Beispiel #1
 * Deletes pending list pages up to (not including) newHead page.
 * If newHead == InvalidBlockNumber then function drops the whole list.
 * metapage is pinned and exclusive-locked throughout this function.
 * Returns true if another cleanup process is running concurrently
 * (if so, we can just abandon our own efforts)
static bool
shiftList(Relation index, Buffer metabuffer, BlockNumber newHead,
		  bool fill_fsm, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats)
	Page		metapage;
	GinMetaPageData *metadata;
	BlockNumber blknoToDelete;

	metapage = BufferGetPage(metabuffer);
	metadata = GinPageGetMeta(metapage);
	blknoToDelete = metadata->head;

		Page		page;
		int			i;
		int64		nDeletedHeapTuples = 0;
		ginxlogDeleteListPages data;
		Buffer		buffers[GIN_NDELETE_AT_ONCE];
		BlockNumber	freespace[GIN_NDELETE_AT_ONCE];

		data.ndeleted = 0;
		while (data.ndeleted < GIN_NDELETE_AT_ONCE && blknoToDelete != newHead)
			freespace[data.ndeleted] = blknoToDelete;
			buffers[data.ndeleted] = ReadBuffer(index, blknoToDelete);
			LockBuffer(buffers[data.ndeleted], GIN_EXCLUSIVE);
			page = BufferGetPage(buffers[data.ndeleted]);


			if (GinPageIsDeleted(page))
				/* concurrent cleanup process is detected */
				for (i = 0; i < data.ndeleted; i++)

				return true;

			nDeletedHeapTuples += GinPageGetOpaque(page)->maxoff;
			blknoToDelete = GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;

		if (stats)
			stats->pages_deleted += data.ndeleted;

		 * This operation touches an unusually large number of pages, so
		 * prepare the XLogInsert machinery for that before entering the
		 * critical section.
		if (RelationNeedsWAL(index))
			XLogEnsureRecordSpace(data.ndeleted, 0);


		metadata->head = blknoToDelete;

		Assert(metadata->nPendingPages >= data.ndeleted);
		metadata->nPendingPages -= data.ndeleted;
		Assert(metadata->nPendingHeapTuples >= nDeletedHeapTuples);
		metadata->nPendingHeapTuples -= nDeletedHeapTuples;

		if (blknoToDelete == InvalidBlockNumber)
			metadata->tail = InvalidBlockNumber;
			metadata->tailFreeSize = 0;
			metadata->nPendingPages = 0;
			metadata->nPendingHeapTuples = 0;


		for (i = 0; i < data.ndeleted; i++)
			page = BufferGetPage(buffers[i]);
			GinPageGetOpaque(page)->flags = GIN_DELETED;

		if (RelationNeedsWAL(index))
			XLogRecPtr	recptr;

			XLogRegisterBuffer(0, metabuffer, REGBUF_WILL_INIT);
			for (i = 0; i < data.ndeleted; i++)
				XLogRegisterBuffer(i + 1, buffers[i], REGBUF_WILL_INIT);

			memcpy(&data.metadata, metadata, sizeof(GinMetaPageData));

			XLogRegisterData((char *) &data,

			PageSetLSN(metapage, recptr);

			for (i = 0; i < data.ndeleted; i++)
				page = BufferGetPage(buffers[i]);
				PageSetLSN(page, recptr);

		for (i = 0; i < data.ndeleted; i++)


		for (i = 0; fill_fsm && i < data.ndeleted; i++)
			RecordFreeIndexPage(index, freespace[i]);

	} while (blknoToDelete != newHead);

	return false;
Beispiel #2
 *	_hash_squeezebucket(rel, bucket)
 *	Try to squeeze the tuples onto pages occurring earlier in the
 *	bucket chain in an attempt to free overflow pages. When we start
 *	the "squeezing", the page from which we start taking tuples (the
 *	"read" page) is the last bucket in the bucket chain and the page
 *	onto which we start squeezing tuples (the "write" page) is the
 *	first page in the bucket chain.  The read page works backward and
 *	the write page works forward; the procedure terminates when the
 *	read page and write page are the same page.
 *	At completion of this procedure, it is guaranteed that all pages in
 *	the bucket are nonempty, unless the bucket is totally empty (in
 *	which case all overflow pages will be freed).  The original implementation
 *	required that to be true on entry as well, but it's a lot easier for
 *	callers to leave empty overflow pages and let this guy clean it up.
 *	Caller must acquire cleanup lock on the primary page of the target
 *	bucket to exclude any scans that are in progress, which could easily
 *	be confused into returning the same tuple more than once or some tuples
 *	not at all by the rearrangement we are performing here.  To prevent
 *	any concurrent scan to cross the squeeze scan we use lock chaining
 *	similar to hasbucketcleanup.  Refer comments atop hashbucketcleanup.
 *	We need to retain a pin on the primary bucket to ensure that no concurrent
 *	split can start.
 *	Since this function is invoked in VACUUM, we provide an access strategy
 *	parameter that controls fetches of the bucket pages.
_hash_squeezebucket(Relation rel,
					Bucket bucket,
					BlockNumber bucket_blkno,
					Buffer bucket_buf,
					BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
	BlockNumber wblkno;
	BlockNumber rblkno;
	Buffer		wbuf;
	Buffer		rbuf;
	Page		wpage;
	Page		rpage;
	HashPageOpaque wopaque;
	HashPageOpaque ropaque;

