void ClientSession::HandleLeaveRoomRequest( LeaveRoomRequest& inPacket )

	m_RecvBuffer.Read( (char*)&inPacket, inPacket.m_Size );

	int roomNumber = inPacket.m_RoomNumber;

	if ( !g_RoomManager->CheckRoom( roomNumber ) )

	if ( !g_RoomManager->LeaveRoom( roomNumber, m_PlayerID ) )
		LogD( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::HandleLeaveRoomRequest LeaveRoom Error \n" );

	EnterRoomResult outPacket;
	outPacket.m_RoomNumber = roomNumber;

	if ( !Broadcast( &outPacket ) )
		LogD( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::HandleLeaveRoomRequest Broadcast Fail \n" );

	LogD( "Leave Room! ID:%d ROOM:%d \n", m_PlayerID, roomNumber );
	g_RoomManager->PrintClientList(); // 테스트 프린트

Beispiel #2
int main()
    // Find and open the correct framebuffer device.
    int fb_fd = open(FB_PATH, O_RDONLY);
    if (fb_fd < 0) {
        char * errstr = strerror(errno);
        char * errmsg = (char *)calloc(ERR_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof(char));
        strncpy(errmsg, "External: Could not open framebuffer device: ", 45);
        strncpy(errmsg + 45, errstr, ERR_BUFFER_SIZE - 45);

    const char * mode_str = getenv("ANDROSS_MODE");
    if (mode_str == NULL) {
        mode_str = "";

    int ret;
    if (strcmp(mode_str, "FB_PARAMS") == 0) {
        LogD("External: Running in Param mode.");
        ret = writeFBParams(FD_STDOUT, fb_fd);
    } else if (strcmp(mode_str, "FB_DATA") == 0) {
        LogD("External: Running in Data mode.");
        const char * fb_bytes_str = getenv("ANDROSS_FRAMEBUFFER_BYTES");
        int fb_bytes = atoi(fb_bytes_str);
        ret = writeFBData(FD_STDOUT, fb_fd, fb_bytes);
    } else {
        LogD("External: Running in True mode.");
        ret = 0;

    return ret;
void ClientSession::HandleStopCorpsRequest( StopCorpsRequest& inPacket )
	m_RecvBuffer.Read( (char*)&inPacket, inPacket.m_Size );

	int corpsID = inPacket.m_CorpsID;

	if ( !m_GameRoom->GetCorpsByCorpsID( corpsID ) )

	if ( m_ErrorNumber > m_ErrorNumberMax )
		LogD( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::HandleStopCorpsRequest Error MAX \n" );

	// MOVE!!!!!!;
	// 미구현 그냥 클라쪽 패킷만 일단 구현

	StopCorpsResult outPacket;
	outPacket.m_CorpsID = corpsID;

	if ( !Broadcast( &outPacket ) )
		LogD( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::HandleStopCorpsRequest BroadCast fail \n" );

	LogD( "CorpsStopped! CorpID:%d PlayerID:%d \n", corpsID, m_PlayerID );

Beispiel #4
void onLibHookedByMonoHooker(const char *sofilename, soinfo *soinfo) {
	if (strstr(sofilename, VICTIM_MONO) && soinfo) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		LogD("<%s> hooking: %s, %s(%x)", __FUNCTION__, sofilename, soinfo->name, (int)soinfo->base);
		for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(gHookSymbols) / sizeof(gHookSymbols[0]);
				i++) {
			HOOK_SYMBOL hook = gHookSymbols[i];
			if (*hook.old_func == NULL)
				inlineHookSymbol(soinfo, hook.symbol, hook.new_func,
		for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(gFindSymbols) / sizeof(gFindSymbols[0]);
				i++) {
			FIND_SYMBOL find = gFindSymbols[i];
			if (*find.func == NULL)
				*find.func = dlsym(soinfo, find.symbol);
#ifdef DEBUG
		for(int i =0; i < sizeof(gHookSymbols)/sizeof(gHookSymbols[0]); i++) {
			HOOK_SYMBOL hook = gHookSymbols[i];
			if(*(int *)(hook.old_func) == 0)
			LogD("<HookSymbol> symbol %s not found (new = 0x%x)", hook.symbol, (int)hook.new_func);
		for(int i =0; i < sizeof(gFindSymbols)/sizeof(gFindSymbols[0]); i++) {
			FIND_SYMBOL find = gFindSymbols[i];
			if(*(int *)(gFindSymbols[i].func) == 0)
			LogD("<FindSymbol> symbol %s not found", gFindSymbols[i].symbol);

