Beispiel #1
void BeeHive::MakeCross (int radius, const Hexagon& center, vector<Hexagon>& cross, ccColor4F color)
    cross.push_back (center);
    for (int i = -radius; i <= radius; ++i)
        if (i == 0)continue;
        int x = i;
        int z = -i;
        int y = -x - z;
        cross.push_back (Hexagon (x, y, color) += center);
        cross.push_back (Hexagon (y, z, color) += center);
        cross.push_back (Hexagon (x, z, color) += center);
Beispiel #2
int main() {
   char line[100];
   int points[6], row[6], col[6];
   int i, n, isvalid;

   while (gets(line), strlen(line)) {
      n = sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %d %d %d", points, points+1, points+2,
		 points+3, points+4, points+5);

      for (i=0; i<n; i++) printf("%d ", points[i]);
      qsort(points, n, sizeof(int), Cmp);
      for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
	 RowCol(points[i], row+i, col+i);
      isvalid = (n==3) ? Triangle(row, col) :
	        (n==4) ? Parallelogram(row, col) :
		(n==6) ? Hexagon(row, col) :
      printf("are %sthe vertices of %s\n",
	     isvalid ? "" : "not ",
	     !isvalid ? "an acceptable figure" :
	     n==3 ? "a triangle" :
	     n==4 ? "a parallelogram" : "a hexagon");

   return 0;
Beispiel #3
void BeeHive::MakeSolidHex (int radius, const Hexagon& center, vector<Hexagon>& hexagons, ccColor4F color)
    for (int q = radius; q >= -radius; --q)
        for (int r = -radius; r <= radius; ++r)
            if (abs (r) <= radius && abs (q) <= radius && abs (-q - r) <= radius)
                hexagons.push_back (Hexagon (q, r, color) += center);
Beispiel #4
// on "init" you need to initialize your instance
bool HelloWorld::init()
    // 1. super init first
    if (!CCLayer::init())
        return false;
    CCSize s = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();

    field.setZeroPoint (s.width / 6, s.height / 4);
    line.CopyCoordinate (field);
    intersection.CopyCoordinate (field);
    intersection.setMask (&field.hexagones);
    HexCoordinate h;
    BeeHive::MakeRingHex (1, HexZero, h.hexagones, ccc4f (0, 1, 1, 1));
    //test direction

    //  field.MakeLine(Hexagon(-15, 10), Hexagon(8, -15), ccc4f(1, 0, 0, 1));
    //  field.MakeCross(3, Hexagon(10, 10), ccc4f(1, 1, 0, 1));
    // field.MakeSolidHex(3, Hexagon(-10, 10), ccc4f(1, 0, 1, 1));
    // field.MakeRingHex(3, Hexagon(-10, -10), ccc4f(0, 1, 1, 1));
    // field.MakeRingHexes(3, 4, Hexagon(10, -10), ccc4f(0, 0, 1, 1));
    field.MakeRect2(9, 7, Hexagon(0, 0), ccc4f(1, 0, 0.5, 1));

    // field.MakeRect2 (11, 7, Hexagon (5, -10), ccc4f (1, 0, 0.5, 1));

    field.hexagones.push_back (Hexagon (20, 10, ccc4f (1, 1, 0.5, 1)));

    HexCoordinate for_intersect;
    for_intersect.MakeRect (11, 7, Hexagon (5, -10), ccc4f (1, 0, 0.5, 1));
    field.InterSect (for_intersect.hexagones);
    field.hexagones.push_back (Hexagon (15, 15, ccc4f (0.5, 1, 0, 1)));

    setTouchMode (kCCTouchesOneByOne);
    return true;
Beispiel #5
// Get the hexagon at position x, y.  If it doesn't exist, create it.
// Never returns NULL.
Hexagon *HexGrid::getHexagon(int x, int y)
    // Stick a hexagon into the map if necessary.
    HexMap::value_type hexpair(Hexagon::key(x, y), Hexagon(x, y));
    std::pair<HexMap::iterator,bool> retval;
    retval = m_hexes.insert(hexpair);
    HexMap::iterator it = retval.first;

