Beispiel #1
static char * sqlite3GetError( sqlite3 * pDb, HB_ERRCODE * pErrCode )
   char * szRet;

   int iNativeErr = 9999;

   if( pDb )
      PHB_ITEM pRet = S_HB_ITEMPUTSTR( NULL, sqlite3_errmsg( pDb ) );
      szRet = hb_strdup( hb_itemGetCPtr( pRet ) );
      hb_itemRelease( pRet );

      iNativeErr = sqlite3_errcode( pDb );
      szRet = hb_strdup( "Unable to get error message" );

   if( pErrCode )
      *pErrCode = ( HB_ERRCODE ) iNativeErr;

   return szRet;
Beispiel #2
static HB_ERRCODE sqlite3GoTo( SQLBASEAREAP pArea, HB_ULONG ulRecNo )
   sqlite3_stmt * st = ( ( SDDDATA * ) pArea->pSDDData )->pStmt;

   while( ulRecNo > pArea->ulRecCount && ! pArea->fFetched )
      PHB_ITEM  pArray;
      HB_USHORT ui;

      pArray = hb_itemArrayNew( pArea->area.uiFieldCount );

      for( ui = 0; ui < pArea->area.uiFieldCount; ++ui )
         PHB_ITEM pItem  = NULL;
         LPFIELD  pField = pArea->area.lpFields + ui;
         HB_USHORT uiType = pField->uiType;

         if( uiType == HB_FT_ANY )
            switch( sqlite3_column_type( st, ui ) )
               case SQLITE_TEXT:
                  uiType = HB_FT_STRING;

               case SQLITE_FLOAT:
               case SQLITE_INTEGER:
                  uiType = HB_FT_LONG;

               case SQLITE_BLOB:
                  uiType = HB_FT_BLOB;

         switch( uiType )
            case HB_FT_STRING:
               pItem = S_HB_ITEMPUTSTR( NULL, ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text( st, ui ) );

            case HB_FT_INTEGER:
#if HB_VMLONG_MAX > INT32_MAX && ! defined( HB_LONG_LONG_OFF )
               pItem = hb_itemPutNInt( NULL, sqlite3_column_int64( st, ui ) );
            case HB_FT_LONG:
               pItem = hb_itemPutNDDec( NULL, sqlite3_column_double( st, ui ), pField->uiDec );

            case HB_FT_BLOB:
               pItem = hb_itemPutCL( NULL, ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_blob( st, ui ), sqlite3_column_bytes( st, ui ) );

         if( pItem )
            hb_arraySetForward( pArray, ui + 1, pItem );
            hb_itemRelease( pItem );
      if( pArea->ulRecCount + 1 >= pArea->ulRecMax )
         pArea->pRow      = ( void ** ) hb_xrealloc( pArea->pRow, ( pArea->ulRecMax + SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE ) * sizeof( void * ) );
         pArea->pRowFlags = ( HB_BYTE * ) hb_xrealloc( pArea->pRowFlags, ( pArea->ulRecMax + SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE ) * sizeof( HB_BYTE ) );
         pArea->ulRecMax += SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE;

      pArea->pRow[ pArea->ulRecCount ]      = pArray;
      pArea->pRowFlags[ pArea->ulRecCount ] = SQLDD_FLAG_CACHED;

      if( sqlite3_step( st ) != SQLITE_ROW )
         pArea->fFetched = HB_TRUE;

   if( ulRecNo == 0 || ulRecNo > pArea->ulRecCount )
      pArea->pRecord      = pArea->pRow[ 0 ];
      pArea->bRecordFlags = pArea->pRowFlags[ 0 ];
      pArea->fPositioned  = HB_FALSE;
      pArea->pRecord      = pArea->pRow[ ulRecNo ];
      pArea->bRecordFlags = pArea->pRowFlags[ ulRecNo ];
      pArea->fPositioned  = HB_TRUE;
   return HB_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #3
static HB_ERRCODE sqlite3Open( SQLBASEAREAP pArea )
   sqlite3 *      pDb = ( ( SDDCONN * ) pArea->pConnection->pSDDConn )->pDb;
   sqlite3_stmt * st  = NULL;
   SDDDATA *      pSDDData;
   const char *   pszQuery;
   HB_SIZE        nQueryLen;
   void *         hQuery;
   HB_USHORT      uiFields, uiIndex;
   PHB_ITEM       pItemEof, pItem, pName = NULL;
   HB_ERRCODE     errCode;
   char *         szError;
   HB_BOOL        bError;