	 * start squeezing into the primary bucket page.
	wblkno = bucket_blkno;
	wbuf = bucket_buf;
	wpage = BufferGetPage(wbuf);
	wopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(wpage);

	 * if there aren't any overflow pages, there's nothing to squeeze. caller
	 * is responsible for releasing the pin on primary bucket page.
	if (!BlockNumberIsValid(wopaque->hasho_nextblkno))
		LockBuffer(wbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	 * Find the last page in the bucket chain by starting at the base bucket
	 * page and working forward.  Note: we assume that a hash bucket chain is
	 * usually smaller than the buffer ring being used by VACUUM, else using
	 * the access strategy here would be counterproductive.
	rbuf = InvalidBuffer;
	ropaque = wopaque;
		rblkno = ropaque->hasho_nextblkno;
		if (rbuf != InvalidBuffer)
			_hash_relbuf(rel, rbuf);
		rbuf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel,
		rpage = BufferGetPage(rbuf);
		ropaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(rpage);
		Assert(ropaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
	} while (BlockNumberIsValid(ropaque->hasho_nextblkno));

	 * squeeze the tuples.
	for (;;)
		OffsetNumber roffnum;
		OffsetNumber maxroffnum;
		OffsetNumber deletable[MaxOffsetNumber];
		IndexTuple	itups[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
		Size		tups_size[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
		OffsetNumber itup_offsets[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
		uint16		ndeletable = 0;
		uint16		nitups = 0;
		Size		all_tups_size = 0;
		int			i;
		bool		retain_pin = false;

		/* Scan each tuple in "read" page */
		maxroffnum = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(rpage);
		for (roffnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
			 roffnum <= maxroffnum;
			 roffnum = OffsetNumberNext(roffnum))
			IndexTuple	itup;
			Size		itemsz;

			/* skip dead tuples */
			if (ItemIdIsDead(PageGetItemId(rpage, roffnum)))

			itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(rpage,
											PageGetItemId(rpage, roffnum));
			itemsz = IndexTupleDSize(*itup);
			itemsz = MAXALIGN(itemsz);

			 * Walk up the bucket chain, looking for a page big enough for
			 * this item and all other accumulated items.  Exit if we reach
			 * the read page.
			while (PageGetFreeSpaceForMultipleTuples(wpage, nitups + 1) < (all_tups_size + itemsz))
				Buffer		next_wbuf = InvalidBuffer;
				bool		tups_moved = false;


				if (wblkno == bucket_blkno)
					retain_pin = true;

				wblkno = wopaque->hasho_nextblkno;

				/* don't need to move to next page if we reached the read page */
				if (wblkno != rblkno)
					next_wbuf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel,

				if (nitups > 0)
					Assert(nitups == ndeletable);

					 * This operation needs to log multiple tuples, prepare
					 * WAL for that.
					if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
						XLogEnsureRecordSpace(0, 3 + nitups);


					 * we have to insert tuples on the "write" page, being
					 * careful to preserve hashkey ordering.  (If we insert
					 * many tuples into the same "write" page it would be
					 * worth qsort'ing them).
					_hash_pgaddmultitup(rel, wbuf, itups, itup_offsets, nitups);

					/* Delete tuples we already moved off read page */
					PageIndexMultiDelete(rpage, deletable, ndeletable);

					/* XLOG stuff */
					if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
						XLogRecPtr	recptr;
						xl_hash_move_page_contents xlrec;

						xlrec.ntups = nitups;
						xlrec.is_prim_bucket_same_wrt = (wbuf == bucket_buf) ? true : false;

						XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashMovePageContents);

						 * bucket buffer needs to be registered to ensure that
						 * we can acquire a cleanup lock on it during replay.
						if (!xlrec.is_prim_bucket_same_wrt)
							XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bucket_buf, REGBUF_STANDARD | REGBUF_NO_IMAGE);

