std::vector<Plane_3> correctPlanes(const std::vector<Plane_3> &planes,
		const std::vector<EdgeInfo> &data)
	bool doEdgeScaling = (getenv("DISABLE_EDGE_SCALING") == nullptr);
	EdgeCorrector *EC = new EdgeCorrector(doEdgeScaling, planes, data);
	Ipopt::IpoptApplication *app = IpoptApplicationFactory();

	/* Intialize the IpoptApplication and process the options */
	if (app->Initialize() != Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded)
		MAIN_PRINT("*** Error during initialization!");

	/* Ask Ipopt to solve the problem */
	auto status = app->OptimizeTNLP(EC);
	if (status != Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded
		&& status != Ipopt::Solved_To_Acceptable_Level)
		MAIN_PRINT("** The problem FAILED!");

	MAIN_PRINT("*** The problem solved!");
	return EC->getResultingPlanes();
Beispiel #2
bool IASolverRelaxed::solve()
  // solve the nlp to get a non-integral solution, which we hope is close to a good integer solution    
  // adapted from HS071 ipopt example

  // p_norm set in constructor. 3 seems to work well, comes close to lex-max-min
  // smaller p has the effect of valuing the fidelity of shorter curves over longer curves more
  // larger p approaches min max
  IANlp *myianlp = new IANlp(iaData, iaSolution, silent);
  Ipopt::SmartPtr<TNLP> mynlp = myianlp; // Ipopt requires the use of smartptrs!
  Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::IpoptApplication> app = IpoptApplicationFactory();
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("tol", 1e-7); // 2 seems close enough, could do less, say .1
  app->Options()->SetStringValue("mu_strategy", "adaptive");
  // print level 0 to 12, most. Ipopt Default is 5
  int print_level = (silent) ? 0 : 1; // 1, 5
  // int print_level = 5;
  app->Options()->SetIntegerValue("print_level", print_level);  
  // uncomment next line to write the solution to an output file
  // app->Options()->SetStringValue("output_file", "IA.out");  
  // The following overwrites the default name (ipopt.opt) of the options file
  // app->Options()->SetStringValue("option_file_name", "IA.opt");
  // Intialize the IpoptApplication and process the options
  Ipopt::ApplicationReturnStatus status;
  status = app->Initialize();
  if (status != Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded) {
    if (!silent)
      printf("\n\n*** Error during ipopt initialization!\n");
    return (int) status;
  // Ask Ipopt to solve the problem
  status = app->OptimizeTNLP(mynlp); // the inherited IANlp
  // todo: also check for a valid solution even if ! Solve_Succeeded, such as a sub-optimal time-out
  bool is_solved = (status == Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded);
  bool is_satisfied = is_solved && equal_constraints( false, debugging );
  // don't check even-ness, as those are like the integrality constraints and are not solved here
  if (!silent)
    if (is_solved) {
      printf("\n\n*** The relaxed problem solved!");
      if (!is_satisfied)
        printf(" But equality-constraints were VIOLATED!");
    else {
      printf("\n\n*** The relaxed problem FAILED!\n");
  return is_satisfied;
Beispiel #3
IpoptSolver::IpoptSolver(std::shared_ptr<Problem> _problem)
  : Solver(_problem)

  // Create a new instance of nlp (use a SmartPtr, not raw)
  mNlp = new DartTNLP(this);

  // Create a new instance of IpoptApplication (use a SmartPtr, not raw). We are
  // using the factory, since this allows us to compile this with an Ipopt
  // Windows DLL.
  mIpoptApp = IpoptApplicationFactory();
  mIpoptApp->Options()->SetStringValue("mu_strategy", "adaptive");
Beispiel #4
IpoptSolver::IpoptSolver(const Solver::Properties& _properties)
  : Solver(_properties)
  mNlp = new DartTNLP(this);
  mIpoptApp = IpoptApplicationFactory();
Polyhedron_3 EdgeCorrector::run()
	std::map<int, int> halfedgesMap;
	std::vector<SimpleEdge_3> edges = getEdges(initialP, halfedgesMap);
	associateEdges(edges, SData);

	printAssociatedEdges(initialP, edges, halfedgesMap);

	std::vector<SimpleEdge_3> mainEdges = extractEdges(edges);
	std::cout << "Number of extracted edges: " << mainEdges.size()
		<< std::endl;
	if (mainEdges.size() == 0)
		return initialP;

	printColouredExtractedPolyhedron(initialP, mainEdges);

	std::vector<Vector_3> u, U, points;
	std::vector<double> h, H;
	std::map<int, int> map;
	FixedTopology *FT = buildTopology(initialP, mainEdges, u, U, points, h,
			H, map);
	IpoptTopologicalCorrector *FTNLP = new IpoptTopologicalCorrector(
			u, h, U, H, points, FT);

