void PDFGenerator::pdfDoc_AddPage(float width, float height) { if (pdfDocument) { HPDF_Page newPage = HPDF_AddPage(pdfDocument); if (newPage) { pdfDocCurrentPage = newPage; pdfDocPages.push_back(newPage); HPDF_Page_SetWidth(newPage, width); HPDF_Page_SetHeight(newPage, height); _currentPageSize = mlPDF::PAGESIZE_USER; HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize(pdfDocCurrentPage, _currentFontSettings.font, _currentFontSettings.fontSize); HPDF_Page_SetLineWidth(pdfDocCurrentPage, 1); pdfDoc_SetStrokeColor(0, 0, 0); pdfDoc_SetFillColor(0, 0, 0); pdfDoc_CurrentXPos = 0; pdfDoc_CurrentYPos = 0; } else { _handleError("pdfDoc_AddPage(float width, float height)"); } } }
void PDFGenerator::pdfDoc_AddPage(mlPDF::PAGE_SIZES pageSize, mlPDF::PAGE_DIRECTIONS pageDirection) { if (pdfDocument) { HPDF_Page newPage = HPDF_AddPage(pdfDocument); if (newPage) { pdfDocCurrentPage = newPage; pdfDocPages.push_back(newPage); if (pageSize == mlPDF::PAGESIZE_USER) // It is illegal to set this value manually... { pageSize = mlPDF::PAGESIZE_A4; // ... therefore set it to default value. } HPDF_Page_SetSize(newPage, (HPDF_PageSizes)pageSize, (HPDF_PageDirection)pageDirection); _currentPageSize = pageSize; HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize(pdfDocCurrentPage, _currentFontSettings.font, _currentFontSettings.fontSize); HPDF_Page_SetLineWidth(pdfDocCurrentPage, 1); pdfDoc_SetStrokeColor(0, 0, 0); pdfDoc_SetFillColor(0, 0, 0); pdfDoc_CurrentXPos = 0; pdfDoc_CurrentYPos = 0; } else { _handleError("pdfDoc_AddPage(mlPDF::PAGE_SIZES pageSize, mlPDF::PAGE_DIRECTIONS pageDirection)"); } } }
static bool haru_nsfont_init(HPDF_Doc *pdf, HPDF_Page *page, const char *string, char **string_nt, int length) { *pdf = HPDF_New(error_handler, NULL); if (*pdf == NULL) return false; *page = HPDF_AddPage(*pdf); if (*page == NULL) { HPDF_Free(*pdf); return false; } *string_nt = malloc((length + 1) * sizeof(char)); if (*string_nt == NULL) { HPDF_Free(*pdf); return false; } memcpy(*string_nt, string, length); (*string_nt)[length] = '\0'; return true; }
WPdfImage::WPdfImage(const WLength& width, const WLength& height) : width_(width), height_(height), painter_(nullptr) { myPdf_ = true; pdf_ = HPDF_New(error_handler, this); if (!pdf_) throw WException("Could not create libharu document."); HPDF_SetCompressionMode(pdf_, HPDF_COMP_ALL); page_ = HPDF_AddPage(pdf_); font_ = nullptr; x_ = y_ = 0; HPDF_Page_SetWidth(page_, width_.toPixels()); HPDF_Page_SetHeight(page_, height_.toPixels()); HPDF_Page_GSave(page_); trueTypeFonts_ = new FontSupport(this, FontSupport::TrueTypeOnly); #if HPDF_VERSION_ID>=20300 HPDF_UseUTFEncodings(pdf_); #endif }
extern void AP_AddPage() { HPDF_Page page = HPDF_AddPage(AP_getCurrentPdfDoc()); HPDF_Page_SetSize(page, HPDF_PAGE_SIZE_A4, HPDF_PAGE_LANDSCAPE); //TODO change this-1000 HPDF_Page_SetHeight(page, 1000); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { HPDF_Doc pdf; HPDF_Font font; HPDF_Page page; char fname[256]; HPDF_Destination dst; strcpy (fname, argv[0]); strcat (fname, ".pdf"); pdf = HPDF_New (error_handler, NULL); if (!pdf) { printf ("error: cannot create PdfDoc object\n"); return 1; } /* error-handler */ if (setjmp(env)) { HPDF_Free (pdf); return 1; } HPDF_SetCompressionMode (pdf, HPDF_COMP_ALL); /* create default-font */ font = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "Helvetica", NULL); /* add a new page object. */ page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); HPDF_Page_SetWidth (page, 650); HPDF_Page_SetHeight (page, 500); dst = HPDF_Page_CreateDestination (page); HPDF_Destination_SetXYZ (dst, 0, HPDF_Page_GetHeight (page), 1); HPDF_SetOpenAction(pdf, dst); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 20); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 220, HPDF_Page_GetHeight (page) - 70); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "JpegDemo"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 12); draw_image (pdf, "rgb.jpg", 70, HPDF_Page_GetHeight (page) - 410, "24bit color image"); draw_image (pdf, "gray.jpg", 340, HPDF_Page_GetHeight (page) - 410, "8bit grayscale image"); /* save the document to a file */ HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, fname); /* clean up */ HPDF_Free (pdf); return 0; }
// JNI methods JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_libharu_Page_construct (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject document) { haru_setup_error_handler(env, __func__); HPDF_Doc pdf = get_HPDF_Doc(env, document); HPDF_Page page = HPDF_AddPage(pdf); set_HPDF_Page(env, obj, page); haru_clear_error_handler(); }
void renderPdf(const Wt::WString& html, HPDF_Doc pdf) { HPDF_Page page = HPDF_AddPage(pdf); HPDF_Page_SetSize(page, HPDF_PAGE_SIZE_A4, HPDF_PAGE_PORTRAIT); Wt::Render::WPdfRenderer renderer(pdf, page); renderer.setMargin(2.54); renderer.setDpi(96); renderer.render(html); }
int CHaruPdf::AddPage() {_STT(); // Sanity checks if ( !m_pdf ) return 0; // Add a page m_page = HPDF_AddPage( m_pdf ); if ( !m_page ) return 0; return 1; }
/* * Class: org_libharu_PdfPage * Method: create * Signature: (I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_libharu_PdfPage_create(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint pdf) { HPDF_Page page; /* Create and add the new page */ page = HPDF_AddPage((HPDF_Doc) pdf); if (page == NULL) { LOGE("Failed to create new page"); return; } /* Set mHPDFPagePointer */ (*env)->SetIntField(env, obj, mHPDFPagePointer, (jint) page); /* Set mParentHPDFDocPointer*/ (*env)->SetIntField(env, obj, mParentHPDFDocPointer, pdf); }
HPDF_Page WPdfRenderer::createPage(int page) { #ifndef WT_TARGET_JAVA HPDF_Page result = HPDF_AddPage(pdf_); HPDF_Page_SetWidth(result, HPDF_Page_GetWidth(page_)); HPDF_Page_SetHeight(result, HPDF_Page_GetHeight(page_)); return result; #else return Wt::Render::Utils::createPage(pdf_, HPDF_Page_GetWidth(page_), HPDF_Page_GetHeight(page_)); #endif }
bool addJpgPage(HPDF_Doc pdf, char const* jpgname) { HPDF_Page page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); if (!page) return false; HPDF_Image image = HPDF_LoadJpegImageFromFile (pdf, jpgname); if (!image) { printf("load error %s\n", jpgname); return false; } HPDF_REAL img_w = HPDF_REAL(HPDF_Image_GetWidth(image)); HPDF_REAL img_h = HPDF_REAL(HPDF_Image_GetHeight(image)); HPDF_Page_SetWidth (page, img_w); HPDF_Page_SetHeight(page, img_h); HPDF_Page_DrawImage (page, image, 0, 0, img_w, img_h); return true; }
void hpdf_doc::new_page() { //int n_TX = (et_cp.TX > 0) ? et_cp.TX : et_cp.T, // n_TY = (et_cp.TY > 0) ? et_cp.TY : et_cp.T; h_current_page = HPDF_AddPage(h_pdf); HPDF_Page_SetSize(h_current_page, HPDF_PAGE_SIZE_A4, h_direction); f_width = INCH2PT(f_page_width); // HPDF_Page_GetWidth(h_current_page); f_length = INCH2PT(f_page_length); // HPDF_Page_GetHeight(h_current_page); f_xpos = f_margin_x = INCH2PT(f_margin_left); f_margin_y = INCH2PT(f_margin_top); f_ypos = f_margin_y; // f_length - f_margin_y; HPDF_Page_SetHeight(h_current_page, f_length); HPDF_Page_SetWidth(h_current_page, f_width); f_linespace = 0; }
