Beispiel #1
static AsnIoPtr AsnIoFromOutputStream (OutputStreamPtr osp)
  AsnIoPtr   aip;
  Char       file [FILENAME_MAX], path [PATH_MAX];
  CharPtr    write_flag;

  if (osp == NULL) return NULL;
  if (osp->aip == NULL) {
    write_flag = osp->is_binary ? "wb" : "w";
    if (StringDoesHaveText (osp->outfile)) {
      StringNCpy_0 (path, osp->outfile, sizeof (path));
    } else {
      if (osp->base == NULL) {
        aip = AsnIoOpen ("stdout", write_flag);
      } else {
        if (osp->outsuffix == NULL) {
          osp->outsuffix = "";
        StringNCpy_0 (path, osp->results_dir, sizeof (path));
        sprintf (file, "%s%s%s", osp->base, osp->suffix, osp->outsuffix);
        FileBuildPath (path, NULL, file);
        aip = AsnIoOpen (path, write_flag);
        if (aip == NULL) {
          Message (MSG_POSTERR, "Unable to write to %s.", path);
  } else {
    aip = osp->aip;
  return aip;
Beispiel #2
  const char* service,
  const char* parameters,
  Nlm_Uint4   timeoutsec,
  const char* arguments
  CONN           conn;
  CONNECTOR      connector;
  SConnNetInfo*  net_info;
  size_t         n_written;
  EIO_Status     status;

  /* fill in connection info fields and create the connection */
  net_info = ConnNetInfo_Create (service);
  ASSERT ( net_info );

  /* let the user agent be set with a program name */
  x_SetupUserHeader (net_info,
                     NULL, eMIME_T_Unknown, eMIME_Unknown, eENCOD_None);

  if (timeoutsec == (Nlm_Uint4)(-1L)) {
    net_info->timeout  = kInfiniteTimeout;
  } else if ( timeoutsec ) {
    net_info->tmo.sec  = timeoutsec;
    net_info->tmo.usec = timeoutsec;
    net_info->timeout  = &net_info->tmo;

  ConnNetInfo_PostOverrideArg (net_info, arguments, 0);

  connector = SERVICE_CreateConnectorEx (service, fSERV_Any, net_info, 0);

  ConnNetInfo_Destroy (net_info);

  if (connector == NULL) {
    ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "QUERY_OpenServiceQuery failed in SERVICE_CreateConnectorEx");
    conn = NULL;
  } else if ((status = CONN_Create (connector, &conn)) != eIO_Success) {
    ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "QUERY_OpenServiceQuery failed in CONN_Create:"
               " %s", IO_StatusStr (status));
    ASSERT (conn == NULL);
  } else if (StringDoesHaveText (parameters)) {
    status = CONN_Write (conn, parameters, StringLen (parameters),
                         &n_written, eIO_WritePersist);
    if (status != eIO_Success) {
      ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "QUERY_OpenServiceQuery failed to write service parameters in CONN_Write: %s", IO_StatusStr (status));
      CONN_Close (conn);
      conn = NULL;

  return conn;
Beispiel #3
NLM_EXTERN Boolean PrintTemplateSetLoadEx ( CharPtr path, CharPtr localStr )

  Boolean  verbose = TRUE;

  if (StringDoesHaveText (localStr)) {
    verbose = FALSE;
  if (PrintTemplateSetLoadInt (path, verbose)) return TRUE;
  if (verbose) return FALSE;
  return LoadObjPrtFromLocalString (localStr);
Beispiel #4
static CharPtr PrintBadgTable (
  DoC d,
  Int2 item,
  Pointer data

  Char        buf [256];
  IntBadgPtr  ibp;
  Int2        reason;
  SscBadgPtr  sbp;

  sbp = (SscBadgPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
  if (sbp == NULL || item < 1 || item > 127) return NULL;
  ibp = GetBadgInfo (sbp, item);
  if (ibp == NULL) return NULL;

  buf [0] = '\0';

  if (StringDoesHaveText (ibp->name)) {
    StringCat (buf, ibp->name);
  } else {
    StringCat (buf, " ");