Beispiel #5
 * This function will delete the data from CacheData list.
 * @param cache the cache pointer
 * @param name the cache data name
 * @return error code
static CacheErrCode delData(pCache const cache, const char* name) {
    CacheErrCode errorCode = CACHE_NO_ERR;
    pCacheData data = cache->dataHead, dataTemp;
    /* lock the thread pool synchronized lock */

    assert((name != NULL) && (strlen(name) <= CACHE_NAME_MAX));
    /* check cache initialize */
    if (cache->dataHead == NULL) {
        LogD("the %s's data list is NULL,delete data fail", cache->name);
        errorCode = CACHE_NO_VALUE;
    /* search the data from list*/
    if (errorCode == CACHE_NO_ERR) {
        if (strcmp(data->name, name)) { /* list head  */
            for (;;) {
                if (data->next == NULL) {/* list tail */
                    LogD("could not find %s", name);
                    errorCode = CACHE_NAME_ERROR;
                } else {
                    if (!strcmp(data->next->name, name)) {
                    } else {
                        data = data->next;
    if (errorCode == CACHE_NO_ERR) {
        /* delete data is head node */
        if (data == cache->dataHead) {
            /* the list has one node */
            if ((cache->dataHead == cache->dataTail)
                    && (cache->dataHead != NULL)) {
                cache->dataHead = cache->dataTail = NULL;
            } else { /* the list has more than one node*/
                cache->dataHead = data->next;
        } else if (data->next == cache->dataTail) {/* delete data is tail node */
            cache->dataTail = data;
            cache->dataTail->next = NULL;
            data = data->next; /* data will be freed in the end */
        } else {
            dataTemp = data->next;
            data->next = data->next->next;
            data = dataTemp; /* data will be freed in the end */
        data->value = NULL;
        data = NULL;
        dataTemp = NULL;
        LogD("delete %s data node is success", name);
    /* unlock the thread pool synchronized lock */
    return errorCode;
Beispiel #6
void ACacheManager::LoadCacheFromDisk() {
	LogD(0, "LoadCacheFromDisk()\n");

	ProjectionMapper *projectionMapper = ProjectionMapper::InstancePtr();
	auto alias_ChannelsRAMCache = m_ChannelsRAMCache;
		[projectionMapper](char *filename, uint &idx_x, uint &idx_y) mutable -> bool {
			LogD(0, "[Lambda]: (char *filename, uint &idx_x, uint &idx_y)(%s, *idx_x*, *idx_y*)\n", filename);
			double lat, lng;
			if (sscanf(filename, "%lf,%lf.csv", &lat, &lng) == 2) {
				try {
					projectionMapper->LatLng2IndexXY(lat, lng, idx_x, idx_y);
				} catch(std::out_of_range& e) {
					return false;
				LogD(0, "%lf  %lf  ->  idx_(x, y)=(%d, %d)\n", lat, lng, idx_x, idx_y);
				return true;
			return false;
		},[alias_ChannelsRAMCache](uint x, uint y, std::vector<SpectrumChannel>& vec) -> void {
			LogD(0, "[Lambda]: (std::vector<SpectrumChannel>& vec, uint x, uint y)(*vec*, %d, %d)\n", x, y);
			alias_ChannelsRAMCache->Push(x, y, vec);
// 비동기 입력 WSARecv()에 의해서, 입력이 완료 되면 콜백으로 RecvCompletion 실행
void CALLBACK RecvCompletion( DWORD dwError, DWORD cbTransferred, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, DWORD dwFlags )

	// lpOverlapped 인자를 OverlappedIO 형태로 형변환 하면
	// 해당 구조체의 멤버 변수 mObject => ClientSession*
	// 바로 이 포인터가 비동기 입력 WSARecv로 보낸 ClientSession 객체의 주소값
	// PostRecv 멤소드에서 mOverlappedRecv.mObject = this ; 이 부분 참조
	ClientSession* fromClient = static_cast<OverlappedIO*>( lpOverlapped )->m_Object;

	// Overlapped IO 완료 했음. 카운트 감소

	if ( !fromClient->IsConnected() )

	/// 에러 발생시 해당 세션 종료
	if ( dwError || cbTransferred == 0 )
		LogD( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::RecvCompletion dwError \n" );

