Beispiel #1
/** Check whether a client matches a target mask.
 * @param[in] from Client trying to send a message (ignored).
 * @param[in] one Client being considered as a target.
 * @param[in] mask Mask for matching against.
 * @param[in] what Type of match (either MATCH_HOST or MATCH_SERVER).
 * @return Non-zero if \a one matches, zero if not.
static int match_it(struct Client *from, struct Client *one, const char *mask, int what)
  switch (what)
    case MATCH_HOST:
      return (match(mask, cli_user(one)->host) == 0 ||
        (HasHiddenHost(one) && match(mask, cli_user(one)->realhost) == 0));
    case MATCH_SERVER:
      return (match(mask, cli_name(cli_user(one)->server)) == 0);
Beispiel #2
/** Check whether a client matches a target mask.
 * @param[in] from Client trying to send a message (ignored).
 * @param[in] one Client being considered as a target.
 * @param[in] mask Mask for matching against.
 * @param[in] addr IP address prefix to match against.
 * @param[in] nbits Number of bits in \a addr (> 128 if none valid).
 * @param[in] what Type of match (either MATCH_HOST or MATCH_SERVER).
 * @return Non-zero if \a one matches, zero if not.
static int match_it(struct Client *from, struct Client *one, const char *mask,
                    struct irc_in_addr *addr, unsigned char nbits, int what)
  switch (what)
    case MATCH_HOST:
      return ((nbits <= 128 && ipmask_check(&cli_ip(one), addr, nbits)) ||
        match(mask, cli_user(one)->host) == 0 ||
        (HasHiddenHost(one) && match(mask, cli_user(one)->realhost) == 0));
    case MATCH_SERVER:
      return (match(mask, cli_name(cli_user(one)->server)) == 0);
Beispiel #3
static void userhost_formatter(struct Client* cptr, struct Client *sptr, struct MsgBuf* mb)
  msgq_append(0, mb, "%s%s=%c%s@%s", cli_name(cptr),
              SeeOper(sptr,cptr) ? "*" : "",
	      cli_user(cptr)->away ? '-' : '+', cli_user(cptr)->username,
	      /* Do not *EVER* change this to give opers the real host.
	       * Too many scripts rely on this data and can inadvertently
	       * publish the user's real host, thus breaking the security
	       * of +x.  If an oper wants the real host, he should go to
	       * /whois to get it.
	      HasHiddenHost(cptr) && (sptr != cptr) ?
	      cli_user(cptr)->host : cli_user(cptr)->realhost);
 * ms_account - server message handler
 * parv[0] = sender prefix
 * parv[1] = numeric of client to act on
 * parv[2] = account name (12 characters or less)
int ms_account(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc,
	       char* parv[])
  struct Client *acptr;
  int hidden;

  if (parc < 3)
    return need_more_params(sptr, "ACCOUNT");

  if (!IsServer(sptr))
    return protocol_violation(cptr, "ACCOUNT from non-server %s",

  if (!(acptr = findNUser(parv[1])))
    return 0; /* Ignore ACCOUNT for a user that QUIT; probably crossed */

  if (IsAccount(acptr))
    return protocol_violation(cptr, "ACCOUNT for already registered user %s "
			      "(%s -> %s)", cli_name(acptr),
			      cli_user(acptr)->account, parv[2]);

  assert(0 == cli_user(acptr)->account[0]);

  if (strlen(parv[2]) > ACCOUNTLEN) {
    return protocol_violation(cptr, "Received account (%s) longer than %d for %s; ignoring.", parv[2], ACCOUNTLEN, cli_name(acptr));

  if (parc > 3) {
    cli_user(acptr)->acc_create = atoi(parv[3]);
    Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "Received timestamped account: account \"%s\", "
	   "timestamp %Tu", parv[2], cli_user(acptr)->acc_create));

  hidden = HasHiddenHost(acptr);
  ircd_strncpy(cli_user(acptr)->account, parv[2], ACCOUNTLEN);
  if (!hidden)

  sendcmdto_serv_butone(sptr, CMD_ACCOUNT, cptr,
			cli_user(acptr)->acc_create ? "%C %s %Tu" : "%C %s",
			acptr, cli_user(acptr)->account,

  return 0;
Beispiel #5
void checkClient(struct Client *sptr, struct Client *acptr)
   struct Channel *chptr;
   struct Membership *lp;
   char outbuf[BUFSIZE];
   char *privs;
   time_t nowr;

