Beispiel #1
ves_icall_System_Threading_StInternalMethods_RegisterHandle_internal (MonoObject *obj) 
	guint32 handle;

	if (handles == NULL) {
		handles = mono_g_hash_table_new_type (NULL, NULL, MONO_HASH_VALUE_GC);
		st_lock_init (&lock, SPIN_COUNT);

	st_lock_enter (&lock);
	handle = next_handle;

	if (next_handle == (~0 - 1)) {
		next_handle = 1;
	} else {
		next_handle += 1;
	mono_g_hash_table_insert (handles, (gpointer)handle, (gpointer)obj);
	st_lock_exit (&lock);
	return (gpointer) handle;
Beispiel #2
mono_thread_pool_init ()
	gint threads_per_cpu = 1;
	gint thread_count;
	gint cpu_count = mono_cpu_count ();
	int result;

	if (tp_inited == 2)

	result = InterlockedCompareExchange (&tp_inited, 1, 0);
	if (result == 1) {
		while (1) {
			SleepEx (1, FALSE);
			if (tp_inited == 2)

	MONO_GC_REGISTER_ROOT_FIXED (socket_io_data.sock_to_state);
	InitializeCriticalSection (&socket_io_data.io_lock);
	if (g_getenv ("MONO_THREADS_PER_CPU") != NULL) {
		threads_per_cpu = atoi (g_getenv ("MONO_THREADS_PER_CPU"));
		if (threads_per_cpu < 1)
			threads_per_cpu = 1;

	thread_count = MIN (cpu_count * threads_per_cpu, 100 * cpu_count);
	threadpool_init (&async_tp, thread_count, MAX (100 * cpu_count, thread_count), async_invoke_thread);
	threadpool_init (&async_io_tp, cpu_count * 2, cpu_count * 4, async_invoke_thread);
	async_io_tp.is_io = TRUE;

	async_call_klass = mono_class_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "MonoAsyncCall");
	g_assert (async_call_klass);

	InitializeCriticalSection (&wsqs_lock);
	wsqs = g_ptr_array_sized_new (MAX (100 * cpu_count, thread_count));
	mono_wsq_init ();

	async_tp.pc_nitems = init_perf_counter ("Mono Threadpool", "Work Items Added");
	g_assert (async_tp.pc_nitems);

	async_io_tp.pc_nitems = init_perf_counter ("Mono Threadpool", "IO Work Items Added");
	g_assert (async_io_tp.pc_nitems);

	async_tp.pc_nthreads = init_perf_counter ("Mono Threadpool", "# of Threads");
	g_assert (async_tp.pc_nthreads);

	async_io_tp.pc_nthreads = init_perf_counter ("Mono Threadpool", "# of IO Threads");
	g_assert (async_io_tp.pc_nthreads);
	tp_inited = 2;
#ifdef DEBUG
	signal (SIGALRM, signal_handler);
	alarm (2);
Beispiel #3
mono_gc_base_init (void)
	MonoThreadInfoCallbacks cb;
	const char *env;
	int dummy;

	if (gc_initialized)

	mono_counters_init ();

	 * Handle the case when we are called from a thread different from the main thread,
	 * confusing libgc.
	 * FIXME: Move this to libgc where it belongs.
	 * we used to do this only when running on valgrind,
	 * but it happens also in other setups.
#if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_GETATTR_NP) && defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETSTACK) && !defined(__native_client__)
		size_t size;
		void *sstart;
		pthread_attr_t attr;
		pthread_getattr_np (pthread_self (), &attr);
		pthread_attr_getstack (&attr, &sstart, &size);
		pthread_attr_destroy (&attr); 
		/*g_print ("stackbottom pth is: %p\n", (char*)sstart + size);*/
#ifdef __ia64__
		 * The calculation above doesn't seem to work on ia64, also we need to set
		 * GC_register_stackbottom as well, but don't know how.
		/* apparently with some linuxthreads implementations sstart can be NULL,
		 * fallback to the more imprecise method (bug# 78096).
		if (sstart) {
			GC_stackbottom = (char*)sstart + size;
		} else {
			int dummy;
			gsize stack_bottom = (gsize)&dummy;
			stack_bottom += 4095;
			stack_bottom &= ~4095;
			GC_stackbottom = (char*)stack_bottom;
		GC_stackbottom = (char*)pthread_get_stackaddr_np (pthread_self ());
#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
#  include <pthread_np.h>
		stack_t ss;
		int rslt;

		rslt = pthread_stackseg_np(pthread_self(), &ss);
		g_assert (rslt == 0);