  StringCat (buf, "\t");
  reason = (Int2) ibp->reason;
  if (reason > 0 && reason <= 18) {
    StringCat (buf, reasonLabel [reason]);
  } else {
    StringCat (buf, " ");

  StringCat (buf, "\n");
  return StringSave (buf);
Beispiel #5
/* Set HTTP user header */
static void x_SetupUserHeader (
  SConnNetInfo*  net_info,
  const char*    appName,
  EMIME_Type     type,
  EMIME_SubType  subtype,
  EMIME_Encoding encoding
  const char* userAgentName = NULL;
  char        user_header [MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN + 80];

  /* content-type if specified */
  if (type < eMIME_T_Unknown) {
    VERIFY( MIME_ComposeContentTypeEx (type, subtype, encoding,
                                       user_header, MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN) );
    ConnNetInfo_OverrideUserHeader (net_info, user_header);

  /* allow the user to specify a prog. name, otherwise get it from elsewhere */
  if (StringHasNoText (appName)) {
    const char* progName = GetProgramName();
    if (StringHasNoText (progName)) {
      char path [PATH_MAX];
      Nlm_ProgramPath (path, sizeof (path));
      userAgentName = StringRChr (path, DIRDELIMCHR);
      if (userAgentName)
    } else
      userAgentName = progName;
  } else
    userAgentName = appName;
  if (StringDoesHaveText (userAgentName)) {
    sprintf (user_header, "User-Agent: %.80s\r\n", userAgentName);
    ConnNetInfo_ExtendUserHeader (net_info, user_header);
Beispiel #6
Int2 Main(void)
  Char             app [64];
  CharPtr          directory;
  CharPtr          ptr;
  Char             sfx [32];
  OutputStreamData osd;
  InputStreamData  isd;
  AsnStreamData    asd;
  Int4             gap_sizes[2];
  Int4             rval = 0;
  Int4             u_eq = 0, u_gteq = -1, k_eq = 0, k_gteq = -1;

  /* standard setup */

  ErrSetFatalLevel (SEV_MAX);
  ErrClearOptFlags (EO_SHOW_USERSTR);
  UseLocalAsnloadDataAndErrMsg ();
  ErrPathReset ();

  /* finish resolving internal connections in ASN.1 parse tables */

  if (! AllObjLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "AllObjLoad failed");
    return 1;
  if (! SubmitAsnLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "SubmitAsnLoad failed");
    return 1;
  if (! FeatDefSetLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "FeatDefSetLoad failed");
    return 1;
  if (! SeqCodeSetLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "SeqCodeSetLoad failed");
    return 1;
  if (! GeneticCodeTableLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "GeneticCodeTableLoad failed");
    return 1;

  SetUpAsnStreamData (&asd);

  /* initialize OuputStreamData */
  MemSet (&osd, 0, sizeof (osd));

  /* initialize InputStreamData */
  MemSet (&isd, 0, sizeof (isd));

  /* initialize gap_sizes */
  gap_sizes[0] = 0;
  gap_sizes[1] = 0;

  /* process command line arguments */

  sprintf (app, "raw2delt %s", RAW2DELT_APPLICATION);
  if (! GetArgs (app, sizeof (myargs) / sizeof (Args), myargs)) {
    return 0;

  u_eq = (Int4) myargs [u_argEqUnknownGap].intvalue;
  u_gteq = (Int4) myargs [U_argGTEqUnknownGap].intvalue;
  k_eq = (Int4) myargs [k_argEqUnknownGap].intvalue;
  k_gteq = (Int4) myargs [K_argGtEqUnknownGap].intvalue;

  if (u_eq < 1 && u_gteq < 1 && k_eq < 1 && k_gteq < 1) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "Must specify values for at least one of -u, -U, -k, -K");
    return 1;
  } else if (u_eq > -1 && u_gteq > -1) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "May only specify value for -u or -U, not both");
    return 1;
  } else if (k_eq > -1 && k_gteq > -1) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "May only specify value for -k or -K, not both");
    return 1;
  if (u_eq > 0) {
    gap_sizes[0] = u_eq;
  } else if (u_gteq > 0) {
    gap_sizes[0] = 0 - u_gteq;

