Beispiel #1
static void ARGB_8888_To_RGB(const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* rgb, int width,
                             const SkPMColor*) {
    const uint32_t* SK_RESTRICT src = (const uint32_t*)in;
    for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
        const uint32_t c = *src++;
        rgb[0] = SkGetPackedR32(c);
        rgb[1] = SkGetPackedG32(c);
        rgb[2] = SkGetPackedB32(c);
        rgb += 3;
static void preMultipliedBGRAtoRGBA(const void* pixels, int pixelCount, unsigned char* output)
    static const SkUnPreMultiply::Scale* scale = SkUnPreMultiply::GetScaleTable();
    const SkPMColor* input = static_cast<const SkPMColor*>(pixels);

    for (; pixelCount-- > 0; ++input) {
        const unsigned alpha = SkGetPackedA32(*input);
        if ((alpha != 0) && (alpha != 255)) {
            *output++ = SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(scale[alpha], SkGetPackedR32(*input));
            *output++ = SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(scale[alpha], SkGetPackedG32(*input));
            *output++ = SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(scale[alpha], SkGetPackedB32(*input));
            *output++ = alpha;
        } else {
            *output++ = SkGetPackedR32(*input);
            *output++ = SkGetPackedG32(*input);
            *output++ = SkGetPackedB32(*input);
            *output++ = alpha;
static void ToColor_SI8_Opaque(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width,
                               SkColorTable* ctable) {
    SkASSERT(width > 0);
    const uint8_t* s = (const uint8_t*)src;
    const SkPMColor* colors = ctable->lockColors();
    do {
        SkPMColor c = colors[*s++];
        *dst++ = SkColorSetRGB(SkGetPackedR32(c), SkGetPackedG32(c),
    } while (--width != 0);
// returns 0..255
static unsigned color_dist32(SkPMColor c, U8CPU r, U8CPU g, U8CPU b)
    SkASSERT(r <= 0xFF);
    SkASSERT(g <= 0xFF);
    SkASSERT(b <= 0xFF);

    unsigned dr = SkAbs32(SkGetPackedR32(c) - r);
    unsigned dg = SkAbs32(SkGetPackedG32(c) - g);
    unsigned db = SkAbs32(SkGetPackedB32(c) - b);

    return SkMax32(dr, SkMax32(dg, db));
void SkPowerMode::xfer16(uint16_t dst[], const SkPMColor src[], int count,
                         const SkAlpha aa[]) {
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        SkPMColor c = src[i];
        int r = SkGetPackedR32(c);
        int g = SkGetPackedG32(c);
        int b = SkGetPackedB32(c);
        r = fTable[r];
        g = fTable[g];
        b = fTable[b];
        dst[i] = SkPack888ToRGB16(r, g, b);
static void rgb2yuv_32(uint8_t dst[], SkPMColor c) {
    int r = SkGetPackedR32(c);
    int g = SkGetPackedG32(c);
    int b = SkGetPackedB32(c);

    int  y = ( CYR*r + CYG*g + CYB*b ) >> CSHIFT;
    int  u = ( CUR*r + CUG*g + CUB*b ) >> CSHIFT;
    int  v = ( CVR*r + CVG*g + CVB*b ) >> CSHIFT;

    dst[0] = SkToU8(y);
    dst[1] = SkToU8(u + 128);
    dst[2] = SkToU8(v + 128);
Beispiel #7
SkColor SkPMColorToColor(SkPMColor pm)
    if (0 == pm)
        return 0;
    unsigned a = SkGetPackedA32(pm);
    uint32_t scale = (255 << 16) / a;
    return SkColorSetARGB(a,
                          InvScaleByte(SkGetPackedR32(pm), scale),
                          InvScaleByte(SkGetPackedG32(pm), scale),
                          InvScaleByte(SkGetPackedB32(pm), scale));
static SkPMColor unpremul_pm(SkPMColor c) {
    const U8CPU a = SkGetPackedA32(c);
    if (0 == a) {
        return 0;
    } else if (0xFF == a) {
        return c;
    const unsigned scale = SkUnPreMultiply::GetScale(a);
    return SkPackARGB32NoCheck(a,
                               SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(scale, SkGetPackedR32(c)),
                               SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(scale, SkGetPackedG32(c)),
                               SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(scale, SkGetPackedB32(c)));
Beispiel #9
 static void apply_gamma(const SkBitmap& bm) {
     return; // below is our experiment for sRGB correction
     for (int y = 0; y < bm.height(); ++y) {
         for (int x = 0; x < bm.width(); ++x) {
             SkPMColor c = *bm.getAddr32(x, y);
             unsigned r = gamma(SkGetPackedR32(c));
             unsigned g = gamma(SkGetPackedG32(c));
             unsigned b = gamma(SkGetPackedB32(c));
             *bm.getAddr32(x, y) = SkPackARGB32(0xFF, r, g, b);
Beispiel #10
static void blit_lcd16_opaque(SkPMColor dst[], const uint16_t src[],
                              SkPMColor color, int width) {
    int srcR = SkGetPackedR32(color);
    int srcG = SkGetPackedG32(color);
    int srcB = SkGetPackedB32(color);

