Beispiel #1
static void readSound (ExperimentMFC me, const char32 *fileNameHead, const char32 *fileNameTail,
	double medialSilenceDuration, char32 **name, autoSound *sound)
	char32 fileNameBuffer [256], *fileNames = & fileNameBuffer [0];
	Melder_sprint (fileNameBuffer,256, *name);
	structMelderFile file = { 0 };
	 * The following conversion is needed when fileNameHead is an absolute path,
	 * and the stimulus names contain slashes for relative paths.
	 * An ugly case, but allowed.
	#if defined (_WIN32)
		for (;;) { char32 *slash = str32chr (fileNames, U'/'); if (! slash) break; *slash = U'\\'; }
	char32 pathName [kMelder_MAXPATH+1];
	 * 'fileNames' can contain commas, which separate partial file names.
	 * The separate files should be concatenated.
	for (;;) {
		 * Determine partial file name.
		char32 *comma = str32chr (fileNames, U',');
		if (comma) *comma = '\0';
		 * Determine complete (relative) file name.
		Melder_sprint (pathName,kMelder_MAXPATH+1, fileNameHead, fileNames, fileNameTail);
		 * Make sure we are in the correct directory.
		if (MelderDir_isNull (& my rootDirectory)) {
			 * Absolute file name.
			Melder_pathToFile (pathName, & file);
		} else {
			 * Relative or absolute file name.
			MelderDir_relativePathToFile (& my rootDirectory, pathName, & file);
			if (Melder_debug == 32) {
				MelderInfo_open ();
				MelderInfo_writeLine (U"Path name <", pathName, U">");
				MelderInfo_writeLine (U"Root directory <", my rootDirectory.path, U">");
				MelderInfo_writeLine (U"Full path name <", file.path, U">");
				MelderInfo_close ();
		 * Read the substimulus.
		autoSound substimulus = Data_readFromFile (& file). static_cast_move<structSound>();
		if (substimulus -> classInfo != classSound)
			Melder_throw (U"File ", & file, U" contains a ", Thing_className (substimulus.get()), U" instead of a sound.");
		 * Check whether all sounds have the same number of channels.
		if (my numberOfChannels == 0) {
			my numberOfChannels = substimulus -> ny;
		} else if (substimulus -> ny != my numberOfChannels) {
			Melder_throw (U"The sound in file ", & file, U" has a different number of channels than some other sound.");
		 * Check whether all sounds have the same sampling frequency.
		if (my samplePeriod == 0.0) {
			my samplePeriod = substimulus -> dx;   /* This must be the first sound read. */
		} else if (substimulus -> dx != my samplePeriod) {
			Melder_throw (U"The sound in file ", & file, U" has a different sampling frequency than some other sound.");
		 * Append the substimuli, perhaps with silent intervals.
		if (*sound) {
			*sound = Sounds_append (sound->get(), medialSilenceDuration, substimulus.get());
		} else {
			*sound = substimulus.move();
		 * Cycle.
		if (! comma) break;
		fileNames = & comma [1];
static void gui_drawingarea_cb_expose (I, GuiDrawingAreaExposeEvent event) {
	iam (RunnerMFC);
	Melder_assert (event -> widget == my d_drawingArea);
	if (my graphics == NULL) return;   // Could be the case in the very beginning.
	ExperimentMFC experiment = (ExperimentMFC) my data;
	long iresponse;
	if (my data == NULL) return;
	Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.8);
	Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, 0, 1, 0, 1);
	Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.0);
	if (experiment -> trial == 0) {
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 0.5, experiment -> startText);
	} else if (experiment -> pausing) {
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 0.5, experiment -> pauseText);
		if (experiment -> oops_right > experiment -> oops_left && experiment -> trial > 1) {
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> oops_left, experiment -> oops_right, experiment -> oops_bottom, experiment -> oops_top,
				experiment -> oops_label);
	} else if (experiment -> trial <= experiment -> numberOfTrials) {
		const wchar_t *visibleText = experiment -> stimulus [experiment -> stimuli [experiment -> trial]]. visibleText;
		wchar_t *visibleText_dup = Melder_wcsdup_f (visibleText ? visibleText : L""), *visibleText_p = visibleText_dup;
		Graphics_setFont (my graphics, kGraphics_font_TIMES);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 10);
		Graphics_setColour (my graphics, Graphics_BLACK);
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_LEFT, Graphics_TOP);
		Graphics_text3 (my graphics, 0, 1, Melder_integer (experiment -> trial), L" / ", Melder_integer (experiment -> numberOfTrials));
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_TOP);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		 * The run text.
