Beispiel #1
IddFile IddFile::catchallIddFile() {
  IddFile result;
  return result;
Beispiel #2
bool ImfFile::m_load(std::istream& is) {

  // keep track of line number in the Idf
  int lineNum = 0;

  // number of object in the Idf, 1 is first object
  int objectNum = 0;

  // temp string to read file
  std::string line;

  // this will contain matches to regular expressions
  boost::smatch matches;

  // keep running comment
  std::string comment;

  // keep track of the current section
  std::string section = "";

  // get CommentOnly IddObject
  OptionalIddObject commentOnlyIddObject;
  commentOnlyIddObject = IddFactory::instance().getObject(IddObjectType::CommentOnly);

  // Use a boost filter to make sure that no matter what line endings come in,
  // they are converted to what is expected by the current os
  boost::iostreams::filtering_istream filt;

//  filt.push(boost::iostreams::newline_filter(boost::iostreams::newline::dos));

  // read the rest of the file line by line
  // todo, do this by regex
  while (getline(filt, line)) {

    if (boost::regex_match(line, idfRegex::commentOnlyLine())){
      // continue comment
      comment += (line + idfRegex::newLinestring());

    else if (boost::regex_match(line, commentRegex::whitespaceOnlyLine())){

      // end comment

      if (!comment.empty()){
        // make a comment only object to hold the comment
        OptionalIdfObject commentOnlyObject;
        commentOnlyObject = IdfObject::load(commentOnlyIddObject->name() + ";" + comment,

        // put it in the object list

      //clear out comment
      comment = "";


    else if (boost::regex_search(line, matches, idfRegex::imfSection())){

      // end comment

      if (!comment.empty()){
        // make a comment only object to hold the comment
        OptionalIddObject commentOnlyIddObject = IddFactory::instance().getObject(IddObjectType::CommentOnly);

        OptionalIdfObject commentOnlyObject;
        commentOnlyObject = IdfObject::load(commentOnlyIddObject->name() + ";" + comment,

        // put it in the object list

      //clear out comment
      comment = "";

      // get the new imf section
      section = std::string(matches[1].first, matches[1].second); boost::trim(section);

    else if (boost::regex_search(line, matches, idfRegex::imfSectionEnd())) {
      // end comment

      if (!comment.empty()){
        // make a comment only object to hold the comment
        OptionalIdfObject commentOnlyObject;
        commentOnlyObject = IdfObject::load(commentOnlyIddObject->name() + ";" + comment,

        // put it in the object list

      //clear out comment
      comment = "";
    else { // IdfObject

      bool foundEndLine(false);

      // a valid Idf object to parse

      // peek at the object type and name for indexing in map
      std::string objectType;
      std::string objectName;
      //bool objectHasName(false);

      if (boost::regex_search(line, matches, idfRegex::objectTypeAndName())){
        objectType = std::string(matches[1].first, matches[1].second); boost::trim(objectType);
        objectName = std::string(matches[2].first, matches[2].second); boost::trim(objectType);
      else if (boost::regex_search(line, matches, idfRegex::line())){
        // doesn't match name, just type
        objectType = std::string(matches[1].first, matches[1].second); boost::trim(objectType);
        // can't figure out the object's type
        LOG(Warn, "Unrecognizable object type '" + line + "'. Defaulting to 'Catchall'.");
        objectType = "Catchall";

      // get the corresponding idd object entry
      OptionalIddObject iddObject = m_iddFileAndFactoryWrapper.getObject(objectType);
      if (!iddObject){
        LOG(Warn, "Cannot find object type '" + objectType + "' in Idd. Placing data in Catchall object.");
        iddObject = IddObject();
        objectType = "Catchall";

      // put the text for this object in a new string with a newline
      std::string text(line + idfRegex::newLinestring());

        // check if this line also matches closing line object
      if (boost::regex_match(line, idfRegex::objectEnd())){
        foundEndLine = true;

      // continue reading until we have seen the entire object
      // last line will be thrown away, requires empty line between objects in Idf
      while((!foundEndLine) && (std::getline(filt, line))){

        // add line to text, include newline separator
        text += (line + idfRegex::newLinestring());

        // check if we have found the last field
        if (boost::regex_match(line, idfRegex::objectEnd())){
            foundEndLine = true;

      // construct the object
      OptionalIdfObject object = IdfObject::load(text,*iddObject);
      if (!object) {
        LOG(Error,"Unable to construct IdfObject from text: " << std::endl << text 
            << std::endl << "Throwing this object out and parsing the remainder of the file.");

      // put it in the object list

  return true;