	/// 받은 데이터 처리
	fromClient->OnRead( cbTransferred );

	/// 다시 받기
	if ( false == fromClient->PostRecv() )
		LogD( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::RecvCompletion PostRecv \n" );
void ClientSession::HandleEnterRoomRequest( EnterRoomRequest& inPacket )

	m_RecvBuffer.Read( (char*)&inPacket, inPacket.m_Size );

	int roomNumber = inPacket.m_RoomNumber;

	// g_RoomManager->AddRoom( );
	if ( !g_RoomManager->EnterRoom( roomNumber, m_PlayerID ) )
		LogD( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::HandleEnterRoomRequest Enter Room \n" );

	EnterRoomResult outPacket;
	outPacket.m_RoomNumber = m_GameRoom->GetRoomNumber();

	if ( !Broadcast( &outPacket ) )
		//Log( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::HandleEnterRoomRequest Broadcast Fail \n" );

	LogD( "Enter Room! ID:%d ROOM:%d \n", m_PlayerID, m_GameRoom->GetRoomNumber( ) );
	g_RoomManager->PrintClientList(); // 테스트 프린트

void ClientSession::HandleGameOverRequest( GameOverRequest& inPacket )
	m_RecvBuffer.Read( (char*)&inPacket, inPacket.m_Size );

	bool isWon = inPacket.m_IsWon;
	int playerID = inPacket.m_PlayerId;

	// GM이 아니면 아웃
	if ( playerID < 101 && playerID > 199 )
		LogD( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::HandleGameOverRequest GM out \n" );
		Disconnect( );

	GameOverResult outPacket;
	outPacket.m_PlayerId = playerID;

	outPacket.m_IsWon = isWon;

	outPacket.m_KilledCorpsNum = m_KilledCorpsNum;
	outPacket.m_DeathCorpsNum = m_DeathCorpsNum;
	outPacket.m_TotalMyCorpsNum = m_TotalMyCorpsNum;

	LogD( "[GameOverMessage][%d]%d \n", inPacket.m_PlayerId, isWon );

	/// 채팅은 바로 방송 하면 끝
	if ( !Broadcast( &outPacket ) )
		LogD( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::HandleGameOverRequest Broadcast Fail \n" );
Beispiel #10
 * Console application entry
 * Usage:
 *		imgsdk input output
 * Notice:
 *	1. input & onput support *.jpg or *.png
 *	2. support input and output image type are not same 
 *	3. vert.shdr & frag.shdr must be prepared 
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    if (3 != argc) {
        Log("  %s input output\n", argv[0]);
        return -1;

    SdkEnv *env = newDefaultSdkEnv();
    if (NULL == env) {
        LogE("Failed get SdkEnv instance\n");
    setInputImagePath (env, argv[1]);
    setOutputImagePath (env, argv[2]);

    sdkMain (env);
    setEffectCmd (env, "{\"effect\":\"Normal\"}");
    onSdkDraw (env);

    Bitmap_t *img = (Bitmap_t *) env->userData.param;
    uint32_t begin_t = getCurrentTime();

    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE, env->handle.texture2Idx);
    memset (img->base, 0, img->width * img->height * img->form);

    // copy pixels from GPU memory to CPU memory
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
	GLint fmt = GL_RGBA;
	if (IMAGE_JPG == env->userData.inputImageType) {
		fmt = GL_RGB;
    glReadPixels(x, y, img->width, img->height, fmt, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img->base);
    int errCode = glGetError ();
    if (GL_NO_ERROR != errCode ) { 
        Log ("Failed read pixles, error code:0x%04x\n", errCode);
    uint32_t finish_t = getCurrentTime();
    LogD("Read pixel data cost %d ms\n", (finish_t - begin_t));

    begin_t = getCurrentTime();
    if (NULL != env->userData.outputPath) {
        if (saveImage (env->userData.outputPath, img) < 0) {
            LogE ("Failed saveImage\n");
		else { 
            finish_t = getCurrentTime();
            LogD("Save %s cost %d ms\n", 
                    (finish_t - begin_t));

void ClientSession::HandleMoveCorpsRequest( MoveCorpsRequest& inPacket )
	m_RecvBuffer.Read( (char*)&inPacket, inPacket.m_Size );
	int corpsID = inPacket.m_CorpsID;

	float nowX = inPacket.m_NowX;
	float nowZ = inPacket.m_NowZ;
	float targetX = inPacket.m_TargetX;
	float targetZ = inPacket.m_TargetZ;

