Beispiel #1
 * Try to FIX each ISSUE in the array and update the WD and allow
 * incremental saves of the pendingtree.
static void _resolve__do_fix(SG_context * pCtx, struct _resolve_data * pData)
	SG_uint32 k, kLimit;

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, pData->psaGids, &kLimit)  );
	for (k=0; k<kLimit; k++)
		const char * pszGid_k;
		enum _fix_status fixStatus;

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, pData->psaGids, k, &pszGid_k)  );

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  _resolve__fix(pCtx, pData, pszGid_k, &fixStatus)  );

		// If everything went well, we go on to the next ISSUE in the list.
		// If the user aborted the merge (or if we had a problem of some kind
		// we should probably just stop).

		if ((fixStatus != FIX_USER_MERGED) && (k+1 < kLimit))
			// TODO 2010/07/12 Ask if they want to continue anyway.


Beispiel #2
 * Print detailed info for each ISSUE in the array.
static void _resolve__do_list(SG_context * pCtx, struct _resolve_data * pData)
	SG_uint32 k, kLimit;

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, pData->psaGids, &kLimit)  );
	for (k=0; k<kLimit; k++)
		const char * pszGid_k;
		const SG_vhash * pvhIssue_k;
		SG_bool bFound;

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, pData->psaGids, k, &pszGid_k)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_pendingtree__find_wd_issue_by_gid(pCtx, pData->pPendingTree, pszGid_k, &bFound, &pvhIssue_k)  );
		if (!bFound)
			// This should never happen because we are still holding the
			// pendingtree lock and still have the original pendingtree
			// structure in memory.

							(pCtx, "RESOLVE failed to find ISSUE for GID %s.", pszGid_k)  );

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  _resolve__list(pCtx, pData, pvhIssue_k, NULL)  );

Beispiel #3
void SG_stringarray__alloc__copy(
	SG_context* pCtx,
	SG_stringarray** ppThis,
	const SG_stringarray* pOther
    SG_uint32 count = 0;
    SG_stringarray * pThis = NULL;
    SG_uint32 i;


    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, pOther, &count)  );
    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__alloc(pCtx, &pThis, count)  );
        const char * sz = NULL;
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, pOther, i, &sz)  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__add(pCtx, pThis, sz)  );

    *ppThis = pThis;

Beispiel #4
// TODO consider the possible perf benefits of changing this routine
// to accept lots of changeset ids instead of just one, so it
// can handle them all at once.
void SG_treendx__update__multiple(
        SG_context* pCtx,
        SG_treendx* pTreeNdx,
        SG_stringarray* psa
    SG_changeset* pcs = NULL;
	sqlite3_stmt* pStmt = NULL;
    SG_vhash* pvh_treepaths = NULL;
    SG_uint32 count_treepaths = 0;
    SG_uint32 count_changesets = 0;
    SG_uint32 ics = 0;


    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, psa, &count_changesets)  );

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  sg_sqlite__exec__va(pCtx, pTreeNdx->psql, "BEGIN TRANSACTION; ")  );
    SG_ERR_CHECK(  sg_sqlite__prepare(pCtx, pTreeNdx->psql, &pStmt, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO treendx (gid, strpath) VALUES (?, ?)")  );
    for (ics=0; ics<count_changesets; ics++)
        const char* psz_hid = NULL;
        SG_uint32 i = 0;

        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, psa, ics, &psz_hid)  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_changeset__load_from_repo(pCtx, pTreeNdx->pRepo, psz_hid, &pcs)  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_changeset__get_treepaths(pCtx, pcs, &pvh_treepaths)  );

        if (pvh_treepaths)
            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__count(pCtx, pvh_treepaths, &count_treepaths)  );

            for (i=0; i<count_treepaths; i++)
                const char* psz_gid = NULL;
                const SG_variant* pv = NULL;
                const char* psz_path = NULL;

                SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get_nth_pair(pCtx, pvh_treepaths, i, &psz_gid, &pv)  );
                SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_variant__get__sz(pCtx, pv, &psz_path)  );

                SG_ERR_CHECK(  sg_sqlite__reset(pCtx, pStmt)  );
                SG_ERR_CHECK(  sg_sqlite__clear_bindings(pCtx, pStmt)  );
                SG_ERR_CHECK(  sg_sqlite__bind_text(pCtx, pStmt, 1, psz_gid)  );
                SG_ERR_CHECK(  sg_sqlite__bind_text(pCtx, pStmt, 2, psz_path)  );
                SG_ERR_CHECK(  sg_sqlite__step(pCtx, pStmt, SQLITE_DONE)  );
        SG_CHANGESET_NULLFREE(pCtx, pcs);
    SG_ERR_CHECK(  sg_sqlite__nullfinalize(pCtx, &pStmt)  );
    SG_ERR_CHECK(  sg_sqlite__exec__va(pCtx, pTreeNdx->psql, "COMMIT TRANSACTION; ")  );

Beispiel #5
void SG_treendx__get_path_in_dagnode(SG_context* pCtx, SG_treendx* pTreeNdx, const char* psz_search_item_gid, const char* psz_changeset, SG_treenode_entry ** ppTreeNodeEntry)
	SG_rbtree_iterator * rb_it = NULL;
	const char * pPath = NULL;
	SG_changeset * pChangeset = NULL;
	SG_stringarray * pPaths = NULL;
	const char* pszHidTreeNode = NULL;
	SG_treenode * pTreenodeRoot = NULL;
	char* pszReturnedGID = NULL;
	SG_uint32 i = 0;
	SG_uint32 count = 0;