  if (k_eq > 0) {
    gap_sizes[1] = k_eq;
  } else if (k_gteq > 0) {
    gap_sizes[1] = 0 - k_gteq;

  if (gap_sizes[0] == gap_sizes[1]) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "Cannot specify the same size for known and unknown length gaps");
    return 1;

  directory = (CharPtr) myargs [p_argInputPath].strvalue;
  osd.results_dir = (CharPtr) myargs [r_argOutputPath].strvalue;
  if (StringHasNoText (osd.results_dir)) {
    osd.results_dir = NULL;
  osd.suffix = (CharPtr) myargs [x_argSuffix].strvalue;
  osd.outsuffix = (CharPtr) myargs [s_argOutSuffix].strvalue;
  osd.base = (CharPtr) myargs [i_argInputFile].strvalue;
  osd.outfile = (CharPtr) myargs [o_argOutputFile].strvalue;
  if (StringHasNoText (osd.outfile)) {
    osd.outfile = NULL;
  osd.is_binary = (Boolean) myargs [d_argOutputBinary].intvalue;

  if (osd.base == "stdin") {
    osd.base = NULL;

  /* if we don't have an output directory or an output file, and the user hasn't provided an
   * output suffix, add a default.
  if (osd.results_dir == NULL && osd.outfile == NULL && StringHasNoText (osd.outsuffix)) {
    osd.outsuffix = ".delta";

  isd.is_binary = (Boolean) myargs [b_argInputBinary].intvalue;
  isd.is_seqentry = (Boolean) myargs [e_argInputSeqEntry].intvalue; = directory;
  isd.base = osd.base;
  isd.suffix = osd.suffix;

  if (StringDoesHaveText (osd.outfile)) {
    osd.aip = AsnIoOpen (osd.outfile, "w");
    if (osd.aip == NULL) {
      Message (MSG_FATAL, "Unable to open output file");
      return 1;
  } else {
    if (StringHasNoText (osd.results_dir)) {
      osd.results_dir = directory;
    /* if we're putting the results in a separate directory, strip the directory name from the output base */
    if (!StringHasNoText (osd.results_dir) && !StringHasNoText (osd.base)) {
#ifdef OS_MSWIN
      ptr = StringRChr (osd.base, '\\');
      ptr = StringRChr (osd.base, '/');
      if (ptr != NULL) {
        osd.base = ptr + 1;

  if (StringHasNoText(directory) && StringHasNoText(osd.base)) {
    rval = ProcessStream (&isd, &osd, &asd, gap_sizes);
  } else if (StringDoesHaveText (osd.base)) {
    ptr = StringRChr (osd.base, '.');
    sfx[0] = '\0';
    if (ptr != NULL) {
      StringNCpy_0 (sfx, ptr, sizeof (sfx));
      *ptr = '\0';
    osd.suffix = sfx;
    isd.suffix = sfx;
    if (isd.is_binary) {
      rval = ProcessStream (&isd, &osd, &asd, gap_sizes);
    } else {
      rval = ProcessOneRecord (directory, &osd, gap_sizes);
  } else {

    rval = FileRecurse (directory, &isd, &osd, &asd, gap_sizes);

  if (osd.aip != NULL) {
    AsnIoFlush (osd.aip);
    AsnIoClose (osd.aip);
  return rval;
Beispiel #7
/* return -1 on failure, 0 on success */
static Int4 FileRecurse (
  CharPtr         directory,
  InputStreamPtr  isp,
  OutputStreamPtr osp,
  AsnStreamPtr    asp,
  Int4Ptr         gap_sizes

  Char        path [PATH_MAX];
  CharPtr     ptr;
  CharPtr     str;
  ValNodePtr  head, vnp;
  CharPtr     orig_dir, orig_base;
  Int4        rval = 0;

  /* get list of all files in source directory */

  head = DirCatalog (directory);

  for (vnp = head; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next) {
    if (vnp->choice == 0) {
      str = (CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
      if (StringDoesHaveText (str)) {