    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
        uint16_t mask = src[i];
        if (0 == mask) {

        SkPMColor d = dst[i];
        /*  We want all of these in 5bits, hence the shifts in case one of them
         *  (green) is 6bits.
        int maskR = SkGetPackedR16(mask) >> (SK_R16_BITS - 5);
        int maskG = SkGetPackedG16(mask) >> (SK_G16_BITS - 5);
        int maskB = SkGetPackedB16(mask) >> (SK_B16_BITS - 5);

        // Now upscale them to 0..256, so we can use SkAlphaBlend
        maskR = upscale31To32(maskR);
        maskG = upscale31To32(maskG);
        maskB = upscale31To32(maskB);

        int maskA = SkMax32(SkMax32(maskR, maskG), maskB);

        int dstA = SkGetPackedA32(d);
        int dstR = SkGetPackedR32(d);
        int dstG = SkGetPackedG32(d);
        int dstB = SkGetPackedB32(d);

        dst[i] = SkPackARGB32(blend32(0xFF, dstA, maskA),
                              blend32(srcR, dstR, maskR),
                              blend32(srcG, dstG, maskG),
                              blend32(srcB, dstB, maskB));
static inline bool S32A_D565_Blend_1(SkPMColor sc, uint16_t dc, U8CPU alpha) {
    unsigned dst_scale = 255 - SkMulDiv255Round(SkGetPackedA32(sc), alpha);
    unsigned dr = (SkMulS16(SkGetPackedR32(sc), alpha) >> 3) + SkMulS16(SkGetPackedR16(dc), dst_scale);
    unsigned dg = (SkMulS16(SkGetPackedG32(sc), alpha) >> 2) + SkMulS16(SkGetPackedG16(dc), dst_scale);

    unsigned rr = SkDiv255Round(dr);
    unsigned rg = SkDiv255Round(dg);

    if (rr <= 31 && rg <= 63) {
        return true;
    return false;
Beispiel #12
static int similarBits(const SkBitmap& gr, const SkBitmap& sk) {
    const int kRowCount = 3;
    const int kThreshold = 3;
    int width = SkTMin(gr.width(), sk.width());
    if (width < kRowCount) {
        return true;
    int height = SkTMin(gr.height(), sk.height());
    if (height < kRowCount) {
        return true;
    int errorTotal = 0;
    SkTArray<char, true> errorRows;
    errorRows.push_back_n(width * kRowCount);
    SkAutoLockPixels autoGr(gr);
    SkAutoLockPixels autoSk(sk);
    char* base = &errorRows[0];
    for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
        SkPMColor* grRow = gr.getAddr32(0, y);
        SkPMColor* skRow = sk.getAddr32(0, y);
        char* cOut = &errorRows[(y % kRowCount) * width];
        for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
            SkPMColor grColor = grRow[x];
            SkPMColor skColor = skRow[x];
            int dr = SkGetPackedR32(grColor) - SkGetPackedR32(skColor);
            int dg = SkGetPackedG32(grColor) - SkGetPackedG32(skColor);
            int db = SkGetPackedB32(grColor) - SkGetPackedB32(skColor);
            int error = SkTMax(SkAbs32(dr), SkTMax(SkAbs32(dg), SkAbs32(db)));
            if ((cOut[x] = error >= kThreshold) && x >= 2
                    && base[x - 2] && base[width + x - 2] && base[width * 2 + x - 2]
                    && base[x - 1] && base[width + x - 1] && base[width * 2 + x - 1]
                    && base[x - 0] && base[width + x - 0] && base[width * 2 + x - 0]) {
                errorTotal += error;
    return errorTotal;
Beispiel #13
bool Image::ConvertToRGBA(Image *nimg,
                          unsigned char *rgba,
                          bool flipY,
                          bool premultiply)