   pArea->pSDDData = memset( hb_xgrab( sizeof( SDDDATA ) ), 0, sizeof( SDDDATA ) );
   pSDDData        = ( SDDDATA * ) pArea->pSDDData;

   pItem    = hb_itemPutC( NULL, pArea->szQuery );
   pszQuery = S_HB_ITEMGETSTR( pItem, &hQuery, &nQueryLen );

   if( sqlite3_prepare_v2( pDb, pszQuery, ( int ) nQueryLen, &st, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK )
      hb_strfree( hQuery );
      hb_itemRelease( pItem );
      szError = sqlite3GetError( pDb, &errCode );
      hb_errRT_SQLT3DD( EG_OPEN, ESQLDD_INVALIDQUERY, szError, pArea->szQuery, errCode );
      sqlite3_finalize( st );
      hb_xfree( szError );
      return HB_FAILURE;
      hb_strfree( hQuery );
      hb_itemRelease( pItem );

   if( sqlite3_step( st ) != SQLITE_ROW )
      szError = sqlite3GetError( pDb, &errCode );
      hb_errRT_SQLT3DD( EG_OPEN, ESQLDD_INVALIDQUERY, szError, pArea->szQuery, errCode );
      sqlite3_finalize( st );
      hb_xfree( szError );
      return HB_FAILURE;

   uiFields = ( HB_USHORT ) sqlite3_column_count( st );
   SELF_SETFIELDEXTENT( &pArea->area, uiFields );

   errCode = 0;
   bError  = HB_FALSE;
   pItemEof = hb_itemArrayNew( uiFields );
   for( uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < uiFields; ++uiIndex )
      DBFIELDINFO dbFieldInfo;

      memset( &dbFieldInfo, 0, sizeof( dbFieldInfo ) );
      pName = S_HB_ITEMPUTSTR( pName, sqlite3_column_name( st, uiIndex ) );
      dbFieldInfo.atomName = hb_itemGetCPtr( pName );
      dbFieldInfo.uiType = sqlite3DeclType( st, uiIndex );
      pItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pItemEof, uiIndex + 1 );

      switch( dbFieldInfo.uiType )
         case HB_FT_STRING:
            int iSize = sqlite3_column_bytes( st, uiIndex );
            char * pStr;

            dbFieldInfo.uiLen = ( HB_USHORT ) HB_MAX( iSize, 10 );
            pStr = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( ( HB_SIZE ) dbFieldInfo.uiLen + 1 );
            memset( pStr, ' ', dbFieldInfo.uiLen );
            hb_itemPutCLPtr( pItem, pStr, dbFieldInfo.uiLen );
         case HB_FT_BLOB:
            dbFieldInfo.uiLen = 4;
            hb_itemPutC( pItem, NULL );

         case HB_FT_INTEGER:
            dbFieldInfo.uiLen = 8;
            hb_itemPutNInt( pItem, 0 );

         case HB_FT_LONG:
            dbFieldInfo.uiLen = 20;
            dbFieldInfo.uiDec = ( HB_USHORT ) hb_setGetDecimals();
            hb_itemPutNDDec( pItem, 0.0, dbFieldInfo.uiDec );

         case HB_FT_ANY:
            dbFieldInfo.uiLen = 6;

            bError = HB_TRUE;

      if( ! bError )
         bError = ( SELF_ADDFIELD( &pArea->area, &dbFieldInfo ) == HB_FAILURE );

      if( bError )
   hb_itemRelease( pName );

