Beispiel #1
void VXAddInputCallback (VXInputType input_type, VXInputCallback callback,
			 VPointer client_data)
    VXInputCb *icb;
    XtEventHandler event_handler = NULL;
    EventMask event_mask = 0;

    if (! VX_App.initialized)
	VError ("VXAddInputCallback: VX not initialized");

    if (VX_App.in_main_loop)
	VError ("VXAddInputCallback: Main event loop already started");

    /* Check if callback is NULL: */
    if (callback == NULL)
	VError ("VXAddInputCallback: Callback function cannot be NULL");

    /* Check validity of input_type: */
    if (input_type < 0 || input_type >= VXnInputTypes)
	VError ("VXAddInputCallback: Invalid input type %d", input_type);

    /* Allocate a structure to store callback and client_data: */
    icb = VMalloc (sizeof (VXInputCb));
    icb->callback = callback;
    icb->client_data = client_data;

    /* If the appropriate callback list is NULL, allocate space for the list
       and register the appropriate event handler */
    if (l_input.input_cb_list[input_type] == NULL) {

	l_input.input_cb_list[input_type] = VListCreate ();

	switch (input_type) {

	case VXIkeyPress:
	    event_handler = (XtEventHandler) DispatchKeyPress;
	    event_mask = KeyPressMask;

	case VXIbuttonPress:
	    event_handler = (XtEventHandler) DispatchButtonPress;
	    event_mask = ButtonPressMask;

	case VXIbuttonRelease:
	    event_handler = (XtEventHandler) DispatchButtonRelease;
	    event_mask = ButtonReleaseMask;

	case VXIpointerMotion:
	    event_handler = (XtEventHandler) DispatchPointerMotion;
	    event_mask = PointerMotionMask | PointerMotionHintMask;


	XtAddEventHandler (VX_App.x.imageView, event_mask, FALSE,
			   (XtPointer) l_input.input_cb_list[input_type]);

    /* Add the callback structure to the appropriate list: */
    VListAppend (l_input.input_cb_list[input_type], (VPointer) icb);
Beispiel #2
static VBoolean WriteAttr (FILE *f, VAttrListPosn *posn, int indent, VList *data_list, long *offset)
    int i;
    char *str;
    VRepnKind repn;
    VAttrList sublist;
    VBundle b;
    DataBlock *db;
    VTypeMethods *methods;
    size_t length;
    VPointer value;
    VBoolean result;
    VAttrListPosn subposn;

    /* Indent by the specified amount: */
    for (i = 0; i < indent; i++)
	FailTest (fputc ('\t', f));

    /* Output the attribute's name: */
    FailTest (fprintf (f, "%s: ", VGetAttrName (posn)));

    /* Ouput its value: */
    switch (repn = VGetAttrRepn (posn)) {

    case VAttrListRepn:
	VGetAttrValue (posn, NULL, VAttrListRepn, (VPointer) & sublist);
	result = WriteAttrList (f, sublist, indent, data_list, offset);

    case VBundleRepn:
	VGetAttrValue (posn, NULL, VBundleRepn, (VBundle) & b);
	if (! WriteString (f, b->type_name))
	    return FALSE;
	FailTest (fputc (' ', f));

	/* If it's a typed value with binary data... */
	if (b->length > 0) {

	    /* Include "data" and "length" attributes in its attribute list: */
	    VPrependAttr (b->list, VLengthAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
			  (VLong) b->length);
	    VPrependAttr (b->list, VDataAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
			  (VLong) *offset);

	    /* Add it to the queue of binary data blocks to be written: */
	    *offset += b->length;
	    db = VNew (DataBlock);
	    db->posn = *posn;
	    db->list = b->list;
	    db->length = b->length;
	    VListAppend (*data_list, db);

	/* Write the typed value's attribute list: */
	result = WriteAttrList (f, b->list, indent, data_list, offset);

	/* Remove the "data" and "length" attributes added earlier: */
	if (b->length > 0) {
	    VFirstAttr (b->list, & subposn);
	    VDeleteAttr (& subposn);
	    VDeleteAttr (& subposn);

    case VStringRepn:
	VGetAttrValue (posn, NULL, VStringRepn, (VPointer) & str);
	result = WriteString (f, str);

	if (! (methods = VRepnMethods (repn)) ||
	    ! methods->encode_attr || ! methods->encode_data) {
	    VWarning ("VWriteFile: "
		      "%s attribute has unwriteable representation: %s",
		      VGetAttrName (posn), VRepnName (repn));
	    return FALSE;

	/* Write the type name: */
	if (! WriteString (f, VRepnName (repn)))
	    return FALSE;
	FailTest (fputc (' ', f));

	/* Invoke the object type's encode_attr method to obtain an
	   attribute list: */
	VGetAttrValue (posn, NULL, repn, & value);
	sublist = (methods->encode_attr) (value, & length);

	/* If binary data is indicated... */
	if (length > 0) {

	    /* Include "data" and "length" attributes in the attr list: */
	    VPrependAttr (sublist, VLengthAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
			  (VLong) length);
	    VPrependAttr (sublist, VDataAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
			  (VLong) *offset);

	    *offset += length;

	/* Add the object to the queue of binary data blocks to be written: */
	db = VNew (DataBlock);
	db->posn = *posn;
	db->list = sublist;
	db->length = length;
	VListAppend (*data_list, db);

	/* Write the typed value's attribute list: */
	result = WriteAttrList (f, sublist, indent, data_list, offset);

	/* Remove the "data" and "length" attributes added earlier: */
	if (length > 0) {
	    VFirstAttr (sublist, & subposn);
	    VDeleteAttr (& subposn);
	    VDeleteAttr (& subposn);

    /* Output a trailing newline: */
    if (result)
	FailTest (fputc ('\n', f));
    return result;

    VWarning ("VWriteFile: Write to stream failed");
    return FALSE;