static void AdjustRangeForSelection(nsIContent* aRoot,
                                    nsINode** aNode,
                                    PRInt32* aOffset)
  nsINode* node = *aNode;
  PRInt32 offset = *aOffset;
  if (aRoot != node && node->GetParent() &&
      !node->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT)) {
    node = node->GetParent();
    offset = node->IndexOf(*aNode) + (offset ? 1 : 0);
  nsIContent* brContent = node->GetChildAt(offset - 1);
  while (brContent && brContent->IsHTML()) {
    if (brContent->Tag() != nsGkAtoms::br || IsContentBR(brContent))
    brContent = node->GetChildAt(--offset - 1);
  *aNode = node;
  *aOffset = NS_MAX(offset, 0);
Beispiel #2
nsAttrValue::ParseIntWithBounds(const nsAString& aString,
                                PRInt32 aMin, PRInt32 aMax)
  NS_PRECONDITION(aMin < aMax, "bad boundaries");


  PRInt32 ec;
  PRBool strict;
  PRInt32 originalVal = StringToInteger(aString, &strict, &ec);
  if (NS_FAILED(ec)) {
    return PR_FALSE;

  PRInt32 val = NS_MAX(originalVal, aMin);
  val = NS_MIN(val, aMax);
  strict = strict && (originalVal == val);
  SetIntValueAndType(val, eInteger, strict ? nsnull : &aString);

  return PR_TRUE;
Beispiel #3
FileManager::Load(mozIStorageConnection* aConnection)
  NS_ASSERTION(!NS_IsMainThread(), "Wrong thread!");

  nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> stmt;
  nsresult rv = aConnection->CreateStatement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(
    "SELECT id, refcount "
    "FROM file"
  ), getter_AddRefs(stmt));

  bool hasResult;
  while (NS_SUCCEEDED(stmt->ExecuteStep(&hasResult)) && hasResult) {
    PRInt64 id;
    rv = stmt->GetInt64(0, &id);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    PRInt32 refcount;
    rv = stmt->GetInt32(1, &refcount);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    NS_ASSERTION(refcount, "This shouldn't happen!");

    nsRefPtr<FileInfo> fileInfo = FileInfo::Create(this, id);
    fileInfo->mDBRefCnt = refcount;

    if (!mFileInfos.Put(id, fileInfo)) {
      NS_WARNING("Out of memory?");
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    mLastFileId = NS_MAX(id, mLastFileId);

  mLoaded = true;

  return NS_OK;
nsListBoxBodyFrame::DoLayout(nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState)
  if (mScrolling)

  nsresult rv = nsBoxFrame::DoLayout(aBoxLayoutState);

  // determine the real height for the scrollable area from the total number
  // of rows, since non-visible rows don't yet have frames
  nsRect rect(nsPoint(0, 0), GetSize());
  nsOverflowAreas overflow(rect, rect);
  if (mLayoutManager) {
    nsIFrame* childFrame = mFrames.FirstChild();
    while (childFrame) {
      ConsiderChildOverflow(overflow, childFrame);
      childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling();

    nsSize prefSize = mLayoutManager->GetPrefSize(this, aBoxLayoutState);
      nsRect& o = overflow.Overflow(otype);
      o.height = NS_MAX(o.height, prefSize.height);
  FinishAndStoreOverflow(overflow, GetSize());

  if (mScrolling)

  // if we are scrolled and the row height changed
  // make sure we are scrolled to a correct index.
  if (mAdjustScroll)

  return rv;
  AutoSpinlock lock(this);

  NS_ASSERTION(!IsSuspendedNoLock(), "Bad state!");

  mIsSuspended = PR_TRUE;
  mSuspendedRef = this;

  if (!mStarted) {
    mSuspendedBeforeStart = PR_TRUE;


  mSuspendInterval = NS_MAX(0, PRInt32(mTargetTime - PR_Now())) /

  LOG(("Worker [0x%p] suspending timeout [0x%p] with id %u (interval = %u)",
       static_cast<void*>(mWorker.get()), static_cast<void*>(this), mId,
// exported routine that both munder and msub share.
// munder uses this when movablelimits is set.
nsMathMLmsubFrame::PlaceSubScript (nsPresContext*      aPresContext,
                                   nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
                                   bool                 aPlaceOrigin,
                                   nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
                                   nsMathMLContainerFrame* aFrame,
                                   nscoord              aUserSubScriptShift,
                                   nscoord              aScriptSpace)
  // force the scriptSpace to be atleast 1 pixel 
  aScriptSpace = NS_MAX(nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1), aScriptSpace);

  // Get the children's desired sizes

  nsBoundingMetrics bmBase, bmSubScript;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics baseSize;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics subScriptSize;
  nsIFrame* baseFrame = aFrame->GetFirstPrincipalChild();
  nsIFrame* subScriptFrame = nullptr;
  if (baseFrame)
    subScriptFrame = baseFrame->GetNextSibling();
  if (!baseFrame || !subScriptFrame || subScriptFrame->GetNextSibling()) {
    // report an error, encourage people to get their markups in order
    if (aPlaceOrigin) {
    return aFrame->ReflowError(aRenderingContext, aDesiredSize);
  GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(baseFrame, baseSize, bmBase);
  GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(subScriptFrame, subScriptSize, bmSubScript);

  // get the subdrop from the subscript font
  nscoord subDrop;
  GetSubDropFromChild(subScriptFrame, subDrop);
  // parameter v, Rule 18a, App. G, TeXbook
  nscoord minSubScriptShift = bmBase.descent + subDrop;

  // Place Children
  // get min subscript shift limit from x-height
  // = h(x) - 4/5 * sigma_5, Rule 18b, App. G, TeXbook
  nscoord xHeight = 0;
  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm;
  nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(baseFrame, getter_AddRefs(fm));

  xHeight = fm->XHeight();
  nscoord minShiftFromXHeight = (nscoord) 
    (bmSubScript.ascent - (4.0f/5.0f) * xHeight);

  // subScriptShift
  // = minimum amount to shift the subscript down set by user or from the font
  // = sub1 in TeX
  // = subscriptshift attribute * x-height
  nscoord subScriptShift, dummy;
  // get subScriptShift default from font
  GetSubScriptShifts (fm, subScriptShift, dummy);

  subScriptShift = 
    NS_MAX(subScriptShift, aUserSubScriptShift);

  // get actual subscriptshift to be used
  // Rule 18b, App. G, TeXbook
  nscoord actualSubScriptShift = 
  // get bounding box for base + subscript
  nsBoundingMetrics boundingMetrics;
  boundingMetrics.ascent = 
    NS_MAX(bmBase.ascent, bmSubScript.ascent - actualSubScriptShift);
  boundingMetrics.descent = 
    NS_MAX(bmBase.descent, bmSubScript.descent + actualSubScriptShift);

  // add aScriptSpace to the subscript's width
  boundingMetrics.width = bmBase.width + bmSubScript.width + aScriptSpace;
  boundingMetrics.leftBearing = bmBase.leftBearing;
  boundingMetrics.rightBearing = NS_MAX(bmBase.rightBearing, bmBase.width +
    NS_MAX(bmSubScript.width + aScriptSpace, bmSubScript.rightBearing));
  aFrame->SetBoundingMetrics (boundingMetrics);

  // reflow metrics
  aDesiredSize.ascent = 
    NS_MAX(baseSize.ascent, subScriptSize.ascent - actualSubScriptShift);
  aDesiredSize.height = aDesiredSize.ascent +
    NS_MAX(baseSize.height - baseSize.ascent,
           subScriptSize.height - subScriptSize.ascent + actualSubScriptShift);
  aDesiredSize.width = boundingMetrics.width;
  aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = boundingMetrics;

  aFrame->SetReference(nsPoint(0, aDesiredSize.ascent));

  if (aPlaceOrigin) {
    nscoord dx, dy;
    // now place the base ...
    dx = aFrame->MirrorIfRTL(aDesiredSize.width, baseSize.width, 0);
    dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - baseSize.ascent;
    FinishReflowChild (baseFrame, aPresContext, nullptr, baseSize, dx, dy, 0);
    // ... and subscript
    dx = aFrame->MirrorIfRTL(aDesiredSize.width, subScriptSize.width,
    dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - (subScriptSize.ascent - actualSubScriptShift);
    FinishReflowChild (subScriptFrame, aPresContext, nullptr, subScriptSize, dx, dy, 0);

  return NS_OK;
Beispiel #7
float Axis::GetAccelerationFactor() {
  return powf(ACCELERATION_MULTIPLIER, NS_MAX(0, (mAcceleration - 4) * 3));
nsMathMLmrootFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*          aPresContext,
                           nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                           const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                           nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  nsSize availSize(aReflowState.ComputedWidth(), NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE);
  nsReflowStatus childStatus;

  aDesiredSize.width = aDesiredSize.height = 0;
  aDesiredSize.ascent = 0;

  nsBoundingMetrics bmSqr, bmBase, bmIndex;
  nsRenderingContext& renderingContext = *aReflowState.rendContext;

  // Reflow Children

  PRInt32 count = 0;
  nsIFrame* baseFrame = nsnull;
  nsIFrame* indexFrame = nsnull;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics baseSize;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics indexSize;
  nsIFrame* childFrame = mFrames.FirstChild();
  while (childFrame) {
    // ask our children to compute their bounding metrics 
    nsHTMLReflowMetrics childDesiredSize(aDesiredSize.mFlags
                                         | NS_REFLOW_CALC_BOUNDING_METRICS);
    nsHTMLReflowState childReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState,
                                       childFrame, availSize);
    rv = ReflowChild(childFrame, aPresContext,
                     childDesiredSize, childReflowState, childStatus);
    //NS_ASSERTION(NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(childStatus), "bad status");
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      // Call DidReflow() for the child frames we successfully did reflow.
      DidReflowChildren(mFrames.FirstChild(), childFrame);
      return rv;
    if (0 == count) {
      // base 
      baseFrame = childFrame;
      baseSize = childDesiredSize;
      bmBase = childDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics;
    else if (1 == count) {
      // index
      indexFrame = childFrame;
      indexSize = childDesiredSize;
      bmIndex = childDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics;
    childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling();
  if (2 != count) {
    // report an error, encourage people to get their markups in order
    rv = ReflowError(renderingContext, aDesiredSize);
    aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
    NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
    // Call DidReflow() for the child frames we successfully did reflow.
    DidReflowChildren(mFrames.FirstChild(), childFrame);
    return rv;

  // Prepare the radical symbol and the overline bar

  nsFontMetrics* fm = renderingContext.FontMetrics();

  // For radical glyphs from TeX fonts and some of the radical glyphs from
  // Mathematica fonts, the thickness of the overline can be obtained from the
  // ascent of the glyph.  Most fonts however have radical glyphs above the
  // baseline so no assumption can be made about the meaning of the ascent.
  nscoord ruleThickness, leading, em;
  GetRuleThickness(renderingContext, fm, ruleThickness);

  PRUnichar one = '1';
  nsBoundingMetrics bmOne = renderingContext.GetBoundingMetrics(&one, 1);

  // get the leading to be left at the top of the resulting frame
  // this seems more reliable than using fm->GetLeading() on suspicious fonts
  GetEmHeight(fm, em);
  leading = nscoord(0.2f * em); 

  // Rule 11, App. G, TeXbook
  // psi = clearance between rule and content
  nscoord phi = 0, psi = 0;
  if (NS_MATHML_IS_DISPLAYSTYLE(mPresentationData.flags))
    phi = fm->XHeight();
    phi = ruleThickness;
  psi = ruleThickness + phi/4;

  // built-in: adjust clearance psi to emulate \mathstrut using '1' (TexBook, p.131)
  if (bmOne.ascent > bmBase.ascent)
    psi += bmOne.ascent - bmBase.ascent;

  // make sure that the rule appears on on screen
  nscoord onePixel = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1);
  if (ruleThickness < onePixel) {
    ruleThickness = onePixel;

  // adjust clearance psi to get an exact number of pixels -- this
  // gives a nicer & uniform look on stacked radicals (bug 130282)
  nscoord delta = psi % onePixel;
  if (delta)
    psi += onePixel - delta; // round up

  // Stretch the radical symbol to the appropriate height if it is not big enough.
  nsBoundingMetrics contSize = bmBase;
  contSize.descent = bmBase.ascent + bmBase.descent + psi;
  contSize.ascent = ruleThickness;

  // height(radical) should be >= height(base) + psi + ruleThickness
  nsBoundingMetrics radicalSize;
  mSqrChar.Stretch(aPresContext, renderingContext,
                   contSize, radicalSize,
  // radicalSize have changed at this point, and should match with
  // the bounding metrics of the char

  // Update the desired size for the container (like msqrt, index is not yet included)
  // the baseline will be that of the base.
  mBoundingMetrics.ascent = bmBase.ascent + psi + ruleThickness;
  mBoundingMetrics.descent = 
           (bmSqr.ascent + bmSqr.descent - mBoundingMetrics.ascent));
  mBoundingMetrics.width = bmSqr.width + bmBase.width;
  mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing = bmSqr.leftBearing;
  mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing = bmSqr.width + 
    NS_MAX(bmBase.width, bmBase.rightBearing); // take also care of the rule

  aDesiredSize.ascent = mBoundingMetrics.ascent + leading;
  aDesiredSize.height = aDesiredSize.ascent +
    NS_MAX(baseSize.height - baseSize.ascent,
           mBoundingMetrics.descent + ruleThickness);
  aDesiredSize.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;

  // Re-adjust the desired size to include the index.
  // the index is raised by some fraction of the height
  // of the radical, see \mroot macro in App. B, TexBook
  nscoord raiseIndexDelta = NSToCoordRound(0.6f * (bmSqr.ascent + bmSqr.descent));
  nscoord indexRaisedAscent = mBoundingMetrics.ascent // top of radical 
    - (bmSqr.ascent + bmSqr.descent) // to bottom of radical
    + raiseIndexDelta + bmIndex.ascent + bmIndex.descent; // to top of raised index

  nscoord indexClearance = 0;
  if (mBoundingMetrics.ascent < indexRaisedAscent) {
    indexClearance = 
      indexRaisedAscent - mBoundingMetrics.ascent; // excess gap introduced by a tall index 
    mBoundingMetrics.ascent = indexRaisedAscent;
    nscoord descent = aDesiredSize.height - aDesiredSize.ascent;
    aDesiredSize.ascent = mBoundingMetrics.ascent + leading;
    aDesiredSize.height = aDesiredSize.ascent + descent;

  nscoord dxIndex, dxSqr;
  GetRadicalXOffsets(bmIndex.width, bmSqr.width, fm, &dxIndex, &dxSqr);

  // place the index
  nscoord dx = dxIndex;
  nscoord dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - (indexRaisedAscent + indexSize.ascent - bmIndex.ascent);
  FinishReflowChild(indexFrame, aPresContext, nsnull, indexSize, dx, dy, 0);