    int length;
    int k;
    const unsigned char *pixels;
    int width;

    if ((pixels
         = static_cast<const unsigned char *>(nimg->m_Image->getPixels()))
        == NULL) {
        return false;

    width  = nimg->getWidth();
    length = width * nimg->getHeight() * 4;
    width *= 4;
    k = flipY ? length - width : 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 4) {
        const uint32_t pixel = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(&pixels[i]);
        int alpha            = SkGetPackedA32(pixel);

        if (alpha != 0 && alpha != 255 && !premultiply) {
            SkColor unmultiplied = SkUnPreMultiply::PMColorToColor(pixel);
            rgba[k + 0]          = SkColorGetR(unmultiplied);
            rgba[k + 1]          = SkColorGetG(unmultiplied);
            rgba[k + 2]          = SkColorGetB(unmultiplied);
            rgba[k + 3]          = alpha;
        } else {
            rgba[k + 0] = SkGetPackedR32(pixel);
            rgba[k + 1] = SkGetPackedG32(pixel);
            rgba[k + 2] = SkGetPackedB32(pixel);
            rgba[k + 3] = alpha;

        if (flipY && (i + 4) % width == 0) {
            k = length - (i + 4) - width;
        } else {
            k += 4;

    return true;
Beispiel #14
static void blit_lcd32_opaque(SkPMColor dst[], const uint32_t src[],
                              SkPMColor color, int width) {
    int srcR = SkGetPackedR32(color);
    int srcG = SkGetPackedG32(color);
    int srcB = SkGetPackedB32(color);

    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
        uint32_t mask = src[i];
        if (0 == mask) {

        SkPMColor d = dst[i];
        int maskR = SkGetPackedR32(mask);
        int maskG = SkGetPackedG32(mask);
        int maskB = SkGetPackedB32(mask);

        // Now upscale them to 0..256, so we can use SkAlphaBlend
        maskR = SkAlpha255To256(maskR);
        maskG = SkAlpha255To256(maskG);
        maskB = SkAlpha255To256(maskB);

        int maskA = SkMax32(SkMax32(maskR, maskG), maskB);

        int dstA = SkGetPackedA32(d);
        int dstR = SkGetPackedR32(d);
        int dstG = SkGetPackedG32(d);
        int dstB = SkGetPackedB32(d);

        dst[i] = SkPackARGB32(SkAlphaBlend(0xFF, dstA, maskA),
                              SkAlphaBlend(srcR, dstR, maskR),
                              SkAlphaBlend(srcG, dstG, maskG),
                              SkAlphaBlend(srcB, dstB, maskB));
void SkNormalMapSourceImpl::Provider::fillScanLine(int x, int y, SkPoint3 output[],
                                                   int count) const {
    SkPMColor tmpNormalColors[BUFFER_MAX];

    do {
        int n = SkTMin(count, BUFFER_MAX);

        fMapContext->shadeSpan(x, y, tmpNormalColors, n);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            SkPoint3 tempNorm;

            tempNorm.set(SkIntToScalar(SkGetPackedR32(tmpNormalColors[i])) - 127.0f,
                         SkIntToScalar(SkGetPackedG32(tmpNormalColors[i])) - 127.0f,
                         SkIntToScalar(SkGetPackedB32(tmpNormalColors[i])) - 127.0f);


            if (!SkScalarNearlyEqual(SkScalarAbs(tempNorm.fZ), 1.0f)) {
                SkVector transformed = fSource.fInvCTM.mapVector(tempNorm.fX, tempNorm.fY);

                // Normalizing the transformed X and Y, while keeping constant both Z and the
                // vector's angle in the XY plane. This maintains the "slope" for the surface while
                // appropriately rotating the normal for any anisotropic scaling that occurs.
                // Here, we call scaling factor the number that must divide the transformed X and Y
                // so that the normal's length remains equal to 1.
                SkScalar scalingFactorSquared =
                        (SkScalarSquare(transformed.fX) + SkScalarSquare(transformed.fY))
                        / (1.0f - SkScalarSquare(tempNorm.fZ));
                SkScalar invScalingFactor = SkScalarInvert(SkScalarSqrt(scalingFactorSquared));

                output[i].fX = transformed.fX * invScalingFactor;
                output[i].fY = transformed.fY * invScalingFactor;
                output[i].fZ = tempNorm.fZ;
            } else {
                output[i] = {0.0f, 0.0f, tempNorm.fZ};

