bool TParseContext::samplerErrorCheck(int line, const TPublicType& pType, const char* reason)
    if (pType.type == EbtStruct) {
        if (containsSampler(*pType.userDef)) {
            error(line, reason, getBasicString(pType.type), "(structure contains a sampler)");
            return true;
        return false;
    } else if (IsSampler(pType.type)) {
        error(line, reason, getBasicString(pType.type), "");

        return true;

    return false;
Beispiel #2
unsigned int UniformHLSL::declareUniformAndAssignRegister(const TType &type, const TString &name)
    unsigned int registerIndex = (IsSampler(type.getBasicType()) ? mSamplerRegister : mUniformRegister);

    const Uniform *uniform = findUniformByName(name);

    mUniformRegisterMap[uniform->name] = registerIndex;

    unsigned int registerCount = HLSLVariableRegisterCount(*uniform, mOutputType);

    if (gl::IsSamplerType(uniform->type))
        mSamplerRegister += registerCount;
        mUniformRegister += registerCount;

    return registerIndex;
Beispiel #3
TString UniformHLSL::uniformsHeader(ShShaderOutput outputType, const ReferencedSymbols &referencedUniforms)
    TString uniforms;

    for (ReferencedSymbols::const_iterator uniformIt = referencedUniforms.begin();
         uniformIt != referencedUniforms.end(); uniformIt++)
        const TIntermSymbol &uniform = *uniformIt->second;
        const TType &type = uniform.getType();
        const TString &name = uniform.getSymbol();

        unsigned int registerIndex = declareUniformAndAssignRegister(type, name);

        if (outputType == SH_HLSL11_OUTPUT && IsSampler(type.getBasicType()))   // Also declare the texture
            uniforms += "uniform " + SamplerString(type) + " sampler_" + DecorateUniform(name, type) + ArrayString(type) +
                        " : register(s" + str(registerIndex) + ");\n";

            uniforms += "uniform " + TextureString(type) + " texture_" + DecorateUniform(name, type) + ArrayString(type) +
                        " : register(t" + str(registerIndex) + ");\n";
            const TStructure *structure = type.getStruct();
            // If this is a nameless struct, we need to use its full definition, rather than its (empty) name.
            // TypeString() will invoke defineNameless in this case; qualifier prefixes are unnecessary for 
            // nameless structs in ES, as nameless structs cannot be used anywhere that layout qualifiers are
            // permitted.
            const TString &typeName = ((structure && !structure->name().empty()) ?
                                        QualifiedStructNameString(*structure, false, false) : TypeString(type));

            const TString &registerString = TString("register(") + UniformRegisterPrefix(type) + str(registerIndex) + ")";

            uniforms += "uniform " + typeName + " " + DecorateUniform(name, type) + ArrayString(type) + " : " + registerString + ";\n";

    return (uniforms.empty() ? "" : ("// Uniforms\n\n" + uniforms));
TGraphSymbol* TDependencyGraph::getOrCreateSymbol(TIntermSymbol* intermSymbol)
    TSymbolIdMap::const_iterator iter = mSymbolIdMap.find(intermSymbol->getId());

    TGraphSymbol* symbol = NULL;

    if (iter != mSymbolIdMap.end()) {
        TSymbolIdPair pair = *iter;
        symbol = pair.second;
    } else {
        symbol = new TGraphSymbol(intermSymbol);

        TSymbolIdPair pair(intermSymbol->getId(), symbol);

        // We save all sampler symbols in a collection, so we can start graph traversals from them quickly.
        if (IsSampler(intermSymbol->getBasicType()))

    return symbol;
Beispiel #5
bool ValidateUniform(gl::Context *context, GLenum uniformType, GLint location, GLsizei count)
    // Check for ES3 uniform entry points
    if (UniformComponentType(uniformType) == GL_UNSIGNED_INT && context->getClientVersion() < 3)
        return gl::error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, false);