  // place the radical symbol and the radical bar
  dx = dxSqr;
  dy = indexClearance + leading; // leave a leading at the top
  mSqrChar.SetRect(nsRect(dx, dy, bmSqr.width, bmSqr.ascent + bmSqr.descent));
  dx += bmSqr.width;
  mBarRect.SetRect(dx, dy, bmBase.width, ruleThickness);

  // place the base
  dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - baseSize.ascent;
  FinishReflowChild(baseFrame, aPresContext, nsnull, baseSize, dx, dy, 0);

  mReference.x = 0;
  mReference.y = aDesiredSize.ascent;

  mBoundingMetrics.width = dx + bmBase.width;
  mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing = 
    NS_MIN(dxIndex + bmIndex.leftBearing, dxSqr + bmSqr.leftBearing);
  mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing = dx +
    NS_MAX(bmBase.width, bmBase.rightBearing);

  aDesiredSize.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;
  aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = mBoundingMetrics;

  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
  return NS_OK;
Beispiel #9
nsBox::BoundsCheckMinMax(const nsSize& aMinSize, const nsSize& aMaxSize)
  return nsSize(NS_MAX(aMaxSize.width, aMinSize.width),
                NS_MAX(aMaxSize.height, aMinSize.height));
gfxFT2LockedFace::GetMetrics(gfxFont::Metrics* aMetrics,
                             PRUint32* aSpaceGlyph)
    NS_PRECONDITION(aMetrics != NULL, "aMetrics must not be NULL");
    NS_PRECONDITION(aSpaceGlyph != NULL, "aSpaceGlyph must not be NULL");

    if (NS_UNLIKELY(!mFace)) {
        // No face.  This unfortunate situation might happen if the font
        // file is (re)moved at the wrong time.
        aMetrics->emHeight = mGfxFont->GetStyle()->size;
        aMetrics->emAscent = 0.8 * aMetrics->emHeight;
        aMetrics->emDescent = 0.2 * aMetrics->emHeight;
        aMetrics->maxAscent = aMetrics->emAscent;
        aMetrics->maxDescent = aMetrics->maxDescent;
        aMetrics->maxHeight = aMetrics->emHeight;
        aMetrics->internalLeading = 0.0;
        aMetrics->externalLeading = 0.2 * aMetrics->emHeight;
        aSpaceGlyph = 0;
        aMetrics->spaceWidth = 0.5 * aMetrics->emHeight;
        aMetrics->maxAdvance = aMetrics->spaceWidth;
        aMetrics->aveCharWidth = aMetrics->spaceWidth;
        aMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth = aMetrics->spaceWidth;
        aMetrics->xHeight = 0.5 * aMetrics->emHeight;
        aMetrics->underlineSize = aMetrics->emHeight / 14.0;
        aMetrics->underlineOffset = -aMetrics->underlineSize;
        aMetrics->strikeoutOffset = 0.25 * aMetrics->emHeight;
        aMetrics->strikeoutSize = aMetrics->underlineSize;
        aMetrics->superscriptOffset = aMetrics->xHeight;
        aMetrics->subscriptOffset = aMetrics->xHeight;


    const FT_Size_Metrics& ftMetrics = mFace->size->metrics;

    gfxFloat emHeight;
    // Scale for vertical design metric conversion: pixels per design unit.
    gfxFloat yScale;
    if (FT_IS_SCALABLE(mFace)) {
        // Prefer FT_Size_Metrics::x_scale to x_ppem as x_ppem does not
        // have subpixel accuracy.
        // FT_Size_Metrics::y_scale is in 16.16 fixed point format.  Its
        // (fractional) value is a factor that converts vertical metrics from
        // design units to units of 1/64 pixels, so that the result may be
        // interpreted as pixels in 26.6 fixed point format.
        yScale = FLOAT_FROM_26_6(FLOAT_FROM_16_16(ftMetrics.y_scale));
        emHeight = mFace->units_per_EM * yScale;
    } else { // Not scalable.
        // FT_Size_Metrics doc says x_scale is "only relevant for scalable
        // font formats".
        gfxFloat emUnit = mFace->units_per_EM;
        emHeight = ftMetrics.y_ppem;
        yScale = emHeight / emUnit;

    TT_OS2 *os2 =
        static_cast<TT_OS2*>(FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(mFace, ft_sfnt_os2));

    aMetrics->maxAscent = FLOAT_FROM_26_6(ftMetrics.ascender);
    aMetrics->maxDescent = -FLOAT_FROM_26_6(ftMetrics.descender);
    aMetrics->maxAdvance = FLOAT_FROM_26_6(ftMetrics.max_advance);

    gfxFloat lineHeight;
    if (os2 && os2->sTypoAscender) {
        aMetrics->emAscent = os2->sTypoAscender * yScale;
        aMetrics->emDescent = -os2->sTypoDescender * yScale;
        FT_Short typoHeight =
            os2->sTypoAscender - os2->sTypoDescender + os2->sTypoLineGap;
        lineHeight = typoHeight * yScale;

        // maxAscent/maxDescent get used for frame heights, and some fonts
        // don't have the HHEA table ascent/descent set (bug 279032).
        if (aMetrics->emAscent > aMetrics->maxAscent)
            aMetrics->maxAscent = aMetrics->emAscent;
        if (aMetrics->emDescent > aMetrics->maxDescent)
            aMetrics->maxDescent = aMetrics->emDescent;
    } else {
        aMetrics->emAscent = aMetrics->maxAscent;
        aMetrics->emDescent = aMetrics->maxDescent;
        lineHeight = FLOAT_FROM_26_6(ftMetrics.height);

    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    *aSpaceGlyph = GetCharExtents(' ', &extents);
    if (*aSpaceGlyph) {
        aMetrics->spaceWidth = extents.x_advance;
    } else {
        aMetrics->spaceWidth = aMetrics->maxAdvance; // guess

    aMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth = 0.0;
    if (GetCharExtents('0', &extents)) {
        aMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth = extents.x_advance;

    // Prefering a measured x over sxHeight because sxHeight doesn't consider
    // hinting, but maybe the x extents are not quite right in some fancy
    // script fonts.  CSS 2.1 suggests possibly using the height of an "o",
    // which would have a more consistent glyph across fonts.
    if (GetCharExtents('x', &extents) && extents.y_bearing < 0.0) {
        aMetrics->xHeight = -extents.y_bearing;
        aMetrics->aveCharWidth = extents.x_advance;
    } else {
        if (os2 && os2->sxHeight) {
            aMetrics->xHeight = os2->sxHeight * yScale;
        } else {
            // CSS 2.1, section 4.3.2 Lengths: "In the cases where it is
            // impossible or impractical to determine the x-height, a value of
            // 0.5em should be used."
            aMetrics->xHeight = 0.5 * emHeight;
        aMetrics->aveCharWidth = 0.0; // updated below
    // aveCharWidth is used for the width of text input elements so be
    // liberal rather than conservative in the estimate.
    if (os2 && os2->xAvgCharWidth) {
        // Round to pixels as this is compared with maxAdvance to guess
        // whether this is a fixed width font.
        gfxFloat avgCharWidth =
            ScaleRoundDesignUnits(os2->xAvgCharWidth, ftMetrics.x_scale);
        aMetrics->aveCharWidth =
            NS_MAX(aMetrics->aveCharWidth, avgCharWidth);
    aMetrics->aveCharWidth =
        NS_MAX(aMetrics->aveCharWidth, aMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth);
    if (aMetrics->aveCharWidth == 0.0) {
        aMetrics->aveCharWidth = aMetrics->spaceWidth;
    if (aMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth == 0.0) {
        aMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth = aMetrics->aveCharWidth;
    // Apparently hinting can mean that max_advance is not always accurate.
    aMetrics->maxAdvance =
        NS_MAX(aMetrics->maxAdvance, aMetrics->aveCharWidth);

    // gfxFont::Metrics::underlineOffset is the position of the top of the
    // underline.
    // FT_FaceRec documentation describes underline_position as "the
    // center of the underlining stem".  This was the original definition
    // of the PostScript metric, but in the PostScript table of OpenType
    // fonts the metric is "the top of the underline"
    // (, and FreeType
    // (up to version 2.3.7) doesn't make any adjustment.
    // Therefore get the underline position directly from the table
    // ourselves when this table exists.  Use FreeType's metrics for
    // other (including older PostScript) fonts.
    if (mFace->underline_position && mFace->underline_thickness) {
        aMetrics->underlineSize = mFace->underline_thickness * yScale;
        TT_Postscript *post = static_cast<TT_Postscript*>
            (FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(mFace, ft_sfnt_post));
        if (post && post->underlinePosition) {
            aMetrics->underlineOffset = post->underlinePosition * yScale;
        } else {
            aMetrics->underlineOffset = mFace->underline_position * yScale
                + 0.5 * aMetrics->underlineSize;
    } else { // No underline info.
        // Imitate Pango.
        aMetrics->underlineSize = emHeight / 14.0;
        aMetrics->underlineOffset = -aMetrics->underlineSize;

    if (os2 && os2->yStrikeoutSize && os2->yStrikeoutPosition) {
        aMetrics->strikeoutSize = os2->yStrikeoutSize * yScale;
        aMetrics->strikeoutOffset = os2->yStrikeoutPosition * yScale;
    } else { // No strikeout info.
        aMetrics->strikeoutSize = aMetrics->underlineSize;
        // Use OpenType spec's suggested position for Roman font.
        aMetrics->strikeoutOffset = emHeight * 409.0 / 2048.0
            + 0.5 * aMetrics->strikeoutSize;
    SnapLineToPixels(aMetrics->strikeoutOffset, aMetrics->strikeoutSize);

    if (os2 && os2->ySuperscriptYOffset) {
        gfxFloat val = ScaleRoundDesignUnits(os2->ySuperscriptYOffset,
        aMetrics->superscriptOffset = NS_MAX(1.0, val);
    } else {
        aMetrics->superscriptOffset = aMetrics->xHeight;
    if (os2 && os2->ySubscriptYOffset) {
        gfxFloat val = ScaleRoundDesignUnits(os2->ySubscriptYOffset,
        // some fonts have the incorrect sign. 
        val = fabs(val);
        aMetrics->subscriptOffset = NS_MAX(1.0, val);
    } else {
        aMetrics->subscriptOffset = aMetrics->xHeight;

    aMetrics->maxHeight = aMetrics->maxAscent + aMetrics->maxDescent;

    // Make the line height an integer number of pixels so that lines will be
    // equally spaced (rather than just being snapped to pixels, some up and
    // some down).  Layout calculates line height from the emHeight +
    // internalLeading + externalLeading, but first each of these is rounded
    // to layout units.  To ensure that the result is an integer number of
    // pixels, round each of the components to pixels.
    aMetrics->emHeight = NS_floor(emHeight + 0.5);

    // maxHeight will normally be an integer, but round anyway in case
    // FreeType is configured differently.
    aMetrics->internalLeading =
        NS_floor(aMetrics->maxHeight - aMetrics->emHeight + 0.5);

    // Text input boxes currently don't work well with lineHeight
    // significantly less than maxHeight (with Verdana, for example).
    lineHeight = NS_floor(NS_MAX(lineHeight, aMetrics->maxHeight) + 0.5);
    aMetrics->externalLeading =
        lineHeight - aMetrics->internalLeading - aMetrics->emHeight;

    // Ensure emAscent + emDescent == emHeight
    gfxFloat sum = aMetrics->emAscent + aMetrics->emDescent;
    aMetrics->emAscent = sum > 0.0 ?
        aMetrics->emAscent * aMetrics->emHeight / sum : 0.0;
    aMetrics->emDescent = aMetrics->emHeight - aMetrics->emAscent;
nsMathMLmfencedFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*          aPresContext,
                             nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                             const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                             nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  nsresult rv;
  aDesiredSize.width = aDesiredSize.height = 0;
  aDesiredSize.ascent = 0;
  aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = nsBoundingMetrics();

  PRInt32 i;
  const nsStyleFont* font = GetStyleFont();
  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm;
  nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fm));
  nscoord axisHeight, em;
  GetAxisHeight(*aReflowState.rendContext, fm, axisHeight);
  GetEmHeight(fm, em);
  // leading to be left at the top and the bottom of stretched chars
  nscoord leading = NSToCoordRound(0.2f * em); 

  // Reflow children
  // Asking each child to cache its bounding metrics

  // Note that we don't use the base method nsMathMLContainerFrame::Reflow()
  // because we want to stretch our fences, separators and stretchy frames using
  // the *same* initial aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics. If we were to use the base
  // method here, our stretchy frames will be stretched and placed, and we may
  // end up stretching our fences/separators with a different aDesiredSize.
  // XXX The above decision was revisited in bug 121748 and this code can be
  // refactored to use nsMathMLContainerFrame::Reflow() at some stage.

  nsReflowStatus childStatus;
  nsSize availSize(aReflowState.ComputedWidth(), NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE);
  nsIFrame* firstChild = GetFirstChild(nsnull);
  nsIFrame* childFrame = firstChild;
  nscoord ascent = 0, descent = 0;
  if (firstChild || mOpenChar || mCloseChar || mSeparatorsCount > 0) {
    // We use the ASCII metrics to get our minimum height. This way,
    // if we have borders or a background, they will fit better with
    // other elements on the line.
    ascent = fm->MaxAscent();
    descent = fm->MaxDescent();
  while (childFrame) {
    nsHTMLReflowMetrics childDesiredSize(aDesiredSize.mFlags
                                         | NS_REFLOW_CALC_BOUNDING_METRICS);
    nsHTMLReflowState childReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState,
                                       childFrame, availSize);
    rv = ReflowChild(childFrame, aPresContext, childDesiredSize,
                     childReflowState, childStatus);
    //NS_ASSERTION(NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(childStatus), "bad status");
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      // Call DidReflow() for the child frames we successfully did reflow.
      DidReflowChildren(firstChild, childFrame);
      return rv;

    SaveReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(childFrame, childDesiredSize,

    nscoord childDescent = childDesiredSize.height - childDesiredSize.ascent;
    if (descent < childDescent)
      descent = childDescent;
    if (ascent < childDesiredSize.ascent)
      ascent = childDesiredSize.ascent;

    childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling();

  // Ask stretchy children to stretch themselves

  nsBoundingMetrics containerSize;
  nsStretchDirection stretchDir = NS_STRETCH_DIRECTION_VERTICAL;

                          0, /* i.e., without embellishments */
                          stretchDir, containerSize);
  childFrame = firstChild;
  while (childFrame) {
    nsIMathMLFrame* mathmlChild = do_QueryFrame(childFrame);
    if (mathmlChild) {
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics childDesiredSize;
      // retrieve the metrics that was stored at the previous pass
      GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(childFrame, childDesiredSize,
                           stretchDir, containerSize, childDesiredSize);
      // store the updated metrics
      SaveReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(childFrame, childDesiredSize,
      nscoord childDescent = childDesiredSize.height - childDesiredSize.ascent;
      if (descent < childDescent)
        descent = childDescent;
      if (ascent < childDesiredSize.ascent)
        ascent = childDesiredSize.ascent;
    childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling();

  // bug 121748: for surrounding fences & separators, use a size that covers everything
                          stretchDir, containerSize);

  // Prepare the opening fence, separators, and closing fence, and
  // adjust the origin of children.

