static void
cb_params_arith_parse_options(struct params_st *params, VALUE options)
    VALUE tmp;

    if (NIL_P(options)) {
    params->cmd.arith.create = RTEST(rb_hash_aref(options, sym_create));
    params->cmd.arith.extended = RTEST(rb_hash_aref(options, sym_extended));
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(options, sym_ttl);
    if (tmp != Qnil) {
        params->cmd.arith.ttl = NUM2ULONG(tmp);
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(options, sym_initial);
    if (tmp != Qnil) {
        params->cmd.arith.initial = NUM2ULL(tmp);
        params->cmd.arith.create = 1;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(options, sym_delta);
    if (tmp != Qnil) {
        params-> = NUM2ULL(tmp) & INT64_MAX;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(options, sym_format);
    if (tmp != Qnil) { /* rewrite format bits */
        params->cmd.arith.format = tmp;
    if (params->cmd.arith.format == sym_document) {
        /* just amend datatype for now */
        params->cmd.arith.datatype = 0x01;
Beispiel #2
 * Method: get_assoc_entry(id, method, flags, format, value) { ... }
 * id: the ID of the index writer.
 * method: the lookup method to use (see Gst::Index::LookupMethod).
 * flags: flags for the entry (see Gst::Index::AssocFlags).
 * format: a Gst::Format object.
 * value: the value to find.
 * Finds the given format/value in the index.  If a block is given, it will be
 * called as a compare function, passing references to 2 Gst::IndexEntry objects,
 * and waiting for a boolean as the return value.
 * Returns: the entry associated with the value (as a Gst::IndexEntry object), or nil 
 * if the value is not found.
static VALUE
rb_gst_index_get_assoc_entry (VALUE self, VALUE id, VALUE method, VALUE flags,
                              VALUE format, VALUE value)
    GstIndexEntry *index_entry;

    if (rb_block_given_p () == Qfalse)
        index_entry =
            gst_index_get_assoc_entry (RGST_INDEX (self), FIX2INT (id),
                                       RVAL2GENUM (method,
                                       RVAL2GFLAGS (flags,
                                       *RGST_FORMAT (format), NUM2ULL (value));
        index_entry =
            gst_index_get_assoc_entry_full (RGST_INDEX (self), FIX2INT (id),
                                            RVAL2GENUM (method,
                                            RVAL2GFLAGS (flags,
                                            *RGST_FORMAT (format),
                                            NUM2ULL (value), __compare,
                                            (gpointer) rb_block_proc ());

