StructuralEngngModel :: exchangeRemoteElementData(int ExchangeTag)
    int result = 1;

    if ( isParallel() && nonlocalExt ) {
        VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT( "StructuralEngngModel :: exchangeRemoteElementData", "Packing remote element data", this->giveRank() );

        result &= nonlocCommunicator->packAllData( ( StructuralEngngModel * ) this, & StructuralEngngModel :: packRemoteElementData );

        VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT( "StructuralEngngModel :: exchangeRemoteElementData", "Remote element data exchange started", this->giveRank() );

        result &= nonlocCommunicator->initExchange(ExchangeTag);

        VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT( "StructuralEngngModel :: exchangeRemoteElementData", "Receiveng and Unpacking remote element data", this->giveRank() );

        if ( !( result &= nonlocCommunicator->unpackAllData( ( StructuralEngngModel * ) this, & StructuralEngngModel :: unpackRemoteElementData ) ) ) {
            _error("StructuralEngngModel :: exchangeRemoteElementData: Receiveng and Unpacking remote element data");

        result &= nonlocCommunicator->finishExchange();

    return result;
StructuralEngngModel :: updateSharedPrescribedDofManagers(FloatArray &answer, int ExchangeTag)
    int result = 1;

    if ( isParallel() ) {
        VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT( "StructuralEngngModel :: updateSharedPrescribedDofManagers", "Packing data", this->giveRank() );

        result &= communicator->packAllData( ( StructuralEngngModel * ) this, & answer, & StructuralEngngModel :: packPrescribedDofManagers );

        VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT( "StructuralEngngModel :: updateSharedPrescribedDofManagers", "Exchange started", this->giveRank() );

        result &= communicator->initExchange(ExchangeTag);

        VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT( "StructuralEngngModel :: updateSharedDofManagers", "Receiving and unpacking", this->giveRank() );

        result &= communicator->unpackAllData( ( StructuralEngngModel * ) this, & answer, & StructuralEngngModel :: unpackPrescribedDofManagers );
        result &= communicator->finishExchange();

    return result;
Beispiel #3
ProblemCommunicator :: setUpCommunicationMaps(EngngModel *pm, bool excludeSelfCommFlag,
                                              bool forceReinit)
    VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("ProblemCommunicator :: setUpCommunicationMaps", "Setting up communication maps", rank);

    if ( !forceReinit && initialized ) {

    if ( this->mode == ProblemCommMode__NODE_CUT ) {
        setUpCommunicationMapsForNodeCut(pm, excludeSelfCommFlag);
    } else if ( this->mode == ProblemCommMode__ELEMENT_CUT ) {
        setUpCommunicationMapsForElementCut(pm, excludeSelfCommFlag);
    } else if ( this->mode == ProblemCommMode__REMOTE_ELEMENT_MODE ) {
        setUpCommunicationMapsForRemoteElementMode(pm, excludeSelfCommFlag);
    } else {
        _error("setUpCommunicationMaps: unknown mode");

    initialized = true;
FETICommunicator :: setUpCommunicationMaps(EngngModel *pm)
    int i, j, l, maxRec;
    int globaldofmannum, localNumber, ndofs;
    int numberOfBoundaryDofMans;
    int source, tag;
    IntArray numberOfPartitionBoundaryDofMans(size);
    StaticCommunicationBuffer commBuff(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    EModelDefaultEquationNumbering dn;
    // FETIBoundaryDofManager *dofmanrec;
    // Map containing boundary dof managers records, the key is corresponding global number
    // value is corresponding local master dof manager number
    map< int, int, less< int > >BoundaryDofManagerMap;
    // communication maps of slaves
    IntArray **commMaps = new IntArray * [ size ];
    // location array
    IntArray locNum;
    Domain *domain = pm->giveDomain(1);

    // check if receiver is master
    if ( this->rank != 0 ) {
        _error("FETICommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps : rank 0 (master) expected as receiver");

    // resize receive buffer
    commBuff.resize( commBuff.givePackSize(MPI_INT, 1) );

    // receive data
    for ( i = 1; i < size; i++ ) {
        commBuff.iRecv(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, FETICommunicator :: NumberOfBoundaryDofManagersMsg);
        while ( !commBuff.testCompletion(source, tag) ) {

        // unpack data
        OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("[process rank %3d]: %-30s: Received data from partition %3d (received %d)\n",
                        rank, "FETICommunicator :: setUpCommunicationMaps : received number of boundary dofMans", source, j);
#endif + 1) = j;


    // determine the total number of boundary dof managers at master
    int nnodes = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
    j = 0;
    for ( i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++ ) {
        if ( domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared ) {
    } = j;

    // receive list of bounadry dof managers with corresponding number of dofs from each partition

    // resize the receive buffer to fit all messages
    maxRec = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
        if ( + 1) > maxRec ) {
            maxRec = + 1);

    commBuff.resize( 2 * maxRec * commBuff.givePackSize(MPI_INT, 1) );
    // resize communication maps acordingly
    for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
        j = + 1);
        commMaps [ i ] = new IntArray(j);

    // add local master contribution first
    // loop over all dofmanager data received
    i = 0;
    for ( j = 1; j <=; j++ ) {
        // fing next shared dofman
        while ( !( domain->giveDofManager(++i)->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared ) ) {

        globaldofmannum = domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveGlobalNumber();
        domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveCompleteLocationArray(locNum, dn);
        ndofs = 0;
        for ( l = 1; l <= locNum.giveSize(); l++ ) {
            if ( ) {

