WMSG_RESULT CUISpinControl::OnMouseWheel( UINT16 x, UINT16 y, int wheel )
	if (IsInside(x, y) == FALSE)
		return WMSG_FAIL;

	MoveData(wheel > 0 ? true : false);
Beispiel #2
bool IOBuffer::EnsureSize(uint32_t expected) {
	//1. Do we have enough space?
	if (_published + expected <= _size) {
		return true;

	//2. Apparently we don't! Try to move some data

	//3. Again, do we have enough space?
	if (_published + expected <= _size) {
		return true;

	//4. Nope! So, let's get busy with making a brand new buffer...
	//First, we allocate at least 1/3 of what we have and no less than _minChunkSize
	if ((_published + expected - _size)<(_size / 3)) {
		expected = _size + _size / 3 - _published;

	if (expected < _minChunkSize) {
		expected = _minChunkSize;

	//5. Allocate
	uint8_t *pTempBuffer = new uint8_t[_published + expected];

	//6. Copy existing data if necessary and switch buffers
	if (_pBuffer != NULL) {
		memcpy(pTempBuffer, _pBuffer, _published);
		delete[] _pBuffer;
	_pBuffer = pTempBuffer;

	//7. Update the size
	_size = _published + expected;

	return true;
CUnit* CUnitLoader::LoadUnit(const string& name, float3 pos, int team,
                             bool build, int facing, const CUnit* builder)
//	GML_RECMUTEX_LOCK(unit); // LoadUnit. Unitinit puts unit in the quadfield and activeUnits -
	GML_RECMUTEX_LOCK(sel); // LoadUnit. For anti deadlock purposes.
	GML_RECMUTEX_LOCK(quad); // LoadUnit. - make sure other threads cannot access an incomplete unit

	CUnit* unit;

	SCOPED_TIMER("Unit loader");

	const UnitDef* ud = unitDefHandler->GetUnitByName(name);
	if (!ud) {
		throw content_error("Couldn't find unittype " +  name);

	string type = ud->type;

	if (!build) {
		pos.y = ground->GetHeight2(pos.x, pos.z);
		if (ud->floater && pos.y < 0.0f) {
			// adjust to waterline iif we are submerged
 			pos.y = -ud->waterline;

	if (team < 0) {
		team = MAX_TEAMS - 1; // FIXME use gs->gaiaTeamID ?  (once it is always enabled)

	if (type == "GroundUnit") {
		unit = SAFE_NEW CUnit;
	} else if (type == "Transport") {
		unit = SAFE_NEW CTransportUnit;
	} else if (type == "Building") {
		unit = SAFE_NEW CBuilding;
	} else if (type == "Factory") {
		unit = SAFE_NEW CFactory;
	} else if (type == "Builder") {
		unit = SAFE_NEW CBuilder;
	} else if (type == "Bomber" || type == "Fighter") {
		unit = SAFE_NEW CUnit;
	} else if (type == "MetalExtractor") {
		unit = SAFE_NEW CExtractorBuilding;
	} else {
		logOutput << "Unknown unit type " << type.c_str() << "\n";
		return NULL;

	unit->UnitInit(ud, team, pos);

	unit->beingBuilt = build;

	unit->xsize = ((facing & 1) == 0) ? ud->xsize : ud->zsize;
	unit->zsize = ((facing & 1) == 1) ? ud->xsize : ud->zsize;
	unit->buildFacing = facing;
	unit->power = ud->power;
	unit->maxHealth = ud->health;
	unit->health = ud->health;
	//unit->metalUpkeep = ud->metalUpkeep*16.0f/GAME_SPEED;
	//unit->energyUpkeep = ud->energyUpkeep*16.0f/GAME_SPEED;
	unit->controlRadius = (int)(ud->controlRadius / SQUARE_SIZE);
	unit->losHeight = ud->losHeight;
	unit->metalCost = ud->metalCost;
	unit->energyCost = ud->energyCost;
	unit->buildTime = ud->buildTime;
	unit->aihint = ud->aihint;
	unit->tooltip = ud->humanName + " - " + ud->tooltip;
	unit->armoredMultiple = std::max(0.0001f, ud->armoredMultiple);		//armored multiple of 0 will crash spring
	unit->wreckName = ud->wreckName;

	unit->realLosRadius = (int) (ud->losRadius);
	unit->realAirLosRadius = (int) (ud->airLosRadius);
	unit->upright = ud->upright;
	unit->radarRadius      = ud->radarRadius    / (SQUARE_SIZE * 8);
	unit->sonarRadius      = ud->sonarRadius    / (SQUARE_SIZE * 8);
	unit->jammerRadius     = ud->jammerRadius   / (SQUARE_SIZE * 8);
	unit->sonarJamRadius   = ud->sonarJamRadius / (SQUARE_SIZE * 8);
	unit->seismicRadius    = ud->seismicRadius  / (SQUARE_SIZE * 8);
	unit->seismicSignature = ud->seismicSignature;
	unit->hasRadarCapacity = unit->radarRadius  || unit->sonarRadius    ||
	                         unit->jammerRadius || unit->sonarJamRadius ||
	unit->stealth = ud->stealth;
	unit->sonarStealth = ud->sonarStealth;
	unit->category = ud->category;
	unit->armorType = ud->armorType;
	unit->floatOnWater =
		ud->floater || (ud->movedata && ((ud->movedata->moveType == MoveData::Hover_Move) ||
		                                 (ud->movedata->moveType == MoveData::Ship_Move)));
	unit->maxSpeed = ud->speed / 30.0f;
	unit->decloakDistance = ud->decloakDistance;