            SkASSERT(SkScalarNearlyEqual(output[i].length(), 1.0f));

        output += n;
        x += n;
        count -= n;
    } while (count > 0);
static inline bool S32A_D565_Blend_02(SkPMColor sc, uint16_t dc, U8CPU alpha) {
    unsigned dst_scale = 255 - SkMulDiv255Round(SkGetPackedA32(sc), alpha);
    unsigned dr = SkMulS16(SkGetPackedR32(sc), alpha) + SkMulS16(GetPackedR16As32(dc), dst_scale);
    unsigned dg = SkMulS16(SkGetPackedG32(sc), alpha) + SkMulS16(GetPackedG16As32(dc), dst_scale);
    unsigned db = SkMulS16(SkGetPackedB32(sc), alpha) + SkMulS16(GetPackedB16As32(dc), dst_scale);
    int rc = SkPack888ToRGB16(SkDiv255Round(dr),

    unsigned rr = SkGetPackedR16(rc);
    unsigned rg = SkGetPackedG16(rc);

    if (rr <= 31 && rg <= 63) {
        return true;
    return false;
 virtual void filterSpan(const SkPMColor shader[], int count,
                         SkPMColor result[]) {
     unsigned scaleR = SkAlpha255To256(SkColorGetR(fMul));
     unsigned scaleG = SkAlpha255To256(SkColorGetG(fMul));
     unsigned scaleB = SkAlpha255To256(SkColorGetB(fMul));
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
         SkPMColor c = shader[i];
         if (c) {
             unsigned a = SkGetPackedA32(c);
             unsigned r = SkAlphaMul(SkGetPackedR32(c), scaleR);
             unsigned g = SkAlphaMul(SkGetPackedG32(c), scaleG);
             unsigned b = SkAlphaMul(SkGetPackedB32(c), scaleB);
             c = SkPackARGB32(a, r, g, b);
         result[i] = c;
Beispiel #18
void SkLumaColorFilter::filterSpan(const SkPMColor src[], int count,
                                   SkPMColor dst[]) const {
    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        SkPMColor c = src[i];

         * While LuminanceToAlpha is defined to operate on un-premultiplied
         * inputs, due to the final alpha scaling it can be computed based on
         * premultipled components:
         *   LumA = (k1 * r / a + k2 * g / a + k3 * b / a) * a
         *   LumA = (k1 * r + k2 * g + k3 * b)
        unsigned luma = SkComputeLuminance(SkGetPackedR32(c),
        dst[i] = SkPackARGB32(luma, 0, 0, 0);
    virtual void filterSpan(const SkPMColor shader[], int count,
                            SkPMColor result[]) {
        unsigned addR = SkColorGetR(fAdd);
        unsigned addG = SkColorGetG(fAdd);
        unsigned addB = SkColorGetB(fAdd);

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            SkPMColor c = shader[i];
            if (c) {
                unsigned a = SkGetPackedA32(c);
                unsigned scaleA = SkAlpha255To256(a);                
                unsigned r = pin(SkGetPackedR32(c) + SkAlphaMul(addR, scaleA), a);
                unsigned g = pin(SkGetPackedG32(c) + SkAlphaMul(addG, scaleA), a);
                unsigned b = pin(SkGetPackedB32(c) + SkAlphaMul(addB, scaleA), a);
                c = SkPackARGB32(a, r, g, b);
            result[i] = c;
void SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::filterPixels(const SkBitmap& src,
                                                  SkBitmap* result,
                                                  const SkIRect& r,
                                                  const SkIRect& bounds) const {
    SkIRect rect(r);
    if (!rect.intersect(bounds)) {
    for (int y = rect.fTop; y < rect.fBottom; ++y) {
        SkPMColor* dptr = result->getAddr32(rect.fLeft - bounds.fLeft, y - bounds.fTop);
        for (int x = rect.fLeft; x < rect.fRight; ++x) {
            SkScalar sumA = 0, sumR = 0, sumG = 0, sumB = 0;
            for (int cy = 0; cy < fKernelSize.fHeight; cy++) {
                for (int cx = 0; cx < fKernelSize.fWidth; cx++) {
                    SkPMColor s = PixelFetcher::fetch(src,
                                                      x + cx - fKernelOffset.fX,
                                                      y + cy - fKernelOffset.fY,
                    SkScalar k = fKernel[cy * fKernelSize.fWidth + cx];
                    if (convolveAlpha) {
                        sumA += SkScalarMul(SkIntToScalar(SkGetPackedA32(s)), k);
                    sumR += SkScalarMul(SkIntToScalar(SkGetPackedR32(s)), k);
                    sumG += SkScalarMul(SkIntToScalar(SkGetPackedG32(s)), k);
                    sumB += SkScalarMul(SkIntToScalar(SkGetPackedB32(s)), k);
            int a = convolveAlpha
                  ? SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(SkScalarMul(sumA, fGain) + fBias), 255)
                  : 255;
            int r = SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(SkScalarMul(sumR, fGain) + fBias), a);
            int g = SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(SkScalarMul(sumG, fGain) + fBias), a);
            int b = SkClampMax(SkScalarFloorToInt(SkScalarMul(sumB, fGain) + fBias), a);
            if (!convolveAlpha) {
                a = SkGetPackedA32(PixelFetcher::fetch(src, x, y, bounds));
                *dptr++ = SkPreMultiplyARGB(a, r, g, b);
            } else {
                *dptr++ = SkPackARGB32(a, r, g, b);
Beispiel #21
static SkPMColor blur_pixel(const SkBitmap& bm, int x, int y, float* kernel, int wh) {
    SkASSERT(wh & 0x1);