						XLogRegisterBuffer(1, wbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
						XLogRegisterBufData(1, (char *) itup_offsets,
											nitups * sizeof(OffsetNumber));
						for (i = 0; i < nitups; i++)
							XLogRegisterBufData(1, (char *) itups[i], tups_size[i]);

						XLogRegisterBuffer(2, rbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
						XLogRegisterBufData(2, (char *) deletable,
											ndeletable * sizeof(OffsetNumber));


						PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(wbuf), recptr);
						PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(rbuf), recptr);


					tups_moved = true;

				 * release the lock on previous page after acquiring the lock
				 * on next page
				if (retain_pin)
					LockBuffer(wbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
					_hash_relbuf(rel, wbuf);

				/* nothing more to do if we reached the read page */
				if (rblkno == wblkno)
					_hash_relbuf(rel, rbuf);

				wbuf = next_wbuf;
				wpage = BufferGetPage(wbuf);
				wopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(wpage);
				Assert(wopaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
				retain_pin = false;

				/* be tidy */
				for (i = 0; i < nitups; i++)
				nitups = 0;
				all_tups_size = 0;
				ndeletable = 0;

				 * after moving the tuples, rpage would have been compacted,
				 * so we need to rescan it.
				if (tups_moved)
					goto readpage;

			/* remember tuple for deletion from "read" page */
			deletable[ndeletable++] = roffnum;

			 * we need a copy of index tuples as they can be freed as part of
			 * overflow page, however we need them to write a WAL record in
			 * _hash_freeovflpage.
			itups[nitups] = CopyIndexTuple(itup);
			tups_size[nitups++] = itemsz;
			all_tups_size += itemsz;

		 * If we reach here, there are no live tuples on the "read" page ---
		 * it was empty when we got to it, or we moved them all.  So we can
		 * just free the page without bothering with deleting tuples
		 * individually.  Then advance to the previous "read" page.
		 * Tricky point here: if our read and write pages are adjacent in the
		 * bucket chain, our write lock on wbuf will conflict with
		 * _hash_freeovflpage's attempt to update the sibling links of the
		 * removed page.  In that case, we don't need to lock it again.
		rblkno = ropaque->hasho_prevblkno;

		/* free this overflow page (releases rbuf) */
		_hash_freeovflpage(rel, bucket_buf, rbuf, wbuf, itups, itup_offsets,
						   tups_size, nitups, bstrategy);

		/* be tidy */
		for (i = 0; i < nitups; i++)

		/* are we freeing the page adjacent to wbuf? */
		if (rblkno == wblkno)
			/* retain the pin on primary bucket page till end of bucket scan */
			if (wblkno == bucket_blkno)
				LockBuffer(wbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
				_hash_relbuf(rel, wbuf);

		rbuf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel,
		rpage = BufferGetPage(rbuf);
		ropaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(rpage);
		Assert(ropaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);

Beispiel #3
 * Place tuples from 'itup' to 'buffer'. If 'oldoffnum' is valid, the tuple
 * at that offset is atomically removed along with inserting the new tuples.
 * This is used to replace a tuple with a new one.
 * If 'leftchildbuf' is valid, we're inserting the downlink for the page
 * to the right of 'leftchildbuf', or updating the downlink for 'leftchildbuf'.
 * F_FOLLOW_RIGHT flag on 'leftchildbuf' is cleared and NSN is set.
 * If 'markfollowright' is true and the page is split, the left child is
 * marked with F_FOLLOW_RIGHT flag. That is the normal case. During buffered
 * index build, however, there is no concurrent access and the page splitting
 * is done in a slightly simpler fashion, and false is passed.
 * If there is not enough room on the page, it is split. All the split
 * pages are kept pinned and locked and returned in *splitinfo, the caller
 * is responsible for inserting the downlinks for them. However, if
 * 'buffer' is the root page and it needs to be split, gistplacetopage()
 * performs the split as one atomic operation, and *splitinfo is set to NIL.
 * In that case, we continue to hold the root page locked, and the child
 * pages are released; note that new tuple(s) are *not* on the root page
 * but in one of the new child pages.
 * If 'newblkno' is not NULL, returns the block number of page the first
 * new/updated tuple was inserted to. Usually it's the given page, but could
 * be its right sibling if the page was split.
 * Returns 'true' if the page was split, 'false' otherwise.
gistplacetopage(Relation rel, Size freespace, GISTSTATE *giststate,
				Buffer buffer,
				IndexTuple *itup, int ntup, OffsetNumber oldoffnum,
				BlockNumber *newblkno,
				Buffer leftchildbuf,
				List **splitinfo,
				bool markfollowright)
	BlockNumber blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer);
	Page		page = BufferGetPage(buffer, NULL, NULL,
	bool		is_leaf = (GistPageIsLeaf(page)) ? true : false;
	XLogRecPtr	recptr;
	int			i;
	bool		is_split;