	unit->flankingBonusMode        = ud->flankingBonusMode;
	unit->flankingBonusDir         = ud->flankingBonusDir;
	unit->flankingBonusMobility    = ud->flankingBonusMobilityAdd * 1000;
	unit->flankingBonusMobilityAdd = ud->flankingBonusMobilityAdd;
	unit->flankingBonusAvgDamage = (ud->flankingBonusMax + ud->flankingBonusMin) * 0.5f;
	unit->flankingBonusDifDamage = (ud->flankingBonusMax - ud->flankingBonusMin) * 0.5f;


	if(ud->fireState >= 0)
		unit->fireState = ud->fireState;

	} else {

	if (type == "GroundUnit") {
		SAFE_NEW CMobileCAI(unit);
	else if (type == "Transport") {
		SAFE_NEW CTransportCAI(unit);
	else if (type == "Factory") {
		SAFE_NEW CFactoryCAI(unit);
	else if (type == "Builder") {
		SAFE_NEW CBuilderCAI(unit);
	else if (type == "Bomber") {
		if (ud->hoverAttack) {
			SAFE_NEW CMobileCAI(unit);
		} else {
			SAFE_NEW CAirCAI(unit);
	else if(type == "Fighter"){
		if (ud->hoverAttack) {
			SAFE_NEW CMobileCAI(unit);
		} else {
			SAFE_NEW CAirCAI(unit);
	else {
		SAFE_NEW CCommandAI(unit);

	if (ud->canmove && !ud->canfly && (type != "Factory")) {
		CGroundMoveType* mt = SAFE_NEW CGroundMoveType(unit);
		mt->maxSpeed = ud->speed / GAME_SPEED;
		mt->maxWantedSpeed = ud->speed / GAME_SPEED;
		mt->turnRate = ud->turnRate;
		mt->baseTurnRate = ud->turnRate;

		if (!mt->accRate) {
			logOutput << "acceleration of " << ud->name.c_str() << " is zero!!\n";

		mt->moveType = ud->moveType;
		mt->accRate = ud->maxAcc;
		mt->decRate = ud->maxDec;
		mt->floatOnWater = (ud->movedata->moveType == MoveData::Hover_Move ||
		                    ud->movedata->moveType == MoveData::Ship_Move);

		if (!unit->beingBuilt) {
			// otherwise set this when finished building instead
			unit->mass = ud->mass;
		unit->moveType = mt;

		// Ground-mobility
		unit->mobility = SAFE_NEW MoveData(ud->movedata, GAME_SPEED);

	} else if (ud->canfly) {
		// Air-mobility
		unit->mobility = SAFE_NEW MoveData(ud->movedata, GAME_SPEED);

		if (!unit->beingBuilt) {
			// otherwise set this when finished building instead
			unit->mass = ud->mass;

		if ((type == "Builder") || ud->hoverAttack || ud->transportCapacity) {
			CTAAirMoveType* mt = SAFE_NEW CTAAirMoveType(unit);

			mt->turnRate = ud->turnRate;
			mt->maxSpeed = ud->speed / GAME_SPEED;
			mt->accRate = ud->maxAcc;
			mt->decRate = ud->maxDec;
			mt->wantedHeight = ud->wantedHeight + gs->randFloat() * 5;
			mt->orgWantedHeight = mt->wantedHeight;
			mt->dontLand = ud->DontLand();
			mt->collide = ud->collide;
			mt->altitudeRate = ud->verticalSpeed;
			mt->bankingAllowed = ud->bankingAllowed;

			unit->moveType = mt;
		else {
			CAirMoveType *mt = SAFE_NEW CAirMoveType(unit);


			mt->collide = ud->collide;

			mt->wingAngle = ud->wingAngle;
			mt->crashDrag = 1 - ud->crashDrag;
			mt->invDrag = 1 - ud->drag;
			mt->frontToSpeed = ud->frontToSpeed;
			mt->speedToFront = ud->speedToFront;
			mt->myGravity = ud->myGravity;

			mt->maxBank = ud->maxBank;
			mt->maxPitch = ud->maxPitch;
			mt->turnRadius = ud->turnRadius;
			mt->wantedHeight = (ud->wantedHeight * 1.5f) +
			                   ((gs->randFloat() - 0.3f) * 15 * (mt->isFighter ? 2 : 1));

			mt->maxAcc = ud->maxAcc;
			mt->maxAileron = ud->maxAileron;
			mt->maxElevator = ud->maxElevator;
			mt->maxRudder = ud->maxRudder;

			unit->moveType = mt;
	} else {
		unit->moveType = SAFE_NEW CMoveType(unit);
		unit->upright = true;

	unit->energyTickMake = ud->energyMake;

	if (ud->tidalGenerator > 0)
		unit->energyTickMake += ud->tidalGenerator * mapInfo->map.tidalStrength;

	unit->model = LoadModel(ud);