	IpoptApplication *app = IpoptApplicationFactory();

	/* Intialize the IpoptApplication and process the options */
	if (app->Initialize() != Solve_Succeeded)
		MAIN_PRINT("*** Error during initialization!");
		return initialP;

	app->Options()->SetStringValue("linear_solver", "ma57");
		app->Options()->SetStringValue("derivative_test", "first-order");
	else if (getenv("DERIVATIVE_TEST_SECOND"))
		app->Options()->SetStringValue("derivative_test", "second-order");
	else if (getenv("DERIVATIVE_TEST_ONLY_SECOND"))
		app->Options()->SetStringValue("derivative_test", "only-second-order");
	if (getenv("HESSIAN_APPROX"))
		app->Options()->SetStringValue("hessian_approximation", "limited-memory");

	/* Ask Ipopt to solve the problem */
	auto status = app->OptimizeTNLP(FTNLP);
	if (status != Solve_Succeeded && status != Solved_To_Acceptable_Level)
		MAIN_PRINT("** The problem FAILED!");
		return initialP;

	MAIN_PRINT("*** The problem solved!");
	globalPCLDumper(PCL_DUMPER_LEVEL_DEBUG, "INSIDE_FT_NLP-initial.ply") << initialP;
	Polyhedron_3 correctedP = obtainPolyhedron(initialP, map, FTNLP);
	globalPCLDumper(PCL_DUMPER_LEVEL_DEBUG, "INSIDE_FT_NLP-from-planes.ply") << correctedP;

	delete FTNLP;
	return correctedP;
Beispiel #6
bool IASolverInt::solve_wave_workhorse(IAIntWaveNlp *mynlp)
  if (debugging)
    printf("IASolverInt::solve_wave() - ");        
    printf("Attempting to enforce an integer and even solution to the relaxed NLP by adding constraints that repeat wave-like at each integer lattice point.\n");
  // solver setup  
  Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::IpoptApplication> app = IpoptApplicationFactory();
/* try leaving defaults
  // convergence parameters
  // see $IPOPTDIR/Ipopt/src/Interfaces/IpIpoptApplication.cpp
  // our real criteria are: all integer, constraints satisfied. How to test the "all_integer" part?
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("tol", 1e-6); //"converged" if NLP error<this, default is 1e-7. Obj are scaled to be >1, so e-2 is plenty // was 1e-2
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("max_cpu_time", sqrt( iaData->num_variables() ) ); // max time allowed in seconds
  app->Options()->SetIntegerValue("max_iter", 3 * (10 + iaData->num_variables() ) ); // max number of iterations
  // app->Options()->SetNumericValue("primal_inf_tol", 1e-2 ); 
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("dual_inf_tol", 1e-2 ); // how close to infeasibility? // was 1e-2
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("constr_viol_tol", 1e-2 ); // by how much can constraints be violated?
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("compl_inf_tol", 1e-6 ); // max norm of complementary condition // was 1e-2
  // second criteria convergence parameters: quit if within this tol for many iterations
  // was  app->Options()->SetIntegerValue("acceptable_iter", 4 + sqrt( iaData->num_variables() ) ); //as "tol"
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("acceptable_tol", 1e-6 ); //as "tol" was 1e-1
  app->Options()->SetStringValue("mu_strategy", "adaptive");
  // print level 0 to 12, Ipopt default is 5
  const int print_level = (silent) ? 0 : 1;  // simple info is 1, debug at other values
  app->Options()->SetIntegerValue("print_level", print_level);  
  // uncomment next line to write the solution to an output file
  // app->Options()->SetStringValue("output_file", "IA.out");  
  // The following overwrites the default name (ipopt.opt) of the options file
  // app->Options()->SetStringValue("option_file_name", "IA.opt");
  // Intialize the IpoptApplication and process the options
  Ipopt::ApplicationReturnStatus status;
  status = app->Initialize();
  if (status != Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded) {
    if (!silent)
      printf("\n\n*** Error during initialization!\n");
    return (int) status;
  bool try_again = true;
  int iter = 0;
  // print();
  bool solution_ok = false;
  do {
    if (debugging)
      printf("%d IntWave iteration\n", iter );
      // build the hessian, evaluate it and f at the current solution?
    // Ask Ipopt to solve the problem
    status = app->OptimizeTNLP(mynlp); // the inherited IANlp
    // see /CoinIpopt/build/include/coin/IpReturnCodes_inc.h