	 * Refuse to modify a page that's incompletely split. This should not
	 * happen because we finish any incomplete splits while we walk down the
	 * tree. However, it's remotely possible that another concurrent inserter
	 * splits a parent page, and errors out before completing the split. We
	 * will just throw an error in that case, and leave any split we had in
	 * progress unfinished too. The next insert that comes along will clean up
	 * the mess.
	if (GistFollowRight(page))
		elog(ERROR, "concurrent GiST page split was incomplete");

	*splitinfo = NIL;

	 * if isupdate, remove old key: This node's key has been modified, either
	 * because a child split occurred or because we needed to adjust our key
	 * for an insert in a child node. Therefore, remove the old version of
	 * this node's key.
	 * for WAL replay, in the non-split case we handle this by setting up a
	 * one-element todelete array; in the split case, it's handled implicitly
	 * because the tuple vector passed to gistSplit won't include this tuple.
	is_split = gistnospace(page, itup, ntup, oldoffnum, freespace);

	 * If leaf page is full, try at first to delete dead tuples. And then
	 * check again.
	if (is_split && GistPageIsLeaf(page) && GistPageHasGarbage(page))
		gistvacuumpage(rel, page, buffer);
		is_split = gistnospace(page, itup, ntup, oldoffnum, freespace);

	if (is_split)
		/* no space for insertion */
		IndexTuple *itvec;
		int			tlen;
		SplitedPageLayout *dist = NULL,
		BlockNumber oldrlink = InvalidBlockNumber;
		GistNSN		oldnsn = 0;
		SplitedPageLayout rootpg;
		bool		is_rootsplit;
		int			npage;

		is_rootsplit = (blkno == GIST_ROOT_BLKNO);

		 * Form index tuples vector to split. If we're replacing an old tuple,
		 * remove the old version from the vector.
		itvec = gistextractpage(page, &tlen);
		if (OffsetNumberIsValid(oldoffnum))
			/* on inner page we should remove old tuple */
			int			pos = oldoffnum - FirstOffsetNumber;

			if (pos != tlen)
				memmove(itvec + pos, itvec + pos + 1, sizeof(IndexTuple) * (tlen - pos));
		itvec = gistjoinvector(itvec, &tlen, itup, ntup);
		dist = gistSplit(rel, page, itvec, tlen, giststate);

		 * Check that split didn't produce too many pages.
		npage = 0;
		for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
		/* in a root split, we'll add one more page to the list below */
		if (is_rootsplit)
		if (npage > GIST_MAX_SPLIT_PAGES)
			elog(ERROR, "GiST page split into too many halves (%d, maximum %d)",
				 npage, GIST_MAX_SPLIT_PAGES);

		 * Set up pages to work with. Allocate new buffers for all but the
		 * leftmost page. The original page becomes the new leftmost page, and
		 * is just replaced with the new contents.
		 * For a root-split, allocate new buffers for all child pages, the
		 * original page is overwritten with new root page containing
		 * downlinks to the new child pages.
		ptr = dist;
		if (!is_rootsplit)
			/* save old rightlink and NSN */
			oldrlink = GistPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;
			oldnsn = GistPageGetNSN(page);

			dist->buffer = buffer;
			dist->block.blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer);
			dist->page =
				PageGetTempPageCopySpecial(BufferGetPage(buffer, NULL, NULL,

			/* clean all flags except F_LEAF */
			GistPageGetOpaque(dist->page)->flags = (is_leaf) ? F_LEAF : 0;

			ptr = ptr->next;
		for (; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
			/* Allocate new page */
			ptr->buffer = gistNewBuffer(rel);
			GISTInitBuffer(ptr->buffer, (is_leaf) ? F_LEAF : 0);
			ptr->page = BufferGetPage(ptr->buffer, NULL, NULL, BGP_NO_SNAPSHOT_TEST);
			ptr->block.blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(ptr->buffer);

		 * Now that we know which blocks the new pages go to, set up downlink
		 * tuples to point to them.
		for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
			ItemPointerSetBlockNumber(&(ptr->itup->t_tid), ptr->block.blkno);