   /* Header */
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " ");
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_CHKHEAD, "user", acptr->cli_name);
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " ");

   ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "           Nick:: %s (%s%s)", acptr->cli_name, NumNick(acptr));
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   if (MyUser(acptr))
      ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf),  "      Signed on:: %s", myctime(acptr->cli_firsttime));
      send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "      Timestamp:: %s (%d)", myctime(acptr->cli_lastnick), acptr->cli_lastnick);
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "  User/Hostmask:: %s@%s (%s)", acptr->cli_user->username, acptr->cli_user->host,
   ircd_ntoa((const char*) &(cli_ip(acptr))));
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   if (((feature_int(FEAT_HOST_HIDING_STYLE) == 1) ? HasHiddenHost(acptr) : IsHiddenHost(acptr)) || IsSetHost(acptr))
      ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), " Real User/Host:: %s@%s", acptr->cli_user->realusername, acptr->cli_user->realhost);
      send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "      Real Name:: %s%c", cli_info(acptr), COLOR_OFF);
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   if (IsService(cli_user(acptr)->server)) {
     if (acptr)
       send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "         Status:: Network Service");
     else if (IsAdmin(acptr))
       send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "         Status:: IRC Administrator (service)");
     else if (IsAnOper(acptr))
       send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "         Status:: IRC Operator (service)");
       send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "         Status:: Client (service)");
   } else if (IsAdmin(acptr)) {
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "         Status:: IRC Administrator");
   } else if (IsAnOper(acptr)) {
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "         Status:: IRC Operator");
   } else {
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "         Status:: Client");

   if (MyUser(acptr)) {
     ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "          Class:: %s", get_client_class(acptr));
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   privs = client_print_privs(acptr);
   if (strlen(privs) > 1)
     client_check_privs(acptr, sptr);

   ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "   Connected to:: %s", cli_name(acptr->cli_user->server));
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   if (cli_version(acptr)) {
     if (strlen(cli_version(acptr)) > 0) {
       ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "   CTCP Version:: %s", cli_version(acptr));
       send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   if (cli_user(acptr) && !EmptyString(cli_user(acptr)->swhois)) {
     ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "         SWHOIS:: %s", cli_user(acptr)->swhois);
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   if (cli_webirc(acptr)) {
     if (strlen(cli_webirc(acptr)) > 0) {
       ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "         WebIRC:: %s", cli_webirc(acptr));
       send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   if (cli_sslclifp(acptr) && (strlen(cli_sslclifp(acptr)) > 0)) {
     ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "SSL Fingerprint:: %s", cli_sslclifp(acptr));
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   if (MyUser(acptr))
     get_eflags(sptr, acptr);

   /* +s (SERV_NOTICE) is not relayed to us from remote servers,
    * so we cannot tell if a remote client has that mode set.
    * And hacking it onto the end of the output of umode_str is EVIL BAD AND WRONG
    * (and breaks if the user is +r) so we won't do that either.

   if (strlen(umode_str(acptr)) < 1)
      strcpy(outbuf, "       Umode(s):: <none>");
      ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "       Umode(s):: +%s", umode_str(acptr));

   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   if (acptr->cli_user->joined == 0)
      send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "     Channel(s):: <none>");
   else if (acptr->cli_user->joined > 50) 

      /* NB. As a sanity check, we DO NOT show the individual channels the
       *     client is on if it is on > 50 channels.  This is to prevent the ircd
       *     barfing ala Uworld when someone does /quote check Q :).. (I shouldn't imagine
       *     an Oper would want to see every single channel 'x' client is on anyway if
       *     they are on *that* many).

      ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "     Channel(s):: - (total: %u)", acptr->cli_user->joined);
      send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);
      char chntext[BUFSIZE];
      int len = strlen("     Channel(s):: ");
      int mlen = strlen(me.cli_name) + len + strlen(sptr->cli_name);
      *chntext = '\0';

      strcpy(chntext, "     Channel(s):: ");
      for (lp = acptr->cli_user->channel; lp; lp = lp->next_channel) {
         chptr = lp->channel;
         if (len + strlen(chptr->chname) + mlen > BUFSIZE - 5) {
            send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, chntext);
            *chntext = '\0';
            strcpy(chntext, "     Channel(s):: ");
            len = strlen(chntext);
         if (IsDeaf(acptr))
            *(chntext + len++) = '-';
         if (is_chan_op(acptr, chptr))
            *(chntext + len++) = '@';
         if (is_half_op(acptr, chptr))
            *(chntext + len++) = '%';
         if (IsOper(sptr) && !ShowChannel(sptr,chptr))
            *(chntext + len++) = '*';
         if (IsZombie(lp))
            *(chntext + len++) = '!';
         if (len)
            *(chntext + len) = '\0';

         strcpy(chntext + len, chptr->chname);
         len += strlen(chptr->chname);
         strcat(chntext + len, " ");

      if (chntext[0] != '\0')
        send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, chntext);

   /* If client processing command ISN'T target (or a registered
    * Network Service), show idle time since the last time we
    * parsed something.
   if (MyUser(acptr) && !(IsService(acptr) == -1) && !(strCasediff(acptr->cli_name, sptr->cli_name) == 0)) {
      nowr = CurrentTime - acptr->cli_user->last;
      ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "       Idle for:: %d days, %02ld:%02ld:%02ld",
         nowr / 86400, (nowr / 3600) % 24, (nowr / 60) % 60, nowr % 60);
      send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   /* Away message (if applicable) */
   if (acptr->cli_user->away) {
      ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "   Away message:: %s", acptr->cli_user->away);
      send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   /* If local user.. */

   if (MyUser(acptr)) {
      send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " ");
      ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "          Ports:: %d -> %d (client -> server)",
         cli_port(acptr), cli_listener(acptr)->port);
      send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);
      if (feature_bool(FEAT_CHECK_EXTENDED)) {
        /* Note: sendq = receiveq for a client (it makes sense really) */
        ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "      Data sent:: %u.%0.3u Kb (%u protocol messages)",
           cli_receiveK(acptr), cli_receiveB(acptr), cli_receiveM(acptr));
        send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);                          
        ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "  Data received:: %u.%0.3u Kb (%u protocol messages)",
           cli_sendK(acptr), cli_sendB(acptr), cli_sendM(acptr));                                       
        send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);
        ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "  receiveQ size:: %d bytes (max. %d bytes)",
           DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(acptr))), feature_int(FEAT_CLIENT_FLOOD));
        send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);
        ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "     sendQ size:: %d bytes (max. %d bytes)",
           DBufLength(&(cli_sendQ(acptr))), get_sendq(acptr));                                
        send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);                
   /* Send 'END OF CHECK' message */
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_ENDOFCHECK, " ");
Beispiel #6
 * m_who - generic message handler
 *  parv[0] = sender prefix
 *  parv[1] = nickname mask list
 *  parv[2] = additional selection flag, only 'o' for now.
 *            and %flags to specify what fields to output
 *            plus a ,querytype if the t flag is specified
 *            so the final thing will be like o%tnchu,777
 *  parv[3] = _optional_ parameter that overrides parv[1]
 *            This can be used as "/quote who foo % :The Black Hacker
 *            to find me, parv[3] _can_ contain spaces !.
int m_who(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[])
  char *mask;           /* The mask we are looking for              */
  char ch;                      /* Scratch char register                    */
  struct Channel *chptr;                /* Channel to show                          */
  struct Client *acptr;         /* Client to show                           */