        // add corresponding entry to master map of boundary dof managers
        if ( ( localNumber = BoundaryDofManagerMap [ globaldofmannum ] ) == 0 ) { // no local counterpart exist
            // create it
            boundaryDofManList.push_back( FETIBoundaryDofManager(globaldofmannum, 0, ndofs) );
            // remember the local number; actual position in vector is localNumber-1
            localNumber = BoundaryDofManagerMap [ globaldofmannum ] = ( boundaryDofManList.size() );
        } else { // update the corresponding record
            boundaryDofManList [ localNumber - 1 ].addPartition(0);
            if ( boundaryDofManList [ localNumber - 1 ].giveNumberOfDofs() != ndofs ) {
                _error("FETICommunicator :: setUpCommunicationMaps : ndofs size mismatch");

        // remember communication map for particular partition
        commMaps [ 0 ]->at(j) = localNumber;

    // receive data from slave partitions

    for ( i = 1; i < size; i++ ) {
        commBuff.iRecv(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, FETICommunicator :: BoundaryDofManagersRecMsg);
        while ( !commBuff.testCompletion(source, tag) ) {

        // unpack data
        OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("[process rank %3d]: %-30s: Received data from partition %3d\n",
                        rank, "FETICommunicator :: setUpCommunicationMaps : received boundary dofMans records", source);

        // loop over all dofmanager data received
        for ( j = 1; j <= + 1); j++ ) {

            // add corresponding entry to master map of boundary dof managers
            if ( ( localNumber = BoundaryDofManagerMap [ globaldofmannum ] ) == 0 ) { // no local counterpart exist
                // create it
                boundaryDofManList.push_back( FETIBoundaryDofManager(globaldofmannum, 0, ndofs) );
                // remember the local number; actual position in vector is localNumber-1
                localNumber = BoundaryDofManagerMap [ globaldofmannum ] = ( boundaryDofManList.size() );
            } else { // update the corresponding record
                boundaryDofManList [ localNumber - 1 ].addPartition(source);
                if ( boundaryDofManList [ localNumber - 1 ].giveNumberOfDofs() != ndofs ) {
                    _error("FETICommunicator :: setUpCommunicationMaps : ndofs size mismatch");

            // remember communication map for particular partition
            commMaps [ source ]->at(j) = localNumber;


    // assign code numbers to boundary dofs
    numberOfEquations = 0;
    numberOfBoundaryDofMans = boundaryDofManList.size();
    for ( i = 1; i <= numberOfBoundaryDofMans; i++ ) {
        boundaryDofManList [ i - 1 ].setCodeNumbers(numberOfEquations); // updates numberOfEquations

    // store the commMaps
    for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
        if ( i != 0 ) {
            this->giveProcessCommunicator(i)->setToSendArry(engngModel, * commMaps [ i ], 0);
            this->giveProcessCommunicator(i)->setToRecvArry(engngModel, * commMaps [ i ], 0);
        } else {
            masterCommMap = * commMaps [ i ];

        delete commMaps [ i ];

    delete commMaps;


    VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("FETICommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps", "communication maps setup finished", rank);
Beispiel #5
NlDEIDynamic :: computeMassMtrx(FloatArray &massMatrix, double &maxOm, TimeStep *tStep)
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);
    int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    int neq = this->giveNumberOfDomainEquations( 1, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering() );
    int i, j, jj, n;
    double maxOmi, maxOmEl;
    FloatMatrix charMtrx, charMtrx2, R;
    IntArray loc;
    Element *element;
    EModelDefaultEquationNumbering en;

    FloatArray diagonalStiffMtrx;

    maxOm = 0.;
    for ( i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        element = domain->giveElement(i);

        // skip remote elements (these are used as mirrors of remote elements on other domains
        // when nonlocal constitutive models are used. They introduction is necessary to
        // allow local averaging on domains without fine grain communication between domains).
        if ( element->giveParallelMode() == Element_remote ) {

        element->giveLocationArray(loc, en);
        element->giveCharacteristicMatrix(charMtrx, LumpedMassMatrix, tStep);
        if ( charMtrx.isNotEmpty() ) {
          ///@todo This rotation matrix is not flexible enough.. it can only work with full size matrices and doesn't allow for flexibility in the matrixassembler.
          if ( element->giveRotationMatrix(R) ) {

        element->giveCharacteristicMatrix(charMtrx2, TangentStiffnessMatrix, tStep);
        if ( charMtrx2.isNotEmpty() ) {
          ///@todo This rotation matrix is not flexible enough.. it can only work with full size matrices and doesn't allow for flexibility in the matrixassembler.
          if ( R.isNotEmpty() ) {

#ifdef DEBUG
        if ( loc.giveSize() != charMtrx.giveNumberOfRows() ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("dimension mismatch");

        n = loc.giveSize();

        maxOmEl = 0.;

        double maxElmass = -1.0;
        for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
            maxElmass = max( maxElmass,, j) );

        if ( maxElmass <= 0.0 ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("Element (%d) with zero (or negative) lumped mass encountered\n", i);
        } else {

          if (charMtrx2.isNotEmpty() ) {
            // in case stifness matrix defined, we can generate artificial mass
            // in those DOFs without mass
            for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
              if (, j) > maxElmass * ZERO_REL_MASS ) {
                maxOmi =, j) /, j);
                maxOmEl = ( maxOmEl > maxOmi ) ? ( maxOmEl ) : ( maxOmi );
            maxOm = ( maxOm > maxOmEl ) ? ( maxOm ) : ( maxOmEl );
            for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
              jj =;
              if ( ( jj ) && (, j) <= maxElmass * ZERO_REL_MASS ) ) {
      , j) =, j) / maxOmEl;

        for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
            jj =;
            if ( jj ) {
       +=, j);