		 * If this is a root split, we construct the new root page with the
		 * downlinks here directly, instead of requiring the caller to insert
		 * them. Add the new root page to the list along with the child pages.
		if (is_rootsplit)
			IndexTuple *downlinks;
			int			ndownlinks = 0;
			int			i;

			rootpg.buffer = buffer; =
														 NULL, NULL,
			GistPageGetOpaque(>flags = 0;

			/* Prepare a vector of all the downlinks */
			for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
			downlinks = palloc(sizeof(IndexTuple) * ndownlinks);
			for (i = 0, ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
				downlinks[i++] = ptr->itup;

			rootpg.block.blkno = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
			rootpg.block.num = ndownlinks;
			rootpg.list = gistfillitupvec(downlinks, ndownlinks,
			rootpg.itup = NULL; = dist;
			dist = &rootpg;
			/* Prepare split-info to be returned to caller */
			for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
				GISTPageSplitInfo *si = palloc(sizeof(GISTPageSplitInfo));

				si->buf = ptr->buffer;
				si->downlink = ptr->itup;
				*splitinfo = lappend(*splitinfo, si);

		 * Fill all pages. All the pages are new, ie. freshly allocated empty
		 * pages, or a temporary copy of the old page.
		for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
			char	   *data = (char *) (ptr->list);

			for (i = 0; i < ptr->block.num; i++)
				IndexTuple	thistup = (IndexTuple) data;

				if (PageAddItem(ptr->page, (Item) data, IndexTupleSize(thistup), i + FirstOffsetNumber, false, false) == InvalidOffsetNumber)
					elog(ERROR, "failed to add item to index page in \"%s\"", RelationGetRelationName(rel));

				 * If this is the first inserted/updated tuple, let the caller
				 * know which page it landed on.
				if (newblkno && ItemPointerEquals(&thistup->t_tid, &(*itup)->t_tid))
					*newblkno = ptr->block.blkno;

				data += IndexTupleSize(thistup);

			/* Set up rightlinks */
			if (ptr->next && ptr->block.blkno != GIST_ROOT_BLKNO)
				GistPageGetOpaque(ptr->page)->rightlink =
				GistPageGetOpaque(ptr->page)->rightlink = oldrlink;

			 * Mark the all but the right-most page with the follow-right
			 * flag. It will be cleared as soon as the downlink is inserted
			 * into the parent, but this ensures that if we error out before
			 * that, the index is still consistent. (in buffering build mode,
			 * any error will abort the index build anyway, so this is not
			 * needed.)
			if (ptr->next && !is_rootsplit && markfollowright)

			 * Copy the NSN of the original page to all pages. The
			 * F_FOLLOW_RIGHT flags ensure that scans will follow the
			 * rightlinks until the downlinks are inserted.
			GistPageSetNSN(ptr->page, oldnsn);

		 * gistXLogSplit() needs to WAL log a lot of pages, prepare WAL
		 * insertion for that. NB: The number of pages and data segments
		 * specified here must match the calculations in gistXLogSplit()!
		if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
			XLogEnsureRecordSpace(npage, 1 + npage * 2);


		 * Must mark buffers dirty before XLogInsert, even though we'll still
		 * be changing their opaque fields below.
		for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
		if (BufferIsValid(leftchildbuf))

		 * The first page in the chain was a temporary working copy meant to
		 * replace the old page. Copy it over the old page.
		PageRestoreTempPage(dist->page, BufferGetPage(dist->buffer,
													  NULL, NULL,
		dist->page = BufferGetPage(dist->buffer, NULL, NULL,

		/* Write the WAL record */
		if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
			recptr = gistXLogSplit(rel->rd_node, blkno, is_leaf,
								   dist, oldrlink, oldnsn, leftchildbuf,
			recptr = gistGetFakeLSN(rel);

		for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
			PageSetLSN(ptr->page, recptr);

		 * Return the new child buffers to the caller.
		 * If this was a root split, we've already inserted the downlink
		 * pointers, in the form of a new root page. Therefore we can release
		 * all the new buffers, and keep just the root page locked.
		if (is_rootsplit)
			for (ptr = dist->next; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
		 * Enough space. We also get here if ntuples==0.