bool pdf_next_page(void) { #ifdef PDF_DEBUG NSLOG(netsurf, INFO, "pdf_next_page begins"); #endif clip_update_needed = false; if (pdf_page != NULL) { apply_clip_and_mode(false, NS_TRANSPARENT, NS_TRANSPARENT, 0., DashPattern_eNone); pdfw_gs_restore(pdf_page); } #ifdef PDF_DEBUG_DUMPGRID if (pdf_page != NULL) { pdf_plot_grid(10, 10, 0xCCCCCC); pdf_plot_grid(100, 100, 0xCCCCFF); } #endif pdf_page = HPDF_AddPage(pdf_doc); if (pdf_page == NULL) return false; HPDF_Page_SetWidth (pdf_page, settings->page_width); HPDF_Page_SetHeight(pdf_page, settings->page_height); HPDF_Page_Concat(pdf_page, 1, 0, 0, 1, FIXTOFLT(settings->margins[MARGINLEFT]), 0); pdfw_gs_save(pdf_page); #ifdef PDF_DEBUG NSLOG(netsurf, INFO, "%f %f", page_width, page_height); #endif return true; }
int fileWriter(HPDF_Doc pdf, HPDF_Outline root, HPDF_Font font, const std::string curFile, const std::vector< std::string> vec) { auto func_footbar = [](std::string fileName)->std::string { std::ostringstream buffer; buffer << " File:" << fileName.c_str() << " Autor:XCL "; return buffer.str(); }; auto func_pageOutline = [&](HPDF_Page page, std::string curFile) { HPDF_Outline outline; HPDF_Destination dst; outline = HPDF_CreateOutline(pdf, root, curFile.c_str(), NULL); dst = HPDF_Page_CreateDestination(page); HPDF_Destination_SetXYZ(dst, 0, HPDF_Page_GetHeight(page), 1);// 1 = 默认百分比100 HPDF_Outline_SetDestination(outline, dst); }; auto func_drawRow = [](HPDF_Page page,std::string rid,std::string row,int y ) { HPDF_Page_BeginText(page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos(page, config::ROWID_WIDTH, y - 2); HPDF_Page_ShowText(page, rid.c_str()); HPDF_Page_ShowText(page, row.c_str()); HPDF_Page_EndText(page); }; HPDF_Page page = nullptr; HPDF_REAL width,height; HPDF_UINT y = 0; // x =0, int currID = 0, pageID = 0, currRowCount; std::string ss, rid; for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { if (i == 0 || currRowCount > config::PAGE_ROWNUM) { ////////////////////////////////////////////// page = HPDF_AddPage(pdf); width = HPDF_Page_GetWidth(page); height = HPDF_Page_GetHeight(page); // x = 0; y = height - config::ROW_HEIGHT; func_pageOutline(page, curFile); HPDF_Page_SetSize(page, HPDF_PAGE_SIZE_A4, HPDF_PAGE_PORTRAIT); { HPDF_RGBColor c = HPDF_Page_GetRGBFill(page); HPDF_Page_SetRGBStroke(page, 0.0, 0.5, 0); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize(page, font, config::FOOTBAR_FONT_SIZE); HPDF_Page_SetLineWidth(page, 0.5); HPDF_Page_MoveTo(page, 0, 13); HPDF_Page_LineTo(page, width, 16); HPDF_Page_Stroke(page); HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(page, 0.0, 0, 0.5); HPDF_Page_BeginText(page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos(page, 40, config::FOOTBAR_FONT_SIZE - 5); HPDF_Page_ShowText(page, func_footbar(curFile).c_str()); HPDF_Page_EndText(page); HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(page, c.r, c.g, c.b); }; y = height - config::ROW_HEIGHT * 2; HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize(page, font, config::PAGE_FONT_SIZE); pageID++; currRowCount = 1; ////////////////////////////////////////////// } /////////////////////////////////////////// ss = vec[i]; HPDF_REAL wrid = HPDF_Page_TextWidth(page, rid.c_str()); NEWROW: HPDF_REAL wss = HPDF_Page_TextWidth(page, ss.c_str()); rid = util::rowidWidth(currRowCount ); if (wrid + wss > width) { //简单处理:超过页宽,直接分成两行.足以应付大部份情况. int center = ss.length() / 2; func_drawRow(page, rid,ss.substr(0, center),y); y -= config::ROW_HEIGHT; currRowCount++; ss = ss.substr(center); goto NEWROW; } else { func_drawRow(page, rid, ss,y); y -= config::ROW_HEIGHT; currRowCount++; } ////////////////////////////////////////// } return 0; } //end func
int main(int argc, char **argv) { HPDF_Doc pdf; HPDF_Font font; HPDF_Page index_page; HPDF_Page page[9]; HPDF_Destination dst; char fname[256]; HPDF_Rect rect; HPDF_Point tp; HPDF_Annotation annot; HPDF_UINT i; const char *uri = "http://libharu.org"; strcpy (fname, argv[0]); strcat (fname, ".pdf"); pdf = HPDF_New (error_handler, NULL); if (!pdf) { printf ("error: cannot create PdfDoc object\n"); return 1; } if (setjmp(env)) { HPDF_Free (pdf); return 1; } /* create default-font */ font = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "Helvetica", NULL); /* create index page */ index_page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); HPDF_Page_SetWidth (index_page, 300); HPDF_Page_SetHeight (index_page, 220); /* Add 7 pages to the document. */ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { page[i] = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); print_page(page[i], font, i + 1); } HPDF_Page_BeginText (index_page); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (index_page, font, 10); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (index_page, 15, 200); HPDF_Page_ShowText (index_page, "Link Annotation Demo"); HPDF_Page_EndText (index_page); /* * Create Link-Annotation object on index page. */ HPDF_Page_BeginText(index_page); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (index_page, font, 8); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (index_page, 20, 180); HPDF_Page_SetTextLeading (index_page, 23); /* page1 (HPDF_ANNOT_NO_HIGHTLIGHT) */ tp = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page); HPDF_Page_ShowText (index_page, "Jump to Page1 (HilightMode=HPDF_ANNOT_NO_HIGHTLIGHT)"); rect.left = tp.x - 4; rect.bottom = tp.y - 4; rect.right = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page).x + 4; rect.top = tp.y + 10; HPDF_Page_MoveToNextLine (index_page); dst = HPDF_Page_CreateDestination (page[0]); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateLinkAnnot (index_page, rect, dst); HPDF_LinkAnnot_SetHighlightMode (annot, HPDF_ANNOT_NO_HIGHTLIGHT); /* page2 (HPDF_ANNOT_INVERT_BOX) */ tp = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page); HPDF_Page_ShowText (index_page, "Jump to Page2 (HilightMode=HPDF_ANNOT_INVERT_BOX)"); rect.left = tp.x - 4; rect.bottom = tp.y - 4; rect.right = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page).x + 4; rect.top = tp.y + 10; HPDF_Page_MoveToNextLine (index_page); dst = HPDF_Page_CreateDestination (page[1]); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateLinkAnnot (index_page, rect, dst); HPDF_LinkAnnot_SetHighlightMode (annot, HPDF_ANNOT_INVERT_BOX); /* page3 (HPDF_ANNOT_INVERT_BORDER) */ tp = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page); HPDF_Page_ShowText (index_page, "Jump to Page3 (HilightMode=HPDF_ANNOT_INVERT_BORDER)"); rect.left = tp.x - 4; rect.bottom = tp.y - 4; rect.right = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page).x + 4; rect.top = tp.y + 10; HPDF_Page_MoveToNextLine (index_page); dst = HPDF_Page_CreateDestination (page[2]); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateLinkAnnot (index_page, rect, dst); HPDF_LinkAnnot_SetHighlightMode (annot, HPDF_ANNOT_INVERT_BORDER); /* page4 (HPDF_ANNOT_DOWN_APPEARANCE) */ tp = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page); HPDF_Page_ShowText (index_page, "Jump to Page4 (HilightMode=HPDF_ANNOT_DOWN_APPEARANCE)"); rect.left = tp.x - 4; rect.bottom = tp.y - 4; rect.right = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page).x + 4; rect.top = tp.y + 10; HPDF_Page_MoveToNextLine (index_page); dst = HPDF_Page_CreateDestination (page[3]); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateLinkAnnot (index_page, rect, dst); HPDF_LinkAnnot_SetHighlightMode (annot, HPDF_ANNOT_DOWN_APPEARANCE); /* page5 (dash border) */ tp = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page); HPDF_Page_ShowText (index_page, "Jump to Page5 (dash border)"); rect.left = tp.x - 4; rect.bottom = tp.y - 4; rect.right = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page).x + 4; rect.top = tp.y + 10; HPDF_Page_MoveToNextLine (index_page); dst = HPDF_Page_CreateDestination (page[4]); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateLinkAnnot (index_page, rect, dst); HPDF_LinkAnnot_SetBorderStyle (annot, 1, 3, 2); /* page6 (no border) */ tp = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page); HPDF_Page_ShowText (index_page, "Jump to Page6 (no border)"); rect.left = tp.x - 4; rect.bottom = tp.y - 4; rect.right = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page).x + 4; rect.top = tp.y + 10; HPDF_Page_MoveToNextLine (index_page); dst = HPDF_Page_CreateDestination (page[5]); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateLinkAnnot (index_page, rect, dst); HPDF_LinkAnnot_SetBorderStyle (annot, 0, 0, 0); /* page7 (bold border) */ tp = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page); HPDF_Page_ShowText (index_page, "Jump to Page7 (bold border)"); rect.left = tp.x - 4; rect.bottom = tp.y - 4; rect.right = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page).x + 4; rect.top = tp.y + 10; HPDF_Page_MoveToNextLine (index_page); dst = HPDF_Page_CreateDestination (page[6]); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateLinkAnnot (index_page, rect, dst); HPDF_LinkAnnot_SetBorderStyle (annot, 2, 0, 0); /* URI link */ tp = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page); HPDF_Page_ShowText (index_page, "URI ("); HPDF_Page_ShowText (index_page, uri); HPDF_Page_ShowText (index_page, ")"); rect.left = tp.x - 4; rect.bottom = tp.y - 4; rect.right = HPDF_Page_GetCurrentTextPos (index_page).x + 4; rect.top = tp.y + 10; HPDF_Page_CreateURILinkAnnot (index_page, rect, uri); HPDF_Page_EndText (index_page); /* save the document to a file */ HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, fname); /* clean up */ HPDF_Free (pdf); return 0; }
bool Pdf3d::createAdvancedPdf( const char *filepdf, const char *fileprc, const char *filejs, bool bUseCenter, float cenx, float ceny, float cenz ) { HPDF_Rect rect = {_rcleft, _rctop, _rcwidth, _rcheight}; HPDF_Doc pdf; HPDF_Page page; HPDF_Annotation annot; HPDF_U3D u3d; pdf = HPDF_New (NULL, NULL); if (!pdf) { printf ("error: cannot create PdfDoc object\n"); return false; } // set up some error handling if (setjmp(g_env)) { HPDF_Free (pdf); return false; } page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); HPDF_Page_SetWidth (page, _rcwidth); HPDF_Page_SetHeight (page, _rcheight); //HPDF_Dict js = NULL; SALVA //js = HPDF_DictStream_New (pdf->mmgr, pdf->xref); //js->header.obj_class |= HPDF_OSUBCLASS_XOBJECT; //js->filter = HPDF_STREAM_FILTER_NONE; //js = HPDF_LoadJSFromFile (pdf, filejs); u3d = HPDF_LoadU3DFromFile (pdf, fileprc); // add javeascript action //HPDF_Dict_Add (u3d, "OnInstantiate", js); SALVA #define NS2VIEWS 7 HPDF_Dict views[NS2VIEWS+1]; const char *view_names[] = {"Front perspective ('1','H')", "Back perspective ('2')", "Right perspective ('3')", "Left perspective ('4')", "Bottom perspective ('5')", "Top perspective ('6')", "Oblique perspective ('7')"}; const float view_c2c[][3] = {{0., 0., 1.}, {0., 0., -1.}, {-1., 0., 0.}, {1., 0., 0.}, {0., 1., 0.}, {0., -1., 0.}, {-1., 1., -1.}}; const float view_roll[] = {0., 180., 90., -90., 0., 0., 60.}; // query camera point to rotate about - sometimes not the same as focus point XYZ pr; pr.x = 0; pr.y = 0; pr.z = 0; // camera focus point //XYZ focus; //focus.x = 0; //focus.y = 0; //focus.z = 0; if (bUseCenter) { pr.x = cenx; pr.y = ceny; pr.z = cenz; } float camrot = 5.0; // create views for (int iv = 0; iv < NS2VIEWS; iv++) { views[iv] = HPDF_Create3DView(u3d->mmgr, view_names[iv]); HPDF_3DView_SetCamera(views[iv], pr.x, pr.y, pr.z, view_c2c[iv][0], view_c2c[iv][1], view_c2c[iv][2], camrot, view_roll[iv]); HPDF_3DView_SetPerspectiveProjection(views[iv], 45.0); HPDF_3DView_SetBackgroundColor(views[iv], _bgr, _bgg, _bgb); HPDF_3DView_SetLighting(views[iv], "White"); HPDF_U3D_Add3DView(u3d, views[iv]); } // add a psuedo-orthographic for slicing (actually perspective with point at infinity) views[NS2VIEWS] = HPDF_Create3DView(u3d->mmgr, "Orthgraphic slicing view"); HPDF_3DView_SetCamera(views[NS2VIEWS], pr.x, pr.y, pr.z, view_c2c[0][0], view_c2c[0][1], view_c2c[0][2], camrot*82.70f, view_roll[0]); HPDF_3DView_SetPerspectiveProjection(views[NS2VIEWS], 0.3333f); //HPDF_3DView_SetOrthogonalProjection(views[NS2VIEWS], 45.0/1000.0); HPDF_3DView_SetBackgroundColor(views[NS2VIEWS], _bgr, _bgg, _bgb); HPDF_3DView_SetLighting(views[NS2VIEWS], "White"); HPDF_U3D_Add3DView(u3d, views[NS2VIEWS]); HPDF_U3D_SetDefault3DView(u3d, "Front perspective"); // Create annotation annot = HPDF_Page_Create3DAnnot (page, rect, HPDF_TRUE, HPDF_FALSE, u3d, NULL); // make the toolbar appear by default // HPDF_Dict action = (HPDF_Dict)HPDF_Dict_GetItem (annot, "3DA", HPDF_OCLASS_DICT); // HPDF_Dict_AddBoolean (action, "TB", HPDF_TRUE); // save the document to a file HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, filepdf); // clean up HPDF_Free (pdf); return true; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { HPDF_Doc pdf; char fname[256]; HPDF_Font font; const char *font_name; int i = 0; HPDF_Outline root; const char *encodings[] = { "StandardEncoding", "MacRomanEncoding", "WinAnsiEncoding", "ISO8859-2", "ISO8859-3", "ISO8859-4", "ISO8859-5", "ISO8859-9", "ISO8859-10", "ISO8859-13", "ISO8859-14", "ISO8859-15", "ISO8859-16", "CP1250", "CP1251", "CP1252", "CP1254", "CP1257", "KOI8-R", "Symbol-Set", "ZapfDingbats-Set", NULL }; pdf = HPDF_NewEx (error_handler, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); if (!pdf) { printf ("error: cannot create PdfDoc object\n"); return 1; } if (setjmp(env)) { HPDF_Free (pdf); return 1; } strcpy (fname, argv[0]); strcat (fname, ".pdf"); /* set compression mode */ HPDF_SetCompressionMode (pdf, HPDF_COMP_ALL); /* Set page mode to use outlines. */ HPDF_SetPageMode(pdf, HPDF_PAGE_MODE_USE_OUTLINE); /* get default font */ font = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "Helvetica", NULL); /* load font object */ #ifdef __WIN32__ font_name = HPDF_LoadType1FontFromFile (pdf, "type1\\a010013l.afm", "type1\\a010013l.pfb"); #else font_name = HPDF_LoadType1FontFromFile (pdf, "type1/a010013l.afm", "type1/a010013l.pfb"); #endif /* create outline root. */ root = HPDF_CreateOutline (pdf, NULL, "Encoding list", NULL); HPDF_Outline_SetOpened (root, HPDF_TRUE); while (encodings[i]) { HPDF_Page page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); HPDF_Outline outline; HPDF_Destination dst; HPDF_Font font2; HPDF_Page_SetWidth (page, PAGE_WIDTH); HPDF_Page_SetHeight (page, PAGE_HEIGHT); outline = HPDF_CreateOutline (pdf, root, encodings[i], NULL); dst = HPDF_Page_CreateDestination (page); HPDF_Destination_SetXYZ(dst, 0, HPDF_Page_GetHeight(page), 1); /* HPDF_Destination_SetFitB(dst); */ HPDF_Outline_SetDestination(outline, dst); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 15); draw_graph (page); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 20); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 40, PAGE_HEIGHT - 50); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, encodings[i]); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, " Encoding"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); if (strcmp (encodings[i], "Symbol-Set") == 0) font2 = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "Symbol", NULL); else if (strcmp (encodings[i], "ZapfDingbats-Set") == 