  int bitsel;                   /* Mask of selectors to apply               */
  int matchsel;                 /* Wich fields the match should apply on    */
  int counter;                  /* Query size counter,
                                   initially used to count fields           */
  int commas;                   /* Does our mask contain any comma ?
                                   If so is a list..                        */
  int fields;                   /* Mask of fields to show                   */
  int isthere = 0;              /* When this set the user is member of chptr */
  char *nick;                   /* Single element extracted from
                                   the mask list                            */
  char *p;                      /* Scratch char pointer                     */
  char *qrt;                    /* Pointer to the query type                */
  static char mymask[512];      /* To save the mask before corrupting it    */
  unsigned int who_marker;      /* Used to mark clients we've touched       */

  /* Let's find where is our mask, and if actually contains something */
  mask = ((parc > 1) ? parv[1] : 0);
  if (parc > 3 && parv[3])
    mask = parv[3];
  if (mask && ((mask[0] == '\0') ||
      (mask[1] == '\0' && ((mask[0] == '0') || (mask[0] == '*')))))
    mask = 0;

  /* Evaluate the flags now, we consider the second parameter 
     as "matchFlags%fieldsToInclude,querytype"           */
  bitsel = fields = counter = matchsel = 0;
  qrt = 0;
  if (parc > 2 && parv[2] && *parv[2])
    p = parv[2];
    while (((ch = *(p++))) && (ch != '%') && (ch != ','))
      switch (ch)
        case 'o':
        case 'O':
          bitsel |= WHOSELECT_OPER;
        case 'x':
        case 'X':
          if (HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_WHOX))
	    log_write(LS_WHO, L_INFO, LOG_NOSNOTICE, "%#C WHO %s %s", sptr,
		      (BadPtr(parv[3]) ? parv[1] : parv[3]), parv[2]);
            bitsel |= WHOSELECT_EXTRA;
        case 'n':
        case 'N':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_NIC;
        case 'u':
        case 'U':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_UID;
        case 'h':
        case 'H':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_HOS;
        case 'i':
        case 'I':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_NIP;
        case 's':
        case 'S':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_SER;
        case 'r':
        case 'R':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_REN;
        case 'a':
        case 'A':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_ACC;
    if (ch == '%')
      while ((ch = *p++) && (ch != ','))
        switch (ch)
          case 'c':
          case 'C':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_CHA;
          case 'd':
          case 'D':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_DIS;
          case 'f':
          case 'F':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_FLA;
          case 'h':
          case 'H':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_HOS;
          case 'i':
          case 'I':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_NIP;
          case 'l':
          case 'L':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_IDL;
          case 'n':
          case 'N':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_NIC;
          case 'r':
          case 'R':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_REN;
          case 's':
          case 'S':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_SER;
          case 't':
          case 'T':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_QTY;
          case 'u':
          case 'U':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_UID;
          case 'a':
          case 'A':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_ACC;
    if (ch)
      qrt = p;

  if (!matchsel)
    matchsel = WHO_FIELD_DEF;
  if (!fields)
    counter = 7;

  if (feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_WHO_SERVERNAME) && !IsAnOper(sptr))
    matchsel &= ~WHO_FIELD_SER;

  if (qrt && (fields & WHO_FIELD_QTY))
    p = qrt;
    if (!((*p > '9') || (*p < '0')))
    if (!((*p > '9') || (*p < '0')))
    if (!((*p > '9') || (*p < '0')))
    *p = '\0';
    qrt = 0;

  /* I'd love to add also a check on the number of matches fields per time */
  counter = (2048 / (counter + 4));
  if (mask && (strlen(mask) > 510))
    mask[510] = '\0';
  who_marker = get_client_marker();
  commas = (mask && strchr(mask, ','));