    int halfFilterSize = (wh-1)/2;

    float r = 0.0f, g = 0.0f, b = 0.0f;
    for (int yOff = 0; yOff < wh; ++yOff) {
        int ySamp = y + yOff - halfFilterSize;

        if (ySamp < 0) {
            ySamp = 0;
        } else if (ySamp > bm.height()-1) {
            ySamp = bm.height()-1;

        for (int xOff = 0; xOff < wh; ++xOff) {
            int xSamp = x + xOff - halfFilterSize;

            if (xSamp < 0) {
                xSamp = 0;
            } else if (xSamp > bm.width()-1) {
                xSamp = bm.width()-1;

            float filter = kernel[yOff*wh + xOff];

            SkPMColor c = *bm.getAddr32(xSamp, ySamp);

            r += SkGetPackedR32(c) * filter;
            g += SkGetPackedG32(c) * filter;
            b += SkGetPackedB32(c) * filter;

    U8CPU r8, g8, b8;

    r8 = (U8CPU) (r+0.5f);
    g8 = (U8CPU) (g+0.5f);
    b8 = (U8CPU) (b+0.5f);

    return SkPackARGB32(255, r8, g8, b8);
Beispiel #22
SkColor SkPMColorToColor(SkPMColor pm)
	if (!pm)
		return 0;
	unsigned a = SkGetPackedA32(pm);
	if (!a) {
		// A zero alpha value when there are non-zero R, G, or B channels is an
		// invalid premultiplied color (since all channels should have been
		// multiplied by 0 if a=0).
		// In production, return 0 to protect against division by zero.
		return 0;

	uint32_t scale = (255 << 16) / a;

	return SkColorSetARGB(a,
		InvScaleByte(SkGetPackedR32(pm), scale),
		InvScaleByte(SkGetPackedG32(pm), scale),
		InvScaleByte(SkGetPackedB32(pm), scale));
Beispiel #23
template <bool doSwapRB, AlphaVerb doAlpha> uint32_t convert32(uint32_t c) {
    if (doSwapRB) {
        c = SkSwizzle_RB(c);

    // Lucky for us, in both RGBA and BGRA, the alpha component is always in the same place, so
    // we can perform premul or unpremul the same way without knowing the swizzles for RGB.
    switch (doAlpha) {
        case kNothing_AlphaVerb:
            // no change
        case kPremul_AlphaVerb:
            c = SkPreMultiplyARGB(SkGetPackedA32(c), SkGetPackedR32(c),
                                  SkGetPackedG32(c), SkGetPackedB32(c));
        case kUnpremul_AlphaVerb:
            c = SkUnPreMultiply::UnPreMultiplyPreservingByteOrder(c);
    return c;
Beispiel #24
static SkPDFArray* make_indexed_color_space(SkColorTable* table) {
    SkPDFArray* result = new SkPDFArray();
    result->appendInt(table->count() - 1);

