/// <summary>
/// Main processing function
/// </summary>
void CBackgroundRemovalBasics::Update()
    if (NULL == m_pNuiSensor)

    if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextBackgroundRemovedFrameEvent, 0))

    if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextDepthFrameEvent, 0) )

    if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextColorFrameEvent, 0) )

    if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextSkeletonFrameEvent, 0) )
/// <summary>
/// Process an incoming stream frame
/// </summary>
void NuiDepthStream::ProcessStreamFrame()
    if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(GetFrameReadyEvent(), 0))
        // if we have received any valid new depth data we may need to draw
/// <summary>
/// Main processing function
/// </summary>
void KinectEasyGrabber::Record()
    if (NULL == m_pNuiSensor)

    bool needToDraw = false;

    if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextDepthFrameEvent, 0) )
        // if we have received any valid new depth data we may need to draw
        if ( SUCCEEDED(ProcessDepth()) )
            needToDraw = true;

    if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextColorFrameEvent, 0) )
        // if we have received any valid new color data we may need to draw
        if ( SUCCEEDED(ProcessColor()) )
            needToDraw = true;

    // Depth is 30 fps.  For any given combination of FPS, we should ensure we are within half a frame of the more frequent of the two.  
    // But depth is always the greater (or equal) of the two, so just use depth FPS.
    const int depthFps = 30;
    const int halfADepthFrameMs = (1000 / depthFps) / 2;

    // If we have not yet received any data for either color or depth since we started up, we shouldn't draw
    if (m_colorTimeStamp.QuadPart == 0 || m_depthTimeStamp.QuadPart == 0)
        needToDraw = false;

    // If the color frame is more than half a depth frame ahead of the depth frame we have,
    // then we should wait for another depth frame.  Otherwise, just go with what we have.
    if (m_colorTimeStamp.QuadPart - m_depthTimeStamp.QuadPart > halfADepthFrameMs)
        needToDraw = false;

	if (needToDraw)
		if(m_frameIndex >= 50) return;

		dumpToDisk(m_frameIndex, m_frameBasename, m_depthD16, m_colorRGBX, m_colorCoordinates, m_depthTimeStamp, m_colorTimeStamp);

		// Draw the data with Direct2D
        m_pDrawKinectEasyGrabber->Draw(m_colorRGBX, m_colorWidth * m_colorHeight * cBytesPerPixel);

Beispiel #4
// public member functions
int IntelCamera::NextFrame()
	// color & depth image : force to synchronize
	if ( ProcessColor()==-1 ) return -1;
	if ( ProcessDepth()==-1 ) return -1;

	// point cloud
	if ( MapColorToDepth()==-1 ) return -1;

	return 1;
Beispiel #5
/// <summary>
/// Main processing function
/// </summary>
void CKinectFusion::Update()
    if (nullptr == m_pNuiSensor)

    if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextDepthFrameEvent, 0) )
/// <summary>
/// Main processing function
/// </summary>
void CDepthBasics::Update()
    if (NULL == m_pNuiSensor)

    if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextDepthFrameEvent, 0) )
    bool KinectSDKGrabber::GetNextFrame(cv::Mat &colorFrame, cv::Mat &depthFrame)
        WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextDepthFrameEvent, INFINITE);
        WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextColorFrameEvent, INFINITE);

        colorFrame = cv::Mat::zeros(FrameHeight, FrameWidth, CV_8UC4);
        depthFrame = cv::Mat::zeros(FrameHeight, FrameWidth, CV_32FC1);

        HRESULT hr = ProcessDepth((float *)depthFrame.data);
        if (FAILED(hr))
            return false;

        hr = ProcessColor(colorFrame);
        if (FAILED(hr))
            return false;

        return true;
Beispiel #8
void KinectSensorV1::Update()
	if (NULL == m_pNuiSensor)

	if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextDepthFrameEvent, 0))
	if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextColorFrameEvent, 0))

	if (cRevieveRGB && WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextRGBFrameEvent, 0))
	//after calling this, get the depth fram with GetDepth or GetDepthRGBX
	void UpdateDepth(){

		if (!m_pDepthFrameReader)

		IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = NULL;

		HRESULT hr = m_pDepthFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pDepthFrame);

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			INT64 nTime = 0;
			IFrameDescription* pFrameDescription = NULL;
			int nWidth = 0;
			int nHeight = 0;
			USHORT nDepthMinReliableDistance = 0;
			USHORT nDepthMaxReliableDistance = 0;
			UINT nBufferSize = 0;
			UINT16 *pBuffer = NULL;

			hr = pDepthFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nTime);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pFrameDescription);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pFrameDescription->get_Width(&nWidth);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				m_nDepthWidth = nWidth;
				hr = pFrameDescription->get_Height(&nHeight);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				m_nDepthHeight = nHeight;
				hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance(&nDepthMinReliableDistance);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMaxReliableDistance(&nDepthMaxReliableDistance);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nBufferSize, &pBuffer);            

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

					ProcessDepth(nTime, pBuffer, nWidth, nHeight, nDepthMinReliableDistance, nDepthMaxReliableDistance);
					ProcessDepthNoRGBX(nTime, pBuffer, nWidth, nHeight, nDepthMinReliableDistance, nDepthMaxReliableDistance);


				if(m_bMapDepthToColor && m_nColorWidth > 0 && m_nColorHeight > 0 && SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_bColorDepthMapCalculated){
					ProcessDepthToColor(m_pDepth, m_nDepthWidth, m_nDepthHeight, m_pColorDepthMap, m_nColorWidth, m_nColorHeight);


//after calling this, get the depth fram with GetDepth or GetDepthRGBX
void Kinect2Manager::UpdateDepth(IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame) {
#ifdef _USE_KINECT
    INT64 nTime = 0;
    IFrameDescription* pFrameDescription = NULL;
    int nWidth = 0;
    int nHeight = 0;
    USHORT nDepthMinReliableDistance = 0;
    USHORT nDepthMaxReliableDistance = 0;
    UINT nBufferSize = 0;
    UINT16 *pBuffer = NULL;

    HRESULT hr = pDepthFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nTime);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

        m_nDepthTime = nTime;
        hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pFrameDescription);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pFrameDescription->get_Width(&nWidth);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        m_nDepthWidth = nWidth;
        hr = pFrameDescription->get_Height(&nHeight);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        m_nDepthHeight = nHeight;
        hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance(&nDepthMinReliableDistance);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMaxReliableDistance(&nDepthMaxReliableDistance);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nBufferSize, &pBuffer);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

        if (m_bCalculateDepthRGBX)
            ProcessDepth(nTime, pBuffer, nWidth, nHeight, nDepthMinReliableDistance, nDepthMaxReliableDistance);
            ProcessDepthNoRGBX(nTime, pBuffer, nWidth, nHeight, nDepthMinReliableDistance, nDepthMaxReliableDistance);


/// <summary>
/// Main processing function
/// </summary>
void KinectEasyGrabber::Play()
    if (NULL == m_pNuiSensor)

    bool needToDraw = false;

    if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextDepthFrameEvent, 0) )
        // if we have received any valid new depth data we may need to draw
        if ( SUCCEEDED(ProcessDepth()) )
            needToDraw = true;

    if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextColorFrameEvent, 0) )
        // if we have received any valid new color data we may need to draw
        if ( SUCCEEDED(ProcessColor()) )
            needToDraw = true;

    // Depth is 30 fps.  For any given combination of FPS, we should ensure we are within half a frame of the more frequent of the two.  
    // But depth is always the greater (or equal) of the two, so just use depth FPS.
    const int depthFps = 30;
    const int halfADepthFrameMs = (1000 / depthFps) / 2;

    // If we have not yet received any data for either color or depth since we started up, we shouldn't draw
    if (m_colorTimeStamp.QuadPart == 0 || m_depthTimeStamp.QuadPart == 0)
        needToDraw = false;

    // If the color frame is more than half a depth frame ahead of the depth frame we have,
    // then we should wait for another depth frame.  Otherwise, just go with what we have.
    if (m_colorTimeStamp.QuadPart - m_depthTimeStamp.QuadPart > halfADepthFrameMs)
        needToDraw = false;

    if (needToDraw)
        int outputIndex = 0;
        LONG* pDest;
        LONG* pSrc;

        // loop over each row and column of the color
        for (LONG y = 0; y < m_colorHeight; ++y)
            for (LONG x = 0; x < m_colorWidth; ++x)
                // calculate index into depth array
                int depthIndex = x/m_colorToDepthDivisor + y/m_colorToDepthDivisor * m_depthWidth;

                USHORT depth  = m_depthD16[depthIndex];
                USHORT player = NuiDepthPixelToPlayerIndex(depth);

                // default setting source to copy from the background pixel
                pSrc  = (LONG *)m_backgroundRGBX + outputIndex;

                // if we're tracking a player for the current pixel, draw from the color camera
                if ( player > 0 )
                    // retrieve the depth to color mapping for the current depth pixel
                    LONG colorInDepthX = m_colorCoordinates[depthIndex * 2];
                    LONG colorInDepthY = m_colorCoordinates[depthIndex * 2 + 1];

                    // make sure the depth pixel maps to a valid point in color space
                    if ( colorInDepthX >= 0 && colorInDepthX < m_colorWidth && colorInDepthY >= 0 && colorInDepthY < m_colorHeight )
                        // calculate index into color array
                        LONG colorIndex = colorInDepthX + colorInDepthY * m_colorWidth;

                        // set source for copy to the color pixel
                        pSrc  = (LONG *)m_colorRGBX + colorIndex;

                // calculate output pixel location
                pDest = (LONG *)m_outputRGBX + outputIndex++;

                // write output
                *pDest = *pSrc;

        // Draw the data with Direct2D
        m_pDrawKinectEasyGrabber->Draw(m_outputRGBX, m_colorWidth * m_colorHeight * cBytesPerPixel);
/// <summary>
/// Main processing function
/// </summary>
void KinectEasyGrabber::RecordArray()
    if (NULL == m_pNuiSensor)

    bool needToDraw = false;

    if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextDepthFrameEvent, 0) )
        // if we have received any valid new depth data we may need to draw
        if ( SUCCEEDED(ProcessDepth()) )
            needToDraw = true;

    if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextColorFrameEvent, 0) )
        // if we have received any valid new color data we may need to draw
        if ( SUCCEEDED(ProcessColor()) )
            needToDraw = true;

    // Depth is 30 fps.  For any given combination of FPS, we should ensure we are within half a frame of the more frequent of the two.  
    // But depth is always the greater (or equal) of the two, so just use depth FPS.
    const int depthFps = 30;
    const int halfADepthFrameMs = (1000 / depthFps) / 2;

    // If we have not yet received any data for either color or depth since we started up, we shouldn't draw
    if (m_colorTimeStamp.QuadPart == 0 || m_depthTimeStamp.QuadPart == 0)
        needToDraw = false;

    // If the color frame is more than half a depth frame ahead of the depth frame we have,
    // then we should wait for another depth frame.  Otherwise, just go with what we have.
    if (m_colorTimeStamp.QuadPart - m_depthTimeStamp.QuadPart > halfADepthFrameMs)
        needToDraw = false;

	// cantidad de frames a grabar
	if(m_frameIndex >= m_totalFrames){ RecordArrayToDisk(); return; }
	if(m_dumped) return;

	if (needToDraw)
		//Hard copy into ram
		memcpy(m_outputArrayDepthD16[m_frameIndex],m_depthD16, m_depthWidth*m_depthHeight*sizeof(USHORT));
		memcpy(m_outputArrayRGBX[m_frameIndex],m_colorRGBX, m_colorWidth*m_colorHeight*cBytesPerPixel*sizeof(BYTE));
		memcpy(m_outputArrayColorCoordinates[m_frameIndex],m_colorCoordinates, m_depthWidth*m_depthHeight*2*sizeof(LONG));

		m_colorArrayTimeStamp[m_frameIndex] = m_colorTimeStamp;
		m_depthArrayTimeStamp[m_frameIndex] = m_depthTimeStamp;

		// Draw the data with Direct2D
		#ifdef DRAW_FRAMES
        m_pDrawKinectEasyGrabber->Draw(m_colorRGBX, m_colorWidth * m_colorHeight * cBytesPerPixel);
Beispiel #13
/// <summary>
/// Main processing function
/// </summary>
void CDepthBasics::Update()
    if (!m_pDepthFrameReader)

    IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = NULL;

    HRESULT hrDepth = m_pDepthFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pDepthFrame);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hrDepth))
        INT64 nTime = 0;
        IFrameDescription* pFrameDescription = NULL;
        int nWidth = 0;
        int nHeight = 0;
        USHORT nDepthMinReliableDistance = 0;
        USHORT nDepthMaxDistance = 0;
        UINT nBufferSize = 0;
        UINT16 *pBuffer = NULL;

        HRESULT hr = pDepthFrame->get_RelativeTime(&nTime);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pDepthFrame->get_FrameDescription(&pFrameDescription);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pFrameDescription->get_Width(&nWidth);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pFrameDescription->get_Height(&nHeight);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance(&nDepthMinReliableDistance);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			// In order to see the full range of depth (including the less reliable far field depth)
			// we are setting nDepthMaxDistance to the extreme potential depth threshold
			nDepthMaxDistance = USHRT_MAX;

			// Note:  If you wish to filter by reliable depth distance, uncomment the following line.
            //// hr = pDepthFrame->get_DepthMaxReliableDistance(&nDepthMaxDistance);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
             hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nBufferSize, &pBuffer);            

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            ProcessDepth(nTime, pBuffer, nWidth, nHeight, nDepthMinReliableDistance, nDepthMaxDistance);