    LinkedUniform *uniform = NULL;
    if (!ValidateUniformCommonBase(context, uniformType, location, count, &uniform))
        return false;

    GLenum targetBoolType = UniformBoolVectorType(uniformType);
    bool samplerUniformCheck = (IsSampler(uniform->type) && uniformType == GL_INT);
    if (!samplerUniformCheck && uniformType != uniform->type && targetBoolType != uniform->type)
        return gl::error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, false);

    return true;
bool ValidateLimitations::visitBinary(Visit, TIntermBinary* node)
    // Check if loop index is modified in the loop body.
    validateOperation(node, node->getLeft());

    // Check indexing.
    switch (node->getOp()) {
      case EOpIndexDirect:
      case EOpIndexIndirect:
#if defined(__APPLE__)
        // Loop unrolling is a work-around for a Mac Cg compiler bug where it
        // crashes when a sampler array's index is also the loop index.
        // Once Apple fixes this bug, we should remove the code in this CL.
        // See
        if ((node->getLeft() != NULL) && (node->getRight() != NULL) &&
            (node->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode())) {
            TIntermSymbol* symbol = node->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode();
            if (IsSampler(symbol->getBasicType()) && symbol->isArray()) {
                ValidateLoopIndexExpr validate(mLoopStack);
                if (validate.usesFloatLoopIndex()) {
                          "sampler array index is float loop index",
      default: break;
    return true;
// Make sure there is enough data provided to the constructor to build
// something of the type of the constructor.  Also returns the type of
// the constructor.
// Returns true if there was an error in construction.
bool TParseContext::constructorErrorCheck(int line, TIntermNode* node, TFunction& function, TOperator op, TType* type)
    *type = function.getReturnType();

    bool constructingMatrix = false;
    switch(op) {
    case EOpConstructMat2:
    case EOpConstructMat3:
    case EOpConstructMat4:
        constructingMatrix = true;

    // Note: It's okay to have too many components available, but not okay to have unused
    // arguments.  'full' will go to true when enough args have been seen.  If we loop
    // again, there is an extra argument, so 'overfull' will become true.

    int size = 0;
    bool constType = true;
    bool full = false;
    bool overFull = false;
    bool matrixInMatrix = false;
    bool arrayArg = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < function.getParamCount(); ++i) {
        const TParameter& param = function.getParam(i);
        size += param.type->getObjectSize();
        if (constructingMatrix && param.type->isMatrix())
            matrixInMatrix = true;
        if (full)
            overFull = true;
        if (op != EOpConstructStruct && !type->isArray() && size >= type->getObjectSize())
            full = true;
        if (param.type->getQualifier() != EvqConst)
            constType = false;
        if (param.type->isArray())
            arrayArg = true;
    if (constType)

    if (type->isArray() && type->getArraySize() != function.getParamCount()) {
        error(line, "array constructor needs one argument per array element", "constructor", "");
        return true;

    if (arrayArg && op != EOpConstructStruct) {
        error(line, "constructing from a non-dereferenced array", "constructor", "");
        return true;

    if (matrixInMatrix && !type->isArray()) {
        if (function.getParamCount() != 1) {
          error(line, "constructing matrix from matrix can only take one argument", "constructor", "");
          return true;

    if (overFull) {
        error(line, "too many arguments", "constructor", "");
        return true;
    if (op == EOpConstructStruct && !type->isArray() && int(type->getStruct()->size()) != function.getParamCount()) {
        error(line, "Number of constructor parameters does not match the number of structure fields", "constructor", "");
        return true;

    if (!type->isMatrix() || !matrixInMatrix) {
        if ((op != EOpConstructStruct && size != 1 && size < type->getObjectSize()) ||
            (op == EOpConstructStruct && size < type->getObjectSize())) {
            error(line, "not enough data provided for construction", "constructor", "");
            return true;