	SG_ERR_CHECK_RETURN(  SG_gid__argcheck(pCtx, psz_search_item_gid)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_treendx__get_all_paths(pCtx, pTreeNdx, psz_search_item_gid, &pPaths)   );
	*ppTreeNodeEntry = NULL;
	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_changeset__load_from_repo(pCtx, pTreeNdx->pRepo, psz_changeset, &pChangeset)  );
	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_changeset__get_root(pCtx, pChangeset, &pszHidTreeNode) );
	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_treenode__load_from_repo(pCtx, pTreeNdx->pRepo, pszHidTreeNode, &pTreenodeRoot)  );
	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, pPaths, &count )  );
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, pPaths, i, &pPath)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_treenode__find_treenodeentry_by_path(pCtx, pTreeNdx->pRepo, pTreenodeRoot, pPath, &pszReturnedGID, ppTreeNodeEntry)  );
		if (*ppTreeNodeEntry != NULL && strcmp(pszReturnedGID, psz_search_item_gid) == 0)
		else if (*ppTreeNodeEntry != NULL)
			SG_TREENODE_ENTRY_NULLFREE(pCtx, *ppTreeNodeEntry);
			*ppTreeNodeEntry = NULL; //It's not the right GID, even though it's in the right spot.

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszReturnedGID);
	SG_TREENODE_NULLFREE(pCtx, pTreenodeRoot);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszReturnedGID);

Beispiel #6
 * Update the RESOLVED/UNRESOLVED status for each ISSUE in the array
 * and then SAVE the pendingtree.
static void _resolve__do_mark(SG_context * pCtx, struct _resolve_data * pData, SG_bool bMarkResolved)
	SG_uint32 k, kLimit;

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, pData->psaGids, &kLimit)  );
	for (k=0; k<kLimit; k++)
		const char * pszGid_k;

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, pData->psaGids, k, &pszGid_k)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  _resolve__do_mark_1(pCtx, pData, pszGid_k, bMarkResolved)  );

 * Begin a canonical STATUS when given one or more items using a SG_stringarray.
 * If psaInputs is NULL, assume the entire tree.
 * We accumulate all of the results into a single pvaStatus.
 * This status routine uses a pWcTx so that the results
 * reflect the in-progress transaction.
void SG_wc_tx__status__stringarray(SG_context * pCtx,
								   SG_wc_tx * pWcTx,
								   const SG_stringarray * psaInputs,
								   SG_uint32 depth,
								   SG_bool bListUnchanged,
								   SG_bool bNoIgnores,
								   SG_bool bNoTSC,
								   SG_bool bListSparse,
								   SG_bool bListReserved,
								   SG_bool bNoSort,
								   SG_varray ** ppvaStatus,
								   SG_vhash ** ppvhLegend)
	SG_varray * pvaStatus = NULL;
	SG_uint32 k, count;
	SG_vhash * pvhLegend = NULL;

	// ppvhLegend is optional

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_VARRAY__ALLOC(pCtx, &pvaStatus)  );

	if (psaInputs)
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, psaInputs, &count)  );
		for (k=0; k<count; k++)
			const char * pszInput_k;

			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, psaInputs, k, &pszInput_k)  );
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  _sg_wc_tx__status(pCtx, pWcTx, pvaStatus, pszInput_k, depth, 
											 bListUnchanged, bNoIgnores, bNoTSC, bListSparse, bListReserved,
											 (((k==0) && ppvhLegend) ? &pvhLegend : NULL))  );

		if (ppvhLegend)
			*ppvhLegend = pvhLegend;
			pvhLegend = NULL;

		// In case they said, "vv status foo foo foo" or something
		// like "vv status dirA/foo dirA" we need to de-dup the results
		// since we called the internal status with each input[k] and
		// just accumulated the results.
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vaofvh__dedup(pCtx, pvaStatus, "gid")  );

		// if no args, assume "@/" for the STATUS.
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  _sg_wc_tx__status(pCtx, pWcTx, pvaStatus, NULL, depth, 
										 bListUnchanged, bNoIgnores, bNoTSC, bListSparse, bListReserved,
										 ppvhLegend)  );

		// we don't need to de-dup since we simulated 1 argument.

	if (!bNoSort)
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_wc__status__sort_by_repopath(pCtx, pvaStatus)  );

	*ppvaStatus = pvaStatus;
	pvaStatus = NULL;

	SG_VARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvaStatus);
	SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvhLegend);
static void _merge__compute_target_hid(SG_context * pCtx,
									   SG_mrg * pMrg)
	const SG_rev_spec * pRevSpec = ((pMrg->pMergeArgs) ? pMrg->pMergeArgs->pRevSpec : NULL);
	SG_stringarray * psaHids = NULL;
	SG_stringarray * psaMissingHids = NULL;
	SG_rev_spec * pRevSpec_Allocated = NULL;
	SG_bool bRequestedAttachedBranch = SG_FALSE;
	SG_stringarray * psaBranchesRequested = NULL;
	const char * pszBranchNameRequested = NULL;
	SG_uint32 nrMatched = 0;
	SG_uint32 nrMatchedExcludingParent = 0;

	if (pRevSpec)
		SG_uint32 uTotal = 0u;
		SG_uint32 uBranches = 0u;