  // we need to center around the axis
  nscoord delta = NS_MAX(containerSize.ascent - axisHeight, 
                         containerSize.descent + axisHeight);
  containerSize.ascent = delta + axisHeight;
  containerSize.descent = delta - axisHeight;

  // opening fence ...
  ReflowChar(aPresContext, *aReflowState.rendContext, mOpenChar,
             NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX, font->mScriptLevel, 
             axisHeight, leading, em, containerSize, ascent, descent);
  // separators ...
  for (i = 0; i < mSeparatorsCount; i++) {
    ReflowChar(aPresContext, *aReflowState.rendContext, &mSeparatorsChar[i],
               NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX, font->mScriptLevel,
               axisHeight, leading, em, containerSize, ascent, descent);
  // closing fence ...
  ReflowChar(aPresContext, *aReflowState.rendContext, mCloseChar,
             NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX, font->mScriptLevel,
             axisHeight, leading, em, containerSize, ascent, descent);

  // Adjust the origins of each child.
  // and update our bounding metrics

  i = 0;
  nscoord dx = 0;
  nsBoundingMetrics bm;
  PRBool firstTime = PR_TRUE;
  if (mOpenChar) {
    PlaceChar(mOpenChar, ascent, bm, dx);
    aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = bm;
    firstTime = PR_FALSE;

  childFrame = firstChild;
  while (childFrame) {
    nsHTMLReflowMetrics childSize;
    GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(childFrame, childSize, bm);
    if (firstTime) {
      firstTime = PR_FALSE;
      aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics  = bm;
      aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics += bm;

    FinishReflowChild(childFrame, aPresContext, nsnull, childSize, 
                      dx, ascent - childSize.ascent, 0);
    dx += childSize.width;

    if (i < mSeparatorsCount) {
      PlaceChar(&mSeparatorsChar[i], ascent, bm, dx);
      aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics += bm;

    childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling();

  if (mCloseChar) {
    PlaceChar(mCloseChar, ascent, bm, dx);
    if (firstTime)
      aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics  = bm;
      aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics += bm;

  aDesiredSize.width = aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics.width;
  aDesiredSize.height = ascent + descent;
  aDesiredSize.ascent = ascent;

  SetReference(nsPoint(0, aDesiredSize.ascent));

  // see if we should fix the spacing

  // Finished with these:

  // Set our overflow area

  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
  return NS_OK;
nsAbsoluteContainingBlock::ReflowAbsoluteFrame(nsIFrame*                aDelegatingFrame,
                                               nsPresContext*          aPresContext,
                                               const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                               nscoord                  aContainingBlockWidth,
                                               nscoord                  aContainingBlockHeight,
                                               PRBool                   aConstrainHeight,
                                               nsIFrame*                aKidFrame,
                                               nsReflowStatus&          aStatus,
                                               nsOverflowAreas*         aOverflowAreas)
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    printf("abs pos ");
    if (aKidFrame) {
      nsAutoString name;
      printf("%s ", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(name).get());

    char width[16];
    char height[16];
    PrettyUC(aReflowState.availableWidth, width);
    PrettyUC(aReflowState.availableHeight, height);
    printf(" a=%s,%s ", width, height);
    PrettyUC(aReflowState.ComputedWidth(), width);
    PrettyUC(aReflowState.ComputedHeight(), height);
    printf("c=%s,%s \n", width, height);
  AutoNoisyIndenter indent(nsBlockFrame::gNoisy);
#endif // DEBUG

  // Store position and overflow rect so taht we can invalidate the correct
  // area if the position changes
  nsRect oldOverflowRect(aKidFrame->GetVisualOverflowRect() +
  nsRect oldRect = aKidFrame->GetRect();

  nsresult  rv;
  // Get the border values
  const nsMargin& border = aReflowState.mStyleBorder->GetActualBorder();

  nscoord availWidth = aContainingBlockWidth;
  if (availWidth == -1) {
    NS_ASSERTION(aReflowState.ComputedWidth() != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE,
                 "Must have a useful width _somewhere_");
    availWidth =
      aReflowState.ComputedWidth() + aReflowState.mComputedPadding.LeftRight();
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize;
  nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, aKidFrame,
                                   nsSize(availWidth, NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE),

  // Send the WillReflow() notification and position the frame

  PRBool constrainHeight = (aReflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE)
    && aConstrainHeight
       // Don't split if told not to (e.g. for fixed frames)
    && (aDelegatingFrame->GetType() != nsGkAtoms::positionedInlineFrame)
       //XXX we don't handle splitting frames for inline absolute containing blocks yet
    && (aKidFrame->GetRect().y <= aReflowState.availableHeight);
       // Don't split things below the fold. (Ideally we shouldn't *have*
       // anything totally below the fold, but we can't position frames
       // across next-in-flow breaks yet.
  if (constrainHeight) {
    kidReflowState.availableHeight = aReflowState.availableHeight -
    if (NS_AUTOOFFSET !=
      kidReflowState.availableHeight -=;

  // Do the reflow
  rv = aKidFrame->Reflow(aPresContext, kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState, aStatus);

  // If we're solving for 'left' or 'top', then compute it now that we know the
  // width/height
  if ((NS_AUTOOFFSET == kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.left) ||
      (NS_AUTOOFFSET == {
    if (-1 == aContainingBlockWidth) {
      // Get the containing block width/height

    if (NS_AUTOOFFSET == kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.left) {
      NS_ASSERTION(NS_AUTOOFFSET != kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.right,
                   "Can't solve for both left and right");
      kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.left = aContainingBlockWidth -
                                             kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.right -
                                             kidReflowState.mComputedMargin.right -
                                             kidDesiredSize.width -
    if (NS_AUTOOFFSET == { = aContainingBlockHeight -
                                            kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.bottom -
                                            kidReflowState.mComputedMargin.bottom -
                                            kidDesiredSize.height -

  // Position the child relative to our padding edge
  nsRect  rect(border.left + kidReflowState.mComputedOffsets.left + kidReflowState.mComputedMargin.left,
      + +,
               kidDesiredSize.width, kidDesiredSize.height);

  nsIView* view = aKidFrame->GetView();
  if (view) {
    // Size and position the view and set its opacity, visibility, content
    // transparency, and clip
    nsContainerFrame::SyncFrameViewAfterReflow(aPresContext, aKidFrame, view,
  } else {

  if (oldRect.TopLeft() != rect.TopLeft() || 
      (aDelegatingFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW)) {
    // The frame moved
  } else if (oldRect.Size() != rect.Size()) {
    // Invalidate the area where the frame changed size.
    nscoord innerWidth = NS_MIN(oldRect.width, rect.width);
    nscoord innerHeight = NS_MIN(oldRect.height, rect.height);
    nscoord outerWidth = NS_MAX(oldRect.width, rect.width);
    nscoord outerHeight = NS_MAX(oldRect.height, rect.height);
        nsRect(rect.x + innerWidth, rect.y, outerWidth - innerWidth, outerHeight));
    // Invalidate the horizontal strip
        nsRect(rect.x, rect.y + innerHeight, outerWidth, outerHeight - innerHeight));
  aKidFrame->DidReflow(aPresContext, &kidReflowState, NS_FRAME_REFLOW_FINISHED);

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout,nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent - 1);
    printf("abs pos ");
    if (aKidFrame) {
      nsAutoString name;
      printf("%s ", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(name).get());
    printf("%p rect=%d,%d,%d,%d\n", static_cast<void*>(aKidFrame),
           rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);

  if (aOverflowAreas) {
    aOverflowAreas->UnionWith(kidDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas + rect.TopLeft());

  return rv;
Beispiel #13
nsSimplePageSequenceFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*          aPresContext,
                                  nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                                  const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                  nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
                  "A Page Sequence is only for real pages");
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);

  aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;  // we're always complete

  // Don't do incremental reflow until we've taught tables how to do
  // it right in paginated mode.
  if (!(GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW)) {
    // Return our desired size
    aDesiredSize.height  = mSize.height * PresContext()->GetPrintPreviewScale();
    aDesiredSize.width   = mSize.width * PresContext()->GetPrintPreviewScale();
    return NS_OK;

  PRBool isPrintPreview =
    aPresContext->Type() == nsPresContext::eContext_PrintPreview;

  // See if we can get a Print Settings from the Context
  if (!mPageData->mPrintSettings &&
      aPresContext->Medium() == nsGkAtoms::print) {
      mPageData->mPrintSettings = aPresContext->GetPrintSettings();

  // now get out margins & edges
  if (mPageData->mPrintSettings) {
    nsIntMargin unwriteableTwips;
    NS_ASSERTION(unwriteableTwips.left  >= 0 && >= 0 &&
                 unwriteableTwips.right >= 0 && unwriteableTwips.bottom >= 0,
                 "Unwriteable twips should be non-negative");

    nsIntMargin marginTwips;
    mMargin = aPresContext->CSSTwipsToAppUnits(marginTwips + unwriteableTwips);

    PRInt16 printType;
    mPrintRangeType = printType;

    nsIntMargin edgeTwips;

    // sanity check the values. three inches are sometimes needed
    PRInt32 inchInTwips = NS_INCHES_TO_INT_TWIPS(3.0); = NS_MIN(NS_MAX(, 0), inchInTwips);
    edgeTwips.bottom = NS_MIN(NS_MAX(edgeTwips.bottom, 0), inchInTwips);
    edgeTwips.left = NS_MIN(NS_MAX(edgeTwips.left, 0), inchInTwips);
    edgeTwips.right = NS_MIN(NS_MAX(edgeTwips.right, 0), inchInTwips);

    mPageData->mEdgePaperMargin =
      aPresContext->CSSTwipsToAppUnits(edgeTwips + unwriteableTwips);

  // *** Special Override ***
  // If this is a sub-sdoc (meaning it doesn't take the whole page)
  // and if this Document is in the upper left hand corner
  // we need to suppress the top margin or it will reflow too small

  nsSize pageSize = aPresContext->GetPageSize();

  mPageData->mReflowSize = pageSize;
  // If we're printing a selection, we need to reflow with
  // unconstrained height, to make sure we'll get to the selection
  // even if it's beyond the first page of content.
  if (nsIPrintSettings::kRangeSelection == mPrintRangeType) {
    mPageData->mReflowSize.height = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
  mPageData->mReflowMargin = mMargin;

  // Compute the size of each page and the x coordinate that each page will
  // be placed at
  nscoord extraThreshold = NS_MAX(pageSize.width, pageSize.height)/10;
  PRInt32 gapInTwips = nsContentUtils::GetIntPref("print.print_extra_margin");
  gapInTwips = NS_MAX(0, gapInTwips);

  nscoord extraGap = aPresContext->CSSTwipsToAppUnits(gapInTwips);
  extraGap = NS_MIN(extraGap, extraThreshold); // clamp to 1/10 of the largest dim of the page

  nscoord  deadSpaceGap = 0;
  if (isPrintPreview) {
    deadSpaceGap = aPresContext->CSSTwipsToAppUnits(gapInTwips);

  nsMargin extraMargin(0,0,0,0);
  nsSize   shadowSize(0,0);
  if (aPresContext->IsScreen()) {
    extraMargin.SizeTo(extraGap, extraGap, extraGap, extraGap);
    nscoord fourPixels = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(4);
    shadowSize.SizeTo(fourPixels, fourPixels);

  mPageData->mShadowSize      = shadowSize;
  mPageData->mExtraMargin     = extraMargin;

  const nscoord x = deadSpaceGap;
  nscoord y = deadSpaceGap;// Running y-offset for each page

  nsSize availSize(pageSize.width + shadowSize.width + extraMargin.LeftRight(),
                   pageSize.height + shadowSize.height +

  // Tile the pages vertically
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidSize;
  for (nsIFrame* kidFrame = mFrames.FirstChild(); nsnull != kidFrame; ) {
    // Set the shared data into the page frame before reflow
    nsPageFrame * pf = static_cast<nsPageFrame*>(kidFrame);

    // Reflow the page
    nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, kidFrame,
    nsReflowStatus  status;

    PR_PL(("AV W: %d   H: %d\n", kidReflowState.availableWidth, kidReflowState.availableHeight));

    // Place and size the page. If the page is narrower than our
    // max width then center it horizontally
    ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, kidSize, kidReflowState, x, y, 0, status);

    FinishReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, nsnull, kidSize, x, y, 0);
    y += kidSize.height;

    // Leave a slight gap between the pages
    y += deadSpaceGap;

    // Is the page complete?
    nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow = kidFrame->GetNextInFlow();

    if (NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(status)) {
      NS_ASSERTION(!kidNextInFlow, "bad child flow list");
    } else if (!kidNextInFlow) {
      // The page isn't complete and it doesn't have a next-in-flow, so
      // create a continuing page.
      nsIFrame* continuingPage;
      nsresult rv = aPresContext->PresShell()->FrameConstructor()->
        CreateContinuingFrame(aPresContext, kidFrame, this, &continuingPage);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {

      // Add it to our child list
      mFrames.InsertFrame(nsnull, kidFrame, continuingPage);

    // Get the next page
    kidFrame = kidFrame->GetNextSibling();

  // Get Total Page Count
  nsIFrame* page;
  PRInt32 pageTot = 0;
  for (page = mFrames.FirstChild(); page; page = page->GetNextSibling()) {

  // Set Page Number Info
  PRInt32 pageNum = 1;
  for (page = mFrames.FirstChild(); page; page = page->GetNextSibling()) {
    nsPageFrame * pf = static_cast<nsPageFrame*>(page);
    if (pf != nsnull) {
      pf->SetPageNumInfo(pageNum, pageTot);

  // Create current Date/Time String
  if (!mDateFormatter)
    mDateFormatter = do_CreateInstance(NS_DATETIMEFORMAT_CONTRACTID);


  nsAutoString formattedDateString;
  time_t ltime;
  time( &ltime );
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mDateFormatter->FormatTime(nsnull /* nsILocale* locale */,
                                              formattedDateString))) {
    PRUnichar * uStr = ToNewUnicode(formattedDateString);
    SetDateTimeStr(uStr); // memory will be freed

  // Return our desired size
  // Adjustr the reflow size by PrintPreviewScale so the scrollbars end up the
  // correct size
  nscoord w = (x + availSize.width + deadSpaceGap);
  aDesiredSize.height  = y * PresContext()->GetPrintPreviewScale(); // includes page heights and dead space
  aDesiredSize.width   = w * PresContext()->GetPrintPreviewScale();


  // cache the size so we can set the desired size 
  // for the other reflows that happen
  mSize.width  = w;
  mSize.height = y;

