Beispiel #1
bool CHarmonyHub::WriteToHardware(const char *pdata, const unsigned char length)
	const tRBUF *pCmd = reinterpret_cast<const tRBUF*>(pdata);

		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Harmony Hub: Command cannot be sent. Hub is changing activity");
		return false;
	//activities can be switched on
	if ((pCmd->LIGHTING2.packettype == pTypeLighting2) && (pCmd->LIGHTING2.cmnd==1))
		int lookUpId = (int)(pCmd->LIGHTING2.id1 << 24) |  (int)(pCmd->LIGHTING2.id2 << 16) | (int)(pCmd->LIGHTING2.id3 << 8) | (int)(pCmd->LIGHTING2.id4) ;
		std::stringstream sstr;
		sstr << lookUpId;

		//get the activity id from the db and send to h/w
		if (!SubmitCommand(START_ACTIVITY_COMMAND, sstr.str(), ""))
			_log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Harmony Hub: Error sending the switch command");
			return false;
	else if((pCmd->LIGHTING2.packettype == pTypeLighting2) && (pCmd->LIGHTING2.cmnd==0))
		if(!SubmitCommand(START_ACTIVITY_COMMAND, "PowerOff",""))
			_log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Harmony Hub: Error sending the power-off command");
			return false;
	return true;
Beispiel #2
bool CHarmonyHub::UpdateActivities()
	if(SubmitCommand(m_commandcsocket, m_szAuthorizationToken, GET_CONFIG_COMMAND, "", "") == 1)
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Harmony Hub: Get activities failed");
		return false;

	std::map< std::string, std::string> mapActivities;
	std::vector< Device > vecDevices;
	if(ParseConfiguration(m_szResultString, mapActivities, vecDevices) == 1)
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Harmony Hub: Parse activities and devices failed");
		return false;

	std::map< std::string, std::string>::iterator it = mapActivities.begin();
	std::map< std::string, std::string>::iterator ite = mapActivities.end();
	int cnt=0;
	for(; it != ite; ++it)
		UpdateSwitch(cnt++, it->first.c_str(), strcmp(m_szCurActivityID.c_str(), it->first.c_str())==0, it->second);
		m_szResultString.append(" - ");

	return true;
void SSessionConsoleCommandBar::HandleInputTextCommitted( const FText& InText, ETextCommit::Type CommitInfo )
    if (CommitInfo == ETextCommit::OnEnter)
Beispiel #4
bool CHarmonyHub::WriteToHardware(const char *pdata, const unsigned char length)
	tRBUF *pCmd=(tRBUF*) pdata;
	BYTE idx=0;

		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Harmony Hub: Command cannot be sent. Hub is changing activity");
		return false;
	//activities can be switched on
	if ((pCmd->LIGHTING2.packettype == pTypeLighting2) && (pCmd->LIGHTING2.cmnd==1))
		//char szIdx[10];
		//sprintf(szIdx, "%X%02X%02X%02X", 0, 0, 0, pCmd->LIGHTING2.id4);
		int lookUpId = (int)(pCmd->LIGHTING2.id1 << 24) |  (int)(pCmd->LIGHTING2.id2 << 16) | (int)(pCmd->LIGHTING2.id3 << 8) | (int)(pCmd->LIGHTING2.id4) ;
		std::stringstream sstr;
		sstr << lookUpId;

		//get the activity id from the db and send to h/w
		std::stringstream szQuery;
		std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > result;
		//szQuery << "SELECT StrParam1 FROM DeviceStatus WHERE (HardwareID==" << m_HwdID << ") AND (DeviceID=='" << szIdx  << "')";
		//result = m_sql.query(szQuery.str());
		//if (result.size() > 0) //should be there since it is switched on
		if (SubmitCommand(m_commandcsocket, m_szAuthorizationToken, START_ACTIVITY_COMMAND, sstr.str(), "") == 1)
			_log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Harmony Hub: Error sending the switch command");
			return false;
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Harmony Hub: Device not found" );*/
	else if((pCmd->LIGHTING2.packettype == pTypeLighting2) && (pCmd->LIGHTING2.cmnd==0))
		if(SubmitCommand(m_commandcsocket, m_szAuthorizationToken, START_ACTIVITY_COMMAND, "PowerOff","") == 1)
			_log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Harmony Hub: Error sending the poweroff command");
			return false;
	return true;
Beispiel #5
bool CHarmonyHub::UpdateActivities()
	if(!SubmitCommand(GET_CONFIG_COMMAND_RAW, "", ""))
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Harmony Hub: Get activities failed");
		return false;

	std::map< std::string, std::string> mapActivities;

	Json::Reader jReader;
	Json::Value root;
	bool ret = jReader.parse(m_szResultString, root);
	if (!ret)
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Harmony Hub: Invalid data received! (Update Activities)");
		return false;

	if (root["activity"].empty())
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Harmony Hub: Invalid data received! (Update Activities)");
		return false;

	int totActivities = (int)root["activity"].size();
	for (int ii = 0; ii < totActivities; ii++)
		std::string aID = root["activity"][ii]["id"].asString();
		std::string aLabel = root["activity"][ii]["label"].asString();
		mapActivities[aID] = aLabel;

	std::map< std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itt;
	int cnt = 0;
	for (itt = mapActivities.begin(); itt != mapActivities.end(); ++itt)
		UpdateSwitch(cnt++, itt->first.c_str(), (m_szCurActivityID == itt->first), itt->second);
	return true;
Beispiel #6
bool CHarmonyHub::UpdateCurrentActivity()
	if(SubmitCommand(m_commandcsocket, m_szAuthorizationToken, GET_CURRENT_ACTIVITY_COMMAND, "", "") == 1)
		//_log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Harmony Hub: Get current activity failed");
		return false;
	//check if changed
	if(!strcmp(m_szCurActivityID.c_str(), m_szResultString.c_str())==0)
			//need to set the old activity to off
			CheckSetActivity(m_szCurActivityID,false );
		m_szCurActivityID = m_szResultString;

	return true;
Beispiel #7
bool CHarmonyHub::UpdateCurrentActivity()
	if(!SubmitCommand(GET_CURRENT_ACTIVITY_COMMAND_RAW, "", ""))
		//_log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Harmony Hub: Get current activity failed");
		return false;

	//check if changed
			//need to set the old activity to off
			CheckSetActivity(m_szCurActivityID,false );
		m_szCurActivityID = m_szResultString;

	return true;
FReply SSessionConsoleCommandBar::HandleSendButtonClicked( )

    return FReply::Handled();