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__count(pCtx, pRevSpec, &uTotal)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__count_branches(pCtx, pRevSpec, &uBranches)  );
		if (uTotal == 0u)
			// if the rev spec is empty, just pretend it doesn't exist
			pRevSpec = NULL;
		else if (uTotal > 1u)
			// we can only handle a single specification
			SG_ERR_THROW2(SG_ERR_INVALIDARG, (pCtx, "Merge can accept at most one revision/tag/branch specifier."));
		else if (uTotal == 1u && uBranches == 1u)
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__branches(pCtx, (/*const*/ SG_rev_spec *)pRevSpec, &psaBranchesRequested)  );
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, psaBranchesRequested, 0, &pszBranchNameRequested)  );

			if (pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting)
				bRequestedAttachedBranch = (strcmp(pszBranchNameRequested, pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting) == 0);

	if (!pRevSpec)
        if (!pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting)
            SG_ERR_THROW(  SG_ERR_NOT_TIED  );

		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_REV_SPEC__ALLOC(pCtx, &pRevSpec_Allocated)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__add_branch(pCtx, pRevSpec_Allocated, pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting)  );
		pRevSpec = pRevSpec_Allocated;
		pszBranchNameRequested = pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting;
		bRequestedAttachedBranch = SG_TRUE;

	// Lookup the given (or synthesized) --rev/--tag/--branch
	// and see how many csets it refers to.  Disregard/filter-out
	// any that are not present in the local repo.

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__get_all__repo(pCtx, pMrg->pWcTx->pDb->pRepo, pRevSpec, SG_TRUE,
											  &psaHids, &psaMissingHids)  );
	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, psaHids, &nrMatched)  );
	if (nrMatched == 0)
		SG_uint32 nrMissing = 0;
		SG_ASSERT_RELEASE_FAIL(  (psaMissingHids != NULL)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, psaMissingHids, &nrMissing)  );
		if (nrMissing == 1)
			const char * psz_0;
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, psaMissingHids, 0, &psz_0)  );
							(pCtx, "Branch '%s' refers to changeset '%s'. Consider pulling.",
							 pszBranchNameRequested, psz_0)  );
							(pCtx, "Branch '%s' refers to %d changesets that are not present. Consider pulling.",
							 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMissing)  );
	else if (nrMatched == 1)
		// We found a single unique match for our request.
		// We ***DO NOT*** disqualify the current baseline
		// in this case.  We let routines like do_cmd_merge_preview()
		// report that.

		const char * psz_0;
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, psaHids, 0, &psz_0)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_STRDUP(pCtx, psz_0, &pMrg->pszHidTarget)  );
		// We can only get here if pRevSpec contained a "--branch ..."
		// reference (because the "--rev" lookup throws when given a
		// non-unique prefix and "--tag" can only be bound to a single
		// cset).
		// If they referenced the attached branch (and the baseline is
		// pointing at a head), we'll get our baseline in the result set,
		// so get rid of it.
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__remove_all(pCtx, psaHids, pMrg->pszHid_StartingBaseline, NULL)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, psaHids, &nrMatchedExcludingParent)  );

		if (nrMatchedExcludingParent == 1)
			// parent may or may not be a head of this branch, but
			// we found a single head or single other head.
			const char * psz_0;
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, psaHids, 0, &psz_0)  );
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_STRDUP(pCtx, psz_0, &pMrg->pszHidTarget)  );
		else if (nrMatchedExcludingParent < nrMatched)
			// There were at least 3 heads of this branch and the baseline
			// is one of them.  Throwing a generic 'needs merge' message is
			// not helpful.
							(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads (excluding the baseline). Consider merging one of the other heads using --rev/--tag.",
							 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatchedExcludingParent)  );
		else //if (nrMatchedExcludingParent == nrMatched)
			// The requested branch has multiple heads and the current
			// baseline is NOT one of them.  The current baseline MAY OR MAY NOT
			// be in that branch.  (And independently, we may or may not be
			// attached to that branch.)
			// See how the heads are related to the current baseline.
			const char * pszDescendant0 = NULL;
			const char * pszAncestor0 = NULL;
			SG_uint32 nrDescendants = 0;
			SG_uint32 nrAncestors = 0;
			SG_uint32 k;
			for (k=0; k<nrMatched; k++)
				const char * psz_k;
				SG_dagquery_relationship dqRel;
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, psaHids, k, &psz_k)  );
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagquery__how_are_dagnodes_related(pCtx, pMrg->pWcTx->pDb->pRepo,
																	 psz_k, pMrg->pszHid_StartingBaseline,
																	 SG_FALSE, SG_FALSE, &dqRel)  );
					pszDescendant0 = psz_k;
					nrDescendants++; // target[k] is descendant of baseline
					pszAncestor0 = psz_k;
					nrAncestors++;	// target[k] is ancestor of baseline
			SG_ASSERT(  ((nrDescendants == 0) || (nrAncestors == 0))  );
			if (nrDescendants == 1)
				if (bRequestedAttachedBranch)			// The current baseline is attached to the same branch, just not a head.
									(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. Only changeset '%s' is a descendant of the current baseline. Consider updating to it and then merging the branch.",
									 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched, pszDescendant0)  );
				else if (pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting)	// currently attached to a different branch
									(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. Only changeset '%s' is a descendant of the current baseline. Consider updating to it. You are attached to branch '%s'.",
									 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched, pszDescendant0, pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting)  );
				else									// currently detached
									(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. Only changeset '%s' is a descendant of the current baseline. Consider updating to it. You are not attached to a branch.",
									 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched, pszDescendant0)  );
			else if (nrDescendants > 1)					// nrDescendants may or may not be equal to nrMatched since there may be peers too.
				if (bRequestedAttachedBranch)			// The current baseline is attached to the same branch, just not a head.
									(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. %d are descendants of the current baseline. Consider updating to one of them and then merging the branch.",
									 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched, nrDescendants)  );
				else if (pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting)	// currently attached to a different branch
									(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. %d are descendants of the current baseline. Consider updating to one of them. You are attached to branch '%s'.",
									 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched, nrDescendants, pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting)  );
				else									// currently detached
									(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. %d are descendants of the current baseline. Consider updating to one of them. You are not attached to a branch.",
									 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched, nrDescendants)  );
			else if (nrAncestors == 1)
				if (bRequestedAttachedBranch)			// The current baseline is attached to the same branch, but the head pointer is not pointing at us.
									(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. Changeset '%s' is an ancestor of the current baseline. Consider moving that head forward and then merging the branch.",
									 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched, pszAncestor0)  );
				else if (pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting)	// currently attached to a different branch
									(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. Changeset '%s' is an ancestor of the current baseline. Consider moving that head forward. You are attached to branch '%s'.",
									 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched, pszAncestor0, pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting)  );
				else									// currently detached
									(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. Changeset '%s' is an ancestor of the current baseline. Consider moving that head forward. You are not attached to a branch.",
									 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched, pszAncestor0)  );
			else if (nrAncestors > 1)					// nrAncestors may or may not be equal to nrMatched since there may be peers too.
								(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. All of them are ancestors of the current baseline. Consider moving one of the heads forward and removing the others.",
								 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched)  );
			else										// All of the heads are peers of the current baseline.
				if (bRequestedAttachedBranch)			// The current baseline is attached to the same branch, but the head pointer is not pointing at us.
									(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. All are peers of the current baseline. Consider merging one of the other heads using --rev/--tag.",
									 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched)  );
				else if (pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting)	// currently attached to a different branch
									(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. All are peers of the current baseline. Consider merging one of the other heads using --rev/--tag. You are attached to branch '%s'.",
									 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched, pMrg->pszBranchName_Starting)  );
				else									// currently detached
									(pCtx, "Branch '%s' has %d heads. All are peers of the current baseline. Consider merging one of the other heads using --rev/--tag. You are not attached to a branch.",
									 pszBranchNameRequested, nrMatched)  );