  NS_FRAME_TRACE_REFLOW_OUT("nsSimplePageSequeceFrame::Reflow", aStatus);
  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
  return NS_OK;
/* virtual */ nsresult
nsMathMLmoverFrame::Place(nsIRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
                          PRBool               aPlaceOrigin,
                          nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize)
  if ( NS_MATHML_EMBELLISH_IS_MOVABLELIMITS(mEmbellishData.flags) &&
      !NS_MATHML_IS_DISPLAYSTYLE(mPresentationData.flags)) {
    // place like superscript
    return nsMathMLmsupFrame::PlaceSuperScript(PresContext(),
                                               this, 0, nsPresContext::CSSPointsToAppUnits(0.5f));

  // Get the children's desired sizes

  nsBoundingMetrics bmBase, bmOver;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics baseSize;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics overSize;
  nsIFrame* overFrame = nsnull;
  nsIFrame* baseFrame = mFrames.FirstChild();
  if (baseFrame)
    overFrame = baseFrame->GetNextSibling();
  if (!baseFrame || !overFrame || overFrame->GetNextSibling()) {
    // report an error, encourage people to get their markups in order
    return ReflowError(aRenderingContext, aDesiredSize);
  GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(baseFrame, baseSize, bmBase);
  GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(overFrame, overSize, bmOver);

  nscoord onePixel = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1);

  // Place Children

  nsCOMPtr<nsIFontMetrics> fm;

  nscoord xHeight = 0;
  fm->GetXHeight (xHeight);

  nscoord ruleThickness;
  GetRuleThickness (aRenderingContext, fm, ruleThickness);

  // there are 2 different types of placement depending on 
  // whether we want an accented overscript or not

  nscoord correction = 0;
  GetItalicCorrection (bmBase, correction);

  nscoord delta1 = 0; // gap between base and overscript
  nscoord delta2 = 0; // extra space above overscript
  if (!NS_MATHML_EMBELLISH_IS_ACCENTOVER(mEmbellishData.flags)) {    
    // Rule 13a, App. G, TeXbook
    nscoord bigOpSpacing1, bigOpSpacing3, bigOpSpacing5, dummy; 
    GetBigOpSpacings (fm, 
                      bigOpSpacing1, dummy, 
                      bigOpSpacing3, dummy, 
    delta1 = NS_MAX(bigOpSpacing1, (bigOpSpacing3 - bmOver.descent));
    delta2 = bigOpSpacing5;

    // XXX This is not a TeX rule... 
    // delta1 (as computed above) can become really big when bmOver.descent is
    // negative,  e.g., if the content is &OverBar. In such case, we use the height
    if (bmOver.descent < 0)    
      delta1 = NS_MAX(bigOpSpacing1, (bigOpSpacing3 - (bmOver.ascent + bmOver.descent)));
  else {
    // Rule 12, App. G, TeXbook
    // We are going to modify this rule to make it more general.
    // The idea behind Rule 12 in the TeXBook is to keep the accent
    // as close to the base as possible, while ensuring that the
    // distance between the *baseline* of the accent char and 
    // the *baseline* of the base is atleast x-height. 
    // The idea is that for normal use, we would like all the accents
    // on a line to line up atleast x-height above the baseline 
    // if possible. 
    // When the ascent of the base is >= x-height, 
    // the baseline of the accent char is placed just above the base
    // (specifically, the baseline of the accent char is placed 
    // above the baseline of the base by the ascent of the base).
    // For ease of implementation, 
    // this assumes that the font-designer designs accents 
    // in such a way that the bottom of the accent is atleast x-height
    // above its baseline, otherwise there will be collisions
    // with the base. Also there should be proper padding between
    // the bottom of the accent char and its baseline.
    // The above rule may not be obvious from a first
    // reading of rule 12 in the TeXBook !!!
    // The mathml <mover> tag can use accent chars that
    // do not follow this convention. So we modify TeX's rule 
    // so that TeX's rule gets subsumed for accents that follow 
    // TeX's convention,
    // while also allowing accents that do not follow the convention :
    // we try to keep the *bottom* of the accent char atleast x-height 
    // from the baseline of the base char. we also slap on an extra
    // padding between the accent and base chars.
    delta1 = ruleThickness + onePixel/2; // we have at least the padding
    if (bmBase.ascent < xHeight) { 
      // also ensure at least x-height above the baseline of the base
      delta1 += xHeight - bmBase.ascent;
    delta2 = ruleThickness;
  // empty over?
  if (!(bmOver.ascent + bmOver.descent)) delta1 = 0;

  nscoord dxBase, dxOver = 0;

  // Ad-hoc - This is to override fonts which have ready-made _accent_
  // glyphs with negative lbearing and rbearing. We want to position
  // the overscript ourselves
  nscoord overWidth = bmOver.width;
  if (!overWidth && (bmOver.rightBearing - bmOver.leftBearing > 0)) {
    overWidth = bmOver.rightBearing - bmOver.leftBearing;
    dxOver = -bmOver.leftBearing;

  if (NS_MATHML_EMBELLISH_IS_ACCENTOVER(mEmbellishData.flags)) {
    mBoundingMetrics.width = bmBase.width; 
    dxOver += correction + (mBoundingMetrics.width - overWidth)/2;
  else {
    mBoundingMetrics.width = NS_MAX(bmBase.width, overWidth);
    dxOver += correction/2 + (mBoundingMetrics.width - overWidth)/2;
  dxBase = (mBoundingMetrics.width - bmBase.width) / 2;

  mBoundingMetrics.ascent = 
    bmOver.ascent + bmOver.descent + delta1 + bmBase.ascent;
  mBoundingMetrics.descent = bmBase.descent;
  mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing = 
    NS_MIN(dxBase + bmBase.leftBearing, dxOver + bmOver.leftBearing);
  mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing = 
    NS_MAX(dxBase + bmBase.rightBearing, dxOver + bmOver.rightBearing);

  aDesiredSize.ascent = 
    NS_MAX(mBoundingMetrics.ascent + delta2,
           overSize.ascent + bmOver.descent + delta1 + bmBase.ascent);
  aDesiredSize.height = aDesiredSize.ascent +
    baseSize.height - baseSize.ascent;
  aDesiredSize.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;
  aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = mBoundingMetrics;

  mReference.x = 0;
  mReference.y = aDesiredSize.ascent;

  if (aPlaceOrigin) {
    // place base
    nscoord dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - baseSize.ascent;
    FinishReflowChild (baseFrame, PresContext(), nsnull, baseSize, dxBase, dy, 0);
    // place overscript
    dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - 
      mBoundingMetrics.ascent + bmOver.ascent - overSize.ascent;
    FinishReflowChild (overFrame, PresContext(), nsnull, overSize, dxOver, dy, 0);
  return NS_OK;
Beispiel #15
FileManager::Init(nsIFile* aDirectory,
                  mozIStorageConnection* aConnection)
  NS_ASSERTION(!NS_IsMainThread(), "Wrong thread!");
  NS_ASSERTION(aDirectory, "Null directory!");
  NS_ASSERTION(aConnection, "Null connection!");


  bool exists;
  nsresult rv = aDirectory->Exists(&exists);

  if (exists) {
    bool isDirectory;
    rv = aDirectory->IsDirectory(&isDirectory);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
  else {
    rv = aDirectory->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0755);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

  rv = aDirectory->GetPath(mDirectoryPath);

  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> journalDirectory;
  rv = aDirectory->Clone(getter_AddRefs(journalDirectory));

  rv = journalDirectory->Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING(JOURNAL_DIRECTORY_NAME));

  rv = journalDirectory->Exists(&exists);

  if (exists) {
    bool isDirectory;
    rv = journalDirectory->IsDirectory(&isDirectory);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

  rv = journalDirectory->GetPath(mJournalDirectoryPath);

  nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> stmt;
  rv = aConnection->CreateStatement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(
    "SELECT id, refcount "
    "FROM file"
  ), getter_AddRefs(stmt));

  bool hasResult;
  while (NS_SUCCEEDED(stmt->ExecuteStep(&hasResult)) && hasResult) {
    int64_t id;
    rv = stmt->GetInt64(0, &id);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    int32_t refcount;
    rv = stmt->GetInt32(1, &refcount);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    NS_ASSERTION(refcount, "This shouldn't happen!");

    nsRefPtr<FileInfo> fileInfo = FileInfo::Create(this, id);
    fileInfo->mDBRefCnt = refcount;

    mFileInfos.Put(id, fileInfo);

    mLastFileId = NS_MAX(id, mLastFileId);

  return NS_OK;
static void
InflateRight(nsRect* aRect, nscoord aDelta)
  aRect->width = NS_MAX(aRect->width + aDelta, 0);
Beispiel #17
float Axis::GetAccelerationFactor() {
    return powf(gAccelerationMultiplier, NS_MAX(0, (mAcceleration - 4) * 3));
// exported routine that both munderover and msubsup share.
// munderover uses this when movablelimits is set.
nsMathMLmsubsupFrame::PlaceSubSupScript(nsPresContext*      aPresContext,
                                        nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
                                        PRBool               aPlaceOrigin,
                                        nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
                                        nsMathMLContainerFrame* aFrame,
                                        nscoord              aUserSubScriptShift,
                                        nscoord              aUserSupScriptShift,
                                        nscoord              aScriptSpace)
  // force the scriptSpace to be atleast 1 pixel
  nscoord onePixel = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1);
  aScriptSpace = NS_MAX(onePixel, aScriptSpace);

  // Get the children's desired sizes

  nsHTMLReflowMetrics baseSize;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics subScriptSize;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics supScriptSize;
  nsBoundingMetrics bmBase, bmSubScript, bmSupScript;
  nsIFrame* subScriptFrame = nsnull;
  nsIFrame* supScriptFrame = nsnull;
  nsIFrame* baseFrame = aFrame->GetFirstPrincipalChild();
  if (baseFrame)
    subScriptFrame = baseFrame->GetNextSibling();
  if (subScriptFrame)
    supScriptFrame = subScriptFrame->GetNextSibling();
  if (!baseFrame || !subScriptFrame || !supScriptFrame ||
      supScriptFrame->GetNextSibling()) {
    // report an error, encourage people to get their markups in order
    return aFrame->ReflowError(aRenderingContext, aDesiredSize);
  GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(baseFrame, baseSize, bmBase);
  GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(subScriptFrame, subScriptSize, bmSubScript);
  GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(supScriptFrame, supScriptSize, bmSupScript);

  // get the subdrop from the subscript font
  nscoord subDrop;
  GetSubDropFromChild(subScriptFrame, subDrop);
  // parameter v, Rule 18a, App. G, TeXbook
  nscoord minSubScriptShift = bmBase.descent + subDrop;

  // get the supdrop from the supscript font
  nscoord supDrop;
  GetSupDropFromChild(supScriptFrame, supDrop);
  // parameter u, Rule 18a, App. G, TeXbook
  nscoord minSupScriptShift = bmBase.ascent - supDrop;

  // Place Children

  // Get subscript shift
  // slightly different from nsMathMLmsubFrame.cpp

  // subScriptShift{1,2}
  // = minimum amount to shift the subscript down
  // = sub{1,2} in TeXbook
  // subScriptShift1 = subscriptshift attribute * x-height
  nscoord subScriptShift1, subScriptShift2;

  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm;
  nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(baseFrame, getter_AddRefs(fm));

  // get x-height (an ex)
  nscoord xHeight = fm->XHeight();

  nscoord ruleSize;
  GetRuleThickness (aRenderingContext, fm, ruleSize);

  // Get subScriptShift{1,2} default from font
  GetSubScriptShifts (fm, subScriptShift1, subScriptShift2);

  if (0 < aUserSubScriptShift) {
    // the user has set the subscriptshift attribute
    float scaler = ((float) subScriptShift2) / subScriptShift1;
    subScriptShift1 = NS_MAX(subScriptShift1, aUserSubScriptShift);
    subScriptShift2 = NSToCoordRound(scaler * subScriptShift1);

  // get a tentative value for subscriptshift
  // Rule 18d, App. G, TeXbook
  nscoord subScriptShift =

  // Get supscript shift
  // same code from nsMathMLmsupFrame.cpp

  // get min supscript shift limit from x-height
  // = d(x) + 1/4 * sigma_5, Rule 18c, App. G, TeXbook
  nscoord minShiftFromXHeight = (nscoord)
    (bmSupScript.descent + (1.0f/4.0f) * xHeight);

  // supScriptShift{1,2,3}
  // = minimum amount to shift the supscript up
  // = sup{1,2,3} in TeX
  // supScriptShift1 = superscriptshift attribute * x-height
  // Note that there are THREE values for supscript shifts depending
  // on the current style
  nscoord supScriptShift1, supScriptShift2, supScriptShift3;
  // Set supScriptShift{1,2,3} default from font
  GetSupScriptShifts (fm, supScriptShift1, supScriptShift2, supScriptShift3);
  if (0 < aUserSupScriptShift) {
    // the user has set the superscriptshift attribute
    float scaler2 = ((float) supScriptShift2) / supScriptShift1;
    float scaler3 = ((float) supScriptShift3) / supScriptShift1;
    supScriptShift1 = NS_MAX(supScriptShift1, aUserSupScriptShift);
    supScriptShift2 = NSToCoordRound(scaler2 * supScriptShift1);
    supScriptShift3 = NSToCoordRound(scaler3 * supScriptShift1);

  // get sup script shift depending on current script level and display style
  // Rule 18c, App. G, TeXbook
  nscoord supScriptShift;
  nsPresentationData presentationData;
  if ( aFrame->GetStyleFont()->mScriptLevel == 0 &&
       NS_MATHML_IS_DISPLAYSTYLE(presentationData.flags) &&
      !NS_MATHML_IS_COMPRESSED(presentationData.flags)) {
    // Style D in TeXbook
    supScriptShift = supScriptShift1;
  else if (NS_MATHML_IS_COMPRESSED(presentationData.flags)) {
    // Style C' in TeXbook = D',T',S',SS'
    supScriptShift = supScriptShift3;
  else {
    // everything else = T,S,SS
    supScriptShift = supScriptShift2;

  // get tentative value for superscriptshift
  // Rule 18c, App. G, TeXbook
  supScriptShift =

  // Negotiate between supScriptShift and subScriptShift
  // so that there will be enough gap between them
  // Rule 18e, App. G, TeXbook

  nscoord gap =
    (supScriptShift - bmSupScript.descent) -
    (bmSubScript.ascent - subScriptShift);
  if (gap < 4.0f * ruleSize) {
    // adjust subScriptShift to get a gap of (4.0 * ruleSize)
    subScriptShift += NSToCoordRound ((4.0f * ruleSize) - gap);

  // next we want to ensure that the bottom of the superscript
  // will be > (4/5) * x-height above baseline
  gap = NSToCoordRound ((4.0f/5.0f) * xHeight -
                        (supScriptShift - bmSupScript.descent));
  if (gap > 0) {
    supScriptShift += gap;
    subScriptShift -= gap;

