TiXmlElement* mitk::PlanarFigureWriter::CreateXMLVectorElement(const char* name, itk::FixedArray<mitk::ScalarType, 3> v)
  auto  vElement = new TiXmlElement(name);
  vElement->SetDoubleAttribute("x", v.GetElement(0));
  vElement->SetDoubleAttribute("y", v.GetElement(1));
  vElement->SetDoubleAttribute("z", v.GetElement(2));
  return vElement;
TiXmlElement *PowerLawWidgetManager::serializeToXml() {
    auto root = new TiXmlElement("PowerLaws");

    for (auto &widget : m_Widgets) {
        auto params = widget->getPowerLawParameters();
        auto law = new TiXmlElement("PowerLawParameters");
        law->SetDoubleAttribute("factor", params.factor);
        law->SetDoubleAttribute("exponent", params.exponent);
        law->SetDoubleAttribute("offset", params.offset);
        law->SetDoubleAttribute("rangeMin", widget->getMin());
        law->SetDoubleAttribute("rangeMax", widget->getMax());

    return root;
void mitk::NavigationDataRecorderDeprecated::Update()
    if (m_Recording)
        DataObjectPointerArray inputs = this->GetInputs(); //get all inputs
        mitk::NavigationData::TimeStampType timestamp=0.0; // timestamp for mitk time
        timestamp = mitk::IGTTimeStamp::GetInstance()->GetElapsed();

        mitk::NavigationData::TimeStampType sysTimestamp = 0.0; // timestamp for system time
        sysTimestamp = m_SystemTimeClock->GetCurrentStamp();

        // cast system time double value to stringstream to avoid low precision rounding
        std::ostringstream strs;
        strs.precision(15); // rounding precision for system time double value
        strs << sysTimestamp;
        std::string sysTimeStr = strs.str();

        //if csv-mode: write csv header and timestamp at beginning
        if (m_OutputFormat == mitk::NavigationDataRecorderDeprecated::csv)
            //write header only when it's the first line
            if (m_firstLine)
                m_firstLine = false;
                *m_Stream << "TimeStamp";
                for (unsigned int index = 0; index < inputs.size(); index++) {
                    *m_Stream << ";Valid_Tool" << index <<
                              ";X_Tool" << index <<
                              ";Y_Tool" << index <<
                              ";Z_Tool" << index <<
                              ";QX_Tool" << index <<
                              ";QY_Tool" << index <<
                              ";QZ_Tool" << index <<
                              ";QR_Tool" << index;
                *m_Stream << "\n";
            //write timestamp (always)
            *m_Stream << timestamp;

        //write tool data for every tool
        for (unsigned int index = 0; index < inputs.size(); index++)
            mitk::NavigationData* nd = dynamic_cast<mitk::NavigationData*>(inputs[index].GetPointer());
            nd->Update(); // call update to propagate update to previous filters

            mitk::NavigationData::PositionType position;
            mitk::NavigationData::OrientationType orientation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            mitk::NavigationData::CovarianceMatrixType matrix;

            bool hasPosition = true;
            bool hasOrientation = true;
            bool dataValid = false;


            position = nd->GetPosition();
            orientation = nd->GetOrientation();
            matrix = nd->GetCovErrorMatrix();

            hasPosition = nd->GetHasPosition();
            hasOrientation = nd->GetHasOrientation();
            dataValid = nd->IsDataValid();

            //use this one if you want the timestamps of the source
            //timestamp = nd->GetIGTTimeStamp();

            //a timestamp is never < 0! this case happens only if you are using the timestamp of the nd object instead of getting a new one
            if (timestamp >= 0)
                if (this->m_OutputFormat == mitk::NavigationDataRecorderDeprecated::xml)
                    auto  elem = new TiXmlElement("NavigationData");

                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("Time", timestamp);
                    elem->SetAttribute("SystemTime", sysTimeStr); // tag for system time
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("Tool", index);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("X", position[0]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("Y", position[1]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("Z", position[2]);

                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("QX", orientation[0]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("QY", orientation[1]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("QZ", orientation[2]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("QR", orientation[3]);

                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("C00", matrix[0][0]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("C01", matrix[0][1]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("C02", matrix[0][2]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("C03", matrix[0][3]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("C04", matrix[0][4]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("C05", matrix[0][5]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("C10", matrix[1][0]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("C11", matrix[1][1]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("C12", matrix[1][2]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("C13", matrix[1][3]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("C14", matrix[1][4]);
                    elem->SetDoubleAttribute("C15", matrix[1][5]);

                    if (dataValid)

                    if (hasOrientation)

                    if (hasPosition)

                    // set additional attribute?
                    it = m_AdditionalAttributes.find( nd );
                    if( it != m_AdditionalAttributes.end() )
                        elem->SetAttribute(it->second.first, it->second.second);

                    *m_Stream << "        " << *elem << std::endl;

                    delete elem;
                else if (this->m_OutputFormat == mitk::NavigationDataRecorderDeprecated::csv)
                    *m_Stream << ";" << dataValid << ";" << position[0] << ";" << position[1] << ";" << position[2] << ";" << orientation[0] << ";" << orientation[1] << ";" << orientation[2] << ";" << orientation[3];
        if (this->m_OutputFormat == mitk::NavigationDataRecorderDeprecated::csv)
            *m_Stream << "\n";
    if ((m_RecordCountLimit<=m_RecordCounter)&&(m_RecordCountLimit != -1)) {
void mitk::PlanarFigureWriter::GenerateData()
  m_Success = false;

  if (!m_WriteToMemory && m_FileName.empty())
    MITK_ERROR << "Could not write planar figures. File name is invalid";
    throw std::invalid_argument("file name is empty");