	PositionInfo destination;
	destination.m_EyePoint = { nowX, 0.0f, nowZ };
	destination.m_LookAtPoint = { targetX, 0.0f, targetZ };

	Corps* corps = m_GameRoom->GetCorpsByCorpsID( corpsID );

	if ( !corps )

	// 가드나 킹이 이동 요청해옴
	if ( UnitType::UNIT_GUARD == corps->GetUnitType( ) || UnitType::UNIT_KING == corps->GetUnitType( ) )
		LogD( "[Error] [%d]Type Move Request \n", corpsID );

	if ( m_ErrorNumber > m_ErrorNumberMax )
		LogD( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::HandleMoveCorpsRequest Error MAX \n" );

	// Corps를 탐색 한 후 Corps의 정체를 파악
	// -- 적합한 이동인지 판정 후 스케쥴러에 등록
	// 이후 스케쥴러는 해당 타이밍 마다 액션을 꺼내서 수행
	// 이동 액션은 내부적으로 Corps의 상황을 파악하여
	// 방향과 속도 등의 정보를 담아서 타이머 발생 때 마다 Result Packet을 보낸다.

	MovePosition* action = new MovePosition( );
	action->SetGameRoom( m_GameRoom );
	action->SetOwnerCorps( corps );
	action->SetDestination( destination );

	m_GameRoom->AddActionToScheduler( action, 0 );

	LogD( "CorpsMoved CorpID:%d PlayerID:%d DesX:%f DesZ:%f \n", corpsID, m_PlayerID, destination.m_EyePoint.x, destination.m_EyePoint.z );

 * @param argv - To be passed directly to execv. argv[0] must be the full path
 *      to the binary you want to execute.
 * @param output_buf - The buffer in which to store the child process's output.
 * @param buf_len - To be passed to read(). Passing 0 for this and toss_bytes
 *      will result in no accesses being made to output_buf, making it safe to
 *      pass NULL.
 * @param fd - The fd on the child process from which to capture output. 1 and 2
 *      are probably the only values that make sense.
 * @param toss_bytes - Bytes to skip at the beginning of the child process's
 *      output. It is unsafe for this to be greater than the size of your
 *      buffer.
static inline int execForOutput(char ** argv, uint8_t * output_buf, int buf_len,
        int fd, int toss_bytes) {
    int pipefd[2];

    LogD("NBridge: Reading fd %d from %s with args:", fd, argv[0]);
    char ** arg = argv + 1;
    while (*arg != NULL) {
        LogD("\t%s", *arg);

    int cpid = fork();
    if (cpid == 0) {
        dup2(pipefd[1], fd);
        execv(argv[0], argv);

    if (toss_bytes > 0) {
        int bytes_tossed = read(pipefd[0], output_buf, toss_bytes);
        if (bytes_tossed != toss_bytes) {
            LogE("NBridge: Error skipping junk! Only tossed %d bytes.",
            return -1;
        } else {
            LogD("NBridge: Skipped %d bytes.", bytes_tossed);

    int bytes_read = 0;
    int reads = 0;
    int child_status = -1;
    while (bytes_read < buf_len) {
        int bytes_read_this_time = read(pipefd[0], output_buf + bytes_read,
                buf_len - bytes_read);
        if (bytes_read_this_time < 0) {
            char * errmsg = strerror(errno);
            LogE("NBridge: Error while reading from subprocess:");
            return 255;

        if (bytes_read_this_time == 0) {
        bytes_read += bytes_read_this_time;
    LogD("NBridge: Read %d of %d bytes from subprocess with %d reads.", bytes_read, buf_len, reads);
    return waitpid(cpid, &child_status, 0);
Beispiel #13
 * This function will add CacheData to list.
 * @param cache the cache pointer
 * @param name the name of CacheData
 * @param length the value length
 * @param value the value point
 * @param valueChangedListener the changed value's callback function
 * @return error code
static CacheErrCode addData(pCache const cache, const char* name, uint8_t length,
        uint16_t* value, void* (*valueChangedListener)(void *arg)) {
    CacheErrCode errorCode = CACHE_NO_ERR;
    pCacheData data;
    /* lock the thread pool synchronized lock */

    data = (pCacheData) malloc(sizeof(CacheData));
    assert(data != NULL);