    // If init step - find minimun period of vibration in order to
    // determine maximal admisible time step
    // global variant
    for ( i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        element = domain->giveElement(i);
        element->giveLocationArray(loc, en);
        element->giveCharacteristicMatrix(charMtrx, TangentStiffnessMatrix, tStep);
        if ( charMtrx.isNotEmpty() ) {
          ///@todo This rotation matrix is not flexible enough.. it can only work with full size matrices and doesn't allow for flexibility in the matrixassembler.
          if ( element->giveRotationMatrix(R) ) {

        n = loc.giveSize();
        for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
            jj =;
            if ( jj ) {
       +=, j);

    // Find find global minimun period of vibration
    double maxElmass = -1.0;
    for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
        maxElmass = max( maxElmass,, j) );

    if ( maxElmass <= 0.0 ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Element with zero (or negative) lumped mass encountered");

    for ( j = 1; j <= neq; j++ ) {
        if ( > maxElmass * ZERO_REL_MASS ) {
            maxOmi = /;
            maxOm  = ( maxOm > maxOmi ) ? ( maxOm ) : ( maxOmi );

    // Set ZERO MASS members in massMatrix to value which corresponds to global maxOm.
    for ( i = 1; i <= neq; i++ ) {
        if ( <= maxElmass * ZERO_REL_MASS ) {
   = / maxOm;

    this->updateSharedDofManagers(massMatrix, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering(), MassExchangeTag);

    // Determine maxOm over all processes.
 #ifdef __USE_MPI
    double globalMaxOm;

    VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT( "NlDEIDynamic :: computeMassMtrx", "Reduce of maxOm started", this->giveRank() );

    int result = MPI_Allreduce(& maxOm, & globalMaxOm, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT( "NlDEIDynamic :: computeMassMtrx", "Reduce of maxOm finished", this->giveRank() );

    if ( result != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("MPI_Allreduce failed");

    maxOm = globalMaxOm;

Beispiel #6
PetscNatural2GlobalOrdering :: init(EngngModel *emodel, EquationID ut, int di, EquationType et)
    Domain *d = emodel->giveDomain(di);
    int i, j, k, p, ndofs, ndofman = d->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
    int myrank = emodel->giveRank();
    DofManager *dman;
    // determine number of local eqs + number of those shared DOFs which are numbered by receiver
    // shared dofman is numbered on partition with lovest rank number
    EModelDefaultEquationNumbering dn;
    EModelDefaultPrescribedEquationNumbering dpn;

    VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("PetscNatural2GlobalOrdering :: init", "initializing N2G ordering", myrank);

    l_neqs = 0;
    for ( i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) {
        dman = d->giveDofManager(i);
         *  if (dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_local) { // count all dofman eqs
         *    ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs ();
         *    for (j=1; j<=ndofs; j++) {
         *      if (dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof()) {
         *        if (dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber()) l_neqs++;
         *      }
         *    }
         *  } else if (dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared) {
         *    // determine if problem is the lowest one sharing the dofman; if yes the receiver is responsible to
         *    // deliver number
         *    IntArray *plist = dman->givePartitionList();
         *    int n = plist->giveSize();
         *    int minrank = myrank;
         *    for (j=1; j<=n; j++) minrank = min (minrank, plist->at(j));
         *    if (minrank == myrank) { // count eqs
         *      ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs ();
         *      for (j=1; j<=ndofs; j++) {
         *        if (dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof()) {
         *          if (dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber()) l_neqs++;
         *        }
         *      }
         *    }
         *  } // end shared dman
        if ( isLocal(dman) ) {
            ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs();
            for ( j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++ ) {
                if ( dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof() ) {
                    if ( et == et_standard ) {
                        if ( dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dn) ) {
                    } else {
                        if ( dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dpn) ) {

    // exchange with other procs the number of eqs numbered on particular procs
    int *leqs = new int [ emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses() ];
    MPI_Allgather(& l_neqs, 1, MPI_INT, leqs, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    // compute local offset
    int offset = 0;
    for ( j = 0; j < myrank; j++ ) {
        offset += leqs [ j ];

    // count global number of eqs
    for ( g_neqs = 0, j = 0; j < emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses(); j++ ) {
        g_neqs += leqs [ j ];

    // send numbered shared ones
    if ( et == et_standard ) {
        locGlobMap.resize( emodel->giveNumberOfEquations(ut) );
    } else {
        locGlobMap.resize( emodel->giveNumberOfPrescribedEquations(ut) );

    // determine shared dofs
    int psize, nproc = emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses();
    IntArray sizeToSend(nproc), sizeToRecv(nproc), nrecToReceive(nproc);
    IntArray nrecToSend(nproc);
    const IntArray *plist;
    for ( i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) {
        // if (domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared) {
        if ( isShared( d->giveDofManager(i) ) ) {
            int n = d->giveDofManager(i)->giveNumberOfDofs();
            plist = d->giveDofManager(i)->givePartitionList();
            psize = plist->giveSize();
            int minrank = myrank;
            for ( j = 1; j <= psize; j++ ) {
                minrank = min( minrank, plist->at(j) );

            if ( minrank == myrank ) { // count to send
                for ( j = 1; j <= psize; j++ ) {
                    nrecToSend( plist->at(j) )++;
                    sizeToSend( plist->at(j) ) += ( 1 + n );  // ndofs+dofman number
            } else {
                sizeToRecv(minrank) += ( 1 + n );      // ndofs+dofman number