        /* does filename have desired substring? */

        ptr = StringStr (str, osp->suffix);

        if (ptr != NULL) {

          /* make sure detected suffix is really at end of filename */

          if (StringCmp (ptr, osp->suffix) == 0) {
            *ptr = '\0';

            /* process file that has desired suffix (usually .fsa) */
            osp->base = str;
            orig_dir = isp->directory;
            isp->directory = directory;
            orig_base = isp->base;
            isp->base = str;
            if (isp->is_binary) {
              rval |= ProcessStream (isp, osp, asp, gap_sizes);
            } else {
              rval |= ProcessOneRecord (directory, osp, gap_sizes);
            isp->directory = orig_dir;
            isp->base = orig_base;
            osp->base = NULL;
    } else if (vnp->choice == 1) {

      /* recurse into subdirectory */

      StringNCpy_0 (path, directory, sizeof (path));
      str = (CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
      FileBuildPath (path, str, NULL);
      rval |= FileRecurse (path, isp, osp, asp, gap_sizes);

  /* clean up file list */

  ValNodeFreeData (head);
  return rval;
Beispiel #8
Int2 Main (void)

  Char            app [64], type;
  CSpeedFlagData  cfd;
  CharPtr         directory, filter, infile, logfile, outfile, str, suffix;
  Boolean         remote;
  time_t          runtime, starttime, stoptime;

  /* standard setup */

  ErrSetFatalLevel (SEV_MAX);
  ErrClearOptFlags (EO_SHOW_USERSTR);
  UseLocalAsnloadDataAndErrMsg ();
  ErrPathReset ();

  /* finish resolving internal connections in ASN.1 parse tables */

  if (! AllObjLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "AllObjLoad failed");
    return 1;
  if (! SubmitAsnLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "SubmitAsnLoad failed");
    return 1;
  if (! FeatDefSetLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "FeatDefSetLoad failed");
    return 1;
  if (! SeqCodeSetLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "SeqCodeSetLoad failed");
    return 1;
  if (! GeneticCodeTableLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "GeneticCodeTableLoad failed");
    return 1;

  /* process command line arguments */

  sprintf (app, "cspeedtest %s", CSPEEDTEST_APPLICATION);
  if (! GetArgs (app, sizeof (myargs) / sizeof (Args), myargs)) {
    return 0;

  MemSet ((Pointer) &cfd, 0, sizeof (CSpeedFlagData));

  directory = (CharPtr) myargs [p_argInputPath].strvalue;
  infile = (CharPtr) myargs [i_argInputFile].strvalue;
  outfile = (CharPtr) myargs [o_argOutputFile].strvalue;
  filter = (CharPtr) myargs [f_argFilter].strvalue;
  suffix = (CharPtr) myargs [x_argSuffix].strvalue;

  cfd.batch = FALSE;
  cfd.binary = (Boolean) myargs [b_argBinary].intvalue;
  cfd.compressed = (Boolean) myargs [c_argCompressed].intvalue;
  cfd.lock = (Boolean) myargs [l_argLockFar].intvalue;
  cfd.type = 1;

  str = myargs [a_argType].strvalue;
  TrimSpacesAroundString (str);
  if (StringDoesHaveText (str)) {
    type = str [0];
  } else {
    type = 'a';

  type = TO_LOWER (type);
  switch (type) {
    case 'a' :
      cfd.type = 1;
    case 'e' :
      cfd.type = 2;
    case 'b' :
      cfd.type = 3;
    case 's' :
      cfd.type = 4;
    case 'm' :
      cfd.type = 5;
    case 't' :
      cfd.type = 1;
      cfd.batch = TRUE;
    case 'f' :
      cfd.type = 6;
    case 'l' :
      cfd.type = 7;
    default :
      cfd.type = 1;

  remote = (Boolean) myargs [R_argRemote].intvalue;

