Beispiel #1
void JERRYPIT2Callback(void)
   if (TOMIRQEnabled(IRQ_DSP))
      if (jerryInterruptMask & IRQ2_TIMER2)		// CPU Timer 2 IRQ
         jerryPendingInterrupt |= IRQ2_TIMER2;
         m68k_set_irq(2);						// Generate 68K IPL 2

   DSPSetIRQLine(DSPIRQ_TIMER1, ASSERT_LINE);	// This does the 'IRQ enabled' checking...
Beispiel #2
// This is the cause of the regressions in Cybermorph and Missile Command 3D...
// Solution: Probably have to check the DSP enable bit before sending these thru.
void JERRYPIT1Callback(void)
   if (TOMIRQEnabled(IRQ_DSP))
      if (jerryInterruptMask & IRQ2_TIMER1)		// CPU Timer 1 IRQ
         // Not sure, but I think we don't generate another IRQ if one's already going...
         // But this seems to work... :-/
         jerryPendingInterrupt |= IRQ2_TIMER1;
         m68k_set_irq(2);						// Generate 68K IPL 2

   DSPSetIRQLine(DSPIRQ_TIMER0, ASSERT_LINE);	// This does the 'IRQ enabled' checking...
void JERRYPIT2Callback(void)
	if (TOMIRQEnabled(IRQ_DSP))
//WriteLog("JERRY: In PIT2 callback, IRQM=$%04X\n", jerryInterruptMask);
		if (jerryInterruptMask & IRQ2_TIMER2)		// CPU Timer 2 IRQ
			jerryPendingInterrupt |= IRQ2_TIMER2;
			m68k_set_irq(2);						// Generate 68K IPL 2

	DSPSetIRQLine(DSPIRQ_TIMER1, ASSERT_LINE);	// This does the 'IRQ enabled' checking...