0) font2 = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "ZapfDingbats", NULL); else font2 = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, font_name, encodings[i]); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font2, 14); draw_fonts (page); i++; } /* save the document to a file */ HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, fname); /* clean up */ HPDF_Free (pdf); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { const char *page_title = "Font Demo"; HPDF_Doc pdf; char fname[256]; HPDF_Page page; HPDF_Font def_font; HPDF_REAL tw; HPDF_REAL height; HPDF_REAL width; HPDF_UINT i; strcpy (fname, argv[0]); strcat (fname, ".pdf"); pdf = HPDF_New (error_handler, NULL); if (!pdf) { printf ("error: cannot create PdfDoc object\n"); return 1; } if (setjmp(env)) { HPDF_Free (pdf); return 1; } /* Add a new page object. */ page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); height = HPDF_Page_GetHeight (page); width = HPDF_Page_GetWidth (page); /* Print the lines of the page. */ HPDF_Page_SetLineWidth (page, 1); HPDF_Page_Rectangle (page, 50, 50, width - 100, height - 110); HPDF_Page_Stroke (page); /* Print the title of the page (with positioning center). */ def_font = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "Helvetica", NULL); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, def_font, 24); tw = HPDF_Page_TextWidth (page, page_title); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, (width - tw) / 2, height - 50, page_title); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* output subtitle. */ HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, def_font, 16); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, 60, height - 80, "<Standerd Type1 fonts samples>"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 60, height - 105); i = 0; while (font_list[i]) { const char* samp_text = "ÏðèâåòabcdefgABCDEFG12345!#$%&+-@?"; HPDF_Font font = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, font_list[i], "CP1251"); /* print a label of text */ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, def_font, 9); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, font_list[i]); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 0, -18); /* print a sample text. */ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 20); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, samp_text); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 0, -20); i++; } HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, fname); /* clean up */ HPDF_Free (pdf); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { HPDF_Doc pdf; HPDF_Page page; char fname[256]; HPDF_Font hfont; HPDF_ExtGState gstate; const HPDF_REAL PAGE_WIDTH = 600; const HPDF_REAL PAGE_HEIGHT = 900; strcpy (fname, argv[0]); strcat (fname, ".pdf"); pdf = HPDF_New (error_handler, NULL); if (!pdf) { printf ("error: cannot create PdfDoc object\n"); return 1; } if (setjmp(env)) { HPDF_Free (pdf); return 1; } hfont = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "Helvetica-Bold", NULL); /* add a new page object. */ page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, hfont, 10); HPDF_Page_SetHeight (page, PAGE_HEIGHT); HPDF_Page_SetWidth (page, PAGE_WIDTH); /* normal */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); draw_circles (page, "normal", 40.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 170); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* transparency (0.8) */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetAlphaFill (gstate, 0.8); HPDF_ExtGState_SetAlphaStroke (gstate, 0.8); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "alpha fill = 0.8", 230.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 170); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* transparency (0.4) */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetAlphaFill (gstate, 0.4); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "alpha fill = 0.4", 420.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 170); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* blend-mode=HPDF_BM_MULTIPLY */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetBlendMode (gstate, HPDF_BM_MULTIPLY); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "HPDF_BM_MULTIPLY", 40.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 340); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* blend-mode=HPDF_BM_SCREEN */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetBlendMode (gstate, HPDF_BM_SCREEN); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "HPDF_BM_SCREEN", 230.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 340); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* blend-mode=HPDF_BM_OVERLAY */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetBlendMode (gstate, HPDF_BM_OVERLAY); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "HPDF_BM_OVERLAY", 420.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 340); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* blend-mode=HPDF_BM_DARKEN */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetBlendMode (gstate, HPDF_BM_DARKEN); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "HPDF_BM_DARKEN", 40.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 510); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* blend-mode=HPDF_BM_LIGHTEN */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetBlendMode (gstate, HPDF_BM_LIGHTEN); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "HPDF_BM_LIGHTEN", 230.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 510); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* blend-mode=HPDF_BM_COLOR_DODGE */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetBlendMode (gstate, HPDF_BM_COLOR_DODGE); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "HPDF_BM_COLOR_DODGE", 420.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 510); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* blend-mode=HPDF_BM_COLOR_BUM */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetBlendMode (gstate, HPDF_BM_COLOR_BUM); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "HPDF_BM_COLOR_BUM", 40.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 680); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* blend-mode=HPDF_BM_HARD_LIGHT */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetBlendMode (gstate, HPDF_BM_HARD_LIGHT); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "HPDF_BM_HARD_LIGHT", 230.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 680); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* blend-mode=HPDF_BM_SOFT_LIGHT */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetBlendMode (gstate, HPDF_BM_SOFT_LIGHT); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "HPDF_BM_SOFT_LIGHT", 420.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 680); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* blend-mode=HPDF_BM_DIFFERENCE */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetBlendMode (gstate, HPDF_BM_DIFFERENCE); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "HPDF_BM_DIFFERENCE", 40.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 850); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* blend-mode=HPDF_BM_EXCLUSHON */ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); gstate = HPDF_CreateExtGState (pdf); HPDF_ExtGState_SetBlendMode (gstate, HPDF_BM_EXCLUSHON); HPDF_Page_SetExtGState (page, gstate); draw_circles (page, "HPDF_BM_EXCLUSHON", 230.0f, PAGE_HEIGHT - 850); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* save the document to a file */ HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, fname); /* clean up */ HPDF_Free (pdf); return 0; }