  /* First treat mask as a list of plain nicks/channels */
  if (mask)
    strcpy(mymask, mask);
    for (p = 0, nick = ircd_strtok(&p, mymask, ","); nick;
        nick = ircd_strtok(&p, 0, ","))
      if (IsChannelName(nick) && (chptr = FindChannel(nick)))
        isthere = (find_channel_member(sptr, chptr) != 0);
        if (isthere || SEE_CHANNEL(sptr, chptr, bitsel))
          struct Membership* member;
          for (member = chptr->members; member; member = member->next_member)
            acptr = member->user;
            if ((bitsel & WHOSELECT_OPER) && !SeeOper(sptr,acptr))
            if ((acptr != sptr) && (member->status & CHFL_ZOMBIE))
            if (!(isthere || (SEE_USER(sptr, acptr, bitsel))))
            if (!Process(acptr))        /* This can't be moved before other checks */
            if (!(isthere ||
                 (IsOper(sptr) && (bitsel & WHOSELECT_EXTRA) && HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_SEE_CHAN)) ||
                 (SHOW_MORE(sptr, counter))))
            do_who(sptr, acptr, chptr, fields, qrt);
        if ((acptr = FindUser(nick)) &&
            ((!(bitsel & WHOSELECT_OPER)) || SeeOper(sptr,acptr)) &&
            Process(acptr) && SHOW_MORE(sptr, counter))
          do_who(sptr, acptr, 0, fields, qrt);

  /* If we didn't have any comma in the mask treat it as a
     real mask and try to match all relevant fields */
  if (!(commas || (counter < 1)))
    int minlen, cset;
    static struct in_mask imask;
    if (mask)
      matchcomp(mymask, &minlen, &cset, mask);
      if (matchcompIP(&imask, mask))
        matchsel &= ~WHO_FIELD_NIP;
      if ((minlen > NICKLEN) || !(cset & NTL_IRCNK))
        matchsel &= ~WHO_FIELD_NIC;
      if ((matchsel & WHO_FIELD_SER) &&
          ((minlen > HOSTLEN) || (!(cset & NTL_IRCHN))
          || (!markMatchexServer(mymask, minlen))))
        matchsel &= ~WHO_FIELD_SER;
      if ((minlen > USERLEN) || !(cset & NTL_IRCUI))
        matchsel &= ~WHO_FIELD_UID;
      if ((minlen > HOSTLEN) || !(cset & NTL_IRCHN))
        matchsel &= ~WHO_FIELD_HOS;

    /* First of all loop through the clients in common channels */
    if ((!(counter < 1)) && matchsel) {
      struct Membership* member;
      struct Membership* chan;
      for (chan = cli_user(sptr)->channel; chan; chan = chan->next_channel) {
        chptr = chan->channel;
        for (member = chptr->members; member; member = member->next_member)
          acptr = member->user;
          if (!(IsUser(acptr) && Process(acptr)))
            continue;           /* Now Process() is at the beginning, if we fail
                                   we'll never have to show this acptr in this query */
	  if ((bitsel & WHOSELECT_OPER) && !SeeOper(sptr,acptr))
          if ((mask) &&
              ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_NIC))
              || matchexec(cli_name(acptr), mymask, minlen))
              && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_UID))
              || matchexec(cli_user(acptr)->username, mymask, minlen))
              && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_SER))
              || (!HasFlag(cli_user(acptr)->server, FLAG_MAP)))
              && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_HOS))
              || matchexec(cli_user(acptr)->host, mymask, minlen))
              && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_HOS))
	      || !HasSetHost(acptr)
	      || !HasHiddenHost(acptr)
	      || !IsAnOper(sptr)
              || matchexec(cli_user(acptr)->realhost, mymask, minlen))
              && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_REN))
              || matchexec(cli_info(acptr), mymask, minlen))
              && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_NIP))
	      || ((HasHiddenHost(acptr) || HasSetHost(acptr)) && !IsAnOper(sptr))
              || ((((cli_ip(acptr).s_addr & imask.mask.s_addr) !=
              imask.bits.s_addr)) || (imask.fall
              && matchexec(ircd_ntoa((const char*) &(cli_ip(acptr))), mymask, minlen)))))
          if (!SHOW_MORE(sptr, counter))
          do_who(sptr, acptr, chptr, fields, qrt);
    /* Loop through all clients :-\, if we still have something to match to 
       and we can show more clients */
    if ((!(counter < 1)) && matchsel)
      for (acptr = cli_prev(&me); acptr; acptr = cli_prev(acptr))
        if (!(IsUser(acptr) && Process(acptr)))
	if ((bitsel & WHOSELECT_OPER) && !SeeOper(sptr,acptr))
        if (!(SEE_USER(sptr, acptr, bitsel)))
        if ((mask) &&
            ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_NIC))
            || matchexec(cli_name(acptr), mymask, minlen))
            && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_UID))
            || matchexec(cli_user(acptr)->username, mymask, minlen))
            && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_SER))
            || (!HasFlag(cli_user(acptr)->server, FLAG_MAP)))
            && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_HOS))
            || matchexec(cli_user(acptr)->host, mymask, minlen))
            && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_HOS))
	    || !HasSetHost(acptr)
	    || !HasHiddenHost(acptr)
	    || !IsAnOper(sptr)
            || matchexec(cli_user(acptr)->realhost, mymask, minlen))
            && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_REN))
            || matchexec(cli_info(acptr), mymask, minlen))
            && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_NIP))
	    || (HasHiddenHost(acptr) && !IsAnOper(sptr))
            || ((((cli_ip(acptr).s_addr & imask.mask.s_addr) != imask.bits.s_addr))
            || (imask.fall
            && matchexec(ircd_ntoa((const char*) &(cli_ip(acptr))), mymask, minlen)))))
        if (!SHOW_MORE(sptr, counter))
        do_who(sptr, acptr, 0, fields, qrt);

