team *team = Team::GetDisplayTeam(); if (team) { // Get this teams power const ::Power::Team &power = team->GetPower(); U32 available = power.GetAvailable(); U32 availableDay = power.GetAvailableDay(); U32 availableNight = power.GetAvailableNight(); U32 consumed = power.GetConsumed(); // Get the maximum U32 max = 0; max = Max(max, available); max = Max(max, availableDay); max = Max(max, availableNight); max = Max(max, consumed); // What the available height U32 height = pi.client.Height(); ASSERT(height > 0) // How many notches are required to display this max (round up) div_t d = div(max, notchValue); U32 numNotches = d.quot + (d.rem ? 1 : 0); // How many pixels can we assign to each notch U32 notchPixels = numNotches ? Min(notchPixelMax, height / numNotches) : notchPixelMax; // Reduce notch pixels to the nearest power of two U32 mask = 0x10000000; do { if (mask & notchPixels) { notchPixels = mask; break; } } while (mask >>= 1); // We now have the number of pixels per notch, which also gives the ratio of pixels/units // Draw background IFace::RenderRectangle( pi.client, Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), NULL, pi.alphaScale); // Display the available power IFace::RenderRectangle( ClipRect( pi.client.p0.x, pi.client.p1.y - notchPixels * available / notchValue, pi.client.p1.x, pi.client.p1.y), power.GetColor(), NULL, pi.alphaScale); // Display the day night difference IFace::RenderRectangle( ClipRect( pi.client.p0.x, pi.client.p1.y - notchPixels * availableDay / notchValue, pi.client.p1.x, pi.client.p1.y - notchPixels * availableNight / notchValue), Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f), NULL, pi.alphaScale); // Display the current power IFace::RenderRectangle( ClipRect( pi.client.p0.x, pi.client.p1.y - notchPixels * consumed / notchValue, pi.client.p1.x, pi.client.p1.y - notchPixels * consumed / notchValue + 1), Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), NULL, pi.alphaScale); if (notchPixels > notchPixelMin) { // Draw the notches S32 y = pi.client.p1.y; while (y >= pi.client.p0.y) { IFace::RenderRectangle( ClipRect( pi.client.p0.x, y, pi.client.p0.x + notchWidth, y + 1), Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), NULL, pi.alphaScale); IFace::RenderRectangle( ClipRect( pi.client.p1.x - notchWidth, y, pi.client.p1.x, y + 1), Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), NULL, pi.alphaScale); y -= notchPixels; } } } }
Texture* TextureContainer::GetNormal( std::string aFilename ) { return GetTexture(aFilename, false); }
// // TransferList::Item::DrawSelf // // DrawSelf // void TransferList::Item::DrawSelf(PaintInfo &pi) { // Fill the background DrawCtrlBackground(pi, GetTexture()); // Draw the frame DrawCtrlFrame(pi); if (!pi.font) { return; } CH buff[128]; const CH *ch; // Draw the name of the file ch = Utils::Ansi2Unicode(offer->path.str); pi.font->Draw ( pi.client.p0.x + transferList.offsetFile.x, pi.client.p0.y + transferList.offsetFile.y, ch, Utils::Strlen(ch), pi.colors->fg[ColorIndex()], &pi.client ); Network::Player *player = Network::GetPlayers().Find(offer->who); if (player) { Utils::Sprintf(buff, 128, L"%s %s", offer->from ? L"From" : L"To", Utils::Ansi2Unicode(player->GetName())); ch = buff; pi.font->Draw ( pi.client.p0.x + transferList.offsetPlayer.x, pi.client.p0.y + transferList.offsetPlayer.y, ch, Utils::Strlen(ch), pi.colors->fg[ColorIndex()], &pi.client ); } ch = Utils::Ansi2Unicode(offer->path.str); pi.font->Draw ( pi.client.p0.x + transferList.offsetFile.x, pi.client.p0.y + transferList.offsetFile.y, ch, Utils::Strlen(ch), pi.colors->fg[ColorIndex()], &pi.client ); U32 state; U32 remaining; U32 rate; offer->transfer.Progress(state, remaining, rate); switch (state) { case StyxNet::TransferState::Transferring: break; default: remaining = offer->size; rate = 0; break; } U32 transferred = offer->size - remaining; // Draw the amount transferred if (transferred < 1000) { Utils::Sprintf(buff, 