  // Do the Placing

  // get bounding box for base + subscript + superscript
  nsBoundingMetrics boundingMetrics;
  boundingMetrics.ascent =
    NS_MAX(bmBase.ascent, (bmSupScript.ascent + supScriptShift));
  boundingMetrics.descent =
   NS_MAX(bmBase.descent, (bmSubScript.descent + subScriptShift));

  // leave aScriptSpace after both super/subscript
  // add italicCorrection between base and superscript
  // add "a little to spare" as well (see TeXbook Ch.11, p.64), as we
  // estimate the italic creation ourselves and it isn't the same as TeX 
  nscoord italicCorrection;
  GetItalicCorrection(bmBase, italicCorrection);
  italicCorrection += onePixel;
  boundingMetrics.width = bmBase.width + aScriptSpace +
    NS_MAX((italicCorrection + bmSupScript.width), bmSubScript.width);
  boundingMetrics.leftBearing = bmBase.leftBearing;
  boundingMetrics.rightBearing = bmBase.width +
    NS_MAX((italicCorrection + bmSupScript.rightBearing), bmSubScript.rightBearing);

  // reflow metrics
  aDesiredSize.ascent =
       NS_MAX(subScriptSize.ascent - subScriptShift,
              supScriptSize.ascent + supScriptShift));
  aDesiredSize.height = aDesiredSize.ascent +
    NS_MAX(baseSize.height - baseSize.ascent,
       NS_MAX(subScriptSize.height - subScriptSize.ascent + subScriptShift, 
              supScriptSize.height - subScriptSize.ascent - supScriptShift));
  aDesiredSize.width = boundingMetrics.width;
  aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = boundingMetrics;

  aFrame->SetReference(nsPoint(0, aDesiredSize.ascent));

  if (aPlaceOrigin) {
    nscoord dx, dy;
    // now place the base ...
    dx = 0; dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - baseSize.ascent;
    FinishReflowChild(baseFrame, aPresContext, nsnull,
                      baseSize, dx, dy, 0);
    // ... and subscript
    dx = bmBase.width;
    dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - (subScriptSize.ascent - subScriptShift);
    FinishReflowChild(subScriptFrame, aPresContext, nsnull,
                      subScriptSize, dx, dy, 0);
    // ... and the superscript
    dx = bmBase.width + italicCorrection;
    dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - (supScriptSize.ascent + supScriptShift);
    FinishReflowChild(supScriptFrame, aPresContext, nsnull,
                      supScriptSize, dx, dy, 0);

  return NS_OK;
Beispiel #19
 * Box blur involves looking at one pixel, and setting its value to the average
 * of its neighbouring pixels.
 * @param aInput The input buffer.
 * @param aOutput The output buffer.
 * @param aLeftLobe The number of pixels to blend on the left.
 * @param aRightLobe The number of pixels to blend on the right.
 * @param aWidth The number of columns in the buffers.
 * @param aRows The number of rows in the buffers.
 * @param aSkipRect An area to skip blurring in.
 * XXX shouldn't we pass stride in separately here?
static void
BoxBlurHorizontal(unsigned char* aInput,
                  unsigned char* aOutput,
                  PRInt32 aLeftLobe,
                  PRInt32 aRightLobe,
                  PRInt32 aWidth,
                  PRInt32 aRows,
                  const nsIntRect& aSkipRect)
    NS_ASSERTION(aWidth > 0, "Can't handle zero width here");

    PRInt32 boxSize = aLeftLobe + aRightLobe + 1;
    PRBool skipRectCoversWholeRow = 0 >= aSkipRect.x &&
                                    aWidth <= aSkipRect.XMost();

    for (PRInt32 y = 0; y < aRows; y++) {
        // Check whether the skip rect intersects this row. If the skip
        // rect covers the whole surface in this row, we can avoid
        // this row entirely (and any others along the skip rect).
        PRBool inSkipRectY = y >= aSkipRect.y &&
                             y < aSkipRect.YMost();
        if (inSkipRectY && skipRectCoversWholeRow) {
            y = aSkipRect.YMost() - 1;

        PRInt32 alphaSum = 0;
        for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < boxSize; i++) {
            PRInt32 pos = i - aLeftLobe;
            // See assertion above; if aWidth is zero, then we would have no
            // valid position to clamp to.
            pos = NS_MAX(pos, 0);
            pos = NS_MIN(pos, aWidth - 1);
            alphaSum += aInput[aWidth * y + pos];
        for (PRInt32 x = 0; x < aWidth; x++) {
            // Check whether we are within the skip rect. If so, go
            // to the next point outside the skip rect.
            if (inSkipRectY && x >= aSkipRect.x &&
                x < aSkipRect.XMost()) {
                x = aSkipRect.XMost();
                if (x >= aWidth)

                // Recalculate the neighbouring alpha values for
                // our new point on the surface.
                alphaSum = 0;
                for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < boxSize; i++) {
                    PRInt32 pos = x + i - aLeftLobe;
                    // See assertion above; if aWidth is zero, then we would have no
                    // valid position to clamp to.
                    pos = NS_MAX(pos, 0);
                    pos = NS_MIN(pos, aWidth - 1);
                    alphaSum += aInput[aWidth * y + pos];
            PRInt32 tmp = x - aLeftLobe;
            PRInt32 last = NS_MAX(tmp, 0);
            PRInt32 next = NS_MIN(tmp + boxSize, aWidth - 1);

            aOutput[aWidth * y + x] = alphaSum/boxSize;

            alphaSum += aInput[aWidth * y + next] -
                        aInput[aWidth * y + last];
nsTableOuterFrame::GetCaptionOrigin(PRUint32         aCaptionSide,
                                    const nsSize&    aContainBlockSize,
                                    const nsSize&    aInnerSize, 
                                    const nsMargin&  aInnerMargin,
                                    const nsSize&    aCaptionSize,
                                    nsMargin&        aCaptionMargin,
                                    nsPoint&         aOrigin)
  aOrigin.x = aOrigin.y = 0;
  if ((NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aInnerSize.width) || (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aInnerSize.height) ||  
      (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aCaptionSize.width) || (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aCaptionSize.height)) {
    return NS_OK;
  if (mCaptionFrames.IsEmpty()) return NS_OK;
  NS_ASSERTION(NS_AUTOMARGIN != aCaptionMargin.left,   "The computed caption margin is auto?");
  NS_ASSERTION(NS_AUTOMARGIN !=,    "The computed caption margin is auto?");
  NS_ASSERTION(NS_AUTOMARGIN != aCaptionMargin.bottom, "The computed caption margin is auto?");

  // horizontal computation
  switch(aCaptionSide) {
    // FIXME: Position relative to right edge for RTL.  (Based on table
    // direction or table parent direction?)
    aOrigin.x = aCaptionMargin.left;
    if (aCaptionSide == NS_STYLE_CAPTION_SIDE_BOTTOM) {
      // We placed the caption using only the table's width as available
      // width, and we should position it this way as well.
      aOrigin.x += aInnerMargin.left;
  } break;
    aOrigin.x = aCaptionMargin.left;
  } break;
    aOrigin.x = aInnerMargin.left + aInnerSize.width + aCaptionMargin.left;
  } break;
  default: { // top
                 aCaptionSide == NS_STYLE_CAPTION_SIDE_TOP_OUTSIDE,
                 "unexpected caption side");
    // FIXME: Position relative to right edge for RTL.  (Based on table
    // direction or table parent direction?)
    aOrigin.x = aCaptionMargin.left;
    if (aCaptionSide == NS_STYLE_CAPTION_SIDE_TOP) {
      // We placed the caption using only the table's width as available
      // width, and we should position it this way as well.
      aOrigin.x += aInnerMargin.left;
  } break;
  // vertical computation
  switch (aCaptionSide) {
      aOrigin.y =;
      switch (GetCaptionVerticalAlign()) {
          aOrigin.y = NS_MAX(0, + ((aInnerSize.height - aCaptionSize.height) / 2));
          aOrigin.y = NS_MAX(0, + aInnerSize.height - aCaptionSize.height);
      aOrigin.y = + aInnerSize.height +;
    } break;
      nsCollapsingMargin marg;
      nscoord collapseMargin = marg.get();
      aOrigin.y = + aInnerSize.height + collapseMargin;
    } break;
      aOrigin.y = +;
    } break;
      aOrigin.y =;
    } break;
      NS_NOTREACHED("Unknown caption alignment type");
  return NS_OK;
Beispiel #21
#ifdef DEBUG
    bool correctThread;
                              IsOnCurrentThread(&correctThread)) &&
                 "Running on the wrong thread!");

  mState = eFiringEvents; // In case we fail somewhere along the line.

  if (IndexedDatabaseManager::IsShuttingDown()) {

  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> dbFile;
  nsresult rv = GetDatabaseFile(mASCIIOrigin, mName, getter_AddRefs(dbFile));

  rv = dbFile->GetPath(mDatabaseFilePath);

  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> dbDirectory;
  rv = dbFile->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(dbDirectory));

  bool exists;
  rv = dbDirectory->Exists(&exists);

  if (exists) {
    bool isDirectory;
    rv = dbDirectory->IsDirectory(&isDirectory);
  else {
    rv = dbDirectory->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0755);

  IndexedDatabaseManager* mgr = IndexedDatabaseManager::Get();
  NS_ASSERTION(mgr, "This should never be null!");

  rv = mgr->EnsureQuotaManagementForDirectory(dbDirectory);

  nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection> connection;
  rv = CreateDatabaseConnection(mName, dbFile, getter_AddRefs(connection));

  // Get the data version.
  nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> stmt;
  rv = connection->CreateStatement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(
    "SELECT dataVersion "
    "FROM database"
  ), getter_AddRefs(stmt));

  bool hasResult;
  rv = stmt->ExecuteStep(&hasResult);

  if (!hasResult) {
    NS_ERROR("Database has no dataVersion!");

  PRInt64 dataVersion;
  rv = stmt->GetInt64(0, &dataVersion);

  if (dataVersion > JS_STRUCTURED_CLONE_VERSION) {
    NS_ERROR("Bad data version!");

  if (dataVersion < JS_STRUCTURED_CLONE_VERSION) {
    // Need to upgrade the database, here, before returning to the main thread.
    NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED("Implement me!");

  rv = IDBFactory::LoadDatabaseInformation(connection, mDatabaseId, &mCurrentVersion,

  for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < mObjectStores.Length(); i++) {
    nsAutoPtr<ObjectStoreInfo>& objectStoreInfo = mObjectStores[i];
    for (PRUint32 j = 0; j < objectStoreInfo->indexes.Length(); j++) {
      IndexInfo& indexInfo = objectStoreInfo->indexes[j];
      mLastIndexId = NS_MAX(, mLastIndexId);
    mLastObjectStoreId = NS_MAX(objectStoreInfo->id, mLastObjectStoreId);

  // See if we need to do a VERSION_CHANGE transaction

  // Optional version semantics.
  if (!mRequestedVersion) {
    // If the requested version was not specified and the database was created,
    // treat it as if version 1 were requested.
    if (mCurrentVersion == 0) {
      mRequestedVersion = 1;
    else {
      // Otherwise, treat it as if the current version were requested.
      mRequestedVersion = mCurrentVersion;

  if (mCurrentVersion > mRequestedVersion) {

  if (mCurrentVersion != mRequestedVersion) {
    mState = eSetVersionPending;

  return NS_OK;
nsTableOuterFrame::GetInnerOrigin(PRUint32         aCaptionSide,
                                  const nsSize&    aContainBlockSize,
                                  const nsSize&    aCaptionSize, 
                                  const nsMargin&  aCaptionMargin,
                                  const nsSize&    aInnerSize,
                                  nsMargin&        aInnerMargin,
                                  nsPoint&         aOrigin)
  NS_ASSERTION(NS_AUTOMARGIN != aCaptionMargin.left,  "The computed caption margin is auto?");
  NS_ASSERTION(NS_AUTOMARGIN != aCaptionMargin.right, "The computed caption margin is auto?");
  NS_ASSERTION(NS_AUTOMARGIN != aInnerMargin.left,    "The computed inner margin is auto?");
  NS_ASSERTION(NS_AUTOMARGIN != aInnerMargin.right,   "The computed inner margin is auto?");
  NS_ASSERTION(NS_AUTOMARGIN !=,     "The computed inner margin is auto?");
  NS_ASSERTION(NS_AUTOMARGIN != aInnerMargin.bottom,  "The computed inner margin is auto?");
  aOrigin.x = aOrigin.y = 0;
  if ((NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aInnerSize.width) || (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aInnerSize.height) ||  
      (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aCaptionSize.width) || (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aCaptionSize.height)) {
    return NS_OK;

  nscoord minCapWidth = aCaptionSize.width;
  minCapWidth += aCaptionMargin.left;
  minCapWidth += aCaptionMargin.right;

  // horizontal computation
  switch (aCaptionSide) {
    if (aInnerMargin.left < minCapWidth) {
      // shift the inner table to get some place for the caption
      aInnerMargin.right += aInnerMargin.left - minCapWidth;
      aInnerMargin.right  = NS_MAX(0, aInnerMargin.right);
      aInnerMargin.left   = minCapWidth;
    aOrigin.x = aInnerMargin.left;
  } break;
  default: {
                 aCaptionSide == NS_STYLE_CAPTION_SIDE_TOP_OUTSIDE ||
                 aCaptionSide == NS_STYLE_CAPTION_SIDE_BOTTOM ||
                 aCaptionSide == NS_STYLE_CAPTION_SIDE_BOTTOM_OUTSIDE ||
                 aCaptionSide == NS_STYLE_CAPTION_SIDE_RIGHT ||
                 aCaptionSide == NO_SIDE,
                 "unexpected caption side");
    aOrigin.x = aInnerMargin.left;
  } break;
  // vertical computation
  switch (aCaptionSide) {
      aOrigin.y =;
    } break;
      aOrigin.y =;
      switch (GetCaptionVerticalAlign()) {
          aOrigin.y = NS_MAX(, (aCaptionSize.height - aInnerSize.height) / 2);
          aOrigin.y = NS_MAX(, aCaptionSize.height - aInnerSize.height);
    } break;
    case NO_SIDE:
      aOrigin.y = + + aCaptionSize.height +
    } break;
      nsCollapsingMargin marg;
      nscoord collapseMargin = marg.get();
      aOrigin.y = + aCaptionSize.height + collapseMargin;
    } break;
      NS_NOTREACHED("Unknown caption alignment type");
  return NS_OK;
/* virtual */ nsresult
nsMathMLmpaddedFrame::Place(nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
                            bool                 aPlaceOrigin,
                            nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize)
  nsresult rv =
    nsMathMLContainerFrame::Place(aRenderingContext, false, aDesiredSize);
  if (NS_MATHML_HAS_ERROR(mPresentationData.flags) || NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return rv;

  nscoord height = mBoundingMetrics.ascent;
  nscoord depth  = mBoundingMetrics.descent;
  // The REC says:
  // "The lspace attribute ('leading' space) specifies the horizontal location
  // of the positioning point of the child content with respect to the
  // positioning point of the mpadded element. By default they coincide, and
  // therefore absolute values for lspace have the same effect as relative
  // values."
  // "MathML renderers should ensure that, except for the effects of the
  // attributes, the relative spacing between the contents of the mpadded
  // element and surrounding MathML elements would not be modified by replacing
  // an mpadded element with an mrow element with the same content, even if
  // linebreaking occurs within the mpadded element."
  // (
  // "In those discussions, the terms leading and trailing are used to specify
  // a side of an object when which side to use depends on the directionality;
  // ie. leading means left in LTR but right in RTL."
  // (
  nscoord lspace = 0;
  // In MathML3, "width" will be the bounding box width and "advancewidth" will
  // refer "to the horizontal distance between the positioning point of the
  // mpadded and the positioning point for the following content".  MathML2
  // doesn't make the distinction.
  nscoord width  = mBoundingMetrics.width;
  nscoord voffset = 0;

  int32_t pseudoUnit;
  nscoord initialWidth = width;