		if (visibleText_p [0] != '\0') {
			wchar_t *visibleText_q = wcschr (visibleText_p, '|');
			if (visibleText_q) *visibleText_q = '\0';
			Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 1.0, visibleText_p [0] != '\0' ? visibleText_p : experiment -> runText);
			if (visibleText_q) visibleText_p = visibleText_q + 1; else visibleText_p += wcslen (visibleText_p);
		} else {
			Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 1.0, experiment -> runText);
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		for (iresponse = 1; iresponse <= experiment -> numberOfDifferentResponses; iresponse ++) {
			ResponseMFC response = & experiment -> response [iresponse];
			wchar_t *textToDraw = response -> label;   // can be overridden
			if (visibleText_p [0] != '\0') {
				wchar_t *visibleText_q = wcschr (visibleText_p, '|');
				if (visibleText_q) *visibleText_q = '\0';
				textToDraw = visibleText_p;   // override
				if (visibleText_q) visibleText_p = visibleText_q + 1; else visibleText_p += wcslen (visibleText_p);
			if (wcsnequ (textToDraw, L"\\FI", 3)) {
				structMelderFile file;
				MelderDir_relativePathToFile (& experiment -> rootDirectory, textToDraw + 3, & file);
				Graphics_imageFromFile (my graphics, Melder_fileToPath (& file), response -> left, response -> right, response -> bottom, response -> top);
			} else {
				Graphics_setColour (my graphics,
					response -> name [0] == '\0' ? Graphics_SILVER :
					experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] == iresponse ? Graphics_RED :
					experiment -> ok_right > experiment -> ok_left || experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] == 0 ?
					Graphics_YELLOW : Graphics_SILVER);
				Graphics_setLineWidth (my graphics, 3.0);
				Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, response -> left, response -> right, response -> bottom, response -> top);
				Graphics_setColour (my graphics, Graphics_MAROON);
				Graphics_rectangle (my graphics, response -> left, response -> right, response -> bottom, response -> top);
				Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, response -> fontSize ? response -> fontSize : 24);
				Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5 * (response -> left + response -> right),
					0.5 * (response -> bottom + response -> top), textToDraw);
			Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		for (iresponse = 1; iresponse <= experiment -> numberOfGoodnessCategories; iresponse ++) {
			GoodnessMFC goodness = & experiment -> goodness [iresponse];
			Graphics_setColour (my graphics, experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] == 0 ? Graphics_SILVER :
				experiment -> goodnesses [experiment -> trial] == iresponse ? Graphics_RED : Graphics_YELLOW);
			Graphics_setLineWidth (my graphics, 3.0);
			Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, goodness -> left, goodness -> right, goodness -> bottom, goodness -> top);
			Graphics_setColour (my graphics, Graphics_MAROON);
			Graphics_rectangle (my graphics, goodness -> left, goodness -> right, goodness -> bottom, goodness -> top);
			Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5 * (goodness -> left + goodness -> right), 0.5 * (goodness -> bottom + goodness -> top), goodness -> label);
		if (experiment -> replay_right > experiment -> replay_left && my numberOfReplays < experiment -> maximumNumberOfReplays) {
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> replay_left, experiment -> replay_right, experiment -> replay_bottom, experiment -> replay_top,
				experiment -> replay_label);
		if (experiment -> ok_right > experiment -> ok_left &&
		    experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] != 0 &&
		    (experiment -> numberOfGoodnessCategories == 0 || experiment -> goodnesses [experiment -> trial] != 0))
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> ok_left, experiment -> ok_right, experiment -> ok_bottom, experiment -> ok_top,
				experiment -> ok_label);
		if (experiment -> oops_right > experiment -> oops_left && experiment -> trial > 1) {
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> oops_left, experiment -> oops_right, experiment -> oops_bottom, experiment -> oops_top,
				experiment -> oops_label);
		Melder_free (visibleText_dup);
	} else {
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 0.5, experiment -> endText);
		if (experiment -> oops_right > experiment -> oops_left && experiment -> trial > 1) {
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> oops_left, experiment -> oops_right, experiment -> oops_bottom, experiment -> oops_top,
				experiment -> oops_label);