// Setup a PDF document with one page static void add_a4page(void) { pdf_page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf_doc); HPDF_Page_SetSize (pdf_page, HPDF_PAGE_SIZE_A4, HPDF_PAGE_PORTRAIT); }
int main (int /* argc */, char **argv) { const char *page_title = "Font Demo"; HPDF_Doc pdf; char fname[256]; HPDF_Page page; HPDF_Font def_font; HPDF_REAL tw; HPDF_REAL height; HPDF_REAL width; HPDF_UINT i; HPDF_Image image; double x; double y; double iw; double ih; HPDF_Stream stream; strcpy (fname, argv[0]); strcat (fname, ".pdf"); pdf = HPDF_New (error_handler, NULL); if (!pdf) { printf ("error: cannot create PdfDoc object\n"); return 1; } if (setjmp(env)) { HPDF_Free (pdf); return 1; } /* Add a new page object. */ page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); height = HPDF_Page_GetHeight (page); width = HPDF_Page_GetWidth (page); /* Print the lines of the page. */ HPDF_Page_SetLineWidth (page, 1); HPDF_Page_Rectangle (page, 50, 50, width - 100, height - 110); HPDF_Page_Stroke (page); /* Print the title of the page (with positioning center). */ def_font = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "Helvetica", NULL); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, def_font, 24); tw = HPDF_Page_TextWidth (page, page_title); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, (width - tw) / 2, height - 50, page_title); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* output subtitle. */ HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, def_font, 16); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, 60, height - 80, "<Standerd Type1 fonts samples>"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 60, height - 105); i = 0; while (font_list[i]) { const char* samp_text = "abcdefgABCDEFG12345!#$%&+-@?"; HPDF_Font font = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, font_list[i], NULL); /* print a label of text */ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, def_font, 9); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, font_list[i]); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 0, -18); /* print a sample text. */ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 20); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, samp_text); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 0, -20); i++; } HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* Add a new page object. */ page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); height = HPDF_Page_GetHeight (page); width = HPDF_Page_GetWidth (page); /* load image file. */ image = HPDF_LoadPngImageFromFile (pdf, "test.png"); x = 100; y = 100; iw = HPDF_Image_GetWidth (image); ih = HPDF_Image_GetHeight (image); /* Draw image to the canvas. (normal-mode with actual size.)*/ HPDF_Page_DrawImage (page, image, x, y, iw, ih); HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, fname); /* write something via zlib */ stream = HPDF_FileWriter_New( pdf->mmgr, "test2.raw" ); HPDF_Stream_WriteToStream( image->stream, stream, HPDF_STREAM_FILTER_FLATE_DECODE, NULL ); HPDF_Stream_Free (stream); /* clean up */ HPDF_Free (pdf); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { HPDF_Rect rect1 = {50, 350, 150, 400}; HPDF_Rect rect2 = {210, 350, 350, 400}; HPDF_Rect rect3 = {50, 250, 150, 300}; HPDF_Rect rect4 = {210, 250, 350, 300}; HPDF_Rect rect5 = {50, 150, 150, 200}; HPDF_Rect rect6 = {210, 150, 350, 200}; HPDF_Rect rect7 = {50, 50, 150, 100}; HPDF_Rect rect8 = {210, 50, 350, 100}; HPDF_Doc pdf; char fname[256]; HPDF_Page page; HPDF_Font font; HPDF_Encoder encoding; HPDF_Annotation annot; strcpy (fname, argv[0]); strcat (fname, ".pdf"); pdf = HPDF_New (error_handler, NULL); if (!pdf) { printf ("error: cannot create PdfDoc object\n"); return 1; } if (setjmp(env)) { HPDF_Free (pdf); return 1; } /* use Times-Roman font. */ font = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "Times-Roman", "WinAnsiEncoding"); page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); HPDF_Page_SetWidth (page, 400); HPDF_Page_SetHeight (page, 500); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 16); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 130, 450); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "Annotation Demo"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateTextAnnot (page, rect1, "Annotation with Comment " "Icon. \n This annotation set to be opened initially.", NULL); HPDF_TextAnnot_SetIcon (annot, HPDF_ANNOT_ICON_COMMENT); HPDF_TextAnnot_SetOpened (annot, HPDF_TRUE); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateTextAnnot (page, rect2, "Annotation with Key Icon", NULL); HPDF_TextAnnot_SetIcon (annot, HPDF_ANNOT_ICON_PARAGRAPH); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateTextAnnot (page, rect3, "Annotation with Note Icon", NULL); HPDF_TextAnnot_SetIcon (annot, HPDF_ANNOT_ICON_NOTE); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateTextAnnot (page, rect4, "Annotation with Help Icon", NULL); HPDF_TextAnnot_SetIcon (annot, HPDF_ANNOT_ICON_HELP); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateTextAnnot (page, rect5, "Annotation with NewParagraph Icon", NULL); HPDF_TextAnnot_SetIcon (annot, HPDF_ANNOT_ICON_NEW_PARAGRAPH); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateTextAnnot (page, rect6, "Annotation with Paragraph Icon", NULL); HPDF_TextAnnot_SetIcon (annot, HPDF_ANNOT_ICON_PARAGRAPH); annot = HPDF_Page_CreateTextAnnot (page, rect7, "Annotation with Insert Icon", NULL); HPDF_TextAnnot_SetIcon (annot, HPDF_ANNOT_ICON_INSERT); encoding = HPDF_GetEncoder (pdf, "ISO8859-2"); HPDF_Page_CreateTextAnnot (page, rect8, "Annotation with ISO8859 text гдежзий", encoding); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 11); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, rect1.left + 35, rect1.top - 20); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "Comment Icon."); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, rect2.left + 35, rect2.top - 20); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "Key Icon"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, rect3.left + 35, rect3.top - 20); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "Note Icon."); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, rect4.left + 35, rect4.top - 20); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "Help Icon"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, rect5.left + 35, rect5.top - 20); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "NewParagraph Icon"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, rect6.left + 35, rect6.top - 20); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "Paragraph Icon"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, rect7.left + 35, rect7.top - 20); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "Insert Icon"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, rect8.left + 35, rect8.top - 20); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "Text Icon(ISO8859-2 text)"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* save the document to a file */ HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, fname); /* clean