  // update width
  pseudoUnit = (mWidthPseudoUnit == NS_MATHML_PSEUDO_UNIT_ITSELF)
             ? NS_MATHML_PSEUDO_UNIT_WIDTH : mWidthPseudoUnit;
  UpdateValue(mWidthSign, pseudoUnit, mWidth,
              mBoundingMetrics, width);
  width = NS_MAX(0, width);

  // update "height" (this is the ascent in the terminology of the REC)
  pseudoUnit = (mHeightPseudoUnit == NS_MATHML_PSEUDO_UNIT_ITSELF)
             ? NS_MATHML_PSEUDO_UNIT_HEIGHT : mHeightPseudoUnit;
  UpdateValue(mHeightSign, pseudoUnit, mHeight,
              mBoundingMetrics, height);
  height = NS_MAX(0, height);

  // update "depth" (this is the descent in the terminology of the REC)
  pseudoUnit = (mDepthPseudoUnit == NS_MATHML_PSEUDO_UNIT_ITSELF)
             ? NS_MATHML_PSEUDO_UNIT_DEPTH : mDepthPseudoUnit;
  UpdateValue(mDepthSign, pseudoUnit, mDepth,
              mBoundingMetrics, depth);
  depth = NS_MAX(0, depth);

  // update lspace
  if (mLeadingSpacePseudoUnit != NS_MATHML_PSEUDO_UNIT_ITSELF) {
    pseudoUnit = mLeadingSpacePseudoUnit;
    UpdateValue(mLeadingSpaceSign, pseudoUnit, mLeadingSpace,
                mBoundingMetrics, lspace);

  // update voffset
  if (mVerticalOffsetPseudoUnit != NS_MATHML_PSEUDO_UNIT_ITSELF) {
    pseudoUnit = mVerticalOffsetPseudoUnit;
    UpdateValue(mVerticalOffsetSign, pseudoUnit, mVerticalOffset,
                mBoundingMetrics, voffset);
  // do the padding now that we have everything
  // The idea here is to maintain the invariant that <mpadded>...</mpadded> (i.e.,
  // with no attributes) looks the same as <mrow>...</mrow>. But when there are
  // attributes, tweak our metrics and move children to achieve the desired visual
  // effects.

  if ((NS_MATHML_IS_RTL(mPresentationData.flags) ?
       mWidthSign : mLeadingSpaceSign) != NS_MATHML_SIGN_INVALID) {
    // there was padding on the left. dismiss the left italic correction now
    // (so that our parent won't correct us)
    mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing = 0;

  if ((NS_MATHML_IS_RTL(mPresentationData.flags) ?
       mLeadingSpaceSign : mWidthSign) != NS_MATHML_SIGN_INVALID) {
    // there was padding on the right. dismiss the right italic correction now
    // (so that our parent won't correct us)
    mBoundingMetrics.width = width;
    mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing = mBoundingMetrics.width;

  nscoord dy = height - mBoundingMetrics.ascent;
  nscoord dx = NS_MATHML_IS_RTL(mPresentationData.flags) ?
    width - initialWidth - lspace : lspace;
  aDesiredSize.ascent += dy;
  aDesiredSize.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;
  aDesiredSize.height += dy + depth - mBoundingMetrics.descent;
  mBoundingMetrics.ascent = height;
  mBoundingMetrics.descent = depth;
  aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = mBoundingMetrics;

  mReference.x = 0;
  mReference.y = aDesiredSize.ascent;

  if (aPlaceOrigin) {
    // Finish reflowing child frames, positioning their origins.
    PositionRowChildFrames(dx, aDesiredSize.ascent - voffset);

  return NS_OK;
NS_METHOD nsTableOuterFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                                    nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                                    const nsHTMLReflowState& aOuterRS,
                                    nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aOuterRS, aDesiredSize, aStatus);

  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  PRUint8 captionSide = GetCaptionSide();

  // Initialize out parameters
  aDesiredSize.width = aDesiredSize.height = 0;

  if (!(GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW)) {
    // Set up our kids.  They're already present, on an overflow list, 
    // or there are none so we'll create them now

  // Use longs to get more-aligned space.
  #define LONGS_IN_HTMLRS \
    ((sizeof(nsHTMLReflowState) + sizeof(long) - 1) / sizeof(long))
  long captionRSSpace[LONGS_IN_HTMLRS];
  nsHTMLReflowState *captionRS =
  long innerRSSpace[LONGS_IN_HTMLRS];
  nsHTMLReflowState *innerRS =
    static_cast<nsHTMLReflowState*>((void*) innerRSSpace);

  nsRect origInnerRect = InnerTableFrame()->GetRect();
  nsRect origInnerVisualOverflow = InnerTableFrame()->GetVisualOverflowRect();
  PRBool innerFirstReflow =
    (InnerTableFrame()->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) != 0;
  nsRect origCaptionRect;
  nsRect origCaptionVisualOverflow;
  PRBool captionFirstReflow;
  if (mCaptionFrames.NotEmpty()) {
    origCaptionRect = mCaptionFrames.FirstChild()->GetRect();
    origCaptionVisualOverflow =
    captionFirstReflow =
      (mCaptionFrames.FirstChild()->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) != 0;
  // ComputeAutoSize has to match this logic.
  if (captionSide == NO_SIDE) {
    // We don't have a caption.
    OuterBeginReflowChild(aPresContext, InnerTableFrame(), aOuterRS,
                          innerRSSpace, aOuterRS.ComputedWidth());
  } else if (captionSide == NS_STYLE_CAPTION_SIDE_LEFT ||
             captionSide == NS_STYLE_CAPTION_SIDE_RIGHT) {
    // nsTableCaptionFrame::ComputeAutoSize takes care of making side
    // captions small.  Compute the caption's size first, and tell the
    // table to fit in what's left.
    OuterBeginReflowChild(aPresContext, mCaptionFrames.FirstChild(), aOuterRS,
                          captionRSSpace, aOuterRS.ComputedWidth());
    nscoord innerAvailWidth = aOuterRS.ComputedWidth() -
      (captionRS->ComputedWidth() + captionRS->mComputedMargin.LeftRight() +
    OuterBeginReflowChild(aPresContext, InnerTableFrame(), aOuterRS,
                          innerRSSpace, innerAvailWidth);

  } else if (captionSide == NS_STYLE_CAPTION_SIDE_TOP ||
             captionSide == NS_STYLE_CAPTION_SIDE_BOTTOM) {
    // Compute the table's size first, and then prevent the caption from
    // being wider unless it has to be.
    // Note that CSS 2.1 (but not 2.0) says:
    //   The width of the anonymous box is the border-edge width of the
    //   table box inside it
    // We don't actually make our anonymous box that width (if we did,
    // it would break 'auto' margins), but this effectively does that.
    OuterBeginReflowChild(aPresContext, InnerTableFrame(), aOuterRS,
                          innerRSSpace, aOuterRS.ComputedWidth());
    // It's good that CSS 2.1 says not to include margins, since we
    // can't, since they already been converted so they exactly
    // fill the available width (ignoring the margin on one side if
    // neither are auto).  (We take advantage of that later when we call
    // GetCaptionOrigin, though.)
    nscoord innerBorderWidth = innerRS->ComputedWidth() +
    OuterBeginReflowChild(aPresContext, mCaptionFrames.FirstChild(), aOuterRS,
                          captionRSSpace, innerBorderWidth);
  } else {
                 captionSide == NS_STYLE_CAPTION_SIDE_BOTTOM_OUTSIDE,
                 "unexpected caption-side");
    // Size the table and the caption independently.
    OuterBeginReflowChild(aPresContext, mCaptionFrames.FirstChild(), aOuterRS,
                          captionRSSpace, aOuterRS.ComputedWidth());
    OuterBeginReflowChild(aPresContext, InnerTableFrame(), aOuterRS,
                          innerRSSpace, aOuterRS.ComputedWidth());

  // First reflow the caption.
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics captionMet;
  nsSize captionSize;
  nsMargin captionMargin;
  if (mCaptionFrames.NotEmpty()) {
    nsReflowStatus capStatus; // don't let the caption cause incomplete
    rv = OuterDoReflowChild(aPresContext, mCaptionFrames.FirstChild(),
                            *captionRS, captionMet, capStatus);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
    captionSize.width = captionMet.width;
    captionSize.height = captionMet.height;
    captionMargin = captionRS->mComputedMargin;
    // Now that we know the height of the caption, reduce the available height
    // for the table frame if we are height constrained and the caption is above
    // or below the inner table.
    if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aOuterRS.availableHeight) {
      nscoord captionHeight = 0;
      switch (captionSide) {
          captionHeight = captionSize.height + captionMargin.TopBottom();
          nsCollapsingMargin belowCaptionMargin;
          captionHeight = captionSize.height + +
          nsCollapsingMargin aboveCaptionMargin;
          captionHeight = captionSize.height + captionMargin.bottom +
      innerRS->availableHeight =
        NS_MAX(0, innerRS->availableHeight - captionHeight);
  } else {

  // Then, now that we know how much to reduce the width of the inner
  // table to account for side captions, reflow the inner table.
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics innerMet;
  rv = OuterDoReflowChild(aPresContext, InnerTableFrame(), *innerRS,
                          innerMet, aStatus);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
  nsSize innerSize;
  innerSize.width = innerMet.width;
  innerSize.height = innerMet.height;
  nsMargin innerMargin = innerRS->mComputedMargin;

  nsSize   containSize = GetContainingBlockSize(aOuterRS);

  // Now that we've reflowed both we can place them.
  // XXXldb Most of the input variables here are now uninitialized!

  // XXX Need to recompute inner table's auto margins for the case of side
  // captions.  (Caption's are broken too, but that should be fixed earlier.)

  if (mCaptionFrames.NotEmpty()) {
    nsPoint captionOrigin;
    GetCaptionOrigin(captionSide, containSize, innerSize, 
                     innerMargin, captionSize, captionMargin, captionOrigin);
    FinishReflowChild(mCaptionFrames.FirstChild(), aPresContext, captionRS,
                      captionMet, captionOrigin.x, captionOrigin.y, 0);
  // XXX If the height is constrained then we need to check whether
  // everything still fits...

  nsPoint innerOrigin;
  GetInnerOrigin(captionSide, containSize, captionSize, 
                 captionMargin, innerSize, innerMargin, innerOrigin);
  FinishReflowChild(InnerTableFrame(), aPresContext, innerRS, innerMet,
                    innerOrigin.x, innerOrigin.y, 0);

  nsTableFrame::InvalidateFrame(InnerTableFrame(), origInnerRect,
                                origInnerVisualOverflow, innerFirstReflow);
  if (mCaptionFrames.NotEmpty()) {
    nsTableFrame::InvalidateFrame(mCaptionFrames.FirstChild(), origCaptionRect,

  UpdateReflowMetrics(captionSide, aDesiredSize, innerMargin, captionMargin);
  // Return our desired rect

  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aOuterRS, aDesiredSize);
  return rv;
Beispiel #25
nsTextControlFrame::CalcIntrinsicSize(nsRenderingContext* aRenderingContext,
                                      nsSize&              aIntrinsicSize)
  // Get leading and the Average/MaxAdvance char width 
  nscoord lineHeight  = 0;
  nscoord charWidth   = 0;
  nscoord charMaxAdvance  = 0;

  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fontMet;
  nsresult rv =
    nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fontMet));

  lineHeight =
    nsHTMLReflowState::CalcLineHeight(GetStyleContext(), NS_AUTOHEIGHT);
  charWidth = fontMet->AveCharWidth();
  charMaxAdvance = fontMet->MaxAdvance();

  // Set the width equal to the width in characters
  PRInt32 cols = GetCols();
  aIntrinsicSize.width = cols * charWidth;

  // To better match IE, take the maximum character width(in twips) and remove
  // 4 pixels add this on as additional padding(internalPadding). But only do
  // this if charMaxAdvance != charWidth; if they are equal, this is almost
  // certainly a fixed-width font.
  if (charWidth != charMaxAdvance) {
    nscoord internalPadding = NS_MAX(0, charMaxAdvance -
    nscoord t = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1); 
   // Round to a multiple of t
    nscoord rest = internalPadding % t; 
    if (rest < t - rest) {
      internalPadding -= rest;
    } else {
      internalPadding += t - rest;
    // Now add the extra padding on (so that small input sizes work well)
    aIntrinsicSize.width += internalPadding;
  } else {
    // This is to account for the anonymous <br> having a 1 twip width
    // in Full Standards mode, see BRFrame::Reflow and bug 228752.
    if (PresContext()->CompatibilityMode() == eCompatibility_FullStandards) {
      aIntrinsicSize.width += 1;

    // Also add in the padding of our value div child.  Note that it hasn't
    // been reflowed yet, so we can't get its used padding, but it shouldn't be
    // using percentage padding anyway.
    nsMargin childPadding;
    nsIFrame* firstChild = GetFirstChild(nsnull);
    if (firstChild && firstChild->GetStylePadding()->GetPadding(childPadding)) {
      aIntrinsicSize.width += childPadding.LeftRight();
    } else {
      NS_ERROR("Percentage padding on value div?");

  // Increment width with cols * letter-spacing.
    const nsStyleCoord& lsCoord = GetStyleText()->mLetterSpacing;
    if (eStyleUnit_Coord == lsCoord.GetUnit()) {
      nscoord letterSpacing = lsCoord.GetCoordValue();
      if (letterSpacing != 0) {
        aIntrinsicSize.width += cols * letterSpacing;

  // Set the height equal to total number of rows (times the height of each
  // line, of course)
  aIntrinsicSize.height = lineHeight * GetRows();

