// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DiagramDialog::slotReadVars(int)
  QFileInfo Info(defaultDataSet);
  QString DocName = ChooseData->currentText()+".dat";

  QFile file(Info.dirPath() + QDir::separator() + DocName);
  if(!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) {

  QString Line, tmp, Var;
  QTextStream ReadWhole(&file);
  QString FileString = ReadWhole.read();   // read whole data file

  int i=0, j=0;
  i = FileString.find('<')+1;
  if(i > 0)
  do {
    j = FileString.find('>', i);
    Line = FileString.mid(i, j-i);
    i = FileString.find('<', j)+1;

    Var = Line.section(' ', 1, 1).remove('>');
    if(Var.at(0) == '_')  continue;

    if(Line.left(3) == "dep") {
      tmp = Line.section(' ', 2);
      new QListViewItem(ChooseVars, Var, "dep", tmp.remove('>'));
    else if(Line.left(5) == "indep") {
      tmp = Line.section(' ', 2, 2);
      new QListViewItem(ChooseVars, Var, "indep", tmp.remove('>'));
  } while(i > 0);
Beispiel #2
// ----------------------------------------------------
void QucsLib::slotSelectLibrary(int Index)
  int Start, End, NameStart, NameEnd;
  End = Library->count()-1;
  if(Library->text(End) == tr("Search result")) {
    if(Index < End)
      Library->removeItem(End); // if search result still there -> remove it
    else  return;

  DefaultSymbol = "";

  QFile file;
  if(Index < UserLibCount)  // Is it user library ?
    file.setName(UserLibDir.absPath() + QDir::separator() + Library->text(Index) + ".lib");
    file.setName(QucsSettings.LibDir + Library->text(Index) + ".lib");

  if(!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
    QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"),
        tr("Cannot open \"%1\".").arg(
           QucsSettings.LibDir + Library->text(Index) + ".lib"));

  QTextStream ReadWhole(&file);
  QString LibraryString = ReadWhole.read();

  Start = LibraryString.find("<Qucs Library ");
  if(Start < 0) {
    QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Library is corrupt."));
  End = LibraryString.find('>', Start);
  if(End < 0) {
    QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Library is corrupt."));
  QString LibName = LibraryString.mid(Start, End-Start).section('"', 1, 1);

  Start = LibraryString.find("\n<", End);
  if(Start < 0) return;
  if(LibraryString.mid(Start+2, 14) == "DefaultSymbol>") {
    End = LibraryString.find("\n</DefaultSymbol>");
    if(End < 0) {
      QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Library is corrupt."));

    DefaultSymbol = LibraryString.mid(Start+16, End-Start-16);
    Start = End + 3;

  while((Start=LibraryString.find("\n<Component ", Start)) > 0) {
    NameStart = Start + 11;
    NameEnd = LibraryString.find('>', NameStart);
    if(NameEnd < 0)  continue;

    End = LibraryString.find("\n</Component>", NameEnd);
    if(End < 0)  continue;
    End += 13;

    CompList->insertItem(LibraryString.mid(NameStart, NameEnd-NameStart));
    LibraryComps.append(LibName+'\n'+LibraryString.mid(Start, End-Start));
    Start = End;

  CompList->setSelected(0, true);  // select first item
Beispiel #3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Loads the symbol for the subcircuit from the schematic file and
// returns the number of painting elements.
int Subcircuit::loadSymbol(const QString& DocName)
  QFile file(DocName);
    return -1;

  QString Line;
  // *****************************************************************
  // To strongly speed up the file read operation the whole file is
  // read into the memory in one piece.
  QTextStream ReadWhole(&file);
  QString FileString = ReadWhole.read();
  QTextStream stream(&FileString, IO_ReadOnly);

  // read header **************************
  do {
    if(stream.atEnd()) return -2;
    Line = stream.readLine();
    Line = Line.stripWhiteSpace();
  } while(Line.isEmpty());

  if(Line.left(16) != "<Qucs Schematic ")  // wrong file type ?
    return -3;