   if( bError )
      hb_itemRelease( pItemEof );
      sqlite3_finalize( st );
      hb_errRT_SQLT3DD( EG_CORRUPTION, ESQLDD_INVALIDFIELD, "Invalid field type", pArea->szQuery, errCode );
      return HB_FAILURE;

   pArea->ulRecCount = 0;
   pArea->ulRecMax   = SQLDD_ROWSET_INIT;

   pArea->pRow = ( void ** ) hb_xgrab( SQLDD_ROWSET_INIT * sizeof( void * ) );
   pArea->pRowFlags = ( HB_BYTE * ) hb_xgrab( SQLDD_ROWSET_INIT * sizeof( HB_BYTE ) );

   pArea->pRow[ 0 ]      = pItemEof;
   pArea->pRowFlags[ 0 ] = SQLDD_FLAG_CACHED;

   pSDDData->pStmt = st;
   return HB_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #4
static HB_ERRCODE sqlite3GoTo( SQLBASEAREAP pArea, HB_ULONG ulRecNo )
   sqlite3_stmt * st = ( ( SDDDATA * ) pArea->pSDDData )->pStmt;

   while( ulRecNo > pArea->ulRecCount && ! pArea->fFetched )
      PHB_ITEM pArray;
      HB_USHORT ui;

      if( sqlite3_step( st ) != SQLITE_ROW )
         pArea->fFetched = HB_TRUE;

      pArray = hb_itemArrayNew( pArea->area.uiFieldCount );

      for( ui = 0; ui < pArea->area.uiFieldCount; ++ui )
         PHB_ITEM pItem = NULL;
         LPFIELD pField = pArea->area.lpFields + ui;

         switch( pField->uiType )
            case HB_FT_STRING:
               pItem = S_HB_ITEMPUTSTR( NULL, ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text( st, ui ) );

            case HB_FT_LONG:
            case HB_FT_INTEGER:
               if( pField->uiDec == 0 )
#if HB_VMLONG_MAX == INT32_MAX || defined( HB_LONG_LONG_OFF )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutNIntLen( NULL, sqlite3_column_int( st, ui ), pField->uiLen );
                  pItem = hb_itemPutNIntLen( NULL, sqlite3_column_int64( st, ui ), pField->uiLen );
                  pItem = hb_itemPutNDLen( NULL, sqlite3_column_double( st, ui ), pField->uiLen, pField->uiDec );

            case HB_FT_BLOB:
               pItem = hb_itemPutCL( NULL, ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_blob( st, ui ), sqlite3_column_bytes( st, ui ) );

         if( pItem )
            hb_arraySetForward( pArray, ui + 1, pItem );
            hb_itemRelease( pItem );
      if( pArea->ulRecCount + 1 <= pArea->ulRecMax )
         pArea->pRow = ( void ** ) hb_xrealloc( pArea->pRow, ( pArea->ulRecMax + SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE ) * sizeof( void * ) );
         pArea->pRowFlags = ( HB_BYTE * ) hb_xrealloc( pArea->pRowFlags, ( pArea->ulRecMax + SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE ) * sizeof( HB_BYTE ) );
         pArea->ulRecMax += SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE;

      pArea->pRow[ pArea->ulRecCount ] = pArray;
      pArea->pRowFlags[ pArea->ulRecCount ] = SQLDD_FLAG_CACHED;
Beispiel #5
static HB_ERRCODE sqlite3Open( SQLBASEAREAP pArea )
   sqlite3 * pDb = ( ( SDDCONN * ) pArea->pConnection->pSDDConn )->pDb;
   sqlite3_stmt * st = NULL;
   SDDDATA * pSDDData;
   const char * pszQuery;
   HB_SIZE nQueryLen;
   void * hQuery;
   HB_USHORT uiFields, uiIndex;
   PHB_ITEM pItemEof, pItem;
   HB_ERRCODE errCode;
   char * szError;
   HB_BOOL bError;

   pArea->pSDDData = memset( hb_xgrab( sizeof( SDDDATA ) ), 0, sizeof( SDDDATA ) );
   pSDDData = ( SDDDATA * ) pArea->pSDDData;