    bool solved_full = false;
    bool solved_partial = false;
    bool solver_failed = false;
    bool bad_problem = false;

    switch (status) {
      case Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded:
      case Ipopt::Solved_To_Acceptable_Level:
      case Ipopt::Feasible_Point_Found:
        solved_full = true;
      case Ipopt::Maximum_Iterations_Exceeded:
      case Ipopt::User_Requested_Stop:
      case Ipopt::Maximum_CpuTime_Exceeded:
        solved_partial = true;
      case Ipopt::Infeasible_Problem_Detected:
      case Ipopt::Not_Enough_Degrees_Of_Freedom:
      case Ipopt::Invalid_Problem_Definition:
      case Ipopt::Invalid_Option:
      case Ipopt::Invalid_Number_Detected:
        bad_problem = true;
      case Ipopt::Search_Direction_Becomes_Too_Small:
      case Ipopt::Restoration_Failed:
      case Ipopt::Diverging_Iterates:
      case Ipopt::Error_In_Step_Computation:
      case Ipopt::Unrecoverable_Exception:
      case Ipopt::NonIpopt_Exception_Thrown:
      case Ipopt::Insufficient_Memory:
      case Ipopt::Internal_Error:        
        solver_failed = true;
    if (!silent)
      if (solved_full) {
        printf("\n\n*** IntWave solved!\n");
      else {
        printf("\n\n*** IntWave FAILED!\n");
    if (debugging)
      printf("\nChecking solution.\n");
      bool integer_sat = solution_is_integer(true);
      bool even_sat = even_constraints( false, true);
      bool equal_sat = equal_constraints( false, true );
      printf("IntWave solution summary, %s, equal-constraints %s, even-constraints %s.\n", 
             integer_sat ? "integer" : "NON-INTEGER",
             equal_sat ? "satisfied" : "VIOLATED", 
             even_sat ? "satisfied" : "VIOLATED" );
      if (!integer_sat)
        printf("investigate integer neighborhood\n");
      if (!even_sat)
        printf("investigate even neighborhood\n");
      if (!equal_sat)
        printf("investigate equal neighborhood\n");
    IASolution nlp_solution;
    nlp_solution.x_solution = ia_solution()->x_solution; // vector copy
    IASolverToolInt sti( ia_data(), &nlp_solution );
    if (debugging)
      printf("Checking rounded solution, ignoring even constraints.\n");
    if (sti.equal_constraints(false, debugging))
      // also even constraints
      if (debugging)
        printf("Rounding worked.\n");
      // rounding was a valid integer solution
      ia_solution()->x_solution.swap( nlp_solution.x_solution );
      // ia_solution()->obj_value is no longer accurate, as it was for the non-rounded solution
      return true;
    // todo: detect and act
    // may have converged to a locally optimal, but non-feasible solution
    // if so, try a new starting point
    // check solution feasibility, even when not debugging
    if ( solved_full || solved_partial )
      bool integer_sat = solution_is_integer(false);
      bool even_sat = even_constraints( false, false);
      bool equal_sat = equal_constraints( false, false );
      if ( integer_sat && even_sat && equal_sat )
        return true;

    // find out which vars were not integer, 
    // try moving to a farther starting point resolving
    try_again = false; 
  } while (try_again);
  // now 
  // As the SmartPtrs go out of scope, the reference count
  // will be decremented and the objects will automatically
  // be deleted.  
  return solution_ok;
Beispiel #7
bool IASolverInt::solve_round()
  // set up and call the separate IARoundingNlp, which has a linear objective to get a natural integer solution 
  // the intuition is this will solve integrality for  most variables all at once

  if (debugging)
    printf("IASolverInt::solve_bend_workhorse() - ");        

  // solver setup  
  Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::IpoptApplication> app = IpoptApplicationFactory();
  // convergence parameters
  // see $IPOPTDIR/Ipopt/src/Interfaces/IpIpoptApplication.cpp
  // our real criteria are: all integer, constraints satisfied. How to test the "all_integer" part?
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("tol", 1e-6); //"converged" if NLP error<this, default is 1e-7. Obj are scaled to be >1, so e-2 is plenty // was 1e-2
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("max_cpu_time", sqrt( iaData->num_variables() ) ); // max time allowed in seconds
  app->Options()->SetIntegerValue("max_iter", 3 * iaData->num_variables() ); // max number of iterations
  // app->Options()->SetNumericValue("primal_inf_tol", 1e-2 ); 
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("dual_inf_tol", 1e-6 ); // how close to infeasibility? // was 1e-2
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("constr_viol_tol", 1e-6 ); // by how much can constraints be violated?
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("compl_inf_tol", 1e-6 ); // max norm of complementary condition // was 1e-2