    return index_entry != NULL ? RGST_INDEX_ENTRY_NEW (index_entry)
        : Qnil;
Beispiel #3
static VALUE hamming_distance(VALUE self, VALUE a, VALUE b) {
    int result = 0;
    result = ph_hamming_distance(NUM2ULL(a), NUM2ULL(b));
    if (-1 == result) {
      rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Unknown pHash error");
    return INT2NUM(result);
Beispiel #4
static VALUE rb_send (VALUE self_, VALUE exchange_, VALUE data_, VALUE size_,
    VALUE block_)
    //  Get the context.
    context_t* context;
    Data_Get_Struct (self_, context_t, context);
    //  Forward the call to native 0MQ library.
    zmq::message_t msg ((size_t) NUM2ULL (size_));
    memcpy ( (), (void*) StringValueCStr (data_), 
    	(size_t) NUM2ULL (size_));
    return context->api_thread->send (NUM2INT (exchange_), msg,
        NUM2INT (block_) ? true : false);
Beispiel #5
static VALUE
test_num2ull(VALUE obj, VALUE num)
    char buf[128];
    sprintf(buf, "%"PRI_LL_PREFIX"u", NUM2ULL(num));
    return rb_str_new_cstr(buf);
Beispiel #6
 * @overload send_message(datapath_id, message)
 *   Sends an OpenFlow message to the datapath.
 *   @example
 *     send_message datapath_id,
 *   @param [Integer] datapath_id
 *     the datapath to which a message is sent.
 *   @param [Hello, EchoRequest, EchoReply, FeaturesRequest, SetConfig, GetConfigRequest, QueueGetConfigRequest, StatsRequest, BarrierRequest, PortMod, Vendor] message
 *     the message to be sent.
static VALUE
controller_send_message( VALUE self, VALUE datapath_id, VALUE message ) {
  buffer *buf;
  Data_Get_Struct( message, buffer, buf );
  send_openflow_message( NUM2ULL( datapath_id ), buf );
  return self;
Beispiel #7
VALUE call_tsk_istat(int argc, VALUE *args, VALUE self) {
  VALUE io; VALUE inum; VALUE options;
  rb_scan_args(argc, args, "21", &inum, &io, &options);
  if (! rb_obj_is_kind_of(io, rb_cIO) ) {
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Method did not recieve IO object");
  TSK_DADDR_T numblock; int32_t sec_skew;
  VALUE block = rb_hash_aref(options, ID2SYM(rb_intern("block")));
  if (! NIL_P(block)) { numblock = (TSK_DADDR_T)NUM2ULL(block); } else { numblock = 0; }
  VALUE skew = rb_hash_aref(options, rb_symname_p("skew"));
  if (! NIL_P(skew)) {  sec_skew = (int32_t)NUM2INT(skew); } else { sec_skew = 0; }

  TSK_INUM_T inum_int;
  inum_int = NUM2INT(inum);
  int fd = FIX2LONG(rb_funcall(io, rb_intern("fileno"), 0));
  FILE * hFile = fdopen((int)fd, "w");
  struct tsk4r_fs_wrapper * fs_ptr;
  Data_Get_Struct(self, struct tsk4r_fs_wrapper, fs_ptr);
  if (fs_ptr->filesystem != NULL) {
    uint8_t(*myfunc) (TSK_FS_INFO * fs, FILE * hFile, TSK_INUM_T inum,
                      TSK_DADDR_T numblock, int32_t sec_skew);
    myfunc = fs_ptr->filesystem->istat;
    int r = myfunc(fs_ptr->filesystem, hFile, inum_int, numblock, sec_skew);
    fflush(hFile); // clear file buffer, completing write
    if (r != 0 ) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "TSK function: fsstat exited with an error."); }

  return self;
Beispiel #8
static VALUE mc_cas(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
  memcached_st *mc;
  VALUE key, value, cas, expiry, flags;
  static memcached_return_t result;

  Data_Get_Struct(self, memcached_st, mc);
  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "32", &key, &value, &cas, &expiry, &flags);

  key = StringValue(key);
  if (!use_binary(mc)) key = escape_key(key, NULL);
  value = StringValue(value);

  result = memcached_cas(mc, RSTRING_PTR(key), RSTRING_LEN(key), RSTRING_PTR(value), RSTRING_LEN(value),
                        RTEST(expiry) ? NUM2UINT(expiry) : 0,
                        RTEST(flags)  ? NUM2UINT(flags)  : 0,

  if (result == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS) {
    return value;
  } else if (result == MEMCACHED_NOTFOUND || result == MEMCACHED_DATA_EXISTS) {
    return Qnil;
  } else {
    return throw_error(&result);
    static int
cb_params_unlock_extract_keys_i(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE arg)
    struct params_st *params = (struct params_st *)arg;
    cb_params_unlock_init_item(params, params->idx++, key, NUM2ULL(value));
    return ST_CONTINUE;
Beispiel #10
 * Method: add(id, *args)
 * id: the ID of the index writer.
 * args: additional parameters, see below.
 * Adds an entry into the index.  The type of the entry depends of
 * the number and kind of additional parameters.
 *	* For an ID type, args must be a String.
 *	* For a FORMAT type, args must be a Gst::Format.
 *	* For an ASSOCIATION type, args must contains an association flag (see Gst::Index::AssocFlags), a Gst::Format and a value for the format.
 *	* For an OBJECT type, well you must wait, because it is not yet implemented.
 * Returns: a reference to the newly allocated entry in the index, as a Gst::EntryIndex object.
static VALUE
rb_gst_index_add (int argc, VALUE * argv, VALUE self)
    GstIndexEntry *index_entry;
    VALUE id;