    if (hasData(cache, name) != NULL) {/* the data must not exist in list */
        LogD("the name of %s data is already exist in cache data list", name);
        errorCode = CACHE_NAME_ERROR;
    } else {
        strcpy(data->name, name);

    if (errorCode == CACHE_NO_ERR) {
        if (length > CACHE_LENGTH_MAX) {
            LogD("the name %s is too long,can't add to list", name);
            errorCode = CACHE_LENGTH_ERROR;
        } else {
            data->length = length;

    if (errorCode == CACHE_NO_ERR) {
        /* malloc data value space */
        data->value = (uint16_t*) malloc(length * sizeof(uint16_t));
        assert(data->value != NULL);
        memcpy(data->value, value, length * sizeof(uint16_t));
        data->valueChangedListener = valueChangedListener;
        data->next = NULL;
        /* if list is NULL ,then head node is equal of tail node*/
        if (cache->dataHead == NULL) {
            cache->dataHead = cache->dataTail = data;
        } else if ((cache->dataHead == cache->dataTail) /* the list has one node */
        && (cache->dataHead != NULL)) {
            cache->dataHead->next = data;
            cache->dataTail = data;
        } else { /* the list has more than one node*/
            cache->dataTail->next = data;
            cache->dataTail = data;
        LogD("add %s to data list is success", name);
    } else if (errorCode != CACHE_NO_ERR) {
        data = NULL;
    /* unlock the thread pool synchronized lock */
    return errorCode;
void ClientSession::HandleGenerateCorpsRequest( GenerateCorpsRequest& inPacket )
	m_RecvBuffer.Read( (char*)&inPacket, inPacket.m_Size );

	UnitType unitType = inPacket.m_UnitType;

	float nowX = inPacket.m_NowX;
	float nowZ = inPacket.m_NowZ;
	float lookX = inPacket.m_LookX;
	float lookZ = inPacket.m_LookZ;
	int playerID = inPacket.m_PlayerId;

	// gm만 리퀘스트를 할수있게... 치트 테스트를 위해 잠시 꺼둠
// 	if ( playerID < 101 && playerID > 199 )
// 	{
// 		Disconnect();
// 		return;
// 	}

	PositionInfo position;
	position.m_EyePoint = { nowX, 0.0f, nowZ };
	position.m_LookAtPoint = { lookX, 0.0f, lookZ };

	const Corps* corps = m_GameRoom->GenerateCorps( playerID, unitType, position );

	if ( !corps )

	GenerateCorpsResult outPacket;
	outPacket.m_UnitType = unitType;
	outPacket.m_NowX = nowX;
	outPacket.m_NowZ = nowZ;
	outPacket.m_LookX = lookX;
	outPacket.m_LookZ = lookZ;
	outPacket.m_CorpsID = corps->GetCorpsID();
	outPacket.m_PlayerId = corps->GetPlayerID( );
	outPacket.m_FormationType = corps->GetFormationType();
	outPacket.m_UnitNum = corps->GetUnitNum();

	if ( !Broadcast( &outPacket ) )
		LogD( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::HandleGenerateCorpsRequest Broadcast Fail \n" );

	LogD( "GenerateCorps! Type:%d CorpID:%d PlayerID:%d \n",
			  unitType, corps->GetCorpsID( ), m_PlayerID );
Beispiel #15
void ConnectionWrapper::close() {
    // This will close socket too only if flag BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE is set
    if (bufEvent != nullptr) {
    LogD(TAG, "Connection closed fd=" + std::to_string(fd));
Beispiel #16
void SampleLightCO(void){
	unsigned long ulADC0_Value[1];
	ADCSequenceConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 3, ADC_TRIGGER_PROCESSOR, 0);
	ADCSequenceStepConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 3, 0, ADC_CTL_CH0 | ADC_CTL_IE |
	ADCSequenceEnable(ADC0_BASE, 3);
	ADCIntClear(ADC0_BASE, 3);

		ADCProcessorTrigger(ADC0_BASE, 3);
		while(!ADCIntStatus(ADC0_BASE, 3, false)){
		ADCIntClear(ADC0_BASE, 3);
		ADCSequenceDataGet(ADC0_BASE, 3, ulADC0_Value);
		Log("Breath Level = ");

		SysCtlDelay(SysCtlClockGet() / 12);
Beispiel #17
void QueryListener::onEvent(bufferevent *bufEvent, short events, void *arg) {