  /* Make a clean mask suitable to be sent in the "end of" */
  if (mask && (p = strchr(mask, ' ')))
    *p = '\0';
  send_reply(sptr, RPL_ENDOFWHO, BadPtr(mask) ? "*" : mask);

  /* Notify the user if we decided that his query was too long */
  if (counter < 0)
    send_reply(sptr, ERR_QUERYTOOLONG, "WHO");

  return 0;
Beispiel #7
 * The function that actually prints out the WHO reply for a client found
void do_who(struct Client* sptr, struct Client* acptr, struct Channel* repchan,
            int fields, char* qrt)
  char *p1;
  struct Channel *chptr = repchan;

  static char buf1[512];
  /* NOTE: with current fields list and sizes this _cannot_ overrun, 
     and also the message finally sent shouldn't ever be truncated */

  p1 = buf1;
  buf1[1] = '\0';

  /* If we don't have a channel and we need one... try to find it,
     unless the listing is for a channel service, we already know
     that there are no common channels, thus use PubChannel and not
     SeeChannel */
  if (!chptr && (!fields || (fields & (WHO_FIELD_CHA | WHO_FIELD_FLA))) &&
    struct Membership* chan;
    for (chan = cli_user(acptr)->channel; chan && !chptr; chan = chan->next_channel)
      if (PubChannel(chan->channel) &&
          (acptr == sptr || !IsZombie(chan)))
        chptr = chan->channel;

  /* Place the fields one by one in the buffer and send it
     note that fields == NULL means "default query" */

  if (fields & WHO_FIELD_QTY)   /* Query type */
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    if (BadPtr(qrt))
      *(p1++) = '0';
      while ((*qrt) && (*(p1++) = *(qrt++)));

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_CHA))
    char *p2;
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    if ((p2 = (chptr ? chptr->chname : NULL)))
      while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));
      *(p1++) = '*';