128, L"%.1fB", F32(transferred)); } else if (transferred < 1000000) { Utils::Sprintf(buff, 128, L"%.1fkB", F32(transferred) / 1000.0f); } else { Utils::Sprintf(buff, 128, L"%.1fMB", F32(transferred) / 1000000.0f); } ch = buff; pi.font->Draw ( pi.client.p0.x + transferList.offsetTransferred.x, pi.client.p0.y + transferList.offsetTransferred.y, ch, Utils::Strlen(ch), pi.colors->fg[ColorIndex()], &pi.client ); // Draw the rate if (rate < 1000) { Utils::Sprintf(buff, 128, L"%.1fB/s", F32(rate)); } else if (rate < 1000000) { Utils::Sprintf(buff, 128, L"%.1fkB/s", F32(rate) / 1000.0f); } else { Utils::Sprintf(buff, 128, L"%.1fMB/s", F32(rate) / 1000000.0f); } pi.font->Draw ( pi.client.p0.x + transferList.offsetRate.x, pi.client.p0.y + transferList.offsetRate.y, ch, Utils::Strlen(ch), pi.colors->fg[ColorIndex()], &pi.client ); // Draw the ETA if (rate) { S32 eta = remaining / rate; Utils::Sprintf(buff, 128, L"%d:%02d", eta / 60, eta % 60); } else { ch = L"?:??"; } pi.font->Draw ( pi.client.p0.x + transferList.offsetETA.x, pi.client.p0.y + transferList.offsetETA.y, ch, Utils::Strlen(ch), pi.colors->fg[ColorIndex()], &pi.client ); // Draw a progress bar ClipRect c ( pi.client.p0.x + transferList.offsetProgress.x, pi.client.p0.y + transferList.offsetProgress.y, pi.client.p1.x - transferList.offsetProgress.x, pi.client.p0.y + transferList.offsetProgress.y + transferList.heightProgress ); IFace::RenderRectangle ( c, Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, pi.alphaScale), NULL, pi.alphaScale ); IFace::RenderGradient ( ClipRect ( c.p0.x, c.p0.y, c.p1.x - (c.Width() * remaining / offer->size), c.p1.y ), Color(0.2f, 1.0f, 1.0f, pi.alphaScale), Color(0.1f, 0.5f, 0.5f, pi.alphaScale) ); }
Texture* TextureContainer::GetSpecular( std::string aFilename ) { return GetTexture(aFilename, true); }
static errcode GetTPolyFile(FILE * dfile) { void * tex; vector ctr, rot, scale; vector v1, v2, v0; char ifname[255]; FILE *ifp; int v, totalpolys; RotMat RotA; errcode rc; totalpolys=0; rc = GetString(dfile, "SCALE"); rc |= GetVector(dfile, &scale); rc |= GetString(dfile, "ROT"); rc |= GetVector(dfile, &rot); degvectoradvec(&rot); InitRot3d(&RotA, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z); rc |= GetString(dfile, "CENTER"); rc |= GetVector(dfile, &ctr); rc |= GetString(dfile, "FILE"); fscanf(dfile, "%s", ifname); rc |= GetTexture(dfile, &tex); if ((ifp=fopen(ifname, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open data file %s for input!! Aborting...\n", ifname); return PARSEBADSUBFILE; } while (!feof(ifp)) { fscanf(ifp, "%d", &v); if (v != 3) { break; } totalpolys++; v=0; rc |= GetVector(ifp, &v0); rc |= GetVector(ifp, &v1); rc |= GetVector(ifp, &v2); Scale3d(&scale, &v0); Scale3d(&scale, &v1); Scale3d(&scale, &v2); Rotate3d(&RotA, &v0); Rotate3d(&RotA, &v1); Rotate3d(&RotA, &v2); Trans3d(&ctr, &v0); Trans3d(&ctr, &v1); Trans3d(&ctr, &v2); rt_tri(tex, v1, v0, v2); } fclose(ifp); return rc; }
Texture* TextureContainer::GetAmbientOcclusion( std::string aFilename ) { return GetTexture(aFilename, true); }
already_AddRefed<gfx::DrawTarget> PersistentBufferProviderShared::BorrowDrawTarget(const gfx::IntRect& aPersistedRect) { if (!mFwd->GetTextureForwarder()->IPCOpen()) { return nullptr; } MOZ_ASSERT(!mSnapshot); if (IsActivityTracked()) { mFwd->GetActiveResourceTracker().MarkUsed(this); } else { mFwd->GetActiveResourceTracker().AddObject(this); } if (mDrawTarget) { RefPtr<gfx::DrawTarget> dt(mDrawTarget); return dt.forget(); } mFront = Nothing(); auto previousBackBuffer = mBack; TextureClient* tex = GetTexture(mBack); // First try to reuse the current back buffer. If we can do that it means // we can skip copying its content to the new back buffer. if (tex && tex->IsReadLocked()) { // The back buffer is currently used by the compositor, we can't draw // into it. tex = nullptr; } if (!tex) { // Try to grab an already allocated texture if any is available. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mTextures.length(); ++i) { if (!mTextures[i]->IsReadLocked()) { mBack = Some(i); tex = mTextures[i]; break; } } } if (!tex) { // We have to allocate a new texture. if (mTextures.length() >= 4) { // We should never need to buffer that many textures, something's wrong. MOZ_ASSERT(false); // In theory we throttle the main thread when the compositor can't keep up, // so we shoud never get in a situation where we sent 4 textures to the // compositor and the latter as not released any of them. // This seems to happen, however, in some edge cases such as just after a // device reset (cf. Bug 1291163). // It would be pretty bad to keep piling textures up at this point so we // call NotifyInactive to remove some of our textures. NotifyInactive(); // Give up now. The caller can fall-back to a non-shared buffer provider. return nullptr; } RefPtr<TextureClient> newTexture = TextureClient::CreateForDrawing( mFwd, mFormat, mSize, BackendSelector::Canvas, TextureFlags::DEFAULT, TextureAllocationFlags::ALLOC_DEFAULT ); MOZ_ASSERT(newTexture); if (newTexture) { if (mTextures.append(newTexture)) { tex = newTexture; mBack = Some<uint32_t>(mTextures.length() - 1); } } } if (!tex || !tex->Lock(OpenMode::OPEN_READ_WRITE)) { return nullptr; } if (mBack != previousBackBuffer && !aPersistedRect.IsEmpty()) { TextureClient* previous = GetTexture(previousBackBuffer); if (previous && previous->Lock(OpenMode::OPEN_READ)) { DebugOnly<bool> success = previous->CopyToTextureClient(tex, &aPersistedRect, nullptr); MOZ_ASSERT(success); previous->Unlock(); } } mDrawTarget = tex->BorrowDrawTarget(); RefPtr<gfx::DrawTarget> dt(mDrawTarget); return dt.forget(); }
//=========================================================================== // DoTexture // Called after the name of the texture has been read (in 'token'). //=========================================================================== int DoTexture(void) { def_t *def; int i; mappatch_t *pat = NULL; // Check that it's a valid texture name (and convert to upper case). strupr(token); if(strlen(token) > 8) { Message("Too long texture name '%s'.", token); return false; } else if(strlen(token) <= 2) { Message("Warning: Short texture name '%s'.", token); } // Get the definition and let's start filling up those infos! def = GetTexture(token); while(!endOfSource) { ReadToken(); if(ISTOKEN(";")) break; // End of definition. // Flags. if(ISTOKEN("masked")) { // Masked flag (ever needed?). def->tex.flags |= 1; } else if(ISTOKEN("flags")) { // Custom flags. ReadToken(); def->tex.flags = strtol(token, 0, 0); } else if(ISTOKEN("misc")) { // Custom integer. ReadToken(); def->tex.reserved = strtol(token, 0, 0); } else if(pat && ISTOKEN("arg1")) { // Custom data for stepdir. ReadToken(); pat->reserved1 = (short) strtol(token, 0, 0); } else if(pat && ISTOKEN("arg2")) { // Custom data for 'colormap'. ReadToken(); pat->reserved2 = (short) strtol(token, 0, 0); } else if(isdigit(token[0]) || (pat && token[0] == '-')) { i = strtol(token, 0, 0); if(pat) pat->originX = i; else def->tex.width = i; ReadToken(); if(!ISTOKEN(",")) { Message("Expected a comma after %s.", pat? "patch origin X" : "texture width"); return false; } ReadToken(); i = strtol(token, 0, 0); if(pat) pat->originY = i; else def->tex.height = i; } else if(ISTOKEN("@")) { // A patch definition follows. // Allocate a new patch entry from the def. i = def->tex.patchCount++; if(i == MAX_PATCHES) { Message("Too many patches (maximum is %i).", MAX_PATCHES); return false; } pat = def->tex.patches + i; // Initialize. memset(pat, 0, sizeof(*pat)); pat->reserved1 = 1; // stepdir defaults to one. // The name of the patch comes first. ReadToken(); strupr(token); if(strlen(token) > 8) { Message("Too long patch name '%s'.", token); return false; } pat->patch = PatchNumber(token); } else { Message("Bad token '%s'.", token); return false; } } return true; }