    for ( i = 0; i < nproc; i++ ) {
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("[%d] Record Statistics: Sending %d Receiving %d to %d\n",
                       myrank, nrecToSend(i), nrecToReceive(i), i);


    std :: map< int, int >globloc; //  global->local mapping for shared
    // number local guys
    int globeq = offset;
    for ( i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) {
        dman = d->giveDofManager(i);
        //if (dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared) {
        if ( isShared(dman) ) {
            globloc [ dman->giveGlobalNumber() ] = i; // build global->local mapping for shared

            plist = dman->givePartitionList();
            psize = plist->giveSize();
            int minrank = myrank;
            for ( j = 1; j <= psize; j++ ) {
                minrank = min( minrank, plist->at(j) );

            if ( minrank == myrank ) { // local
                ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs();
                for ( j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++ ) {
                    if ( dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof() ) {
                        int eq;
                        if ( et == et_standard ) {
                            eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dn);
                        } else {
                            eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dpn);

                        if ( eq ) {
                   = globeq++;

            //} else if (dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_local) {
        } else {
            ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs();
            for ( j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++ ) {
                if ( dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof() ) {
                    int eq;
                    if ( et == et_standard ) {
                        eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dn);
                    } else {
                        eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dpn);

                    if ( eq ) {
               = globeq++;

     * fprintf (stderr, "[%d] locGlobMap: ", myrank);
     * for (i=1; i<=locGlobMap.giveSize(); i++)
     * fprintf (stderr, "%d ",;

    // pack data for remote procs
    CommunicationBuffer **buffs = new CommunicationBuffer * [ nproc ];
    for ( p = 0; p < nproc; p++ ) {
        buffs [ p ] = new StaticCommunicationBuffer(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0);
        buffs [ p ]->resize( buffs [ p ]->givePackSize(MPI_INT, 1) * sizeToSend(p) );

#if 0
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO( "[%d]PetscN2G:: init: Send buffer[%d] size %d\n",
                       myrank, p, sizeToSend(p) );

    for ( i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) {
        if ( isShared( d->giveDofManager(i) ) ) {
            dman = d->giveDofManager(i);
            plist = dman->givePartitionList();
            psize = plist->giveSize();
            int minrank = myrank;
            for ( j = 1; j <= psize; j++ ) {
                minrank = min( minrank, plist->at(j) );

            if ( minrank == myrank ) { // do send
                for ( j = 1; j <= psize; j++ ) {
                    p = plist->at(j);
                    if ( p == myrank ) {

#if 0
                    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("[%d]PetscN2G:: init: Sending localShared node %d[%d] to proc %d\n",
                                   myrank, i, dman->giveGlobalNumber(), p);
                    buffs [ p ]->packInt( dman->giveGlobalNumber() );
                    ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs();
                    for ( k = 1; k <= ndofs; k++ ) {
                        if ( dman->giveDof(k)->isPrimaryDof() ) {
                            int eq;
                            if ( et == et_standard ) {
                                eq = dman->giveDof(k)->giveEquationNumber(dn);
                            } else {
                                eq = dman->giveDof(k)->giveEquationNumber(dpn);

                            if ( eq ) {
                                buffs [ p ]->packInt( );

    //fprintf (stderr, "[%d] Sending glob nums ...", myrank);
    // send buffers
    for ( p = 0; p < nproc; p++ ) {
        if ( p != myrank ) {
            buffs [ p ]->iSend(p, 999);

    *  for (p=0; p<nproc; p++) {
    *   if (p == myrank) continue;
    *   for (i=1;  i<= ndofman; i++) {
    *     //if (domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared) {
    *     if (isShared(d->giveDofManager(i))) {
    *       dman = d->giveDofManager(i);
    *       plist = dman->givePartitionList();
    *       psize = plist->giveSize();
    *       int minrank = myrank;
    *       for (j=1; j<=psize; j++) minrank = min (minrank, plist->at(j));
    *       if (minrank == myrank) { // do send
    *         buffs[p]->packInt(dman->giveGlobalNumber());
    *         ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs ();
    *         for (j=1; j<=ndofs; j++) {
    *           if (dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof()) {
    *             buffs[p]->packInt(>giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber()));
    *           }
    *         }
    *       }
    *     }
    *   }
    *   // send buffer
    *   buffs[p]->iSend(p, 999);
    *  }

    // receive remote eqs and complete global numbering
    CommunicationBuffer **rbuffs = new CommunicationBuffer * [ nproc ];
    for ( p = 0; p < nproc; p++ ) {
        rbuffs [ p ] = new StaticCommunicationBuffer(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0);
        rbuffs [ p ]->resize( rbuffs [ p ]->givePackSize(MPI_INT, 1) * sizeToRecv(p) );
#if 0
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO( "[%d]PetscN2G:: init: Receive buffer[%d] size %d\n",
                       myrank, p, sizeToRecv(p) );

    //fprintf (stderr, "[%d] Receiving glob nums ...", myrank);
    for ( p = 0; p < nproc; p++ ) {
        if ( p != myrank ) {
            rbuffs [ p ]->iRecv(p, 999);

    IntArray finished(nproc);;
    int fin = 1;>giveRank() + 1) = 1;
    do {
        for ( p = 0; p < nproc; p++ ) {
            if ( + 1) == 0 ) {
                if ( rbuffs [ p ]->testCompletion() ) {
                    // data are here
                    // unpack them
                    int nite = nrecToReceive(p);
                    int shdm, ldm;
                    for ( i = 1; i <= nite; i++ ) {
                        rbuffs [ p ]->unpackInt(shdm);