		GC_stackbottom = (char*)ss.ss_sp;
#elif defined(__native_client__)
	/* Do nothing, GC_stackbottom is set correctly in libgc */
		int dummy;
		gsize stack_bottom = (gsize)&dummy;
		stack_bottom += 4095;
		stack_bottom &= ~4095;
		/*g_print ("stackbottom is: %p\n", (char*)stack_bottom);*/
		GC_stackbottom = (char*)stack_bottom;

#if !defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
	/* If GC_no_dls is set to true, GC_find_limit is not called. This causes a seg fault on Android. */
	GC_no_dls = TRUE;
		if ((env = g_getenv ("MONO_GC_DEBUG"))) {
			char **opts = g_strsplit (env, ",", -1);
			for (char **ptr = opts; ptr && *ptr; ptr ++) {
				char *opt = *ptr;
				if (!strcmp (opt, "do-not-finalize")) {
					mono_do_not_finalize = 1;
				} else if (!strcmp (opt, "log-finalizers")) {
					log_finalizers = 1;

	GC_init ();

	GC_oom_fn = mono_gc_out_of_memory;
	GC_set_warn_proc (mono_gc_warning);
	GC_finalize_on_demand = 1;
	GC_finalizer_notifier = mono_gc_finalize_notify;

	GC_init_gcj_malloc (5, NULL);

	if ((env = g_getenv ("MONO_GC_PARAMS"))) {
		char **ptr, **opts = g_strsplit (env, ",", -1);
		for (ptr = opts; *ptr; ++ptr) {
			char *opt = *ptr;
			if (g_str_has_prefix (opt, "max-heap-size=")) {
				size_t max_heap;

				opt = strchr (opt, '=') + 1;
				if (*opt && mono_gc_parse_environment_string_extract_number (opt, &max_heap)) {
					if (max_heap < MIN_BOEHM_MAX_HEAP_SIZE) {
						fprintf (stderr, "max-heap-size must be at least %dMb.\n", MIN_BOEHM_MAX_HEAP_SIZE_IN_MB);
						exit (1);
					GC_set_max_heap_size (max_heap);
				} else {
					fprintf (stderr, "max-heap-size must be an integer.\n");
					exit (1);
			} else if (g_str_has_prefix (opt, "toggleref-test")) {
				register_test_toggleref_callback ();
			} else {
				/* Could be a parameter for sgen */
				fprintf (stderr, "MONO_GC_PARAMS must be a comma-delimited list of one or more of the following:\n");
				fprintf (stderr, "  max-heap-size=N (where N is an integer, possibly with a k, m or a g suffix)\n");
				exit (1);
		g_strfreev (opts);

	memset (&cb, 0, sizeof (cb));
	cb.thread_register = boehm_thread_register;
	cb.thread_unregister = boehm_thread_unregister;
	cb.mono_method_is_critical = (gpointer)mono_runtime_is_critical_method;

	mono_threads_init (&cb, sizeof (MonoThreadInfo));
	mono_mutex_init (&mono_gc_lock);
	mono_mutex_init_recursive (&handle_section);

	mono_thread_info_attach (&dummy);

	mono_gc_enable_events ();

	MONO_GC_REGISTER_ROOT_FIXED (gc_handles [HANDLE_NORMAL].entries, MONO_ROOT_SOURCE_GC_HANDLE, "gc handles table");
	MONO_GC_REGISTER_ROOT_FIXED (gc_handles [HANDLE_PINNED].entries, MONO_ROOT_SOURCE_GC_HANDLE, "gc handles table");

	gc_initialized = TRUE;