    TIntermTyped *typed = node ? node->getAsTyped() : 0;
    if (typed == 0) {
        error(line, "constructor argument does not have a type", "constructor", "");
        return true;
    if (op != EOpConstructStruct && IsSampler(typed->getBasicType())) {
        error(line, "cannot convert a sampler", "constructor", "");
        return true;
    if (typed->getBasicType() == EbtVoid) {
        error(line, "cannot convert a void", "constructor", "");
        return true;

    return false;
Beispiel #8
// TODO(jmadill): This is not complete.
void TOutputVulkanGLSL::writeLayoutQualifier(TIntermTyped *variable)
    const TType &type = variable->getType();

    bool needsCustomLayout =
        (type.getQualifier() == EvqAttribute || type.getQualifier() == EvqFragmentOut ||
         type.getQualifier() == EvqVertexIn || IsVarying(type.getQualifier()) ||
         IsSampler(type.getBasicType()) || type.isInterfaceBlock());

    if (!NeedsToWriteLayoutQualifier(type) && !needsCustomLayout)

    TInfoSinkBase &out                      = objSink();
    const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier = type.getLayoutQualifier();

    // This isn't super clean, but it gets the job done.
    // See corresponding code in GlslangWrapper.cpp.
    TIntermSymbol *symbol = variable->getAsSymbolNode();

    ImmutableString name      = symbol->getName();
    const char *blockStorage  = nullptr;
    const char *matrixPacking = nullptr;

    // For interface blocks, use the block name instead.  When the layout qualifier is being
    // replaced in the backend, that would be the name that's available.
    if (type.isInterfaceBlock())
        const TInterfaceBlock *interfaceBlock = type.getInterfaceBlock();
        name                                  = interfaceBlock->name();
        TLayoutBlockStorage storage           = interfaceBlock->blockStorage();

        // Make sure block storage format is specified.
        if (storage != EbsStd430)
            // Change interface block layout qualifiers to std140 for any layout that is not
            // explicitly set to std430.  This is to comply with GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl where shared and
            // packed are not allowed (and std140 could be used instead) and unspecified layouts can
            // assume either std140 or std430 (and we choose std140 as std430 is not yet universally
            // supported).
            storage = EbsStd140;

        blockStorage = getBlockStorageString(storage);

    // Specify matrix packing if necessary.
    if (layoutQualifier.matrixPacking != EmpUnspecified)
        matrixPacking = getMatrixPackingString(layoutQualifier.matrixPacking);

    if (needsCustomLayout)
        out << "@@ LAYOUT-" << name << "(";
        out << "layout(";

    // Output the list of qualifiers already known at this stage, i.e. everything other than
    // `location` and `set`/`binding`.
    std::string otherQualifiers = getCommonLayoutQualifiers(variable);

    const char *separator = "";
    if (blockStorage)
        out << separator << blockStorage;
        separator = ", ";
    if (matrixPacking)
        out << separator << matrixPacking;
        separator = ", ";
    if (!otherQualifiers.empty())
        out << separator << otherQualifiers;

    out << ") ";
    if (needsCustomLayout)
        out << "@@";
void UniformHLSL::uniformsHeader(TInfoSinkBase &out,
                                 ShShaderOutput outputType,
                                 const ReferencedSymbols &referencedUniforms)
    if (!referencedUniforms.empty())
        out << "// Uniforms\n\n";
    // In the case of HLSL 4, sampler uniforms need to be grouped by type before the code is
    // written. They are grouped based on the combination of the HLSL texture type and
    // HLSL sampler type, enumerated in HLSLTextureSamplerGroup.
    TVector<TVector<const TIntermSymbol *>> groupedSamplerUniforms(HLSL_TEXTURE_MAX + 1);
    TMap<const TIntermSymbol *, TString> samplerInStructSymbolsToAPINames;
    for (auto &uniformIt : referencedUniforms)
        // Output regular uniforms. Group sampler uniforms by type.
        const TIntermSymbol &uniform = *uniformIt.second;
        const TType &type            = uniform.getType();
        const TName &name            = uniform.getName();