  Line = Line.mid(16, Line.length()-17);
  if(!checkVersion(Line)) // wrong version number ?
    return -4;

  // read content *************************
  while(!stream.atEnd()) {
    Line = stream.readLine();
    if(Line == "<Symbol>") break;

  x1 = y1 = INT_MAX;
  x2 = y2 = INT_MIN;

  int z=0, Result;
  while(!stream.atEnd()) {
    Line = stream.readLine();
    if(Line == "</Symbol>") {
      x1 -= 4;   // enlarge component boundings a little
      x2 += 4;
      y1 -= 4;
      y2 += 4;
      return z;      // return number of ports

    Line = Line.stripWhiteSpace();
    if(Line.at(0) != '<') return -5;
    if(Line.at(Line.length()-1) != '>') return -6;
    Line = Line.mid(1, Line.length()-2); // cut off start and end character
    Result = analyseLine(Line, 1);
    if(Result < 0) return -7;   // line format error
    z += Result;

  return -8;   // field not closed
Beispiel #4
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Loads the section with name "Name" from library file into "Section".
int LibComp::loadSection(const QString& Name, QString& Section,
			 QStringList *Includes)
  QDir Directory(QucsSettings.LibDir);
  QFile file(Directory.absFilePath(Props.first()->Value + ".lib"));
    return -1;

  QString libDefaultSymbol;

  QTextStream ReadWhole(&file);
  Section = ReadWhole.read();

  if(Section.left(14) != "<Qucs Library ")  // wrong file type ?
    return -2;

  int Start, End = Section.indexOf(' ', 14);
  if(End < 15) return -3;
  QString Line = Section.mid(14, End-14); // extract version string
  VersionTriplet LibVersion = VersionTriplet(Line);
  if (LibVersion > QucsVersion) // wrong version number ?
    return -3;

  if(Name == "Symbol") {
    Start = Section.indexOf("\n<", 14); // library has default symbol
    if(Start > 0)
      if(Section.mid(Start+2, 14) == "DefaultSymbol>") {
        Start += 16;
        End = Section.indexOf("\n</DefaultSymbol>", Start);
        if(End < 0)  return -9;
        libDefaultSymbol = Section.mid(Start, End-Start);

  // search component
  Line = "\n<Component " + Props.next()->Value + ">";
  Start = Section.indexOf(Line);
  if(Start < 0)  return -4;  // component not found
  Start = Section.indexOf('\n', Start);
  if(Start < 0)  return -5;  // file corrupt
  End = Section.indexOf("\n</Component>", Start);
  if(End < 0)  return -6;  // file corrupt
  Section = Section.mid(Start, End-Start+1);
  // search model includes
  if(Includes) {
    int StartI, EndI;
    StartI = Section.indexOf("<"+Name+"Includes");
    if(StartI >= 0) {  // includes found
      StartI = Section.indexOf('"', StartI);
      if(StartI < 0)  return -10;  // file corrupt
      EndI = Section.indexOf('>', StartI);
      if(EndI < 0)  return -11;  // file corrupt
      StartI++; EndI--;
      QString inc = Section.mid(StartI, EndI-StartI);
      QStringList f = QStringList::split(QRegExp("\"\\s+\""), inc);
      for(QStringList::Iterator it = f.begin(); it != f.end(); ++it ) {

  // search model
  Start = Section.indexOf("<"+Name+">");
  if(Start < 0)
    if((Name == "Symbol") && (~libDefaultSymbol.isEmpty())) {
      // component does not define its own symbol but the library defines a default symbol
      Section = libDefaultSymbol;
      return 0;
    } else {
      return -7;  // symbol not found
  Start = Section.indexOf('\n', Start);
  if(Start < 0)  return -8;  // file corrupt
  while(Section.at(++Start) == ' ') ;
  End = Section.indexOf("</"+Name+">", Start);
  if(End < 0)  return -9;  // file corrupt

  // snip actual model
  Section = Section.mid(Start, End-Start);
  return 0;