		 * While we delete only one tuple at once we could mix calls
		 * PageIndexTupleDelete() here and PageIndexMultiDelete() in
		 * gistRedoPageUpdateRecord()
		if (OffsetNumberIsValid(oldoffnum))
			PageIndexTupleDelete(page, oldoffnum);
		gistfillbuffer(page, itup, ntup, InvalidOffsetNumber);


		if (BufferIsValid(leftchildbuf))

		if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
			OffsetNumber ndeloffs = 0,

			if (OffsetNumberIsValid(oldoffnum))
				deloffs[0] = oldoffnum;
				ndeloffs = 1;

			recptr = gistXLogUpdate(rel->rd_node, buffer,
									deloffs, ndeloffs, itup, ntup,

			PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
			recptr = gistGetFakeLSN(rel);
			PageSetLSN(page, recptr);

		if (newblkno)
			*newblkno = blkno;

	 * If we inserted the downlink for a child page, set NSN and clear
	 * F_FOLLOW_RIGHT flag on the left child, so that concurrent scans know to
	 * follow the rightlink if and only if they looked at the parent page
	 * before we inserted the downlink.
	 * Note that we do this *after* writing the WAL record. That means that
	 * the possible full page image in the WAL record does not include these
	 * changes, and they must be replayed even if the page is restored from
	 * the full page image. There's a chicken-and-egg problem: if we updated
	 * the child pages first, we wouldn't know the recptr of the WAL record
	 * we're about to write.
	if (BufferIsValid(leftchildbuf))
		Page		leftpg = BufferGetPage(leftchildbuf, NULL, NULL,

		GistPageSetNSN(leftpg, recptr);

		PageSetLSN(leftpg, recptr);


	return is_split;
Beispiel #4
 *	_hash_freeovflpage() -
 *	Remove this overflow page from its bucket's chain, and mark the page as
 *	free.  On entry, ovflbuf is write-locked; it is released before exiting.
 *	Add the tuples (itups) to wbuf in this function.  We could do that in the
 *	caller as well, but the advantage of doing it here is we can easily write
 *	the WAL for XLOG_HASH_SQUEEZE_PAGE operation.  Addition of tuples and
 *	removal of overflow page has to done as an atomic operation, otherwise
 *	during replay on standby users might find duplicate records.
 *	Since this function is invoked in VACUUM, we provide an access strategy
 *	parameter that controls fetches of the bucket pages.
 *	Returns the block number of the page that followed the given page
 *	in the bucket, or InvalidBlockNumber if no following page.
 *	NB: caller must not hold lock on metapage, nor on page, that's next to
 *	ovflbuf in the bucket chain.  We don't acquire the lock on page that's
 *	prior to ovflbuf in chain if it is same as wbuf because the caller already
 *	has a lock on same.
_hash_freeovflpage(Relation rel, Buffer bucketbuf, Buffer ovflbuf,
				   Buffer wbuf, IndexTuple *itups, OffsetNumber *itup_offsets,
				   Size *tups_size, uint16 nitups,
				   BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
	HashMetaPage metap;
	Buffer		metabuf;
	Buffer		mapbuf;
	BlockNumber ovflblkno;
	BlockNumber prevblkno;
	BlockNumber blkno;
	BlockNumber nextblkno;
	BlockNumber writeblkno;
	HashPageOpaque ovflopaque;
	Page		ovflpage;
	Page		mappage;
	uint32	   *freep;
	uint32		ovflbitno;
	int32		bitmappage,
	Buffer		prevbuf = InvalidBuffer;
	Buffer		nextbuf = InvalidBuffer;
	bool		update_metap = false;

	/* Get information from the doomed page */
	_hash_checkpage(rel, ovflbuf, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE);
	ovflblkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(ovflbuf);
	ovflpage = BufferGetPage(ovflbuf);
	ovflopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(ovflpage);
	nextblkno = ovflopaque->hasho_nextblkno;
	prevblkno = ovflopaque->hasho_prevblkno;
	writeblkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(wbuf);
	bucket = ovflopaque->hasho_bucket;

	 * Fix up the bucket chain.  this is a doubly-linked list, so we must fix
	 * up the bucket chain members behind and ahead of the overflow page being
	 * deleted.  Concurrency issues are avoided by using lock chaining as
	 * described atop hashbucketcleanup.
	if (BlockNumberIsValid(prevblkno))
		if (prevblkno == writeblkno)
			prevbuf = wbuf;
			prevbuf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel,
	if (BlockNumberIsValid(nextblkno))
		nextbuf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel,

	/* Note: bstrategy is intentionally not used for metapage and bitmap */

	/* Read the metapage so we can determine which bitmap page to use */
	metabuf = _hash_getbuf(rel, HASH_METAPAGE, HASH_READ, LH_META_PAGE);
	metap = HashPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metabuf));