#if 0
                        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("[%d]PetscN2G:: init: Received shared node [%d] from proc %d\n",
                                       myrank, shdm, p);
                        // find local guy coorecponding to shdm
                        if ( globloc.find(shdm) != globloc.end() ) {
                            ldm = globloc [ shdm ];
                        } else {
                            OOFEM_ERROR3("[%d] PetscNatural2GlobalOrdering :: init: invalid shared dofman received, globnum %d\n", myrank, shdm);

                        dman = d->giveDofManager(ldm);
                        ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs();
                        for ( j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++ ) {
                            if ( dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof() ) {
                                int eq;
                                if ( et == et_standard ) {
                                    eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dn);
                                } else {
                                    eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dpn);

                                if ( eq ) {
                                    int val;
                                    rbuffs [ p ]->unpackInt(val);
                           = val;

           + 1) = 1;
    } while ( fin < nproc );

     * fprintf (stderr, "[%d] Finished receiving glob nums ...", myrank);
     * fprintf (stderr, "[%d] locGlobMap:", myrank);
     * for (i=1; i<=locGlobMap.giveSize(); i++)
     * fprintf (stderr, "%d ",;

    if ( et == et_standard ) {
        int _eq;
        char *ptr;
        char *locname = "local", *shname = "shared", *unkname = "unknown";
        for ( i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) {
            dman = d->giveDofManager(i);
            if ( dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_local ) {
                ptr = locname;
            } else if ( dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared ) {
                ptr = shname;
            } else {
                ptr = unkname;

            ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs();
            for ( j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++ ) {
                if ( ( _eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dn) ) ) {
                    fprintf( stderr, "[%d] n:%6s %d[%d] (%d), leq = %d, geq = %d\n", emodel->giveRank(), ptr, i, dman->giveGlobalNumber(), j, _eq, );
                } else {
                    fprintf(stderr, "[%d] n:%6s %d[%d] (%d), leq = %d, geq = %d\n", emodel->giveRank(), ptr, i, dman->giveGlobalNumber(), j, _eq, 0);


    // build reverse map
    int lneq;
    if ( et == et_standard ) {
        lneq = emodel->giveNumberOfEquations(ut);
    } else {
        lneq = emodel->giveNumberOfPrescribedEquations(ut);

    for ( i = 1; i <= lneq; i++ ) {
        globLocMap [ ] = i;

    for ( p = 0; p < nproc; p++ ) {
        delete rbuffs [ p ];
        delete buffs [ p ];

    delete[] rbuffs;
    delete[] buffs;
    delete[] leqs;

    VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("PetscNatural2GlobalOrdering :: init", "done", myrank);
Beispiel #7
ProblemCommunicator :: setUpCommunicationMapsForRemoteElementMode(EngngModel *pm,
                                                                  bool excludeSelfCommFlag)
    //int nnodes = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
    Domain *domain = pm->giveDomain(1);
    int i, j, partition;

    if ( this->mode == ProblemCommMode__REMOTE_ELEMENT_MODE ) {
         * Initially, each partition knows for which nodes a receive
         * is needed (and can therefore compute easily the recv map),
         * but does not know for which nodes it should send data to which
         * partition. Hence, the communication setup is performed by
         * broadcasting "send request" lists of nodes for which
         * a partition expects to receive data (ie. of those nodes
         * which the partition uses, but does not own) to all
         * collaborating processes. The "send request" list are
         * converted into send maps.

        // receive maps can be build locally,
        // but send maps should be assembled from broadcasted lists (containing
        // expected receive nodes) of remote partitions.

        // first build local receive map
        IntArray domainNodeRecvCount(size);
        const IntArray *partitionList;
        //DofManager *dofMan;
        Element *element;
        int domainRecvListSize = 0, domainRecvListPos = 0;
        int nelems;
        int result = 1;

        nelems = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
        for ( i = 1; i <= nelems; i++ ) {
            partitionList = domain->giveElement(i)->givePartitionList();
            if ( domain->giveElement(i)->giveParallelMode() == Element_remote ) {
                // size of partitionList should be 1 <== only ine master
                for ( j = 1; j <= partitionList->giveSize(); j++ ) {
                    if ( !( excludeSelfCommFlag && ( this->rank == partitionList->at(j) ) ) ) {
              >at(j) + 1)++;

        // build maps simultaneously
        IntArray pos(size);
        IntArray **maps = new IntArray * [ size ];
        for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
            maps [ i ] = new IntArray( + 1) );

        // allocate also domain receive list to be broadcasted
        IntArray domainRecvList(domainRecvListSize);

        if ( domainRecvListSize ) {
            for ( i = 1; i <= nelems; i++ ) {
                // test if element is remote one
                element = domain->giveElement(i);
                if ( element->giveParallelMode() == Element_remote ) {
           = element->giveGlobalNumber();

                    partitionList = domain->giveElement(i)->givePartitionList();
                    // size of partitionList should be 1 <== only ine master
                    for ( j = 1; j <= partitionList->giveSize(); j++ ) {
                        if ( !( excludeSelfCommFlag && ( this->rank == partitionList->at(j) ) ) ) {
                            partition = partitionList->at(j);
                            maps [ partition ]->at( + 1) ) = i;

        // set up domains recv communicator maps
        for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
            this->setProcessCommunicatorToRecvArry(this->giveProcessCommunicator(i), * maps [ i ]);
            //this->giveDomainCommunicator(i)->setToRecvArry (this->engngModel, *maps[i]);

         * #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL
         * for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
         * fprintf (stderr, "domain %d-%d: domainCommRecvsize is %d\n",rank,i,this->giveDomainCommunicator(i)->giveRecvBuff()->giveSize() );
         * printf ("domain %d-%d: reecv map:",rank,i);
         * this->giveDomainCommunicator(i)->giveToRecvMap()->printYourself();
         * }

        // delete local maps
        for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
            delete maps [ i ];

        delete [] maps;

        // to assemble send maps, we must analyze broadcasted remote domain send lists
        // and we must also broadcast our send list.

        VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("ProblemCommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps", "Remote Element-cut broadcasting started", rank);

        StaticCommunicationBuffer commBuff(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        IntArray remoteDomainRecvList;
        IntArray toSendMap;
        int localExpectedSize, globalRecvSize;
        int sendMapPos, sendMapSize, globalDofManNum;

        // determine the size of receive buffer using AllReduce operation
        localExpectedSize = domainRecvList.givePackSize(commBuff);
        localExpectedSize = domainRecvList.givePackSize(commBuff) + 1;

#ifdef __USE_MPI
        result = MPI_Allreduce(& localExpectedSize, & globalRecvSize, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        if ( result != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
            _error("setUpCommunicationMaps: MPI_Allreduce failed");


        VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("ProblemCommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps", "Finished reducing receiveBufferSize", rank);

        // resize to fit largest received message

        // resize toSend map to max possible size

        for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { // loop over domains
            if ( i == rank ) {
                //current domain has to send its receive list to all domains
                // broadcast domainRecvList

                VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("ProblemCommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps", "Broadcasting own send list", rank);

                result = commBuff.bcast(i);
                if ( result != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
                    _error("setUpCommunicationMaps: commBuff broadcast failed");

                VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("ProblemCommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps", "Broadcasting own send list finished", rank);
            } else {
                OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("[process rank %3d]: %-30s: Receiving broadcasted send map from partition %3d\n",
                                rank, "ProblemCommunicator :: unpackAllData", i);
                // receive broadcasted lists
                result = commBuff.bcast(i);
                if ( result != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
                    _error("setUpCommunicationMaps: commBuff broadcast failed");

                OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("[process rank %3d]: %-30s: Receiving broadcasted send map from partition %3d finished\n",
                                rank, "ProblemCommunicator :: unpackAllData", i);

                // unpack remote receive list
                if ( !commBuff.unpackIntArray(remoteDomainRecvList) ) {
                    _error("ProblemCommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps: unpack remote receive list failed");

                // find if remote elements are in local partition
                // if yes add them into send map for correcponding i-th partition
                sendMapPos = 0;
                sendMapSize = 0;
                // determine sendMap size
                for ( j = 1; j <= nelems; j++ ) { // loop over local elements
                    element = domain->giveElement(j);
                    if ( element->giveParallelMode() == Element_local ) {
                        globalDofManNum = element->giveGlobalNumber();
                        // test id globalDofManNum is in remoteDomainRecvList
                        if ( remoteDomainRecvList.findFirstIndexOf(globalDofManNum) ) {


                for ( j = 1; j <= nelems; j++ ) { // loop over local elements
                    element = domain->giveElement(j);
                    if ( element->giveParallelMode() == Element_local ) {
                        globalDofManNum = element->giveGlobalNumber();
                        // test id globalDofManNum is in remoteDomainRecvList
                        if ( remoteDomainRecvList.findFirstIndexOf(globalDofManNum) ) {
                            // add this local DofManager number to sed map for active partition
                   = j;
                } // end loop over local DofManagers

                // set send map to i-th process communicator
                this->setProcessCommunicatorToSendArry(this->giveProcessCommunicator(i), toSendMap);

                 * #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL
                 *  fprintf (stderr, "domain %d-%d: domainCommSendsize is %d\n",rank,i,this->giveDomainCommunicator(i)->giveSendBuff()->giveSize() );
                 *  printf ("domain %d-%d: send map:",rank,i);
                 *  this->giveDomainCommunicator(i)->giveToSendMap()->printYourself();

                //this->giveDomainCommunicator(i)->setToSendArry (this->engngModel, toSendMap);
            } // end receiving broadcasted lists

            VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("ProblemCommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps", "Receiving broadcasted send maps finished", rank);
        } // end loop over domains

    } else {
        _error("setUpCommunicationMapsForRemoteElementMode: unknown mode");
Beispiel #8
 * should be called after basic local migration is finalized,
 * when all local elements are already available
NonlocalMaterialWTP :: migrate()
    Domain *domain = this->lb->giveDomain();
    EngngModel *emodel = domain->giveEngngModel();
    int nproc = emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses();
    int myrank = emodel->giveRank();
    CommunicatorBuff cb(nproc, CBT_dynamic);
    Communicator com(emodel, &cb, myrank, nproc, CommMode_Dynamic);
    StaticCommunicationBuffer commBuff(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

     * build domain nonlocal element dependency list. Then exclude local elements - what remains are unsatisfied
     * remote dependencies that have to be broadcasted and received from partitions owning relevant elements
    int _locsize, i, _i, ie, _size, _globnum, result, nelems = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    int _globsize, _val;
    Element *elem;
    std :: set< int >domainElementDepSet;
    // loop over each element dep list to assemble domain list
    for ( ie = 1; ie <= nelems; ie++ ) {
        elem = domain->giveElement(ie);
        if ( ( elem->giveParallelMode() == Element_local ) ) {
            _globnum = elem->giveGlobalNumber();
            IntArray &iedep = nonlocElementDependencyMap [ _globnum ];
            _size = iedep.giveSize();
            for ( _i = 1; _i <= _size; _i++ ) {
                domainElementDepSet.insert( );

