Beispiel #1
 * Search utmp for the local user
find_user(char *name, char *tty, size_t ttyl)
	struct utmp ubuf, ubuf1;
	int status;
	FILE *fp;
	char line[UT_LINESIZE+1];
	char ftty[MAXPATHLEN];
	time_t	idle, now;

	idle = INT_MAX;
	if ((fp = fopen(_PATH_UTMP, "r")) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "talkd: can't read %s.\n", _PATH_UTMP);
		return (FAILED);
#define SCMPN(a, b)	strncmp(a, b, sizeof(a))
	status = NOT_HERE;
	(void) strlcpy(ftty, _PATH_DEV, sizeof(ftty));
	while (fread((char *) &ubuf, sizeof(ubuf), 1, fp) == 1)
		if (SCMPN(ubuf.ut_name, name) == 0) {
			if (*tty == '\0') {
				/* no particular tty was requested */
				struct stat statb;

				memcpy(line, ubuf.ut_line, UT_LINESIZE);
				line[sizeof(line)-1] = '\0';
				ftty[sizeof(_PATH_DEV)-1] = '\0';
				strlcat(ftty, line, sizeof(ftty));
				if (stat(ftty, &statb) == 0) {
					if (!(statb.st_mode & S_IWGRP)) {
						if (status == NOT_HERE)
							status = PERMISSION_DENIED;
					} else if (now - statb.st_atime < idle) {
						idle = now - statb.st_atime;
						status = SUCCESS;
						ubuf1 = ubuf;
			} else if (SCMPN(ubuf.ut_line, tty) == 0) {
				status = SUCCESS;
	if (*tty == '\0' && status == SUCCESS) {
		memcpy(line, ubuf1.ut_line, UT_LINESIZE);
		line[sizeof(line)-1] = '\0';
		strlcpy(tty, line, ttyl);
	return (status);
Beispiel #2
int find_user(char *name, char *tty, char *disp) {

    struct utmp ubuf;
    int status;
    FILE *fd;
    struct stat statb;
    char ftty[20];
    char ttyFound[UT_LINESIZE] = "";
    char dispFound[UT_HOSTSIZE] = "";
    if (!(fd = fopen(_PATH_UTMP, "r"))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "talkd: can't read %s.\n", _PATH_UTMP);
        return (FAILED);
#define SCMPN(a, b)	strncmp(a, b, sizeof (a))
    status = NOT_HERE;
    (void) strcpy(ftty, _PATH_DEV);
    while (fread((char *) &ubuf, sizeof ubuf, 1, fd) == 1)
        if (!SCMPN(ubuf.ut_name, name)) {
            if (*tty == '\0') {
                /* no particular tty was requested */
                /* if (ttyFound == "")
                   status = PERMISSION_DENIED; */
                (void) strcpy(ftty+5, ubuf.ut_line);
                if (stat(ftty,&statb) == 0) {
                    if (!(statb.st_mode & 020)) /* ?character device? */
                    (void) strcpy(ttyFound, ubuf.ut_line);
#ifdef USE_UT_HOST
                    (void) strcpy(dispFound, ubuf.ut_host);
                    strcat(dispFound, " ");
                    status = SUCCESS;

                    syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s", ttyFound);
                    if ((int) ttyFound[3] > (int) 'f') {
#ifdef USE_UT_HOST
                        if (Options.debug_mode) {
                            syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "I wanna this:%s", ttyFound);
                            syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "ut_host=%s", ubuf.ut_host);
                            syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s", ubuf.ut_line);
            if (!strcmp(ubuf.ut_line, tty)) {
                status = SUCCESS;
    if (status == SUCCESS) {
        (void) strcpy(tty, ttyFound);
        (void) strcpy(disp, dispFound);
    return (status);
Beispiel #3
 * Search utmp for the local user
find_user(const char *name, char *tty)
	struct utmpentry *ep;
	int status;
	struct stat statb;
	time_t best = 0;
	char ftty[sizeof(_PATH_DEV) + sizeof(ep->line)];

	getutentries(NULL, &ep);