        if (outputType == SH_HLSL_4_1_OUTPUT && IsSampler(type.getBasicType()))
            HLSLTextureSamplerGroup group = TextureGroup(type.getBasicType());
        else if (outputType == SH_HLSL_4_0_FL9_3_OUTPUT && IsSampler(type.getBasicType()))
            unsigned int registerIndex = assignUniformRegister(type, name.getString(), nullptr);
            outputHLSL4_0_FL9_3Sampler(out, type, name, registerIndex);
            if (type.isStructureContainingSamplers())
                TVector<TIntermSymbol *> samplerSymbols;
                TMap<TIntermSymbol *, TString> symbolsToAPINames;
                unsigned int arrayOfStructsSize = type.isArray() ? type.getArraySize() : 0u;
                type.createSamplerSymbols("angle_" + name.getString(), name.getString(),
                                          arrayOfStructsSize, &samplerSymbols, &symbolsToAPINames);
                for (TIntermSymbol *sampler : samplerSymbols)
                    const TType &samplerType = sampler->getType();

                    // Will use angle_ prefix instead of regular prefix.
                    const TName &samplerName = sampler->getName();

                    if (outputType == SH_HLSL_4_1_OUTPUT)
                        HLSLTextureSamplerGroup group = TextureGroup(samplerType.getBasicType());
                        samplerInStructSymbolsToAPINames[sampler] = symbolsToAPINames[sampler];
                    else if (outputType == SH_HLSL_4_0_FL9_3_OUTPUT)
                        unsigned int registerIndex = assignSamplerInStructUniformRegister(
                            samplerType, symbolsToAPINames[sampler], nullptr);
                        outputHLSL4_0_FL9_3Sampler(out, samplerType, samplerName, registerIndex);
                        ASSERT(outputType == SH_HLSL_3_0_OUTPUT);
                        unsigned int registerIndex = assignSamplerInStructUniformRegister(
                            samplerType, symbolsToAPINames[sampler], nullptr);
                        outputUniform(out, samplerType, samplerName, registerIndex);
            unsigned int registerIndex = assignUniformRegister(type, name.getString(), nullptr);
            outputUniform(out, type, name, registerIndex);

    if (outputType == SH_HLSL_4_1_OUTPUT)
        unsigned int groupTextureRegisterIndex = 0;
        // TEXTURE_2D is special, index offset is assumed to be 0 and omitted in that case.
        for (int groupId = HLSL_TEXTURE_MIN; groupId < HLSL_TEXTURE_MAX; ++groupId)
                out, HLSLTextureSamplerGroup(groupId), groupedSamplerUniforms[groupId],
                samplerInStructSymbolsToAPINames, &groupTextureRegisterIndex);
Beispiel #10
void TStructure::createSamplerSymbols(const TString &structName,
                                      const TString &structAPIName,
                                      const unsigned int arrayOfStructsSize,
                                      TVector<TIntermSymbol *> *outputSymbols,
                                      TMap<TIntermSymbol *, TString> *outputSymbolsToAPINames) const
    for (auto &field : *mFields)
        const TType *fieldType = field->type();
        if (IsSampler(fieldType->getBasicType()))
            if (arrayOfStructsSize > 0u)
                for (unsigned int arrayIndex = 0u; arrayIndex < arrayOfStructsSize; ++arrayIndex)
                    TStringStream name;
                    name << structName << "_" << arrayIndex << "_" << field->name();
                    TIntermSymbol *symbol = new TIntermSymbol(0, name.str(), *fieldType);

                    if (outputSymbolsToAPINames)
                        TStringStream apiName;
                        apiName << structAPIName << "[" << arrayIndex << "]." << field->name();
                        (*outputSymbolsToAPINames)[symbol] = apiName.str();
                TString symbolName    = structName + "_" + field->name();
                TIntermSymbol *symbol = new TIntermSymbol(0, symbolName, *fieldType);