	SG_STRINGARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, psaBranchesRequested);
	SG_REV_SPEC_NULLFREE(pCtx, pRevSpec_Allocated);
    SG_context* pCtx, 
    SG_repo* pRepo, 
    SG_changeset* pcs,
    const char* psz_tied_branch_name,
    const SG_audit* pq,
    const char* psz_comment,
    const char* const* paszAssocs,
    SG_uint32 count_assocs,
    const SG_stringarray* psa_stamps
    SG_varray* pva_hooks = NULL;
    SG_vhash* pvh_params = NULL;
    char* psz_repo_id = NULL;
    char* psz_admin_id = NULL;

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_hooks__lookup_by_interface(
                )  );
    if (pva_hooks)
        SG_uint32 count_hooks = 0;
        SG_uint32 i_hook = 0;
        const char* psz_descriptor_name = NULL;

        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__get_admin_id(pCtx, pRepo, &psz_admin_id)  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__get_repo_id( pCtx, pRepo, &psz_repo_id )  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__get_descriptor_name(pCtx, pRepo, &psz_descriptor_name)  );

        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__count(pCtx, pva_hooks, &count_hooks)  );
        for (i_hook=0; i_hook<count_hooks; i_hook++)
            SG_vhash* pvh_hook = NULL;
            const char* psz_js = NULL;
            const char* psz_csid = NULL;
            SG_vhash* pvh_changeset = NULL;

            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__get__vhash(pCtx, pva_hooks, i_hook, &pvh_hook)  );

            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_changeset__get_id_ref(pCtx, pcs, &psz_csid)  );
            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_changeset__get_vhash_ref(pCtx, pcs, &pvh_changeset)  );

            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get__sz(pCtx, pvh_hook, "js", &psz_js)  );

            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_VHASH__ALLOC(pCtx, &pvh_params)  );
            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "csid", psz_csid)  );
            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "repo_id", psz_repo_id)  );
            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "admin_id", psz_admin_id)  );
            if (psz_descriptor_name)
                SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "descriptor_name", psz_descriptor_name)  );
            if (pq)
                SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "userid", pq->who_szUserId)  );
            if (psz_comment)
                SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "comment", psz_comment)  );
            if (psz_tied_branch_name)
                SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "branch", psz_tied_branch_name)  );

            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__addcopy__vhash(pCtx, pvh_params, "changeset", pvh_changeset)  );

            if (paszAssocs && count_assocs)
                SG_uint32 i = 0;
                SG_varray* pva_ids = NULL;

                SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__addnew__varray(pCtx, pvh_params, "wit_ids", &pva_ids)  );
                for (i=0; i<count_assocs; i++)
                    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__append__string__sz(pCtx, pva_ids, paszAssocs[i])  );

            if (psa_stamps)
                SG_uint32 count = 0;
                SG_uint32 i = 0;
                SG_varray* pva_stamps = NULL;

                SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__addnew__varray(pCtx, pvh_params, "stamps", &pva_stamps)  );
                SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, psa_stamps, &count)  );
                for (i=0; i<count; i++)
                    const char* psz_stamp = NULL;