    if (argc == 2) {
        VALUE var;

        rb_scan_args (argc, argv, "2", &id, &var);

        index_entry = CLASS2GTYPE (CLASS_OF (var)) == GST_TYPE_FORMAT2
            ? gst_index_add_format (RGST_INDEX (self), FIX2INT (id),
                                    *RGST_FORMAT (var))
            : gst_index_add_id (RGST_INDEX (self), FIX2INT (id),
                                RVAL2CSTR (var));

    } else {
        VALUE flags, format, value;

        rb_scan_args (argc, argv, "4", &id, &flags, &format, &value);

        index_entry =
            gst_index_add_association (RGST_INDEX (self), FIX2INT (id),
                                       RVAL2GFLAGS (flags,
                                       *RGST_FORMAT (format), NUM2ULL (value));

    return index_entry != NULL ? RGST_INDEX_ENTRY_NEW (index_entry)
        : Qnil;
    static void
cb_params_store_parse_options(struct params_st *params, VALUE options)
    VALUE tmp;

    if (NIL_P(options)) {
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(options, sym_flags);
    if (tmp != Qnil) {
        params-> = (lcb_uint32_t)NUM2ULONG(tmp);
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(options, sym_format);
    if (tmp != Qnil) { /* rewrite format bits */
        params-> = flags_set_format(params->, tmp);
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(options, sym_ttl);
    if (tmp != Qnil) {
        params-> = NUM2ULONG(tmp);
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(options, sym_cas);
    if (tmp != Qnil) {
        params-> = NUM2ULL(tmp);
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(options, sym_observe);
    if (tmp != Qnil) {
        Check_Type(tmp, T_HASH);
        rb_funcall(params->bucket->self, id_verify_observe_options, 1, tmp);
        params-> = tmp;
    if (flags_get_format(params-> == sym_document) {
        /* just amend datatype for now */
        params-> = 0x01;
Beispiel #12
 * @!group Operation for existing switch
 * @overload dump_forward_entries_from_switch datapath_id, type, {|result, services| ... }
 * Dump forwarding entry of a switch specified.
 * @param [Integer] dpid Switch datapath_id
 * @param [Symbol] type Switch event type. it must be one of :vendor, :packet_in, :port_status, :state_notify
 * @return [Boolean] true if request was sent successfully.
 * @yield Callback to notify the result of operation.
 * @yieldparam result [Boolean] true if result successful on all switches and switch manager
 * @yieldparam services [Array<String>] Service Name list on forwarding entry after operation.
static VALUE
dump_forward_entries_from_switch( VALUE self, VALUE dpid, VALUE type ) {
  debug( "%s", __func__ );
  enum efi_event_type c_type;
  if ( !event_type_symbol_to_enum( type, &c_type ) ) {
    warn( "Invalid event type was specified" );
    return Qfalse;

  const uint64_t c_dpid = NUM2ULL( dpid );