   pItem = hb_itemPutC( NULL, pArea->szQuery );
   pszQuery = S_HB_ITEMGETSTR( pItem, &hQuery, &nQueryLen );

   if( sqlite3_prepare_v2( pDb, pszQuery, ( int ) nQueryLen, &st, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK )
      hb_strfree( hQuery );
      hb_itemRelease( pItem );
      szError = sqlite3GetError( pDb, &errCode );
      hb_errRT_SQLT3DD( EG_OPEN, ESQLDD_INVALIDQUERY, szError, pArea->szQuery, errCode );
      sqlite3_finalize( st );
      hb_xfree( szError );
      return HB_FAILURE;
      hb_strfree( hQuery );
      hb_itemRelease( pItem );

   if( sqlite3_step( st ) != SQLITE_ROW )
      szError = sqlite3GetError( pDb, &errCode );
      hb_errRT_SQLT3DD( EG_OPEN, ESQLDD_INVALIDQUERY, szError, pArea->szQuery, errCode );
      sqlite3_finalize( st );
      hb_xfree( szError );
      return HB_FAILURE;

   uiFields = ( HB_USHORT ) sqlite3_column_count( st );
   SELF_SETFIELDEXTENT( ( AREAP ) pArea, uiFields );

   pItemEof = hb_itemArrayNew( uiFields );

   /* HB_TRACE( HB_TR_ALWAYS, ("fieldcount=%d", iNameLen) ); */

   errCode = 0;
   bError = HB_FALSE;
   for( uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < uiFields; ++uiIndex )
      DBFIELDINFO pFieldInfo;

      PHB_ITEM pName;

      int iDataType;
      int iSize;
      int iDec;

      pName = S_HB_ITEMPUTSTR( NULL, sqlite3_column_name( st, uiIndex ) );
      pFieldInfo.atomName = hb_itemGetCPtr( pName );

      iDataType = sqlite3_column_type( st, uiIndex );

      iSize = sqlite3_column_bytes( st, uiIndex );
      iDec = 0;

      pFieldInfo.uiLen = ( HB_USHORT ) iSize;
      pFieldInfo.uiDec = ( HB_USHORT ) iDec;

      /* HB_TRACE( HB_TR_ALWAYS, ("field: name=%s type=%d len=%d dec=%d nullable=%d", pFieldInfo.atomName, iDataType, iSize, iDec ) ); */

      switch( iDataType )
         case SQLITE_TEXT:
            pFieldInfo.uiType = HB_FT_STRING;

         case SQLITE_FLOAT:
         case SQLITE_INTEGER:
            pFieldInfo.uiType = HB_FT_LONG;

         case SQLITE_BLOB:
            pFieldInfo.uiType = HB_FT_BLOB;

            /* HB_TRACE( HB_TR_ALWAYS, ("new sql type=%d", iDataType) ); */
            bError = HB_TRUE;
            errCode = ( HB_ERRCODE ) iDataType;
            pFieldInfo.uiType = 0;
            pFieldInfo.uiType = HB_FT_STRING;

      if( ! bError )
         switch( pFieldInfo.uiType )
            case HB_FT_STRING:
               char * pStr = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( ( HB_SIZE ) pFieldInfo.uiLen + 1 );
               memset( pStr, ' ', pFieldInfo.uiLen );
               pStr[ pFieldInfo.uiLen ] = '\0';

               pItem = hb_itemPutCLPtr( NULL, pStr, pFieldInfo.uiLen );
            case HB_FT_BLOB:
               pItem = hb_itemPutC( NULL, NULL );

            case HB_FT_LONG:
               if( pFieldInfo.uiDec == 0 )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutNLLen( NULL, 0, pFieldInfo.uiLen );
                  pItem = hb_itemPutNDLen( NULL, 0.0, pFieldInfo.uiLen, pFieldInfo.uiDec );

               pItem = hb_itemNew( NULL );
               bError = HB_TRUE;