	/* Identify which bit to set */
	ovflbitno = _hash_ovflblkno_to_bitno(metap, ovflblkno);

	bitmappage = ovflbitno >> BMPG_SHIFT(metap);
	bitmapbit = ovflbitno & BMPG_MASK(metap);

	if (bitmappage >= metap->hashm_nmaps)
		elog(ERROR, "invalid overflow bit number %u", ovflbitno);
	blkno = metap->hashm_mapp[bitmappage];

	/* Release metapage lock while we access the bitmap page */
	LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	/* read the bitmap page to clear the bitmap bit */
	mapbuf = _hash_getbuf(rel, blkno, HASH_WRITE, LH_BITMAP_PAGE);
	mappage = BufferGetPage(mapbuf);
	freep = HashPageGetBitmap(mappage);
	Assert(ISSET(freep, bitmapbit));

	/* Get write-lock on metapage to update firstfree */
	LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);

	/* This operation needs to log multiple tuples, prepare WAL for that */
	if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
		XLogEnsureRecordSpace(HASH_XLOG_FREE_OVFL_BUFS, 4 + nitups);


	 * we have to insert tuples on the "write" page, being careful to preserve
	 * hashkey ordering.  (If we insert many tuples into the same "write" page
	 * it would be worth qsort'ing them).
	if (nitups > 0)
		_hash_pgaddmultitup(rel, wbuf, itups, itup_offsets, nitups);

	 * Reinitialize the freed overflow page.  Just zeroing the page won't
	 * work, because WAL replay routines expect pages to be initialized. See
	 * explanation of RBM_NORMAL mode atop XLogReadBufferExtended.  We are
	 * careful to make the special space valid here so that tools like
	 * pageinspect won't get confused.
	_hash_pageinit(ovflpage, BufferGetPageSize(ovflbuf));

	ovflopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(ovflpage);

	ovflopaque->hasho_prevblkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
	ovflopaque->hasho_nextblkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
	ovflopaque->hasho_bucket = -1;
	ovflopaque->hasho_flag = LH_UNUSED_PAGE;
	ovflopaque->hasho_page_id = HASHO_PAGE_ID;


	if (BufferIsValid(prevbuf))
		Page		prevpage = BufferGetPage(prevbuf);
		HashPageOpaque prevopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(prevpage);

		Assert(prevopaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
		prevopaque->hasho_nextblkno = nextblkno;
	if (BufferIsValid(nextbuf))
		Page		nextpage = BufferGetPage(nextbuf);
		HashPageOpaque nextopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(nextpage);

		Assert(nextopaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
		nextopaque->hasho_prevblkno = prevblkno;

	/* Clear the bitmap bit to indicate that this overflow page is free */
	CLRBIT(freep, bitmapbit);

	/* if this is now the first free page, update hashm_firstfree */
	if (ovflbitno < metap->hashm_firstfree)
		metap->hashm_firstfree = ovflbitno;
		update_metap = true;

	/* XLOG stuff */
	if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
		xl_hash_squeeze_page xlrec;
		XLogRecPtr	recptr;
		int			i;

		xlrec.prevblkno = prevblkno;
		xlrec.nextblkno = nextblkno;
		xlrec.ntups = nitups;
		xlrec.is_prim_bucket_same_wrt = (wbuf == bucketbuf);
		xlrec.is_prev_bucket_same_wrt = (wbuf == prevbuf);

		XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashSqueezePage);

		 * bucket buffer needs to be registered to ensure that we can acquire
		 * a cleanup lock on it during replay.
		if (!xlrec.is_prim_bucket_same_wrt)
			XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bucketbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD | REGBUF_NO_IMAGE);

		XLogRegisterBuffer(1, wbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
		if (xlrec.ntups > 0)
			XLogRegisterBufData(1, (char *) itup_offsets,
								nitups * sizeof(OffsetNumber));
			for (i = 0; i < nitups; i++)
				XLogRegisterBufData(1, (char *) itups[i], tups_size[i]);

		XLogRegisterBuffer(2, ovflbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);

		 * If prevpage and the writepage (block in which we are moving tuples
		 * from overflow) are same, then no need to separately register
		 * prevpage.  During replay, we can directly update the nextblock in
		 * writepage.
		if (BufferIsValid(prevbuf) && !xlrec.is_prev_bucket_same_wrt)
			XLogRegisterBuffer(3, prevbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);

		if (BufferIsValid(nextbuf))
			XLogRegisterBuffer(4, nextbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);

		XLogRegisterBuffer(5, mapbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
		XLogRegisterBufData(5, (char *) &bitmapbit, sizeof(uint32));

		if (update_metap)
			XLogRegisterBuffer(6, metabuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
			XLogRegisterBufData(6, (char *) &metap->hashm_firstfree, sizeof(uint32));