  callback_info *cb = xcalloc( 1, sizeof( callback_info ) );
  cb->self = self;
  cb->block = Qnil;
  if ( rb_block_given_p() == Qtrue ) {
    cb->block = rb_block_proc();
  bool succ = dump_switch_event_forward_entries(
                                c_dpid, c_type,
                                cb );
  if ( succ ) {
    return Qtrue;
  else {
    xfree( cb );
    return Qfalse;
Beispiel #13
 * @!group Operation for existing switch
 * @overload delete_forward_entry_from_switch datapath_id, type, service_name, {|result, services| ... }
 * Delete forwarding entry of a switch specified.
 * @param [Integer] dpid Switch datapath_id
 * @param [Symbol] type Switch event type. it must be one of :vendor, :packet_in, :port_status, :state_notify
 * @param [String] service_name Name of controller to forward event.
 * @return [Boolean] true if request was sent successfully.
 * @yield Callback to notify the result of operation.
 * @yieldparam result [Boolean] true if result successful.
 * @yieldparam services [Array<String>] Service Name list on forwarding entry after operation.
static VALUE
delete_forward_entry_from_switch( VALUE self, VALUE dpid, VALUE type,
                                  VALUE service_name ) {
  debug( "%s", __func__ );
  enum efi_event_type c_type;
  if ( !event_type_symbol_to_enum( type, &c_type ) ) {
    warn( "Invalid event type was specified" );
    return Qfalse;

  const uint64_t c_dpid = NUM2ULL( dpid );
  const char *c_service_name = StringValuePtr( service_name );
  if ( strlen( c_service_name ) == 0 ) {
    warn( "service_name cannot be empty" );
    return Qfalse;

  callback_info *cb = xcalloc( 1, sizeof( callback_info ) );
  cb->self = self;
  cb->block = Qnil;
  if ( rb_block_given_p() == Qtrue ) {
    cb->block = rb_block_proc();
  bool succ = delete_switch_event_forward_entry(
                                c_dpid, c_type, c_service_name,
                                cb );
  if ( succ ) {
    return Qtrue;
  else {
    xfree( cb );
    return Qfalse;
/* Method: get_state(timeout=nil)
static VALUE
rg_get_state(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE result, timeout;
    ThreadData thread_data;
    GetStateData *get_state_data;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &timeout);

    thread_data.element = SELF(self);
    thread_data.context = "get_state";
    get_state_data = &(;
    if (NIL_P(timeout))
        get_state_data->timeout = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
        get_state_data->timeout = NUM2ULL(timeout);

    do_in_thread(get_state_thread_pool, &thread_data);

    result = rb_ary_new3(3,

    return result;
Beispiel #15
static VALUE api_rwrite(VALUE self, VALUE s_, VALUE buffer)
  servlet *s = (servlet*)NUM2ULL(s_);
  const void *ptr = StringValuePtr(buffer);
  int length = RSTRING_LEN(buffer);
  rwrite(s, ptr, length);
  return Qnil;
Beispiel #16
unsigned long long ruby_libvirt_value_to_ulonglong(VALUE in)
    if (NIL_P(in)) {
        return 0;

    return NUM2ULL(in);
Beispiel #17
 * Writes a 128 bit decimal to the byte buffer.
VALUE rb_bson_byte_buffer_put_decimal128(VALUE self, VALUE low, VALUE high)
  byte_buffer_t *b;
  const int64_t low64 = BSON_UINT64_TO_LE(NUM2ULL(low));
  const int64_t high64 = BSON_UINT64_TO_LE(NUM2ULL(high));

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, byte_buffer_t, &rb_byte_buffer_data_type, b);
  memcpy(WRITE_PTR(b), &low64, 8);
  b->write_position += 8;

  memcpy(WRITE_PTR(b), &high64, 8);
  b->write_position += 8;

  return self;
Beispiel #18
static VALUE
seek_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE rate, VALUE format, VALUE flags,
   VALUE start_type, VALUE start, VALUE stop_type, VALUE stop)
    GstEvent *event;

    event = gst_event_new_seek(NUM2DBL(rate),
                               RVAL2GFLAGS(flags, GST_TYPE_SEEK_FLAGS),
                               RVAL2GENUM(start_type, GST_TYPE_SEEK_TYPE),
                               RVAL2GENUM(stop_type, GST_TYPE_SEEK_TYPE),

