Beispiel #1
// Constructor!
// Parameters:
//   name - a nice long name that accurately describes the contents of this reserve.
RecompiledCodeReserve::RecompiledCodeReserve( const wxString& name, uint defCommit )
	: BaseVmReserveListener( name )
	m_blocksize		= (1024 * 128) / __pagesize;
	m_prot_mode		= PageAccess_Any();
	m_def_commit	= defCommit / __pagesize;
	m_profiler_registered = false;
Beispiel #2
// Constructor!
// Parameters:
//   name - a nice long name that accurately describes the contents of this reserve.
RecompiledCodeReserve::RecompiledCodeReserve( const wxString& name, uint defCommit )
	: VirtualMemoryReserve( name, defCommit )
	m_prot_mode		= PageAccess_Any();