                    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, psa_stamps, i, &psz_stamp)  );
                    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__append__string__sz(pCtx, pva_stamps, psz_stamp)  );

            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_hooks__execute(pCtx, psz_js, pvh_params, NULL)  );
            SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvh_params);

    SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvh_params);
    SG_VARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pva_hooks);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_repo_id);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_admin_id);
// TODO not sure we really want to pass this much stuff to this interface
    SG_context* pCtx, 
    SG_repo* pRepo, 
    SG_changeset* pcs,
    const char* psz_tied_branch_name,
    const SG_audit* pq,
    const char* psz_comment,
    const char* const* paszAssocs,
    SG_uint32 count_assocs,
    const SG_stringarray* psa_stamps
    SG_vhash* pvh_hook = NULL;
    SG_vhash* pvh_params = NULL;
    SG_vhash* pvh_result = NULL;
    char* psz_repo_id = NULL;
    char* psz_admin_id = NULL;

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  sg_vc_hooks__lookup_by_interface__single_result(
                )  );

	if (pvh_hook)
        const char* psz_js = NULL;
        SG_uint32 i = 0;
        SG_varray* pva_ids = NULL;
        const char* psz_descriptor_name = NULL;
        const char* psz_csid = NULL;
        SG_vhash* pvh_changeset = NULL;

        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__get_admin_id(pCtx, pRepo, &psz_admin_id)  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__get_repo_id( pCtx, pRepo, &psz_repo_id )  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__get_descriptor_name(pCtx, pRepo, &psz_descriptor_name)  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_changeset__get_id_ref(pCtx, pcs, &psz_csid)  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_changeset__get_vhash_ref(pCtx, pcs, &pvh_changeset)  );

        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get__sz(pCtx, pvh_hook, "js", &psz_js)  );

        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_VHASH__ALLOC(pCtx, &pvh_params)  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "csid", psz_csid)  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "repo_id", psz_repo_id)  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "admin_id", psz_admin_id)  );
        if (psz_descriptor_name)
            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "descriptor_name", psz_descriptor_name)  );
        if (pq)
            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "userid", pq->who_szUserId)  );
        if (psz_comment)
            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "comment", psz_comment)  );
        if (psz_tied_branch_name)
            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__add__string__sz(pCtx, pvh_params, "branch", psz_tied_branch_name)  );

        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__addcopy__vhash(pCtx, pvh_params, "changeset", pvh_changeset)  );

        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__addnew__varray(pCtx, pvh_params, "wit_ids", &pva_ids)  );
        for (i=0; i<count_assocs; i++)
            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__append__string__sz(pCtx, pva_ids, paszAssocs[i])  );

        if (psa_stamps)
            SG_uint32 count = 0;
            SG_uint32 i = 0;
            SG_varray* pva_stamps = NULL;

            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__addnew__varray(pCtx, pvh_params, "stamps", &pva_stamps)  );
            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, psa_stamps, &count)  );
            for (i=0; i<count; i++)
                const char* psz_stamp = NULL;

                SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, psa_stamps, i, &psz_stamp)  );
                SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__append__string__sz(pCtx, pva_stamps, psz_stamp)  );

        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_hooks__execute(pCtx, psz_js, pvh_params, &pvh_result)  );
        // TODO process the result

		if (pvh_result)
			SG_bool hasErrors = SG_FALSE;

			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__has(pCtx, pvh_result, "error", &hasErrors)  );

			if (hasErrors)
				const char *emsg = NULL;

				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get__sz(pCtx, pvh_result, "error", &emsg)  );

    SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvh_params);
    SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvh_result);
    SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvh_hook);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_repo_id);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_admin_id);
void sg_vv2__history__repo2(
	SG_context * pCtx,
	SG_repo * pRepo, 
	const SG_stringarray * psaArgs,  // if present these must be full repo-paths
	const SG_rev_spec* pRevSpec,
	const SG_rev_spec* pRevSpec_single_revisions,
	const char* pszUser,
	const char* pszStamp,
	SG_uint32 nResultLimit,
	SG_bool bHideObjectMerges,
	SG_int64 nFromDate,
	SG_int64 nToDate,
	SG_bool bListAll,
	SG_bool bReassembleDag,
	SG_bool* pbHasResult,
	SG_history_result ** ppResult,
	SG_history_token ** ppHistoryToken)
	SG_stringarray * pStringArrayChangesets_starting = NULL;
	SG_stringarray * pStringArrayChangesetsMissing = NULL;
	SG_stringarray * pStringArrayChangesets_single_revisions = NULL;
	SG_bool bRecommendDagWalk = SG_FALSE;
	SG_bool bLeaves = SG_FALSE;
	const char * pszCurrentDagnodeID = NULL;
	SG_stringarray * pStringArrayGIDs = NULL;
	SG_uint32 i = 0, nChangesetCount = 0;
	SG_uint32 count_args = 0;