    G_INITIALIZE(self, event);
    return Qnil;
Beispiel #19
 *  call-seq:
 *    truncate(length)
 *  @param [Integer] length length in characters if +self+ is a {CLOB} or a {NCLOB}.
 *    length in bytes if +self+ is a {BLOB} or a {BFILE}.
 *  @return [self]
 *  @see #size=
static VALUE oci8_lob_truncate(VALUE self, VALUE len)
    oci8_lob_t *lob = TO_LOB(self);
    oci8_svcctx_t *svcctx = check_svcctx(lob);

    chker2(OCILobTrim2_nb(svcctx, svcctx->base.hp.svc, oci8_errhp, lob->base.hp.lob, NUM2ULL(len)),
    return self;
int distance(VALUE _1, VALUE _2) {
  uint64_t _1_ll;
  uint64_t _2_ll;
  uint64_t differences;
  const int max_dist = 64;

  if (_1 == Qnil) {
    return max_dist;
  } else if (_2 == Qnil) {
    return max_dist;

  _1_ll = NUM2ULL(_1);
  _2_ll = NUM2ULL(_2);
  differences = _1_ll ^ _2_ll;

  return __builtin_popcountll(differences);
Beispiel #21
static VALUE
latency_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE latency)
    GstEvent *event;

    event = gst_event_new_latency(NUM2ULL(latency));

    G_INITIALIZE(self, event);
    return Qnil;
Beispiel #22
int ruby_libvirt_typed_parameter_assign(VALUE key, VALUE val, VALUE in)
    struct ruby_libvirt_parameter_assign_args *args = (struct ruby_libvirt_parameter_assign_args *)in;
    char *keyname;
    unsigned int i;
    int found;

    keyname = StringValueCStr(key);

    found = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < args->num_allowed; i++) {
        if (strcmp(args->allowed[i].name, keyname) == 0) {
            args->params[args->i].type = args->allowed[i].type;
            switch (args->params[args->i].type) {
            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT:
                args->params[i].value.i = NUM2INT(val);
            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT:
                args->params[i].value.ui = NUM2UINT(val);
            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_LLONG:
                args->params[i].value.l = NUM2LL(val);
            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG:
                args->params[args->i].value.ul = NUM2ULL(val);
            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_DOUBLE:
                args->params[i].value.d = NUM2DBL(val);
            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_BOOLEAN:
                args->params[i].value.b = (val == Qtrue) ? 1 : 0;
            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING:
                args->params[args->i].value.s = StringValueCStr(val);
                rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Invalid parameter type");
            /* ensure that the field is NULL-terminated */
            args->params[args->i].field[VIR_TYPED_PARAM_FIELD_LENGTH - 1] = '\0';
            strncpy(args->params[args->i].field, keyname,
                    VIR_TYPED_PARAM_FIELD_LENGTH - 1);
            found = 1;

    if (!found) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Unknown key %s", keyname);

    return ST_CONTINUE;
Beispiel #23
static VALUE
qos_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE portion, VALUE clockdiff, VALUE timestamp)
    GstEvent *event;

    event = gst_event_new_qos(NUM2DBL(portion), NUM2LL(clockdiff),

    G_INITIALIZE(self, event);
    return Qnil;
Beispiel #24
 * call-seq:
 *   attr_set_ub8(attr_type, attr_value)
 * Sets the value of an attribute as `ub8' datatype.
 * @note If the specified attr_type's datatype is a
 *   pointer type, it causes a segmentation fault.
 * @param [Fixnum] attr_type
 * @param [Integer] attr_value
 * @return [self]
 * @since 2.0.4
 * @private
static VALUE attr_set_ub8(VALUE self, VALUE attr_type, VALUE val)
    oci8_base_t *base = DATA_PTR(self);
    ub8 value;