	// copy the UnitDef volume archetype data
	unit->collisionVolume = SAFE_NEW CollisionVolume(ud->collisionVolume);

	// if no "collisionVolumeScales" tag was defined in UnitDef,
	// the default scale for this volume will be a ZeroVector
	if (unit->collisionVolume->GetScale(COLVOL_AXIS_X) <= 1.0f &&
		unit->collisionVolume->GetScale(COLVOL_AXIS_Y) <= 1.0f &&
		unit->collisionVolume->GetScale(COLVOL_AXIS_Z) <= 1.0f) {
		// aircraft still get half-size spheres for coldet purposes
		// if no custom volume is defined (unit->model->radius and
		// unit->radius themselves are no longer altered)
		const float scaleFactor = (ud->canfly)? 0.5f: 1.0f;
		unit->collisionVolume->SetDefaultScale(unit->model->radius * scaleFactor);

		if (unit->collisionVolume->GetBoundingRadius() <= 30.0f) {
			// the interval-based method fails too easily for units
			// with small default volumes, force use of raytracing

	if (ud->floater) {
		// restrict our depth to our waterline
		unit->pos.y = std::max(-ud->waterline, ground->GetHeight2(unit->pos.x, unit->pos.z));
	} else {
		unit->pos.y = ground->GetHeight2(unit->pos.x, unit->pos.z);

	unit->cob = SAFE_NEW CCobInstance(GCobEngine.GetCobFile("scripts/" + ud->cobFilename), unit);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ud->weapons.size(); i++) {
		unit->weapons.push_back(LoadWeapon(ud->weapons[i].def, unit, &ud->weapons[i]));

	// Calculate the max() of the available weapon reloadtimes
	int relMax = 0;
	for (vector<CWeapon*>::iterator i = unit->weapons.begin(); i != unit->weapons.end(); ++i) {
		if ((*i)->reloadTime > relMax)
			relMax = (*i)->reloadTime;
		if (dynamic_cast<CBeamLaser*>(*i))
			relMax = 150;

	// convert ticks to milliseconds
	relMax *= 30;

	// TA does some special handling depending on weapon count
	if (unit->weapons.size() > 1) {
		relMax = std::max(relMax, 3000);

	// Call initializing script functions
	unit->cob->Call("SetMaxReloadTime", relMax);

	unit->heading = GetHeadingFromFacing(facing);
	unit->frontdir = GetVectorFromHeading(unit->heading);
	unit->updir = UpVector;
	unit->rightdir = unit->frontdir.cross(unit->updir);

	unit->yardMap = ud->yardmaps[facing];


	if (!build) {
	return unit;
Beispiel #4
double ChessAI::findBestMove(bool playIt, int iter)
	PieceColor color=colorToMove;
	Square s, e;
	MoveHolder moves(settings.checkWidth);
	if (checkForBoringTie())
		//err << "\n\n\n		BORING TIE FOUND\n\n\n" << err; 
		return 0.5;
	for (int i=((color==WHITE)?0:16); i<((color==WHITE)?16:32); ++i)
		if (pieces[i].alive)
			for (e.y=0; e.y<8; ++e.y)
				for (e.x=0; e.x<8; ++e.x)
					bool path=checkMovePath(s, e);
					bool check=checkCheck(colorToMove, s, e);
					if (path && check)
						forceMove(s, e);
						moves.add(MoveData(s, e, eval(color)));
	if (moves.size()<1)
		if (checkCheck(color, kings[color]->square, kings[color]->square))
			return 0.5;
			return 0.0;
	MoveData bestMove;
	for (auto i=moves.begin(); i!=moves.end(); ++i)
		for (int j=settings.checkDepth; j>iter; --j)
			err << "    ";
		err << pieceColor2Name(color) << " " << pieceType2Name(board((*i).s)->type) << " from " << (*i).s.str() << " to " << (*i).e.str() << err;
		forceMove((*i).s, (*i).e);
		double score=0;
		if (iter<=0)
			score=1-findBestMove(false, iter-1);
		for (int j=settings.checkDepth+1; j>iter; --j)
			err << "    ";
		err << "best score for " << pieceColor2Name(myColor) << ": " << ((myColor==color)?score:1-score) << err;
		if (score>bestMove.score)
	if (playIt)
		return game->playMove(bestMove.s, bestMove.e);
		return bestMove.score;
Beispiel #5
//       Class:  PropellerSystem
//      Method:  addProperties
// Description:
void PropellerSystem::addProperties(GQE::IEntity* theEntity)
   theEntity->mProperties.add<MoveData>(MOVE_DATA, MoveData());