    // Potentially, this could be represented in fewer bytes with a stream.
    // Max size as a string is 1.5k.
    SkString index;
    for (int i = 0; i < table->count(); i++) {
        char buf[3];
        SkColor color = SkUnPreMultiply::PMColorToColor((*table)[i]);
        buf[0] = SkGetPackedR32(color);
        buf[1] = SkGetPackedG32(color);
        buf[2] = SkGetPackedB32(color);
        index.append(buf, 3);
    result->append(new SkPDFString(index))->unref();
    return result;
Beispiel #25
static void ARGB_8888_To_RGBA(const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* rgb, int width,
                              const SkPMColor*) {
    const uint32_t* SK_RESTRICT src = (const uint32_t*)in;
    const SkUnPreMultiply::Scale* SK_RESTRICT table =
    for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
        const uint32_t c = *src++;
        uint8_t a = SkGetPackedA32(c);
        uint8_t r = SkGetPackedR32(c);
        uint8_t g = SkGetPackedG32(c);
        uint8_t b = SkGetPackedB32(c);
        if (0 != a && 255 != a) {
            SkUnPreMultiply::Scale scale = table[a];
            r = SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(scale, r);
            g = SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(scale, g);
            b = SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(scale, b);
        rgb[0] = r;
        rgb[1] = g;
        rgb[2] = b;
        rgb[3] = a;
        rgb += 4;
Beispiel #26
static void erode(const SkPMColor* src, SkPMColor* dst,
                  int radius, int width, int height,
                  int srcStride, int dstStride)
    const int srcStrideX = direction == kX ? 1 : srcStride;
    const int dstStrideX = direction == kX ? 1 : dstStride;
    const int srcStrideY = direction == kX ? srcStride : 1;
    const int dstStrideY = direction == kX ? dstStride : 1;
    radius = SkMin32(radius, width - 1);
    const SkPMColor* upperSrc = src + radius * srcStrideX;
    for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
        const SkPMColor* lp = src;
        const SkPMColor* up = upperSrc;
        SkPMColor* dptr = dst;
        for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
            int minB = 255, minG = 255, minR = 255, minA = 255;
            for (const SkPMColor* p = lp; p <= up; p += srcStrideX) {
                int b = SkGetPackedB32(*p);
                int g = SkGetPackedG32(*p);
                int r = SkGetPackedR32(*p);
                int a = SkGetPackedA32(*p);
                if (b < minB) minB = b;
                if (g < minG) minG = g;
                if (r < minR) minR = r;
                if (a < minA) minA = a;
            *dptr = SkPackARGB32(minA, minR, minG, minB);
            dptr += dstStrideY;
            lp += srcStrideY;
            up += srcStrideY;
        if (x >= radius) src += srcStrideX;
        if (x + radius < width - 1) upperSrc += srcStrideX;
        dst += dstStrideX;
Beispiel #27
static void dilate(const SkPMColor* src, SkPMColor* dst,
                   int radius, int width, int height,
                   int srcStride, int dstStride)
    const int srcStrideX = direction == kX ? 1 : srcStride;
    const int dstStrideX = direction == kX ? 1 : dstStride;
    const int srcStrideY = direction == kX ? srcStride : 1;
    const int dstStrideY = direction == kX ? dstStride : 1;
    radius = SkMin32(radius, width - 1);
    const SkPMColor* upperSrc = src + radius * srcStrideX;
    for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
        const SkPMColor* lp = src;
        const SkPMColor* up = upperSrc;
        SkPMColor* dptr = dst;
        for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
            int maxB = 0, maxG = 0, maxR = 0, maxA = 0;
            for (const SkPMColor* p = lp; p <= up; p += srcStrideX) {
                int b = SkGetPackedB32(*p);
                int g = SkGetPackedG32(*p);
                int r = SkGetPackedR32(*p);
                int a = SkGetPackedA32(*p);
                if (b > maxB) maxB = b;
                if (g > maxG) maxG = g;
                if (r > maxR) maxR = r;
                if (a > maxA) maxA = a;
            *dptr = SkPackARGB32(maxA, maxR, maxG, maxB);
            dptr += dstStrideY;
            lp += srcStrideY;
            up += srcStrideY;
        if (x >= radius) src += srcStrideX;
        if (x + radius < width - 1) upperSrc += srcStrideX;
        dst += dstStrideX;
void SkBlitLCD16OpaqueRow_neon(SkPMColor dst[], const uint16_t src[],
                                        SkColor color, int width,
                                        SkPMColor opaqueDst) {
    int colR = SkColorGetR(color);
    int colG = SkColorGetG(color);
    int colB = SkColorGetB(color);

    uint8x8_t vcolR, vcolG, vcolB;
    uint8x8_t vopqDstA, vopqDstR, vopqDstG, vopqDstB;