    /* validate arguments */
    Check_Type(attr_type, T_FIXNUM);
    value = NUM2ULL(val);
    /* set attribute */
    chker2(OCIAttrSet(base->hp.ptr, base->type, &value, sizeof(value), FIX2INT(attr_type), oci8_errhp), base);
    return self;
Beispiel #25
 * Creates a FeaturesReply message. A user would not explicitly
 * instantiate a {FeaturesReply} object but would be created while
 * parsing the +OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY+ message.
 * @overload initialize(options)
 *   @example
 *       :datapath_id => 0xabc,
 *       :transaction_id => 1,
 *       :n_buffers => 256,
 *       :n_tables => 1,
 *       :capabilities => 135,
 *       :actions => 2048,
 *       :port => [ port1, port2, ... ]
 *     )
 *   @param [Hash] options
 *     the options to create a message with.
 *   @option options [Number] :datapath_id
 *     datapath unique id. Subsequent commands directed to switch should
 *     embed this id.
 *   @option options [Number] :transaction_id
 *     a positive number lower layers match this to ensure message integrity.
 *   @option options [Number] :n_buffers
 *     maximum number of packets that can be buffered at once.
 *   @option options [Number] :n_tables
 *     number of supported tables, number could vary according to
 *     switch's implementation.
 *   @option options [Number] :capabilities
 *     supported capabilities expressed as a 32-bit bitmap. Ability of a switch
 *     to respond or perform a certain function for example flow statistics,
 *     IP address lookup in APR packets.
 *   @option options [Number] :actions
 *     supported actions expressed as a 32-bit bitmap.
 *   @option options [Port] :port
 *     an array of {Port} objects detailing physical port description and function.
 *   @return [FeaturesReply]
static VALUE
features_reply_init( VALUE self, VALUE options ) {
  buffer *buf = NULL;
  Data_Get_Struct( self, buffer, buf );
  struct ofp_switch_features *features_reply = buf->data;
  VALUE tmp = Qnil;

  tmp = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "datapath_id" ) ) );
  if ( tmp == Qnil ) {
    rb_raise( rb_eArgError, ":datapath_id is a mandatory option" );
  features_reply->datapath_id = htonll( NUM2ULL( tmp ) );

  tmp = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "transaction_id" ) ) );
  if ( tmp == Qnil ) {
    tmp = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "xid" ) ) );
    if ( tmp == Qnil ) {
      rb_raise( rb_eArgError, ":transaction_id is a mandatory option" );
  features_reply->header.xid = htonl( NUM2UINT( tmp ) );

  features_reply->n_buffers = 0;
  tmp = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "n_buffers" ) ) );
  if ( tmp != Qnil ) {
    features_reply->n_buffers = htonl( NUM2UINT( tmp ) );

  features_reply->n_tables = 1;
  tmp = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "n_tables" ) ) );
  if ( tmp != Qnil ) {
    features_reply->n_tables = ( uint8_t ) NUM2UINT( tmp );

  features_reply->capabilities = 0;
  tmp = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "capabilities" ) ) );
  if ( tmp != Qnil ) {
    features_reply->capabilities = htonl( NUM2UINT( tmp ) );

  features_reply->actions = htonl( 1 << OFPAT_OUTPUT );
  tmp = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "actions" ) ) );
  if ( tmp != Qnil ) {
    features_reply->actions = htonl( NUM2UINT( tmp ) );

  // TODO: ports

  rb_iv_set( self, "@attribute", options );

  return self;
Beispiel #26
 * call-seq:
 *    conn.unsubscribe(mac)            => Fixnum
 * Unsubscribes from the device specified by the provided mac.
 * Returns an error code, or 0 on success.
static VALUE helium_rb_unsubscribe(VALUE self, VALUE rb_mac)
  if (TYPE(rb_mac) != T_FIXNUM && TYPE(rb_mac) != T_BIGNUM) {
    rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "expected FixNum or Bignum");
  helium_connection_t *conn = NULL;
  Data_Get_Struct(self, helium_connection_t, conn);

  uint64_t mac = (uint64_t)NUM2ULL(rb_mac);

  int result = helium_unsubscribe(conn, mac);
  return INT2FIX(result);
Beispiel #27
value_to_generic(int type, VALUE src, fiddle_generic * dst)
    switch (type) {
      case TYPE_VOID:
      case TYPE_VOIDP:
	dst->pointer = NUM2PTR(rb_Integer(src));
      case TYPE_CHAR:
	dst->schar = (signed char)NUM2INT(src);
      case -TYPE_CHAR:
	dst->uchar = (unsigned char)NUM2UINT(src);
      case TYPE_SHORT:
	dst->sshort = (unsigned short)NUM2INT(src);
      case -TYPE_SHORT:
	dst->sshort = (signed short)NUM2UINT(src);
      case TYPE_INT:
	dst->sint = NUM2INT(src);
      case -TYPE_INT:
	dst->uint = NUM2UINT(src);
      case TYPE_LONG:
	dst->slong = NUM2LONG(src);
      case -TYPE_LONG:
	dst->ulong = NUM2ULONG(src);
      case TYPE_LONG_LONG:
	dst->slong_long = NUM2LL(src);
      case -TYPE_LONG_LONG:
	dst->ulong_long = NUM2ULL(src);
      case TYPE_FLOAT:
	dst->ffloat = (float)NUM2DBL(src);
      case TYPE_DOUBLE:
	dst->ddouble = NUM2DBL(src);
	rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "unknown type %d", type);
Beispiel #28
 * Class method: new(clock, time, interval=nil)
 * clock: a Gst::Clock.
 * time: a time period, in nanoseconds.
 * interval: an interval period, in nanoseconds.
 * Creates a new Gst::ClockEntry object based on the given Gst::Clock.
 * Two types of Gst::ClockEntry objects can be created:
 * * One-shot: if the interval is ommited or nil, the entry will trigger a single shot notification, at the requested time (in nanoseconds);
 * * Periodic: if the interval is not nil, the timer entry will trigger a periodic notification, starting at time (in nanoseconds), and be fired with the given interval (also in nanoseconds).
 * The timer will be issued after Gst::ClockEntry#wait or
 * Gst::ClockEntry#wait_async.
 * Returns: a new Gst::ClockEntry object.
static VALUE
rg_initialize (int argc, VALUE * argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE clock, time, interval;
    GstClockID id;

    rb_scan_args (argc, argv, "21", &clock, &time, &interval);

     * Single-shot 
    if (NIL_P (interval))
        id = gst_clock_new_single_shot_id (RVAL2GST_CLOCK (clock), NUM2ULL (time));
     * Periodic 
        id = gst_clock_new_periodic_id (RVAL2GST_CLOCK (clock),
                                        NUM2ULL (time), NUM2ULL (interval));

    return Qnil;
Beispiel #29
static TxtHashPoint * rb2phash_points(VALUE list) {
    int i;
    TxtHashPoint * txt_list;

    txt_list = (TxtHashPoint *)xcalloc(RARRAY_LEN(list), sizeof(TxtHashPoint));

    for(i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(list); i++) {
      VALUE elem = rb_ary_entry(list, i);
      txt_list[i].hash = NUM2ULL(rb_funcall(elem, rb_intern("hash"), 0));
      txt_list[i].index = NUM2INT(rb_funcall(elem, rb_intern("index"), 0));

    return txt_list;
VALUE virtualmachine_run(VALUE self, VALUE rip)
	VALUE vctx = rb_iv_get(self, "@ctx");
	VALUE vvme = rb_iv_get(self, "@vmexit");
	struct vmctx *ctx;
	struct vm_exit *vme;
	Data_Get_Struct(vctx, struct vmctx, ctx);
	if (!ctx)
		rb_bug("ctx is null");
	Data_Get_Struct(vvme, struct vm_exit, vme);
	if (!vme)
		tb_bug("vme is null");
	_vm_run(ctx, 0, NUM2ULL(rip), vme);
	return Qnil;