		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(wbuf), recptr);
		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(ovflbuf), recptr);

		if (BufferIsValid(prevbuf) && !xlrec.is_prev_bucket_same_wrt)
			PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(prevbuf), recptr);
		if (BufferIsValid(nextbuf))
			PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(nextbuf), recptr);

		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(mapbuf), recptr);

		if (update_metap)
			PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);


	/* release previous bucket if it is not same as write bucket */
	if (BufferIsValid(prevbuf) && prevblkno != writeblkno)
		_hash_relbuf(rel, prevbuf);

	if (BufferIsValid(ovflbuf))
		_hash_relbuf(rel, ovflbuf);

	if (BufferIsValid(nextbuf))
		_hash_relbuf(rel, nextbuf);

	_hash_relbuf(rel, mapbuf);
	_hash_relbuf(rel, metabuf);

	return nextblkno;
Beispiel #5
 * Deletes pending list pages up to (not including) newHead page.
 * If newHead == InvalidBlockNumber then function drops the whole list.
 * metapage is pinned and exclusive-locked throughout this function.
static void
shiftList(Relation index, Buffer metabuffer, BlockNumber newHead,
		  bool fill_fsm, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats)
	Page		metapage;
	GinMetaPageData *metadata;
	BlockNumber blknoToDelete;

	metapage = BufferGetPage(metabuffer);
	metadata = GinPageGetMeta(metapage);
	blknoToDelete = metadata->head;

		Page		page;
		int			i;
		int64		nDeletedHeapTuples = 0;
		ginxlogDeleteListPages data;
		Buffer		buffers[GIN_NDELETE_AT_ONCE];
		BlockNumber freespace[GIN_NDELETE_AT_ONCE];

		data.ndeleted = 0;
		while (data.ndeleted < GIN_NDELETE_AT_ONCE && blknoToDelete != newHead)
			freespace[data.ndeleted] = blknoToDelete;
			buffers[data.ndeleted] = ReadBuffer(index, blknoToDelete);
			LockBuffer(buffers[data.ndeleted], GIN_EXCLUSIVE);
			page = BufferGetPage(buffers[data.ndeleted]);



			nDeletedHeapTuples += GinPageGetOpaque(page)->maxoff;
			blknoToDelete = GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;

		if (stats)
			stats->pages_deleted += data.ndeleted;

		 * This operation touches an unusually large number of pages, so
		 * prepare the XLogInsert machinery for that before entering the
		 * critical section.
		if (RelationNeedsWAL(index))
			XLogEnsureRecordSpace(data.ndeleted, 0);


		metadata->head = blknoToDelete;

		Assert(metadata->nPendingPages >= data.ndeleted);
		metadata->nPendingPages -= data.ndeleted;
		Assert(metadata->nPendingHeapTuples >= nDeletedHeapTuples);
		metadata->nPendingHeapTuples -= nDeletedHeapTuples;

		if (blknoToDelete == InvalidBlockNumber)
			metadata->tail = InvalidBlockNumber;
			metadata->tailFreeSize = 0;
			metadata->nPendingPages = 0;
			metadata->nPendingHeapTuples = 0;

		 * Set pd_lower just past the end of the metadata.  This is essential,
		 * because without doing so, metadata will be lost if xlog.c
		 * compresses the page.  (We must do this here because pre-v11
		 * versions of PG did not set the metapage's pd_lower correctly, so a
		 * pg_upgraded index might contain the wrong value.)
		((PageHeader) metapage)->pd_lower =
			((char *) metadata + sizeof(GinMetaPageData)) - (char *) metapage;


		for (i = 0; i < data.ndeleted; i++)
			page = BufferGetPage(buffers[i]);
			GinPageGetOpaque(page)->flags = GIN_DELETED;

		if (RelationNeedsWAL(index))
			XLogRecPtr	recptr;

			XLogRegisterBuffer(0, metabuffer,
			for (i = 0; i < data.ndeleted; i++)
				XLogRegisterBuffer(i + 1, buffers[i], REGBUF_WILL_INIT);

			memcpy(&data.metadata, metadata, sizeof(GinMetaPageData));

			XLogRegisterData((char *) &data,

			PageSetLSN(metapage, recptr);

			for (i = 0; i < data.ndeleted; i++)
				page = BufferGetPage(buffers[i]);
				PageSetLSN(page, recptr);

		for (i = 0; i < data.ndeleted; i++)


		for (i = 0; fill_fsm && i < data.ndeleted; i++)
			RecordFreeIndexPage(index, freespace[i]);

	} while (blknoToDelete != newHead);