    QueryListener *_this = static_cast<QueryListener *>(arg);
    evutil_socket_t fd = bufferevent_getfd(bufEvent);

    // If socket is closed - delete it from the collection
    if (events & BEV_EVENT_EOF) {
        LogD(TAG, "event: BEV_EVENT_EOF fd=" + std::to_string(fd));

    if (events & BEV_EVENT_ERROR) {
        LogD(TAG, "event: BEV_EVENT_ERROR fd=" + std::to_string(fd));

Beispiel #18
ConnectionWrapper::ConnectionWrapper(bufferevent *bufEvent, const std::string &authKey) :
        bufEvent(bufEvent), authKey(authKey), fd(-1) {
    if (bufEvent != nullptr) {
        fd = bufferevent_getfd(bufEvent);
        LogD(TAG, "Connection established fd=" + std::to_string(fd));
void GenerateCorpOnce::OnBegin()
    LogD( "[%d]GenerateCorpOnce OnBegin \n", m_PlayerID );

    m_ActionStatus = ACTION_TICK;
    m_GameRoom->AddActionToScheduler( this, 0 );
Beispiel #20
ACacheManager::~ACacheManager() {
	LogD(0, "~ACacheManager()\n");
	if (m_ChannelsRAMCache != nullptr)
		delete m_ChannelsRAMCache;
	if (m_ChannelsDiskCache != nullptr)
		delete m_ChannelsDiskCache;
void MovePosition::OnTick()
	// onTick의 역할은?
	LogD( "MovePosition OnTick \n" );

	m_ActionStatus = ACTION_END;
	m_OwnerCorps->DoNextAction( this, 0 );
	* Class:     com_example_signlanguagerecognitionsystem_RecognitionService
	* Method:    initialize
	* Signature: ()V
	JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_tw_edu_ntust_jojllman_wearableapplication_BLE_RecognitionService_initialize (JNIEnv *enc, jobject obj)
		int n = slr_system.m_SLRM.m_database.m_signMotionFileName.size();
		LogD(TAG, "Database size: %d", n);
Beispiel #23
void ACacheManager::PushIntoCache(double lat, double lng, uint x, uint y, std::vector<SpectrumChannel>& vec) {
	LogD(0, "PushIntoCache(%lf, %lf, %d, %d, *vec*)\n", lat, lng, x, y);
	if (m_ChannelsRAMCache == nullptr || m_ChannelsDiskCache == nullptr)
		throw MakeException(std::runtime_error, std::string("You have to initialize the cache before calling ") + __func__ + "() function");
	m_ChannelsRAMCache->Push(x, y, vec);
	m_ChannelsDiskCache->WriteData(lat, lng, vec);
void GenerateCorpAction::OnBegin( )
	LogD( "[%d]GenerateCorps OnBegin \n", m_PlayerID);

	m_LastGeneratedTime = GetTickCount64();

	m_ActionStatus = ACTION_TICK;
	m_GameRoom->AddActionToScheduler( this, 0 );
Beispiel #25
void ACacheManager::InitializeCache(uint cell_width_count, uint cell_height_count) {
	LogD(0, "InitializeCache(%d, %d)\n", cell_width_count, cell_height_count);
	if (m_ChannelsRAMCache != nullptr || m_ChannelsDiskCache != nullptr)
		throw MakeException(std::runtime_error, std::string("The cache is already initialized.. which is a problem!"));
	m_ChannelsRAMCache = new SpectrumChannelsRAMCache(cell_width_count, cell_height_count);	
	m_ChannelsDiskCache = new SpectrumChannelsDiskCache(GetCurrentConfiguration());
Beispiel #26
void QueryListener::onAccept(evconnlistener *listener, evutil_socket_t fd, sockaddr *addr, int sock_len, void *arg) {
    LogD(TAG, "Accepted new connection with fd=" + std::to_string(fd));
    // When a new connection caught, connect it with bufferevent
    event_base* base = evconnlistener_get_base(listener);
    bufferevent *bufferevent = bufferevent_socket_new(base, fd, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE);