	//Determine the starting changeset IDs.  strBranch and bLeaves control this.
	//We do this step here, so that repo paths can be looked up before we call into history__core.
	SG_ERR_CHECK( sg_vv2__history__get_starting_changesets(pCtx, pRepo, pRevSpec,
														   &bLeaves) );
	if (pStringArrayChangesetsMissing)
		// See K2177, K1322, W0836, W8132.  We requested specific starting
		// points and ran into some csets that were referenced (by --tag
		// or --branch) that are not present in the local repo.  Try to
		// silently ignore them.
		SG_uint32 nrFound = 0;
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, pStringArrayChangesets_starting, &nrFound)  );
		if (nrFound > 0)
			// Yes there were missing csets, but we still found some
			// of the referenced ones.  Just ignore the missing ones.
			// This should behave just like we had the older tag/branch
			// dag prior to the push -r on the vc dag.
			const char * psz_0;
			// TODO 2012/10/19 Do we want a different message if the number of missing is > 1 ?
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, pStringArrayChangesetsMissing, 0, &psz_0)  );
							(pCtx, "%s", psz_0)  );

	if (bListAll)
		// See W8493.  If they gave us a --list-all along with a --rev or --tag, they
		// want to force us to show the full history rather than just the info for the
		// named cset.
		bRecommendDagWalk = SG_TRUE;

	if (pRevSpec_single_revisions)
		// We DO NOT pass a psaMissingHids here because we want
		// it to throw if the user names a missing cset.
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__get_all__repo__dedup(pCtx, pRepo, pRevSpec_single_revisions, SG_TRUE,
														 &pStringArrayChangesets_single_revisions, NULL)  );

	// TODO 2012/07/02 Is the following loop really what we want?
	// TODO            As written, it will look at each changeset
	// TODO            in the list and lookup each item's GID with
	// TODO            it.  If cset[k] does not have *ALL* of the
	// TODO            items, we discard the array of GIDs already
	// TODO            discovered and then try cset[k+1].
	// TODO
	// TODO            This seems wasteful and likely to fail in
	// TODO            the presence of lots of adds and deletes.
	// TODO
	// TODO            Seems like it would be better to start the
	// TODO            result list outside of the loop and remove
	// TODO            items from the search list as we find them
	// TODO            as we iterate over the csets.  This would
	// TODO            let us stop as soon as we have them all and
	// TODO            not require us to repeat the expensive mapping
	// TODO            of repo-path to gid.
	// TODO
	// TODO            Then again, I think the caller has limited us
	// TODO            to only having *1* item in the set of files/folders,
	// TODO            so this might not actually matter.

	if (psaArgs)
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, psaArgs, &count_args)  );
	if (count_args > 0)
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, pStringArrayChangesets_starting, &nChangesetCount)  );
		//Look up the GIDs for all of the arguments.
		//Try every changeset, until we get one that has the GID in question.
		for (i = 0; i < nChangesetCount; i++)
			SG_ERR_CHECK( SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, pStringArrayChangesets_starting, i, &pszCurrentDagnodeID) );

			//This might be used if you have --leaves, or if there are multiple parents
			//since they specified a changeset, we need to use the full repo path @/blah/blah to look up the objects
			sg_vv2__history__lookup_gids_by_repopaths(pCtx, pRepo, pszCurrentDagnodeID, psaArgs,
			if (SG_CONTEXT__HAS_ERR(pCtx))
				if (i == (nChangesetCount - 1) || ! SG_context__err_equals(pCtx, SG_ERR_NOT_FOUND) )

	//Call history core with the GIDs
	SG_ERR_CHECK( SG_history__run(pCtx, pRepo, pStringArrayGIDs,
					pStringArrayChangesets_starting, pStringArrayChangesets_single_revisions,
					pszUser, pszStamp, nResultLimit, bLeaves, bHideObjectMerges,
					nFromDate, nToDate, bRecommendDagWalk, bReassembleDag, pbHasResult, ppResult, ppHistoryToken) );

	SG_STRINGARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pStringArrayChangesets_starting);
	SG_STRINGARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pStringArrayChangesetsMissing);
	SG_STRINGARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pStringArrayChangesets_single_revisions);
void sg_vv2__history__working_folder(
	SG_context * pCtx,
	const SG_stringarray * psaInputs,
	const SG_rev_spec* pRevSpec,
	const SG_rev_spec* pRevSpec_single_revisions,
	const char* pszUser,
	const char* pszStamp,
	SG_bool bDetectCurrentBranch,
	SG_uint32 nResultLimit,
	SG_bool bHideObjectMerges,
	SG_int64 nFromDate,
	SG_int64 nToDate,
	SG_bool bListAll,
	SG_bool* pbHasResult, 
	SG_vhash** ppvhBranchPile,
	SG_history_result ** ppResult,
	SG_history_token ** ppHistoryToken)
	SG_repo * pRepo = NULL;
	SG_stringarray * pStringArrayGIDs = NULL;
	SG_stringarray * pStringArrayChangesets = NULL;
	SG_stringarray * pStringArrayChangesetsMissing = NULL;
	SG_stringarray * pStringArrayChangesets_single_revisions = NULL;
	SG_bool bRecommendDagWalk = SG_FALSE;
	SG_bool bLeaves = SG_FALSE;
	const char * pszBranchName = NULL;	// we do not own this
	SG_vhash* pvhBranchPile = NULL;
	SG_varray* pvaParents = NULL;	// we do not own this
	SG_bool bMyBranchWalkRecommendation = SG_FALSE;
	SG_rev_spec* pRevSpec_Allocated = NULL;
	SG_wc_tx * pWcTx = NULL;
	SG_vhash * pvhInfo = NULL;
	SG_uint32 count_args = 0;
	SG_uint32 countRevsSpecified = 0;

	if (psaInputs)
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, psaInputs, &count_args)  );

	// Use the WD to try to get the initial info.
	// I'm going to deviate from the model and use
	// a read-only TX here so that I can get a bunch
	// of fields that we need later.

	if (count_args > 0)
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_wc_tx__get_item_gid__stringarray(pCtx, pWcTx, psaInputs, &pStringArrayGIDs)  );