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_UID))
    char *p2 = cli_user(acptr)->username;
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  if (fields & WHO_FIELD_NIP)
    const char* p2 = IsHiddenHost(acptr) && (!IsViewip(sptr) && acptr != sptr) ?
      feature_str(FEAT_HIDDEN_IP) :
      ircd_ntoa((const char*) &(cli_ip(acptr)));
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_HOS))
	char *p2 = (IsViewip(sptr) || acptr == sptr) ? get_realhost(acptr) : get_virtualhost(acptr);
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_SER))
    char *p2;
    int haspriv = IsAnOper(sptr) || es_representante(sptr);
    if (IsMe(cli_user(acptr)->server))
      if ((sptr != acptr) && feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_WHO_SERVERNAME) && !haspriv)
        p2 = (char *)feature_str(FEAT_HIS_SERVERNAME);
        p2 = cli_name(&me);
      if (IsHiddenserv(cli_user(acptr)->server) && !haspriv)
        p2 = (char *)feature_str(FEAT_HIS_SERVERNAME);
        p2 = cli_name(cli_user(acptr)->server);
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_NIC))
    char *p2 = cli_name(acptr);
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_FLA))
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    if (cli_user(acptr)->away)
      *(p1++) = 'G';
      *(p1++) = 'H';
    if ((IsAnOper(acptr) || es_representante(acptr) || IsPreoper(acptr))/* &&
	(HasPriv(acptr, PRIV_DISPLAY) || HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_SEE_OPERS))*/)
      *(p1++) = '*';
    if (fields) {
      /* If you specified flags then we assume you know how to parse
       * multiple channel status flags, as this is currently the only
       * way to know if someone has @'s *and* is +'d.
      if (chptr && is_chan_op(acptr, chptr))
        *(p1++) = '@';
      if (chptr && has_voice(acptr, chptr))
        *(p1++) = '+';
	  if (chptr && is_chan_halfop(acptr, chptr))
		*(p1++) = '%';
	  if (chptr && is_chan_owner(acptr, chptr))
		*(p1++) = '.';
      if (chptr && is_zombie(acptr, chptr))
        *(p1++) = '!';
    else {
      if (chptr && is_chan_op(acptr, chptr))
        *(p1++) = '@';
      else if (chptr && has_voice(acptr, chptr))
        *(p1++) = '+';
      else if (chptr && is_zombie(acptr, chptr))
        *(p1++) = '!';
	  else if (chptr && is_chan_halfop(acptr, chptr))
		*(p1++) = '%';
	  else if (chptr && is_chan_owner(acptr, chptr))
		*(p1++) = '.';
    if (IsDeaf(acptr))
      *(p1++) = 'd';
    if (IsAnOper(sptr))
      if (IsInvisible(acptr))
        *(p1++) = 'i';
      if (SendWallops(acptr))
        *(p1++) = 'w';
      if (SendDebug(acptr))
        *(p1++) = 'g';
    if (HasHiddenHost(acptr))
      *(p1++) = 'x';
    if (IsAnOper(acptr))
      *(p1++) = 'o';
	if (IsPreoper(acptr))
	  *(p1++) = 'p';
	if (IsHelpOp(acptr))
	  *(p1++) = 'h';
	if (IsCoadmin(acptr))
	  *(p1++) = 'a';
	if (IsAdmin(acptr))
	  *(p1++) = 'A';
	if (IsDevel(acptr))
	  *(p1++) = 'D';
	if (IsViewip(acptr))
	  *(p1++) = 'X';

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_DIS))
    *p1++ = ' ';
    if (!fields)
      *p1++ = ':';              /* Place colon here for default reply */
    if (feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_WHO_HOPCOUNT) && !IsAnOper(sptr))
      *p1++ = (sptr == acptr) ? '0' : '3';
      /* three digit hopcount maximum */
      p1 += ircd_snprintf(0, p1, 3, "%d", cli_hopcount(acptr));

  if (fields & WHO_FIELD_IDL)
    *p1++ = ' ';
    if (MyUser(acptr)) {
	    p1 += ircd_snprintf(0, p1, 11, "%d",
				CurrentTime - cli_user(acptr)->last);
    else {
    	    *p1++ = '0';

  if (!fields || (fields & WHO_FIELD_REN))
    char *p2 = cli_info(acptr);
    *p1++ = ' ';
    if (fields)
      *p1++ = ':';              /* Place colon here for special reply */
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  if (fields & WHO_FIELD_ACC)
    char *p2 = cli_user(acptr)->account;
    *(p1++) = ' ';
    while ((*p2) && (*(p1++) = *(p2++)));

