Beispiel #1
//	IN_ReadControl() - Reads the device associated with the specified
//		player and fills in the control info struct
void IN_ReadControl(int player,ControlInfo *info)
			boolean		realdelta = false;
			word		buttons;
			int			dx,dy;
			Motion		mx,my;
			ControlType	type;
			KeyboardDef	*def;

	dx = dy = 0;
	mx = my = motion_None;
	buttons = 0;


		switch (type = Controls[player])
		case ctrl_Keyboard:
			def = &KbdDefs;

			if (Keyboard[def->upleft])
				mx = motion_Left,my = motion_Up;
			else if (Keyboard[def->upright])
				mx = motion_Right,my = motion_Up;
			else if (Keyboard[def->downleft])
				mx = motion_Left,my = motion_Down;
			else if (Keyboard[def->downright])
				mx = motion_Right,my = motion_Down;

			if (Keyboard[def->up])
				my = motion_Up;
			else if (Keyboard[def->down])
				my = motion_Down;

			if (Keyboard[def->left])
				mx = motion_Left;
			else if (Keyboard[def->right])
				mx = motion_Right;

			if (Keyboard[def->button0])
				buttons += 1 << 0;
			if (Keyboard[def->button1])
				buttons += 1 << 1;
			realdelta = false;
		case ctrl_Joystick1:
		case ctrl_Joystick2:
			INL_GetJoyDelta(type - ctrl_Joystick,&dx,&dy);
			buttons = INL_GetJoyButtons(type - ctrl_Joystick);
			realdelta = true;
		case ctrl_Mouse:
			buttons = IN_MouseButtons();
			realdelta = true;

	if (realdelta)
		if(dx || dy != 0)
		mx = (dx < -20)? motion_Left : ((dx > 20)? motion_Right : motion_None);
		my = (dy < -20)? motion_Up : ((dy > 20)? motion_Down : motion_None);
		dx = mx * 127;
		dy = my * 127;

	info->x = dx;
	info->xaxis = mx;
	info->y = dy;
	info->yaxis = my;
	info->button0 = buttons & (1 << 0);
	info->button1 = buttons & (1 << 1);
	info->button2 = buttons & (1 << 2);
	info->button3 = buttons & (1 << 3);
	info->dir = DirTable[((my + 1) * 3) + (mx + 1)];
Beispiel #2
byte IN_JoyButtons()
	return ((INL_GetJoyButtons(0) << 0) | (INL_GetJoyButtons(1) << 2));