	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_wc_tx__get_wc_info(pCtx, pWcTx, &pvhInfo)  );
	SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_wc_tx__get_repo_and_wd_top(pCtx, pWcTx, &pRepo, NULL)  );

	/* If no revisions were specified, and the caller wants us to use the current branch,
	 * create a revision spec with the current branch. */

	if (pRevSpec)
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_REV_SPEC__ALLOC__COPY(pCtx, pRevSpec, &pRevSpec_Allocated)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__count(pCtx, pRevSpec_Allocated, &countRevsSpecified)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_REV_SPEC__ALLOC(pCtx, &pRevSpec_Allocated)  );

	if (pRevSpec_single_revisions != NULL)
		SG_uint32 countRevsSpecified_singles = 0;
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__count(pCtx, pRevSpec_single_revisions, &countRevsSpecified_singles)  );
		countRevsSpecified += countRevsSpecified_singles;

	if (bDetectCurrentBranch && countRevsSpecified == 0) 
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__check__sz(pCtx, pvhInfo, "branch", &pszBranchName)  );
		if (pszBranchName)
			/* The working folder is attached to a branch. Does it exist? */
			SG_bool bHasBranches = SG_FALSE;
			SG_bool bBranchExists = SG_FALSE;

			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_branches__cleanup(pCtx, pRepo, &pvhBranchPile)  );
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__has(pCtx, pvhBranchPile, "branches", &bHasBranches)  );
			if (bHasBranches)
				SG_vhash* pvhRefBranches;
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get__vhash(pCtx, pvhBranchPile, "branches", &pvhRefBranches)  );
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__has(pCtx, pvhRefBranches, pszBranchName, &bBranchExists)  );
			if (bBranchExists)
				SG_uint32 numParents, i;
				const char* pszRefParent;

				/* If that branch exists, just add to our rev spec. */
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__add_branch(pCtx, pRevSpec_Allocated, pszBranchName)  );

				/* Plus, if the working folder's parents are not in the branch (yet), add them as well
				 * (they'll be in it after the user commits something...). */
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get__varray(pCtx, pvhInfo, "parents", &pvaParents)  );
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__count(pCtx, pvaParents, &numParents)  );
				for (i = 0; i < numParents; i++)
					SG_bool already_in_rev_spec = SG_FALSE;
					SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__get__sz(pCtx, pvaParents, i, &pszRefParent)  );
					SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__contains(pCtx, pRepo, pRevSpec_Allocated, pszRefParent,
														 &already_in_rev_spec)  );
						SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__add_rev(pCtx, pRevSpec_Allocated, pszRefParent)  );
				/* If the branch doesn't exist, add the working folder's baseline(s) to the rev spec
				 * and force a dag walk. */
				SG_uint32 numParents, i;
				const char* pszRefParent;

				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get__varray(pCtx, pvhInfo, "parents", &pvaParents)  );
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__count(pCtx, pvaParents, &numParents)  );
				for (i = 0; i < numParents; i++)
					SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_varray__get__sz(pCtx, pvaParents, i, &pszRefParent)  );
					SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__add_rev(pCtx, pRevSpec_Allocated, pszRefParent)  );
				bMyBranchWalkRecommendation = SG_TRUE;


	// Determine the starting changeset IDs.  strBranch and bLeaves control this.
	// We do this step here, so that repo paths can be looked up before we call into history__core.
	SG_ERR_CHECK( sg_vv2__history__get_starting_changesets(pCtx, pRepo, pRevSpec_Allocated,
														   &bLeaves) );
	if (pStringArrayChangesetsMissing)
		// See K2177, K1322, W0836, W8132.  We requested specific starting
		// points and ran into some csets that were referenced (by --tag
		// or --branch) that are not present in the local repo.  Try to
		// silently ignore them.
		SG_uint32 nrFound = 0;
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, pStringArrayChangesets, &nrFound)  );
		if (nrFound > 0)
			// Yes there were missing csets, but we still found some
			// of the referenced ones.  Just ignore the missing ones.
			// This should behave just like we had the older tag/branch
			// dag prior to the push -r on the vc dag.
			const char * psz_0;
			// TODO 2012/10/19 Do we want a different message if the number of missing is > 1 ?
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, pStringArrayChangesetsMissing, 0, &psz_0)  );
							(pCtx, "%s", psz_0)  );

	bRecommendDagWalk = bRecommendDagWalk || bMyBranchWalkRecommendation;
	//This hack is here to  detect when we're being asked for the parent of a certain
	//object from the sg_parents code.  parents always wants the dag walk.
	//The better solution would be to allow users to pass in a flag about their dagwalk
	if (count_args == 1 && nResultLimit == 1)
		bRecommendDagWalk = SG_TRUE;

	if (bListAll)
		// See W8493.  If they gave us a --list-all along with a --rev or --tag, they
		// want to force us to show the full history rather than just the info for the
		// named cset.
		bRecommendDagWalk = SG_TRUE;

	if (pRevSpec_single_revisions)
		// We DO NOT pass a psaMissingHids here because we want
		// it to throw if the user names a missing cset.
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rev_spec__get_all__repo__dedup(pCtx, pRepo, pRevSpec_single_revisions, SG_TRUE,
														 &pStringArrayChangesets_single_revisions, NULL)  );

	// TODO 2012/07/03 The deviates from the model.  This call directly returns the
	// TODO            allocated data into the caller's pointers.  If anything fails
	// TODO            (such as the call to get the branches below), we'll probably
	// TODO            leak the result and token.