up */ HPDF_Free (pdf); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { HPDF_Doc pdf; HPDF_Font font; HPDF_Page page; char fname[256]; HPDF_Image image; HPDF_REAL x, y; strcpy (fname, argv[0]); strcat (fname, ".pdf"); pdf = HPDF_New (error_handler, NULL); if (!pdf) { printf ("error: cannot create PdfDoc object\n"); return 1; } /* error-handler */ if (setjmp(env)) { HPDF_Free (pdf); return 1; } HPDF_SetCompressionMode (pdf, HPDF_COMP_ALL); /* create default-font */ font = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "Helvetica", NULL); /* add a new page object. */ page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); HPDF_Page_SetWidth (page, 172); HPDF_Page_SetHeight (page, 80); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 20); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 220, HPDF_Page_GetHeight (page) - 70); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "RawImageDemo"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* load RGB raw-image file. */ #ifndef __WIN32__ image = HPDF_LoadRawImageFromFile (pdf, "rawimage/32_32_rgb.dat", 32, 32, HPDF_CS_DEVICE_RGB); #else image = HPDF_LoadRawImageFromFile (pdf, "rawimage\\32_32_rgb.dat", 32, 32, HPDF_CS_DEVICE_RGB); #endif x = 20; y = 20; /* Draw image to the canvas. (normal-mode with actual size.)*/ HPDF_Page_DrawImage (page, image, x, y, 32, 32); /* load GrayScale raw-image file. */ #ifndef __WIN32__ image = HPDF_LoadRawImageFromFile (pdf, "rawimage/32_32_gray.dat", 32, 32, HPDF_CS_DEVICE_GRAY); #else image = HPDF_LoadRawImageFromFile (pdf, "rawimage\\32_32_gray.dat", 32, 32, HPDF_CS_DEVICE_GRAY); #endif x = 70; y = 20; /* Draw image to the canvas. (normal-mode with actual size.)*/ HPDF_Page_DrawImage (page, image, x, y, 32, 32); /* load GrayScale raw-image (1bit) file from memory. */ image = HPDF_LoadRawImageFromMem (pdf, RAW_IMAGE_DATA, 32, 32, HPDF_CS_DEVICE_GRAY, 1); x = 120; y = 20; /* Draw image to the canvas. (normal-mode with actual size.)*/ HPDF_Page_DrawImage (page, image, x, y, 32, 32); /* save the document to a file */ HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, fname); /* clean up */ HPDF_Free (pdf); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { const char *page_title = "Text Demo"; HPDF_Doc pdf; HPDF_Font font; HPDF_Page page; char fname[256]; const char* samp_text = "abcdefgABCDEFG123!#$%&+-@?"; const char* samp_text2 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; float tw; float fsize; int i; int len; float angle1; float angle2; float rad1; float rad2; float ypos; strcpy (fname, argv[0]); strcat (fname, ".pdf"); pdf = HPDF_New (error_handler, NULL); if (!pdf) { printf ("error: cannot create PdfDoc object\n"); return 1; } if (setjmp(env)) { HPDF_Free (pdf); return 1; } /* set compression mode */ HPDF_SetCompressionMode (pdf, HPDF_COMP_ALL); /* create default-font */ font = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "Helvetica", NULL); /* add a new page object. */ page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); /* draw grid to the page */ print_grid (pdf, page); /* print the lines of the page. HPDF_Page_SetLineWidth (page, 1); HPDF_Page_Rectangle (page, 50, 50, HPDF_Page_GetWidth(page) - 100, HPDF_Page_GetHeight (page) - 110); HPDF_Page_Stroke (page); */ /* print the title of the page (with positioning center). */ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 24); tw = HPDF_Page_TextWidth (page, page_title); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, (HPDF_Page_GetWidth(page) - tw) / 2, HPDF_Page_GetHeight (page) - 50, page_title); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 60, HPDF_Page_GetHeight(page) - 60); /* * font size */ fsize = 8; while (fsize < 60) { char buf[50]; int len; /* set style and size of font. */ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize(page, font, fsize); /* set the position of the text. */ HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 0, -5 - fsize); /* measure the number of characters which included in the page. */ strcpy(buf, samp_text); len = HPDF_Page_MeasureText (page, samp_text, HPDF_Page_GetWidth(page) - 120, HPDF_FALSE, NULL); /* truncate the text. */ buf[len] = 0x00; HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, buf); /* print the description. */ HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 0, -10); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize(page, font, 8); #ifdef __WIN32__ _snprintf(buf, 50, "Fontsize=%.0f", fsize); #else snprintf(buf, 50, "Fontsize=%.0f", fsize); #endif HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, buf); fsize *= 1.5; } /* * font color */ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize(page, font, 8); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 0, -30); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "Font color"); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 18); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 0, -20); len = strlen (samp_text); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { char buf[2]; float r = (float)i / (float)len; float g = 1 - ((float)i / (float)len); buf[0] = samp_text[i]; buf[1] = 0x00; HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill (page, r, g, 0.0); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, buf); } HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 0, -25); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { char buf[2]; float r = (float)i / (float)len; float b = 1 - ((float)i / (float)len); buf[0] = samp_text[i]; buf[1] = 0x00; HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill (page, r, 0.0, b); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, buf); } HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 0, -25); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { char buf[2]; float b = (float)i / (float)len; float g = 1 - ((float)i / (float)len); buf[0] = samp_text[i]; buf[1] = 0x00; HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill (page, 0.0, g, b); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, buf); } HPDF_Page_EndText (page); ypos = 450; /* * Font rendering mode */ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize(page, font, 32); HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill (page, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0); HPDF_Page_SetLineWidth (page, 1.5); /* PDF_FILL */ show_description (page, 60, ypos, "RenderingMode=PDF_FILL"); HPDF_Page_SetTextRenderingMode (page, HPDF_FILL); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, 60, ypos, "ABCabc123"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* PDF_STROKE */ show_description (page, 60, ypos - 50, "RenderingMode=PDF_STROKE"); HPDF_Page_SetTextRenderingMode (page, HPDF_STROKE); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, 60, ypos - 50, "ABCabc123"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* PDF_FILL_THEN_STROKE */ show_description (page, 60, ypos - 100, "RenderingMode=PDF_FILL_THEN_STROKE"); HPDF_Page_SetTextRenderingMode (page, HPDF_FILL_THEN_STROKE); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, 60, ypos - 100, "ABCabc123"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* PDF_FILL_CLIPPING */ show_description (page, 60, ypos - 150, "RenderingMode=PDF_FILL_CLIPPING"); HPDF_Page_GSave (page); HPDF_Page_SetTextRenderingMode (page, HPDF_FILL_CLIPPING); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, 60, ypos - 