         hb_arraySetForward( pItemEof, uiIndex + 1, pItem );
         hb_itemRelease( pItem );

         if( ! bError )
            bError = ( SELF_ADDFIELD( ( AREAP ) pArea, &pFieldInfo ) == HB_FAILURE );

      hb_itemRelease( pName );

      if( bError )

   if( bError )
      hb_itemRelease( pItemEof );
      sqlite3_finalize( st );
      hb_errRT_SQLT3DD( EG_CORRUPTION, ESQLDD_INVALIDFIELD, "Invalid field type", pArea->szQuery, errCode );
      return HB_FAILURE;

   pArea->ulRecCount = 0;
   pArea->ulRecMax = SQLDD_ROWSET_INIT;

   pArea->pRow = ( void ** ) hb_xgrab( SQLDD_ROWSET_INIT * sizeof( void * ) );
   memset( pArea->pRow, 0, SQLDD_ROWSET_INIT * sizeof( void * ) );
   pArea->pRowFlags = ( HB_BYTE * ) hb_xgrab( SQLDD_ROWSET_INIT * sizeof( HB_BYTE ) );
   memset( pArea->pRowFlags, 0, SQLDD_ROWSET_INIT * sizeof( HB_BYTE ) );

   pArea->pRow[ 0 ] = pItemEof;
   pArea->pRowFlags[ 0 ] = SQLDD_FLAG_CACHED;

   pSDDData->pStmt = st;
   return HB_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #6
static HB_ERRCODE sqlite3Open( SQLBASEAREAP pArea )
   sqlite3 *      pDb = ( ( SDDCONN * ) pArea->pConnection->pSDDConn )->pDb;
   sqlite3_stmt * st  = NULL;
   SDDDATA *      pSDDData;
   const char *   pszQuery;
   HB_SIZE        nQueryLen;
   void *         hQuery;
   HB_USHORT      uiFields, uiIndex;
   PHB_ITEM       pItemEof, pItem;
   HB_ERRCODE     errCode;
   char *         szError;
   HB_BOOL        bError;

   pArea->pSDDData = memset( hb_xgrab( sizeof( SDDDATA ) ), 0, sizeof( SDDDATA ) );
   pSDDData        = ( SDDDATA * ) pArea->pSDDData;

   pItem    = hb_itemPutC( NULL, pArea->szQuery );
   pszQuery = S_HB_ITEMGETSTR( pItem, &hQuery, &nQueryLen );

   if( sqlite3_prepare_v2( pDb, pszQuery, ( int ) nQueryLen, &st, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK )
      hb_strfree( hQuery );
      hb_itemRelease( pItem );
      szError = sqlite3GetError( pDb, &errCode );
      hb_errRT_SQLT3DD( EG_OPEN, ESQLDD_INVALIDQUERY, szError, pArea->szQuery, errCode );
      sqlite3_finalize( st );
      hb_xfree( szError );
      return HB_FAILURE;
      hb_strfree( hQuery );
      hb_itemRelease( pItem );

   if( sqlite3_step( st ) != SQLITE_ROW )
      szError = sqlite3GetError( pDb, &errCode );
      hb_errRT_SQLT3DD( EG_OPEN, ESQLDD_INVALIDQUERY, szError, pArea->szQuery, errCode );
      sqlite3_finalize( st );
      hb_xfree( szError );
      return HB_FAILURE;

   uiFields = ( HB_USHORT ) sqlite3_column_count( st );
   SELF_SETFIELDEXTENT( ( AREAP ) pArea, uiFields );

   pItemEof = hb_itemArrayNew( uiFields );