                if (outputSymbolsToAPINames)
                    TString apiName = structAPIName + "." + field->name();
                    (*outputSymbolsToAPINames)[symbol] = apiName;
        else if (fieldType->isStructureContainingSamplers())
            unsigned int nestedArrayOfStructsSize =
                fieldType->isArray() ? fieldType->getArraySize() : 0u;
            if (arrayOfStructsSize > 0)
                for (unsigned int arrayIndex = 0u; arrayIndex < arrayOfStructsSize; ++arrayIndex)
                    TStringStream fieldName;
                    fieldName << structName << "_" << arrayIndex << "_" << field->name();
                    TStringStream fieldAPIName;
                    if (outputSymbolsToAPINames)
                        fieldAPIName << structAPIName << "[" << arrayIndex << "]." << field->name();
                    fieldType->createSamplerSymbols(fieldName.str(), fieldAPIName.str(),
                                                    nestedArrayOfStructsSize, outputSymbols,
                    structName + "_" + field->name(), structAPIName + "." + field->name(),
                    nestedArrayOfStructsSize, outputSymbols, outputSymbolsToAPINames);
Beispiel #11
void UniformHLSL::uniformsHeader(TInfoSinkBase &out,
                                 ShShaderOutput outputType,
                                 const ReferencedSymbols &referencedUniforms)
    if (!referencedUniforms.empty())
        out << "// Uniforms\n\n";
    // In the case of HLSL 4, sampler uniforms need to be grouped by type before the code is
    // written. They are grouped based on the combination of the HLSL texture type and
    // HLSL sampler type, enumerated in HLSLTextureSamplerGroup.
    TVector<TVector<const TIntermSymbol *>> groupedSamplerUniforms;
    groupedSamplerUniforms.resize(HLSL_TEXTURE_MAX + 1);
    for (auto &uniformIt : referencedUniforms)
        // Output regular uniforms. Group sampler uniforms by type.
        const TIntermSymbol &uniform = *uniformIt.second;
        const TType &type = uniform.getType();
        const TString &name = uniform.getSymbol();

        if (outputType == SH_HLSL_4_1_OUTPUT && IsSampler(type.getBasicType()))
            HLSLTextureSamplerGroup group = TextureGroup(type.getBasicType());
        else if (outputType == SH_HLSL_4_0_FL9_3_OUTPUT && IsSampler(type.getBasicType()))
            unsigned int registerIndex = declareUniformAndAssignRegister(type, name);
            out << "uniform " << SamplerString(type.getBasicType()) << " sampler_"
                << DecorateUniform(name, type) << ArrayString(type) << " : register(s"
                << str(registerIndex) << ");\n";
            out << "uniform " << TextureString(type.getBasicType()) << " texture_"
                << DecorateUniform(name, type) << ArrayString(type) << " : register(t"
                << str(registerIndex) << ");\n";
            unsigned int registerIndex  = declareUniformAndAssignRegister(type, name);
            const TStructure *structure = type.getStruct();
            // If this is a nameless struct, we need to use its full definition, rather than its (empty) name.
            // TypeString() will invoke defineNameless in this case; qualifier prefixes are unnecessary for 
            // nameless structs in ES, as nameless structs cannot be used anywhere that layout qualifiers are
            // permitted.
            const TString &typeName = ((structure && !structure->name().empty()) ?
                                        QualifiedStructNameString(*structure, false, false) : TypeString(type));

            const TString &registerString = TString("register(") + UniformRegisterPrefix(type) + str(registerIndex) + ")";

            out << "uniform " << typeName << " " << DecorateUniform(name, type) << ArrayString(type)
                << " : " << registerString << ";\n";

    if (outputType == SH_HLSL_4_1_OUTPUT)
        unsigned int groupTextureRegisterIndex = 0;
        // TEXTURE_2D is special, index offset is assumed to be 0 and omitted in that case.
        for (int groupId = HLSL_TEXTURE_MIN; groupId < HLSL_TEXTURE_MAX; ++groupId)
            outputHLSLSamplerUniformGroup(out, HLSLTextureSamplerGroup(groupId),