    if (width >= 8) {
        vcolR = vdup_n_u8(colR);
        vcolG = vdup_n_u8(colG);
        vcolB = vdup_n_u8(colB);
        vopqDstA = vdup_n_u8(SkGetPackedA32(opaqueDst));
        vopqDstR = vdup_n_u8(SkGetPackedR32(opaqueDst));
        vopqDstG = vdup_n_u8(SkGetPackedG32(opaqueDst));
        vopqDstB = vdup_n_u8(SkGetPackedB32(opaqueDst));

    while (width >= 8) {
        uint8x8x4_t vdst;
        uint16x8_t vmask;
        uint16x8_t vmaskR, vmaskG, vmaskB;
        uint8x8_t vsel_trans, vsel_opq;

        vdst = vld4_u8((uint8_t*)dst);
        vmask = vld1q_u16(src);

        // Prepare compare masks
        vsel_trans = vmovn_u16(vceqq_u16(vmask, vdupq_n_u16(0)));
        vsel_opq = vmovn_u16(vceqq_u16(vmask, vdupq_n_u16(0xFFFF)));

        // Get all the color masks on 5 bits
        vmaskR = vshrq_n_u16(vmask, SK_R16_SHIFT);
        vmaskG = vshrq_n_u16(vshlq_n_u16(vmask, SK_R16_BITS),
                             SK_B16_BITS + SK_R16_BITS + 1);
        vmaskB = vmask & vdupq_n_u16(SK_B16_MASK);

        // Upscale to 0..32
        vmaskR = vmaskR + vshrq_n_u16(vmaskR, 4);
        vmaskG = vmaskG + vshrq_n_u16(vmaskG, 4);
        vmaskB = vmaskB + vshrq_n_u16(vmaskB, 4);

        vdst.val[NEON_A] = vbsl_u8(vsel_trans, vdst.val[NEON_A], vdup_n_u8(0xFF));
        vdst.val[NEON_A] = vbsl_u8(vsel_opq, vopqDstA, vdst.val[NEON_A]);

        vdst.val[NEON_R] = SkBlend32_neon8(vcolR, vdst.val[NEON_R], vmaskR);
        vdst.val[NEON_G] = SkBlend32_neon8(vcolG, vdst.val[NEON_G], vmaskG);
        vdst.val[NEON_B] = SkBlend32_neon8(vcolB, vdst.val[NEON_B], vmaskB);

        vdst.val[NEON_R] = vbsl_u8(vsel_opq, vopqDstR, vdst.val[NEON_R]);
        vdst.val[NEON_G] = vbsl_u8(vsel_opq, vopqDstG, vdst.val[NEON_G]);
        vdst.val[NEON_B] = vbsl_u8(vsel_opq, vopqDstB, vdst.val[NEON_B]);

        vst4_u8((uint8_t*)dst, vdst);

        dst += 8;
        src += 8;
        width -= 8;

    // Leftovers
    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
        dst[i] = SkBlendLCD16Opaque(colR, colG, colB, dst[i], src[i],
 *  Test decoding an image in premultiplied mode and unpremultiplied mode and compare
 *  them.
static void compare_unpremul(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const SkString& filename) {
    // Decode a resource:
    SkBitmap bm8888;
    SkBitmap bm8888Unpremul;

    SkFILEStream stream(filename.c_str());

    SkImageDecoder::Format format = SkImageDecoder::GetStreamFormat(&stream);
    if (skip_image_format(format)) {

    SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> decoder(SkImageDecoder::Factory(&stream));
    if (NULL == decoder.get()) {
        SkDebugf("couldn't decode %s\n", filename.c_str());

    bool success = decoder->decode(&stream, &bm8888, SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config,
    if (!success) {

    success = stream.rewind();
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, success);
    if (!success) {

    success = decoder->decode(&stream, &bm8888Unpremul, SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config,
    if (!success) {

    bool dimensionsMatch = bm8888.width() == bm8888Unpremul.width()
                           && bm8888.height() == bm8888Unpremul.height();
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dimensionsMatch);
    if (!dimensionsMatch) {

    // Only do the comparison if the two bitmaps are both 8888.
    if (bm8888.config() != SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config
        || bm8888Unpremul.config() != SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config) {