150, "ABCabc123"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); show_stripe_pattern (page, 60, ypos - 150); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* PDF_STROKE_CLIPPING */ show_description (page, 60, ypos - 200, "RenderingMode=PDF_STROKE_CLIPPING"); HPDF_Page_GSave (page); HPDF_Page_SetTextRenderingMode (page, HPDF_STROKE_CLIPPING); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, 60, ypos - 200, "ABCabc123"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); show_stripe_pattern (page, 60, ypos - 200); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* PDF_FILL_STROKE_CLIPPING */ show_description (page, 60, ypos - 250, "RenderingMode=PDF_FILL_STROKE_CLIPPING"); HPDF_Page_GSave (page); HPDF_Page_SetTextRenderingMode (page, HPDF_FILL_STROKE_CLIPPING); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, 60, ypos - 250, "ABCabc123"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); show_stripe_pattern (page, 60, ypos - 250); HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); /* Reset text attributes */ HPDF_Page_SetTextRenderingMode (page, HPDF_FILL); HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill (page, 0, 0, 0); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize(page, font, 30); /* * Rotating text */ angle1 = 30; /* A rotation of 30 degrees. */ rad1 = angle1 / 180 * 3.141592; /* Calcurate the radian value. */ show_description (page, 320, ypos - 60, "Rotating text"); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_SetTextMatrix (page, cos(rad1), sin(rad1), -sin(rad1), cos(rad1), 330, ypos - 60); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "ABCabc123"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* * Skewing text. */ show_description (page, 320, ypos - 120, "Skewing text"); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); angle1 = 10; angle2 = 20; rad1 = angle1 / 180 * 3.141592; rad2 = angle2 / 180 * 3.141592; HPDF_Page_SetTextMatrix (page, 1, tan(rad1), tan(rad2), 1, 320, ypos - 120); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "ABCabc123"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* * scaling text (X direction) */ show_description (page, 320, ypos - 175, "Scaling text (X direction)"); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_SetTextMatrix (page, 1.5, 0, 0, 1, 320, ypos - 175); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "ABCabc12"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* * scaling text (Y direction) */ show_description (page, 320, ypos - 250, "Scaling text (Y direction)"); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_SetTextMatrix (page, 1, 0, 0, 2, 320, ypos - 250); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "ABCabc123"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* * char spacing, word spacing */ show_description (page, 60, 140, "char-spacing 0"); show_description (page, 60, 100, "char-spacing 1.5"); show_description (page, 60, 60, "char-spacing 1.5, word-spacing 2.5"); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 20); HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill (page, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1); /* char-spacing 0 */ HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, 60, 140, samp_text2); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* char-spacing 1.5 */ HPDF_Page_SetCharSpace (page, 1.5); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, 60, 100, samp_text2); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* char-spacing 1.5, word-spacing 3.5 */ HPDF_Page_SetWordSpace (page, 2.5); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, 60, 60, samp_text2); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); /* save the document to a file */ HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, fname); /* clean up */ HPDF_Free (pdf); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { HPDF_Doc pdf; HPDF_Font font; HPDF_Page page; char fname[256]; HPDF_Image image; char *png_image_data; FILE *fp; HPDF_REAL x, y; strcpy (fname, argv[0]); strcat (fname, ".pdf"); pdf = HPDF_New (error_handler, NULL); if (!pdf) { printf ("error: cannot create PdfDoc object\n"); return 1; } /* error-handler */ if (setjmp(env)) { HPDF_Free (pdf); return 1; } HPDF_SetCompressionMode (pdf, HPDF_COMP_ALL); /* create default-font */ font = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "Helvetica", NULL); /* add a new page object. */ page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 20); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (page, 220, HPDF_Page_GetHeight (page) - 70); HPDF_Page_ShowText (page, "RawImageDemo"); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); int n; fp = fopen("2.png", "r"); png_image_data = malloc(1024*1024); n = fread(png_image_data, 1, 1024*1024, fp); fclose(fp); /* load GrayScale raw-image (1bit) file from memory. */ image = HPDF_LoadPngImageFromMem (pdf, png_image_data, n); /* Draw image to the canvas. (normal-mode with actual size.)*/ HPDF_Page_DrawImage (page, image, 20, 20, 1024, 768); free(png_image_data); /* save the document to a file */ HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, fname); /* clean up */ HPDF_Free (pdf); return 0; }
void generate_pdf (const char *outname, const char *tmpdirname, int num_fonts, int num_input_files, const JBDATA * data, const struct mapping *maps, int debug_draw_borders) { int i, j; /* Create the pdf document */ l_int32 ncomp = numaGetCount (data->naclass); HPDF_Doc pdf = HPDF_New (pdf_error_handler, NULL); HPDF_SetCompressionMode (pdf, HPDF_COMP_ALL); HPDF_Font *fonts = malloc_guarded (num_fonts * (sizeof (HPDF_Font))); int dirlen = strlen (tmpdirname); /* Load the fonts */ for (i = 0; i < num_fonts; i++) { /* 1 for '/', 8 for %08d, 4 for '.ttf' */ int fontlen = dirlen + 1 + 8 + 4; char *font_tfname = malloc_guarded (fontlen + 1); sprintf (font_tfname, "%s/%08d.ttf", tmpdirname, i); const char *font_name = HPDF_LoadTTFontFromFile (pdf, font_tfname, HPDF_TRUE); fonts[i] = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, font_name, "KOI8-R"); free (font_tfname); } for (j = 0; j < num_input_files; j++) { /* Add page to document */ HPDF_Page pg = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); HPDF_Page_SetWidth (pg, data->w); HPDF_Page_SetHeight (pg, data->h); /* TODO: Boost efficiency by making startcomp go to the next page on the next iteration */ int start_comp = 0; for (i = start_comp; i < ncomp; i++) { l_int32 ipage; l_int32 iclass; l_int32 x; l_int32 y; numaGetIValue (data->napage, i, &ipage); if (ipage != j) continue; numaGetIValue (data->naclass, i, &iclass); ptaGetIPt (data->ptaul, i, &x, &y); /*double left = x; double top = data->h - y; double right = x + data->latticew; double bottom = data->h - (y + data->latticeh); */ char text[2]; text[0] = maps[iclass].code_point; text[1] = '\0'; HPDF_Font font = fonts[maps[iclass].font_num]; HPDF_Page_BeginText (pg); double fontsize = 100; if (fontsize > 300) { error_quit ("This is a known bug.\n" "libharu can't handle fontsizes bigger than 300, which is what is being requested here.