    // Connect read, write and event callbacks to bufferevent of the connection
    bufferevent_setcb(bufferevent, onRead, onWrite, onEvent, arg);
    bufferevent_enable(bufferevent, (EV_READ | EV_WRITE));
Beispiel #27
int writeFBData(int output_fd, int fb_fd, int fb_bytes)
    void * bytes = malloc(fb_bytes);
    int bytes_read = read(fb_fd, bytes, fb_bytes);
    if (bytes_read < fb_bytes) {
        LogE("External: Only read %d bytes from framebuffer!", bytes_read);
        return 1;
    LogD("External: read %u bytes from framebuffer.", bytes_read);

    int bytes_written = write(output_fd, bytes, fb_bytes);
    if (bytes_written < fb_bytes) {
        LogE("External: Only wrote %d bytes!", bytes_written);
        return 1;
    LogD("External: wrote %u bytes.", bytes_written);

    return 0;
void ClientSession::HandleChangeCorpsFormationRequest( ChangeCorpsFormationRequest& inPacket )

	m_RecvBuffer.Read( (char*)&inPacket, inPacket.m_Size );

	int corpsID = inPacket.m_CorpsID;
	FormationType formation = inPacket.m_FormationType;

	Corps* corps = m_GameRoom->GetCorpsByCorpsID( corpsID );
	if ( !corps || FormationType::FORMATION_NONE == formation)

	if ( m_ErrorNumber > m_ErrorNumberMax )
		LogD( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::HandleChangeCorpsFormationRequest Error Max \n" );

	// 이미 동일 포메이션이면 무시
	if ( formation == corps->GetFormationType() )
	// 내 콥스 맵에서 포메이션바꿔주자
	corps->ChangeFormation( formation );

// 	ChangeCorpsFormationResult outPacket;
// 	outPacket.m_CorpsID = corpsID;
// 	outPacket.m_FormationType = formation;
// 	if ( !Broadcast( &outPacket ) )
// 	{
// 		Log( "[Disconnected from:]ClientSession::HandleChangeCorpsFormationRequest BoradCast Fail \n" );
// 		Disconnect();
// 	}

	LogD( "Corps Change Formation CorpID:%d Formation:%d \n", corpsID, formation );

Beispiel #29
void Disasm(uint8_t* ram, uint32_t start)
	LogV("starting disassembly at: 0x%08x", start);
	uint32_t pc = start;
	int end = 1024 * 1024 * 16;
	while(ram[--end] == 0);
	while(pc <= end){
		int hasRead = 0;
		uint8_t read8(){ hasRead++; return ram[pc++]; }

		uint32_t read16(){
			uint16_t ret = read8();
			ret |= read8() << 8;
			return ret;

		uint32_t read32(){
			uint32_t ret = read8();
			ret |= read8() << 8;
			ret |= read8() << 16;
			ret |= read8() << 24;
			return ret;

		DIns ins = read8();
		LAssert(ins < DINS_NUM, "illegal instruction: 0x%02x", ins);

		int n = printf("\t%s ", dinsNames[ins]);

		for(int i = 0; i < InsNumOps(ins); i++){
			DVals op = read8();
			LAssert(op < DVALS_NUM, "illegal operand value: 0x%02x", op);
			char numStr[64] = {0};

				sprintf(numStr, "0x%02x", read32());
			LogD("op: %d", op);
			char str[64];
			n += printf("%s", StrReplace(str, valNames[op], "nw", numStr));

			if(i < InsNumOps(ins) - 1)
				n += printf(", ");

		printf("%*s", 40 - n, "; ");
		printf("0x%08x | ", pc - hasRead);
		for(int i = 0; i < hasRead; i++) printf("%02x ", ram[pc - hasRead + i]);

	* Class:     com_example_signlanguagerecognitionsystem_RecognitionService
	* Method:    run_recognize
	* Signature: ()V
	JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_tw_edu_ntust_jojllman_wearableapplication_BLE_RecognitionService_run_1recognize (JNIEnv *enc, jobject obj)
		jboolean ok = false;
		if (slr_system.motionDataQ[0].empty())
			LogD(TAG, "Data[0] is empty.");
		if (slr_system.motionDataQ[1].empty())
			LogD(TAG, "Data[1] is empty.");
		while (!slr_system.motionDataQ[0].empty() && !slr_system.motionDataQ[1].empty())
			slr_system.m_SLRM.RecognizeProcessing(slr_system.motionDataQ[0].at(0), slr_system.motionDataQ[1].at(0));
			if (slr_system.m_SLRM.IsRecognition)
				ok = true;
				slr_system.m_SLRM.IsRecognition = false;
		return ok;