#if 0
   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_ALWAYS, ( "fieldcount=%d", uiFields ) );

   errCode = 0;
   bError  = HB_FALSE;
   for( uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < uiFields; ++uiIndex )
      DBFIELDINFO pFieldInfo;

      int iDataType = sqlite3_column_type( st, uiIndex );
      PHB_ITEM pName = S_HB_ITEMPUTSTR( NULL, sqlite3_column_name( st, uiIndex ) );
      HB_USHORT uiNameLen = ( HB_USHORT ) hb_itemGetCLen( pName );

      if( ( ( AREAP ) pArea )->uiMaxFieldNameLength < uiNameLen )
         ( ( AREAP ) pArea )->uiMaxFieldNameLength = uiNameLen;

      pFieldInfo.atomName = hb_itemGetCPtr( pName );

#if 0
      HB_TRACE( HB_TR_ALWAYS, ( "field: name=%s type=%d len=%d", pFieldInfo.atomName, iDataType, sqlite3_column_bytes( st, uiIndex ) ) );

      /* There are no field length limits stored in the SQLite3 database,
         so we're resorting to setting some arbitrary default values to
         make apps relying on these (f.e. Browse()/GET) to behave somewhat
         better. For better results, update apps to untie UI metrics from
         any database field/value widths. [vszakats] */

      pFieldInfo.uiLen = 10;
      pFieldInfo.uiDec = 0;

      switch( iDataType )
         case SQLITE3_TEXT:
            pFieldInfo.uiType = HB_FT_STRING;

         case SQLITE_FLOAT:
            pFieldInfo.uiType = HB_FT_LONG;
            pFieldInfo.uiDec = ( HB_USHORT ) hb_setGetDecimals();
            pFieldInfo.uiLen += pFieldInfo.uiDec + 1;

         case SQLITE_INTEGER:
            pFieldInfo.uiType = HB_FT_LONG;

         case SQLITE_BLOB:
         case SQLITE_NULL:
            pFieldInfo.uiType = HB_FT_BLOB;

#if 0
            HB_TRACE( HB_TR_ALWAYS, ( "new sql type=%d", iDataType ) );
            bError  = HB_TRUE;
            errCode = ( HB_ERRCODE ) iDataType;
            pFieldInfo.uiType = 0;

      if( ! bError )
         switch( pFieldInfo.uiType )
            case HB_FT_STRING:
               char * pStr = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( ( HB_SIZE ) pFieldInfo.uiLen + 1 );
               memset( pStr, ' ', pFieldInfo.uiLen );
               pStr[ pFieldInfo.uiLen ] = '\0';

               pItem = hb_itemPutCLPtr( NULL, pStr, pFieldInfo.uiLen );
            case HB_FT_BLOB:
               pItem = hb_itemPutC( NULL, NULL );

            case HB_FT_LONG:
               if( pFieldInfo.uiDec == 0 )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutNLLen( NULL, 0, pFieldInfo.uiLen );
                  pItem = hb_itemPutNDLen( NULL, 0.0, pFieldInfo.uiLen, pFieldInfo.uiDec );

               pItem  = hb_itemNew( NULL );
               bError = HB_TRUE;

         hb_arraySetForward( pItemEof, uiIndex + 1, pItem );
         hb_itemRelease( pItem );

         if( ! bError )
            bError = ( SELF_ADDFIELD( ( AREAP ) pArea, &pFieldInfo ) == HB_FAILURE );

      hb_itemRelease( pName );

      if( bError )

   if( bError )
      hb_itemRelease( pItemEof );
      sqlite3_finalize( st );
      hb_errRT_SQLT3DD( EG_CORRUPTION, ESQLDD_INVALIDFIELD, "Invalid field type", pArea->szQuery, errCode );
      return HB_FAILURE;

   pArea->ulRecCount = 0;
   pArea->ulRecMax   = SQLDD_ROWSET_INIT;

   pArea->pRow = ( void ** ) hb_xgrabz( SQLDD_ROWSET_INIT * sizeof( void * ) );
   pArea->pRowFlags = ( HB_BYTE * ) hb_xgrabz( SQLDD_ROWSET_INIT * sizeof( HB_BYTE ) );

   pArea->pRow[ 0 ]      = pItemEof;
   pArea->pRowFlags[ 0 ] = SQLDD_FLAG_CACHED;

   pSDDData->pStmt = st;
   return HB_SUCCESS;