#if NonlocalMaterialWTP_DEBUG_PRINT
            fprintf(stderr, "[%d] element %d dependency:", myrank, _globnum);
            for ( _i = 1; _i <= _size; _i++ ) {
                fprintf( stderr, "%d ", );

            fprintf(stderr, "\n");

#if NonlocalMaterialWTP_DEBUG_PRINT
    fprintf(stderr, "[%d] nonlocal domain dependency:", myrank);
    for ( int eldep: domainElementDepSet ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%d ", eldep);

    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    // now exclude local elements (local dependency is always satisfied)
    for ( _i = 1; _i <= nelems; _i++ ) {
        elem = domain->giveElement(_i);
        if ( elem->giveParallelMode() == Element_local ) {
            domainElementDepSet.erase( elem->giveGlobalNumber() );

#if NonlocalMaterialWTP_DEBUG_PRINT
    fprintf(stderr, "[%d] remote elem wish list:", myrank);
    for ( int eldep: domainElementDepSet ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%d ", eldep);

    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    // broadcast remaining elements (unsatisfied domain nonlocal dependency) to remaining partitions
    _locsize = domainElementDepSet.size() + 1;
    result = MPI_Allreduce(& _locsize, & _globsize, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if ( result != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("MPI_Allreduce to determine  broadcast buffer size failed");

    commBuff.resize( commBuff.givePackSize(MPI_INT, _globsize) );
    // remote domain wish list
    std :: set< int >remoteWishSet;

    for ( i = 0; i < nproc; i++ ) { // loop over partitions
        toSendList [ i ].clear();
        if ( i == myrank ) {
            // current domain has to send its receive wish list to all domains
            for ( int eldep: domainElementDepSet ) {

            result = commBuff.bcast(i);
        } else {
            // unpack remote domain wish list
            result = commBuff.bcast(i);
            // unpack size
            for ( _i = 1; _i < _size; _i++ ) {

            // determine which local elements are to be sent to remotepartition
            for ( _i = 1; _i <= nelems; _i++ ) {
                elem = domain->giveElement(_i);
                if ( elem->giveParallelMode() == Element_local ) {
                    if ( remoteWishSet.find( elem->giveGlobalNumber() ) != remoteWishSet.end() ) {
                        // store local element number
                        toSendList [ i ].push_back(_i);
    } // end loop over partitions broadcast

#if NonlocalMaterialWTP_DEBUG_PRINT
    for ( i = 0; i < nproc; i++ ) { // loop over partitions
        // print some info
        fprintf(stderr, "[%d] elements scheduled for mirroring at [%d]:",
                myrank, i);
        for ( int elnum: toSendList [ i ] ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "%d[%d] ", elnum, domain->giveElement(elnum)->giveGlobalNumber() );

        fprintf(stderr, "\n");


    com.packAllData(this, domain, & NonlocalMaterialWTP :: packRemoteElements);
    com.unpackAllData(this, domain, & NonlocalMaterialWTP :: unpackRemoteElements);

    domain->commitTransactions( domain->giveTransactionManager() );

    VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("NonlocalMaterialWTP::migrate", "Finished migrating remote elements", myrank);
PetscSparseMtrx :: buildInternalStructure(EngngModel *eModel, int di, EquationID ut, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s)
    IntArray loc;
    Domain *domain = eModel->giveDomain(di);
    int nelem;

    if ( mtrx ) {

    if ( this->kspInit ) {
      this->kspInit  = false; // force ksp to be initialized

    this->ut = ut;
    this->emodel = eModel;
    this->di = di;

    if ( eModel->isParallel() ) {
        int rank;
        PetscNatural2GlobalOrdering *n2g;
        PetscNatural2LocalOrdering *n2l;
        rank = eModel->giveRank();
        n2g = eModel->givePetscContext(di, ut)->giveN2Gmap();
        n2l = eModel->givePetscContext(di, ut)->giveN2Lmap();

        n2l->init(eModel, ut, di);
        n2g->init(eModel, ut, di);

        VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("PetscSparseMtrx:: buildInternalStructure", "", rank);

        leqs = n2g->giveNumberOfLocalEqs();
        geqs = n2g->giveNumberOfGlobalEqs();

        //printf("%d, leqs = %d, geqs = %d\n", this->emodel->giveRank(), leqs, geqs);

        OOFEM_LOG_INFO( "[%d]PetscSparseMtrx:: buildInternalStructure: l_eqs = %d, g_eqs = %d, n_eqs = %d\n", rank, leqs, geqs, eModel->giveNumberOfEquations(ut) );

        // determine nonzero structure of a "local (maintained)" part of matrix, and the off-diagonal part
        int i, ii, j, jj, n;
        Element *elem;
        // allocation map
        std :: vector< std :: set< int > >d_rows(leqs);  // diagonal sub-matrix allocation
        std :: vector< std :: set< int > >o_rows(leqs);  // off-diagonal allocation

        IntArray d_nnz(leqs), o_nnz(leqs), lloc, gloc;