#define SCMPN(a, b)	strncmp(a, b, sizeof (a))
	status = NOT_HERE;
	(void) strcpy(ftty, _PATH_DEV);
	for (; ep; ep = ep->next)
		if (SCMPN(ep->name, name) == 0) {
			if (*tty == '\0' || best != 0) {
				if (best == 0)
					status = PERMISSION_DENIED;
				/* no particular tty was requested */
				(void) strcpy(ftty + sizeof(_PATH_DEV) - 1,
				if (stat(ftty, &statb) == 0) {
					if (!(statb.st_mode & 020))
					if (statb.st_atime > best) {
						best = statb.st_atime;
						(void) strcpy(tty, ep->line);
						status = SUCCESS;
			if (strcmp(ep->line, tty) == 0) {
				status = SUCCESS;

	return (status);
Beispiel #4
int find_user(char *name, char *tty, char *disp) {
    struct utmp *ubuf;
    int prio = 0, status = NOT_HERE;
    struct stat statb;
    char ftty[20];
    char *ntty, *dpy;
    char ttyFound[UT_LINESIZE] = "";
    char dispFound[UT_HOSTSIZE] = "";
    strcpy(ftty, _PATH_DEV);
    ntty = ftty + strlen(ftty);
    while ((ubuf = getutent())) {
        if ((ubuf->ut_type == USER_PROCESS) &&
            (!SCMPN(ubuf->ut_name, name))) {
            if (*tty == '\0') {    /* no particular tty was requested */

                if (Options.XAnnounce && ubuf->ut_line[0] == ':') {
                    /* this is a XDM login (really?). GREAT! */
                    syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "XDM login: %s at %s", name, ubuf->ut_line);
                    status = SUCCESS;
                    if (prio < PRIO_XDM) {
                        strcpy(dispFound, ubuf->ut_line);
			strcat(dispFound, " ");
                        prio = PRIO_XDM;

                strcpy(ntty, ubuf->ut_line);
                if (stat(ftty, &statb) != 0 || (!(statb.st_mode & 020)))
                   message("Permission denied on %s", ntty);
                   continue; /* not a char dev */

                /* device exists and is a character device */
                status = SUCCESS;
		if (Options.debug_mode) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Found %s at %s", name, ubuf->ut_line);
                if (prio < PRIO_LOGIN) {
                    prio = PRIO_LOGIN;
                    strcpy(ttyFound, ubuf->ut_line);
                    *dispFound = '\0';

                /* the following code is Linux specific...
                 * is there a portable way to
                 * 1) determine if a device is a pseudo terminal and
                 * 2) get environment variables of an arbitrary process?
                if (strncmp("tty", ubuf->ut_line, 3) != 0 ||
                    !strchr("pqrstuvwxyzabcde", ubuf->ut_line[3])) 
                    continue; /* not a pty */

                if (!strchr(ubuf->ut_host, ':'))
                    continue; /* ut_host is not a display (e.g. telnet connection) */

                /* device is a pseudo terminal (ex : a xterm) */
		if (Options.debug_mode) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "PTY %s, ut_host=%s",
                                                ubuf->ut_line, ubuf->ut_host);
                if (prio < PRIO_PTY) {
                    prio = PRIO_PTY;
                    strcpy(ttyFound, ubuf->ut_line);
                    strcpy(dispFound, ubuf->ut_host);
                    strcat(dispFound, " ");

                dpy = get_display(ubuf->ut_pid);
                if (!dpy) continue; /* DISPLAY not set or empty */

                /* $DISPLAY is set. */
                if (Options.debug_mode) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Found display %s on %s",
                                                dpy, ubuf->ut_line);
                if (prio < PRIO_DISPLAY) {
                    prio = PRIO_DISPLAY;
                    strcpy(ttyFound, ubuf->ut_line);
                    strcpy(dispFound, dpy+1); /*no space*/
		    strcat(dispFound, " ");
                delete dpy;
            if (!strcmp(ubuf->ut_line, tty)) {
                status = SUCCESS;
    message("End of Utmp reading");
    if (Options.XAnnounce && prio < PRIO_DISPLAY)
        if (find_X_process(name, dispFound))
            { message(dispFound); status=SUCCESS; }
    if (status == SUCCESS) {
        (void) strcpy(tty, ttyFound);
        (void) strcpy(disp, dispFound);
        if (Options.debug_mode)
         syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Returning tty '%s', display '%s'", ttyFound, dispFound);
    } else message("Returning status %d",status);
    return (status);