  // Add in the size of the scrollbars for textarea
  if (IsTextArea()) {
    nsIFrame* first = GetFirstChild(nsnull);

    nsIScrollableFrame *scrollableFrame = do_QueryFrame(first);
    NS_ASSERTION(scrollableFrame, "Child must be scrollable");

    if (scrollableFrame) {
      nsMargin scrollbarSizes =
      scrollableFrame->GetDesiredScrollbarSizes(PresContext(), aRenderingContext);

      aIntrinsicSize.width  += scrollbarSizes.LeftRight();

      aIntrinsicSize.height += scrollbarSizes.TopBottom();;

  return NS_OK;
nsGridRowLeafLayout::PopulateBoxSizes(nsIBox* aBox, nsBoxLayoutState& aState, nsBoxSize*& aBoxSizes, nscoord& aMinSize, nscoord& aMaxSize, PRInt32& aFlexes)
  PRInt32 index = 0;
  nsGrid* grid = GetGrid(aBox, &index);
  PRBool isHorizontal = IsHorizontal(aBox);

  // Our base class SprocketLayout is giving us a chance to change the box sizes before layout
  // If we are a row lets change the sizes to match our columns. If we are a column then do the opposite
  // and make them match or rows.
  if (grid) {
    nsGridRow* column;
    PRInt32 count = grid->GetColumnCount(isHorizontal); 
    nsBoxSize* start = nsnull;
    nsBoxSize* last = nsnull;
    nsBoxSize* current = nsnull;
    nsIBox* child = aBox->GetChildBox();
    for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
      column = grid->GetColumnAt(i,isHorizontal); 

      // make sure the value was computed before we use it.
      // !isHorizontal is passed in to invert the behavior of these methods.
      nscoord pref =
        grid->GetPrefRowHeight(aState, i, !isHorizontal); // GetPrefColumnWidth
      nscoord min = 
        grid->GetMinRowHeight(aState, i, !isHorizontal);  // GetMinColumnWidth
      nscoord max = 
        grid->GetMaxRowHeight(aState, i, !isHorizontal);  // GetMaxColumnWidth
      nscoord flex =
        grid->GetRowFlex(aState, i, !isHorizontal);       // GetColumnFlex
      nscoord left  = 0;
      nscoord right  = 0;
      grid->GetRowOffsets(aState, i, left, right, !isHorizontal); // GetColumnOffsets
      nsIBox* box = column->GetBox();
      PRBool collapsed = PR_FALSE;
      nscoord topMargin = column->mTopMargin;
      nscoord bottomMargin = column->mBottomMargin;

      if (box) 
        collapsed = box->IsCollapsed(aState);

      pref = pref - (left + right);
      if (pref < 0)
        pref = 0;

      // if this is the first or last column. Take into account that
      // our row could have a border that could affect our left or right
      // padding from our columns. If the row has padding subtract it.
      // would should always be able to garentee that our margin is smaller
      // or equal to our left or right
      PRInt32 firstIndex = 0;
      PRInt32 lastIndex = 0;
      nsGridRow* firstRow = nsnull;
      nsGridRow* lastRow = nsnull;
      grid->GetFirstAndLastRow(aState, firstIndex, lastIndex, firstRow, lastRow, !isHorizontal);

      if (i == firstIndex || i == lastIndex) {
        nsMargin offset = GetTotalMargin(aBox, isHorizontal);

        nsMargin border(0,0,0,0);
        // can't call GetBorderPadding we will get into recursion
        offset += border;
        offset += border;

        // subtract from out left and right
        if (i == firstIndex) 
          if (isHorizontal)
           left -= offset.left;
           left -=;

        if (i == lastIndex)
          if (isHorizontal)
           right -= offset.right;
           right -= offset.bottom;
      // initialize the box size here 
      max = NS_MAX(min, max);
      pref = nsBox::BoundsCheck(min, pref, max);
      current = new (aState) nsBoxSize();
      current->pref = pref;
      current->min = min;
      current->max = max;
      current->flex = flex;
      current->bogus = column->mIsBogus;
      current->left = left + topMargin;
      current->right = right + bottomMargin;
      current->collapsed = collapsed;

      if (!start) {
        start = current;
        last = start;
      } else {
        last->next = current;
        last = current;

      if (child && !column->mIsBogus)
        child = child->GetNextBox();

    aBoxSizes = start;

  nsSprocketLayout::PopulateBoxSizes(aBox, aState, aBoxSizes, aMinSize, aMaxSize, aFlexes);
Beispiel #27
nsProgressFrame::ReflowBarFrame(nsIFrame*                aBarFrame,
                                nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                                const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  bool vertical = GetStyleDisplay()->mOrient == NS_STYLE_ORIENT_VERTICAL;
  nsHTMLReflowState reflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, aBarFrame,
  nscoord size = vertical ? aReflowState.ComputedHeight()
                          : aReflowState.ComputedWidth();
  nscoord xoffset = aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left;
  nscoord yoffset =;

  double position;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLProgressElement> progressElement =

  // Force the bar's size to match the current progress.
  // When indeterminate, the progress' size will be 100%.
  if (position >= 0.0) {
    size *= position;

  if (!vertical && GetStyleVisibility()->mDirection == NS_STYLE_DIRECTION_RTL) {
    xoffset += aReflowState.ComputedWidth() - size;

  // The bar size is fixed in these cases:
  // - the progress position is determined: the bar size is fixed according
  //   to it's value.
  // - the progress position is indeterminate and the bar appearance should be
  //   shown as native: the bar size is forced to 100%.
  // Otherwise (when the progress is indeterminate and the bar appearance isn't
  // native), the bar size isn't fixed and can be set by the author.
  if (position != -1 || ShouldUseNativeStyle()) {
    if (vertical) {
      // We want the bar to begin at the bottom.
      yoffset += aReflowState.ComputedHeight() - size;

      size -= reflowState.mComputedMargin.TopBottom() +
      size = NS_MAX(size, 0);
    } else {
      size -= reflowState.mComputedMargin.LeftRight() +
      size = NS_MAX(size, 0);
  } else if (vertical) {
    // For vertical progress bars, we need to position the bar specificly when
    // the width isn't constrained (position == -1 and !ShouldUseNativeStyle())
    // because aReflowState.ComputedHeight() - size == 0.
    yoffset += aReflowState.ComputedHeight() - reflowState.ComputedHeight();

  xoffset += reflowState.mComputedMargin.left;
  yoffset +=;

  nsHTMLReflowMetrics barDesiredSize;
  ReflowChild(aBarFrame, aPresContext, barDesiredSize, reflowState, xoffset,
              yoffset, 0, aStatus);
  FinishReflowChild(aBarFrame, aPresContext, &reflowState, barDesiredSize,
                    xoffset, yoffset, 0);
/* virtual */ nsresult
nsMathMLmmultiscriptsFrame::Place(nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
                                  bool                 aPlaceOrigin,
                                  nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize)
  // Get the children's desired sizes

  nscoord minShiftFromXHeight, subDrop, supDrop;

  // Initialize super/sub shifts that
  // depend only on the current font


  // get x-height (an ex)
  const nsStyleFont* font = GetStyleFont();
  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm;
  nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fm));

  nscoord xHeight = fm->XHeight();

  nscoord ruleSize;
  GetRuleThickness (aRenderingContext, fm, ruleSize);

  // scriptspace from TeX for extra spacing after sup/subscript (0.5pt in plain TeX)
  // forced to be at least 1 pixel here
  nscoord onePixel = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1);
  nscoord scriptSpace = NS_MAX(nsPresContext::CSSPointsToAppUnits(0.5f), onePixel);

  // first the shift for the subscript

  // subScriptShift{1,2}
  // = minimum amount to shift the subscript down
  // = sub{1,2} in TeXbook
  // subScriptShift1 = subscriptshift attribute * x-height
  nscoord subScriptShift1, subScriptShift2;

  // Get subScriptShift{1,2} default from font
  GetSubScriptShifts (fm, subScriptShift1, subScriptShift2);
  if (0 < mSubScriptShift) {
    // the user has set the subscriptshift attribute
    float scaler = ((float) subScriptShift2) / subScriptShift1;
    subScriptShift1 = NS_MAX(subScriptShift1, mSubScriptShift);
    subScriptShift2 = NSToCoordRound(scaler * subScriptShift1);
  // the font dependent shift
  nscoord subScriptShift = NS_MAX(subScriptShift1,subScriptShift2);

  // next the shift for the superscript

  // supScriptShift{1,2,3}
  // = minimum amount to shift the supscript up
  // = sup{1,2,3} in TeX
  // supScriptShift1 = superscriptshift attribute * x-height
  // Note that there are THREE values for supscript shifts depending
  // on the current style
  nscoord supScriptShift1, supScriptShift2, supScriptShift3;
  // Set supScriptShift{1,2,3} default from font
  GetSupScriptShifts (fm, supScriptShift1, supScriptShift2, supScriptShift3);
  if (0 < mSupScriptShift) {
    // the user has set the superscriptshift attribute
    float scaler2 = ((float) supScriptShift2) / supScriptShift1;
    float scaler3 = ((float) supScriptShift3) / supScriptShift1;
    supScriptShift1 = NS_MAX(supScriptShift1, mSupScriptShift);
    supScriptShift2 = NSToCoordRound(scaler2 * supScriptShift1);
    supScriptShift3 = NSToCoordRound(scaler3 * supScriptShift1);

  // get sup script shift depending on current script level and display style
  // Rule 18c, App. G, TeXbook
  nscoord supScriptShift;
  if ( font->mScriptLevel == 0 &&
       NS_MATHML_IS_DISPLAYSTYLE(mPresentationData.flags) &&
      !NS_MATHML_IS_COMPRESSED(mPresentationData.flags)) {
    // Style D in TeXbook
    supScriptShift = supScriptShift1;
  else if (NS_MATHML_IS_COMPRESSED(mPresentationData.flags)) {
    // Style C' in TeXbook = D',T',S',SS'
    supScriptShift = supScriptShift3;
  else {
    // everything else = T,S,SS
    supScriptShift = supScriptShift2;

  // Get the children's sizes

  nscoord width = 0, prescriptsWidth = 0, rightBearing = 0;
  nsIFrame* mprescriptsFrame = nsnull; // frame of <mprescripts/>, if there.
  bool isSubScript = false;
  nscoord minSubScriptShift = 0, minSupScriptShift = 0;
  nscoord trySubScriptShift = subScriptShift;
  nscoord trySupScriptShift = supScriptShift;
  nscoord maxSubScriptShift = subScriptShift;
  nscoord maxSupScriptShift = supScriptShift;
  PRInt32 count = 0;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics baseSize;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics subScriptSize;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics supScriptSize;
  nsIFrame* baseFrame = nsnull;
  nsIFrame* subScriptFrame = nsnull;
  nsIFrame* supScriptFrame = nsnull;

  bool firstPrescriptsPair = false;
  nsBoundingMetrics bmBase, bmSubScript, bmSupScript;
  nscoord italicCorrection = 0;

  mBoundingMetrics.width = 0;
  mBoundingMetrics.ascent = mBoundingMetrics.descent = -0x7FFFFFFF;
  nscoord ascent = -0x7FFFFFFF, descent = -0x7FFFFFFF;
  aDesiredSize.width = aDesiredSize.height = 0;

  nsIFrame* childFrame = mFrames.FirstChild();
  while (childFrame) {
    if (childFrame->GetContent()->Tag() == nsGkAtoms::mprescripts_) {
      if (mprescriptsFrame) {
        // duplicate <mprescripts/> found
        // report an error, encourage people to get their markups in order
        return ReflowError(aRenderingContext, aDesiredSize);
      mprescriptsFrame = childFrame;
      firstPrescriptsPair = true;
    else {
      if (0 == count) {
        // base
        baseFrame = childFrame;
        GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(baseFrame, baseSize, bmBase);
        GetItalicCorrection(bmBase, italicCorrection);
        // for the superscript, we always add "a little to spare"
        italicCorrection += onePixel;

        // we update mBoundingMetrics.{ascent,descent} with that
        // of the baseFrame only after processing all the sup/sub pairs
        // XXX need italic correction only *if* there are postscripts ?
        mBoundingMetrics.width = bmBase.width + italicCorrection;
        mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing = bmBase.rightBearing;
        mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing = bmBase.leftBearing; // until overwritten
      else {
        // super/subscript block
        if (isSubScript) {
          // subscript
          subScriptFrame = childFrame;
          GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(subScriptFrame, subScriptSize, bmSubScript);
          // get the subdrop from the subscript font
          GetSubDropFromChild (subScriptFrame, subDrop);
          // parameter v, Rule 18a, App. G, TeXbook
          minSubScriptShift = bmBase.descent + subDrop;
          trySubScriptShift = NS_MAX(minSubScriptShift,subScriptShift);
          mBoundingMetrics.descent =
          descent = NS_MAX(descent,subScriptSize.height - subScriptSize.ascent);
          width = bmSubScript.width + scriptSpace;
          rightBearing = bmSubScript.rightBearing;
        else {
          // supscript
          supScriptFrame = childFrame;
          GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(supScriptFrame, supScriptSize, bmSupScript);
          // get the supdrop from the supscript font
          GetSupDropFromChild (supScriptFrame, supDrop);
          // parameter u, Rule 18a, App. G, TeXbook
          minSupScriptShift = bmBase.ascent - supDrop;
          // get min supscript shift limit from x-height
          // = d(x) + 1/4 * sigma_5, Rule 18c, App. G, TeXbook
          minShiftFromXHeight = NSToCoordRound
            ((bmSupScript.descent + (1.0f/4.0f) * xHeight));
          trySupScriptShift =
          mBoundingMetrics.ascent =
          ascent = NS_MAX(ascent,supScriptSize.ascent);
          width = NS_MAX(width, bmSupScript.width + scriptSpace);
          rightBearing = NS_MAX(rightBearing, bmSupScript.rightBearing);

          if (!mprescriptsFrame) { // we are still looping over base & postscripts
            mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing = mBoundingMetrics.width + rightBearing;
            mBoundingMetrics.width += width;
          else {
            prescriptsWidth += width;
            if (firstPrescriptsPair) {
              firstPrescriptsPair = false;
              mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing =
                NS_MIN(bmSubScript.leftBearing, bmSupScript.leftBearing);
          width = rightBearing = 0;

          // negotiate between the various shifts so that
          // there is enough gap between the sup and subscripts
          // Rule 18e, App. G, TeXbook
          nscoord gap =
            (trySupScriptShift - bmSupScript.descent) -
            (bmSubScript.ascent - trySubScriptShift);
          if (gap < 4.0f * ruleSize) {
            // adjust trySubScriptShift to get a gap of (4.0 * ruleSize)
            trySubScriptShift += NSToCoordRound ((4.0f * ruleSize) - gap);