    Hexagon *hex_p = &(it->second);

    // Return a pointer to the located hexagon.
    return hex_p;
Beispiel #6
void BeeHive::MakeRingHex (int radius, const Hexagon& center, vector<Hexagon>& ring, ccColor4F color)
    for (int q = -radius; q <= radius; ++q)
        for (int r = -radius; r <= radius; ++r)
            if (max (max (abs (q), abs (r)), abs (-q - r)) == radius)
                ring.push_back (Hexagon (q, r, color) += center);
Beispiel #7
//  first point (origin) and start of column 0
//   |
//   |
//   |  ------- column 0
//   |  |
//   |  |   end of column 0 - start of column 1
//   |  |   |
//   |  v   |                             _____
//   v____  v                            |\    |
//   /    \                              | \   |  Here's an expansion of what
//  / 0,0  \____                         |  \  |  I'm calling a mini-column,
//  \      /    \                        |   \ |  showing two half rows.
//   \____/ 1,0  \                       |____\|
//   /    \      /                       |    /|  The top rectangle is the
//  / 0,1  \____/                        |   / |  negative slope case and
//  \      /    \                        |  /  |  the lower rectangle is the
//   \____/      \                       | /   |  positive slope case.
//                                       |/____|
//        ** <--  The area above these
//                asterisks are the "mini-column"
//                The mini-column is 1/3 the total width of the column.
// We are creating a tesselated plane of hexagons where one side of each
// hexagon is parallel with the X axis.  We think of the columns of
// hexagons as all having the same X value.  Hexagons lower than their
// neighbor have successive Y values.
// The hexagon in the second column but just below the hexagon in the first
// column as the same Y value as the hexagon above and to the left.  The third
// column's Y values are the one less than the hexagon below and to the left
// as the second column.
// The first point, whatever it's X/Y location, is made the origin, and is
// placed at the top-left edge of hexagon 0,0.
Hexagon *HexGrid::findHexagon(Point p)
    int x, y;

    if (m_hexes.empty())
        m_origin = p;
        // Make a hex at the origin and insert it.  Return a pointer
        // to the hexagon in the map.
        HexMap::value_type hexpair(Hexagon::key(0, 0), Hexagon(0, 0));
        HexMap::iterator it = m_hexes.insert(hexpair).first;
        return &it->second;

    // Offset by the origin.
    p -= m_origin;

    double col = p.m_x / m_width;

    // First calculate X and Y as if we had a bunch of offset rectangles.
    // This works for 2/3 of the width of the hexagons.
    x = (int)floor(col);
    if (x % 2 == 0)
        y = static_cast<int>(floor(p.m_y / m_height));
        y = static_cast<int>(floor((p.m_y - (m_height / 2)) / m_height));

    // Compute the column remainder to determine if we are in a strip where
    // the hexagons overlap (the mini-column).
    double xcolOffset = col - floor(col);
    if (xcolOffset > 2.0/3.0)
        // Calculate the xvalue as a fraction of the width of the column-piece
        // containing multiple hex columns.  These overlap columns are 1/3
        // the total width of any column.

        // Subtract the 2/3 of the value not relevant to the mini-column.
        xcolOffset -= 2.0/3.0;
        // Scale the value to the width of the mini-column.
        xcolOffset *= 3.0;

        // Each halfrow contains a single sloping edge of a hexagon.
        // The slope of the edge is either sqrt(3) or -sqrt(3).  The edge
        // extends from top left to lower right or from bottom left to top
        // right.  What we do here is compute the horizontal fraction of
        // the box (xcolOffset) and the vertical fraction of the box
        // (yrowOffset) and then compare them.
        double halfrow = p.m_y / (m_height / 2);
        int halfy = (int)halfrow;
        double yrowOffset = halfrow - floor(halfrow);

        // Negative slope case.
        if ((halfy % 2 == 0 && x % 2 == 0) || (x % 2 && halfy % 2))
            if (xcolOffset > yrowOffset)
                if (x % 2 == 0)
        // Positive slope case.
            if (yrowOffset > xcolOffset)
                if (x % 2)
    return getHexagon(x, y);