  // second criteria convergence parameters: quit if within this tol for many iterations
// was  app->Options()->SetIntegerValue("acceptable_iter", 4 + sqrt( iaData->num_variables() ) ); //as "tol"
  app->Options()->SetNumericValue("acceptable_tol", 1e-6 ); //as "tol" was 1e-1

  app->Options()->SetStringValue("mu_strategy", "adaptive");
  // print level 0 to 12, Ipopt default is 5
  const int print_level = (silent) ? 0 : 1; 
  app->Options()->SetIntegerValue("print_level", print_level);  
  // uncomment next line to write the solution to an output file
  // app->Options()->SetStringValue("output_file", "IA.out");  
  // The following overwrites the default name (ipopt.opt) of the options file
  // app->Options()->SetStringValue("option_file_name", "IA.opt");
  // Intialize the IpoptApplication and process the options
  Ipopt::ApplicationReturnStatus status;
  status = app->Initialize();
  if (status != Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded) {
    if (!silent)
      printf("\n\n*** Error during initialization!\n");
    return (int) status;
  Ipopt::TNLP *tnlp = NULL;

  IARoundingNlp *myianlp = new IARoundingNlp(iaData, ipData, iaSolution, silent);
  if (debugging) 
    printf("ROUNDING problem formulation\n");
    printf("Attempting to find a naturally-integer solution by linearizing the objective function.\n");
    printf("Variables are constrained within [floor,ceil] of relaxed solution.\n");
  // problem setup
  // a couple of different models, simplest to more complex
  // IARoundingFarNlp *myianlp = new IARoundingFarNlp(iaData, ipData, this);
  // IARoundingFar3StepNlp *myianlp = new IARoundingFar3StepNlp(iaData, ipData, this); // haven't tested this. It compiles and runs but perhaps isn't correct
  // IAIntWaveNlp *myianlp = new IAIntWaveNlp(iaData, ipData, this); // haven't tested this. It compiles and runs but perhaps isn't correct

  tnlp = myianlp;
  Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::TNLP> mynlp = tnlp; // Ipopt requires the use of smartptrs!

  bool try_again = true;
  int iter = 0;
  do {
    printf("%d rounding iteration\n", iter );
    // Ask Ipopt to solve the problem
    status = app->OptimizeTNLP(mynlp); // the inherited IANlp
    if (!silent)
      if (status == Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded) {
        printf("\n\n*** The problem solved!\n");
      else {
        printf("\n\n*** The problem FAILED!\n");
    // The problem should have been feasible, but it is possible that it had no integer solution.
    // figure out which variables are still integer
    // check solution for integrality and constraint satified    
    if (debugging)
      printf("\nChecking Natural (non-rounded) solution.\n");
      bool integer_sat = solution_is_integer(true);
      bool even_sat = even_constraints( false, true);
            bool equal_sat = equal_constraints( false, true );
      printf("Natural solution summary, %s, equal-constraints %s, even-constraints %s.\n", 
             integer_sat ? "integer" : "NON-INTEGER",
             equal_sat ? "satisfied" : "VIOLATED", 
             even_sat ? "satisfied" : "VIOLATED" );
      if (!integer_sat)
        printf("investigate this\n");
    IASolution nlp_solution;
    nlp_solution.x_solution = ia_solution()->x_solution; // vector copy
    IASolverToolInt sti( ia_data(), &nlp_solution );
    if (debugging)
      printf("Checking rounded solution, ignoring even constraints.\n");
    if (sti.equal_constraints(false, debugging))
      // also even constraints
      if (debugging)
        printf("Rounding worked.\n");

      // rounding was a valid integer solution
      ia_solution()->x_solution.swap( nlp_solution.x_solution );
      // ia_solution()->obj_value is no longer accurate, as it was for the non-rounded solution
      return true;

    // find out which vars were not integer, 
    // try rounding their weights and resolving
    // bool int_sat = solution_is_integer();
    try_again = iter < 4 + sqrt(iaData->num_variables());
    if (try_again)
      if (debugging)
        printf("rounding failed, randomizing weights\n");
      myianlp->randomize_weights_of_non_int(); // try again? debug
    else if (debugging)
      printf("giving up on rounding to non-integer solution\n");

    // try_again = false; // debug
  } while (try_again);

  // todo: update partially-integer solution, perhaps using ipData - figure out how we're going to use it, first, for what structure makes sense.
  // As the SmartPtrs go out of scope, the reference count
  // will be decremented and the objects will automatically
  // be deleted.  
  return status == Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded;