Beispiel #1
// ****************************************************************************
// Function Name:		RPsd3RuledLineGraphic::GetOutlinePath( )
// Description:		Compute and return the path the encompases the path of this graphic
// Returns:				nothing
// Exceptions:			None
// ****************************************************************************
BOOLEAN RPsd3RuledLineGraphic::GetOutlinePath( RPath& path, const RRealSize& size, const R2dTransform& transform )
	R2dTransform rLineTransform = transform;
	RRealSize rLineSize = size;
	if (!m_fHorizontal)
		rLineSize.m_dx = size.m_dy;
		rLineSize.m_dy = size.m_dx;
		rLineTransform.PreTranslate(0.0, -rLineSize.m_dy);		

	Render( NULL, &path, rLineSize, rLineTransform, RIntRect(0,0,0,0), RColor(kBlack) );
	return TRUE;
//	void ExportGraphicComponent( RComponentView* pComponentView, RMBCString *pInitialDir ) 
//	export a graphic to file from a component view
void ExportGraphicComponent( RComponentView* pComponentView, RMBCString *pInitialDir /*=NULL*/) 
	RImageLibrary rLibrary ;
	CArray<int, int> arrFileFormats ;

	// Build the export file filter list...
	CString strFilter, str ;

	for (int i = 0; i < kNumFormats - 1; i++)
		if (rLibrary.IsFormatSupported( (EImageFormat) kImageExportFilters[i][0] ))
			str.LoadString( kImageExportFilters[i][1] ) ;
			strFilter += str ;

			arrFileFormats.Add( kImageExportFilters[i][0] ) ;

	TpsAssert( kImageExportFilters[i][0] == kImageFormatXRX, "Invalid export format!" ) ;
	str.LoadString( kImageExportFilters[i][1] ) ;  
	strFilter += str ;
	strFilter += "|" ;

	arrFileFormats.Add( kImageExportFilters[i][0] ) ;

	// Create and execute the dialog...
	RExportGraphicDlg dlg( pComponentView, strFilter ) ;

	// Load in the dialog title string
	CString strTitle ;
	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = (LPCTSTR) strTitle ;
	if( pInitialDir )
		dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = (LPCTSTR)*pInitialDir;

	if (IDOK == dlg.DoModal())
		RMBCString   strPathName = dlg.GetPathName() ;
		RIntSize     szImageSize = dlg.GetSize() ;

		_nFilterIndex = dlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex ;
		EImageFormat eFormat = (EImageFormat) arrFileFormats[dlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex - 1] ;
		RRealSize pictureSize  = pComponentView->GetReferenceSize() ;

			if (kImageFormatXRX == eFormat)
				RRealSize outputSize( szImageSize.m_dx, szImageSize.m_dy ) ; //   = pictureSize ;
				RRealSize screenDPI    = ::GetScreenDPI() ;

				RVectorImage vectorImage ;
				vectorImage.SetSuggestedWidthInInches( ::PixelsToInches( outputSize.m_dx, (uLONG) screenDPI.m_dx ) ) ;
				vectorImage.SetSuggestedHeightInInches( ::PixelsToInches( outputSize.m_dy, (uLONG) screenDPI.m_dy ) ) ;

				// Create an offscreen drawing surface and set the picture
				ROffscreenDrawingSurface drawingSurface;
				drawingSurface.SetImage( &vectorImage );

				R2dTransform transform ;

				// Scale to the device DPI
				RRealSize deviceDPI = drawingSurface.GetDPI( );
				transform.PreScale( (YFloatType) deviceDPI.m_dx / screenDPI.m_dy, 
					(YFloatType) deviceDPI.m_dy / screenDPI.m_dy );

					outputSize.m_dx / pictureSize.m_dx,
					outputSize.m_dy / pictureSize.m_dy ) ;

				// Render the component
				RRealRect outputRect( pictureSize ) ;
				pComponentView->Render( drawingSurface, transform, outputRect ) ;

				drawingSurface.ReleaseImage( );

				rLibrary.ExportImage( vectorImage, strPathName, kImageFormatXRX ) ;
				if (rLibrary.GetLastException() != kNoError)
					throw rLibrary.GetLastException() ;
			} // if (XRX)
				// Check for a image interface
				RImageInterface* pInterface = (RImageInterface *) 
					pComponentView->GetInterface( kImageInterfaceId ) ;

				if (pInterface)
					pInterface->Export( strPathName, eFormat ) ;
					delete pInterface ;
					// Initialize the new bitmap at a bit depth of 24
					RBitmapImage image ;
					image.Initialize( szImageSize.m_dx, szImageSize.m_dy, 24 ) ;

					ROffscreenDrawingSurface dsMem ; 
					dsMem.SetImage( &image ) ;

					R2dTransform transform ;
						szImageSize.m_dx / pictureSize.m_dx,
						szImageSize.m_dy / pictureSize.m_dy ) ;

					// Render the component
					dsMem.SetFillColor( RSolidColor( kWhite ) ) ;
					dsMem.FillRectangle( RRealRect( pictureSize ), transform ) ;
					pComponentView->Render( dsMem, transform, RIntRect( 
						RIntSize( pictureSize.m_dx, pictureSize.m_dy ) ) ) ;

					dsMem.ReleaseImage() ;
					rLibrary.ExportImage( image, strPathName, eFormat ) ;

				if (rLibrary.GetLastException() != kNoError)
					throw rLibrary.GetLastException() ;
			} // else

		} // try

		catch( YException e)
			ReportException( e ) ;

	} // if (IDOK)
Beispiel #3
void RWinColorPalette::OnPaint( )
	CPaintDC dc( this );
	RDcDrawingSurface ds;
	ds.Initialize( (HDC) dc ) ;

	CRect rcWindow;
	GetClientRect( rcWindow );
	RIntRect rcClient( rcWindow );

	RBitmapImage&	biPalette	= GetPaletteBitmapImage();
	biPalette.LockImage( );
	biPalette.Render( ds, rcClient );
	biPalette.UnlockImage( );

	CClientDC dcClient( this );
	ds.Initialize( (HDC) dcClient ) ;

	RColor crOldFill = ds.GetFillColor();
	RColor crOldPen  = ds.GetPenColor();

	if (m_ptSelected.m_x >= 0 && m_ptSelected.m_y >= 0)
		// Draw selected cell

		RIntRect rcSelected( 
			m_ptSelected.m_x + 1,
			m_ptSelected.m_y + 1,
			m_ptSelected.m_x + kCellSize.m_dx - 1,
			m_ptSelected.m_y + kCellSize.m_dy - 1 );

		RSolidColor crBlack( kBlack );
		RSolidColor crHilight( GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNHILIGHT ) );
		ds.Draw3dRect( rcSelected, crBlack, crHilight );

		RSolidColor crShadow( GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) );
		rcSelected.m_Top -= 1; rcSelected.m_Left -= 1;
		ds.Draw3dRect( rcSelected, crShadow, crHilight );

		if (GetFocus() == this)
			RSolidColor rSolid = GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT );
			RColor rSelected( rSolid );

			rcSelected.Inflate( RIntSize( 1, 1 ), RIntSize( 2, 2 ) );
			ds.SetPenColor( RColor( rSelected ) );
			ds.FrameRectangle( rcSelected );

	if (m_crHilited != (COLORREF) -1L)
		// Draw color chip
		m_rcColorChip = RIntRect( 
			m_ptHilited.m_x + 2 * kCellSize.m_dx,
			m_ptHilited.m_y + 2 * kCellSize.m_dy );

		YIntDimension xOffset( 2 * kCellSize.m_dx );
		YIntDimension yOffset( 2 * kCellSize.m_dy );

		if (m_rcColorChip.m_Right + xOffset > rcWindow.right)
			xOffset = -3 * kCellSize.m_dx;

		if (m_rcColorChip.m_Bottom + yOffset > rcWindow.bottom)
			yOffset = -3 * kCellSize.m_dy;

		m_rcColorChip.Offset( RIntSize( xOffset, yOffset ) );

		RColor crFill = RSolidColor( m_crHilited );
		RColor crPen = RSolidColor( kWhite );

		ds.SetPenColor( crPen );
		ds.SetFillColor( crFill );
		ds.FillRectangle( m_rcColorChip );
		ds.FrameRectangle( m_rcColorChip );
		m_rcColorChip = RIntRect( 0, 0, 1, 1 );

	ds.SetPenColor( crOldPen );
	ds.SetFillColor( crOldFill );
Beispiel #4
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RGpDrawingSurface::RestoreDefaults()
//  Description:		Restores the default drawing surface attributes
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RGpDrawingSurface::RestoreDefaults()
    RDrawingSurface::RestoreDefaults( );
    // reset clip region
    SetClipRect( RIntRect( -16384, -16384, 16384, 16384 ) );