    // Now compare the two bitmaps.
    for (int i = 0; i < bm8888.width(); ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < bm8888.height(); ++j) {
            // "c0" is the color of the premultiplied bitmap at (i, j).
            const SkPMColor c0 = *bm8888.getAddr32(i, j);
            // "c1" is the result of premultiplying the color of the unpremultiplied
            // bitmap at (i, j).
            const SkPMColor c1 = premultiply_unpmcolor(*bm8888Unpremul.getAddr32(i, j));
            // Compute the difference for each component.
            int da = SkAbs32(SkGetPackedA32(c0) - SkGetPackedA32(c1));
            int dr = SkAbs32(SkGetPackedR32(c0) - SkGetPackedR32(c1));
            int dg = SkAbs32(SkGetPackedG32(c0) - SkGetPackedG32(c1));
            int db = SkAbs32(SkGetPackedB32(c0) - SkGetPackedB32(c1));

            // Alpha component must be exactly the same.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == da);

            // Color components may not match exactly due to rounding error.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dr <= 1);
            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dg <= 1);
            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, db <= 1);
// static
SkBitmap ImageOperations::ResizeSubpixel(const SkBitmap& source,
                                         int dest_width, int dest_height,
                                         const SkIRect& dest_subset) {
  // Currently only works on Linux/BSD because these are the only platforms
  // where SkFontHost::GetSubpixelOrder is defined.
#if defined(XP_UNIX)
  // Understand the display.
  const SkFontHost::LCDOrder order = SkFontHost::GetSubpixelOrder();
  const SkFontHost::LCDOrientation orientation =

  // Decide on which dimension, if any, to deploy subpixel rendering.
  int w = 1;
  int h = 1;
  switch (orientation) {
    case SkFontHost::kHorizontal_LCDOrientation:
      w = dest_width < source.width() ? 3 : 1;
    case SkFontHost::kVertical_LCDOrientation:
      h = dest_height < source.height() ? 3 : 1;

  // Resize the image.
  const int width = dest_width * w;
  const int height = dest_height * h;
  SkIRect subset = { dest_subset.fLeft, dest_subset.fTop,
                     dest_subset.fLeft + dest_subset.width() * w,
                     dest_subset.fTop + dest_subset.height() * h };
  SkBitmap img = ResizeBasic(source, ImageOperations::RESIZE_LANCZOS3, width,
                             height, subset);
  const int row_words = img.rowBytes() / 4;
  if (w == 1 && h == 1)
    return img;

  // Render into subpixels.
  SkBitmap result;
  SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(dest_subset.width(),

  if (!result.readyToDraw())
    return img;

  SkAutoLockPixels locker(img);
  if (!img.readyToDraw())
    return img;

  uint32_t* src_row = img.getAddr32(0, 0);
  uint32_t* dst_row = result.getAddr32(0, 0);
  for (int y = 0; y < dest_subset.height(); y++) {
    uint32_t* src = src_row;
    uint32_t* dst = dst_row;
    for (int x = 0; x < dest_subset.width(); x++, src += w, dst++) {
      uint8_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
      switch (order) {
        case SkFontHost::kRGB_LCDOrder:
          switch (orientation) {
            case SkFontHost::kHorizontal_LCDOrientation:
              r = SkGetPackedR32(src[0]);
              g = SkGetPackedG32(src[1]);
              b = SkGetPackedB32(src[2]);
              a = SkGetPackedA32(src[1]);
            case SkFontHost::kVertical_LCDOrientation:
              r = SkGetPackedR32(src[0 * row_words]);
              g = SkGetPackedG32(src[1 * row_words]);
              b = SkGetPackedB32(src[2 * row_words]);
              a = SkGetPackedA32(src[1 * row_words]);
        case SkFontHost::kBGR_LCDOrder:
          switch (orientation) {
            case SkFontHost::kHorizontal_LCDOrientation:
              b = SkGetPackedB32(src[0]);
              g = SkGetPackedG32(src[1]);
              r = SkGetPackedR32(src[2]);
              a = SkGetPackedA32(src[1]);
            case SkFontHost::kVertical_LCDOrientation:
              b = SkGetPackedB32(src[0 * row_words]);
              g = SkGetPackedG32(src[1 * row_words]);
              r = SkGetPackedR32(src[2 * row_words]);
              a = SkGetPackedA32(src[1 * row_words]);
        case SkFontHost::kNONE_LCDOrder:
      // Premultiplied alpha is very fragile.
      a = a > r ? a : r;
      a = a > g ? a : g;
      a = a > b ? a : b;
      *dst = SkPackARGB32(a, r, g, b);
    src_row += h * row_words;
    dst_row += result.rowBytes() / 4;
  return result;
  return SkBitmap();
#endif  // OS_POSIX && !OS_MACOSX && !defined(OS_ANDROID)