        //fprintf (stderr,"[%d] n2l map: ",rank);
        //for (n=1; n<=n2l.giveN2Lmap()->giveSize(); n++) fprintf (stderr, "%d ", n2l.giveN2Lmap()->at(n));

        nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
        for ( n = 1; n <= nelem; n++ ) {
            //fprintf (stderr, "(elem %d) ", n);
            elem = domain->giveElement(n);
            elem->giveLocationArray(loc, ut, s);
            n2l->map2New(lloc, loc, 0); // translate natural->local numbering (remark, 1-based indexing)
            n2g->map2New(gloc, loc, 0); // translate natural->global numbering (remark, 0-based indexing)
            // See the petsc manual for details on how this allocation is constructed.
            for ( i = 1; i <= lloc.giveSize(); i++ ) {
                if ( ( ii = ) ) {
                    for ( j = 1; j <= lloc.giveSize(); j++ ) {
                        if ( ( jj = ) >= 0 ) { // if negative, then it is prescribed
                            if ( ) { // if true, then its the local part (the diagonal block matrix)
                                d_rows [ ii - 1 ].insert(jj);
                            } else { // Otherwise it must be off-diagonal
                                o_rows [ ii - 1 ].insert(jj);
            //fprintf (stderr, "\n");

        // Diagonal must always be allocated; this code ensures that for every local line, it adds the global column number
        IntArray *n2gmap = n2g->giveN2Gmap();
        IntArray *n2lmap = n2l->giveN2Lmap();
        for ( int n = 1; n <= n2lmap->giveSize(); ++n ) {
            if ( n2lmap->at(n) ) {
                d_rows [ n2lmap->at(n)-1 ].insert( n2gmap->at(n) );

        for ( i = 0; i < leqs; i++ ) {
            d_nnz(i) = d_rows [ i ].size();
            o_nnz(i) = o_rows [ i ].size();

        //fprintf (stderr,"\n[%d]PetscSparseMtrx: Profile ...",rank);
        //for (i=0; i<leqs; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%d ", d_nnz(i));
        //fprintf (stderr,"\n[%d]PetscSparseMtrx: Creating MPIAIJ Matrix ...\n",rank);

        // create PETSc mat
        MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, & mtrx);
        MatSetSizes(mtrx, leqs, leqs, geqs, geqs);
        MatSetType(mtrx, MATMPIAIJ);
        MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(mtrx, 0, d_nnz.givePointer(), 0, o_nnz.givePointer());
        //MatMPIBAIJSetPreallocation( mtrx, PETSC_DECIDE, 0, d_nnz.givePointer(), onz, onnz );
        //MatMPISBAIJSetPreallocation( mtrx, PETSC_DECIDE, 0, d_nnz_sym.givePointer(), onz, onnz );

        MatSetOption(mtrx, MAT_ROW_ORIENTED, PETSC_FALSE); // To allow the insertion of values using MatSetValues in column major order

        VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("PetscSparseMtrx:: buildInternalStructure", "done", rank);
    } else {

    leqs = geqs = eModel->giveNumberOfEquations(ut);
    int i, ii, j, jj, n;
    Element *elem;
    // allocation map
    std :: vector< std :: set< int > >rows(leqs);
    std :: vector< std :: set< int > >rows_sym(leqs);

    nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    for ( n = 1; n <= nelem; n++ ) {
        elem = domain->giveElement(n);
        elem->giveLocationArray(loc, ut, s);
        for ( i = 1; i <= loc.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            if ( ( ii = ) ) {
                for ( j = 1; j <= loc.giveSize(); j++ ) {
                    jj =;
                    if ( jj ) {
                        rows [ ii - 1 ].insert(jj - 1);
                        if ( jj >= ii ) {
                            rows_sym [ ii - 1 ].insert(jj - 1);

    // Structure from active boundary conditions.
    AList<IntArray> locs, temp;
    for ( n = 1; n <= domain->giveNumberOfBoundaryConditions(); n++ ) {
        ActiveBoundaryCondition *activebc = dynamic_cast<ActiveBoundaryCondition*>(domain->giveBc(n));
        if (activebc) {
            ///@todo Deal with the CharType here.
            activebc->giveLocationArrays(locs, temp, ut, TangentStiffnessMatrix, s, s, domain);
            for (int k = 1; k < locs.giveSize(); k++) {
                IntArray *kloc =;
                for ( i = 1; i <= kloc->giveSize(); i++ ) {
                    if ( ( ii = kloc->at(i) ) ) {
                        for ( j = 1; j <= kloc->giveSize(); j++ ) {
                            jj = kloc->at(j);
                            if ( jj ) {
                                rows [ ii - 1 ].insert(jj - 1);
                                if ( jj >= ii ) {
                                    rows_sym [ ii - 1 ].insert(jj - 1);

    IntArray d_nnz(leqs);
    IntArray d_nnz_sym(leqs);
    for ( i = 0; i < leqs; i++ ) {
        d_nnz(i) = rows [ i ].size();
        d_nnz_sym(i) = rows_sym [ i ].size();

    MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF, & mtrx);
    MatSetSizes(mtrx, leqs, leqs, geqs, geqs);
    MatSetType(mtrx, MATSEQAIJ);
    //MatSetType(mtrx, MATSBAIJ);
    //MatSetType(mtrx, MATDENSE);

    MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation( mtrx, 0, d_nnz.givePointer() );
    MatSeqBAIJSetPreallocation( mtrx, PETSC_DECIDE, 0, d_nnz.givePointer() );
    MatSeqSBAIJSetPreallocation( mtrx, PETSC_DECIDE, 0, d_nnz_sym.givePointer() );

    MatSetOption(mtrx, MAT_ROW_ORIENTED, PETSC_FALSE); // To allow the insertion of values using MatSetValues in column major order


    nRows = nColumns = geqs;
    this->newValues = true;
    return true;