  /* The first char will always be an useless blank and we 
     need to terminate buf1 */
  *p1 = '\0';
  p1 = buf1;
  send_reply(sptr, fields ? RPL_WHOSPCRPL : RPL_WHOREPLY, ++p1);
Beispiel #8
 * Send whois information for acptr to sptr
static void do_whois(struct Client* sptr, struct Client *acptr, int parc)
  struct Client *a2cptr=0;
  struct Channel *chptr=0;
  int mlen;
  int len;
  static char buf[512];
  const struct User* user = cli_user(acptr);
  const char* name = (!*(cli_name(acptr))) ? "?" : cli_name(acptr);  
  a2cptr = feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_WHOIS_SERVERNAME) && !IsAnOper(sptr)
      && sptr != acptr ? &his : user->server;
  send_reply(sptr, RPL_WHOISUSER, name, user->username, user->host,

  /* Display the channels this user is on. */
  if (!IsChannelService(acptr))
    struct Membership* chan;
    mlen = strlen(cli_name(&me)) + strlen(cli_name(sptr)) + 12 + strlen(name);
    len = 0;
    *buf = '\0';
    for (chan = user->channel; chan; chan = chan->next_channel)
       chptr = chan->channel;
       if (!ShowChannel(sptr, chptr)
           && !(IsOper(sptr) && IsLocalChannel(chptr->chname)))

       if (acptr != sptr && IsZombie(chan))

       /* Don't show local channels when HIS is defined, unless it's a
	* remote WHOIS --ULtimaTe_
       if (IsLocalChannel(chptr->chname) && (acptr != sptr) && (parc == 2)
           && feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_WHOIS_LOCALCHAN) && !IsAnOper(sptr))

       if (len+strlen(chptr->chname) + mlen > BUFSIZE - 5)
          send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_WHOISCHANNELS, "%s :%s", name, buf);
          *buf = '\0';
          len = 0;
       if (IsDeaf(acptr))
         *(buf + len++) = '-';
       if (!ShowChannel(sptr, chptr))
         *(buf + len++) = '*';
       if (IsDelayedJoin(chan) && (sptr != acptr))
         *(buf + len++) = '<';
       else if (IsChanOp(chan))
         *(buf + len++) = '@';
       else if (HasVoice(chan))
         *(buf + len++) = '+';
       else if (IsZombie(chan))
         *(buf + len++) = '!';
       if (len)
          *(buf + len) = '\0';
       strcpy(buf + len, chptr->chname);
       len += strlen(chptr->chname);
       strcat(buf + len, " ");
     if (buf[0] != '\0')
        send_reply(sptr, RPL_WHOISCHANNELS, name, buf);

  send_reply(sptr, RPL_WHOISSERVER, name, cli_name(a2cptr),

  if (user)
    if (user->away)
       send_reply(sptr, RPL_AWAY, name, user->away);

    if (SeeOper(sptr,acptr))
       send_reply(sptr, RPL_WHOISOPERATOR, name);

    if (IsAccount(acptr))
      send_reply(sptr, RPL_WHOISACCOUNT, name, user->account);

    if (HasHiddenHost(acptr) && (IsAnOper(sptr) || acptr == sptr))
      send_reply(sptr, RPL_WHOISACTUALLY, name, user->username,
                 user->realhost, ircd_ntoa(&cli_ip(acptr)));

    /* Hint: if your looking to add more flags to a user, eg +h, here's
     *       probably a good place to add them :)

    if (MyConnect(acptr) && (!feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_WHOIS_IDLETIME) ||
                             (sptr == acptr || IsAnOper(sptr) || parc >= 3)))
       send_reply(sptr, RPL_WHOISIDLE, name, CurrentTime - user->last,