  TiXmlDocument document;
  auto  decl = new TiXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "", "" ); // TODO what to write here? encoding? etc....
  document.LinkEndChild( decl );

  auto  version = new TiXmlElement("Version");
  version->SetAttribute("Writer",  __FILE__ );
  version->SetAttribute("CVSRevision",  "$Revision: 17055 $" );
  version->SetAttribute("FileVersion",  1 );

  /* create xml element for each input */
  for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < this->GetNumberOfInputs(); ++i )
    // Create root element for this PlanarFigure
    InputType::Pointer pf = this->GetInput( i );
    if (pf.IsNull())
    auto  pfElement = new TiXmlElement("PlanarFigure");
    pfElement->SetAttribute("type", pf->GetNameOfClass());

    if ( pf->GetNumberOfControlPoints() == 0 )

    //PlanarFigure::VertexContainerType* vertices = pf->GetControlPoints();
    //if (vertices == NULL)
    //  continue;

    // Serialize property list of PlanarFigure
    mitk::PropertyList::Pointer propertyList = pf->GetPropertyList();
    mitk::PropertyList::PropertyMap::const_iterator it;
    for ( it = propertyList->GetMap()->begin(); it != propertyList->GetMap()->end(); ++it )
      // Create seralizer for this property
      const mitk::BaseProperty* prop = it->second;
      std::string serializerName = std::string( prop->GetNameOfClass() ) + "Serializer";
      std::list< itk::LightObject::Pointer > allSerializers = itk::ObjectFactoryBase::CreateAllInstance(
        serializerName.c_str() );

      if ( allSerializers.size() != 1 )
        // No or too many serializer(s) found, skip this property

      mitk::BasePropertySerializer* serializer = dynamic_cast< mitk::BasePropertySerializer* >(
        allSerializers.begin()->GetPointer() );
      if ( serializer == nullptr )
        // Serializer not valid; skip this property

      auto  keyElement = new TiXmlElement( "property" );
      keyElement->SetAttribute( "key", it->first );
      keyElement->SetAttribute( "type", prop->GetNameOfClass() );

        serializer->SetProperty( prop );
      TiXmlElement* valueElement = nullptr;
        valueElement = serializer->Serialize();
      catch (...)

      if ( valueElement == nullptr )
        // Serialization failed; skip this property

      // Add value to property element
      keyElement->LinkEndChild( valueElement );

      // Append serialized property to property list
      pfElement->LinkEndChild( keyElement );

    // Serialize control points of PlanarFigure
    auto  controlPointsElement = new TiXmlElement("ControlPoints");
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pf->GetNumberOfControlPoints(); i++)
      auto  vElement = new TiXmlElement("Vertex");
      vElement->SetAttribute("id", i);
      vElement->SetDoubleAttribute("x", pf->GetControlPoint(i)[0]);
      vElement->SetDoubleAttribute("y", pf->GetControlPoint(i)[1]);
    auto  geoElement = new TiXmlElement("Geometry");
    const PlaneGeometry* planeGeo = dynamic_cast<const PlaneGeometry*>(pf->GetPlaneGeometry());
    if (planeGeo != nullptr)
      // Write parameters of IndexToWorldTransform of the PlaneGeometry
      typedef mitk::Geometry3D::TransformType TransformType;
      const TransformType* affineGeometry = planeGeo->GetIndexToWorldTransform();
      const TransformType::ParametersType& parameters = affineGeometry->GetParameters();
      auto  vElement = new TiXmlElement( "transformParam" );
      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < affineGeometry->GetNumberOfParameters(); ++i )
        std::stringstream paramName;
        paramName << "param" << i;
        vElement->SetDoubleAttribute( paramName.str().c_str(), parameters.GetElement( i ) );
      geoElement->LinkEndChild( vElement );

      // Write bounds of the PlaneGeometry
      typedef mitk::Geometry3D::BoundsArrayType BoundsArrayType;
      const BoundsArrayType& bounds = planeGeo->GetBounds();
      vElement = new TiXmlElement( "boundsParam" );
      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
        std::stringstream boundName;
        boundName << "bound" << i;
        vElement->SetDoubleAttribute( boundName.str().c_str(), bounds.GetElement( i ) );
      geoElement->LinkEndChild( vElement );

      // Write spacing and origin of the PlaneGeometry
      Vector3D spacing = planeGeo->GetSpacing();
      Point3D origin = planeGeo->GetOrigin();
      geoElement->LinkEndChild(this->CreateXMLVectorElement("Spacing", spacing));
      geoElement->LinkEndChild(this->CreateXMLVectorElement("Origin", origin));


    // Declare a printer
    TiXmlPrinter printer;
    // attach it to the document you want to convert in to a std::string

    // Create memory buffer and print tinyxmldocument there...
    m_MemoryBufferSize  = printer.Size() + 1;
    m_MemoryBuffer      = new char[m_MemoryBufferSize];
    if (document.SaveFile( m_FileName) == false)
      MITK_ERROR << "Could not write planar figures to " << m_FileName << "\nTinyXML reports '" << document.ErrorDesc() << "'";
      throw std::ios_base::failure("Error during writing of planar figure xml file.");
  m_Success = true;