	SG_ERR_CHECK( SG_history__run(pCtx, pRepo, pStringArrayGIDs,
					pStringArrayChangesets, pStringArrayChangesets_single_revisions,
					pszUser, pszStamp, nResultLimit, bLeaves, bHideObjectMerges,
					nFromDate, nToDate, bRecommendDagWalk, SG_FALSE, pbHasResult, ppResult, ppHistoryToken) );

	/* This is kind of a hack. History callers often need branch data to format ouput.
	 * But we open the repo down here. I didn't want to open/close it again. And there's logic
	 * in here about which repo to open. So instead, we do this. */
	if (ppvhBranchPile)
		if (pvhBranchPile)
			*ppvhBranchPile = pvhBranchPile;
			pvhBranchPile = NULL;
			SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_branches__cleanup(pCtx, pRepo, ppvhBranchPile)  );

	SG_ERR_IGNORE(  SG_wc_tx__cancel(pCtx, pWcTx)  );
	SG_REV_SPEC_NULLFREE(pCtx, pRevSpec_Allocated);
	SG_STRINGARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pStringArrayChangesets);
	SG_STRINGARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pStringArrayChangesetsMissing);
	SG_STRINGARRAY_NULLFREE(pCtx, pStringArrayChangesets_single_revisions);
	SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvhBranchPile);
	SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvhInfo);
 * Request to UNLOCK on one or more files.
 * WARNING: This routine deviates from the model of most
 * WARNING: of the SG_wc__ level-8 and/or SG_wc_tx level-7
 * WARNING: API routines because we cannot just "queue" an
 * WARNING: unlock like we do a RENAME with everything
 * WARNING: contained within the pWcTx; we actually have
 * WARNING: to update the locks dag (which is outside of
 * WARNING: the scope of the WC TX).
 * WARNING: So we only have a level-8 API
 * WARNING: so that we can completely control/bound the TX.
 * We also deviate in that we don't take a --test
 * nor --verbose option.  Which means we don't have a
 * JOURNAL to mess with.
void SG_wc__unlock(SG_context * pCtx,
                   const SG_pathname* pPathWc,
                   const SG_stringarray * psaInputs,
                   SG_bool bForce,
                   const char * psz_username,
                   const char * psz_password,
                   const char * psz_repo_upstream)
    SG_wc_tx * pWcTx = NULL;
    SG_audit q;
    SG_uint32 nrInputs = 0;
    SG_uint32 k;
    char * psz_tied_branch_name = NULL;
    char * psz_repo_upstream_allocated = NULL;
    SG_vhash * pvh_gids = NULL;
    const char * pszRepoDescriptorName = NULL;	// we do not own this

    if (psaInputs)
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__count(pCtx, psaInputs, &nrInputs)  );
    if (nrInputs == 0)
                        (pCtx, "Nothing to unlock")  );

    // psz_username is optional (assume no auth required)
    // psz_password is optional (assume no auth required)
    // psz_server is optional (assume default server)

    // Begin a WC TX so that we get all of the good stuff
    // (like mapping the CWD into a REPO handle and mapping
    // the inputs into GIDs).
    // At this point I don't believe that setting a lock
    // will actually make any changes in WC.DB, so I'm
    // making it a READ-ONLY TX.
    // My assumption is that the lock actually gets
    // written to the Locks DAG and shared with the server.
    // But I still want a TX handle for all of the other stuff.

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_WC_TX__ALLOC__BEGIN(pCtx, &pWcTx, pPathWc, SG_FALSE)  );

    // We need the repo descriptor name later for the push/pull
    // and to optionally look up the default destination for
    // this repo.  The pRepo stores this *IFF* it was properly
    // opened (using a name).

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__get_descriptor_name(pCtx, pWcTx->pDb->pRepo,
                   &pszRepoDescriptorName)  );
    SG_ASSERT_RELEASE_FAIL2(  (pszRepoDescriptorName && *pszRepoDescriptorName),
                              (pCtx, "SG_wc__unlock: Could not get repo descriptor name.")  );

    // now we need to know what branch we are tied to.
    // if we're not tied, fail
    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_wc_tx__branch__get(pCtx, pWcTx, &psz_tied_branch_name)  );
    if (!psz_tied_branch_name)

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_VHASH__ALLOC(pCtx, &pvh_gids)  );
    for (k=0; k<nrInputs; k++)
        const char * pszInput_k;

        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_stringarray__get_nth(pCtx, psaInputs, k, &pszInput_k)  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  _map_input(pCtx, pWcTx, pvh_gids, pszInput_k)  );

    if (!psz_repo_upstream)
        SG_localsettings__descriptor__get__sz(pCtx, pszRepoDescriptorName,
        if (SG_context__err_equals(pCtx, SG_ERR_NOT_FOUND))

        psz_repo_upstream = psz_repo_upstream_allocated;

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_audit__init(pCtx, &q, pWcTx->pDb->pRepo,
                                  SG_AUDIT__WHO__FROM_SETTINGS)  );

    // OK, we have all the pieces.  Time to call the unlock code
    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vc_locks__unlock(
                   )  );

    // Fall through and let the normal fail code discard/cancel
    // the read-only WC TX.  This will not affect the Locks DAG
    // nor the server.

    SG_ERR_IGNORE(  SG_wc_tx__cancel(pCtx, pWcTx)  );
    SG_WC_TX__NULLFREE(pCtx, pWcTx);
    SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_tied_branch_name);
    SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, psz_repo_upstream_allocated);
    SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvh_gids);