  cfd.maxcount = myargs [X_argMaxCount].intvalue;
  if (cfd.maxcount < 1) {
    cfd.maxcount = 1;
  } = myargs [O_argInOut].strvalue;
  cfd.clean = myargs [K_argClean].strvalue;
  cfd.skip = myargs [P_argSkip].strvalue;
  cfd.index = myargs [I_argIndex].strvalue;
  cfd.seq = myargs [S_argSeq].strvalue;
  cfd.feat = myargs [F_argFeat].strvalue;
  cfd.desc = myargs [D_argDesc].strvalue;
  cfd.verify = myargs [V_argVerify].strvalue;

  cfd.amp = AsnAllModPtr ();
  cfd.atp_bss = AsnFind ("Bioseq-set");
  cfd.atp_bsss = AsnFind ("Bioseq-set.seq-set");
  cfd.atp_se = AsnFind ("Bioseq-set.seq-set.E");
  cfd.atp_bsc = AsnFind ("Bioseq-set.class");
  cfd.bssp_atp = AsnLinkType (NULL, cfd.atp_bss);

  logfile = (CharPtr) myargs [L_argLogFile].strvalue;
  if (StringDoesHaveText (logfile)) {
    cfd.logfp = FileOpen (logfile, "w");

  if (remote) {
    PubSeqFetchEnable ();

  if (StringDoesHaveText (outfile)) {
    cfd.ofp = FileOpen (outfile, "w");

  starttime = GetSecs ();

  if (StringDoesHaveText (directory)) {

    DirExplore (directory, NULL, suffix, FALSE, ProcessOneRecord, (Pointer) &cfd);

  } else if (StringDoesHaveText (infile)) {

    ProcessOneRecord (infile, (Pointer) &cfd);

  if (cfd.ofp != NULL) {
    FileClose (cfd.ofp);

  stoptime = GetSecs ();
  runtime = stoptime - starttime;
  if (cfd.logfp != NULL) {
    fprintf (cfd.logfp, "Finished in %ld seconds\n", (long) runtime);
    FileClose (cfd.logfp);
  printf ("Finished in %ld seconds\n", (long) runtime);

  if (remote) {
    PubSeqFetchDisable ();

  return 0;
Beispiel #9
  const char*     host_machine,
  Nlm_Uint2       host_port,
  const char*     host_path,
  const char*     arguments,
  const char*     appName,
  Nlm_Uint4       timeoutsec,
  EMIME_Type      type,
  EMIME_SubType   subtype,
  EMIME_Encoding  encoding,
  THCC_Flags      flags
  CONN           conn;
  CONNECTOR      connector;
  SConnNetInfo*  net_info;
  EIO_Status     status;

  if (StringHasNoText (host_path))
    return NULL;

  /* fill in connection info fields and create the connection */
  net_info = ConnNetInfo_Create(0);
  ASSERT ( net_info );

  x_SetupUserHeader (net_info, appName, type, subtype, encoding);

  if (StringDoesHaveText (host_machine)) {
    StringNCpy_0 (net_info->host, host_machine, sizeof (net_info->host));
  if ( host_port ) {
    net_info->port = host_port;
  StringNCpy_0 (net_info->path, host_path, sizeof (net_info->path));
  if (StringDoesHaveText (arguments)) {
    StringNCpy_0 (net_info->args, arguments, sizeof (net_info->args));

  if (timeoutsec == (Nlm_Uint4)(-1L)) {
    net_info->timeout  = kInfiniteTimeout;
  } else if ( timeoutsec ) {
    net_info->tmo.sec  = timeoutsec;
    net_info->tmo.usec = timeoutsec;
    net_info->timeout  = &net_info->tmo;

  connector = HTTP_CreateConnector (net_info, NULL, flags);

  ConnNetInfo_Destroy (net_info);

  if (connector == NULL) {
    ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "QUERY_OpenUrlQuery failed in HTTP_CreateConnector");
    conn = NULL;
  } else if ((status = CONN_Create (connector, &conn)) != eIO_Success) {
    ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "QUERY_OpenUrlQuery failed in CONN_Create: %s",
              IO_StatusStr (status));
    ASSERT (conn == NULL);

  return conn;