          // next we want to ensure that the bottom of the superscript
          // will be > (4/5) * x-height above baseline
          gap = NSToCoordRound ((4.0f/5.0f) * xHeight -
                  (trySupScriptShift - bmSupScript.descent));
          if (gap > 0.0f) {
            trySupScriptShift += gap;
            trySubScriptShift -= gap;
          maxSubScriptShift = NS_MAX(maxSubScriptShift, trySubScriptShift);
          maxSupScriptShift = NS_MAX(maxSupScriptShift, trySupScriptShift);

          trySubScriptShift = subScriptShift;
          trySupScriptShift = supScriptShift;

      isSubScript = !isSubScript;
    childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling();
  // note: width=0 if all sup-sub pairs match correctly
  if ((0 != width) || !baseFrame || !subScriptFrame || !supScriptFrame) {
    // report an error, encourage people to get their markups in order
    return ReflowError(aRenderingContext, aDesiredSize);

  // we left out the width of prescripts, so ...
  mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing += prescriptsWidth;
  mBoundingMetrics.width += prescriptsWidth;

  // we left out the base during our bounding box updates, so ...
  mBoundingMetrics.ascent =
  mBoundingMetrics.descent =

  // get the reflow metrics ...
  aDesiredSize.ascent =
  aDesiredSize.height = aDesiredSize.ascent +
    NS_MAX(descent+maxSubScriptShift,baseSize.height - baseSize.ascent);
  aDesiredSize.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;
  aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = mBoundingMetrics;

  mReference.x = 0;
  mReference.y = aDesiredSize.ascent;

  // Place Children

  // Place prescripts, followed by base, and then postscripts.
  // The list of frames is in the order: {base} {postscripts} {prescripts}
  // We go over the list in a circular manner, starting at <prescripts/>

  if (aPlaceOrigin) {
    nscoord dx = 0, dy = 0;

    count = 0;
    childFrame = mprescriptsFrame;
    do {
      if (!childFrame) { // end of prescripts,
        // place the base ...
        childFrame = baseFrame;
        dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - baseSize.ascent;
        FinishReflowChild (baseFrame, PresContext(), nsnull, baseSize,
                           dy, 0);
        dx += bmBase.width + italicCorrection;
      else if (mprescriptsFrame != childFrame) {
        // process each sup/sub pair
        if (0 == count) {
          subScriptFrame = childFrame;
          count = 1;
        else if (1 == count) {
          supScriptFrame = childFrame;
          count = 0;

          // get the ascent/descent of sup/subscripts stored in their rects
          // rect.x = descent, rect.y = ascent
          GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(subScriptFrame, subScriptSize, bmSubScript);
          GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(supScriptFrame, supScriptSize, bmSupScript);

          // center w.r.t. largest width
          width = NS_MAX(subScriptSize.width, supScriptSize.width);

          dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - subScriptSize.ascent +
          FinishReflowChild (subScriptFrame, PresContext(), nsnull,
                                         dx + (width-subScriptSize.width)/2),
                             dy, 0);

          dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - supScriptSize.ascent -
          FinishReflowChild (supScriptFrame, PresContext(), nsnull,
                                         dx + (width-supScriptSize.width)/2),
                             dy, 0);

          dx += width + scriptSpace;
      childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling();
    } while (mprescriptsFrame != childFrame);

  return NS_OK;
// This method is called when there's more data available off the
// network, but it's also called from our data pump when we're feeding
// the plugin data that we already got off the network, but the plugin
// was unable to consume it at the point it arrived. In the case when
// the plugin pump calls this method, the input argument will be null,
// and the length will be the number of bytes available in our
// internal buffer.
nsNPAPIPluginStreamListener::OnDataAvailable(nsPluginStreamListenerPeer* streamPeer,
                                             nsIInputStream* input,
                                             uint32_t length)
  if (!length || !mInst || !mInst->CanFireNotifications())
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  PluginDestructionGuard guard(mInst);
  // Just in case the caller switches plugin info on us.
  mStreamListenerPeer = streamPeer;

  nsNPAPIPlugin* plugin = mInst->GetPlugin();
  if (!plugin || !plugin->GetLibrary())
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  NPPluginFuncs* pluginFunctions = plugin->PluginFuncs();

  // check out if plugin implements NPP_Write call
  if (!pluginFunctions->write)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // it'll cancel necko transaction 
  if (!mStreamBuffer) {
    // To optimize the mem usage & performance we have to allocate
    // mStreamBuffer here in first ODA when length of data available
    // in input stream is known.  mStreamBuffer will be freed in DTOR.
    // we also have to remember the size of that buff to make safe
    // consecutive Read() calls form input stream into our buff.
    uint32_t contentLength;
    mStreamBufferSize = NS_MAX(length, contentLength);
    // Limit the size of the initial buffer to MAX_PLUGIN_NECKO_BUFFER
    // (16k). This buffer will grow if needed, as in the case where
    // we're getting data faster than the plugin can process it.
    mStreamBufferSize = NS_MIN(mStreamBufferSize,
    mStreamBuffer = (char*) PR_Malloc(mStreamBufferSize);
    if (!mStreamBuffer)
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
  // prepare NPP_ calls params
  NPP npp;
  int32_t streamPosition;
  int32_t streamOffset = streamPosition;
  if (input) {
    streamOffset += length;
    // Set new stream offset for the next ODA call regardless of how
    // following NPP_Write call will behave we pretend to consume all
    // data from the input stream.  It's possible that current steam
    // position will be overwritten from NPP_RangeRequest call made
    // from NPP_Write, so we cannot call SetStreamOffset after
    // NPP_Write.
    // Note: there is a special case when data flow should be
    // temporarily stopped if NPP_WriteReady returns 0 (bug #89270)
    // set new end in case the content is compressed
    // initial end is less than end of decompressed stream
    // and some plugins (e.g. acrobat) can fail. 
    if ((int32_t)mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.end < streamOffset)
      mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.end = streamOffset;
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  while (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && length > 0) {
    if (input && length) {
      if (mStreamBufferSize < mStreamBufferByteCount + length && mIsSuspended) {
        // We're in the ::OnDataAvailable() call that we might get
        // after suspending a request, or we suspended the request
        // from within this ::OnDataAvailable() call while there's
        // still data in the input, and we don't have enough space to
        // store what we got off the network. Reallocate our internal
        // buffer.
        mStreamBufferSize = mStreamBufferByteCount + length;
        char *buf = (char*)PR_Realloc(mStreamBuffer, mStreamBufferSize);
        if (!buf)
          return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        mStreamBuffer = buf;
      uint32_t bytesToRead =
      NS_MIN(length, mStreamBufferSize - mStreamBufferByteCount);
      uint32_t amountRead = 0;
      rv = input->Read(mStreamBuffer + mStreamBufferByteCount, bytesToRead,
      NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
      if (amountRead == 0) {
        NS_NOTREACHED("input->Read() returns no data, it's almost impossible "
                      "to get here");
      mStreamBufferByteCount += amountRead;
      length -= amountRead;
    } else {
      // No input, nothing to read. Set length to 0 so that we don't
      // keep iterating through this outer loop any more.
      length = 0;
    // Temporary pointer to the beginning of the data we're writing as
    // we loop and feed the plugin data.
    char *ptrStreamBuffer = mStreamBuffer;
    // it is possible plugin's NPP_Write() returns 0 byte consumed. We
    // use zeroBytesWriteCount to count situation like this and break
    // the loop
    int32_t zeroBytesWriteCount = 0;
    // mStreamBufferByteCount tells us how many bytes there are in the
    // buffer. WriteReady returns to us how many bytes the plugin is
    // ready to handle.
    while (mStreamBufferByteCount > 0) {
      int32_t numtowrite;
      if (pluginFunctions->writeready) {
        NPPAutoPusher nppPusher(npp);
        NS_TRY_SAFE_CALL_RETURN(numtowrite, (*pluginFunctions->writeready)(npp, &mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream), mInst,
                       ("NPP WriteReady called: this=%p, npp=%p, "
                        "return(towrite)=%d, url=%s\n",
                        this, npp, numtowrite, mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.url));
        if (!mStreamStarted) {
          // The plugin called NPN_DestroyStream() from within
          // NPP_WriteReady(), kill the stream.
          return NS_BINDING_ABORTED;
        // if WriteReady returned 0, the plugin is not ready to handle
        // the data, suspend the stream (if it isn't already
        // suspended).
        // Also suspend the stream if the stream we're loading is not
        // a javascript: URL load that was initiated during plugin
        // initialization and there currently is such a stream
        // loading. This is done to work around a Windows Media Player
        // plugin bug where it can't deal with being fed data for
        // other streams while it's waiting for data from the
        // javascript: URL loads it requests during
        // initialization. See bug 386493 for more details.
        if (numtowrite <= 0 ||
            (!mIsPluginInitJSStream && PluginInitJSLoadInProgress())) {
          if (!mIsSuspended) {
          // Break out of the inner loop, but keep going through the
          // outer loop in case there's more data to read from the
          // input stream.
        numtowrite = NS_MIN(numtowrite, mStreamBufferByteCount);
      } else {
        // if WriteReady is not supported by the plugin, just write
        // the whole buffer
        numtowrite = mStreamBufferByteCount;
      NPPAutoPusher nppPusher(npp);
      int32_t writeCount = 0; // bytes consumed by plugin instance
      NS_TRY_SAFE_CALL_RETURN(writeCount, (*pluginFunctions->write)(npp, &mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream, streamPosition, numtowrite, ptrStreamBuffer), mInst,
                     ("NPP Write called: this=%p, npp=%p, pos=%d, len=%d, "
                      "buf=%s, return(written)=%d,  url=%s\n",
                      this, npp, streamPosition, numtowrite,
                      ptrStreamBuffer, writeCount, mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.url));
      if (!mStreamStarted) {
        // The plugin called NPN_DestroyStream() from within
        // NPP_Write(), kill the stream.
        return NS_BINDING_ABORTED;
      if (writeCount > 0) {
        NS_ASSERTION(writeCount <= mStreamBufferByteCount,
                     "Plugin read past the end of the available data!");
        writeCount = NS_MIN(writeCount, mStreamBufferByteCount);
        mStreamBufferByteCount -= writeCount;
        streamPosition += writeCount;
        zeroBytesWriteCount = 0;
        if (mStreamBufferByteCount > 0) {
          // This alignment code is most likely bogus, but we'll leave
          // it in for now in case it matters for some plugins on some
          // architectures. Who knows...
          if (writeCount % sizeof(intptr_t)) {
            // memmove will take care  about alignment 
            memmove(mStreamBuffer, ptrStreamBuffer + writeCount,
            ptrStreamBuffer = mStreamBuffer;
          } else {
            // if aligned we can use ptrStreamBuffer += to eliminate
            // memmove()
            ptrStreamBuffer += writeCount;
      } else if (writeCount == 0) {
        // if NPP_Write() returns writeCount == 0 lets say 3 times in
        // a row, suspend the request and continue feeding the plugin
        // the data we got so far. Once that data is consumed, we'll
        // resume the request.
        if (mIsSuspended || ++zeroBytesWriteCount == 3) {
          if (!mIsSuspended) {
          // Break out of the for loop, but keep going through the
          // while loop in case there's more data to read from the
          // input stream.
      } else {
        // Something's really wrong, kill the stream.
        rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    } // end of inner while loop
    if (mStreamBufferByteCount && mStreamBuffer != ptrStreamBuffer) {
      memmove(mStreamBuffer, ptrStreamBuffer, mStreamBufferByteCount);
  if (streamPosition != streamOffset) {
    // The plugin didn't consume all available data, or consumed some
    // of our cached data while we're pumping cached data. Adjust the
    // plugin info's stream offset to match reality, except if the
    // plugin info's stream offset was set by a re-entering
    // NPN_RequestRead() call.
    int32_t postWriteStreamPosition;
    if (postWriteStreamPosition == streamOffset) {
  return rv;
 * Given the simple progress for a paced animation, this method:
 *  - determines which two elements of the values array we're in between
 *    (returned as aFrom and aTo)
 *  - determines where we are between them
 *    (returned as aIntervalProgress)
 * Returns NS_OK, or NS_ERROR_FAILURE if our values don't support distance
 * computation.
nsSMILAnimationFunction::ComputePacedPosition(const nsSMILValueArray& aValues,
                                              double aSimpleProgress,
                                              double& aIntervalProgress,
                                              const nsSMILValue*& aFrom,
                                              const nsSMILValue*& aTo)
  NS_ASSERTION(0.0f <= aSimpleProgress && aSimpleProgress < 1.0f,
               "aSimpleProgress is out of bounds");
               "Calling paced-specific function, but not in paced mode");
  NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(aValues.Length() >= 2, "Unexpected number of values");

  // Trivial case: If we have just 2 values, then there's only one interval
  // for us to traverse, and our progress across that interval is the exact
  // same as our overall progress.
  if (aValues.Length() == 2) {
    aIntervalProgress = aSimpleProgress;
    aFrom = &aValues[0];
    aTo = &aValues[1];
    return NS_OK;

  double totalDistance = ComputePacedTotalDistance(aValues);
  if (totalDistance == COMPUTE_DISTANCE_ERROR)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  // total distance we should have moved at this point in time.
  // (called 'remainingDist' due to how it's used in loop below)
  double remainingDist = aSimpleProgress * totalDistance;

  // Must be satisfied, because totalDistance is a sum of (non-negative)
  // distances, and aSimpleProgress is non-negative
  NS_ASSERTION(remainingDist >= 0, "distance values must be non-negative");

  // Find where remainingDist puts us in the list of values
  // Note: We could optimize this next loop by caching the
  // interval-distances in an array, but maybe that's excessive.
  for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < aValues.Length() - 1; i++) {
    // Note: The following assertion is valid because remainingDist should
    // start out non-negative, and this loop never shaves off more than its
    // current value.
    NS_ASSERTION(remainingDist >= 0, "distance values must be non-negative");

    double curIntervalDist;
    nsresult rv = aValues[i].ComputeDistance(aValues[i+1], curIntervalDist);
                      "If we got through ComputePacedTotalDistance, we should "
                      "be able to recompute each sub-distance without errors");

    NS_ASSERTION(curIntervalDist >= 0, "distance values must be non-negative");
    // Clamp distance value at 0, just in case ComputeDistance is evil.
    curIntervalDist = NS_MAX(curIntervalDist, 0.0);

    if (remainingDist >= curIntervalDist) {
      remainingDist -= curIntervalDist;
    } else {
      // NOTE: If we get here, then curIntervalDist necessarily is not 0. Why?
      // Because this clause is only hit when remainingDist < curIntervalDist,
      // and if curIntervalDist were 0, that would mean remainingDist would
      // have to be < 0.  But that can't happen, because remainingDist (as
      // a distance) is non-negative by definition.
      NS_ASSERTION(curIntervalDist != 0,
                   "We should never get here with this set to 0...");

      // We found the right spot -- an interpolated position between
      // values i and i+1.
      aFrom = &aValues[i];
      aTo = &aValues[i+1];
      aIntervalProgress = remainingDist / curIntervalDist;
      return NS_OK;

  NS_NOTREACHED("shouldn't complete loop & get here -- if we do, "
                "then aSimpleProgress was probably out of bounds");