\n" "Please report this bug, and the file that produced this error"); } HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (pg, font, 100); HPDF_Page_MoveTextPos (pg, x, (data->h - y) - data->latticeh); HPDF_Page_ShowText (pg, text); HPDF_Page_EndText (pg); if (debug_draw_borders) { HPDF_Page_SetRGBStroke (pg, 1, 0, 0); /* In this, x, y is the LOWER LEFT, not UPPER LEFT */ HPDF_Page_Rectangle (pg, x, (data->h - y) - data->latticeh, data->latticew, data->latticeh); HPDF_Page_Stroke (pg); } } } /* Output */ HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, outname); /* Cleanup */ HPDF_Free (pdf); free (fonts); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { HPDF_Doc pdf; HPDF_Page page; char fname[256]; HPDF_Font font; //float angle1; //float angle2; //float rad1; //float rad2; //HPDF_REAL page_height; HPDF_Rect rect; //int i; //const char* SAMP_TXT = "Дирк Мюллер: власть над миром принадлежит банкам"; strcpy (fname, argv[0]); strcat (fname, ".pdf"); pdf = HPDF_New (error_handler, NULL); if (!pdf) { printf ("error: cannot create PdfDoc object\n"); return 1; } if (setjmp(env)) { HPDF_Free (pdf); return 1; } //printf("%s\n",HPDF_GetCurrentEncoder (pdf)); /* add a new page object. */ page = HPDF_AddPage (pdf); HPDF_Page_SetSize (page, HPDF_PAGE_SIZE_A4, HPDF_PAGE_LANDSCAPE); // HPDF_PAGE_PORTRAIT //print_grid (pdf, page); //page_height = HPDF_Page_GetHeight (page); //page_height += 0; font = HPDF_GetFont (pdf, "Courier", "CP1251"); HPDF_Page_SetTextLeading (page, 20); /* text_rect method */ /* HPDF_TALIGN_LEFT */ rect.left = 25; rect.top = 545; rect.right = 200; rect.bottom = rect.top - 20; //~ HPDF_Page_Rectangle (page, 200 , 300 , 300, 100); //~ HPDF_Page_Stroke (page); //~ HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); //~ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 10); //~ int cnt =0; //~ HPDF_Page_TextRect (page, 10 , 600, 50, 550, //~ "123 45 6789 123 45 6789", //~ HPDF_TALIGN_LEFT, &cnt); //~ printf("printed %d\n", cnt); //~ HPDF_Page_EndText (page); HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 11); //HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, rect.left, rect.top + 3, "Поставщик"); echo1(page, "Поставщик", "ООО «РЕКО»", 0); echo1(page, "ИНН", "4345363002", 1); echo1(page, "КПП", "434501001", 2); echo1(page, "Телефон/факс", "62-38-67, 78-88-58", 3); echo1(page, "Расчетный счет", "40702810200220090271", 4); echo1(page, "Корр. счет", "30101810100000000711", 5); echo1(page, "Банк", "ОАО КБ «Хлынов» г. Киров", 6); echo1(page, "БИК", "043304711", 7); echo1(page, "", "Счет № / от ", 8); echo1(page, "Плательщик: КОГКУ «Государственный архив социально-политической истории Кировской области»", "", 10); echo1(page, "Юр. г. Киров, ул. Казанская, 16а,", "", 11); echo1(page, "Факс: (8332) 35-75-56,", "", 12); echo1(page, "ИНН: 4345057460 ", "", 13); HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 12); HPDF_Page_EndText (page); int collum_size[] = {40, 7, 10, 7, 12, 12, 12}; char* text[] = {"Наименование товара", "Ед.Изм.", "Количество", "Цена", "Сумма без НДС", "Сумма НДС", "Всего с НДС", "1. Оказание услуг хостинга с 01 апреля 2015г. по 30 июня 2015г.", "шт.", "1", "5100=00", "5100=00", "0", "5100=00", "Всего к оплате:", "", "", "", "5100=00", "0", "5100=00" }; table(page, font, 3, 7, 10, HPDF_Page_GetHeight(page)-20 - (17*10), 20, /*!*/ collum_size, text); draw_image (pdf, "shtamp2.png", 100, 0 , "8bit alpha."); int collum_size2[] = {50, 50}; char* text2[] = {"Итого: Пять тысяч сто рублей 00 копеек", "5100=00 ", "ООО «РЕКО» применяет упрощенную систему налогообложения", "", "Директор ООО «РЕКО» ______________ /Лажинцев П.В./ ", " Главный бухгалтер ______________/_________________/ " }; table(page, font, 3, 2, 10, HPDF_Page_GetHeight(page)-20 - (25*10), 20, /*!*/ collum_size2, text2); /* HPDF_TALIGN_RIGTH */ //~ rect.left = 220; //~ rect.right = 395; //~ //~ HPDF_Page_Rectangle (page, rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right - rect.left, //~ rect.top - rect.bottom); //~ HPDF_Page_Stroke (page); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 10); //~ HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, rect.left, rect.top + 3, "HPDF_TALIGN_RIGTH"); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 13); //~ HPDF_Page_TextRect (page, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, //~ SAMP_TXT, HPDF_TALIGN_RIGHT, NULL); //~ //~ //~ HPDF_Page_EndText (page); //~ /* HPDF_TALIGN_CENTER */ //~ rect.left = 25; //~ rect.top = 475; //~ rect.right = 200; //~ rect.bottom = rect.top - 40; //~ //~ HPDF_Page_Rectangle (page, rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right - rect.left, //~ rect.top - rect.bottom); //~ HPDF_Page_Stroke (page); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 10); //~ HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, rect.left, rect.top + 3, "HPDF_TALIGN_CENTER"); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 13); //~ HPDF_Page_TextRect (page, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, //~ SAMP_TXT, HPDF_TALIGN_CENTER, NULL); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_EndText (page); //~ //~ /* HPDF_TALIGN_JUSTIFY */ //~ rect.left = 220; //~ rect.right = 395; //~ //~ HPDF_Page_Rectangle (page, rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right - rect.left, //~ rect.top - rect.bottom); //~ HPDF_Page_Stroke (page); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 10); //~ HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, rect.left, rect.top + 3, "HPDF_TALIGN_JUSTIFY"); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 13); //~ HPDF_Page_TextRect (page, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, //~ SAMP_TXT, HPDF_TALIGN_JUSTIFY, NULL); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_EndText (page); //~ //~ //~ //~ /* Skewed coordinate system */ //~ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); //~ //~ angle1 = 5; //~ angle2 = 10; //~ rad1 = angle1 / 180 * 3.141592; //~ rad2 = angle2 / 180 * 3.141592; //~ //~ HPDF_Page_Concat (page, 1, tan(rad1), tan(rad2), 1, 25, 350); //~ rect.left = 0; //~ rect.top = 40; //~ rect.right = 175; //~ rect.bottom = 0; //~ //~ HPDF_Page_Rectangle (page, rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right - rect.left, //~ rect.top - rect.bottom); //~ HPDF_Page_Stroke (page); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 10); //~ HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, rect.left, rect.top + 3, "Skewed coordinate system"); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 13); //~ HPDF_Page_TextRect (page, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, //~ SAMP_TXT, HPDF_TALIGN_LEFT, NULL); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_EndText (page); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_GRestore (page); //~ //~ //~ /* Rotated coordinate system */ //~ HPDF_Page_GSave (page); //~ //~ angle1 = 5; //~ rad1 = angle1 / 180 * 3.141592; //~ //~ HPDF_Page_Concat (page, cos(rad1), sin(rad1), -sin(rad1), cos(rad1), 220, 350); //~ rect.left = 0; //~ rect.top = 40; //~ rect.right = 175; //~ rect.bottom = 0; //~ //~ HPDF_Page_Rectangle (page, rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right - rect.left, //~ rect.top - rect.bottom); //~ HPDF_Page_Stroke (page); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_BeginText (page); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 10); //~ HPDF_Page_TextOut (page, rect.left, rect.top + 3, "Rotated coordinate system"); //~ //~ HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize (page, font, 13); //~ HPDF_Page_TextRect (page, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, //~ SAMP_TXT, HPDF_TALIGN_LEFT, NULL); 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